Registration 13:30 - 13:45 Opening Circle les ballets C de la B 14:00 - 15:20 Mechanorolls and Dural Tube mobilizers: a workshop Dianne Woodruff les ballets C de la B Stam/entrance hall EC 0,66 This workshop is designed to build an awareness of and solutions for slowly developing problems such as back stiffness and pain, poor posture, dowager’s hump and compromised gait. Learn about the sensory receptors in the fascia and dural tube that are stimulated through movement and breath 14:00 - 15:20 Dancing through the Nervous System Andrea Olsen Studio Lod EC 1,33 To support ease and expressivity through dancing, we explore three interconnected layers of the nervous system, linking embodied practice with creative expression. Throughout, we cultivate creativity, while deepening relationship to the magical world we inhabit. 14:00 - 15:20 Performing Somatics: an hybrization Feldenkrais and Body-Mind Centering. Dulce Trejo & Marcella Ponce KASK Dance Studio 1 EC 0,66 Proposal of a hybridization between the Methods Feldenkrais and Body- Mind Centering. With resources from both methods, we will work around the heart to create the first notes for a performative score based on the harvest of subjective traces from the participants. 14:00 - 15:20 Embodying our Hopes and Dreams Tasha Colbert KASK Dance Studio 3 EC 0,66 An experiential workshop that invites participants to explore the theme of hopes and dreams through embodied expression. Through movement and visualisation, participants will be able to give ‘shape and form’ to their dreams, and confront the internal blocks that may be getting in the way of moving forward. 14:00 - 15:20 Tamalpa Life/Art Process® Experiece“If your body could speak, what would it say?” Chloé Noble KASK Dance Studio 4 EC 0,66 This workshop aims to introduce the Life/Art Process® approach developed by the choreographer Anna Halprin and her daughter Daria Halprin that enlivens dialogues between body and imagination, life experiences and art making. Using movement, drawing, writing and sharing, participants will tap into art's symbolic language to explore current life themes and generate new resources. 15:30 - 16:50 Concurrent Sessions Body-Mind Centering® and BMC® are registered service marks of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and Sunday, May 31, 2015 12:30 - 13:30 Concurrent Sessions is a service mark of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, used with permission. Post-Conference All Systems GO: preparing all physical systems for dance Jennifer Mascall les ballets C de la B EC 0,66 Jennifer Mascall’s year of research with 22 dancers examined how to bring the physical systems that are not musculoskeletal into a technical dance class which prepared dancers for rehearsal. The resulting class prepares dancers for rehearsal and is lots of fun. It’s layered, and can be assimilated both at once and over a long time; students can fruitfully study the resulting class model for years. 15:30 - 16:50 Integration of Body Mind Centering principles in Dance Movement therapy. An expert survey. Angela Guerreiro Studio Lod EC 0,66 This conference Tracing Reflections RefleXions felt just the right platform to create a laboratory for research inviting BMC® practicioners, teachers, therapist whom might be interested in investigating: one if the method of BMC® can be considered as a Body Psychotherapy to be practiced in clinical settings and second if the application of BMC® and its integration in the practice of Dance and Movement Therapy in clinical settings is a valid hypothesis. EC 1.0 = Educational Credits 15:30 -16:50 Notochord, breathing and pelvic movement. Claudia Cano Del Valle This brief workshop aims at improving one's mobility, through the pelvis and engaged breathing. First, from the perspective of BMC, we can connect the space of notochord (embodied in the prevertebrate patterns) to the respiratory system and then, through a Feldenkrais Method lesson, we can integrate breathing and pelvic movement. The mix of these two somatic educational methods, because of the support of the awareness of prespinal patterns, allows the movement from our pelvis and breathing to be much more connected. Panel 15:30 - 16:50 Lecture Concurrent Sessions 15:30 - 17:30 15:30 - 16:50 Roundtable Conversation/ISMETA Elisa Cotroneo & Invited Speakers: Jacques van Eijden, Fiona Cranwell, Thomas Kampe, Thomas Greil. Honored Participants: Ellen Barlow, Linda Hartley, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Katy Dymoke, Lian Wilson Dance and Sleep Deprivation: For Creative Breakthroughs or Body-Mind Breakdowns? Camille Monson Body as Landscape Lindsay Gilmour The GROOVE Method™ by Misty Tripoli Torild Maya Agerbak Thornsohn Concurrent Sessions A Creative Space Jenny Mair A Creative Space is a movement workshop exploring the influence of the creative process by the natural geography surrounding the location and use of props. The purpose is to explore the multiple possibilities these influences stimulate in the mindbody connection. The outcome will be a culminating movement along with discussion. 17:30 - 18:20 KASK Dance Studio 2 EC 1,0 KASK Dance Studio 3 EC 0,66 During this lecture and workshop Camille will discuss the effects of sleep deprivation on today’s contemporary dancers in the professional realm. She has taken both quantitative and qualitative approaches in her research and will discuss findings from professional dancers she has interviewed, scientific data within the field of sports medicine, and somatic approaches that promote body-mind rest. She will conclude her presentation with a workshop that gives movers a chance to constructively rest, rejuvenate and possibly sleep! The GROOVE DANCEfloor – A totally different, simple and insanely fun group dance experience based off The GROOVE MethodTM by Misty Tripoli, a revolutionary approach to movement that makes dance easy for everyone. Just easy moves, simple rhythms and incredible music. A mind-expanding workout for the body, heart and soul! Get on the DANCE floor and GROOVE! 17:00 - 18:20 EC 0,66 Join Leaders in Somatic Movement Education and Therapy from around the world in an interactive dialogue to imagine the future of our emerging profession. Potential topics may include: Expanding recognition of the Profession; Collaborative Partnerships; Certification of Practitioners; Scope of Practice; Insurance, both liability and reimbursement for services; Accreditation of Schools; Standards and Competencies. Through drawing and moving, this workshop explores the body as place—asking questions such as: If my body were a landscape what would it be? What weather patterns exist in my lungs? What body of water lives in my pelvis? 17:00 - 18:20 KASK Dance Studio 1 Literature & Audio presentation. Jacques Van Eijden, Dana Davison & Linda Hartley Jacques Van Eijden: John Rolland on ideo kinesis, an interview by Jacques van Eijden, DVD. Dana Davison: Goodie, Literary Magazine Linda Hartley: Somatic Psychology KASK Dance Studio 4 EC 0,66 Studio Lod EC 0,66 KASK Dance Studio 1 EC 0,66 KASK Dance Studio 2 Sensorial Movement – Meditation in motion Betsy Devoghel Sensorial movement is a gentle global exercise, which offers you the ability to enter in direct and conscious contact with your body during the action. The choreography consisting of simple, physiological, but unusual movements and carried out in a relaxed slowness, invites the person to develop his observation, his bodily reactions and thoughts. 18:25 - 18:30 Closing Circle 20:00 - 22:00 Performance Night Lauren Kearns, Dulce Trejo, Victoria Pilar Gonzalez, Lindsay Gilmour, Marcella Ponce Valladez, Claudio Cano, Anka Sedlokova & Helena Nicolao. Feathers Are Laughing Lauren Kearns - The Feathers Are Laughing is a video dance performance that utilizes principles of Somatics in Action and BMC in both the performance and in the creative generation of the material. The solo explores the BMC concepts of Yield, Push, Reach, and Pull while also investigating the interplay between the dancer’s inner and outer world. The dance is placed in a heightened theatrical environment where the stage covered in feathers. Series around the mediastinum Dulce Trejo - Dilating on movement the performer experience of breathing, digesting and sensing, Mezzo creates micro-movements, subtle gestures and scenic ambiances that provokes an attentive kinesthesia on the spectators and embraces them on the different vitalities that surround the heart at its thoracic ambiance. Dreaming of Electric Sheople Performance Night Concurrent Sessions 17:00 -18:20 Victoria Pilar Gonzalez - An anonymous mover relates the systems of the human body to the collected consciousness of sleeping computers and living humans in an exploration of the all-encompassing relationship between organic and digital life in the 21st century and beyond, as technology becomes apart everyday expectations. Tiny Rebellions Lindsay Gilmour - This new work delves into the seams of motherhood: the repetition, endurance, chaos, stillness, beauty, and the surrender. Swing /Oscillation Marcela Ponce Valladez (with Dulce Trejo & Claudia Cano) - Performance inspired by R. Barthes texts on mourning and fatigue which explores the effects of these states on the body. This choreography is the result of experience feldenkrais practice and how subjective experiences found during this practice work as a creative seeds. Space in place – a time travel, performance - work in process Anka Sedlakova ( with Helena Nicolao) - Helena Nicolao and Anka Sedlackova are collaborating in the performance research of embryological processes as a language of forms transferred into choreographic concepts / choreographic mapping. The embryological mapping allows to go back in the memory of the body. Subjective sensing is put on the same level as commonly approved knowledge about the body. This opens up a playful approach towards the body spaces and processes from an artistic distance. KASK Dance Studio 4 EC 0,66 LOD les ballets C de la B Post-Conference Concurrent Sessions 8:00 - 8:45 Monday June 1, 2015 Bartenieff Fundamentals Basic Six and the Basic Neurological Patterns Kristina Neirynck This warm-up class will go through the Basic Six exercises of the Bartenieff Fundamentals. Although the 6 exercises are all done in supine position, we will experience how, on a subtle manner, they activate our basic developmental patterns (BNP) and strengthen our yield/push/reach/pull patterns. 8:00 - 8:45 A playfull Somatic Exploration Ellen Barlow Participants will be guided through movement activities in the theme of “Taking Hold Of” and “Letting Go”. This developmental dynamic starts with grasping and releasing, “no” and “yes” as infants, and continues in us as adults in our behavioral choices and emotional states. This will be a playful somatic exploration of where we are, what we wish to take with us and carry forward, and what we desire to let go of. 8:45 - 8:55 9:00 - 10:20 les ballets C de la B EC 0,75 Studio Lod EC 0,75 Opening Circle les ballets C de la B The power of creative processes: An insight in the creation of (Sur)Face, a dance and movementperformance project about people and their secrets Stephan Marchant les ballets C de la B EC 0,66 During 8 months seven people created a dance & movement performance with their own secrets as the starting point and their body as an instrument of research. In this session Stephan Marchant will explain his approach to creative processes, share stories of the participants by using video material and offer an experiential execise. Concurrent Sessions 9:00 - 10:20 Yield/push, reach/pull Dianne Woodruff The essential ways in which we interact with our environment are two paired actions, coined and named by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. These actions are yield/push (Y/P) and reach/pull (R/P). This panel or round table discussion will bring together BMC practitioners and others to share how they make use of these paired functions in their work. What is it about the human body and it's environment that create this possibly irreducible process for movement? A conceptual framework for Y/P, R/P will be presented. 9:00 - 10:20 Hearing your reflecting vocational skills through listening your anticipating reflexes. Caroline Kal Studio Lod EC 0,66 KASK Dance Studio 1 EC 0,66 Reflections and reflexes are generating transformating mucosa when your vocation is at work. Through practical using the developmental patterns and listening and hearing each others narratives, from your own worklab, there is a beginning of recognizing of hearing when the vocation is at work. The reflex and reflection of the cellular and the cosmic vibrating field can be heard as your vocation when you have the courage to voice your cells/selves by the lead of your primative streak. Your mucosa is vibrating your sounding lifework! Concurrent Sessions 10:30 - 12:00 Embodiment of Spirit: an Embryological Journey Linda Hartley During the first few weeks of life the embryo undergoes the most extraordinary process of development, embodying all that we will later be and do in emerging and embryonic form. This workshop will address some key moments, exploring the movements of cells, membranes, tissues and fluids as we engage with the unfolding of form through which the embryonic sense of self begins to emerge. In the exquisite details of shapeshifting, tissues evolve into both self and container, embodying the roots of relational patterns and giving expression to the meeting of matter and spirit. les ballets C de la B EC 1,5 Concurrent Sessions 10:30 - 12:00 Our Breathing Environment: Somatic Anatomy of the Diaphragm Dana Davison & Lissa Michalak The diaphragm stretches across the entire body, interacting with every system, and experiencing the diaphragm leads to more conscious breathing. Breath deeply affects the internal environment, moving and supporting all the body systems, creating space within, nourishing the body with oxygen, calming the nervous system and revitalizing the body on a cellular level. Through yoga, breathing and visualization exercises, and stretching and strengthening the muscles of inspiration and expiration, this workshop will illustrate the effects that mindful, experiential breathing with an awareness of the anatomy of the diaphragm can have on the body as ecosystem. 10:30 - 12:00 Introduction to Laban's Space Harmony for Bodyworkers Antja Kennedy Concurrent Sessions Rudolf Laban developed a system of orientation in space, which can help all people who work with movement. All this knowledge can be transposed inside the spaces of the body, e.g. into the ribcage. In the workshop we will learn some concepts and scales from Labans Space Harmony in Kinespheric space and will experiment how to transpose these inside the body. 12:00 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 15:20 Connecting the dots between Veronica Sherborne’s somatic approach and Dance Movement Therapy Lesley Craigie EC 0,75 KASK Dance Studio 1 EC 0,75 les ballets C de la B EC 0,66 Description: Sherborne Movement involves the engagement of both body and mind to raise body awareness and to build meaningful relationships with others. Informed by Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), Sherborne movement experiences provide the workshop participants with an understanding of how it can significantly enhance the work of a Dance Movement Therapist. In the workshop Lesley Craigie will use practical techniques to demonstrate how Sherborne material can be adapted and applied to Dance Movement Therapy and note the differences between the two. 14:00 - 15:20 Our seen, felt, imagined anatomy as resource for creative processes Sandra Vincent You are invited in a self‐portrait experience based on Halprin's “three layers of awareness”. We will develop this through movement explorations, using drawing and writing as tools to reach ourselves and explore some possible place for creativity. 14:00 - 15:20 Opening To your Wisdom Body Moriah Moser & Elisa Cotroneo Through placing awareness on Breath, Matter and Movement, we will heighten our experience of the movement that “we are” connected to the All that is. Elisa and Moriah will share ancient and contemporary practices to dive deeply into the soma and directly experience embodying the great mystery These practices are offered to the individual as a way to delve into your personal body, mind and spirit in resonance with the divine. 15:30 - 16:50 Concurrent Sessions Studio Lod Dynamic Embodiment Dana Davison Dynamic Embodiment is the blend of Body-Mind Centering and Laban/Bartenieff Studies created in 1990 by Martha Eddy, CMA and BMC teacher since 1984. Come learn about the principles of Dynamic Embodiment and how Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff concepts can inform the practice of Body-Mind Centering. Principles will be conveyed through hands-on experiences and through dance exploration from Moving For Life DanceExercise for Health(r) and BodyMind DancingTM two applications of DE also developed by Martha Eddy Studio Lod EC 0,66 KASK Dance Studio 1 EC 0,66 les ballets C de la B EC 0,66 Concurrent Sessions 15:30 - 16:50 Body‐Mind Centering® / Feldenkrais®Movement Meditation Sonja Riket In this gentle, slow, guided movement meditation lying on a mat, we will use an integration of the two somatic modalities of Body‐Mind Centering® eyes, inner ears, movements of the hands and feet for inner and outer coordination and Feldenkrais® to explore the relationship between the eyes, inner ears, movements of the hands and feet for inner and outer coordination. 15:30 - 16:50 Somatic Creativity: Utilizing principles of Somatics in Action and BodyMind Centering to tap into the body’s creative potential. Lauren Kearns Studio Lod EC 1,33 KASK Dance Studio 1 EC 0,66 Somatic Creativity utilizes principles of Somatics in Action (SIA) and BodyMind Centering to allow the body’s innate creative intelligence to surface. This experiential workshop will include an SIA based floor barre to ready the body and mind for creative movement exploration. We will focus on tuning into, honoring, and developing kinesthetic creativity through the art of dance. 17:00 - 18:00 Closing Circle & Ending of Conference les ballets C de la B
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