SOL Review of Key People - Mr. Bednarski`s World History Page

World History People Review
Learn all these and get a 100/100
World Religions
1. _____ Abraham
2. _____ Moses
3. _____ Gautama
4. _____ Jesus of Nazareth
5. _____ Allah
6. _____ Muhammad
A. founder of Christianity - according to Christians he's the messiah
B. founder of Buddhism
C. founder of Islam
D. led Jews out of Egypt in the exodus
E. founder of Judaism
F. Islamic name for God
Medieval/Crusades/Catholic Church/Renaissance
7. _____ Michelangelo
A. Muslims from Asia Minor - defeated Constantinople - renamed it
8. _____ Erasmus
Istanbul – traded coffee and ceramics – spread Islam to Middle East,
9. _____ Shakespeare
North Africa, and Balkan Peninsula
10. _____ Turks
B. Renaissance artist - painted Sistine Chapel and sculpted la Pieta and David
11. _____ Leonardo da Vinci
C. Renaissance artist - painted Mona Lisa and the Last Supper
12. _____ Pope
D. Renaissance playwright and writer of sonnets
13. _____ Johannes Gutenberg
E. invented the printing press. helped Renaissance ideas spread
F. head of the Roman Catholic Church
G. most famous Christian humanist
14. _____ Martin Luther
15. _____ John Calvin
16. _____ Jesuits
17. _____ Elizabeth I
18. _____ Henry VIII
19. _____ Prince Henry
20. _____ Columbus
21. _____ Magellan
22. _____ Drake
23. _____ Cortez
24. _____ Pizarro
25. _____ Cartier
26. _____ da Gama
World Empires
27. _____ Mughals
28. _____ Ottomans
29. _____ Songhai
30. _____ Japanese
31. _____ Chinese
32. _____ Aztecs
33. _____ Incas
34. _____ Mayans
A. God predestines certain people to go to heaven
B. Catholic order that proselytized for all over the world for Catholic church
C. combined Catholic and Protestant to come up with Anglican Church
D. broke away from the Catholic Church because of divorce
E. first to ever break away from Catholic Church, German monk, faith
A. Portugal - brought people together to study navigation
B. his crew was first to circumnavigate the globe
C. Portuguese – first to find water route to Asia
D. wanted to sail west around the world to get to Asia - landed in Caribbean –
thought he was in India
E. first Englishman to sail around the globe
F. Spanish conquistador – conquered Aztecs
G. Spanish Conquistador – conquered Incas
H. French explorer – claimed Canada for France
A. Native American civilization – Yucatan – famous for pyramids
B. set up trading enclaves for foreigners to trade in
C. kicked out foreigners and became isolationists
D. Africans – traded salt and gold
E. Native American civilization – Mexico – corn
F. Muslims – Asia Minor – coffee and ceramics
G. Muslims – ruled India – built Taj Mahal
H. Native American civilization – Peru – Andes Mts. – roads & bridges
Absolute Monarchs
35. _____ Louis XIV
36. _____ Sun King
37. _____ Frederick the Great
38. _____ Peter the Great
Scientific Revolution
39. _____ Copernicus
40. _____ Kepler
41. _____ Gallileo
42. _____ Harvey
43. _____ Newton
Enlightenment/Age of Reason
44. _____ Montesquieu
45. _____ Mozart
46. _____ Voltaire
47. _____ Rousseau
48. _____ Hobbes
49. _____ Locke
50. _____ Jefferson
51. _____ Bach
52. _____ Delacroix
53. _____ Cervantes
A. an absolute ruler of Russia - he wanted to westernize Russia
B. absolute monarch of France - brought a great culture to France - also caused
problems by doing away with the Edict of Nantes – built Versailles
C. absolute ruler of Prussia
D. nickname of Louis XIV
A. German - used math to prove that earth goes around the sun in an ellipse
B. Polish – heliocentric theory - feared the church
C. English - blood circulates through the body
D. Italian - telescope to prove Copernicus right - declared a heretic
E. English - developed calculus and the laws of gravity
A. Spanish – novelist – wrote Don Quixote
B. second great composer of Enlightenment
C. American – wrote Declaration of Independence
D. French - believed in freedom of speech – separation of church and state
E. Austrian - great composer - began composing at age 5
F. English - used natural law – Two Treatises on Gov’t - man has rights and is
generally good – gov’t to protect our rights – influenced Jefferson
G. French – painted Liberty Leading the People and nature scenes
H. French – Social Contract - gov’t is only a contract and not that necessary
I. French - wrote Spirit of the Laws - believed in separation of power
J. English - used natural law to say that people need an absolute monarch
because they are naturally bad - wrote Leviathan
English Civil War, Glorious Revolution, French Revolution, Congress of Vienna. Other Revolutions,
54. _____ William and Mary
A. Puritan - Led English Civil War – then became dictator
55. _____ Napoleon
B. advisor to king of Sardinia – united N. Italy
56. _____ Metternich
C. led slave revolt in Haiti – inspired by the French Rev.
57. _____ Charles I
D. king of England – wants to be absolute – executed after civil war
58. _____ Cromwell
E. guerrilla warfare – united S. Italy with N. Italy
59. _____ Third Estate
F. French absolute ruler – executed in Reign of Terror
60. _____ Louis XVI
G. dictator of France – conquers Europe – spreads Code of Laws
61. _____ Toussaint L’Ouverture H. led revolutions all over Latin America
62. _____ Bolivar
I. Austrian prince - Congress of Vienna – balance of power – kings in power
63. _____ Cavour
J. realpolitik – “blood and iron” – Prussian who created Germany
64. _____ Garibaldi
K. rulers of Eng. after Glorious Revolution - had less power than Parliament
65. _____ Bismarck
L. French poor and middle class – begin revolution at Bastille
Industrial Revolution and Imperialism
66. _____ Whitney
A. steam engine - work now done by machines instead of human power.
67. _____ Watt
B. used US Navy to get Japan to open up to trade
68. _____ Bessemer
C. invented steel. now machines could be made stronger and resistant to fire
69. _____ Smith
D. cotton gin - clean cotton faster - need for slaves grows
70. _____ Jenner
E. made world's first vaccination - small pox
71. _____ Pasteur
F. discovered germs/bacteria
72. _____ Cmdr. Perry
G. Socialism - Communist Manifesto - proletariat to rise up and revolt
73. _____ Karl Marx
H. capitalism and laissez-faire - Wealth of Nations – profits make people work
World War I and Between the Wars
74. _____ Archduke Ferdinand
A. Russian socialist. wanted to spread socialism all over the world. led the
75. _____ Tsar Nicholas II
Bolsheviks. took over Russian gov't in a coup d'etat.
76. _____ Bolsheviks
B. US president WWI
77. _____ Lenin
C. radical socialists led by Lenin.
78. _____ Woodrow Wilson
D. prince of Austria-Hungary – assassinated – spark for WWI
79. _____ Hitler
E. totalitarian leader of Japan
80. _____ Mussolini
F. totalitarian leader of Italy.
81. _____ Stalin
G. totalitarian leader of Germany
82. _____ Tojo
H. totalitarian leader of Soviet Union
I. ruler of Russia in early 1900s – incompetent - overthrown
World War II and Cold War
83. _____FDR
84. _____Truman
85. _____ MacArthur
86. _____ Marshall
87. _____ Eisenhower
88. _____ Churchill
89. _____ Ronald Reagan
90. _____ Mikhail Gorbachev
91. _____ Fidel Castro
A. helped end the Cold War by building up US military.
B. US General – Pacific troops – rebuilt Japan – fought Korean War
C. Communist dictator of Cuba – allowed USSR to put missiles there
D. helped end Cold War by letting his people see the West
E. dropped atomic bomb on Japan – said US will lead fight against communism
F. had plan to rebuild W. Europe after WWII - $13 billion
G. US president during WWII and at Yalta
H. US General – in charge of D-Day – became US president
I. British PM – hated appeasement – at Yalta
Communist Revolutions and Independence Movements
92. _____ Mao
A. led fight against British for independence of his country
93. _____ Chiang
B. led communists in China
94. _____ Ho Chi Minh
C. led communists in Vietnam
95. _____ Gandhi
D. led passive resistance against British in India
96. _____ Kenyatta
E. led nationalists in China – fled to Taiwan after losing