BayView Breeze 4th May 2015 STUDENT ABSENTEE LINE 3206 5266 STUDENT ABSENTEE EMAIL [email protected] TERM 2 Monday 20 April – Friday 26 June 2015 PARADE Tuesday @ 1:45pm MONEY COLLECTION DAYS Tues and Thurs 8:15am – 9:15am CAFÉ Wed, Thurs & Fri [email protected] NEW CUT OFF TIME IS 8am UNIFORM SHOP Mon 8am – 9:30am 2pm – 3pm Fri – 8am – 9am [email protected] PCYC 0421 561 136 or [email protected]. Principal’s Message Value of the Week – Show Understanding Tolerance and Inclusion Understanding is using your mind to think clearly, paying careful attention to see the meaning of things. An understanding mind gives you insights and wonderful ideas. An understanding heart gives you empathy and compassion for others. Understanding is the power to think and learn and also to care. Being Tolerant is accepting differences. You don’t expect others to think, look, speak or act just like you. You are free of prejudice, knowing that all people have feelings, needs hopes and dreams. Tolerance is also accepting things you wish were different with patience and flexibility. Inclusiveness helps us work and live together peacefully. We feel connected with each other and all living things. We value the special individuality of each person as a gift, not as a reason to fight or be scared. With inclusion we accomplish more together than any of one of us could alone. Reference: Evacuation Procedures As you will most likely be aware there was an Evacuation of our school on Tuesday afternoon at 2.25pm. The evacuation was caused by a sensor trigger. As this was not a planned Drill, a full evacuation was required. I commend all students and staff for their diligence during this evacuation. Parent procedures during School Evacuation. ALL persons on site must assemble at the MUSTER POINT, which is on Vintage Dve side of the oval. If the Evacuation Siren is being activated, please DO NOT enter the school grounds. ALL students are to remain with their class teacher until the situation is under control. Students will only be permitted to leave with their parents/caregivers if the correct procedure of sign out at Corporate Services has been completed and the adult is able to provide the Class Teacher with the Early Departure slip. All other departures will ONLY be permitted from the classroom following the safe return of the class. If the situation is on going then a process of identifying parents/caregivers for the collection and dismissal of students will be announced. At ALL TIMES parents must follow the directions of the teachers to ensure safety. School Crossing Thank you The School crossing on Vintage Drive now has the Crossing Identification Flags operating on a daily basis between the hours of 8am-9am and 2.30pm-3.00pm. At this stage the Crossing is NOT supervised, however it is now a legal requirement for traffic to stop for the safe movement of pedestrians. Unfortunately this does not mean that all vehicles will stop. I have reminded all students that personal safety, ultimately, rests with the individual. Very shortly the crossing will be supervised by two wonderful volunteers. A start date will be published when confirmed. NAPLAN Our Year 3 and 5 students will, next week, participate in the annual National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests to assess their skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The tests will be conducted in all state and nonstate schools across the country from 12–14 May. An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. Results provide additional feedback for parents, carers and teachers on how students are progressing in key curriculum areas. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can. All children benefit from a consistent approach to this week as in any other week. Planning your week to include a solid breakfast, organised uniforms and lunches as well as a good night’s sleep. Further NAPLAN information for parents and carers is available online. Please contact the school if you have any questions about your child participating in NAPLAN testing. To my wonderful Bayview Community I am feeling so overwhelmed by your kindness, love and support during this time of grief and sadness that my two beautiful boys and I have been processing since my husband Adam's passing two months ago. I always knew that BayView State School was a remarkable little school but I never realised just how amazing it really was until we were thrown into a world of unknowns and upheaval. The generosity shown to us by the Bayview parents and staff has been so humbling and there are no words enough that I can find to express my thanks to you. I am so grateful for all the wonderful home cooked meals that have filled my freezer for the last two months, it has certainly taken the stress out of my afternoons knowing that I am able to feed my boys healthy yummy meals. The cakes, biscuits, lasagne's, roasts, the list goes on and on and its wonderful, the tea and coffee, toilet paper and tissues add to the ease of my day and not to mention camp fees and toiletries cases for the boys. WOW! You've thought of everything and it's the little things that make all the difference. Thank you. Jodie, Joel and Reef Student Wellbeing - Immunosupression I would like to inform our community that there is a child within our school who is immunosupressed, meaning that this child has a lower immunity and cannot fight infections in the normal way. Viruses that cause measles, chickenpox and shingles could make this child extremely unwell. Therefore I would be grateful if you would contact the school immediately if your child is found to have one of these illnesses. If we know that there has been exposure to measles, chickenpox or shingles, medicine can be given to lessen the side effect of such an infection to this child. This medicine does need to be given as soon as possible after the contact has taken place. I must assure you that your child is not at any risk because of this child. Hats Even in Autumn, hats are a very important and compulsory part of our school uniform. Students MUST have their hats for PMP, PE and every play time. Please check that your child has a hat and that they are bringing it to school. Please encourage them to also check the name in their hat before they take it away. Jumpers As the weather cools down in the mornings and afternoon, students are beginning to wear jumpers. Please be aware that there is a Winter Inclusion in our Dresscode and although the school jumper is NOT compulsory it does look great and is very warm. The compulsory part is that all additional clothing; including jumpers, pants, stockings, undershirts must be NAVY if they can be seen. Cleveland District State High School – Sport Development Trial Please note this date if your Yr 6 child is considering applying for entry to the CDSHS Development Program. Sport Development Trials: Monday 18th May from 3.30pm-5.00pm. Peter Black Principal Staff Introductions During Term 2 our newsletter will share with you, short biographies of our staff. This week will be our Special Needs Teacher Aides / Discovery Centre Teacher Aide Julie Carter I’m Julie Carter and I began my career as a music teacher in the 1980s. This took me to places far and wide for 9 years. My career path then changed after some time off to have children. I took on the role of teacher aide in the library at Faith Lutheran Primary School where I worked for 12 years. I returned to Education Queensland with my appointment to the position in the Discovery Centre at BayView when it first opened in 2010. It has been very rewarding to be part of the team to establish the library collection at a new school. I really enjoy being able to find books and resources to help the teachers do the fantastic job they do. I also love to be able to help children to find books that lead them to a lifelong love of reading. I have two wonderful sons 24 and 21 of whom I am very proud. I enjoy spending time with them as well as reading, dancing, walking the dog and meeting friends for coffee. I consider it to be a privilege to be part of the friendly and supportive community at BayView. Julie Burge I have been a teacher aide for 9 years with the majority of that time working for Special Needs, which is my passion. I am fairly new to Bayview as I was very fortunate to be transferred to this wonderful school March last year. Every morning when I drive to school I find myself looking at the wonderful scenery of the bay and count my lucky stars that I am working here. I have always worked in an office environment, from P.A to wages/credit officer, but when I started volunteering at Redlands Special School I could not go back behind a desk. I emigrated with my husband from the UK Nov 1989. This was a huge step as all my family are still in the UK. I was really gullible then, I even bought a book on Australian slang, which I practised on the plane coming over! I have 3 boys 14,16 & 18 years, 2 of which have Autism. This can be challenging at times, but it is also very rewarding. Teri Finnimore Hello BayView Community My name is Teri Finnimore. I have been one of our school’s teacher aides since May 2011. I have provided support to our wonderful children and staff across all areas of general, prep and currently special education. I am passionate about the education of our future leaders and really enjoy being part of our students’ educational journey. Decoding Strategy This means…… Look at the picture Use the illustrations Use the pictures for clues to the word and the meaning Use the sounds in the word by stretching the sounds rather than segmenting letter by letter Get your mouth ready for the word Stretch it out Stretch out the sounds Use the initial sound Tanja Beard Hi my name is Tanja Beard. I started with BayView State School this year as a Teacher Aide in Prep. This is the first year of my new career, after spending numerous years as an Accountant/Book keeper. I am enjoying myself everyday and can now not see myself doing anything different. Everyone at BayView has been very welcoming to me and I am appreciative of the amazing opportunity I have been given. Curriculum Corner Teacher Talk • Look at the pictures / diagrams / graphs • Stretch the word out slowly like bubble gum then snap back Say the word slowly Say the first sound/s of the word as you ‘crash’ into it – don’t stop Look for a chunk you know Look for word parts Get your fingers up to find a known part Can you read more than that? Check the end of the word Which part of the word do you know? Use your fingers to find parts of the words you know. You know another word like this. You know ____so this is ______. How are ______ and _____ the same/different? Skip the word Read to the end of the sentence Go back and reread using the meaning Try another vowel sound Flip a short sound for a long sound Try that again. Did it look right, sound right, make sense? What word might make sense? Look right? (M) You said….. Does that make sense? (S) You said……How did that sound? (V) Does that look right? Read it again and say the first sound? Here’s a part you know. Was that ok? How did you know? I like the way when you ______ you fixed it by _______. Say nothing and allow wait time to process On ____page, I heard you say ____. Was that ok? What could you do? Were you right? How do you know? (ask children when they are both correct and incorrect for decision making) • • • Chunk the word • • Read through to the end of the word Use ending chunks – word endings • Find smaller words Look for a smaller word inside the word • Use analogy to move from a word you know to the new word. • Kellie Scullion Hello to the entire BayView families and I hope you are having a great year so far. I have been an employee of the school since 2014, and I am currently working within the Special Needs division. I thoroughly enjoy coming to work and feel privileged to be part of the BayView team. I work alongside the most amazing teachers and students who have me learning something new every day. Metalanguage: Prompts and cues Like a word you know Analogy • • • • Skip it and read on Flip the vowel sound Reread Try it again Use the context Use meaning, structure and reread to support solving a word. • • Try another vowel sound if the word doesn’t sound right. Try to reread the sentence, using a word that makes sense. • • • • • Cross Check Check for Understanding Checking one source of information (MSV) against another to selfmonitor. Focus on balancing all sources of information. • • • • Self-Correction Supporting behaviours of self-monitoring and correction without prompting. Encourage verbalising strategies. • • • • Instead of saying “sound it out” - sounding out only works on letters that behave predictably and is not useful past the very early period of learning when they are learning that letters have a connection to sounds. Using a consistent range of prompts and cues for reading encourages problem solving behaviours and making choices between strategies to solve. Lex Nicholson Head of Curriculum LOTE News Term 2 brings about many students who deserve a huge "bravo" for their participation in the new French program. It is truly amazing observing how well the students are doing using the New Language program. Well done to everyone, as well as our wonderful parents who support and believe the importance of learning a second language. You must include student’s name, and a reason for payment in the reference section, so we can identify the payee. Eg (J Smith, Music Camp). Please refrain from using BPAY if you have more than one child at school. Medication at School If your child requires medication during school hours, please deliver it to Corporate Services along with a letter from your Practitioner and the pharmacy labelled medication. Without this letter and pharmacy label we are not permitted to administer medication. A bientot! Monsieur Sinon Physical Education News Discovery Centre News Scholastic Bookclub Orders As many of you are now aware the main way to order Scholastic Bookclub is to use the LOOP online ordering system. There were a few difficulties in our last Issue because Scholastic had listed our school as Bay View (2 words) and some people had trouble finding us in the list. I have spoken to Scholastic and they have now changed our school name to Bayview State School to avoid any of those difficulties in the future. Thank you for your continued support of our school in ordering with Bookclub as our school definitely benefits from your orders. Run Club Run Club is Tues and Thurs mornings from 7:30am (Prep – 6). All welcome. Sporting Schools Term 2 Our Sporting School options for this term are as followsYears Prep-2. Gymnastics, Friday Mornings 7:30am- 8:30am. Starting 8th May for 7 weeks. Years 3 & 4. Track and Field, in class time on Thursdays. Starting 14th May for 7 weeks. Years 5 & 6. Track and Field, Thursday Lunch & Afternoons. Starting 14th May for 4 weeks. Julie Carter From the Corporate Services Team If you would like to pay for a specific invoice (camp, excursion etc), please use direct deposit or over the counter at school. This way your payments can be matched to the correct invoices immediately. An e-mail with expression of interest details will be sent home early this week. Cluster Carnivals – TERM 2, 2015 Term 2 Cluster Carnival Days will be held on Fridays: 29th May & 12th June Term 2, Fridays 3/5 & 31/5 Internet Payments are preferred Account details are: BSB: 064-149; Account: 10049137 Modified Hockey, Mixed Junior Redlands Hockey T-20 Blast, Mixed Junior Ormiston SS Wakakirri Newcomball, Mixed Junior Cleveland SS The team is underway with dance rehearsals! We are HOPEFUL for YOUR HELP! Below are a few things we need for costumes (please bring in to 5 Maroon’s classroom). European Handball, Mixed Senior Victoria Point SS Touch, Mixed Senior Redlands Touch TBall, Mixed Senior Capalaba Secondary College • • • • Sporting Schools (previously known as Active Afterschool Sport) BayView SS has been selected as a transition school in Term 2. We will be providing the opportunity for year 3 & 4 students to receive additional coaching as part of their PE Program. Year 5 & 6 Students will be invited to express interest in participating in a Thursday lunchtime Track and Field program starting in week 3. Prep 2 will have the opportunity to express interest in a Friday before school Gymnastics program. Look out for the e-mail this week. White material Red felt Pillows to cut up for stuffing Animal outfits that we could borrow (ideally woods animals). These will be returned. Help required: Tuesday afternoon rehearsals (34pm). Painting of boxes and rehearsals of completed dance performances. If you can help please email [email protected]. Thank you in advance. Miss Sonia Filkorn Music Teacher Speech and Drama – Term 2 We have two vacancies for next term in Speech and Drama on a Thursday at BayView. This year all students will be part of their own production in Term Four. Children learn communication skills, and performing arts skills whilst having lots of fun. Creative Arts News Term 2, 2015 Week Date Rehearsals Week 3 4-8 May Week 4 1115 May 1822 May Normal rehearsals: NEW TIMETABLE ISSUED FOR BAND AND STRINGS STUDENTS Normal rehearsals Qualified Speech and Drama teacher take every lesson. Enrol online or call 3821 5755. Normal rehearsals Uniform Shop Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 2529 May 1-5 June Week 8 8-12 June Week 9 1519 June 2226 June Week 10 Who BayView Voices Junior Choir Event Type Exc Wednesday 20th May Choral Fanfare at Rochedale State School Normal rehearsals No rehearsals Beginner Band Beginner Strings Normal rehearsals Normal rehearsals Normal rehearsals Exc Monday 1st June – Friday 5th June: Regional Beginner Music Week (for beginning grade 3 and 4 students only) With winter just around the corner our new stock of microfiber winter jackets have arrived in all the sizes. If your little ones are feeling the cold then just pop in or order through Flexischools. Also we are limited to sizes in our old style winter jackets, as you are aware they are being phased out in favour of the microfibre which still keeps the children warm on cooler mornings. School We have ONLY the following sizes in stock: of the fleece jackets - size 4, size 10, size 16. Selected Students School Tuesday 23rd June: Awards Parade Performance It is easy to order: Flexischools – there is sizing and photos for each item to help you select the right item and size • • Rainbow Breeze Cafe • PREPS can now order café through Flexischools Hi Parents/Caregivers Please be aware that as of Monday 18th May 2015 the cut off time to place your orders with Flexischools will be changing to 8am instead of 8:30, this was agreed and voted on at the P&C meeting on Wednesday 29/04/2015. This enables us to gain an extra 30mins for prep time which will be invaluable, especially on Fridays as we continue to get bigger and bigger. MEAL DEAL Sushi orders: sushi is only available on Thursday’s, but the cut off time is Wednesday noon. Sick children / cancelling orders: If your child is sick and either doesn’t come to school or goes home you must cancel your Flexischools order by 9:00am in order for your account to be credited. Unfortunately if we receive notice past this time we are already in the process of making perishable items and cannot credit these items, however we will credit any nonperishable items such as drinks/iceblocks etc. To order online: 1.To order online simply go to 2. Click “Register Now” to create account 3. Top-up your balance 4. Start ordering immediately Thankyou for your continued support Emma & Team P & C News Thank you to all P&C members who attended both the special meeting and the general meeting that were held on the 29th of April. We have now adopted the P&C Constitution for 2015 and it will be available on the school website shortly. When: Thursday 11th June 2015 Cost: $6.00 There will be 3 choices for your beautiful children which include a sausage roll or Sushi or Mac n Cheese. A choice of water or a popper. A packet of either BBQ or Chicken Jumpy’s and an apple. Please go to Flexischools for the menu. Volunteers We are always happy to have new volunteers. Please contact me directly on [email protected] if you can spare some time either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday as we would love to see you. Reminders: Order cut-off time: The cut off time for lunch orders to be placed via Flexischools is 8.00am, however you may place your next week’s order at any time after cut-off. A reminder that if you are a member of the P&C and cannot attend a meeting please send through your apology prior to the meeting to the P&C email address: [email protected] Leanne, Nicole, Toni and Michelle P&C Support for School Sporting Representatives Did you know BayView State School P&C Association can provide financial support to our students who are representing the school at sporting events at a district, regional or state level? The following levels of support are available: District Team Members Regional Team Members State Team Members $20 $50 $100 To apply for this support, eligible students, those representing the school, must write a letter addressed to the P&C to request the support. For further information please contact Leanne Mills, P&C President by email [email protected] `Éà{xÜËá Wtç fàtÄÄ PCYC News j{xÇ: Thursday 7th and Friday 8th May j{xÜx: Mandarin Room in the Hall g|Åx: 8am – 3pm (Parents and students are both welcome to come and visit us before and after school) Prices range from 50c to $10 We look forward to seeing you all there PIE DRIVE Order your pies now to have for State of Origin night Game 2. Family sized pies are baked locally at Brown’s Bakery, Gluten Free individual pies are baked at Beefy’s Bakery. Ask your neighbours, friends and family if they will support your school? Return Forms by: 29 May Collection Date: Tuesday 16 June from the Cafe between 2-3 PM Additional forms available from Corporate Services Calendar of Events May 2015 Mon Tues Wed Thurs 7 Mothers Day Stall 14 Fri 1 Yr 6 Campers Return 2:40pm 8 Mothers Day Stall 15 Volunteers Morning Tea 9:15am 4 5 6 11 12 13 Student Banking 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 Yr 5 Final Camp Payment Due 27 Free Dress “State of Origin” Student Banking 28 29 Yr 5/6 Cluster Carnival Pie Drive money due Our work mobile 0421 561 136 or our email address [email protected]. Some exciting projects happening at PCYC this Term. We have changed our milk bottle igloo into a castle, our garden is growing wonderfully and we plan to plant pumpkin, rockmelon and pineapple soon. If all goes well we will be using our garden for ingredients for our afternoon tea! Our Autumn Vacation care was lots of fun. We hope to see you all back for the winter holidays. We are currently designing our Winter program so now is the time to send in any special tuckshop, activity or incursion/excursion requests to us. If anybody has any other special requests or ideas for us to continue to improve in any way possible that would be amazing. For families interested in enrolling their child at PCYC, head to and follow the links for Bayview online enrolment. Once the children are enrolled you can contact us on 3206 5296 or 0421561136 or via email [email protected] to make your bookings. Please remember we are not here from 9am until 2pm but we are more than happy for you to leave a text message or email and we will get back to you. If you need to see us after the school bell, please wait until 3:15pm as we are extremely busy with our main focus on the children during this time. Thank you so much for your support and happy faces. Courtney – Bayview Coordinator and the PCYC Staff Wray Organic Fundraiser Volunteers Wanted for childcare project! Do you have a child aged 0-8 years old? Do you use currently childcare or wish that you could? Do you have a weekly income of less than $1200 (before tax)? Rainbow Relaxations – Term 2 Rainbow Relaxations offers your child the opportunity to learn to relax and let go of daily stresses and worries. A child's life can involve anxiety, built up anger and frustration, feelings of loneliness and sadness and health concerns - the constant sore tummy..... In the Rainbow Relaxations classes we introduce strategies and techniques to build self confidence and self belief, increase resilience and teach easy simple steps to self monitor ones own feelings and what they need, plus so much more - all offered in a safe and fun environment at Bayview State School. Term 2 will be held over 8 weeks - the first class will be starting on Monday 27th April through to Monday 22 June 2015 (8th June - Queens Birthday Public Holiday - no class on that day) Rainbow Class: 3-4pm Prep - Yr 3) Sunshine Class: 4-5pm (Yr 4 - Yr 6) The investment for 8 weeks =$100p/p, payable before classes start. Payment options are available, call Marie to discuss. For all bookings or any enquires please call Marie 0402416132 or email [email protected] Community Notices For more information please go to the address below. If so, you may be interested in participating in study examining Australian parents’ experiences accessing flexible childcare. What will my participation involve? You will be asked to take part in two interviews (three months apart) about your experiences, desires, and expectations regarding childcare The interviews will take place at a time and location that is convenient for you You may also be asked to keep a childcare diary for a short period of time If you are interested in participating or have any questions about the research please contact the chief investigator: Dr. Michelle Brady University of Queensland [email protected] 07 3365 2021
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