Well 75 this issue

More Than Just Dandruff
Seborrheic dermatitis is one of
those dermatologic conditions
that is just very common and
widespread. You may recognize
this condition as either plain
dandruff, or as a dry, red and
itchy scalp, or as a mounds of
greasy scales and painful,
bleeding scabs. But seborrheic
dermatitis may be all of those
things, and to make matters
even worse it can be socially
Run-of-the-mill dandruff is on
the non-inflammatory spectrum
of seborrheic dermatitis, in
which only scaling and flaking
are seen. A flaking scalp is one
of the most recognizable forms
of the condition. In severe
cases, seborrheic dermatitis
may appear as mildly reddish
skin, along with fine, dry scaling
in the brows, along the eyelid
margins, sides of the nose,
moustache area, behind the
ears (skin cracking is very common there), below the breast,
in the groin and buttock folds,
and even in the navel. And in
neglected cases, the scaly areas
may merge into a larger area of
yellow, greasy accumulations.
The cause of the condition isn’t
definitively known. There is no
cure, but there are excellent
treatments. Antidandruff
shampoos containing zinc
pyrithione (Head & Shoulders),
selenium sulfide (Selsun Blue),
or ketoconazole (an anti-yeast
agent—Nizoral AF shampoo)
are all good options. Contact a
dermatologist if you suspect
you need treatment.
this issue
P.1: Your Hair and Your Health
P.2: Healthy Hair Myths
P.3: Understanding Hair Loss
P.4: Recipe Corner and Eat Your Eggs
What Does Your Hair Say About Your Health?
The secret to shiny, thick, and strong hair isn’t
always found in the right product. Our hair, like
the rest of our body, needs the right conditions
to really thrive. Check out what common hair
problems can tell you about what’s going on in
the rest of your body.
Dry, Brittle, and Breaking Hair
It’s not just too much coloring, blow drying, and
styling that can lead to dry and brittle hair; the
culprit can also be what is, and isn’t, on your
plate. The secret to shiny, healthy, and growing
hair is little more than a well-balanced diet, with
plenty of vitamins and minerals. Iron, Vitamin E,
and plenty of protein are particularly important
for maintaining a healthy head of hair.
Though dandruff can certainly be the result of
dry skin and conditions that cause dry skin like
psoriasis and eczema, the most common cause
of dandruff is actually skin that is too oily.
Though some of these cases are genetic, a poor
diet heavy in fat and sugar and low in zinc and
Vitamin B can also be a factor. Stress, a weak
immune system, neurological disorders like
Parkinson’s Disease, and even not washing your
hair enough can also lead to the development of
Dry, Limp, and Thin Hair
Has the texture and the body of your hair
changed significantly? Uncharacteristically limp
and thin hair could be the result of an
under-active thyroid. Check with your doctor if
you experience this along with symptoms such
as weight gain and fatigue.
Graying Hair
People have long connected gray hair with
stress. While science can’t fully back that up
yet, there is some research that connects
premature graying to stress levels in people
that are genetically predisposed to gray hair.
However, for the most part, graying hair says
very, very little about your health.
Balding and Hair Loss
Most men don’t need to worry about their
health when it comes to hair loss. About 90%
of male baldness is just the genetic straw you
drew. Hormones can play a big factor for
women since menopause and pregnancy can
both trigger hair loss. Weight loss and eating
disorders can also lead to shedding hair.
Thyroid issues, stress, and certain medications
can also be the culprit. Your diet can also play a
major factor: not getting enough iron, protein
and getting too much Vitamin A are all
possible causes of hair loss.
De-Stress at Your Desk:
Office Yoga
The Seated Forward Bend in
a chair stretches the muscles
of the back and relieves tension from the head, neck and
shoulders. It is also a mild
inversion so it may promote
blood circulation to the scalp,
helping to bring nutrients
vital for hair health.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1) Sit on the edge of your
chair with your feet flat
on the floor and your
knees bent at 90 degrees.
2) Separate your feet hip
width apart or a little
wider to accommodate
your torso.
3) Inhale and lengthen the
spine. As you exhale,
begin to fold forward
between the thighs.
4) Allow your arms to
dangle downward, keep
your shoulders relaxed
and your neck elongated.
5) Breath slowly and deeply
here for about 30 seconds
or 5 long breaths.
Healthy Hair Myths
By now you probably know that washing your hair
every day can dry out and damage your locks, which
is why experts recommend only shampooing two to
three times per week instead. What other
long-standing hair beliefs can’t be trusted?
Myth: Frequent trims make your hair grow faster.
Cutting the ends of your hair doesn't affect the
follicles in your scalp, which determine how fast
and how much your hair grows. Hair grows an
average of a quarter-inch every month, whether or
not you cut it. Regular trims might make your hair
look a little longer, though. Getting rid of split ends
reduces hair breakage, and breakage is what makes
hair look thinner at the ends (and shorter). Every
eight to 12 weeks, ask your stylist to take off the
minimum necessary to eliminate split ends.
A cold-water rinse makes your hair shinier.
Hairstylists love to spread this gospel. Their
rationale: The icy water will make the cuticle of
your hair close so it's flat (and light-reflective), not
ruffled (and dull-looking). Your hair, however,
contains no living cells. It doesn't react to cold (or
hot) water, says chemist Mort Westman. Use
conditioners and styling products that contain
silicones and oils to smooth the cuticle. Limit
damage to your hair from straightening treatments,
hot tools, and frequent dyeing.
If you always use the same shampoo, eventually it
will stop working. You don't need to practice
shampoo rotation to keep your hair clean. If you've
recently started coloring your hair or increased your
use of hot tools, it might be a good idea to switch to a
more moisturizing shampoo. Otherwise, stick with
your favorite as long as you love it.
For healthy hair, brush 100 strokes a day. You've
probably heard that rigorous brushing will distribute
the natural oils from your scalp to add shine to your
hair. Or that it will stimulate blood flow to your scalp
and boost hair growth. Neither is true. In fact,
brushing causes friction on hair, leading to cuticle
damage and breakage, which makes hair lusterless
and frizzy. Brush your hair minimally (only to detangle
or style), and use the right tools—a wide-toothed
comb or a paddle brush with ball-tipped, plastic
bristles. Avoid boar-bristle brushes—natural bristles
aren't uniform, so they're especially harsh on your
hair and scalp.
If you shampoo less often, your scalp will gradually
produce less oil. No matter how frequently you
shampoo, your scalp produces the same amount of
oil. Cutting back on shampooing will have no effect on
your sebaceous glands; genetics and hormones
determine the amount of oil they produce. But it will
cause dirt and oil to accumulate on your scalp and
hair follicles, and could cause inflammation and
irritation that might stunt hair growth.
This Month’s Q&A: Ask the Expert
6) Take your time as you
come out of this pose.
Slowly roll up to a
seated position, with
your head being the last
thing to lift up.
7) Sit quietly and breath
deeply for a few
moments before
returning to work.
Q: Can pregnant women dye their hair?
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), hair dyes are
probably safe to use during pregnancy because so little dye is absorbed through the skin.
However, it is still important to be cautious, therefore many health care providers recommend that pregnant women
not use permanent hair dyes during the first three months.
While the absorption through the skin is minimal, the concern is that breathing fumes during the process could be
harmful to the developing baby. Permanent hair dyes contain ammonia which has a strong chemical fume. The
recommendation is to avoid hair dyes that contain ammonia. The chemical fume warning also applies to straightening
products as well.
Semi-permanent dyes or a highlighting process may be considered safer for pregnant women. With highlights, the dye
is enclosed in foil and won’t be absorbed into the skin. Vegetable dyes such as henna are also considered likely to be
safe for coloring hair during pregnancy.
Hair Loss
Understanding the Basics
Hair grows everywhere on the human skin except on the
palms of our hands and the soles of our feet, but many
hairs are so fine they're virtually invisible. Hair is made up
of a protein called keratin that is produced in hair follicles
in the outer layer of skin. As follicles produce new hair
cells, old cells are being pushed out through the surface of
the skin at the rate of about six inches a year. The hair you
can see is actually a string of dead keratin cells. The
average adult head has about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs
and loses up to 100 of them a day; finding a few stray hairs
on your hairbrush is not necessarily cause for alarm.
Trichotillomania, seen most frequently in children, is
a psychological disorder in which a person pulls out
one's own hair.
Telogen effluvium is temporary hair thinning over
the scalp that occurs because of changes in the
growth cycle of hair. A large number of hairs enter
the resting phase at the same time, causing hair
shedding and subsequent thinning.
Doctors don't know why certain hair follicles are
programmed to have a shorter growth period than
others. However, several factors may influence hair
At any one time, about 90% of the hair on a person's scalp loss:
is growing. Each follicle has its own life cycle that can be
 Hormones, such as abnormal levels of
influenced by age, disease, and a wide variety of other
androgens (male hormones normally produced
factors. This life cycle is divided into three phases:
by both men and women)
 Anagen -- active hair growth that lasts between two
Genes, from both male and female parents, may
to six years.
influence a person's predisposition to male or
 Catagen -- transitional hair growth that lasts two to
female pattern baldness.
three weeks.
Stress, illness, and childbirth can all contribute
 Telogen -- resting phase that lasts about two to three
to temporary hair loss.
months; at the end of the resting phase the hair is
Drugs, including chemotherapy drugs used in
shed and a new hair replaces it and the growing cycle
cancer treatment, blood thinners, betastarts again.
adrenergic blockers used to control blood
As people age, their rate of hair growth slows. There are
pressure, and birth control pills, can cause
many types of hair loss, also called alopecia:
temporary hair loss.
 Burns, injuries, and X-rays can cause temporary
Involutional alopecia is a natural condition in which the
hair loss. In such cases, normal hair growth
hair gradually thins with age. More hair follicles go into the
usually returns once the injury heals.
resting phase, and the remaining hairs become shorter and
Autoimmune disease may cause alopecia
fewer in number.
areata. In alopecia areata, the immune system
Androgenic alopecia is a genetic condition that can affect
revs up for unknown reasons and affects the
both men and women. Men with this condition, called
hair follicles. In most people with alopecia
male pattern baldness, can begin suffering hair loss as
areata, the hair grows back, although it may
early as their teens or early 20s. It's characterized by a
temporarily be very fine and possibly a lighter
receding hairline and gradual disappearance of hair from
color before normal coloration and thickness
the crown and frontal scalp. Women with this condition,
called female pattern baldness, don't experience
 Medical conditions. Thyroid disease, lupus,
noticeable thinning until their 40s or later. Women
diabetes, iron deficiency, and anemia can cause
experience a general thinning over the entire scalp, with
hair loss, but when the underlying condition is
the most extensive hair loss at the crown.
treated the hair will return.
Alopecia areata often starts suddenly and causes patchy
 Diet. A low-protein diet or severely caloriehair loss in children and young adults. This condition may
restricted diet can also cause temporary hair
result in complete baldness (alopecia totalis). But in about
90% of people with the condition, the hair returns within a  Cosmetic procedures, such as shampooing too
few years.
often, perms, bleaching, and dyeing hair can
Alopecia universalis causes all body hair to fall out,
contribute to overall hair thinning by making
including the eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair.
hair weak and brittle.
Looks like your locks (and
skin!) might benefit from a
good workout too. Go from
lackluster to luscious without
sitting for several hours at the
Exercise gets your blood
flowing, and that increased
blood flow carries more
oxygen to your skin. During
exercise, the tiny arteries in
your skin open up, allowing
more blood to reach the skin’s
surface and to deliver the
nutrients that repair damage
from environmental pollutants
and the sun. These nutrients
also rev up the skin’s collagen
production, thwarting wrinkles.
Exercise also helps promote
blood circulation to the scalp
and hair follicles, supplying
nutrients to your hair. The
oxygen-rich blood flow may
rush antioxidants to the area,
destroying free radicals before
they can damage your hair.
This encourages hair growth
and controls hair loss.
Upcoming Events
3 May — Cary, NC
Cary Park 5K & Fun Run
3 May — Chapel Hill, NC
Color the Hill 4K Fun Run
17 May — Charlotte, NC
Charlotte Lung Cancer Walks
31 May — Raleigh, NC
Dirty Girl Mud Run
Use the following resources
to learn more about
May’s topics.
Recipe Corner
Artichoke-Scrambled Eggs Benedict
Excellent Eggs
Research supporting the health
benefits of eggs is piling up. And
several studies, including a recent one
in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, found no link in healthy
people between eggs and either heart
attack or stroke. They have debunked
the myth of unhealthy eggs. A great
source of protein, eggs are loaded with
four key minerals: zinc, selenium,
sulfur, and iron. Iron is especially
important, because it helps cells carry
oxygen to the hair follicles, and too
little iron (anemia) is a major cause of
hair loss, particularly in women. Here
are a few other reasons eggs are great:
They may reduce your risk of cancer.
Whole eggs are one of the best sources
of the nutrient choline (one large egg
has about 30 percent of your RDA). A
study published this year found that
women with a high intake of choline
were 24 percent less likely to get
breast cancer. Note: Choline is found
mostly in the yolk, so feel free to ditch
the egg-white omelets.
Eggs keep your peepers peeping.
Egg yolks are also high in lutein and
zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that have
been shown to ward off macular
An omelet a day can shrink your waist.
Louisiana State University system
researchers found that obese people
who ate a two-egg breakfast at least
five times a week lost 65% more
weight and had more energy than
women who breakfasted on bagels.
Eggs are more satisfying than carbs,
making you feel full longer.
Your abs eat them up.
These little orbs contain a certain
sequence of amino acids that makes
egg protein easy for your body to
absorb. Which means a hard-boiled
grade-A is an ideal muscle-repair food
after a butt-busting workout.
All eggs contain the same basic good
stuff, and the large ones pack only 72
calories each, so you really can't go
WellToday Issue 75 May 2014
Roasted artichoke bottoms stand in for English muffins in this quick yet
elegant meal. Substitute roasted mushrooms for the pancetta for a
vegetarian option. Serve with roasted new potatoes or a tossed salad.
View more egg recipes at www.eatingwell.com
4 canned artichoke bottoms, (1 1/2 cans), rinsed
4 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
3 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano, divided, plus 4
sprigs for garnish
1/3 cup chopped pancetta
2 tablespoons reduced-fat mayonnaise
2 tablespoons nonfat plain yogurt
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon water
6 large eggs
4 large egg whites
2 tablespoons reduced-fat cream cheese
1/4 teaspoon salt
Nutrition Information
Servings per recipe: 4
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat:
Saturated Fat:
Total Carbs:
Dietary Fiber:
1 vegetable
2 medium fat meat
2 fat
1. Preheat oven to 425°F.
2. Toss artichoke bottoms with 2 teaspoons oil and 2 teaspoons oregano. Place them
top-side down on half of a large baking sheet. Spread pancetta in an even layer on
the other half. Roast until the artichokes are just beginning to brown and the
pancetta is crispy, 12 to 14 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, whisk mayonnaise, yogurt, lemon juice, and water in a small bowl until
smooth. Beat eggs and egg whites in a large bowl.
4. Heat the remaining 2 teaspoons oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high
heat. Add the eggs and cook, folding and stirring frequently with a heatproof
rubber spatula until almost set, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and fold in
cream cheese, the remaining 1 teaspoon oregano and salt.
5. To serve, divide the artichoke bottoms among 4 plates. Top each artichoke with
equal portions scrambled egg, crispy pancetta, and creamy lemon sauce. Garnish
with oregano sprigs, if desired.
KYLIE ADAMS THOMAS, MS earned a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology and is a National
Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. She is also a
CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1) Trainer. She has worked as a wellness coordinator, personal trainer, and currently
works as a Corporate Wellness Specialist for Benefit Controls where she helps create strategic wellness
plans for corporate clients across the southeast.