HERE - Saxlingham Nethergate Parish Council

Busy busy busy.,.......but remembering to pace ourselves
It seems we have entered 'silly season' or at least that's what many clergy feel at this
time of year with so many Alnual Parochial Church Meetin-qs (equivalent of AGM's)
to attend. At the time of writing I am 'two down and two to go' ... and it's a busy
time for others with the start of a new financial year and the run-up to the general
Creation is also busy - our gardens and hedgerows bwsting forth with spring flowers
and fresh leaves. After the dormancy of winter this great explosion of energy gives
spectacular results, oftering a feast for the eyes as we welcome the lighter evenings
and begin to shed overcoats (well
hats and gloves at least!) in anticipation of
Even in a village as tranquil and seemingly sleepy as Saxlingham, there is a lot going
on. Many people claim to be retired but in realify are busier than ever. Busyness is
most satisfactory when like spring blossom it produces beautiful results. Not so if we
don't pace ourselves and take time to enjoy the journey, or don't prioritise wisely and
end up wasting our energies instead on something that will not yield good fruit.
God counsels us to invest our energy in building good relationships - with Him and
with one another. When we take time to do this life takes on the promise of spring as
friendships blossom and grow strengthening and encouraging the community as a
whole and yielding the kind of fruit that never goes out of season!
God bless us all as we grow together!
This Month's Contact is sponsored by:
Val and Adrienne Bailey in memory of their parents,
Bill and Pearl Bailey, who both celebrated bi*hdays in May.
The Rush Family in loving memory of
Mike and Nathan - always in their hearts and sadly missed.
Poringland Community Cinema at the Community Centre
(with doors opening at 6.45 pm for 7.30 pm start)
The Theory of Everyfhing (f ?A) - B May
of the most brilliant and celebrated physicist of our time, Stephen
Hawking, and Jane Wilde, the arts student he fell in love with whilst studying at
Cambridge. Given just 2 years to live at age2l, he goes on to be called the successor
to Einstein. Tickets - f5 each (including a fiee tea or coffee) available from
The story
Budgens or on the door
Shotesham Village Market at Trinity Hall
on 23 May from 10.00 am to 12 noon
Lots of stalls including Local Pork, .Iams, Chutneys, Crafts, Handmade Cards.
Dressed Dolls, Avon, Honey, Savouring Baking, Eggs, Plants
"Guess How Many Currants in the Fruit Cake " with proceed to the British Heart
Foundation and a Children's Tombola
Annual Church Crawl - 16 May
This year, it's a Norfolk tour, in the beautiful valley of the upper Wensum., meeting
fust at 10.00 am at Sparham Church, NR9 5AQ, Grid reference TG 07i196. (Turn
right off the main Fakenham road beyond Lenwade). Later we visit Great
Witchingham, Lyng, Swanton Morley and Bylaugh churches with lunch available at
'Derbys', Swanton Morley, if you wish,
The fee for the day is f,7.50, exclusive of lunclr, and is in aid of St. Mary's Church,
Saxlingham. lt's always a super day out! Further information, or to btook, telephone
Kate Smith on 558182, or simply turn up on the day - you'll be most welcorne.
How to contact the teams:
at The New Rectory, The Street" Saxlingham
lAJ te|498924 or e-mail her: [email protected].
Contact Rev Dawn Davidson
Nethergate, Norwich, NR15
Contact lan Masson at 13 Kensington Close, Saxlingham Nethergate, Norwich,
NRl5 lTR tel 499121 or e-mail him: ianmassonl
St Mary's
am Communion
l0 May: 11.00 am Matins
I at
17 May: 9.30 am Communion
24May: 8.00 am Communion
24 May: I 1.00 am Songs of Praise
3l May: I1.00 am Commurion followed by I
bring and share lunch
Chapel Services
(led by Ian Masson)
L00 am and 6.30 pm every
Everyone is welcome
Open Prayer Meeting every Tuesday at 9.30 am
News from the Pews
We enjoyed some lovely services over the Easter period. The Good Friday service
involved people from across the benefice doing readings including the Pastor of the
Saxlingham Chapel, Ian Masson. Both our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services
were well attended and children enjoyed an Easter Egg hnnt in the Churchyard
following the Sunday service.
At the time of going to press, we were looking forward to the St George's Day
service involving many members of the 43rd Saxlingham Nethergate Scouts and
Cuides Group and even the weather was looking promising. By the time you are
reading this article, the service will of course have taken place; I am sure the children
will have made the leaders and parents very proud and I hope the weather was indeed
The nexl major event our minds have turned to is the Annual Fete. Although the
Fete worked well at the Playing Field, Dawn has offered to hold it in the New
Rectory gardens once again. So, please keep Saturday 27 Jrne free in your diaries
and start searching out items for bric-a-brac, tornbola, plants, spare bottles of wine.
unloved items, out-grown toys, etc. More details will be in the June Contact.
Cindy Brookes
Saxlingham Nethergate Tuesday Circle
Programme Secretary - Anne Linford (499002 )
May -7.30 pm in the Church Room
Care of carpets, upholstery and fine fabrics - Glyn Charnock
Saxon Bowls Club Open Day at
Saxlingham Playing Field
Saturday 2 May from 1.30 pm
Come along and have a go at Bowls. Experienced bowlers
also welcome too. For further information. contact Chris Lacev on 499'100.
Norfolk & Norwich Open Studios 2015 in Saxlingham Nethergate
It will
soon be that time of year again wben artists across Norfolk open their doors
and welcome the public in to meet thenq talk about and also sell their art work.
Saxlingham is very lucky this year to have three artists involved in this excellent part
of the Norfolk and Norwich Festival. You will see ceramics, sculptweo paintings and
drawings. Come and discover how these artists go about what they do, Studios are
open 10.00 am until 5.00 pm.
Clive Brookes: The Autumn House Studio,5, Kensington Close, NRls
Open May 23124,25130131 and June 5,6.
Charlotte Vawden: Adelaide House, Church Hill, NR15 lTD.
Open May 23,24,2i 30,31.
Alex Watson: The OId Stables, Plummers Lane,IrtRlS lTE.
Open May 23r24r 25,30,31.
On Sunday 24 May there will be a special afternoon of music and cream teas at
Adelaide House from 12 noon until 4.00 pm, featuring Miniature Universe (Violin
and Hang Drum duo) and violin duets. Entry to all studios is free but donations for
this special event would be welcome.
Telephone Clive
on 499358 if you require futher details, pick up a brochure, see the
posters or visit
Contact deadline
Thursday 14 May. Don't forget
there is a shiny, new, parish photocopier available for use at very reasonable rates.
Please contact me with confibutions/sponsorship or to use the parish photocopier by
telephone on 498277 or at home, 6 Pitts Hill Close, Saxlingham Nethergate.
Please note that the deadline for June's edition is
NRls 1AZ. You can also contact me by e-mail
Teresa stevens
2Ol7 t$f/C-g et t QJOnCg ("po,reoreitbsgcxltnsbcn
If you wish to contact the Parish Council please e-mail [email protected]
- 1.30 pm - Saxlingham Paying Field
4th - 10.45 am - Church
Visiting Ringers from York
lth - 7.30 pm - Village Hall
AGM followed by Parish Council Meeting
lzth - 7.30 pm - Church Room
Tuesday Circle - Carpet and upholstery carer
l3th - 7.30 pm - Saxon Club
Playing Field Committee AGM
l5th - 7.30 pm - Trinity Hall, Shotesham
Garden Society - Growing vegetables in small places
l6th - 10.00
Meeting at Sparham
am - Church Crawl
23rd l24th - 10.00 am - 5 Kansinston Close
Clive Brookes' Ooen Studio
23rd/24th - 10.00 am - Adelaide House
Charlotte Vawden's Open Studio
- 10.00 am - The Old Stables
- 12 noon - Adelaide
- 12 noon
onwards - Saxon Club
Alex Watson's Open Studio
Music and Cream Teas
Fun, Music and Beer Aftemoon and Evening
25thl30th/3 1 st - 10.00 am - various locations
Open Studios as menfioned above
5tU6th - 10.00 am - 5 Kensinston Close
Clive Brookes' Open Studio
8th - 7.30 pm - Village Hall
Parish Council Meeting
fth - 7.30 pm - Church Room
Tuesday Circle - There and Back Again
l3th - 7.00 pm - Village Hall
June Jaunt
27th-The New Rectorv
Village Fete
13th 7.30 pm - Village Hall
Parish Council Meeting
14th - 7.30 pm - Church Room
Tuesday Circle - Nicola Cawley
8th - 7.30 pm - Church Room
Tuesday Circle - Life in Anglo Saxon England
l4th - 7.30 pm - Village Hall
Parish Council Meeting
l2th - 7 3A pm - Village Hall
Parish Council Meeting
13th - 7.30 pm - Chwch Room
Tuesdav Circle - Women in Aviation up to
9th - 7.30 pm - Village Hall
Parish Council Meeting
Visiting Ringers from St Albans
- 10.00 am - Church
Bowls Club Open Day
- 7.30 pm - Church Room
l4th - 7.30 pm - Village Hall
Tuesday Circle - Dexter Cattle
Parish Council Meeting
Future Events - lf you have an event planned for the Village, don't forget to supply details to the Editor so that it can be added
to this Diary. This will hopefully ensure that events do not clash. Thank you.
Parish Council Meeting Notes held on Monday 20 April2015:
The Annual Parish Meeting was attended by the Parish Council and 11 nembers of
the public including our local SNC councillor. Florence Ellis. and representatives of
the local Charities and the Allotrnent Association. Minutes will be published on the
Parish website.
Following his recent retirement, our former Chairman, Ray Small was very warmJy
thanked for his sterling service to the Council and its sub-committees over many
years. Mrs Zoe Yarham was co-opted onto the Council pending her uncontested
election to the Council taking effect in May.
Planning application for Cargate Lodge extension has been approved by SNC. A
scheme for painting and maintenance of the railings in the Street will be investigated.
Proposed 20mph sign outside school under the parish parhrership scheme was
approved - re- siting the existing 30mph sigr on Norwich Road will be investigated.
It was agrced to purchase
a new larger dog-waste bin for Browns Lane, and move the
existing bin to replace the existing liuer bin on Church Green. SNC have confirmed
that dog waste can be put into black domestic bins.
The f1,000 grant from Anglian Water will be earmarked for new equipment in the
children's play area at the Playing Field. Any required additional frmding and
amargements for maintenance to be investigated.
The Parish Council would like to hear from anyone who rnight be interested in taking
over as Coordinator of the Community Emergency Plan.
Next meeting - Monday l1 May 2015 - 7.30 pm in Village Hal1.
Saxlingham Playing Field Committee AGM
We are holding our AGM at the Clubhouse on 13 May starting at7.30 pm,
welcome to attend.
Church Cleaning Rota
Church Flower Rota
4 May - Mr and Mrs Jeffery
11 May - Mr and Mrs Blyth
18 May - Mrs Rush and Mrs Ter-Berg
25 May - Mrs Webb and Mrs Gowing
3 May - Sue Fisher
10i17 May - Audrey Jolliffe
24131 May - Jan Fox
Bungay Film Club at the Fisher Theatre at 7.30 pm
Boyhood (15) - 18 May
An American drama shot over 12 years using the same actors throughout, telling a
winning human story charting over a decade in the life of Mason Evans and his
family. We first meet Mason, aged 6, living in Texas with his sister and divorced
mother. The fihl draws us into these ordinary lives with compassion and humour.
Saxlingham and District Garden Society
15 May at7.3[ pm in Trinity Hall Shotesham
Growing Vegetables in Small Spaces
Pauline Harper
Saxlingham Nethergate Scouts and Guides 43rd 100 Club
The 100 Club draw for March took place on 27 March at the Scouts' meeting. The
winners were Beverley Wilding - No 27 (lst - f,20), Mr and Mrs Carr - No 58 (2nd fl5) and Mr and Mrs Thawley - No 8 (3rd - f10). If anyone is interested in joining.
please contact Jackie Forder Wilcox on 499216,
Educateperu Event - Saturday 13 June at 7.00 pm
Saxlingham Village Hall
and the "May Ming.[e" were?
Well this time it is a "June Jaunt" onSaturday 13 June - Sls-starting at 7.00
pm from the village hall - - a fi.xrdraising 3 courses plus wine Safari-sfyle supper,
around some village houses. Good food (different menu every time) wine and
company - and a good laugh! Do come and support our newest bakery training
school project to help the children in Saxlingham St Mary's school in Pachacutec,
Peru ( to see pics and ideas). Please ring 498050 for tickets or
see Jill at Nurses Cottage,(near the War Memorial) the Street, Saxlingham
Remembe.r how mucb fun the "September Saunter"
Nethergate. Do please remember to buy your tickets early as there is a limit.
Village Mardles in the Church Room
- 12 noon everv Mondav
If you need a lift, contact either Corinne Douglas on 499064
or Celia Blvth on 499369.
4' &"&S, &-:AA.$*"
Saxon Bar Sports and Soclal Clulr itr
Open until late on Fridays from 7.30 pm,
Saturdays from 3.00 pm and Sundays from 12 noon
Big Screen featuring Sky Sports (Football, Rugby etc.)
Bar; Children's Playground; Friendly atmosphere - all welcome.
For more information, why not give John a call on A77n 862570.
A Fun, Music and Beer Day (from 12 noon)
on Sunday 24May
A selection of Woodforde's Ales with hog roast rolls from 4.00 - 6.00 pm
Live Music with
Tap the Barrel Qrish Music) from 4.00 - 6.00 pm
Lee Vasey from 6.00 - 10.00 pm
Face painting during the afternoon
Belfry Gossip
On Bank Holiday Monday 4 May a band of ringers from St Albans
will be ringing from 10.45 am until ll30 am. The following day,
ringers from York will be attempting a peal, starting at 10.00 am.
This should last forjust under 3 hours.
The local band quarter peal attempt on 21 March was, unforfunately
unsuccessful; the conductor (me!!) miscalled it. We hope to have another attempt
before long, but it is proving difficult to find a.time when none of the band are away
on holiday.
A matter of detail - kitchen fitting and handyman services....................Nick Charles ..............
.......01508 498755107982
Architectural Services - for advice and ftee quotation. contact..............Mark Woods....
01508 49880s
Andr6 Santander.....................................01508 499283/07775
Quality bathroom installations, tiling and all plumbing..
Oil boiler services: servicing/commissioning & breakdown repairs......Chris Clarke
.....................0f 508 536573/07912
Imago for Beauty and Complementary Therapies..................................Catherine Simmons - Cargate Lane.,.....01508 499252107793
Builder - extensions/alterations/driveways, kitchens/bathrooms etc .....Bishop Building Services..,......................01508 498526107879
Builder - extensions, patios, garden walls. general repair work, etc.......Bryan Chamberlain
..........01508 499459107519
......................01953 425904/07827 018537
........01508 471459
..01$8 4705741O7W3 534647
Chimney Sweep - NACS Registered/certificates issued..."....................Iain
Computer repairs, virus removal & more - .Darren Rose
AII catering needs - buffets, hog roasts, barbecues, dinner parties etc ...Classic Choice
Funeral Services (Poringland based
.............,.....R B Copping
...........0r508 494434
....Linda Kent at
Gardening services - RHS qualified; professional and reliable service..Alec
.............01508 498747107891081785
.............01508 495528
Handyman - locaVaffordable/reliable - f l5 per hour. No job too small.lan Pilkington
0 l 508 498s00/07 789541 42 |
Landscaping and gardening, patios, tbncing, brickweave drives etc......Rachel Cooke (Arkscape)
0f508 470482
Home and garden care for all your maintenance requirements ..............John Fairweather.
............0f508 492414107711 571612
Mobile hairdresser - cuts, colours, perms etc - ladies/gents/children .....Becky.........
01508 499617 t07933 110442
lnterior/exterior painting and decorating
..Michael Wiseman..
01508 494602
Pest-Alert * for all of your pest control needs.............
....Your Local Pest Controller ....................07522 581425
Plumbing - no job
Private PodiatrisVChiropodist..............,.... ".....................Samantha
Recycled car spares, MOT failues - ...................David Yarham
All roofing needs - flat Roofs, tiles, fascia-s and gutters....................,....MD Mann
......07905 724408
01508 482612
...........01508 470574/07885 080157
Domestic Appliance Repairs (fxed call
Sa:ilingham Netiergate Village Hall
Police Telephone
............01508 498056
...................Non Emergencies.....................................101
If you wish to join the Trade Directory,
please contaet the