EASTLAKE GOLF CLUB STRATEGIC PLAN 2013 - 2016 Our Vision : To promote excellence in golf and provide fellowship among our members. This will be accomplished by welcoming those who share our core values, our challenging high quality golf course and our modest facilities. To be recognised as the best B Grade course in the state and the "Place to Play" Our Success will be measured by: Exemplary customer service to members and non members Innovation in providing products and services and being proactive to member's needs and industry trends Teamwork - recognising no unit is greater than the sum of all parts. And individual teams working towards a common goal Fellowship - welcoming new members or guests and promoting a friendly and genial atmosphere to ensure high member retention ratios. We will achieve our vision by: To achieve our vision we will focus on four (4) Key Strategies: Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 1 Maintaining and Continually improving our golf course The golf course is our primary asset and its maintenance and improvement is a key priority. Whilst the course has improved significantly in the last 18 months, we must implement a strategic renovation plan if we are to achieve our vision. The first improvement will involve replacing / upgrading our watering system. The current system requires using decoders which are sourced only from the U.K. and which will become obsolete in due time. This will be replaced by a satellite system which is expensive but vital for the Club's longevity (see risk register). The Board of director's will seek ways in which the system can be funded. The implementation of this strategy will involve the renovation and or the building of new tees and greens (possibly) to make the course challenging yet accessible to all golfing standards, as well as creating practice facilities. A major challenge with respect to this strategy is to align the renovations / improvements in such a way as to increase the participation and membership of juniors and lady golfers. The renovations also involve creating and maintaining garden beds to make the course more aesthetically pleasing. Any course renovation will be consistent with our Environmental Management Plan. The Golf Cart Path Master Plan included in this strategy. Refer to the "Golf Cart Path Master Plan" 2 Club House Development We must accept the fact that the Club is not asset rich. And whilst its profit centres are operating profitably we still are not able to obtain the level of funding required to redevelop the current site of the Club House. We must also accept that any Club House redevelopment must incorporate the current foot print of the Club House which incorporates the attached residential premises. Therefore, for the long term (post 2016) a business model needs to be developed in which the Club can enter into a joint venture with developers, other clubs (not necessarily golf orientated) or business partners to assist with the level of funding required for a complete Club redevelopment. This strategic plan addresses refurbishments to the Club rather than structural developments. The items outlined whilst basic, are necessary if not vital. They are aimed at making the Club compliant with building codes as well as making it more family friendly, comfortable and bringing its condition to be more contemporary. These are necessary if we are to compete with other venues for a share in the corporate and social markets. A staged, pragmatic, sensible and prudent refurbishment of the Club House will be in keeping with our vision and will assist significantly to promote fellowship amongst the Club's members. Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 3 Business Development The strategic direction of the Club has been reviewed to include a strong focus on business development. In a very competitive market the Club must substantially grow non golfing revenue leveraging off its excellent golfing product and its attractive location, 20 minutes from Sydney's CBD. In response to changing demographics, consumer needs and industry trends, we must continue to introduce flexible and innovative membership options to attract and retain members. In addition a growth in revenue from corporate bookings, function bookings, social clubs and public golfers will be essential if we are to maintain membership subscriptions at competitive levels. The revenue from these areas will also go towards funding improvements on the golf course and the Club House. The social aspect of the Club needs to be developed so it is more family friendly where people can come in and enjoy social interaction in a relaxed atmosphere. With the building of the new putting / chipping facility we now have a business opportunity to develop the old putting surface into a facility which will go towards enhancing the social aspect the Club House as well as lend itself to corporate and functions bookings. The caterer and the associated contract represents another business opportunity for the Club in which a long term lease may be offered to the right caterer in exchange for developing the bistro and / or the adjoining residence. This development has the potential of introducing an outdoor fresco area as well as restaurant. Other than creating an entrance to the common wall between the kitchen and the residence, there is no other structural work involved. 4 Innovative and Customer Focussed Culture Whilst we recognise that club loyalty is being challenged by the more transient golfer, if we are to achieve our Vision we will need to develop a strong and adaptable culture that promotes innovation, fellowship and exceptional customer service. Through continually our website we will communicate the enthusiasm and passion with which we want to engage our members. We understand there is no quick fix to customer service problems and culture. Organisational culture is a unique and complex combination of club values, beliefs and vision. It influences people behaviour and ultimately business performance. This is why we are bound to a long term commitment to quality that is accepted by everyone in the organisation, top to bottom. We will establish policies that are customer friendly and show and show concern for our customers whilst still being able to enjoy our facilities. We will become a Club which is easy to do business with and be recognised as one of the friendliest in Sydney Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 ANNUAL SCORECARD FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION Course Bar Gaming Membership Administration (expense) Operations Corporate Sponsorship Functions & Corporate Bookings Raffles Catering Vending Machines KPT for 1st Year Actual Year End Budget Year End June 30, 2012 June 30, 2013 -108,540 -59,379 33,327 25,522 202,950 178,541 651,902 714,280 -374,279 -384,661 -486,386 -545,359 15,800 18,000 13,987 2,400 -2,725 -3000 -7,220 -6,600 5,030 5,151 -56,154 -55,105 KPT for 1st Year CASH POSITION Closing Cash Balance MEMBERSHIP Playing Juniors Colts Social Ladies 2 Day Member Holding TOTAL Actual Year End June 30, 2012 581 5 22 115 18 57 47 845 Actual Year End Budget Year End June 30, 2012 June 30, 2013 334,761 330,000 KPT's 12/13 610 10 45 140 20 75 75 975 13/14 625 20 63 180 25 97 83 1093 14/15 650 35 95 225 30 130 91 1256 15/16 670 45 115 260 35 150 100 1375 Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 PLAYER NUMBERS Actual Year End June 30, 2012 18,548 Member's comp 2,813 Visitor's comp 22,170 Social 43,531 TOTAL KPT's 12/13 13/14 21,500 22,500 3,200 3,800 25,500 28,000 50,200 54,300 14/15 23,750 3,900 30,000 57,650 15/16 25,000 4,100 33,000 62,100 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION We will use a customer satisfaction index to measure customer satisfaction. This index has proven to be a parameter that is extremely good with predicting revenue and repeat sales. The measurement of customer satisfaction is mandatory for any service industry such as ours. The periodicity at which at which we actually get the customer satisfaction survey done will be every 6 months. A typical customer satisfaction survey collects information on the level of satisfaction at an overall level, repeat business intention and likelihood to recommend. Customer satisfaction index - This is an aggregate of the overall questions that have been asked in the survey. This can be calculated as a weighted mean or as in index. an index. The parameters we will use to calculate the customer satisfaction index are overall satisfaction, repeat business intention, and likelihood to recommend. Customer Satisfaction CSI KPT Quality of Facilities Overall Satisfaction Repeat Business Intention Likelihood to Recommend Satisfied Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Overall Satisfaction Repeat Business Intention Likelihood to Recommend CSI KPT Satisfied Quality of Golf Course CSI KPT Extremely Satisfied Overall Satisfaction Satisfied Very Satisfied Repeat Business Intention Extremely Satisfied Likelihood to Recommend Very Satisfied PEOPLE KPT's Employee Culture 90% job satisfaction Voluntary turnover 5% or better Time lost Nil time lost through injury Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 KEY OUTCOMES AND OBJECTIVES STRATEGY 1 Maintaining and Continually improving our golf course The golf course is our primary asset and its maintenance and improvement is a key priority. Whilst the course has improved significantly in the last 18 months, we must implement a strategic renovation plan if we are to achieve our vision. The first improvement will involve replacing / upgrading our watering system. The current system requires using decoders which are sourced only from the U.K. and which will become obsolete in due time. This will be replaced by a satellite system which is expensive but vital for the Club's longevity (see risk register). The Board of director's will seek ways in which the system can be funded. The implementation of this strategy will involve the renovation and or the building of new tees and greens (possibly) to make the course challenging yet accessible to all golfing standards, as well as creating practice facilities. A major challenge with respect to this strategy is to align the renovations / improvements in such a way as to increase the participation and membership of juniors and lady golfers. The renovations also involve creating and maintaining garden beds to make the course more aesthetically pleasing. Any course renovation will be consistent with our Environmental Management Plan. The Golf Cart Path Master Plan included in this strategy. Refer to the "Golf Cart Path Master Plan" Key Actions A Installation of a new watering system (see operational risk register) (i) GW to set up meeting with an alternative supplier to TORO so we can compare quotes. (N6) (ii) Board to consider the TORO quote & plan for replacing our watering system. (iii) GM & Super met with TORO and discussed funding and installation arrangements (iv) (v) President, Treasurer and the GM to meet with Westpac to discuss alternative funding arrangements TORO have agreed to finance the system. Total finance is $225K. First payment due 22/08/2013. Work can commence after the April green renovations. Target Timeframe Jul-05 Accountability GM & Board 5/07/1905 GW 29/01/2013 Board, GM & Super 31/01/2013 5/02/2013 27/03/2013 Progress Notes GW reports that after talking to the alternative supplier, the TORO system is our best option and we should proceed. 225,000 (ex GST) Priority 1 The Board have instructed for the GM and Super to meet with TORO and discuss the installation. GM TORO advised they can provide leasing arrangements for the system. It's a 5X5 year lease at 6.99% with a balloon payment of 30% at the end of the period. This can also be financed over a 5 year period. Treasurer Westpac advised the funds are subject to how the system is classified. Namely; if classified as (1) primary we can borrow the funds with no security; if classified as (2) tertiary we will need the equivalent of the balance of the loan in our account. The Treasurer does not think option (2) is viable. GM Cost GM informed the Board about TORO financing the watering system. He also received authorisation from the Board to notify TORO to start installation. Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 Address drainage problem on the 6th and 12th holes. Establish a clear and agreed plan on how to fix the drainage problem. What work can be done in house and what needs to outsourced. Once that is done cost the plan. B C 2013 - 2015 Ensure we have the right mix of course staff. Apprentices, green keepers, groundsmen and casuals. (i) develop a course staff management plan to ensure seasonality demands are met in the most cost effective manner. 2013 Apr 2013 D The M&G to consider the "Cart Path Master Plan" CPMP (attached) (N1) E Replace or build new fences, gates. The main areas are the OOB on the 18th hole and access points on the golf course. The fence and hedge idea has been put on hold. Instead appropriate signs have been erected 2015 - 2016 Mar 2013 2013 GM, Super, M&G Super & GM M&G Committee, GM and Super GM Following the M&G meeting on 13/3/2013 it was agreed the drainage problem on the 12th should be fixed first. The preferred method is to put a drainage pit on the 12th fairway into which ag lines will discharge. We them pump the water into the creeks. This fix requires a combination of 4 things. (1) install ag lines in a similar fashion as we did on the 15th hole; (2) build up the area and contour the topography so that it slopes towards the creeks; (3) dredge the creeks and (4) clear the area behind the 6th green of reeds and unwanted vegetation. On the 18/3/2013 the Super did some exploratory dredging on the pond in front of the ladies 7th tee (1st pond). He discovered a pipe leading to the pond in front of the ladies 12th tee (2nd pond). He unblocked the pipe & discovered the water draining from the 2nd pond into the 1st pond & then into the creek adjacent to the OOB fence on the 7th hole. This proves the flow of water is not what was originally believed & therefore the above remediation strategy has been put on hold until more investigation has been carried out. 2 Conduct interviews for 2 apprentice green keepers to replace 1 full time green keeper 3 The M&G Committee will review the CPMP during their March meeting. Submit their findings to the Board for consideration at the Aril Board meeting Two quotes have been received to erect a fence a fence 1.5M - 2.0M high & between 15M - 20M long. Another option is to plant a hedge where the fence is going to be. 4 Hedge: $4K$5K; Fence $5K-$7K Cost of signs was $1,221 5 Build new tee on the current 2nd hole. Work has commenced on this project but has stalled due to changing priorities and work loads. (N2) F G 2013 - 2014 Super, M&G; GM Renovate and / or create new garden beds. May - ongoing Super & GM 6 This involves the garden bed on the 1st tee and the area on the LHS of the path leading to the Bridge after the 4th hole. Current & Ongoing Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 H I J K Replace course furniture & course signage This to replace rubbish bins, ball washers and add seats as necessary. (N10) Build new practice facilities on the par 3 2nd hole (currently not used). Add more bunkers and reshape surround. Tree removal from the golf course. There are at least 30-40 trees which need to be removed. The cost to remove 1 tree is $1,300. The Super will indentify these trees and work out a plan how they will be removed by 2016 Develop an EGC Bunker Master plan to refurbish bunkers as needed (N12) 2014 - 2016 GM, Super 7 2015 - 2016 M&G Committee, GM and Super 8 2013 - 2016 2013 Super Super, GM, M&G $52,000 between 2013 & 2016) 9 10 Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 (i) M&G to meet and indentify which bunkers need work and what sort of work does involve. Nathan to obtain costs for the work. 2013 M&G, Super & GM (ii) Have 1st draft ready to show the Board 2013 M&G (iii) Prioritise the work 2013 M&G , Board L Complete the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) 2013 Super, GM & SW M Renovate the 11th tee 2015 - 2016 N Extend the current cart shed to hold 6 extra carts. Also extend the current work shed create more room for extra machinery and storage. 2013 - 2014 O N1: N6: N2: N10: N12: Eradicate the Lantana plants on the golf course. These are a noxious weed. The 1st part of the process will involve the area along the LHS of the 8th hole. 2013 11 12 Super; M&G; GM Super, GM Super 13 This work was scheduled to start late in the year and it involved contractors bulldozing the plants. A new strategy to eradicate the Lantana has been put forward by the Super which involves poisoning the weed over a 3 month period and then crushing the dead plants using an excavator. The process may take longer but it is cheaper as it will be done in house. Current & Ongoing Whilst the Board may approve The Cart Path Master Plan its implementation is still subject to where it sits within the priority scale which encompasses the entire organisation. The completion of the plan is also subject to Sydney Water supplying crushed sandstone material gratis. The plan spans a 5 year period. See attached quote and proposal Building this tee will alleviate the small WH&S problem which exists with the current tee in its present position. It also gives an opportunity to beautify the area which is currently made up of rubble, large boulders and green waste. The signs will be new with a graphic of the hole showing bunkers and hazards. The seats, rubbish bins and ball washers will be replaced as required. EGC bunkers are in need of a renovation and / or reconstruction. The Bunker Master Plan addresses the complete renovation / reconstruction of all our bunkers. The Plan will span the entire period of this Strategic Plan. Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 STRATEGY 2 Club House Development We must accept the fact that the Club is not asset rich. And whilst its profit centres are operating profitably we still are not able to obtain the level of funding required to redevelop the current site of the Club House. We must also accept that any Club House redevelopment must incorporate the current foot print of the Club House which incorporates the attached residential premises. Therefore, for the long term (post 2016) a business model needs to be developed in which the Club can enter into a joint venture with developers, other clubs (not necessarily golf orientated) or business partners to assist with the level of funding required for a complete Club redevelopment. This strategic plan addresses refurbishments to the Club rather than structural developments. The items outlined whilst basic, are necessary if not vital. They are aimed at making the Club compliant with building codes as well as making it more family friendly, comfortable and bringing its condition to be more contemporary. These are necessary if we are to compete with other venues for a share in the corporate and social markets. A staged, pragmatic, sensible and prudent refurbishment of the Club House will be in keeping with our vision and will assist significantly to promote fellowship amongst the Club's members. Key Actions A Develop the old practice putting facility to something new. The Board to develop and consider options for this area. B Build new cool room (N7) (see operational risk register) (i) create new cool room whilst the old is being demolished and a new is being built (ii) (ii) Target 2013 Accountability Cost Priority Board and GM 2014 - 2015 install new and / or extra beer lines renovate existing bar area C Paint ceiling in the Club house Feb - Mar 2013 GM & Golf Ops D Replace current honour boards with clear Perspex ones Jul - Aug 2013 GM Paint the internal walls of the Club House E Sept - Oct 2013 GM & Golf Ops Make progressive improvements to the Club House on a cost effective basis and within an agreed budget to increase the appeal and comfort. G Progress Notes Progressive throughout 2013 - 2016 subject to Board approval This project has been completed courtesy of member Dominic Loughlan and his painting company Clearer 3,600 Definition. The was done gratis. EGC paid for the materials only. Complete GM is getting quotes and will present to the Board for approval This project has been completed courtesy of member The cost is Dominic Loughlan and his painting company Clearer included in C Definition. The was done gratis. EGC paid for the above materials only. Complete GM Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 H Car Park Development 2014 - 2015 (i) Engage a surveyor to get car park surveyed and indentify with the view of maximising car spaces. Indentify possible garden beds, new rubbish bin compound, loading bays ingress and egress signage. 31/01/2013 JK Surveyor to present concept car park layout 22/02/2013 JK 27/02/2013 JK Install a CCTV System for the Club House, & green keeper's compound. A quotation has been received (hard copy only) & will be given to the Board for consideration. (N8) 2015 - 2016 GM J K Build new rubbish compound (N9) 2013 - 2014 Install new electrical switchboard (N11) 2013 - 2014 (i) obtain quotes to replace switchboard and upgrade all circuits (ii) Present plan to Board for approval (iii) I (ii) Complete the installation JK presented the survey however, the Board decided this is low priority project. $1,375 $16K GM, Super $4.5K 27/03/2013 GM 2013 - 2014 GM 1st quote has been received from member John Ruane. More quotes are forthcoming. $10.5K N7: The current cool room has insulation problems which at the moment are under control. However, there is no guarantee how long the room will remain effective in terms of cooling. This Action should be placed in our risk register and note that the cool room needs to be replaced December 2014. N8: This can be a staged project. The first stage is buying a 16 channel DVR which will future proof the system to 2015 and beyond. The cost for the DVR is $6,000. We would also need a minimum of 2 cameras for a total cost of $2,000. This will secure the Club House particularly around the safe and bar area. N9: The site for the rubbish compound is where the current Life Member parking spots are. Once the compound has been built these 2 car spaces will be relocated to where the rubbish bins are currently located. The entire work can be done in house. N11: The current switchboard is very antiquated, it is full and we can not add new circuits. The Club house has one main switchboard and 2 others which feed from it, all of which are full. We have many electrical circuits running in parallel with no capability of expanding. Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 STRATEGY 3 Business Development The strategic direction of the Club has been reviewed to include a strong focus on business development. In a very competitive market the Club must substantially grow non golfing revenue leveraging off its excellent golfing product and its attractive location, 20 minutes from Sydney's CBD. In response to changing demographics, consumer needs and industry trends, we must continue to introduce flexible and innovative membership options to attract and retain members. In addition a growth in revenue from corporate bookings, function bookings, social clubs and public golfers will be essential if we are to maintain membership subscriptions at competitive levels. The revenue from these areas will also go towards funding improvements on the golf course and the Club House. The social aspect of the Club needs to be developed so it is more family friendly where people can come in and enjoy social interaction in a relaxed atmosphere. With the building of the new putting / chipping facility we now have a business opportunity to develop the old putting surface into a facility which will go towards enhancing the social aspect the Club House as well as lend itself to corporate and functions bookings. The caterer and the associated contract represents another business opportunity for the Club in which a long term lease may be offered to the right caterer in exchange for developing the bistro and / or the adjoining residence. This development has the potential of introducing an outdoor fresco area as well as restaurant. Other than creating an entrance to the common wall between the kitchen and the residence, there is no other structural work involved. Key Actions A Constitutional Changes (i) Constitutional Committee (GC, MG, GM) to review the Constitution and make changes to make the document a little more contemporary and incorporate new changes. (N4) (ii) (iii) (iv) Review Board structure. The Executive to consist of President, Club Captain and Treasurer. The VP is to be elected from the Board by the Board. The election of the Board is to be either a biennial election or a triennial election. GM to seek legal advice and advice from Clubs NSW to see how one of these election processes cam be implemented. The Board feels if this strategic plan is to succeed there needs to continuity of service from the current Board. (N5) GM to notify Pigott and Stinson of the Boards decision and request a draft special resolution and letter of notice which can be sent to the members. The Board to set a date for the Extraordinary AGM Target Accountability 27/02/2013 GM Cost Priority Changes have been made and GM to edit current constitution to incorporate the changes The GM sought legal advice from Pigott and Stinson as well Club's NSW. Both reported that to adopt the triennial election process the triennial rule needs to be adopted. This means in the 1st year members will vote for a Pres.; Captain and Treasurer as well as 6 directors. These names will go into a ballot. The 1st 3 names drawn will serve office for 1 year; the next three names drawn will serve office for 2 years and the next three banes drawn will serve office for 3 years. However this system does not guarantee the executive will serve for 3 years. Consequently the biennial election process will adopted. 24/04/2013 GM has emailed Pigott and Stinson and asked for a draft special resolution and letter notice document. 11/03/2013 27/02/2013 Progress Notes Board The date for the Extraordinary AGM is set for May 1, 2013 Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 (v) B C D (i) (ii) GM to write a letter and broadcast it to the membership. This letter will include this strategic plan, changes to the constitution, the new election process for the board and other news relating to membership fees. Develop a lady, Colt and Junior Recruitment Program Develop a marketing campaign to increase corporate and Function business. Apr-13 2013 2013 - 2014 Adopt a business model to maximise revenue on Sundays. 2013 review cancellation policy 2013 Review document "Maximise Revenue on Sunday" (attached) written by GM and comment E Develop a marketing strategy to increase social members to meet KPT's as outlined in the Annual Score card F Implement a cost control strategy across all cost centres paying particular attention to bar rosters. G Develop membership retention and attraction strategies to meet KPT's as outlined in the annual score card. GM TK, GM, M&G, Golf Ops GM & Golf Ops M&G 27/02/2013 Board 2013 - 2016 GM & Golf Ops 01/02/2013 ongoing GM & Golf Ops 2013 - 2016 GM & Golf Ops The Board have unanimously agreed that member tee times on Sunday be from 6:30am (during daylight saving) and for 3 hours. (9:30am) The start time will change to coincide with daylight but the total hours will remain 3 hours. The next hour will be for social club booking only. Then there will be another 30 minutes of member times. Ne w bar roster has been developed and will be implemented 8/4/2013 Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 H Board to review catering contract (see attached document) and submitting it to the catering contractor for initial comment 2013 GM and Board (i) receive comments from contractor and present same to Board 2013 Contractor & GM (ii) Board to consider contractors comments and finalise Contract, ready for signing 2013 GM and Board I J Replace current management system (Micropower) with a new one. One quote has been received from Golf Management System (see attached). Another system worth consideration is MiClub. (N7) Replace current server, upgrade and or buy new PC's, kiosk (see operational risk register) 27/02/2013 2013 - 2014 GM to meet with current IT support and discuss the issues (i) Board and GM GM, Accounts and Golfops $10K - $12K GM and Secom Technology 12/02/2013 GM met with member George Kolistasi who is involved with IT (ii) (ii) N4: N5: N7: 20/02/2013 The Board has considered the new software however, before replacing Micropower consideration will be given to what extent this need will be affected with the installation of new server. GM & G. Kolistasi Secom have advised the current server has gone past its used by date. It was installed in 2003. One main issue which needs to be addressed is the speed of the kiosk during the tee draw and member's gaining access to the timesheets after 9:00pm One quote has been received. George has done an audit of our systems and reports and agrees that our server is due to be replaced. However, he does not agree on the size or capacity of the one suggested by Secom. Furthermore he has $3,588 p.a ascertained our Friday night problems are due to our +$1,099 one small "upload" capabilities rather then our download capabilities. To fix this problem we need to migrate our off set up costs. service to EFM (Ethernet in the First Mile) which will ensure we will have symmetrical speed both up and down to buy more upload capabilities. GM presented G. Kolistasi's findings to the Board. Consequently the Items J and I of this plan will have to be reviewed. Club NSW is recommending that Clubs adopt a 2 or 3 year term for Board members. This is to ensure that strategic plans put forward will have enough processes put in place to ensure their completion. Whilst it is not mandatory to get the document ratified by a solicitor it is prudent to do so and highly recommended by our auditors and Clubs NSW. The current software (Micropower) is becoming increasingly problematic. From a user interface is slow and inefficient. The pro shop POS uses 2 terminals for bookings and “walk ins” do not get registered on the booking sheets. The supplier of the new software has indicated that the payment of the software can be made over a 2-3 year period. Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 STRATEGY 4 Innovative and Customer Focussed Culture Whilst we recognise that club loyalty is being challenged by the more transient golfer, if we are to achieve our Vision we will need to develop a strong and adaptable culture that promotes innovation, fellowship and exceptional customer service. Through continually our website we will communicate the enthusiasm and passion with which we want to engage our members. We understand there is no quick fix to customer service problems and culture. Organisational culture is a unique and complex combination of club values, beliefs and vision. It influences people behaviour and ultimately business performance. This is why we are bound to a long term commitment to quality that is accepted by everyone in the organisation, top to bottom. We will establish policies that are customer friendly and show and show concern for our customers whilst still being able to enjoy our facilities. We will become a Club which is easy to do business with and be recognised as one of the friendliest in Sydney Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013 Key Actions Target Accountability A New survey to be developed in April 2013. Analyse findings of customer surveys. Jun - Jul 2013 GM (i) Publish findings to the members May -Jun 2013 GM B Develop cultural standards & targets. Monthly meetings scheduled, one team one message, cross skill; focus on customer and growth opportunities; offer continual training to all staff. Ongoing GM Ongoing GM C Indentify learning & development needs and deliver training programmes across all staff. The focus will be on customer service delivery not withstanding the training and learning needs of green keeping staff. D Effectively manage performance by providing constructive feedback, coaching and direction to all staff (see attached Performance document) Ongoing GM E Continually evaluate the performance of our website and seek ways to Ongoing improve communications with our members. GM F Review policies and procedures with respect to customer service and where necessary adopt more friendly ones focusing on service delivery Ongoing to be in line with the Club's culture. GM and staff G Recruit new staff (if necessary) on a part time or semi casual basis to establish uniformity in customer service delivery as well as a more cost Ongoing effective roster. GM Golf ops Progress Notes Cost Priority Written by George Kozis 10/1/2013
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