BVMBA Monthly Meeting Minutes May 4.docx

BVMBA Monthly Meeting Minutes May 4, 2015
Attendance: Amy, Beth, Luke, Mike, Fred, Travis, Lars, Michael, Byron, James, Robert, Matthew,
Bradley, Ryan
Brazos Valley Mountain Bike Festival May 23 2015 at Millican Reserve-Byron talked about the
festival: activities include bike clinics, trail rides, and games. The festival needs volunteers the
day of the event. Raffle tickets are also available for members to sell to the community. There
will be lots of prizes including a Specialized mountain bike. Tickets are $3 each or 4 for $10. If
you want to volunteer or buy/sell raffle tickets, contact Bryon Prestridge.
Trail Maintenance: This Saturday at Millican Reserve. Meet in parking lot at 9am. We need to
get ready for the Festival: Mowing, trimming, trail hardening and bridge building are on the
Group Trips: The weekend of May 16th will be an overnight camping trip to Pace Bend and
Reimer’s Ranch. More details to come. Another trip is planned the Weekend of May 30th to
Arkansas. More details to come.
Summer Time Trials: Start on May 20th. Place to be determined soon. Options are West Loop
of Lake Bryan or Phases 2 and 3 of Millican Reserve. Winter time trial winners will be
announced at the first summer time trial.
Social rides this week: Tuesday at Lake Bryan, departing the boat ramp parking lot at 6:30pm.
If the weather holds out, Thursday’s ride will be at Millican Reserve with the same departure
time. If the trails are wet but the roads are dry, we will do a MTB road ride instead. Location to
be determined soon. Check FB and listserv for updates.
AMCHS Mountain Bike Team: Matthew and Bradley thanked the BVMBA for our financial
support as well as coming out to Comfort to volunteer and cheer on the team. The team came
in 5th place over all for the season (out of 23 team) and had 6 students place in the top 6