2013-18 Business Plan UK Shared Business Services Ltd Published June 2013 Contents IIntroduction 3 II Executive Summary 6 1 Purpose of the plan 13 2 Context and Governance 14 3 Financial Information 21 4 Performance Metrics 23 5 Service Lines 26 6 Enabling and Supporting Strategies 30 7 Social and Environmental Policy 47 8Conclusion 48 Introduction: Geared for Growth in the Service of our Customers The challenges facing UK public services call for ambitious plans to increase efficiency, improve service quality, and reduce expenditure. This business plan for our re-named Company gives effect to that ambition for a wide range of business services for the Research Councils, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and its other partner organisations, and for an increasing range of additional clients. Across 2012/13 the Company grew in turnover from £44.7M. to £55.2M. as we took on new clients and developed the business. Within that growth we: • Reduced the Research Councils’ ‘back office’ charges from £32M. to £31.3M. • Saved £33M. for the Research Councils in verified procurement benefits, being greater than the entire cost of the services we provided to them • Increased the number of SLA targets to over 90% met • Grew our clients from 7 to 22 (this will likely grow by a further 10 in 2013/14) • Grew our customer user base from 11,000 to 18,000 and will likely expand to 23,000+ in 2013/14 • Were independently judged to be the best performing shared services centre in government • Became a multi-site centre 2012/13 was also the year in which our service was fully stabilised and service quality was enhanced, most notably through 20 successfully implemented Business Improvement Projects. We took on Phase 1 of the BIS Shared Services Programme, and also BIS Procurement through an agreement to provide cross government capacity and capability, and we signed a strategic MOU with the Government Procurement Service to deliver on two major procurement categories (construction and research) across Government. As the year ended we reconstructed the Company’s governance and ownership to better reflect our business intentions and mission, and to ensure that our governance is flexible and scalable, and encourages employee participation and involvement. We also strengthened our executive capacity, including creating Directorate teams for our newest business services of Transition and Property Asset Management. In short, across all major dimensions of the business we are now geared for growth. But what does that mean for our owners and customers, and for the Company and its employees? The Year Ahead: The business fundamentals for 2013/14 are as follows: • Overall we expect to grow revenues from service charges to £38.0M. (2012/13: £35.1M.). We expect our core employee base to grow from 740 as at April 2012 to an average of 870 in 2013/14 – reflecting the increasing scale and scope of the Company’s activities during both 2012/13 and 2013/14, but also reflecting greater resource efficiency. In line with Government Policy, any increase in employee numbers will be based on a clear and compelling business case. • In procurement we will deliver £80M. (2012/13: £32M.) of validated savings, including £36M. to the Research Councils (again more than the entire cost of the services provided to them by the Company) • In property asset management we expect to establish the function fully and firmly within the Company, and make significant inroads to a target of £100M. in year on year savings 3 • In ICT we will extend the Direct ICT Services (managed services such as desktop and hosting) to new clients, generating savings to clients greater than £5M. pa • In HR and finance we will focus on continual process improvement including emphasis on innovation, standardisation, simplification and automation. In 2013/14 this will reduce the cost per customer of standard transactional services by some 16% compared to 2012/13, in-line with Cabinet Office targets • In grants we will ensure the unique end to end service remains as a core offering to our customers and continue to administer research grant awards in excess of £2.4bn, in accordance with our customers’ needs and in light of a current review. This Busines Plan also sets the course for UK SBS to be a leading player in grants delivery across government • In transitioning we will build on our experience of moving the first BIS Partner Organisations to our services, and develop a flexible and professional delivery mechanism which can ultimately be offered as a new business service to others. By the end of 2013/14 this delivery mechanism will have supported a 28% increase in the number of UK SBS users • We expect to appoint one or more strategic partners from the private sector to strengthen our transition capability and enable us to address new markets and wider challenges for our services • We will strengthen our focus on our people and ensure our organisational development drives our ambition to become a ‘great place to work’ • We will maximise the value add we provide to our clients – procurement and estates alone are set to deliver £100M. value to clients during 2013/14 2013/14 will be a year of transformation to a fully-fledged business services Company that partners with our clients, offering broad services with high impact to help deliver Government strategy on economy, efficiency and reform. Whilst we will expand our service lines and client base, we will equally strengthen the value and service proposition for our existing clients. We will improve efficiency, economy and quality (these are not mutually exclusive) in the services we already provide, and also provide new services further up the value chain where that serves their missions and business objectives. Business model: Although an independent legal entity, the Company is a mutual service provider, owned and controlled by its clients, and also includes specific provision for employee participation in its ownership. We charge our clients the full cost to serve, including in-year investment needs, and no more. Our business model is focussed on developing a wide range of high quality and efficient business services to Central Government and its partners, especially BIS, and to other public entities. All clients will participate in the Company’s client governance arrangements, and if they are themselves separate legal entities they will also where appropriate share in the ownership and direction of the Company. This gives effect to the ‘Teckal’ opportunities within the European procurement regime for public bodies which is at the heart of our business model. We aim to grow both turnover and the range of business services we provide in a managed and measured way. A cardinal principle of all our business growth is that it improves the efficiency, quality, effectiveness, and economy of the services a client takes, or an optional combination thereof. This starts with a rigorous and specific business case, translates into demanding SLA targets, and is then transparently monitored against published private and public sector benchmarks. We operate in the public interest but are held to providing commercially competitive services by the knowledge that our clients are free to take their services from the open market. 4 The Period 2014-2018: Across the remainder of the business plan period we will continue to improve services, reduce unit costs, and grow both revenues and service range. The full business plan which follows sets out our current projections in these respects. However there are two important themes which may influence these projections. First, our recent experience has been of strong and developing demand for our current service by potential new clients, and for the Company to take on or develop new lines of business. The pace has been very fast, reflecting the scale and the urgency of the challenge faced by UK public services. For example, the new Property Asset Management Directorate of the Company moved from initial thoughts to Board approval of the Business Case and initial implementation in less than five months. We expect this pace to continue. However we are aware of the risks associated with such pace and are consciously taking a careful approach to implementation. Secondly, the Company’s services and their development need to be seen in the wider context of Government Shared Services policy. We are keen partners with the Cabinet Office across a number of key areas of activity. Part of the Company’s service provision (primarily certain of the transactional services we offer) relate to the Cabinet Office initiative known as ‘ISSC2’ and subject to a positive business case we expect to commit the relevant part of our business activity (some 15% volume of ‘in scope’ transactional services) to that enterprise. The business plan: Our overall objective is to optimise our impact as a valued partner to UK public service in facing daunting service and financial challenges. This final version of the UK SBS business plan 2013/18 has been prepared jointly by the Board and the Senior Executive, and it reflects our shared ambition for the Company of gearing it for growth in the service of our customers. It has been approved by our Shareholders. It includes amendments from earlier drafts to relect all the comments they made; which we will give full effect to in implementing the plan. Dr Clive Grace OBE Chair Jonathan Preece Chief Executive 5 Executive Summary This business plan marks a new direction for RCUK Shared Services Centre Limited as it transforms into a provider of shared business services and re-names as UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS) Up until 2012, the Company has successfully focused on building business processes, systems and services to support its Research Council stakeholders. The Company currently provides a wide range of business services, in addition to transaction processing, and has the capacity and intent to develop these further, and to a wider cross-Government client base. In addition, over the past 12 months the Company has implemented a number of changes to its corporate governance arrangements that provide a suitable and strong platform to allow growth. The Company is taking this opportunity to signal its uniqueness and new direction reflected in the change in name to UK Shared Business Services Ltd. UK SBS is uniquely positioned as an entity to complement Government strategy for shared services and this business plan aligns with the Government efficiency and reform agenda The Cabinet Office efficiency and reform agenda is focused on delivering high volume transaction processing across multiple Government departments through a single shared service entity (ISSC2) under the Next Generation Shared Services programme (NGSS) published in December 2012. The Cabinet Office has published an invitation to tender in the OJEU and the Company’s transaction volumes have been included within the OJEU notice. The volumes ‘in scope’ represent approximately 15% of the Company’s activities and the outcome will be subject to a full business case. The Company recognises that it can differentiate itself from other Government-wide shared service providers of transaction based services because of the wider selection of business services that it currently provides and that has the potential to provide. There is further opportunity to develop the emergence of the business services engine to provide integrated cross-Government services beyond and complementary to the transactional nature of the entity (ISSC2) identified in the NGSS programme. Given the developing nature of the Cabinet Office Next Generation Shared Services Strategy (ISSC2) at the time of publication of the UK SBS business plan, ongoing detailed consideration will be given to relationships with the company and its existing clients at the appropriate juncture. During the lifetime of the plan the Company will become recognised as leading the Government agenda in procurement, grants and property asset management. Over the life of this business plan UK SBS will substantially grow its procurement, property asset management, ICT, HR and Finance, and Grants offerings to add value to client businesses UK SBS provides a range of services broader than straight forward transactional processing; in this way it differs from the NGSS programme. UK SBS will seek to grow its services in both existing core transactional services along with growing and developing business services, in a measured and carefully managed way. In transactional services the Company will focus on delivering services at a lower cost and more efficiently to a greater number of customers. 6 Over the life of this plan: • The number of users primarily as a result of BIS Phase 1 and 2 business cases will grow from 23,000 to 35,000 by 2015/16. By 2018 the number of users is expected to grow further to 50,000 • The cost of a payslip will reduce from the current level of £3.00 to £1.90 by 2015/16 and £1.70 by 2017/18 • The cost of an accounts payable invoice will reduce from the current level of £3.87 to £2.70 by 2015/16 and £2.50 by 2017/18 • By 2015/16 all but one of the 16 performance metrics will be achieving upper quartile performance. By 2018 all performance metrics will be in the upper quartile Core business services that will deliver growth The specific service lines currently leading change and influencing strategy have ambitions in the following areas: Procurement • UK SBS will become a central vehicle for cross Government procurement, increasing its capability from 68-150 over the business plan period and delivering an average 8% savings per annum. The estimated rate of return ration increases from £13 per £1 cost to £58 over the course of the plan period. The function will make Newport a second procurement centre • By 2015/16 the procurement service will be delivering the service for 34 client organisations, this is compared to 20 organisations and 68 heads in 2013/14 • By 2015 90% of the people working in procurement will be qualified as members of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. Currently this is 44% Property asset management • Rationalising the BIS property portfolio to deliver major cost reductions to the BIS administrative budget of £100M. by the end of the spending review • By 2015/16 the number of offices under management will be rationalised from 192 to 70 • Space per person in the offices under management will drop from 13.8 m2 to 10 m2 by 2015/16 • The service will seek to grow across BIS and the wider public sector ICT • The Central Government strategy on consolidation and sharing of ICT services offers an opportunity to expand the currently provided service already shared between current clients • The business plan builds the ICT offering initially within the BIS estate, but in conjunction with Cabinet Office, with a view to providing a wider, cross-Government offering • By 2015/16 the Company will be providing Direct IT Services to 20,000 users and 30,000 users by 2018. This is compared to 2,300 users in 2012/13 • By providing Direct IT Services to BIS UK SBS will generate savings in excess of £5M. per annum 7 HR and finance • UK SBS is well positioned to lead and develop innovative propositions for unique business services currently within the capability of the Company but not offered across Government for example, specialist immigration and VAT tax advisory service lines • Other service lines such as training, direct sourcing, headhunting, and financial technical updates will be developed Grants • Utilising the Company’s unique grants offering to lead the Government strategic agenda for grants growth In addition to the services outlined above, the Company will look to develop services in transition, programme and portfolio management to provide growth from new and existing clients. UK SBS’s growth will be underpinned by a fundamental increase in operational effectiveness of its service offerings. The Company will focus on continual process improvement including emphasis on innovation, standardisation, simplification and automation of processes through the implementation of a formalised continuous improvement programme and a technology investment programme that will bring its costs to serve broadly into line with Cabinet Office targets and upper quartile performance benchmarks. This will be underpinned by supporting and enabling strategies. As a cost recovery company UK SBS’s revenue will grow from £55M to £79M over the life of the plan. In addition, the Company will deliver value back to the taxpayer of in excess of £1.5BN through client savings. The ambitious growth plan of the Company is reflected through the increase in income from £55M to £79M over the life of the plan. The growth in budgeted revenues will be created through the increase in number of services offered alongside attracting new clients to use UK SBS services. This is not growth for growth’s sake. It will either lead to reduced unit costs, or to the provision of additional services on a value for money basis. UK SBS will deliver value back to the taxpayer in excess of £1.5BN during this plan, through the contribution to procurement, property asset management, and IT savings. What is the Shared Business Service (SBS), how does it differ from the Shared Service Centre (SSC), and why should the Company make the change? • UK SBS will offer a wide portfolio of corporate business services, including transaction processing, which will enable clients to focus on the management and development of their own core business • UK SBS will work with its clients to enable their core business strategies, and in doing this UK SBS will add value to clients and reduce unit costs. The increased revenue for the Company will reflect greater value for our clients • UK SBS will invest in skills and capabilities which are needed to fulfil client business opportunities and its growth aspirations 8 • RCUK SSC Limited provided a high volume, transaction focused service supporting the Research Councils, which drove efficiencies from standardisation, together with a BIS-wide procurement service offering driving value from savings. The service offering and client base of the Company now and in the future will be much broader than this • There has been a shift in Government policy which has changed the emphasis of transaction service delivery to a very few large scale shared service centres. The consequence of this policy will limit the opportunity for growth in the transaction services market place • Therefore, to ensure continued growth and revenue generation, new and existing lines of business across the corporate business spectrum, initially within BIS and subsequently across Government, are being pursued by UK SBS, and these are identified in this business plan • The Company is well positioned to take advantage of these other opportunities, within Government and beyond BIS, which will offer growth complementing the Company’s current offering What is the opportunity? Across Government, the landscape and appetite for consolidation of professional services is changing, particularly in sectors such as Central Government, Education and Healthcare, and smaller public entities, all of who are living with budget constraints and facing the same efficiency and value-for-money challenges. This is driving their need to seek efficiencies using different and competitive solutions. The Company’s service lines support and will further enhance the delivery of key Government strategies which enable economic growth and deliver efficiencies supporting deficit reduction. UK SBS is well-placed as the leading provider of business services within the public sector and offers an attractive proposition to Central Government. Key factors that contribute to the Company’s unique position include: • Being a company operating in a commercial manner whilst being part of and serving exclusively the public sector • Providing a service complementary to Cabinet Office policy • Breadth and depth of professional business services offered • Quality and value focussed professional service lines • Proven track record of diverse benefits delivery • Provision of commercial and customer focussed solutions • Effective integration of new customers into the business • Deep understanding of the UK public sector including specialist knowledge of the public sector scientific market place 9 The breadth of the Company’s service is the key differentiator and is highly attractive to organisations seeking new and innovative ways to offer improved quality of service alongside reduced cost. The Company is ideally placed to capture this and additional appetite for new business solutions and this business plan includes plans to grow professional service lines in these markets. As identified above, UK SBS has an ambitious growth plan with the number of users set to grow to 35,000 by 2015/16. To support the delivery of this ambitious growth plan, UK SBS has created a Transition Directorate. The future vision of the Transition Directorate is that of a centre of excellence for portfolio, programme and project management that partners new clients on their journey to new or existing service offerings. A critical success factor of this Directorate will be the ability to deliver the Growth Strategy in a way that is aligned to new clients’ needs whilst upholding the integrity of the service to the existing client base. The Company has developed both enabling and supporting strategies to match the ambition of the plan The company has developed a set of enabling and supporting strategies to match the ambition of the plan. There is an important distinction between the two sets of strategies: • Enabling strategies cut across all aspects of the Company and provide the necessary capability to deliver the plan • The supporting strategies have each been developed to achieve one of the goals of the organisation The enabling strategies are as follows: • Technology Strategy – the success of the Company now and in the future will be ensuring the best use is made of existing technology assets and innovatively viewing the emerging technology landscape to add value to clients and UK SBS • Communications Strategy – communications will be clear and easy to understand; designed with the intended user in mind and with an understanding of their needs, interests and likely reaction. Stakeholders will be informed of progress and activities through an innovative use of channel mix • Transition Strategy – the delivery of portfolio, programme and project management, transformation and technical solutions will ensure that the Company transitions and integrates new services and clients effectively and with repeatable and scalable approaches • 10 Governance Strategy – strong and appropriate governance and ownership arrangements will provide the Company with an engine for growth and support the Company ambition to be an effective, commercially run organisation rooted in the public sector. The supporting strategies are as follows: • Continuous Improvement and Innovation – delivering cost effective and value for money services - continuous improvement will be embedded across the Company specifically concentrating on process improvement and automation • Customers – continually improving customer satisfaction with services they receive - the customer need will feature across all activities conducted across the Company, this includes - Gaining a deep understanding of customer needs - Building a culture where there is a focus on the customer’s needs and expectations - Providing timely and accurate information - Delivering high quality services • Growth – growing for sustainability and efficiency - the Growth Strategy has been developed to take forward a partnership model that allows client businesses to flourish but also allows UK SBS to mature and grow at the same time. The approach to growth will be strictly in line with the Company’s ownership model and maintenance of the Teckal exemption • Organisational Development – making UK SBS a great place to work - the Organisational Development Strategy ensures that the appropriate structures, capability and operating environment are fit for the new strategic purpose as the Company focus turns to establishing a business service model. It is also the intention to reward good performance and as such the Company will develop rewards for the leaders and other people employed by the Company Further consideration will be given to the enabling and supporting strategies to ensure explicit potential within each business area is recognised specifically transactional services, professional business support services and IT infrastructure systems. This will fit within the overall business model and ambition set out within this plan. Under the supporting and enabling strategies we will ensure all current and proposed activity is included prior to implementation with specific regard to observations made by shareholders. 11 Risks and Opportunities Key business risks and opportunities will be considered throughout the implementation of the Plan. UK SBS – Leading shared business services in the public sector This business plan has been created for the five-year period from 2013/14 to 2017/18. While the majority of the key initiatives identified in this plan relate to the three years to 2015/16, the effort put into these initiatives will build capability and capacity for the future and guide the Company’s needs after this point. In a rapidly changing operating environment, the Company will need to demonstrate flexibility while achieving the core aims of the strategy set out in this plan. By 2018, the Company will have reached maturity and be demonstrating the following characteristics: • Cost efficiency levels and service benefits which are competitive with the open markets • Be established as a business partner for a wide ranging client base • Be a centre of excellence for collaborative Government procurement and leading category management across a wide range of products and services • Provide a range of professional services to clients that add value to their organisations • Be the leading provider of grants provision in the UK public sector • Be recognised as an employer of choice • Maintain position and status of being in the Top 30 Companies to work for in the not-for-profit sector This business plan clearly outlines and articulates the vision and goals of the Company and how these will be achieved. The programme of initiatives that has been identified will place UK SBS at the forefront of the public sector shared services agenda and provides a stable platform for growth and efficiency. 12 1 Purpose of the plan This plan has been created to fulfil the following requirements: • Present the business and financial plans for the 2013 to 2018 period to the shareholders for approval and agreement, and to other stakeholders for their comment • Inform employees, stakeholders (including owners and clients) and the public of the Company’s objectives and plans • Set out clear, specific business objectives across the Company so that successful delivery of the vision and goals can be measured and demonstrated over the life of the plan • Present the first active steps to support the delivery of this ambitious agenda for growth through changes in the operating model and skill base of the Company • Responds to changes in the operating environment This plan draws from an extensive range of more detailed service delivery, financial, functional, resource, transition and change and technical plans. 13 2 This business plan marks a new direction for RCUK Shared Services Centre Limited as it transforms into a provider of shared business services and re-names as UK Shared Business Services Limited Up until 2012, the Company has successfully focused on building business processes, systems and services to support its Research Council stakeholders. The Company currently provides a wide range of business services, in addition to transaction processing, and has the capacity and intent to develop these further, and to a wider cross-Government client base. In additional, over the past 12 months the Company has implemented a number of changes to its corporate governance arrangements that provide a suitable and strong platform to allow growth. The Company is unique as it is a commercially run company, working in and for the UK public sector. The Company is taking this opportunity to signal its uniqueness and new direction reflected in the change in name to UK Shared Business Services Ltd. 2.1 Throughout its life, UK SBS has had to innovate UK SBS has constantly evolved and developed since it was established in 2007. It has a continuous history of innovation, even with its structure, as it was one of the first limited companies in the public sector to marry a commercial model with public service values. Research Councils UK decide to set up a shared service centre RCUK Shared Services Centre Ltd incorporated Launch first live system based service – HR for EPSRC Aug 2007 2006 May 2011 June 2009 The Company starts to deliver strategic procurement services to Research Councils BIS announce that the Company is the preferred option for shared services within BIS Payroll team wins “Payroll World Team of the Year 2011’ May 2008 November 2011 Change of name to become UK SBS Ltd April 2013 Grants Service goes live for remaining Research Councils and the Company becomes fully operational April 2011 September 2011 Jonathan Preece arrives as CEO replacing Peter Telford Source: PA Consulting Group for UK SBS 14 November 2012 August 2012 The Company Starts delivering procurement services to BIS The Company becomes multi-site with offices in Newport, Cardiff and Billingham Core BIS and several Partner Organisations start to receive services 2.2 The Company has built a stable and robust platform for growth The Company has made significant progress in the past 12 months in achieving the targets set in the previous business plan, achieving stabilisation for the services provided, and delivering the first of many benefits linked to the wide-scale BIS shared services and procurement modernisation programmes. As a result, the Company has a solid foundation for achieving the vision and goals developed in this plan. 2.3 The ownership structure gives the Company operational independence and confers collective shareholder control The ownership structure and function of the Company is underpinned by a Shareholder Agreement signed by all current owners, which amongst other things ensures the Company’s degree of independence from Government and emphasises collective control including ensuring owners agreement to selection of the Board and annual business plans and budgets. The establishment of an employee engagement vehicle allows employee participation in the Company ownership. The current ownership model of the Company is as follows: 2.4 The governance structures that have been put in place will allow UK SBS to achieve the ambition of the plan Having the right structures in place will become increasingly important as the Company enters what is, in essence, a period of transformation. Over recent months, a specific programme has been implemented to ensure that an appropriate scalable ownership and governance model is in place to secure the delivery of real benefits and become the engine for growth. To this end, an ownership and governance model for the Company has been developed which is fit for the future and can accommodate the ambitions and objectives that were developed in bringing together this business plan. The model developed therefore: 15 • Takes account of the independent status conferred by being a limited company which is wholly owned and controlled by, and operating within, the public sector • Protects the Company’s Teckal status and allows the provision of services to other public bodies within the Teckal exemption. This will enable the Company to provide services that are consistent with the requirements of European procurement law • Allows growth in accordance with the ambitions of the business plan • Reflects the complex operating environment • Provides clarity of accountabilities and responsibilities supported by memoranda of understanding • Enables the views of the employees to be canvassed, consolidated and communicated through an employee engagement vehicle • Covers all legal fundamentals • Is underpinned by the establishment of a VAT cost sharing group to enable the VAT liability for customers to be minimised and ensure a greater recovery of VAT incurred by UK SBS linking to lower charges for customers. 2.5 The governance and ownership structures reflect the goals and mutual benefit of UK SBS ‘membership’ Mutual benefit is a key theme for how the UK SBS has and will be structured to enable member organisations, as well as employees, to participate and share in the success of the Company. The Company’s Board of Directors manages the Company on behalf of the shareholders with the Executive Leadership Team responsible for the day-to-day operations and the delivery of services. The Board is made up of 10 directors appointed by all of the shareholders, and is led by the Independent Chairman Dr. Clive Grace with eight experienced Non-Executive Directors from the private, as well as the public sector. Jonathan Preece, as Chief Executive Officer of UK SBS is the only Executive Director. As a result of governance and ownership changes introduced across 2012/13 and 2013/14, the Company now has a modern and scalable ownership structure aligned to our fundamental business model. In making appointments to the Board, due regard is given to diversity among the Board in terms of age, gender, ethnicity and diversity. Vacancies are filled through an open recruitment process against a role description and based on sound experience and skills required by the UK Shared Business Services Ltd Board. The shareholders appoint non executive directors to the Board in accordance with the Articles and Shareholders Agreement. The Shareholders approve both the annual and medium-term (3-5years) business plan and hold the Board to account for ensuring delivery of the pans objectives through business plan reviews. The UK SBS Board has legal responsibility for the strategic direction and decision making of the Company and provides direction, support and appropriate scrutiny of the actions of the Executive Leadership Team. 16 The Board has four sub-committees which provide more detailed oversight of the particular areas, these are shown below: The executive management structure is summarised below: 2.6 UK SBS is uniquely positioned as an entity to complement Government strategy for shared services and this business plan aligns with the Government efficiency and reform agenda The Cabinet Office efficiency and reform agenda is focused on delivering high volume transaction processing across multiple Government departments through a single shared service entity under the NGSS programme published in December 2012. The Cabinet Office has published an invitation to tender in the OJEU and the Company’s transaction volumes have been included within the OJEU notice. However the volumes ‘in scope’ only represent approximately 15% of the Company’s activities and the outcome will be subject to a full business case. The Company recognises that it can differentiate itself from other Government-wide shared service providers of transaction-based services, whilst remaining complementary to the Cabinet Office strategy, because of the wider selection of business services that it currently provides and that has the potential to provide. There is further opportunity to develop the emergence of the business services engine to provide cross-Government services beyond and complementary to the transactional nature of the entity identified in the NGSS programme. 17 During the lifetime of the plan, the Company will become recognised for leading the Government agenda in procurement, grants and property asset management. UK SBS will be different from any other organisation operating in the public sector due to the breadth and depth of services along with a focus on innovation and value. UK SBS will work with clients to enable them to focus their resources on their core activities while at the same time providing assistance to reduce costs and add value to their activities. 2.7 The vision, mission, goals and values reflect the ambitious plans for the Company In response to the challenges facing the Company ambitious vision, mission and goals have been developed for the five-year period of the business plan. The vision and mission of the Company are a common theme and they flow through to the goals, beliefs and values and ultimately to the objectives of the individuals employed by the Company. The goals, beliefs and values of the Company are illustrated on the following page. 18 The Vision is to become the leading provider of shared business services in the UK public sector, continuously reducing cost and improving quality of business services for Government and the public sector The Mission is to provide quality business services which allows customers the freedom to focus resources on core activities; innovating and transforming their own organisations Deliver cost effectove and value for money services Continuously improve customer satisfaction with the services they receive Grow for sustainability and efficiency Make UK SBS a great place to work We owe each other trust, repsect and honesty We owe our customers the highest quality of service We owe our organisation full commitment and dedication We owe ourselves personal and progessional growth Perform as one team Always respect Consider customers first Take the initiative Vision Goals Beliefs Values 2.8 The development of the people employed by the Company is central to the current and future success The people employed by UK SBS are central to creating success and will continue to be so as the Company expands into new value add services. The work undertaken on developing a set of values and ensuring that the Company is a great place to work will become increasingly important to the future success of the organisation. It is therefore worth revisiting the values developed to guide the Company in all aspects of work. These values are the foundation of success, they have informed the development of the plan and are central to delivery of the Company’s vision to be the leading provider of business services in the public sector: The Company values (PACT) are detailed below: Have RESPECT Value CUSTOMERS Be one TEAM Share IDEAS P A C T 19 Perform as one team Everyone has the responsibility to understand all parts of the business. This is done to ensure that the impact of actions is understood. To achieve this: • Everyone will actively seek to understand what each person does and value different areas of expertise • Share information and knowledge that helps provide excellent service efficiently • Celebrate success Always respect • UK SBS embraces the fact that it is a community made up of a diverse mix of backgrounds and experience • It is therefore essential that respect is universal and beyond acting with integrity and honesty, this means that the contribution that each individual makes is valued Consider customers first • Customers are at the core of the business • The Company exists to help clients focus resources on their core activities • This is demonstrated through thinking beyond tasks and seeking to understand what customers actually want and need. • This way opportunities for adding value to the services provided are recognised Take the initiative • Everyone can make a difference by taking the initiative when an opportunity for improvement is identified and all are encouraged to do the same. Everyone is empowered to challenge and propose solutions to improve services In addition to embedding these values throughout the Company, further activities have been undertaken to support organisational development. These include: • Introducing new and innovative lifestyle and wellbeing initiatives and benefits • Giving people a greater voice in the way the Company is run in the matters that affect them • Introducing improved work / life balance for people across the Company including regular free fruit and health advisors • Launching the Company values and embedding these into the way performance is managed and the services provided • Improving electronic communications through the launch of a new intranet service as well as creativity engaging people in a multi-site environment This year the Company has achieved a significant improvement in the Best Companies Survey in the not-for-profit category and this shall be used as a springboard to become a company that is recognised within the top 30 employers in the not-for-profit sector by 2015. It is recognised however that there is more work to be done over the term of this plan, therefore an integrated people and Organisational Development Strategy has been developed that will support the operational plans and ambitions. 20 3 A robust financial budget has been prepared to underpin the new direction of the Company for the next five years A robust financial budget has been prepared to underpin the new direction of the Company for the next five years. The Company will see an increase in income of £17M. (32%) to 2015/16 and a further increase of £9M. to 2017/18. The increase in income (and corresponding costs) is due to the following factors: • Growth as a result of BIS phases 1, and 2 business cases in core transactional services with a view for implementing Phase 3 from April 2015 • Growth of the procurement service across BIS and becoming a leader of major categories in conjunction with the Government Procurement Service across Central Government • The addition of the property asset management service from April 2013 • Growth in ICT Direct Services across BIS and Central Government • Growth in other HR and finance services such as specialist immigration and VAT tax advisory service lines The forecast Income and Expenditure Account is set out below along with a breakdown of costs by directorate and income sources. This financial budget has been produced to with a degree of certainty up to 2014/15. After this point the financial budget and assumptions are a little more uncertain, therefore the shading of blue and grey in the tables below reflects this. Forecast Income and Expenditure account: Note: At the time of developing the five year business plan the 2012/13 revenue was estimated to be at £52.8M and this is the figure used to profile the financial projections. The 2012/13 revenue in the audited financial statements is £55m, as referred to in the Executive Summary. 21 Breakdown of cost by Directorate and sources of income: 22 4 How performance will be measured across the life of the plan UK SBS is committed to continually improving the operational performance of all services over the life of this plan. The following metrics show the key indicators that the Company will measure itself against across the different service areas and the path of improvement they will follow. Company metrics: Primary Goal Benchmark (*) or 2012/13 baseline 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Turnover (£MM) Growth 52 53 58 70 74 79 Number of users Growth 18,000 23,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 50,000 30% 60% 85% 88% 92% 95% Not listed Shortlist One star Top 30 Top 30 Top 30 Benchmark (*) or 2012/13 baseline 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Measure Customer Satisfaction Top Company Survey Customer People Procurement metrics: Measure Primary Goal Procurement Savings for clients (£M.) (based on 8% average) Cost 32 80 200 320 480 640 Benefits/spend ratio (Best in class) Cost 6.6% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 23 Property asset management metrics: HR and finance service metrics: 24 ICT metrics: Measure Primary Goal Benchmark (*) or 2012/13 baseline IT Direct Services Offering (Users) Growth 2,300 8,500 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Customer 99.5% 99.5% 99.8% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 33% 33% 33% 18% 11% 10% 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 System availability ISS overheads as a percentage of ISS turnover Cost 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Transition metrics: Measure Primary Goal Benchmark (*) or 2012/13 baseline Percentage of projects/custome rs transitioned as specified in the business case Growth 95%* 90% 90% 95% 95% 95% Customer 100%* 90% 90% 100% 100% 100% Percentage of customers achieving SLAs within 6 months of transition In summary, these measures reflect not only the individual goals and aspirations of the Company’s business units but also how these will work together to deliver the vision for the UK SBS. They will provide business focus, transparency and accountability in driving the business forward in the next five years. 25 5 UK SBS has a broad set of service lines that will deliver growth UK SBS delivers a broad set of service lines that will deliver growth. These services and the initiatives to deliver growth are detailed below. 5.1Procurement Procurement provides a wide range of professional procurement services to the Research Councils and BIS partner organisations. Industry derived benchmarks indicate that the service is already performing at or above “best in class” in at least three key measures (percentage savings, compliant spend, spend under management) and compares well against almost all other measures. UK SBS is well positioned to “lead the charge” in the Government’s initiative to reform procurement in the public sector and recent memorandum of understanding with the Government Procurement Service allows the Company to lead the procurement of major categories across Central Government. Initiatives for the procurement service include: • Grow the category coverage across the public sector in specified areas that deliver better cross Government contracts • Create the following expanded services: - Expanded category management across all areas of research (scientific and technical, economic, market, social) - Construction category management with a view to develop opportunities in further categories at a later point in the plan - Develop capability in New Spend Audit and Duplicate and Fraudulent Payment Recovery • Implement a full suite of e-procurement tools By 2015/16 the procurement service will: • Be serving 34 client organisations (from 20 in 2013/14) • Grown to 160 heads compared to 68 in 2013/14 • Be managing £4BN of spend and £8BN by 2018 • Generate savings of £320M. per annum to clients, growing to £640M. by 2018 • Have 90% of the people working in procurement qualified as members of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. Currently this is 44% • Make Newport a second procurement centre In addition the function over the life of the plan will increase the estimated rate of ration return from £13 per £1 cost to £58. 5.2 Property asset management 26 The property asset management service manages the office portfolio for seven BIS partner organisations and provides the following functions: • Strategic management of the office estate including strategic planning and development work • Management of workplace environment including health and safety, environmental performance and being a single point of contact for customers • Contract management of estate rationalisation and leasehold disposals activities • Financial planning for estates portfolio • Asset management – including accounting and financial management of the estate portfolio, proactive review of dilapidations, break point opportunities, onerous leases Initiatives for the property asset management service include: • Rationalise the BIS portfolio estate • Expand the property asset management offering across further BIS partner organisations and other Government departments • Review cost base after office rationalisation to reduce costs to clients • Develop a service management culture that compares favourably with private sector providers after rationalisation is complete By 2015/16 the property asset management service will have: • Rationalised the number of offices from 192 in 2013/14 to 70 by 2015/16 • Saved costs of £100M. by the end of the spending review period • Reduced space per person in the offices under management from the current level of 13.8m2 to 10m2 by 2015/16 5.3ICT The ICT service provides Direct and Indirect IT Services to customers of UK SBS. The Direct 27 Services provided include managed desktop, application hosting, managed data centres, and telephony. Indirect Services provided include the support of systems and applications that deliver the transactional services of the Company, and the support of professional services such as procurement. Opportunities exist to grow the Direct Services initially within the BIS estate, but in conjunction with Cabinet Office, with a view to providing a wider, cross-Government offering. Initiatives for the ICT service include: • Grow Direct Services into BIS, BIS partner organisations and the wider UK public sector • Develop the UK SBS Technology Strategy • Develop and implement a Data Centre strategy By 2015/16 the ICT service will: • Be providing Direct Services to 20,000 users and 30,000 users by 2018 and generating client savings in savings in excess of £5M. per annum • Have grown headcount to 204 heads compared to 144 heads in 2013/14 • Reduce the cost of fixed overheads as a percentage of turnover from 33% in 2013/14 to 15% and 11% by 2017/18 • Achieve upper quartile performance in 70% of identified benchmarks compared to 50% in 2013/14 5.4 HR and Finance The HR and Finance services are responsible for providing customers with quality and timely transactional and specialist advisory services. The full catalogue of services is identified below: HR Service initiatives include: 28 • Develop new products and services in the following areas: - Commercial immigration advisory product - Innovative training services - Direct sourcing and headhunting for recruitment • Significantly improve recruitment services to demonstrate best in class, value adding delivery and support the increase of reputation and position in the recruitment market of current customers • Automate processes associated with contractual document production and storage to increase efficiencies and decrease costs Finance service initiatives include: • Develop new products and services in the following areas: - Financial technical updates - Taxation Advisory product - Enterprise Performance Management • Automate processes associated with invoice processing and finance efficiency Over the life of the plan the HR and Finance service will provide services to an increased client base as new organisations (such as the BIS Phase 2 organisations) receive services from UK SBS By 2015/16 the HR and finance service will: • Provide the service to a greater number of users from 23,000 to 35,000, rising to 50,000 users by 2018 • Achieve upper quartile performance in all but one of the 16 performance metrics. By 2018 all performance metrics will be in the upper quartile • Reduce the cost of a payslip from the current level of £3.00 to £1.90 by 2015/16 and £1.70 by 2017/18 • Reduce the cost of an accounts payable invoice from the current level of £3.87 to £2.70 by 2015/16 and £2.50 by 2017/18 5.5Grants The current Grants service provides the following four functions for the seven Research Councils: • Supports Research Councils in delivering grants, fellowships and studentships • Provides expert grants processing, including a service desk to respond to queries • Enables Research Councils to focus on activities directly related to research • Delivers one service using one system for all Research Councils Grants service initiatives include: 29 • Develop potential growth in grants across Government through new clients and expanded product lines • Investigate the potential to align activities across grants, contracted research and grants procurement to deliver greater value for clients in accordance with customer needs and in light of the current review. 5.6Transition Transition is a new and exciting area for UK SBS’s growth agenda. Over the life of this plan building on experience learnt to date a transition, portfolio, programme and project management service will be developed and established this in line with Cabinet Office Major Projects Authority guidance. The objective will be to enable a capability as a centre of excellence, and develop potential business service for the future. 6 The Company has developed enabling and supporting strategies to match the ambition of the plan To deliver the ambitious vision and goals of the Company will require a co-ordinated and integrated plan across the whole business, from front line service delivery to supporting corporate services. Each strategy sets out the practical steps to be undertaken in achieving the goals of the Company and cascades the ownership of these goals and targets through to business areas, teams and individuals within the Company. Four enabling strategies which complement and support all of the goals of the Company and four supporting strategies, each linked to a goal, have been developed. A) Enabling strategies: • Technology Strategy • Communications Strategy • Transition Strategy • Governance Strategy B) Supporting strategies: • Continuous Improvement Strategy – delivering cost effective and value for money services • Customer Strategy – continuously improving customer satisfaction with services they receive • Growth Strategy – growing for sustainability and efficiency • Organisational Development Strategy – making UK SBS a great place to work Each of these strategies is discussed in turn in the sections that follow. 30 a) Enabling Strategies 6.1 Technology Strategy As the Company focus turns to establishing a business service model based on agility, flexibility and customer intimacy, it is critical that the technology landscape is adjusted to ensure it is capable of delivering the new strategic purpose. The success of the Company now and in the future will be dependent on ensuring reuse of existing assets (where appropriate) and reviewing emerging IT and trends that could add value to the Company. The longer term Technology Strategy which aims to improve service and scale for growth whilst balancing the need for agility and flexibility with reducing costs, will be driven by the new Target Operating Model for the organisation. The Technology Strategy will potentially re-shape the UK SBS technology landscape as outlined in the diagram set out below. This will support the UK SBS strategy by creating: • An agile and flexible rules based landscape: - Which is capable of delivering high volumes at an acceptable cost - That supports a move away from a traditional shared services model enabling a differentiation strategy based on value adding, flexible and agile services - Which can be executed at pace to reduce time to market for new clients and services - That supports the Government ICT Strategy and Digital Services Strategy, through commoditisation, componentisation, and consideration of cloud and social media • A growing and continuously improving a flexible catalogue of both indirect (transactional) and direct (value-adding ICT) services from which customers can pick and choose with a degree of self-provisioning and automated costing, separation of the user experience from the underlying technology, to make continuous improvement simpler, and enrich the user front-end • Further automation and “straight-through processing” through implementation of business process management systems and rules-based processing • Partnerships with organisations to provide additional support The Technology Strategy and landscape (2018+) is shown below: 31 The ambition is to enable the UK SBS strategy to move away from the traditional ‘shared services’ model by creating a modern technology landscape which is capable of differentiation through its ability to be flexible, agile and execute at pace. People process and technology combined will make the Company successful Initiatives that support the Technology Strategy are: 6.2 Transition Strategy Transition is a new and exciting area of expertise that is the delivery vehicle for the UK SBS’s growth agenda. It has been created as an enabler for the Company ambitions for shared business services. The recent BIS Phase 1 implementation and the procurement modernisation programmes have set the foundations for a Transition Strategy. These have led to early methodologies, processes and team structures that are developing into a mature, flexible and professional business service that the Company can be recognised for in years to come. The transition approach will foster early customer relationships and introduce the service excellence customers will expect. Industry best practice will be reviewed to develop UK SBS tools and techniques so that new clients can be assured that their transition will be smooth, professionally managed and in tune with their business needs and strategies for the future. 32 Transition is a key part of the client journey to start to receive services, and it is recognised that there is a need to engage not just clients but also key areas of the organisations on every step of that journey. This is outlined in the following diagram: Initiatives that support the Transition Strategy are: 33 Initiative Action Develop the appropriate customer and service management relationship and criteria for the end-toend client journey when they adopt a new service. (shared with the Innovation Customers and Growth Directorate) Define the end-to-end process for establishing the on-going management of new service (or the services that new customers will receive) and ensuring that the clients and UK SBS have the appropriate resource/process in place to deliver this Measurement and timing Define and agree the process by Quarter 2 -2 013/14 Build stakeholder awareness and provide training by Quarter 3 -2 013/14 Use the process by Quarter 3 2013/14 A focus on delivery is the corner stone of the Transition Strategy and Directorate. The current roadmap of client on-boarding is outlined in the following diagram: One aspect of the future of the Transition Directorate is the development of Portfolio, Programme and Project Management (P3O). The Company will establish this in line with Cabinet Office Major Projects Authority guidance in this area. It is acknowledged that there are pockets of expertise and delivery in these areas already in the organisation and will seek to utilise and enhance these existing resources. The objective is to enhance capability and build UK SBS as a centre of excellence, at the same time developing a potential business service for the future. The outline of the timescales for this is as follows: 34 6.3 Communications Strategy The newly extended Communications team will convey the exciting growth and innovation plans outlined in this business plan Utilising an innovative channel mix of traditional and digital platforms the communications team will ensure that there is an on-going and efficient information conduit between the business and its internal and external stakeholders; championing UK SBS’s unique positioning and differentiation, successes and people-led approach. In addition, renaming the Company as UK SBS will provide a visual and narrative articulation that is aligned with the vision, mission and values of the Company. Communications will ensure that the change in name and direction is embedded throughout the overall Company and Directorates, providing content and tools in innovative formats for swift on-board and outreach. Supporting the Organisational Development Strategy the Communications team will work closely with the Engagement team to ensure that the Company values are at the heart of the communications programme. Initiatives that support the Communications Strategy are: 35 6.4 Governance Strategy The Company’s Governance Strategy (detailed within section 2) is one of its unique selling points, providing a scalable model which will act as an engine for growth. Working with key stakeholders UK SBS will develop and mature in a controlled way and that appropriate governance arrangements are in place to ensure clear strategic direction and organisation for delivery. This will be further supported by the strengthening of in-house legal resource. The governance strategy will be a key enabler to delivering the business plan and is in line with Government policy. The strategy will ensure the Company’s Teckal status is protected whilst allowing exploration of future growth options. In addition the ownership structure reflects the Company commitment to employee participation in its ownership and this will be further embedded during 2013/14. 36 b) Supporting Strategies 6.5 Continuous Improvement and Innovation Strategy delivering cost effective and value for money services The delivery of value and benefits for both customers and owners is central to the success of the UK SBS. The Company approach to continuous improvement and innovation is based on five key focus areas: • Customer service and customer experience improvement via a proactive attitude to feedback management • Process simplification via the adoption of proven methodologies (lean or other similar ‘best of breed’) • Process automation via the development of fit for purpose applications • Creation of innovative thinking via active exposure to external practices and the embracing of new and emerging digital technologies • Development of a culture and mind-set of on-going improvement via a mix of external expertise and the mobilisation of internal resources Initiatives that support the Continuous Improvement Strategy are: 37 6.6 Customers – continuously improving customer satisfaction with services they receive The Company is determined to deliver high quality, accessible, value for money services in an efficient and effective way and that ensures that the customer is always considered. The Customer Strategy stands on five key principles to guarantee customer service excellence. These are: Customer Insight Culture Informaon accessibility Delivery of Service • A customer• A deep • Customers • To be focused culture understanding value accurate, successful, UK will be built, of customer mely and SBS must fulfil demonstrang needs at a level appropriate its purpose – the necessary well beyond informaon to allow values and that which customers to understanding customers are focus more how able to resources on operaons and arculate their core services meet themselves, acvies by customer creang the provision needs and opportunies of high quality expectaons to develop shared innovave and business insighul services soluons Timeliness and Quality of Service • The speed and effecveness of the company’s response to challenges that arise will have a significant bearing on how customers view the organisaon To embed these principles and instil a culture of partnership both within the Company and with customers, a new client governance model has been developed to help build stronger relationships and to improve understanding of customer needs. The new UK SBS customer governance brings together clients and senior UK SBS representatives to create effective partnership working. This ensures that the UK SBS experience is customer led, focussing on successfully delivering high-quality business services. The governance model contains five functional fora as follows, each meeting bi-monthly: •Finance • HR/Payroll • Information Systems Services (ISS) •Procurement • Grants. To enable successful partnership working, the functional fora are each led by a Joint Leadership Team, comprising of the elected client side chair and a nominated senior UK SBS representative. In addition, there is a representative Cross Cutting Customer Forum to deal with issues that cover more than one forum. This group meets quarterly. A Strategic Customer Review Forum meets twice yearly to consider common issues and provide important strategic input. Overall, the new customer governance model combined with UK SBS account management supports successful client engagement at all levels. 38 Initiatives that support the Customer Strategy are: 6.7 Growth Strategy supported by strategic partnership – growing for sustainability and efficiency As the Company’s aspiration is to become the leading provider of shared business services, the Growth Strategy has been developed to take forward a partnership model that allows client’s businesses to flourish but also allows the Company to mature and grow at the same time. UK SBS has an opportunity to better utilise its valuable asset base for wider benefit and reduce unit costs for clients. The approach to growth will be strictly in line with the ownership model and maintenance of the Teckal exemption. The focus of growth in this business plan will therefore be: • Focus on the public sector market, and not seek private sector clients • Seek out growth in value adding business service products, such as procurement, grants and IT support and services • Promote credibility in procurement and actively pursue further opportunities to offer procurement services to the wider public sector • Develop and implement an property asset management offering 39 • Align and complement Central Government policy and reform programmes. For example, the Company will aim to grow in markets that are required to make cost savings as well as transform - such as the education sector In addition other professional business services will be identified that can be developed and marketed to existing and new client bases, such as project management, employees engagement, and transformation. Strategic Partnership Developing strategic partnerships represents a market entry strategy which will deliver a step change in the Company growth ambitions by obtaining complementary expertise and capacity required to respond to fast changing demand in the public sector. One or more strategic partner will make available critical skills such as: • Access to wider opportunities • Enhancement of the Company ability to transition growth through access to critical skills and capacity such as: - Sales, marketing and business development expertise – as the Company seeks to change from accepting business within its immediate network to going out and actively engaging with new clients. Potential partners have these skills in their business and can work alongside UK SBS employees to develop these skills whilst securing new work - Change and transition capacity – the Company has a transition team but is looking to grow quickly and will therefore require additional resource and capacity to fulfil these ambitions - Potentially service delivery capacity where solutions other than the Company’s existing Oracle platform are required. 40 Initiatives that support the Growth Strategy are: 41 42 Initiative Expand the grants service across Government Develop the Company’s data centre strategy Action Develop and position the Grants service to become thel eading provider of grants provision across the UK public sector Develop and implement the Company’s data centre strategy Measurement and timing On-going Strategy developed by April 2013 and implemented by October 2013 6.8 Organisational Development Strategy – supporting strategy - making UK SBS a great place to work As the Company’s focus turns to establishing a business service model, ensuring the appropriate structures, capability and operating environment are fit for the new strategic purpose is critical. With more than 70% of the Company’s financial resources invested in the people employed, the success of the organisation is very much driven by the ability of people to deliver the goals. The Company has been successful in developing, recruiting and retaining high quality people by valuing them and giving them the ability to achieve their potential. When implementing the other supporting strategies set out above the Company will: • Strive towards identifying and releasing the potential of people through robust talent management and tailored learning and development • Engender a culture of continuous improvement, customer focus and performance management in order to deliver improved value for money services • Create a culture of empowerment, engagement and passion that lives the Company values and will continue to ensure that the environment is conducive to creating an atmosphere that energises people to deliver their best • Design and implementation of a new operating model and deputy structure that will provide succession and leaders of the future and ensure the Company delivers for future clients • Link with the management development plan to support the development of skills that will drive a commercial approach A strong, focused and people centred leadership is crucial to the delivery of the overall Company strategy. In addition (recognising the pace of the operating environment), a rounded wellbeing plan will also be critical to successful delivery of the plan. The Company will strive towards identifying and releasing the potential of people through effective talent management and tailored learning and development. Furthermore, in order to deliver improved value for money services the Company will implement and embed a culture of continuous improvement, customer focus and performance management across the Company. In delivering the Organisational Development Strategy the following work streams illustrated below will be implemented, these are illustrated on page 44. The Company has an ambition to create a culture of empowerment, engagement and passion that lives the Company values and continues to ensure that the environment is conducive to creating an atmosphere that energises people to deliver their best. A strong, focused and people centred leadership is crucial to the delivery of the overall Company strategy. People will make the business successful. 43 Major initiatives that support The Organisation Development Strategy are: Initiative Action Organisational Design and capability Design and Implementation of a new operating model and deputy structure that will provide succession and leaders of the future and ensure the Company delivers for future clients Implemented by April 2014 Design and implement two new Directorates to support the focus of Growth, Customer and Continuous Improvement and Transition Implemented by April 2013 Link with the management development plan to support the development of skills that will drive a commercial approach Implemented by April 2013 44 Measurement and timing 45 Initiative Engagement Wellbeing Action Development of an engagement strategy Measurement and timing Agreement by May 2013 Develop Company volunteering On-going Support the Company to achieve the measures to be in the top 30 Companies By 2015 Launch of wellbeing initiative Launch by September 2013 Baselinec urrent levels of well being By May 2013 On site health checks Alternative approaches to health Stress management awareness Two sessions to have been run by December 2013 Training run by April 2014 Self-esteem development Link to engagement and rest of OD strategy Increase opportunities for volunteering and community work Fit for the future initiative Communication 46 Actions will be covered in the Communications strategy and the high level actions are identified in the earlier section On-going On-going Develop initiative by April 2015 7 The Company’s social and environmental policies reflect the ethical nature of the organisation UK SBS is conscious of the role it has in the communities where it is based. The Company has a very well supported volunteering scheme that has recently seen over 1,000 hours of volunteering donated to the community. Many local voluntary groups are supported and the Company donated, at Christmas last year, items to the local shelter. Support to local voluntary groups also involves supporting ‘Challenge 24’ that allows UK SBS people to be involved in resolving challenges that face voluntary organisations in the area, and across the country. The employment of local labour is supported and recruitment activity encourages local residents to apply for vacancies and live and work in the areas served. The Company is committed to reducing the impact the organisation has on the environment and to continually improving environmental performance as an integral part of the business strategy and operating methods. The Company will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation with regular review points, to ensure best practice is maintained, clients, suppliers and other stakeholders will be encouraged to do the same. As part of the policy, the Company will: • Incorporate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into all decisions and activities • Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements, Government policies and standards of good practice for environmental management • Promote environmental awareness among the Company’s people and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner • Reduce waste through re-use and recycling and by purchasing recycled, recyclable or re-furbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical and suitable • Communicate environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage them to support it • Promote efficient use of materials and resources including water, electricity, printing, paper materials and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable • Work with people employed by the Company to reduce adverse environmental impacts associated with travel, including encouraging the use of more environment friendly forms of transport • Work with contractors to promote effective environmental supply management to help support the council’s policy to prevent pollution • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance against best practice 47 8 UK SBS – Leading shared business services in the public sector This business plan has been created for the five-year period from 2013/14 to 2017/18. While the majority of the key initiatives identified in this plan relate to the three years to 2015/16, the effort put into these initiatives will build capability and capacity for the future and guide the Company’s needs after this point. In a rapidly changing operating environment, the Company will need to demonstrate flexibility but while achieving the core aims of the strategy set out in this plan. By 2018, the Company will have reached maturity and be demonstrating the following characteristics: • Cost efficiency levels and service benefits which are competitive with the open markets • Be established as a business partner for a wide ranging client base • Be a centre of excellence for collaborative Government procurement and leading category management across a wide range of products and services • Provide a range of professional services to clients that add value to their organisations • Be the leading provider of grants provision in the UK public sector • Be recognised as an employer of choice • Maintain position and status of being in the Top 30 Companies to work for in the not-for-profit sector This business plan clearly outlines and articulates the vision and goals of the Company and how these will be achieved. The programme of initiatives that has been identified will place UK SBS at the forefront of the public sector shared services agenda and provide a stable platform for growth and efficiency. In addition to this document further detailed appendices and supporting Directorate plans are available for review. 48 North Star House North Star Avenue Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1FF www.uksbs.co.uk Concept House Cardif Road, Newport South Wales NP10 8QQ www.uksbs.co.uk Queensway House West Precinct, Billingham Stockton-on-Tees TS23 2NF UK Shared Business Services LTD (UK SBS). Registered in England and Wales as a limited company. Company Number 6330639. Registered Office: North Star House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1FF
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