Bayview Community Center 2015 March 2015 News By Jackie Lloyd (683-1680 or [email protected]) March is here and spring is just around the corner. In fact, a quick walk through the gardens the other day revealed signs of new sprouts and trees with swelling buds. But beware, Mother Nature can be fickle with winter weather roaring back at any time. Don’t forget, this month we spring forward with our clocks on the 8th. We apologize to all of our users for the week this past month without heat. The problem with the furnace was baffling and it took several days to diagnose and fix the problem. Thanks to George Grandy, Tom Lloyd and Chuck Waller for their hours of time spent that week, both monitoring the work and then actually completing the final fix. Our next immediate project at the Center is painting the main room and entryway. We will be removing all the plastic hooks around the walls and ask that any group wishing to decorate for their events not use them in the future. They are advertised as being easy to remove without harming the painted surfaces, NOT. On our walls they cause much damage when removing. The decorating committee will be researching permanent decorative hooks to install around the window and serving areas after the painting is complete. By the way, thanks to Marilyn Stanton for chairing this committee and thanks to her helpers, Sue Damon, Cindy Gardner and myself for the beautiful decorations commemorating Valentine’s Day. The committee will continue to decorate with different themes throughout the year as the seasons dictate. Volunteers needed, please, call me. A huge thanks to the Chamber for the Valentine’s Day Sock Hop. It was an enormous success. Most attendees were polled and asked for a repeat with a resounding “do it again”. So, look for another come late April. I hear the theme will be Western, and for sure we will get some Line Dancing going. Details can be found in our next issue. Because of some delays, the Art exhibits will be pushed back another month, this time we will shoot for our first showing in April. Not only do we have to remove the hooks, repair any damage to the walls, and paint, but we also have to install a hanging system that does not damage the walls and allows for flexibility in size and shapes of the works to be displayed. Once again, any artist wishing to have their works displayed, contact me. Our first add in outside media for Center Event rentals, will be placed this month. Many of our user groups have already secured their meeting times for the summer, so please, if you are thinking of having a meeting or soiree in our beautiful Center, please contact me soon. We also have made the initial contacts necessary to get a website going and hopefully will be online by the end of the month. This year LOU has devoted one Wednesday a month as a fundraiser for the ABC food bank in Athol. On this day we ask volunteers to donate prepared food to share, casserole, side, salad, dessert; a smorgasbord of food. All money collected in our donation cans on this day goes to the food bank. So far, this has been a very successful program and has helped a local worthwhile and needy service organization. This month we are moving the fundraiser from the last Wednesday of the month to March 18 th. Our theme will be St. Patty’s Day and we ask donors to make a stew (Irish or otherwise), salads, soda bread and desserts in that theme. As far as the rest of March the LOU menu is as follows: March 4 th, Pork chops; March 11th, Chili Fest; March 18th, Irish fundraiser; March 25th, Baked Ziti. Please join us on Wednesdays at noon for lunch. LOU is now in its 4 th season and is going stronger than ever. And note, LOU is self-sustaining. Thank you Bayview for supporting this great community event. Friday Night at the movies will resume its regular times on the first and third Friday of the month at 7pm. On March 6th we will feature “Boyhood” and on March 20th “And So It Goes” will be showing. Please note that Wednesday Yoga will be moved from 7pm to 10am and will meet downstairs. It also meets in the lower room when a conflict of other scheduled events arises. This month those conflicts occur on March 19th and March 24th. Zumba continues at 9am on Wednesdays and is a fun and energetic way to burn calories. Tai Chi also continues at its regular Friday 9:30am time. A quick thanks to Jim and Jamie Berube for their donation of a really nice bookcase which has been added to our library. The final arrangement is not complete and will need some further work. AND SO IT GOES! 20 PO Box 121 BAYVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Bayview, ID 83803 Editor: Norma Jean 683-1980 email: [email protected] “March ‘15” EVENTS AROUND TOWN (held at the Community Center unless noted) Mon 3/2 Tue 3/3 Wed 3/4 Sun 3/8 Tue 3/10 1pm 10am 10am Noon 7pm 9 am 3pm All day 6pm BAB Quilting (every Monday until further notice) Bookmobile Yoga (new time, meeting downstairs) LOU, pork chops and sides Friday Night at the Movies, “Boyhood” Auxiliary Meeting. Athol Legion Private Party Daylight Savings Time Change Chamber of Commerce Chili Cook Off and meeting Wed 3/11 Noon LOU, Chili Fest Thu 3/12 6pm Sat 3/14 Tue 3/17 8am All Day 10am 3:30pm 6pm Noon Wed 3/25 10:30am 6pm 7pm 9:30am 7pm Noon Hearing Kootenai County Administration bldg. Housing Development near Silverwood. Bible Chapel’s Men’s Breakfast Happy St Patrick’s Day Bookmobile Water & Sewer Board Meeting (Office) 55+ LOU (Food bank Fund Raiser) Irish (or otherwise) Stew. Donate your favorite Stew for this lunch…all proceeds to go to ABC Food Bank in Athol. (change in date) EE DAW HAW Timberlake Fire Comm. Meeting, Athol Fire Station Friday Night at the Movies, “And So It Goes” BAB Meeting Community Council Meeting LOU, Baked Ziti Fri 3/27 6pm Game Night, sponsored by the Bayview Bible Chapel Fri 3/6 Sat 3/7 Wed 3/18 Thu 3/19 Fri 3/20 Tue 3/24 Ongoing Events Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Saturday 9:30am 7pm 10am 1pm 10am 9am 10am 10am 9:30am Bible Chapel Services AA Meeting Yoga BAB Quilting Yoga (meets downstairs on 3/24) Zumba Yoga (meets downstairs) Yoga (meets downstairs on 3/19) Tai Chi 1 Advertising Rates BUSINESS ADS: $50 (12 issues) 2. x 3.5” $7 (one-time) 2. x 3.5” Can be seasonal & altered as needed CLASSIFIEDS: 20 words or less $3 per/mo Additional words 10¢ each Add one photo for $1.00 FREE Lost/Found Ads Mail checks to: Bayview Chamber of Commerce address below & above. Bylines are published at the beginning of the month. Please submit articles no later than —- March 24th for the April ‘15 issue. Email: [email protected] Mail: Bayview Chamber of Commerce, P.O 121, Bayview, ID 83803 Articles provided herein are by local citizens and reflect differing views. Articles are to inform and not necessarily the views of the Editor or the Bayview Chamber of Commerce. For more information: Many thanks to Mike Maxson for maintaining our website. Ashiatsu Bar Therapy and LaStone Massage by Emily at Country Clinical Massage located in Athol Idaho at “The Office”. Guests were welcomed. Attendance was 18 Members/Non-Members and 5 Board members were present. Motion moved and approved and passed to approve current Agenda and previous meeting was also msp (13.January.2015). Speaker: Dr. Tadd Wheelers of University of Idaho and his class, graduates and undergraduates, gave an introduction to their study/research for spring 2015 on the Interdisciplinary Nature Resource Planning. The area of concentration is the vitality ecological plan for the White Pine and White Tail deer for Farragut Wildlife Management Area (FWMA). There are 4 primary objectives for the said project: White Tail deer habitat, Forest health productivity, wildlife preservation, and collaboration with the community. There was a brief Q and A between students and members of the Chamber after presentation from the students. Dr. Wheeler and his students will be returning in May to give an update on their research. In the interim, if anyone has questions or an update of the progression of the study, please send an email Marsha Ritzheimer, [email protected], and she will forward it on. Correspondence/Announcements: Presentation was made to Jo-Ann Rasmussen, a $500.00 donation for the Girls American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 149. Bayview historical signs were on display that will be put up around town by Linda Hackbarth, The 50/50 raffle will go on sale in April 2015. Mark Vogt, the winner of the ‘Bayview Eagles’, donated his winning photo to the Chamber. Jackie Lloyd announced the rescheduling of movie night to the 20th and 27th of February; The Grand Budapest Hotel and Maleficent. Treasures Report: Treasurers’ report as of January 2015. The approved 2015 budget can has been posted on the Chambers website. Ken also noted the 3 new members to the Chamber; Faye Bare, New Direction (Shaklee), and Edward Jones (Retirement, Investing). General funds in checking Fireworks funds in savings Cash on hand Total: $12,299.54 $15,583.52 $ 210..00 $28,093.06 Reports: Current standing committees are as follows; DAC (Tom Lloyd) – no report. Fisheries Report - Bylaws & Standing Rules (Tom Lloyd) – State of the Lake will have their annual meeting on 19.February.2015 (highly recommend to attend) and Ponderay Base Commission on the lower basin. Bayview Park & Farragut Communications (Chuck Murray) – no report. Old Business: ‘Bayview Scenery’ contest to begin in March through October. Proposal was presented to the members on how best to raise funds using the entries submitted from the Bayview Eagle Contest by calendar, prints, cards, etc., suggestions were made (t-shirts, ½ year calendar, hats, etc.) Also suggested perhaps an amateur and professional divisions should be implemented. All ideas were noted and to be mulled over for later in the year after a committee of volunteers has been set up. The second annual ‘Bayview Eagles’ contest will proceed for November through the 31st of December 2015. New Business: New business for March will to be going over how to proceed with implementing a plan on how best to address the ‘Perimeter road’ speed and painting yellow line on Cape Horn Road with Lakes Highway. Chamber Activities: 1. Guest Speaker for March – Doug Williams, the correlation of diabetes and hearing loss. 2. Second Annual Chili Cook-off (Starts at 6:00 p.m. 10.March.2015. Dennis Link’s monthly drawing was for $10.00 gift card to Walmart – Don Gardner was the winner. M/S/P to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 2 Lesley Diener, Secretary. 15 years of experience Licensed Professionalism with integrity Call 208-755-6301 to book your ULTIMATE experience in massage therapy today! Painted Pony Nails Deralee Larsen 208-661-5999 Acrylic Nails Gel Polish Nails Pedicures (Women and Men) Manicures Nail Art Located in Athol South of KKJ’s Pizza Sole to Sole Reflexology The Original Ingham Method Better Health Through Your Feet Relieve stress and tension, Improve blood supply Lisa Kuhl -Thomas Certified Reflexologist Cell: (208)*819-1629 Hours: By Appointment Only – Gift Certificates Available VOLUNTEER with the Kootenai Humane Society 208-818-1633 Lori Nelson, Volunteer Coordinator On Facebook? Please "LIKE" our page for information on the adoption center, thrift stores, outreach, pictures of animals needing homes and more! When looking for services in our area don’t forget those who are in the Athol area. Lisa Kuhl at Sole to Sole Reflexology, Deralee at Painted Pony Nails, Emily at Country Clinical Massage, LOVE’s Trading Post, C & L, Charmaine at Robin’s Salon, and my all-time favorite Northwoods Veterinary. These businesses help to bring you the Bayview Bylines. 19 CITIZEN LAKE RESPONSE GROUP This group was formed due to the 2008 Thanksgiving Day deadly boat fire. If you know of a LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY on the lake, first call 911, then call someone on the list. While boating, monitor CH16 and be prepared to pass on info by radio/cell phone. MacDonald’s Hudson Bay Resort (683-2211) will serve as the headquarters to coordinate rescue efforts. DO NOT call for mechanical problems or lack of gas. This group is for LIFE-THREATENING emergencies only. Bayview residents with boats in the water can volunteer to be available to respond to Lake Emergencies. Call Tom Lloyd (683-1680) to add your name. Current “Good-Samaritans” are: Chris Hansen Tom Lloyd Earnie Marston Tim Meyer 683-2995 683-1680 683-1625 683-1986 Our Bayview Community ROCKS! This n That! FOR SALE Boat, motor, and trailer $4,000.00 “DOTTIE J” Boat donated to the Bayview Community Center Boat built by Fred Huson in 1997, Length 22’ 10”: Beam 8’ ????’s call 208-683-2389 Next Chamber Meeting Mar 10, 2015 Upcoming Chamber Activities Bob Prince 683-3369 Phil Stephan 683-5901 Jim Woods 683-2294 March Speaker Doug Williams Bayview Scenery Contest , Mar—Sept. Chili Cook off March 10! Easter Egg Hunt April 4th at 10:30 am Saturday Dance in April DTBD Crazy Hat party May Chamber meeting. Memorial Day Huckleberry Breakfast May 25th Red, White, & Blue Pancake Feast July 3rd July 4th Breakfast, Parades, Fireworks The winner of the Dennis Link Chamber drawing for February was Don Gardner. He won a gift certificate to Wal- Pallet Idea! Jo-Ann Rasmussen, President American Legion Unit #149 Auxiliary receiving a check from the Chamber and Marsha Ritzheimer, Chamber President for Girls State. One of the girls sent will be address the Chamber after returning from this event. New Advertiser for the Bylines! Bayview Chamber of Commerce Wind Walker Mobile Pet Grooming President: Unconditional Love Deserve Unconditional Care [email protected] Board Members: Marsha Ritzheimer Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: At Large: For Chamber Debi Matte 30+ Years Professional Experience Tender Loving Care with Less Stress For Your Pet 683-3276 Reader board for Rent Chuck Murray 683-3357 Lesley Diener 561-5013 Ken Saunders 683-9510 Norma Jean Knowles 683-1980 issues, use this email address: The Reader board at the entrance to Bayview is available for rent $20/ week facing SW (viewed coming into town) $20/week facing NE (viewed leaving town) Application and instructions are available on the Chamber website: Marsha Ritzheimer 208-640-9081 [email protected] 18 3 HWY 54 The Gary Louie Insurance Agency wants to be your agency for all of your insurance needs. Our superior service can provide you with the coverage you need for your home, auto, watercraft, recreational vehicle, ATV, as well as business, health and life insurance. We are an agency that represents the ONLY company that has a floating home policycustomized to provide extensive coverages for the unique exposures of floating homes, including flood, and “Perils of the Sea.” Give David Gullidge, a float home resident of Bayview, a call to get a quote at 208-772-6058 All Small Engine Repairs Lawn & Garden, ATV, Motorcycle Call TODAY! Rural Lifestyle 208-683-2600 Bayview, ID Quality Bayview Service 40 years of Performance Excellence! Affordable Auto Detailing Link Home Improvement Your Link To Great Service Dennis Link Residential PO Box 556, Athol, ID 83801 Building, Plumbing, Electric, Repairs, Etc. 630-404-4593/ 630-533-4593 [email protected] Timely, Quality, Dependable 20 Yrs Exp Save the date! March 12th at 6:00 pm is the hearing at the Kootenai County Administration Building – 1st floor – for the first stage of an anticipated 1,000 unit housing development near Silverwood. The first stage actually is 86 units of high density, low-income housing. The County Hearing Examiner has already recommended approval. Objections to the proposed development include the impact this will eventually create on our rural lifestyle by increasing our taxes, stress on our local infrastructure, such as fire, schools, roads, and police force. 4 Farragut Rock Products Tai Chi Bayview Community Center No experience, age or weight requirements! Movements are slow and gentle, there is no pressure in the class – only fun! Pit Run Crushed Rock Bedding Material Call Shane McDaniel, Mgr 683-2027 C&L Repair In business over Everyone welcome! 25 years Benefits: balance, strength, concentration and more. Lots of local recommendations $6 per class or $40 for 7 classes Make checks payable to: Bayview Community Center Instructor: Karl-Erik Andreasson, Ph.D. Tel: 208-683-7504 Cell: 208-755-0930 E-mail:[email protected] [email protected] 17 Foreign Cars Domestic Cars Light Trucks 5885 Hwy. 54 - Athol (north side of Hwy 54 before the railroad tracks) 683-2730 Bayview Laundromat Bayview Scenic Apartments & RV Park 34297 N Main St Bayview, ID 83803 208-683-2215 [email protected] We are simply the Best! Stay for a month or a season! Enjoy the View with us. Light Haus B & B Bayview, Idaho’s Newest Bed & Breakfast Nightly Weekly - Monthly by reservation only Queen & King-size beds TV includes DVD/VCR Families welcome Relaxing Accommodations 16798 E. Cape Horn Rd. 208-683-0737 Hosts: Bob & Korinne Wolf and “Max” the family dog Open 7 days a week 8 am – 9 pm 16716 E. Almas Ct Bayview, ID 83803 Laundromat, Coffee House, Food Clean, friendly atmosphere Triple, double, and single machines for your convenience Bayview Bible Chapel Meets every Sunday at the Bayview Community Center Adult and children’s Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Fellowship & Refreshments following service Pastor: Ben McLachlan For more information: 651-9383 Prayer Meeting: 683-2647 Church Office: 683-1962 EVERYONE WELCOME! MacDonald’s Hudson Bay Resort A full-time marina with dockage, cabins, gas & diesel, fishing supplies, mechanics, parts, snack food & beverages and Fishing Licenses. Call their friendly staff at: 683-2211 Century 21 Realtors Doug and Lorraine Landwehr Serving all of North Idaho for sales and listings 35+ years in Bayview Contact the local experts for all real estate inquiries and market conditions 208-683-2963 e-mail us at [email protected] [email protected] All MLS info available at: 16 Here is the address and phone number For the ABC Food Bank located in Athol. The Chamber of Commerce collects donations at every meeting in honor or Skip Wilcox, LOU will be devoting the last Wednesday of the month for donations as well. What’s up at Mario’s you say? If you bring in this notice or mention this ad from the Bylines during the week of March 13th – March 22nd and Purchase any meal, Mario will give you one free domestic beer or soft drink. This offer is for one person per meal. Mario’s Mexican Restaurant supports our community, Let’s support him and his excellent staff. ABC Food Bank 30355 3rd St Athol, ID 83801 (208) 683-2101 Please Save this Date: May 12th at 11 AM Ladies Luau Luncheon at the Bayview Community Center sponsored by the BAB Women's Club Reservations are required and tickets sold beginning in mid-March Don't Miss this Wonderful Event with Profits going to Many Local Charities BAB’s Women’s Club Bayview - Athol - Belmont A local women’s charitable organization for 57 years Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 24th at 9:30 am. Call anyone below for information. Co-Presidents: Joyce Wilkuski— Cindy Grandy —Vice president - Nathlie White ---Secretary ------- Gabi Groth-Marnat Treasurer ------- Elaine Bergquist ---Woman at Large -Lyn Haney --------- 683-3625 683-1859 659-3467 683-3119 683-0703 683-1632 5 American Legion Post 149 Functional Intensity Training Helps you increase your endurance and strength to perform daily activities In Athol Hwy 54 between the RR tracks Everyone Welcome! Bingo: Every 2nd & 4th Friday 6 PM Burgers & Fries 5-7 PM $5 donation Every Wed Pinochle 6 PM Auxiliary Meeting January 3rd ’15, 9:00 am Michael Mihlfried, D.V.M. 208-683-2708 30425 N Meadow St. Athol, ID 83801 Open M - F Phone: 683-2614 Dinner August 30, 2014 6:00 pm 6 8 - 5:30 Tuesdays until 7 PM 15 New session starting 1/6/15 4:00-4:45 PM @ Athol Elementary For more info please call Jorja Auten 683-2531 or 661-7459 ACE certified For active older adults, beginners, and anyone in-between! You will have fun while you workout – guaranteed! About Tai Chi by Karl Andreasson Tai Chi, as it is practiced in the west today, can perhaps best be thought of as a moving form of yoga and meditation combined. There are a number of so- called forms (sometimes also called 'sets') which consist of a sequence of movements. Many of these movements are originally derived from the martial arts (and perhaps even more ancestrally than that, from the natural movements of animals and birds) although the way they are performed in Tai Chi is slowly, softly and gracefully with smooth and even transitions between them. For many practitioners the focus in doing them is not, first and foremost, martial, but as a meditative exercise for the body. For others the aspects of Qi Gong are of considerable interest. In Chinese philosophy and medicine there exists the concept of 'chi', a vital force that animates the body. One of the avowed aims of Tai Chi is to foster the circulation of this 'chi' within the body, the belief being that by doing so the health and vitality of the person are enhanced. This 'chi' circulates in patterns that are close related to the nervous and vascular system and thus the notion is closely connected with that of the practice of acupuncture and other oriental healing arts. Another aim of Tai Chi is to foster a calm and tranquil mind, focused on the precise execution of these exercises. Learning to do them correctly provides a practical avenue for learning about such things as balance, alignment, fine-scale motor control, rhythm of movement, the genesis of movement from the body's vital center, and so on. Thus the practice of Tai Chi can in some measure contribute to being able to better stand, walk, move, run, etc. in other spheres of life as well. Many practitioners notice benefits in terms of correcting poor postural, alignment or movement patterns which can contribute to tension or injury. Furthermore the meditative nature of the exercises is calming and relaxing in and of itself. March 8th 2015 Gas Hardware Non-Ethanol Gas Fishing Hardware Cigarettes Bayview Water & Sewer Board Positions Friendly Personnel, Lower Gas Prices Applications for Candidacy, for two (2) board positions, may be obtained from the Bayview Water & Sewer District Office. The application must be filled out by the intended candidate and signed by 10 REGISTERED VOTERS who support the candidate. The completed application must be returned to the Bayview Water & Sewer District Office no later than March 20, 2015, by 5:00 p.m. 29801 N Hwy 95 Athol, ID 14 7 LPOYC – March 2015 The days are longer, though still rather chilly. Hopefully we’ll have these breezes when the racing season begins. I have seen a couple of sailboats out on the lake and one of them had its sails up. Otherwise there’s not much news in the club these days. There will be a general members meeting this month to finalize the activities for this year and go over rules changes. There will also be discussion concerning possible changes in the clubs bylaws. Bayview Community Council News Corner 1) SAVE THE DATE!! Tuesday – March 17th 55+ or/ - St. Paddy’s Day Celebration 6pm at the Community Center Get your leprechaun on!! Wear your GREEN & bring your best Irish dish to share. We look forward to enjoying the evening with all of you! I’m sure that folks with boats are getting anxious to get their boats in the water and do some sailing. The water level is still low and the temperature still too cold for most folks. The racing season starts on the 26th of April so there’s plenty of time yet to do Spring chores done around home. Until next month… Bob Moore – Race Committee 2) If you missed Mardi Gras in Bayview you missed a GREAT night! We had an amazing turn out and an absolutely FABULOUS time. Good Fun-Good Friends-Great Food! What could be better! See you next year! "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Give him a fishing lesson and he'll sit in a boat drinking beer every weekend." -Alex Blackwell 3) Next Community Council Meeting Tuesday – March 24th 7pm - Community Center The Swearing Parrot So there's this Pirate with a parrot. And this parrot swears like a sailor, I mean he's a pistol. He can swear for five minutes straight without repeating himself. Trouble is, the pirate who owns him is a quiet, conservative type, and this bird's foul mouth is driving him crazy. One day, it gets to be too much, so the guy grabs the bird by the throat, shakes him really hard, and yells, "QUIT IT!" But this just makes the bird mad and he swears more than ever. Then he gets mad and says, "I've had enough of you." and locks the bird in a cabinet. This really aggravates the bird and he claws and scratches, and when the guy finally lets him out, the bird cuts loose with a stream of invective that would make a veteran pirate blush. At that point, he is so mad that he throws the Parrot into the freezer. For the first few seconds there is a terrible ruckus. The bird kicks and claws and squawks to no avail. Then it suddenly gets very quiet. At First the guy just waits, but then he starts to think that the bird may be hurt. After a couple of minutes of silence, he's so worried that he opens up the freezer door. The bird calmly climbs onto the man's out-stretched arm and says, "Awfully sorry about the trouble I gave you. I'll do my best to improve my vocabulary from now on. By the way, what did the chicken do?" 8 Are you or do you know someone who is attending college this fall? Do you or do they live within a 6 mile radi us of Bayview? Are you interested in a $500 investment in your education? If so, then you SHOULD contact a Bayview Community Council Member and ask them about this awesome opportunity. You can also check our website at for the application and more details. Don’t let this one pass you by! 13 Extra tires laying around? DYI project Sopapilla Cheesecake Original recipe makes 1 - 9x13 inch cheesecake 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon Mexican vanilla extract 2 (8 ounce) cans refrigerated crescent rolls 3/4 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 cup butter, room temperature 1/4 cup honey PREP 15 min., COOK 45 min., READY IN 3 hr. M & M Vacation Rentals Directions: Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Prepare a 9x13 inch baking dish with cooking spray. Beat the cream cheese with 1 cup of sugar and the vanilla extract in a bowl until smooth. Unroll the cans of crescent roll dough, and use a rolling pin to shape each piece into 9x13 inch rectangles. Press one piece into the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish. Evenly spread the cream cheese mixture into the baking dish, then cover with the remaining piece of crescent dough. Stir together 3/4 cup of sugar, cinnamon, and butter. Dot the mixture over the top of the cheesecake. Bake in the preheated oven until the crescent dough has puffed and turned golden brown, about 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and drizzle with honey. Cool completely in the pan before cutting into 12 squares. *Handicap accessible * *Apartment* Pet Friendly Sleeps 4 Winter/Summer $65. -$95 per night Weekly rates & multiple night rates *Beautiful Downtown Condo* Winter/Summer $125 - $180 per night (Cleaning fee plus tax) Also Call Marie at 12 9 208-661-8259 Look Up – Keep a Happy Heart Marsha Ritzheimer Quite by accident I found a quote by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It said “Happiness in this world, when it comes, comes incidentally. Make it the object of pursuit, and it leads us a wild-goose chase, and is never attained. Follow some other object, and very possibly we may find that we have caught happiness without dreaming of it.” There is so much truth to this statement. Have you noticed that when we try to pursue happiness, it always seems to be just out of our reach? How can some of us be so happy and others so miserable? For me happiness is only attained when I take the time to appreciate little things and concentrate on making others happy. Giving a smile, a kind word or a helping hand to others, whether strangers, acquaintances or friends, are just some of the little things that bring true happiness to me. When I feel happy, I call it having a Happy Heart. It feels as though I am glowing from the inside out. I want others to experience that same feeling. Happiness is really contagious and good for the body, mind and spirit. There are so many events in life that can give a Happy Heart. Sometimes it is the smallest things that bring so much pleasure; the smell of a favorite flower, the sound of a musical bird, a glorious sunrise or sunset or the sound of a familiar voice. However, being able to witness a room full of laughing, happy people can give the happiest of hearts. If you were attending the Valentine’s Day Sock Hop, you know exactly what I mean. It didn’t matter if you were one of the dancers or one who preferred to sit and visit with friends and neighbors. Everyone was having a grand time. We definitely had a room full of laughter and happiness. Now we are looking forward to the next dance event. Line dancing anyone? Speaking of the little things in life - now is the time to grab your cameras and begin capturing some of Bayview’s beauty throughout the next number of months. Our 1st Annual Bayview Photo Contest begins with our March Chamber meeting. 10 11
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