The Ultimate Penis Enlargement Guide: Various sources Penis Improver - Penis Enlargement System A Manual Guide To Permanent and Safe Enhanced Sexual Performance. LEGAL NOTICE: Nothing in this manual is meant as, or should be taken as medical advice. While the techniques described in this manual have worked well for many men including the author, we are all individuals and they may not be appropriate for you. Before trying any of the techniques in this manual you should consult with a licensed Physician and/or Sex Therapist. If you are interested in penis enlargement you should consult a licensed Physician and/or Urologist. Because no two people are alike and you may have special needs, all penis enlargement techniques should be done under the supervision of a licensed Physician or Urologist. This manual is meant for informational purposes only. Neither the Penis Improver developers nor the author shall be liable or responsible for any loss, damage, injury or ailment caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information or lack of information, or use or misuse of the methods or techniques described in this manual. Contents: Introduction Health & Nutrition High Octane Sexual Fuel Diet Supercharging Supplements Charging Up Your Batteries Drugs and other Hazards Becoming A Man of Steel Penis of Steel Strong as Steel Hard As Steel Lasting All Night Long: Delay Techniques Identifying The Point of No Return Techniques Breathing Stop! The Squeeze The External Prostate Point The PG Pump PC Pumping Focus Control Position Yourself for Success The Medicine Man Thrusting Techniques 101 Taoist 9 in 1 Tease and Please Slide and Glide How to Screw Her Good! Making it Bigger: The Penis You Always Wanted The Jelq Technique The Taoist Techniques The Stretch Technique Vacuum Pumps The Program Attitude & Belief Visualize the size Introduction Congratulations on you purchase of The Penis Improver - Penis Enlargement System Manual. In this manual you will learn about your penis, you will learn how to make it harder, longer and thicker and even more important as many women will attest, How To Use It! I will show you how to banish premature ejaculation forever. You will learn the most ancient and the latest techniques for to gain true mastery of your penis. Before long you will have the sexual prowess of a porno stud! There is one catch. Like anything else in life, to become a master it takes work, dedication and consistency. I mean you would not expect to walk into a Dojo (Martial Arts Studio) and come out with a black belt the same day, or be able to do the splits after stretching only once. Would go to the gym and come out looking like a bodybuilder after only a few workouts would you? Of course not! The same truth applies here as well. And the same attitude is required as well. You can make significant gains in size, staying power and technique but it will require dedication and a commitment on your part. A commitment on your part to follow the techniques taught to you in this manual on a regular basis. The reason I use the analogy above is that it is quite appropriate, as we will be practicing techniques like they do in the martial arts. In fact many of the techniques you will be learning were taught in ancient Asia by the Taoist (pronounced Dao-ist) as sexual Kung Fu. We will also be stretching tendons and ligaments like they do in the martial arts and like a bodybuilder we will be building muscle as well. So enough said let's get down to business! The Business of building a Big, Hard, Strong, Penis. And becoming the master of your sexual destiny. Health & Nutrition Your penis is not a separate entity from your body. It is part of your body. So if you are in poor health you should not expect your penis to be in any better health than the rest of your body. If you are under great stress, deprived of quality sleep and rest, suffering from an illness or are just malnourished due to a nutritionally deficient diet, you may lack the penis performance that you desire. But all is not lost as in the next few pages we will cover the basics of nutrition as well as foods and supplement that specifically enhance sexual performance. High Octane Sexual Fuel Diet The food you put into your body is what your body burns as fuel to make energy and just like when you put cheep gas in your car and you get poor performance the same goes for your body. The quality of food you eat can be a major factor that helps to determine your energy level, general health and sexual performance. What should you eat? You might ask? You should eat a well balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits (apples, bananas, peaches, pears, grapes, oranges etc.) and vegetables (spinach, broccoli, asparagus, squash, green beans, carrots, etc... green and leafy vegetables are the best!) If you don't like to eat vegetables you can drink fresh vegetable juice, not canned. When a product is canned it loses many of its vitamins, nutrients and enzymes, so you should always try to eat fresh foods. You should also eat a high quality protein every day, such as fish, chicken, and egg whites. I believe that beef meat should be eating only 1-4 times a month. If you really like red meat, you might try ostrich or buffalo; they are much leaner and healthier. When you buy your food you should try to get as much of it organic (grown with out pesticides and without preservatives) as possible. I recommend that you get a copy of the Zone Diet book. It basically says that you should eat 30% Fat (good fat, avocados, nuts, etc.) 30% Carbohydrates (in the form of non-starchy vegetables) and 40% Protein (Fish, Chicken, Etc.) at every meal and that you should avoid refined sugar. What you should you not eat? Refined sugar (candy, soft drinks, pastries, white sugar, brown sugar, etc.) Preservatives (Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Ethoborate etc.) Food Additives (MSG or Mono-Sodiumglutinate, NutraSweet or Aspartame, hydrolyzed animal or vegetable protein these are excitotoxins and stimulate the neurons in the brain until they die! Food Dyes, etc.) Start reading the packages of what you eat. Look for the hidden sugars (sugar, highfructose corn syrup, maltodextren), preservatives and food additives on the labels of what you buy. A good rule of thumb is if you can't pronounce it you might not want to eat it. Try to as eat little processed food as possible. Processed food are ready-made food. Such as canned foods and processed cheese, frozen dinners etc. I don't expect anyone to forgo all of the above all of the time. I love a good piece of Triple Chocolate Cake or Chocolate Cookies, but I don't eat it everyday! Better yet save up you chocolate allowance and put chocolate syrup on your woman's nipples! One more note before we move on. Two things that you should also avoid are aluminum and fluoride, which is a by-product of aluminum and used as rat poison. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's Disease. You might ask how you avoid aluminum? Don't drink out of aluminum cans, or cook in aluminum pots and pans. Go get you're deodorant right now, and read the label, if it says aluminum don't use it anymore. And as for fluoride, from what I have read from some dentist that have written on the subject, IT DOES NOTHING FOR YOUR TEETH! And is aluminum by product. Supercharging Supplements In addition to healthy foods you can take vitamin and mineral supplements to help make up for what our foods lack today. I recommend that you see a nutritionist or buy a book on the subject of nutrition. Until you do I will tell you what I take. Colloidal Minerals, B-Stress Complex, Vitamins C, E, A and Zinc which is very important for prostate health and in fighting off infections. Many companies are now making zinc lozenges, because if you get enough at the on set of a cold you could be over the cold in 24-48 hours or at least have less severe symptoms. And now for the sexual performance boosting supplements: ? B-Stress Complex for more energy ? B-12 For more energy ? Colloidal Minerals for general health and immunity ? Amino Acid: L-Arginine: for erections of steel and increased volume of ejaculate. I found this one through an obscure magazine article about a year ago. It Works! I take 500-1000mg in the daytime and 1000-1500mg about an hour or two before sex. Warning: Do not take L-Arginine during a herpes break out or when cold sores are present, or any herpes related disease as it will make the case more severe. I also recommend that you take good a amino acid supplement and augment it with the L-Arginine as not to create an imbalance in the body. I do not recommend taking high dosages on a daily basis for an extended period of time. ? Herb: Avina Sativa (Wild Oats): Increases sex drive and volume of ejaculate. ? Herb: Saw Palmetto Berries Extract: Good for prostate health. ? Herb: Muira Puama Extract: Increases sex drive, and produces firmer erections I have heard. ? Herb: Yohimbe: Some people have had great success with this herb and claim great results. I don't recommend it, because I have heard that it has negative side effects if over used or used for extended periods of time. ? Herb: Damiana: Increases sex drive. I have also heard that the user of this herb will become more attractive to the opposite sex. ? Herb: Schizandra: It is said to increase the volume of sexual fluids, increase sexual endurance and staying power and to strengthen the whole body. One Added benefit is that it beautifies the skin. ? Herb: Epimedium: Also known as "goat sex herb" considered an aphrodisiac. ? Herbal Formula: Honeymooners Tea: This tea is for replenishing spent sexual energy. Dendrobium, Schizandra, Licorice root. You boil all of the herbs and drink the tea. There are many great Chinese herbal formulas that may benefit you in countless ways. I recommend that you see a Chinese Tonic Herbalist to take advantage of them. Consult your doctor and/or nutritionist before taking any of the supplements or herbs listed here! Charging Up Your Batteries If you want to be a sexual athlete you need to get plenty of rest and sleep so that your batteries are charged up so to speak, So that when you need the Super Sexual Energy it is there. The Ancient Taoist believe that a man should retain his ejaculate when he has his orgasm so that he does not lose his energy and feel drained after sex as many men feel. How ever they believed that men should have sex very often without ejaculating in order to cultivate energy for well being and rejuvenation. Many professional athletes abstain from sex before a competition so that they are at their peak, energy wise; this may lend some creditability to the Taoist theory. Weather I choose to believe in the Taoist theory or not one thing I have learned is that you can have sex all day and sleep all night or have sex all night and sleep all day. But you can't work all day, fight traffic, go to the gym and then have sex all night and get up for work early the next morning and do it all over again for very long with out it taking toll on your health and immunity. The Taoist may have the answer to this problem and we will explore in more depth later on, but for now just realize that you need adequate rest and sleep to have great sex and great erections. Another Taoist theory is that you tell your health and well being by your penis. According to the theory you can tell when you are in good health and when I you had enough rest by the firmness of your erections. The harder you are the healthier you are and the more energy you have. This is not written in stone, but I have found it to be true for me as the Taoists found it true for them. Drugs and other Hazards As well as all of the other dangers of illegal substances they can also effect you sexual function in a detrimental way. If you want to be a man of steel you have to act like one. Moderation is the key here, but I find that some drugs are too dangerous even with moderate usage, such as cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy have been found to cause brain damage. Many prescription drugs and antibiotics also may cause loss of sex drive to the point of near impotence. If you are on prescription drugs, and this is the case you should consult with your doctor, and a nutritionist and/or herbalist for a solution to your problem. Steroids can be very damaging to your sexual functioning in addition to the possibility of damaging your liver, kidneys and heart. Some of the side effects of steroids to the reproductive system are that you balls may shrink and you testosterone production may be significantly reduced. We all know that smoking Cigarettes is bad for your health. But you may not know what it does to your sexual performance. When you smoke you decrease the blood and oxygen supply in your arteries and you're sexual performance and firmness of your erection decreases. That would be enough right there for me to quit! Alcohol in moderation is not bad, in fact medical studies have now shown that 1 drink a day may even be good for you! We all know that too much alcohol decreases your ability to perform sexually. So once again moderation is the key. Becoming A Man of Steel If you want to be a man of steel and have a penis of steel you have to live like a man of steel. Which means that you need to eat like a man of steel, sleep like a man of steel, exercise like a man of steel. I don't want to turn this into bodybuilding or exercise guide, but I will say that if you are not already active, you should be. I recommend joining a gym (A great place to meet women) and getting on weight training program. This will not only make you feel better, but you will also look better and be more attractive to the opposite sex. If you really can't stand lifting weights, you might try martial arts classes, where not only will you get a work out but you will also learn to defend your self and increase your self -discipline and self-confidence. Other suggestions might include Aerobics, Boxercise, Running, or Biking. Penis of Steel Now lets get down to business, and build a penis that is as strong as steel, and as hard as steel. In order to do that we need to first strengthen the muscles that are responsible for your orgasms and ejaculation, the Pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle (Figure 1). But first we need to locate it if you are not aware of it. The best way to find it is to urinate and try to stop the flow of urine, when the flow stops you have found your PC muscle. Now flex your PC muscle a few times to make sure you have found it. As with any muscle without use it will atrophy and unless you have been doing a PC muscle workout already on a regular basis you could probably use some strengthening and toning. So now we will start a PC muscle exercise program. Strong as Steel The Strong as Steel Exercise Program The first exercise we are going to do is the Quick squeeze: Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can and hold it for 2 seconds then completely relax the muscle. That is one rep, wait 1 second between reps. Next is the Slow Squeeze: Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can slowly and hold it for 15 seconds then release slowly, completely relax the muscle. That is one rep wait 5 seconds between reps. And last is the Super Squeeze: Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can slowly and hold it for a minimum of 60 seconds then release. That is one rep wait 60 seconds between reps. Daily Program: Quick Squeeze: 20 reps. (work up to 100 reps.) x 1 set. Slow Squeeze: 10 reps. (work up to 25 reps.) x 1 set. Super Squeeze: 1 reps. (work up to 10 reps.) x 1 set. Just as with any exercise program you should start out slow and build up over time, in this case over about 2-3 weeks to prevent excessive soreness. After being on this program for 4-8 weeks you should have a super strong PC muscle. Which is required for many of the techniques in the following sections. Some of the added benefits of PC muscle exercises are more intense orgasms, stronger and more powerful ejaculation, and the ability to become a Multi-Orgasmic Male. PC muscle exercise also promotes good prostate health, by massaging the prostate gland with the contractions of the PC muscle. Hard As Steel There are many different variables that can factor in to the hardness of your penis, such as general health and lack of sleep that we covered in earlier sections. Another factor is the strength of your PC muscle. The stronger your PC muscle is the harder your penis will be, and when your penis is at it's hardest, your penis will also be at it's biggest. Also as mentioned earlier a program of herbs, vitamins and supplements can help turn a weak erection into a Steel Rod! The ones that I have found to be most beneficial to increase the hardness of erections are the Colloidal Minerals, B-Complex, and L-Arginine (The Secret Ingredient, this one alone should make you rock hard if taken correctly and you are in general good health I take 500-2000mg's a day 500-1000mg's in the morning and 5001500mg's 2 hours before sex. Then get ready for a super hard erection, in some cases increased staying power and a Mega Load Ejaculation. If this does not happen the first time take the dosage for a few days in a row). Lasting All Night Long A penis no matter how big or hard is of very little use to anyone if you have no control over it. Many men suffer from premature ejaculation as we will define it (ejaculating before you are ready to.) This can be a great insecurity to a man's sexual self-image and cause much frustration to his sexual partner as well. Now we will learn some techniques to help end this problem forever! Identifying The Point of No Return Before you can control your ejaculation you must be able to recognize when it is that you are going to ejaculate or, as we will call it the point of ejaculatory inevitability or the point of no return( P.O.N.R). In order do this you have to do some exercises so that you will be able to identify your P.O.N.R. Exercise #1: Finding your P.O.N.R. and Excitement Scale. Goal: Finding your P.O.N.R. and Excitement Scale. Repeat until you accomplish the goal to your satisfaction.. You will want to take about 30 min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate with out finding your P.O.N.R. When you get to a level about 9-9.5 pay real close attention to what you are feeling. You should start to feel the seamen moving from the testicles and collecting in the prostate gland at the base of the penis. If possible stop and take a deep breath and feel everything. If you can't stop then you have passed your P.O.N.R. See how close you can get, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! Now that you have identified your P.O.N.R. and you can tell when you are approaching your P.O.N.R. all you need is to learn how to slow your path to orgasm which we will cover in the next section. Delaying Your Orgasm Now we will cover several techniques in this section that will enable you to Delay and/or prevent your orgasm and prolong lovemaking for as long as you desire. Some of the techniques will work better for you than others and many can and should be used in conjunction with each other. We will start with the simplest leading to the more advanced with each technique building on the previous. Delay Techniques: Breathing This one is fairly simple but very powerful when combined with the other techniques. That is why you are going to learn it first. First we need to see if you know the proper way to breathe. Put your hand on your abdomen and take a deep breath, you should feel your abdomen fill with air and your abdomen expand outward. Your shoulders should not rise. Practice breathing like this until you get it down. When you feel that you are reaching around 7.5 or 8 on the Excitement Scale take a slow deep breath and hold it for a few seconds until the urge to ejaculate subsides. Continue slow deep breathing until your level on the Excitement Scale drops a few points. Warning: don't hold your breath too long you don't want to get dizzy or pass out! This technique may or may not work for you depending on how close to your P.O.N.R. you are, but is very powerful when used in combination with the following techniques. STOP ! That's it! Just stop and breathe! (As described above) When you feel that you are getting too close to your point of no return, just stop what ever it is you are doing take a deep breath and just wait 20-60 seconds before you resume any form of stimulation. Once you feel that your arousal has dropped a few points on your excitement scale you then can resume stimulation. The key to making this work is to really stop. If you are with a lover you maybe concerned that you will look silly or deprive her of her pleasure. If you use finesse you will be able apply this technique properly without either of the two happening. The key to doing this is not to let your lover feel isolated during your break. Scenario A: Let's say your lover is going down on you and you are getting close to your P.O.N.R. and you haven't had intercourse yet. A few ways to handle this are as follows: 1. Say "baby, that feels so good, but I don't want to come yet! Could you stop for a few seconds!" Most women would be very happy to help you out, especially if your are with a steady lover. 2. Say " Ohh, God you are so good!, Come here!" and pull her up, take a deep breath and kiss her passionately during the 30 seconds or so..This will only turn her on more and still give the break you needed..Then you can gently guide her back down there or move on to another activity. If you need even more of break you could suck on her nipples or go down her.. 3. Pull her up and say " My Turn!" and go down on her while you take your needed break. Very few women will argue with this request! Scenario B: You are having intercourse and you can tell that it won't be long before you reach your P.O.N.R. A few ways to handle this are as follows: 1. Say "baby, Your pussy feels so good, but I don't want to come yet!" Stop, Pull out, take a slow deep breath (If just stopping without pulling out works for you then great, but many times it won't be enough, also she my keep moving especially if she is on top) and take a break. Most women are very happy to help you out, especially if your are with a steady lover. WARNING: If your lover is screaming "Don't stop I'm about to come", this is not the time for this technique, even if you want to last past her orgasm. 2. Stop, take a deep breath and, change positions. This will only work if you have been in one position for awhile. Also the best position to move to is her favorite, unless this was it! Then you might not want to change. 3. Pull out, take a deep breath, tell her how pretty her pussy is or how much you love her pussy, go down and kiss her or her pussy a few times, while you take a break. 4. Pull out, take deep breath, slide the shaft of your penis over her clitoris with a thrusting motion, and rub her clitoris with the head of your penis and/or playfully slap and tease her pussy with your penis, while you say something like "You like being naughty don't you, I love your naughty little pussy!" or some other verbiage that you come up with.. Be creative. Exercise #2: Solo Practice - The Breathing and Stop! Techniques. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop! and Breathing Techniques. Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 4. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 5. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate with out trying the technique. 6. When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the technique: Stop, Take your hand off of your penis, take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few point on the scale. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you're self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5. 7. See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! The Squeeze The Squeeze technique is just what it sounds like you Squeeze your penis with your hand. When feel like you are getting near your P.O.N.R. you do The Squeeze in combination with the previous Breathing and Stop! Methods. The Squeeze Technique: 1. When you feel close to your P.O.N.R. you, stop, pull out, take a deep breath and squeeze your penis hard with your thumb and first two fingers for several seconds. After your Excitement level drops a few points you may resume intercourse. The squeeze should be applied either with the first two fingers (this is a flat grip the fingers and thumb do not meet.) just below the head of the penis. 2. Another variation is to squeeze you penis at the base instead of just below. This can be done in the same manner described above or by gripping the penis in a ring manner with the thumb and index finger. Try both and see which works best for you. You may also be able to use the last variation of griping the penis at the base without having to pull out, and simply just stopping, taking a deep breath and applying the squeeze to the base of the penis and waiting till the urge to ejaculate subsides. Exercise #3: Solo Practice - The Squeeze Technique. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop!, Breathing and Squeeze Techniques. Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. 1. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 2. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 4. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 5. 6. 7. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate without trying the technique. When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the technique: Stop, squeeze your penis hard with your thumb and forefingers just below the head or with the ring grip at the base of the penis( I recommend that you try both variations and see which one works best for you), take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few point on the scale. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you're self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5. 8. See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! The PG Pump The PG Pump is actually an ancient Taoist technique to delay ejaculation and can also be used during orgasm do prevent ejaculation. To use the PG Pump you must first find your external prostate point. The point is located on the perineum between your scrotum and anus, but closer to your anus (Figure 1). The PG Pump technique can be applied with or without pulling out, however the effect is greater if you do pullout. Exercise #4: Finding your External PG Point. Goal: To Find your External PG Point and become familiar with the sensation of pumping it. 1. Stimulate your self until highly aroused highly. 2. You should be standing or in a kneeling position. Reach around behind your butt and between your legs, then with your first two or three fingers (depending on the size of your fingers) and press up on the area above your scrotum and just below your anus fairly hard up to the first joint of your fingers. 3. When you find the right spot you will feel a pleasurable sensation and you will be able to see the head of your penis throb and expand as you press. 4. Press it a few times slowly and gently. Now you know how to pump your prostate. Now that you know where your External PG point is and how to pump your Prostate lets apply this technique to practical use. Exercise #5: Solo Practice - The PG Pump Technique. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop!, Breathing and PG Pump Techniques. Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 4. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 5. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate without trying the technique. 6. When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the technique: Stop, press hard on your PG Point for several seconds, release (that is one pump). Pump your PG Point 3-5 times, take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. Your erection may decrease a bit as well. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you're self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5. 7. See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! The PC Pump The PC Pump is a internal and more powerful version of the PG Pump, but instead of using you fingers to press on your external prostate point and pump your prostate gland you are using Pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle to pump the prostate gland. To explain how this delays ejaculation we first need to understand how ejaculation occurs. When you near you're P.O.N.R. you prostate starts to fill with prostatic fluid and fluid from the seminal vesicles. Once you reach your P.O.N.R seaman is drawn from your testicles into the prostate gland and then expelled with force by the contractions of the muscles that surround the prostate gland. With the PC Pump and the PG Pump what is actually happening is that you are interrupting this process and restarting it in effect. To be able to do the PC Pump you must have a very strong PC muscle. If you have been doing some kind of PC muscle conditioning might want to try the exercise now, if not you should start training and strengthening your PC muscle with the Strong as Steel Exercise Program as outlined earlier in this manual. After a couple of weeks of training you should do try this exercise. Remember that you should continue the Strong as Steel Exercise Program indefinitely to maintain a strong PC Muscle. As with the PG Pump, The PC Pump can be applied with or without pulling out. Exercise #6: Solo Practice - The PC Pump Technique. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop!, Breathing and PC Pump Techniques. Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 4. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 5. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate without trying the technique. 6. When you get to a level of about 6.5 it is time to apply the PC Pump: There are several variations of the PC Pump technique, try them all and see which one works best for you. A. Stop, Flex your PC hard for 2-3 seconds, release (that is one pump). Pump your PC Muscle 3-5 times, take a deep breath as you do the first pump and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. You may also experience a decrease in your erection. Resume stimulation. B. Stop, Flex your PC Muscle hard for one long pump about 10 seconds, release. Pump your PC Muscle 1-3 times, take a deep breath as you do the first pump and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. You may also experience a decrease in your erection. Resume stimulation. C. Stop, Flex your PC Muscle hard for 1 second release and do it again quickly, repeat for 5 reps., take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. You may also experience a decrease in your erection. Resume stimulation. 7. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you're self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5. 8. See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! Focus Control These techniques are more mental than physical and since the mind is the greatest sex organ these techniques are very powerful when combined with the ones above. These techniques work by you directing your attention away from your orgasm and onto other sensations, and at the same time keep you fully present in the sexual experience. Change your focus of goal: This is the easiest of them, this is more an attitude than a specific technique. Change your focus and goal from having an orgasm and ejaculation to enjoying and taking in the whole sexual experience. the smell of her hair.. The feel of her skin, the way she tastes.etc.By taking the focus off of ejaculation and putting it on the whole experience, everything you do does not lead to ejaculating, but to enjoying. Exercise #7: Solo Practice - Change your focus of goal. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar The Focus Control Techniques 1. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 2. This time you are going to self-stimulate with the goal be pleasure, instead of ejaculation you do not even have to ejaculate at all. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Enjoy it! Change your focus of physical sensation: In this one what you do is to take you attention off of your genitals and place them on another part of your body. Exercise #8: Change your focus of physical sensation. Goal: Changing your focus off of your genitals and put it on some other part of your body. Repeat until you accomplish the goal to your satisfaction.. You will want to take about 30 min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Once again let pleasure be your goal, instead of ejaculation. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 4. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 5. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate with out finding your P.O.N.R. 6. When you get to a level about 6.5, shift you attention from what you are feeling in your genitals to what the rest of your body is feeling. Feel what your hands feel, feel what your skin feels. 7. If possible stop and take a deep breath and feel everything. 8. See how close you can get, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! Change your focus on the external stimuli of your lover: Many times what drives you past the point of no return is not just something that you are feeling but also what you are seeing and hearing and what your focus is on. For instance maybe you can last without a problem until you lover starts to moan and scream, and when your hear how excited she is it throws you past the your P.O.N.R. Or maybe it's when you see her beautiful full breasts hanging down while you are thrusting into her from behind or any number of things. The point is to identify what it is that drives you past your P.O.N.R. and then change you focus to something else about your lover. Many men change their focus to sport scores or something that turns them off, I personally don't think that you should think of something that you find distasteful or negative to delay your ejaculation as you may accidentally create an association between the two. If you feel that this form of detachment may help you, change your focus to anything pleasant that is non-sexual in nature instead. However, I feel that it is better not to remove yourself from your present sexual experience with your lover. It would be preferable to change your focus to how much you love or care about her, how beautiful she looks, how amazing the experience is, take in the whole experience the ambiance, the mood, feel the sheets etc. Just change you focus to anything that is present except the stimulus that drives you over the edge. Exercise #9: Change your focus on the external stimuli of your lover Goal: Changing your focus off of the part of her or the experience that drives you over the edge and on to something else. Repeat until you accomplish the goal to your satisfaction.. 1. Once again let pleasure be your goal, instead of ejaculation. 2. Notice what it is that moves you up the scale. I.e. looking at her breast bounce, watching your penis sliding in and out of her, the way her ass looks, hearing her moan or what she is saying to you. 3. When you start getting close to your P.O.N.R. change your focus off of whatever it is that is driving you wild and on to something else. i.e. if you are watch her breast and it's driving you wild, look into her eyes instead, if you are doing it from behind and her ass is just too much for you look at the wall for a while 4. Apply one of the other techniques that you learned earlier, like The PG Pump or the PC Pump, both of which can be done without pulling out. 5. See how close you can get, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! A Final Word on the Above Techniques With all of the above techniques you don't want to wait until you are at your P.O.N.R. before you start to use them. But rather use them along the way to your P.O.N.R. so that you may last as long as you desire and reach your P.O.N.R. and enjoy your orgasm when you are ready rather than to be at the mercy of chance or to just put up with premature ejaculation. You may never have to hear again the words "I was almost there, I was so close." Instead, once you master these techniques you will be hearing, "Ooooh, God, I'mmmm coming, Ooh! Fuck, Oooh! Ooooh! Ooooooooh! Position Yourself for Success Having intercourse in certain positions will help to last longer and prolong intercourse. Positions that prolong intercourse: The Woman on top positions, Spoons (side to side, man behind the woman). The Medicine Man Even though we already covered herbs and supplements earlier I would like to mention a few that are help to increase staying power. Supplements and Herbs for staying power: ? Amino Acid: L-Arginine: for erections of steel and increased volume of ejaculate and increased staying power. I take 500-1000mg in the daytime and 1000-1500mg about an hour or two before sex. Warning: Do not take L-Arginine during a herpes break out or when cold sores are present, or any herpes related disease as it will make the case more severe. I also recommend that you take a good amino acid supplement and augment it with the L-Arginine as not to create an imbalance in the body. I do not recommend taking high dosages on a daily basis for an extended period of time. ? Herb: Schizandra: It is said to increase the volume of sexual fluids, increase sexual endurance and staying power and to strengthen the whole body. One Added benefit is that it beautifies the skin. Strongest in the tincture (Liquid in alcohol base) form. Should be taken on a daily basis according to the rules of Chinese tonic herbalism. MMO or Male Multiple Orgasm What is it? MMO or Male Multiple Orgasm is the ability experience all the sensations of orgasm without ejaculation, and therefore you can maintain an erection and have many orgasms without ejaculating, until you desire to ejaculate. Some men have developed or inherently posses this ability it seem while most other men can learn to develop this ability. The first prerequisite is a very strong PC muscle, so if you haven't developed your PC muscle yet, forget about MMO until you do. Secondly you need a high degree of ability with the PC Pump Technique. You should be able to stop your self from coming at the 9.5-9.9 levels. If not keep practicing until you can. Once you can do that you must learn to stretch the duration of the sensations that you feel when you are applying the PC Pump Technique sensations. A Technique for experiencing MMO: Try the following technique during self-stimulation or intercourse. 1. When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the PC Pump Technique Stop; Flex your PC muscle for several seconds, release. Take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. Your erection may decrease a bit as well. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you're self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 2. Now Try it at 9.9 and right before your P.O.N.R. flex your PC muscle hard, for as long as you can, take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds, Open your eyes, and keep them open. Think of bringing the feeling up and through your whole body. 3. Now if you did all of the steps correctly and you did not pass your P.O.N.R. and your PC muscles was strong enough. You should have had a MMO without ejaculating, and you should still have an erection or partial erection and be able to resume stimulation. 4. If that's not what happened, then keep practicing and soon you will be a multi-orgasmic man. Thrusting Techniques 101 Taoist Techniques and The Taoist 9 in 1 Technique The Ancient Taoist had developed an extensive array of thrusting techniques for intercourse. They believed that the man should vary his thrusting speed and thrusting depth and thrusting angle in order to fully stimulate his lover and himself during a prolonged coition (Taoist also believed in prolong acts of intercourse and are famous for the term 1000 loving thrusts.) They also gave names to the different levels of depths in the vagina. They are as follows: 1. Lute String, the depth of one inch inside. 2. Water chestnut Teeth, the depth of two inches. 3. Little Stream, the depth of three inches. 4. Black Pearl, the depth of four inches. 5. Valley's Proper, the depth of five inches. 6. Deep Chamber, the depth of six inches. 7. Inner Door, the depth of seven inches. 9. North Pole, the depth of eight inches. The Taoist 9 in 1 Technique The 9 in 1 technique is a thrusting sequence in which you simply thrust 9 times shallow (1 to 4 inches) and 1 time deep (3 to 5 inches, but not so deep as to hit her cervix and cause pain). Example of one set: Shallow Deep 1 9 2 8 3 7465565738291 Then you repeat the sequence over and over again varying the speed of the thrusts. It is said that this sequence will stimulate the woman to all nine levels The Ancient Taoists also describe nine different types of thrusts. I have endeavored to paraphrase from the overly poetic language used. The Nine type of thrusts: 1. Thrust to the left and to the right to stimulate the vaginal walls. 2. Thrust up and down rather than in and out. You have to move your whole body up and down do this in the missionary position. 3. Teasingly pull out and push back in. 4. Alternate between using deep thrusts and shallow teasing strokes. 5. Make deep and shallow strokes in steady succession. 6. Push in slowly. 7. Thrust Swiftly. 8. Poise at the opening, then strike swiftly and stay inside for a few moments. 9. Rise and then plunge low. Tease & Please In this technique you tease your partner with your penis until she is begging you to put it in her then you slowly enter her an inch at a time until you tease an orgasm out of her. The Tease & Please Technique: 1. After your partner is highly aroused from foreplay, you gently rub your partner's clitoris with the head of your penis. Every once in a while tease the opening with the head of your penis. After a few minutes of this she will be simmering with desire, but you want her boiling so keep on teasing. 2. She will ask you to put it in! DON'T PUT IT IN YET! Keep teasing and talk to her. Tell her how beautiful her pussy is. Ask her if she wants you inside her or if she want's you cock inside her. Ask her how badly she wants it as you keep teasing her. After a few more minutes of this she will be on the edge of her seat and almost boiling with desire. 3. When she really can't stand it any longer, start rubbing the opening with the head of your penis for about a minute or so. Then slide only the head in and vary slowly thrust in and out with only the head of your penis. She will be begging for you to put it in more! 4. Slide it in one more inch, then trust slowly in and out but only to this same depth. Keep talking to her while you do this. Ask her if she likes your cock inside her, tell her how much you like fucking her and how good her pussy feels. 5. After a couple more minutes slide it in one more inch and then thrust slowly in and out to this same depth. 6. Repeat step 5 until you are almost at your full length, but don't put it all the way in until she starts having an orgasm. 7. Once she starts having an orgasm you may start thrusting more vigorously and or move on to a different technique. Slide and Glide This one I originally learned form an uncle of mine who told me of this great technique he used to give women orgasms during intercourse that had never had one during intercourse before. A few years later I saw that a book (by the title of "The Perfect Fit" had been written about a very similar technique, but with much fluff added to fill up 100 or so pages. This technique relies on stimulating your partners clitoris with the friction and pressure from your upper pubic region (right above your pubic bone) which we will call the Friction Zone (Figure 3). The Slide and Glide Technique The technique is done in the missionary position (there is a Woman on top variation that I will go over later). Make sure your partner is well lubricated, and I would recommend starting with the tease & please technique, until you are almost all the way in and then start do this technique. The Slide and Glide Technique: 1. In the missionary position, make sure your partner's clitoris and upper vaginal area is well lubricated. (With her own juices, you saliva, Astroglide, Wet, etc.) 2. Ask the woman to spread her vaginal lips with her hands, when she does this put your penis in up to the base and rest the Friction Zone on her clitoris. 3. Put your weight on her body, and reach down and grab her ass and spread the cheeks apart. 4. Now start sliding up and down on her (not in and out, you penis should remain in completely inside her all the way to the base as you move. To do this you will need to grab her shoulders or the edge of the bed with both hands and push off with your toes as well. As you do all of this make sure that the greatest friction between you and her is where the Friction Zone and her clitoris meet. This might all sound really complicated but it is actually very easy, and after a few minutes you and her will be gliding back and forth on a sweet layer of sweat. 5. Continue until she has at least one orgasm. Keep moving and try not to break the friction. How to Screw Her Good! If you follow the techniques above you will be a good lover but you want to be a Great Lover so here is the icing on the cake. Many men just thrust in and out over and over again, or worse just put it in and pound. While many women do like to be pounded on occasion or after they have warmed up with an orgasm or two, the same thing over and over again can get quite boring. It is best to vary the techniques that you use and to vary the types, depth, speed, and angles of your thrusts as well as the positions that you are thrusting in. Just as well don't get carried away and keep changing positions every couple of minutes if your partner really enjoys the one you are in and is getting the stimulation that she needs for an orgasm. To be a great lover you have to learn to read your lover adapt and go with the flow and still be able to take the lead. You need to learn the way of your lover, what she desires and what she does not desire, what spots get her off and what really turns her off. These things come with time. That is why the sex should get better the longer you are with someone not worse.. A few Suggestions: 1. Always tease a bit and make sure that your lover is fully aroused and lubricated before penetration. 2. Make sure your lover is highly aroused and almost coming before full penetration. 3. Thrust at different angles in the same position to stimulate all the walls of the vagina. Try riding high and low, left and right in the same position to stimulate all of her vaginal walls. 4. Try different positions, variety is the spice of life. 5. Thrust at different speeds, fast, slow, and medium. 6. Thrust hard, soft and teasingly. 7. Once in a while pull out and re-enter. 8. Try thrust in a winding circular motion going in and coming out. 9. Put you penis all the way in and slide up and down and left and right and in circles clockwise and counterclockwise, without moving your penis in and out. Making it Bigger: The Penis You Always Wanted We all ask the question does size matter? Sure it does, If you are too big she won't sleep with you! There are some woman that only like big cocks and there are some that don't like big cocks. I personally have run in more of the later than the former. According to the famous East Indian love text the KAMA SUTRA both men and women come in three sizes, essentially: Small, Medium and Large. And the most important thing is for them to fit well together. A small man with a large woman is not a good match, she will not get they will not get the stimulation they need and vice versa A large man with a small woman also is not a good fit as it will be painful for her or she may refuse intercourse all together. Visually, a larger penis turns on some women (But not as many as men who are turned on by having a larger penis) Most women like medium to big cocks in general, but not huge cocks, they are actually afraid of them.. Also you have to realize that a woman's interpretation of medium and big are different than ours. Most women think big is 6-7 inch and about 5 inches around and we seem to think that big is 8-9 inches and 6-7 inches around. Women also seem to favor thick or girth over length, a thicker penis will stimulate the woman more by stretching her vaginal walls and creating more friction. While men seem to be mostly preoccupied with length. Let me say that being a Great Lover does not have much to do with penis size. You can have a big cock and be a lousy lover or you could have 4 1/2 inches and be a Great Lover. What makes a great lover is the feeling and passion that you channel through great sexual technique. A great lover is more than a penis and knows how to use his eyes, his voice, his words, his tongue, and his whole body as well as his penis. If you just happen to have a big cock, so much the better. Before I go on to the enlargement techniques, I would like to point out the advantages and disadvantages of having a larger penis. The Advantages of Having a Larger Penis: ? Increased self-confidence and self-esteem. ? Visually more of a turn on to your lover. ? Looks good in the locker room. ? Looks good in your pants. ? May stimulate your lover's vagina more. The Disadvantages of Having a Larger Penis: ? If your penis is very big (8+ long, 6.5+ around) some women may refuse you intercourse. ? If your penis is very long (8+ inches), it will hit the woman's cervix and cause pain, so you will have to thrust more carefully and not go all the way in. Part of your penis (the first couple of inches) will get left out in the cold. ? If your penis is very long you will rarely get deep throated. If it is very thick it will be hard for most women to put your penis in their mouths. And if they can you may get hit by there teeth, if they don't know what they are doing. ? If you are a fan of anal sex, the bigger you are the less chance you will have of getting a woman to try it. ? If intercourse is difficult for your partner because of your size, you may have sex less often. Now that you know the long and short of it, Let's move on to making it bigger! YES! YOU CAN MAKE YOUR PENIS BIGGER! You may have ask the question can I make my penis bigger and depending on who you asked you might have gotten back "No" or vague or unsatisfactory answers or worse. Maybe someone looking to profit from desperate individuals looking for an answer has even taken you advantage of. There are even mail order companies that sell creams that claim to enlarge your penis or that advertise "add three inches to your penis over night, with a prosthetic enlargement device" making money off of people's ignorance of the word "prosthetic", which means artificial replacement. So they sell you a fake penis that fits on top of yours! How many people do you think will complain to the Postmaster General that the Penis Enlargement Cream didn't work! Like I said in the Introduction of this manual, Yes You can enlarge you penis if you are willing to make the commitment to do the proper techniques on a regular and/or daily basis for an extended period of time. If you are willing to make this commitment you can make significant gains in the girth and length of your penis. The minimum amount of time that you should consider is six months, however you will start to see gains before that (individual results will vary). It's like any other personal development or skill that you learn, if you want a Black Belt in the martial arts, it may take you 2-8 years depending on the style, If you want to get muscle and look like a body builder it may take you a 6-2 years. If you want to have the penis you always dreamed of and see results along the way, it may take 3 months -2 years. So in all of the above cases you can either bitch about how long it will take and give and quit or you can make a commitment to your goal and do a little work toward it every day and be for you know it you have reached your goal and seen results along the way. Warning: Because no two people are a like and you may have special needs, all penis enlargement techniques should be done under the supervision of a licensed Physician or Urologist. Penis Enlargement Techniques There are many different techniques to add both girth and length to your penis. Some of them you might appeal to you and others might not. It also depends on what your goals are. Before we go any further go get a tape measure (The kind used in health clubs and my tailors and a ruler. Now measure your penis first in the flaccid (soft) state by putting the ruler on above your penis flat against your pubic bone or the base of your penis and record the measurement. Next take the tape measure and wrap it around your penis and record that measurement. Now stimulate yourself until you are as hard as you can get! If you are not as hard as you can get your measurement will not be accurate. Now repeat the measurement process as described above and record the measurements on one of the sheets provided at the end of the manual. You can check as often as you like during the program, but I recommend that you only record on the sheet every month, as day to day measurement will fluctuate. Now that you have your measurements let's how you measure up to the average? Erect Length: Erect Girth: Small - less than 5" Less than 4 3/4" Circumference Average 5" - 7" 4 3/4" - 5 1/2" Circumference Large 7" - 9" 5 1/2" - 6 1/2" Circumference Huge 9"+ over 6 1/2" So where do you fall on the chart? Now that you know how big you are and what is average, you need to decide how big it is that you want to be? As with anything in life set reasonable goals for your self. If you are 4 inches don't set your self a goal of 10 inches in length. I am not going to say that it is impossible, but a more reasonable goal would be six inches if you starting with 4. For length I would recommend that you go no greater than 2" from where you are now. Try that out for a while and if you want more than continue with the techniques. Also as for girth same rules apply, however it is much easier to gain girth if you are using the Hyperemiation technique. Again set reasonable goal and besides anything over 6 - 6.5 in circumference is really BIG! Methods of Enlargement There are many methods and techniques of penis enlargement, some focus on lengthening the penis, others focus on thickening the penis, and some do a little of both. We are not going to cover all of the available techniques out there, but rather the ones that we have found most beneficial and proven. Hot Compresses or Warm Water Soaking Before any of the other techniques, this one should be done first, as it will help to expand the blood vessels in the penis and increase the flow of oxygen fresh blood in the penis, preparing it for the following techniques. Now for the first step, either: 1) Wrap your penis in a washcloth filled with warm water. 2) Get in the bathtub and run warm water over your penis by putting your penis under the faucet (test the water first with your hand, so you don't burn your self. 3) Soak In a Warm Bath. Do any of these for 5-15 minutes. This will help to expand tissues of the penis and bring in more fresh oxygen rich blood. After this step you penis will have a pink hue and be slightly swollen. Manual Techniques The Jelq Technique or Milking the Penis The Jelq technique is an ancient method of penis enlargement from the Middle East. Traditionally it was taught father to son when the child reached adolescence. In wealthy families the as the boy grow older he may be sent to a "Mehbil" a gym or health club where a highly-train attendant will perform the Jelq technique on the boy on a daily basis and as a result of these daily treatments his penis grow to dimensions that it would not have attained had he not used the technique. This technique also works on the fully developed adult penis as well. The Jelq Technique: 1. Start with flaccid penis; put some oil or lubricant on your hands and penis. 2. Grip your penis with an overhand grip with your thumb and index finger. 3. Squeeze gently and milk your penis down to the head, stretching your penis as you go. When you get to the head start the movement over with the other hand. 4. Do the technique over and over again for 30 minutes alternating each hand as you go. If you start to get hard or feel the urge to ejaculate stop and wait until it passes and your erection subsides a bit and then continue, as this must be done with a semi-hard penis for it to work. Tip: Make sure that you have more than enough lubricant on your hands and penis. The best lubricant I have found is Albolene liquefying cleanser, which can be found in the cosmetic section on most drug stores. Women use it for removing makeup, but is also makes a great sexual lubricant(oil based, do not use with condoms ever during sex). This product has been used in the porn industry for years. WARNING: You should use a moderate grip only. If you squeeze too hard you could cause bruising and or rupturing of superficial blood vessels on and near the surface of your penis. If after doing the technique you see any red blotches or dots you used to tight a grip have ruptured some superficial blood vessels and should wait until they heal (Approximately 24-48 hours) before applying this or any other enlargement technique. You should do this 5-7 days a week for 30 minute each time. Don't squeeze too hard as you could bruise your penis. This techniques has worked for many men, but it may take up 6 months before you see any noticeable difference and most men will give up after 4 - 6 weeks. What you are doing is forcing more blood into the corpora cavernosa (spongy tissue of the penis) and over time they will stretch and grow to allow more and more blood to fill the area, and henceforth you penis thicker. The technique also over time stretches the tissues of the penis as well as the suspensory ligament, which will help to lengthen the penis. The Stretch Technique The stretch technique is basically what it sounds like. By stretching the penis 6 to 12 times a day you help to lengthen the suspensory ligament and tissues of the penis which will help to lengthen the penis over time. Dr. Walter Schlesingser M.D. first made a similar technique popular in his book titled "Penicure, the Manhood Miracle". The Technique: 1. Your penis should be flaccid to slightly semi-hard. 2. Grip the head of your penis with your thumb and first three fingers, with an over hand grip, the middle finger should wrap around just below the head of the penis. 3. Gently and slowly stretch you penis as far as it will stretch without any pain or discomfort. Hold for 15-30 seconds. 4. Repeat step 4 several times each session. You should do this technique several times a day i.e. after urination, a hot bath, a shower, before bed, or any other occasion that you have access to you penis. Taoist Exercises The next couple of exercises are ancient Taoist techniques for giving the penis a more pleasing mushroom shape and to produce harder erections. Both of these are done with an erection. The first one is optional if you like the shape of your penis. Technique #1: To Reshape the Penis This first technique is designed to give the penis more of a mushroom shape and make the head larger which is said to heighten pleasure for the female partner during intercourse. 1. Stimulate your penis until you have a very firm erection. 2. Grip the shaft of your penis with an underhand grip. 3. Squeeze firmly (but not hard enough to cause pain or to bruise your penis). 4. Slide you hand up to the head, as if forcing blood into it. It is like a milking motion. You should see the head expand and darken. Hold for a few seconds, then release. 5. Repeat step 4 for 2-3 minutes. Technique #2: To Strengthen the Penis and Produce Harder Erections 1. Stimulate your penis until you have a very firm erection. 2. Grip the shaft of your penis with an underhand grip. 3. Squeeze firmly (but not hard enough to cause pain or to bruise your penis). Hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat step 3 for 2-3 minutes. Techniques That Require Added Equipment Hyperemiation or Vacuum Pumping No doubt you have seen a vacuum pump be sold in the back of a men's magazine or in a sex shop hanging on the wall and thought to your self "I wonder if it really works?". Maybe you have even bought one and tried it with little or no success. I am sure that many men have. I bought several and threw them out when they did not work for me! Vacuum pumps do work for some men, if used correctly and diligently over time. The problem is the lack of information and instruction that comes with the pump itself. In fact if you use the pump in the wrong way you could actually injure your penis! I know of many people including myself who have used Hyperemiation and vacuum pumping to increase the thickness and length of their penises with good results. It seems that an increase in thickness results much more rapidly than in length. So if you are mostly interested in girth as that is what most women prefer, then this is the technique that I would apply first. There are a lot of Vacuum Pumps on the market today and some are just plain junk others are very well made. You should get the best that you can afford the prices range from $20.00 to $300.00 for an electric pump version, with a good pump usually costing about $75.00. If this is out of your budget you may opt for one of lesser quality and price. What ever the price, you should get one that has hand pump with a pressure release valve on it that will allow you to release the vacuum at will. There are some models on the market that have a hole on the clear plastic chamber that you have to put your finger over for the vacuum to work. I found it to be almost impossible to pump and cover the hole at the same time; therefor I would avoid this type of pump altogether. Also you don't want to a pump with a chamber that is too large for you. The chamber should be 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch bigger around that you erect penis, but not big enough for the chamber to cover or go over you scrotum. What actually happens when you use a vacuum pump is that as you apply the vacuum to your penis, the outer skin of your penis expands outward toward the walls of the cylinder as this happens the deeper spongy tissue of the penis (the Corpora Cavernosa and the Corpus Spongeosum) expand and fill with blood and lymph fluid as they are being stretched by the vacuum pressure. As the process is done over and over again for several months the spongy caverns expand to a new larger size to accommodate the blood and lymph. That is how the penis becomes larger. The Vacuum Pumping Technique: Things you will need: 1. A quality Vacuum Pump with a pressure release valve. 2. Pumper's Lube or some other water based lubricant, such as Wet, Probe, or Astroglide. 3. A tape measure. 4. A towel to clean up any spilled lube and to wipe off afterward. The Actual Technique: 1. Now move to a comfortable position, preferably siting up or at a 45-degree angle. Generously lubricate the base and opening of the pump where you insert your penis. 2. Lubricate you penis with the water-based lubricant and stimulate your penis until your penis is either semi-erect or hard. And measure it with the tape measure, both length and girth or circumference. 3. Insert your penis all the way into the clear chamber and close the pressure valve. 3. Now this is where 90% of all men screw up. You want to create only a moderate vacuum. If you over pump and create too strong a vacuum you could burst blood vessels or cause lymph blisters on your penis. So you might be asking, "how do I know what a moderate vacuum is?". Here is a way that I have found to work. First start pumping slowly until your penis stretches and expands to its limit. The way you know the limit is that 1) it will feel uncomfortable. 2) Your Penis will not stretch much farther. If your semi-hard when you do this, you will see your penis stretch, however if you are rock hard you might not even see it stretch. 4. So when you have found your limit and is seems a bit uncomfortable, release some of the pressure from the release valve, until you are at a pressure that is comfortable, yet you still feel a stretch. 5. Keep continuous a vacuum on for 30 min. After 30mins. you should release the pressure completely, take your penis out and measure it. If there are not any noticeable gain, you have not pumped long enough. 6. Massage you penis and area around the base gently for a minute, then you may either stop keep pumping for another 30 minute session. I recommend that for the first month you take it easy and just do 30 minutes a day 57 days a week. After that you might want to pump for a longer duration of 45 minutes - 1 hour or so. I have heard of men pumping for up to 3 hours. I personally have never gone over 1 hour myself. The key seems to be a balance of vacuum pressure and time. The longer the better with a moderate pump. The greater the vacuum pressure the greater the risk of injury and blisters. You will have to find the right balance for yourself, where you have adequate pressure for a duration of time 30 minutes - 2 hours, that will give you the greatest gain without any injury. If you do plan to go over an hour which I have never done and don't recommend, be sure to take 3-5 minute break every 30mins. To allow fresh blood into the penis. Tip: I have found that the Vacuum Pumping Technique is more effective if the penis is erect during the session. While you will not be able to maintain an erection through the whole session, I believe that you should start that way, and try to maintain it for as long as possible. To aid in this I recommend that you view some erotic material during the session, i.e. an erotic magazine or video. Also if you use the supplement L-Arginine an hour or so before the session you will stay hard much longer. I have also have had good results by using the maximum SAFE and COMFORTABLE ( it should not hurt or burn, if it does the pressure is too great) pressure for a duration of 30-45 minutes while sustaining an erection. It seem to work on the deeper tissues of the penis more, when you have an erection as opposed to the external skin with out an erection. Repeat this technique on a daily basis 5-7 days a week if possible. Now for the warnings. WARNING: Use Only A moderate Vacuum Pressure! 1. Do not use too great a vacuum or you could burst blood vessels. 2. If you feel any pain immediately decrease or completely release the vacuum pressure. You do not want to injure your penis! It's better a small penis, than one that is damaged. 3. In some cases a side effect of pumping and over pumping is that, the opening of the penis gets deformed or changes shape a bit and when urinating the urine will come out in a spray instead of a stream. If this happens, stop pumping for (24-48 hours) and see if it goes back to normal. If it does return to the normal state and you still desire to use pump technique, use a lesser vacuum pressure. If you y still experience the side effect you will have to determine if you want to continue with the technique altogether. But as I said before this is generally a result from over pumping with too much vacuum pressure and or pumping too often. 4. After your pumping session examine your penis and see if there are any tiny red dots or red blotches. If you only see tiny red dots, you are using too great vacuum pressure and have broken tiny superficial blood vessels in your penis, which is for the most part harmless but overtime could give the penis dark hue over the affected area. If you find any larger red blotches you should discontinue use of the Hyperemiation treatments and any other techniques until they completely heal. If there is any severe pain you should seek medical attention. The Program I am going to share with you a program for penis development and enlargement that has worked for many men including my self. The expected results are to gain about an inch both length and circumference over 6-8 months. Individual results will vary depending on how faithful to the program you are, your body structure, and how regularly you do the program. The program should be done 5-7 days a week. I think you will also benefit from taking the supplements discussed earlier in the manual for producing harder erections, because if you are not as hard as you can get you are not as big as you can get. The Program: The following Techniques should be done 5-7 days a week. The Program contains three parts, two of which can be done at different times of the day or all at the same sitting. Part 1 1. Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, The closer to 15 the better! 2. Do the Jelq Technique for 30 minutes. Part 2 1. Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, The closer to 15 the better! Do the Hyperemiation treatments for 30-60 minutes with a 1 minutes break and massage of the penis at 30 minutes to allow fresh blood to enter the penis. Or At One Sitting 1. Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, The closer to 15 the better! 2. Do the Jelq Technique for 30 minutes. 3. Do the Hyperemiation treatments for 30-60 minutes with a 1 minutes break and massage of the penis at 30 minutes to allow fresh blood to enter the penis. Part 3 1. Do the Taoist Techniques #1 and #2, upon rising in the morning on your morning erection, or any other time you have a strong erection. 2. Do the Stretch Technique whenever you urinate or any time that you are nude and your penis is flaccid. 10-12 times a day. Attitude and Belief Your attitude and belief regarding the techniques presented in this manual are just as important as the actual techniques themselves. I am not saying that if you don't believe that they won't work at all, but they if they still do the results wont be a great as if you did believe in them. This is the same principal that applies to patients in hospitals who should respond to the medicine should recover and don't because they just give up or don't believe that the treatment will work. Like wise there are those who are given up on and make full recoveries, despite the odds! They same applies here, if you use these techniques with the attitude, "It won't work for me, I never be able to last all night long! Or "This is bullshit I am stuck with a 5 1/2 cock forever!" the results will respond accordingly. How can you expect great success when you are planning for failure! The attitude you need to have is that it will work and, "I have a BIG COCK!" and "I can last ALL NIGHT LONG!" Say it now! SAY IT OUT LOUD! And believe it. I am going to share with you the key to success in anything! "What ever it is you want you have to feel as though you already have it!" Read it Again. "What ever it is you want you have to feel as though you already have it!" What this means is that if you want a big cock you have to feel as though you cock is already big. If you look down a feel disappointment that's not going to cut it. You have to feel that you have a great big cock! Say I have a BIG COCK! Say it until you FEEL IT! In your gut, in your spirit, in your soul, and then you will feel it in your body. These are called affirmations, but for many years many people have tried using affirmation with little or no results. They were doing them wrong; they were just saying the words and not feeling them. Some times when you say an affirmation another part of you gives or says a negative response, that is why the affirmation does not work. You need to deal acknowledge the response and then do the affirmation again. You have to do this until there is no other response, except your intent to create the desired result and your affirmation. Here is the technique in step form. The right way to do affirmations: 1. Define what it is that you want. 2. Have the intent to create it in your life. 3. Say it out loud with the intent of creating it. 4. If you here any mental noise or negative talk or response. Give it a voice and say it out loud as well, get it out if your system, make it bigger than life, really exaggerate it! When you are at the peak of exaggeration, immediately commence with step 3 again. 5. When you can State your affirmation without hearing any mental noise or other response and feel as though it is true, then you know there are working and your life is bound for a change. Visualize Your Goal You should also visualize your Goal. See your self in your mind's eye, having the size penis that you desire. See how big it is when you urinate.When you have sex and how pleased your lover is with your size. Don't think of it as something that is going to happen but as something that has already happened or that always was. What all of these mental techniques and exercises are doing is that they are opening you up to new possibilities and actually opening your neural pathway to give you the best results possible. In conclusion We at hope that you will benefit from the knowledge contained in this manual and would like you to share your success stories with and let us know of any improvement we could make to our manual. We would also like to hear of any variation on the techniques that you might have had success with or any new techniques that you may know about that we did not cover. Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ Date__________ Flaccid Erect Length________ Length________ Girth ________ Girth ________ The Hot Cloth Warm Up The Hot Cloth Warm Up is extremely important in beginning and ending each session of your exercise. Just as you would warm up your entire body before working out, you must do the same for your penis. This allows the blood to get flowing through the entire penis and also to return to normal after you’re finished exercising. The portion of the penis that you will be concentrating on is called the Corpora Cavernosa. The Corpora Cavernosa, along with other tissues within the penis fill with blood during arousal causing an erection. The penis must be warmed up before reaching this phase of the program. Warming up is a crucial part in the routine. Be sure to warm up properly before beginning the exercises within this program. To begin, shake your penis gently. Make sure that it is fairly flexible. Rub the shaft a few times to get the blood flowing and begin to stroke yourself to a semierect position. Soak a hand towel in hot water until it is completely wet and warm to the touch. Gently wrap the towel around the entire penis and the testicles. Even though it may be a little uncomfortable initially, resist the urge to pull the towel away. The warmth will quickly become more comfortable. You will come to enjoy this part of the work out and cool down after a few sessions. You should leave the towel on the entire area for 2 minutes. Re-soak the towel and warm it again to the same temperature as before. Once again, wrap the entire penis and testicles with the cloth and warm it for another 2 minutes. Repeat this process another 3 times. This will ensure proper warm up for the penis by unrestraining the tissues and cells within the Corpora Cavernosa. Warming up will allow for the penis to get the maximum benefits out of the exercises following and ensure that you will have minimum bruising. You may also use other methods to warm up your penis. A hot tub or Jacuzzi is a great way to get the blood flowing through the penis. Be sure to turn up the heat a bit for optimum performance. Don’t stay in too long; 7-10 minutes should be plenty. Be sure that you also gently massage the penis to assist the blood flow. You may also sit in your home bathtub if that is more comfortable. Once again, be sure to heat up the water to above 100 degrees and only stay in for 7-10 minutes. Once you are finished warming up, you are ready for the exercises! The Jelq Method The Jelq method has been used for hundred for years to enlarge the penis. Many men who have followed the Jelq method have enlarged their penis over 10 inches in length and 7 inches in circumference. These men started using this method in their early teens and continued into adulthood. Once into manhood, they reduced the session to once a week. Sizes compared to these are quite large and come with years and years or religious performance. How the Jelq Method Works The main function of this exercise is to lengthen and thicken the penis. The Corpora Cavernosa is filled with more blood than it is generally used to, allowing the cells within the shaft to grow larger and larger. This process tears down the fibers of the muscles during the exercise and as you rest, it rebuild itself, growing larger and stronger. This also allows the tissues in the penis to hold more blood, which in turn will amazingly increase the size of the entire penis. However, this does not happen over night, but rather with months and months of the routine. After 5 weeks, you should notice a small difference in the size and strength of your penis. After 6 months, you will notice remarkable changes in your penis. It will be much more controllable, larger in size and girth, and will give you the inspiration to continue the program for years to come. Within a year, you will see a gain of 3+ inches and your erections will be much, much harder. Your penis will also hang lower and be more attractive. Remember that gains come with time and hard work on your part. The exercises will not work on their own. You must do your part as well. What man would not want to have a gain of 3+ inches within the first year of exercising? How to do the Jelq Method Always remember to warm up with the Hot Cloth Warm Up before beginning the Jelq Method. This should be performed every day, if time allows, for maximum benefits. This procedure is a lot like milking a cow. You must begin with a semierect penis. Start by grasping the base of the penis with your forefinger and thumb, making an "O" with the two fingers. By doing this, the blood circulation is being cut off, causing the cells to hold more blood. Begin to move your hand forward, causing the blood to move into the shaft of the penis and filling those cells with even more blood than they are used to holding. As your right hand reaches the head of the penis, grasp the base again, only this time with the left hand. Use the same technique as you did with the right hand. Continue this technique for 20-25 minutes. Just like working any other part of your body, you are breaking down the muscle and rebuilding it, allowing it to grow. During the first 2 weeks, you may experience small red bumps or slight bruising at the head of the penis. This is quite normal: don’t be alarmed. They will go away after the penis is more conditioned for the exercise. Start off at a slower pace and work up to a faster stroke to avoid bruising. Look at the photos above. They visually display the exercise. Make sure that you are working with a semi-erect penis, or you will not see the benefits. It is important to push as much blood as possible into the head of the penis to cause the cells to fill more than normal and build size. You will notice that the entire penis is a very dark red color, sometimes almost purple. This is normal because of all of the blood being pushed forward. Frequently asked Questions About the Jelq Method Q: How much pressure is enough during Jelqing? A: While you should not have a painful experience at any time during the exercise, you should feel some pressure. Different man can tolerate more than others, so it’s not the same for every man. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being no pressure and 10 being intolerable, you feel something in-between 5 and 7. Not too much, but not too little. Q: What should I do if I lose my erection during the exercise? A: Many men find it easier to maintain an erection with the use of adult material of some kind. This is perfectly okay. If you do lose your erection, do whatever you need to in order to bring yourself back to a semi-erect position. Remember, you will not get as mush out of the exercise without a semi-erect penis. Q: Is it normal to get a lot of loose skin while Jelqing? A: Some men have an excess of skin near the base of the penis and around the testicle region. This is okay and can be worked around. Instead of using both hands to Jelq, use one hand to hold back the excess skin and continue to Jelq with one hand. Switch hands every 25 or so, to keep the balance. Q: What determines a "partial" erection? A: The exercise works the best with a partial erection. This means that the penis is filled with about 3/4 of the blood as during a "hard" erection. This allows the cells within the penis to fill with more blood then normal, breaking them apart and rebuilding them. The shaft of the penis should be a deep red to a dark purple in color, and you should not feel any pain. A slight amount of pressure is normal, but not too much to cause pain. Q: Is there a certain time of the day that you will see maximum results? Can you do this before or after sex? A: There is no certain time of the day that you will experience more benefits. Whenever you have the most time is the most beneficial to you. You may perform this exercise before or after sex, it makes no difference. To Obtain the Maximum Benefits Week One: If this is the first time doing the exercise; begin with 250-300 Jelqs per day. One complete Jelq is one complete stroke from the base of the penis to the head. Do the Jelqs in combination with the PC Flexes. Do 100-125 PC Flexes per day. Refer to the PC Flex section for instructions on how to perform this exercise. Week Two: This week you should use a more intense stroke. Jelq for 10-15 minutes without a break. Every movement should be smooth and painless. Stop immediately if you should sense any pain. Don’t forget to do the Hot Cloth Warm Up before beginning the exercise session. This will allow for maximum performance. Do this in combination with the PC Flexes as well. You should do 200-225. Also, don’t forget to do the Hot Cloth Warm Up as a cool down when finished. Week Three: This week will be more vigorous than the last two. By now, you should be doing 30 minutes of Jelqing. Don’t forget that this procedure takes time and does not happen overnight. You must be patient and persistent. You should also do 300-325 PC Flexes in combination with the Jelqing. Again, be sure that you warm up and cool down with the Hot Cloth Warm Up to get the blood circulating and back to normal. The Advanced Jelq should not be performed until well into the program. The recommended time is a minimum of 2 1/2 months, to unsure proper strength. If you begin this advanced step too soon, you will only injure yourself, which will delay improvements. The Advanced Jelq Begin in the same manner as you did with the normal Jelq technique. Only this time, apply some type of lubricant. Many men use baby oil or Vaseline. Do this for 15-20 minutes. Also, remember to start off with the Hot Cloth Warm Up. You are now ready for the Advanced Jelq session. The Advanced Jelq is preformed in the same manner as the normal Jelq, only it should last longer, between 3-5 second on each one. After every 15 strokes, you should perform a PC Flex. This Procedure should be performed for 30 minutes. Since this exercise is more advanced, it is only need about 3-5 times each week. This procedure forces even more blood through the Corpora Cavernosa than the regular Jelqing technique, which enlarges the penis even more. Remember that this exercise is exactly the same as normal, but you go slower down the shaft and perform a PC Flex after every 15 strokes. Also, don’t forget to cool down with the Hot Cloth Warm Up to return the blood circulation to normal. The PC Flex Exercise PC Exercise Overview The pubococcygeus muscle, better known as the PC muscle, is the target of this exercise. Refer to the photo to better find where it is located on your body. This is the muscle that controls your ejaculate. Every man should use so some kind of exercise to strengthen his PC muscle. This will allow you to last longer in bed and heighten your sexual experiences. If you do not perform the Jelq Method, just doing this exercise alone will help you control and have stronger ejaculations. What the Exercise Does Exercising the PC muscle can lessen the chances of impotence, premature ejaculation, weak erections and poor ejaculations. This muscle controls how and when you ejaculate. Strengthening this muscle will allow you better control over the passageway to your ejaculatory duct, increase your stamina, and lessen the problems that come with aging. There are many benefits for exercising your PC muscle. These exercises are extremely easy to do. Unlike the Jelq method, there is no other technique to learn. These exercises take almost no effort and very little time. These can also be done practically anywhere, since it does not involve touching yourself or taking off your clothing. How to do the Exercise This muscle is very easy to find. Refer to the photo if needed. You have known what this muscle is since you were first potty trained. It is the muscle that you use to stop urinating. You probably just didn’t know that this muscle also controls your ejaculations. This is also the muscle that allows you to move your penis when it is erect. Regular exercise of the PC muscle has many benefits. It allows you to control when you will ejaculate, allows for harder and stronger erections, and also helps you well into later life by avoiding Incontinence, or the ability to control one’s bodily fluids. To begin the exercise, first locate the muscle if you have not already done so. Contract and retract the muscle quickly. Do 15-20. If you cannot gain control at first, imagine that you are urinating and must stop midstream. Do this 15 times if possible. On the last contraction, hold it for 10 seconds. If you cannot hold it that long, it’s okay. Most men cannot hold it for longer than 3 seconds at first. Eventually, you will be able to hold the contraction for as long as you would like. As you become better at this exercise, you will gain more control over your ejaculations and be able to hold off longer. Refer to the photo below. This man has extreme control over his PC muscle. Notice how he moves his penis without the help of anything but the PC. After a few months of practice, you too should be able to do this. The PC muscle does not have to be erect to perform these exercises. There are a variety of ways to work this muscle. Listed below are a few ways to exercise the PC muscle. Not all of them may suit your needs. We recommend that you try out all of them and do the ones that you feel comfortable with. PC Holds This is a simple exercise that we have already explained. Begin with a few sets of 40 or so and build your stamina up to sets of 120 or more. Do as many as you can at first. Some men work up to sets of 500 or more. A good rule of thumb is to work up to about 250-400 PC Holds for the rest of your life. This exercise is so great because no one knows that your are doing it. You could be at the office or at home watching TV and no one would know. PC Squeeze And Hold Once you are warmed up, do about 10 normal flexes. On the 10th flex, hold it for a count of 25 seconds. Rest for a minute. Repeat the entire exercise 5 more times. This exercise will give you a harder erection and the stamina that you have always wanted. Don’t forget that this exercise depends on you, be sure to stay with it and don’t give up. There really is no way to do this exercise wrong, as long as you can feel the muscle working. This exercise will help you to better control your ejaculations, allowing you to last longer than you could have ever imagined! PC Increments This version is very simple. Begin by tightening your muscle a little and holding it, tighten it a little more, and hold it again. Finally, tighten it all that you can and hold for 10 seconds. Release in the opposite way. Release only a small amount and hold it, release again and hold it. Finally, release the entire muscle. This will help you extremely in controlling your ejaculations. For a man to hold off an ejaculation all he has to do is squeeze his PC muscle and he can last longer. This exercise gives you that power! PC Exhauster This exercise is by far the most demanding of all the PC Flexes. You should try out all of the other variations before attempting this one. Although this exercise is very rigorous and demands a lot from you, you will get the most out of this exercise. However, this is the most stressful, so you must be determined to complete it. The first time you attempt this will be hard, but keep with it. You may feel more comfortable sitting in a chair for this exercise. You need to find a place that you feel comfortable remaining for a few moments. Warm up your PC with 30-50 slow, strong contractions. When finished, grasp your penis in a tight clench and hold it for 10 seconds. Follow this with 150 controlled PC Flexes. When the going gets hard use your visualization and breathing techniques to help you through the workout. On your last PC Flex, hold it for as long as possible. Try for about a minute or so. Allow yourself to take a brief 3-minute break. Finish with 40 more strong PC Flexes. If you can’t do the full 40, try and do as many as possible. Make sure that they are all strong and controlled, even when you begin to fatigue. You should be very fatigued now, and there should be an enormous amount of blood in your PC muscle region. You’ll feel the burn just like after a good workout of any other body part. This exercise is by far the most difficult, but gives the most benefits. If you continue doing this routine for a few months, you will see a tremendous gain. This exercise is so great because you can do it basically anywhere. No one will be able to tell that you are increasing the control of your ejaculations. If you fail to do any of the exercises, don’t let it be this one. The PC Flexes give you so much. They increase stamina, allow you to erect at any time, and most importantly, allow you to have total control of your erections. This should be the exercise that you perform the most. Remember, no one can tell that you are exercising your PC. Take advantage of the time you spend in the car, at work, or even watching the television. The Length Stretch Exercise The Length Stretch exercise is an alternative to the Jelq exercise, but should be used in conjunction with the Jelq for the best results. Using the Length Stretch exercise alone will produce results. If the Jelq exercise is not working for you, try using the Length Stretch in-between the Jelqing. How it Works The Length Stretch exercise does just what it says, it lengthens the size of your penis. This technique will do absolutely nothing for improving the girth of your penis so it is recommended that you also use the Jelq exercise at the same time as the Length Stretch. As with the Jelq, the only tool you will need to perform this exercise is your hand. For optimal results, be sure to warm up with the Hot Cloth Warm Up and use the PC Exercises, the Jelq Exercises, and also the Length Stretch Technique. If you follow all of these basic procedures, you will see unbelievable results in just a few weeks. This exercise works much like the Jelq Technique in terms of what goes on inside of the penis. Understanding what your penis is going through during these exercises will help you to perform them better and receive the most benefits. When performing the Length Stretch exercise, the Corpora Cavernosa, or the shaft of the penis is filled with blood. The pressure of the exercise allows for more blood than normal to enter into the cells in the Corpora Cavernosa, expanding the cells and allowing for more blood to enter. This technique will allow for the length of the penis to greatly increase. All of these exercises are completely safe and cannot harm you in any way. You must always remember to warm up by using the Hot Cloth Warm Up to get the blood flowing through the penis and prohibit injury. The penis is by far the easiest of all muscles to enlarge, simply because the purpose of the penis is to enlarge during erections. If the exercises are performed correctly and routinely, the cells will eventually double in size, allowing for more blood to be present and the length to extend. You will see results immediately with either a limp or a hard penis. How To Do It As with any exercise, be sure to warm up first with the Hot Cloth Warm Up technique. Unlike the Jelq technique, you must perform the Length Stretch with a flaccid, or limp penis. If you do become erect during the exercise, stop for a moment and let the erection subside. This must be performed while limp because it is nearly impossible to stretch an erect penis. Be sure the penis is limp and gently grab hold of the head of the penis. Do so with little pressure, just enough to avoid letting it slip away. Gently, but firmly, pull the penis out in front of you. You should feel the stretch in the middle and the base of the penis. This exercise should not be painful by any means. A feeling of pressure is normal, but once you feel pain, let go and start over. Remain in the stretch position for 15 seconds. Repeat the entire process 5 more times. Once finished, gently massage the entire penis to restore circulation throughout the penis. You may perform this exercise by stretching both up and down. Refer to the photo’s on this page. The second part of this technique will stretch the sides of the penis. Begin by grasping the head of the penis as you did before. Gently pull the head of the penis to the left. You should feel a stretch in the base of the penis on the right side. Continue to hold this position for 15 seconds. Repeat the entire exercise 5 more times. Now, stretch the right side in the same manner as the left. Once again, you will feel a stretch in the base of the left side of the penis. Hold the position of 15 seconds, and repeat 5 more times. Once you have completed the entire exercise, you should feel a great deal stretched. A good time to perform the Jelq technique is once you’ve stretched with the Length Stretch. Remember to combine the two exercises for the best possible results. Be sure to stay with this technique for 2 months before moving on to the Advanced Length Stretch. This will ensure that the penis has worked out enough to avoid injury in a more advanced exercise. The photos on this page show that you should always perform this exercise with a limp penis. Be sure to grip the penis at the head before stretching. You will not need any kind of lubrication for this exercise because there is no friction. You will want the penis as dry as possible. If you are having trouble gripping the penis, you might try using some talcum or baby powder to allow for a firmer grip. Advanced Length Stretching As with all exercises, be sure to always warm up with the Hot Cloth Warm Up for about 10 minutes to get the blood circulating throughout the penis and avoid injury. This will also help to loosen the tissues within the penis and allow for maximum results. If you had trouble keeping hold of the head of the penis in the regular Length Stretch exercise, be sure to use talcum or baby powder to allow a better grip. Gently stretch the penis to the right, left, up, and down to warm up the penis. Gently massage the entire penis and it’s head to loosen the tissues and the blood. As with the regular Length Stretch, make sure that the penis is flaccid while performing this exercise. You may want to take a minute of so to rest before beginning to ensure for a completely limp penis. Be sure that you know what your limits are when performing this exercise. If you experience any discomfort, bruising, or abnormal functions, you may want to take the exercises a little slower or resort back to the regular Length Stretch exercise. Also, be sure to stay with the regular Length Stretch exercise for at least 2 months before moving on to this exercise. Begin as before by grasping the head of the penis with a firm hold. Pull your penis directly in front of you. You should not feel any pain, but only a stretching within the middle and at the base of the penis. Hold this position for 15 seconds, and repeat it again 5 times. This is the same as the beginning of the regular Length Stretch exercise. Gently massage the entire penis and it’s head to restore circulation to the head. Be sure that your penis is still limp before continuing. Grasp the head of the penis again, as before. Use enough pressure to retain a firm hold. Pull the penis to the far left. Pull as far as possible before feeling pain. You may feel a stretch in the right middle and base of the penis. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Repeat this procedure 5 more times. You will now stretch to the right, just as before. Grasp the head of the penis firmly and pull to the right. You may feel a stretch in the left middle and base of the penis. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 more times. Now gently pull the penis head out directly in front of you. Hold this position while you rotate your penis in a clocklike motion. Do not twist the penis, but rather rotate it in a circular motion. Continue to rotate the penis 40 times, with a rotation being a full circular motion. Continue this exercise 5 more times. If you tire, take a small break. Be sure to concentrate on your breathing and imagine the length of your penis growing. Take a small break and then continue with the left. Grasp the penis as before and move in a circular motion to the left. Continue with 40 rotations. Repeat this 5 more times. This exercise may get a bit tiresome, so take a small break in between sets. This is also a great time to continue with the Jelq Technique. By now, you should be Jelqing for about 30 minutes each day. Be sure to combine all of the exercises for maximum results. If you continue with all of the exercises, your erections will be harder and your ejaculations more controlled. You will also see an increase of 2-3 inches in the length of your penis! The Testicle Massage Many men look over the testicles and concentrate only on the penis. It is wise to allow some time for the massaging of the scrotum. Although the appearance of the testicles is not as important as that of the penis, the health of the testicles is extremely important. The health of the testicles allow for harder erections, increased ejaculations, and an increase in your sex drive. The health of the testicles will keep your penis in greater overall health and performance. How To Do the Exercise Start off as you do all exercises, with the Hot Cloth Warm Up. Wrap the entire package for 5 minutes. This will loosen the scrotum and make it more pliable. Coat the scrotum with a lubricant or baby oil, whichever is of your liking. Massage the entire scrotum for 5 minutes. Try to work around the testicles. You should not apply enough pressure to hurt yourself. Pain will only defer you from the exercise. Once finished, grab the testicles and move them around. Gently pull them around the scrotum to different positions. Continue this for 2 minutes or so. Finish by gently massaging the entire scrotum and it’s testicles. Continue for 1-2 minutes to return the circulation to normal. By doing this massaging technique, you will assist yourself in improving sperm count, increasing blood flow, and maintaining the overall well being of the testicles and the scrotum. You may want to perform this exercise before going to bed at night, especially if trying to have a baby. This exercise will greatly increase the sperm count and allow for an easier conception. You can do this exercise as much as you would like, it will only help maintaining the health of the penis. Visualize Your Goal Visualization is a technique that will assist you in obtaining your goal faster than you thought you could. This method will not only assist you in the exercises, but also in your everyday life. Many athletes use visualization to aid them in reaching their specific goals. Reaching the inner self will also allow you to be more determined to complete the exercises each day and will in turn allow you to see greater results in less time. Different variations of visualization are more efficient for some then others. You may want to begin by simply closing your eyes and envisioning the perfect penis. While you are performing the exercises, close your eyes and picture the blood moving through the shaft of your penis. Imagine the cells becoming full of blood and expanding. Believe that your penis is getting larger with every exercise. This routine may be difficult to get used to at first, but once you become more comfortable, you will be able to visualize with much more power. In a short amount of time, you will notice that the results are greater when you combine the exercises with visualization and imagery. Another key technique that should always be used is breathing. You should try to time your breathing and your exercises together. This will allow for you to clear your mind, help with blood flow, and bring more energy to your muscles. Breathing control is also very important in controlling your ejaculations. During a sexual act, you must be able to tighten your PC muscle if you feel the need to stop an ejaculation. If you are already practicing breathing control, this situation will be much easier for you to control. A great way to gain control of your breathing is to follow this routine: Begin by finding a quite place where you will not be bothered. Clear all thoughts from your mind. Allow everything to slip away. Do not think about anything. Slowly take a deep breath in through your nose. Fill your lungs full of air. Hold this for a few seconds. Slowly breath out through your mouth. Don’t let it all out too quickly. Repeat this technique for 10 minutes. Breathing is important to help with many aspects of your life. It allows you to perform better in sexual situations, control anger, and allow you to relax. If used in combination with visualization, you will notice more of a gain in less time. Helpful Tips When choosing a lubrication product, you may use whatever kind you prefer. We have found that baby oil and Vaseline work the best. Lubrication is important when you are performing the same exercise for a long amount of time. Lubrication prevents chaffing and becoming raw, so it is important to lube up well before beginning. We recommend that you do not use soap or any other product that evaporates quickly. These will not harm you. However, you may find yourself re-applying often. Some bruising is normal at first. You may want to take a few days off to allow your penis to heal. During this time, you may want to continue with the PC Flexes. These exercises will not cause any more bruising and you can do them anywhere. Start all of the exercises again once the bruising is gone. Some men experience small red spots, blood spots, or bruising from performing the Jelq technique. This is completely normal and will go away within a few days. You may want to take a few days off to allow your penis to fully heal before resuming the exercise. You should be concerned if your penis is painful to the touch or if the spots do not go away within a week. Doing the proper warm up with the Hot Cloth Warm Up will reduce the chances of bruising or getting red spots. It is extremely important to warm up and cool down properly. Just like working any other part of the body, keep in mind that you cannot do the same exercise every day and expect to see maximum results. We recommend that you try out all of the exercises that we describe and choose a few that you like the most. After about a month of performing the exercises, you should be starting to add some of your own techniques, which is fine. We recommend that you religiously participate in the program for at least 2 months before beginning the more advanced techniques. Visualization and breathing techniques can make it easier to obtain the penis of your dreams. Visualization will allow you to imagine your penis enlarging while you perform the exercises, which will make you more determined to continue with the routine. Breathing will allow more oxygen to reach the muscle tissue, which will supply you with more energy. This technique will also allow you to relax more and concentrate only on the exercises. The PC muscle is the most important muscle to exercise to improve ejaculatory control. Development of this muscle will enable you to control exactly when you want to ejaculate. You will have no problem lasting hours in bed with your partner. The exercises are even better because they can be done anywhere. No one will ever know that you are strengthening your PC muscle. Many men have a problem remaining flaccid while doing the exercises. Remember that you must stay completely flaccid during the Length Stretch and only partially erect during the Jelq technique. If you become fully erect, take a short break until the erection subsides. Performing one exercise after another will produce results faster and greater than only doing one exercise each day. We recommend that you do the Length Stretch exercise, followed by the Jelq method. This routine will give you impressive results after only a few weeks! Taking a few days off each week will not hurt your workout. In fact, we recommend that you take 1 or 2 days off each week, but nothing more than that. The time off will allow your penis to rebuild itself. Remember that the success of the program depends solely upon you and how dedicated you are to the routine. Even if you don’t see that 3-inch gain that you are looking for within 1 month, don’t get frustrated. Stick with the routine. We guarantee that you will see results!! Beginners Guide When just beginning this program, you must be extremely careful while performing the exercises. If you do not follow the instructions precisely, you put yourself at risk of injury. The following is a complete schedule for the beginner. It is advised that all beginners start out with this routine in order to achieve the greatest results. We advise that you read through this entire program completely before beginning any of the exercises. That way, you will better understand what you are doing, keep yourself from getting injured, and feel more comfortable with the program. Be sure not to overlook anything, and follow all of the instructions carefully. Be sure to start out all of your exercises with the Hot Cloth Warm Up. WEEK 1: Start out slowly. We recommend 325 Jelqs per day. Follow the Jelqs with 100 PC Flexes. You may also do these throughout the day, however, you will see greater results if you do them after the Jelq technique. Always finish your workouts with a cool down, the Hot Cloth Warm Up. This is a great way to not only warm up your penis, but also to return the blood circulation to normal. You may also do the Length Stretch exercise if you would like. Many men find it too difficult to do in the first week. You should do what you feel comfortable. WEEK 2: Always warm up first, with the Hot Cloth Warm Up. This week you should be ready for a continuous 10-12 minutes of Jelqing. It is important not to stop during the 10-12 minutes. Follow with 225 PC Flexes. Once again, you may do these at another time, but for the best results should be completed after the Jelqing. By now, you should also be ready for the Length Stretch exercise. Remember to always cool down when you are finished. WEEK 3: By now, you should be into a routine of exercising your penis. This week is tough, but high in results. Begin by doing the Hot Cloth Warm Up. You should now be able to Jelq for a continuous 30 minutes. Remember to always Jelq with a semi-erect penis for the best results. You may want to follow this with a Hot Cloth to loosen up the blood and tissues in the penis from such a long workout. Follow this with 300 PC Flexes. Week 3 is tough, but determination will get you through it. If you stay with this program, you will see results soon. You should stay with the week 3 program for 5 more weeks. After you’ve finished those, you will have a total of 2 months complete. By now, you should be developing your own style of exercising, which is great. You can now try different, more advanced variations of the exercises. You still should not push yourself. Do what you feel comfortable with. If you feel that you are still struggling with the week 3 program, do not move on to the advanced techniques yet. Stay with the week 3 program until you are strong enough to move on. Some men stay on that program for up to 7 months and see extensive results! Workout Chart It is important to accurately measure your penis before beginning the program. This will allow you to keep track of your progress. Be sure to measure exactly. Do not round up. This chart will be useful in tracking your weekly gains. We suggest that you measure your penis only once a week. Although you may see daily gains, measuring only once a week will allow you to see more of a gain and keep you from becoming discouraged. As the chart shows, you should measure your penis when it is both erect and flaccid. Be sure to also measure the girth in a flaccid state and an erect state. Simply print out this chart and use it each week!! Example chart: Week Number Length Erect Length Flaccid Girth Erect 1 5 inches 3.5 inches 4.3 inches 2 5.3 inches 3.6 inches 4.4 inches 3 5.5 inches 3.8 inches 4.5 inches Girth Flaccid 3.8 inches 4 inches 4 inches Foreskin Restoration Some men may want to restore their foreskin for one reason or another. Most men did not have the chance to have a say in whether they got circumcised or not because this procedure is generally done at a very young age. The purpose of the foreskin is to protect the penis head and keep it moist. We generally do not see much need for foreskin now, although some men enjoy having it. Generally, men prefer to be circumcised, but there is no problem with having foreskin. Thus, in our quest to provide the most information to our members, we have included this in the manual. Restoring the foreskin generally takes between 2-4 months and is an easy task. This does, however, require daily work. Unlike the Jelq technique, be sure not to use any lubrication. Begin with a hard erection. Performing PC Flexes may help you in achieving a harder erection. Start by grasping the base of your penis with one hand. Push your hand toward the head of your penis, pushing the thin skin around and over the head of your penis. When you can feel a good stretch, hold it there until you become limp. Get another erection and repeat the exercise again. For the best results, do the exercises for 10-15 minutes each day. After a few weeks, you should be able to pull the skin well past the head of your penis. Keep this up and you will soon have a new foreskin. Average Penis Sizes It is important to know how to measure your penis properly. Below are a tips on measuring and charts that show the average range. Remember that average is a very loose term and can mean a variety of measurements. It makes no difference if you fall above or below these measurements. Length: Flaccid: 3 - 4.5 inches (7.6 - 11.4 cm) Erect: 5 - 6 inches (12.7 - 15.25 cm) Girth: Erect: 4.5 - 5.5 inches (11.4 - 14 cm) at mid shaft Measuring Your Penis Before beginning the program, measure your penis and chart the results. This will enable you to better see the success of the exercises. Don’t round up. Measure precisely. This will only be to your benefit. Erect Length Stand and hold your erect penis horizontally. Press a ruler against your pubic bone and measure to the very tip of the head of your penis. Another Way To Measure Erect Length Stand with your knees locked. Begin by grasping your penis from the bottom, just behind the head of your penis and pull it out as far as you can. Press the ruler against your pubic bone and measure on the top of the penis. You can change the angle, move your pelvis, or try other variations that allow you to get the same result as your erect length. Once you become accustomed to this technique, you may find it easier and more convenient. Erect Girth Girth is the circumference or the distance around your penis. To measure girth properly, always measure an erect penis mid-shaft. Flaccid Girth When the penis is flaccid, it will be at a different girth at various times. If you have just completed a strenuous exercise, it may be extremely small. However, if you need to urinate, it may be fairly large. Be sure to take many measurements at different times to get the best results. Visual Comparisons Some men find visually comparing their penis to an object helpful. Try to use something that will be around in a few months, like a paper towel roll or a deodorant container. Stand in front of a mirror and compare by all angles. You will be able to compare your results in the months to come and have a better idea of where you are at. Measuring Before Beginning the Program You should measure and chart all of you results before beginning the program. Be sure to measure lengthwise as well as girth wise to get accurate measurements once you begin to see results. It’s a good idea to use the chart that we have included in your weekly measurements, that way you can see your accomplishments. How to Have a Better Orgasm This section on Male Orgasm is for men of all types. It is here solely to help you understand more about how your body works, specifically the male reproductive system leading up to orgasm. It's our hope that you learn something from this article, about yourself as well as your body. Premature Ejaculation: What exactly is premature ejaculation? Ejaculation that occurs prior to when a man wishes or too quickly during intercourse to satisfy the partner. When most males ejaculate they tend to quickly lose a usable erection for the simple reason that their discharge has temporarily released a state of elevated sexual tension. What are the causes of premature ejaculation? It seems logical that our prehistoric male ancestors were all rapid ejaculators. The Homo Erectus who could couple quickly with his mate and rapidly reach ejaculation was then free to deal with enemy tribesman and predatory sabretoothed tigers. The slowpoke got clubbed or eaten. Therefore, only rapid ejaculators survived long enough to sire descendants. Thus, if speed of ejaculation were hereditary, we all should have fast ejaculatory reflexes. Obviously, the above theory cannot be proven; however, it does contain an element of truth. It is probably "natural" for healthy males to ejaculate quickly. Lasting longer serves no genetic function that we know of. Lasting is a learned behavior, like learning to dance. It can prolong and intensify pleasure for a man. Also, many women like to experience orgasm - or have been socially conditioned to enjoy orgasm - when the erect penis is inside them. To reach orgasm this way often requires periods of more or less continuous stimulation by the penis. Premature ejaculation is sometimes also caused or aggravated psychological factors such as guilt, fear, and performance anxiety. The first thing a male must hold in mind is that good sex is unhurried sex. The longer he spends in foreplay prior to his first orgasm, the stronger and more enjoyable that first orgasm will be. The compacting of blood in the sex organs builds slowly, inflating the tissues and sensitizing the millions of nerve endings in and around the genitals. Think of an orgasm like a balloon: the longer you blow air into it, the bigger it gets and the louder the bang when it pops. Orgasm consists of two stages. One begins with the prostate gland, which encircles the urethra like a tiny donut above the base of the penis, contracts and releases its fluids, along with the contents of the seminal vesicle, into the urethra. To most males this feels like you are going to start a good sneeze, but it's too late to stop. Stage two is similar to the sneeze itself. The pelvic muscle contracts strongly around the bulb, forcing the fluid out under considerable pressure. Orgasm is what a man feels when all this is happening. He has probably learned for himself that it is possible to ejaculate without having an orgasm, but he may not yet realize that he can also have an orgasm without ejaculating. That's exactly what you want to learn to do. The average male in his twenties takes less than three minutes from the time of insertion till he comes. This cheats him of a lot of fun and satisfaction and doubly cheats the unfortunate female he prematurely has an orgasm into. How do I prevent premature ejaculation from happening? The most common treatment of premature ejaculation is to become more familiar with the feelings and sensations surrounding the time leading up to ejaculation. By learning to become more familiar with these sensations, you can slowly learn how to predict when the upcoming ejaculation will occur and gain more control over them. This is known as your point of no return. If you want to be able to enjoy long periods of intense pleasure without ejaculation, you need to discover your point of no return. Masturbate and concentrate on you feelings. There is a point at which you will not be able to control your ejaculation anymore. At that point, as hard as you try, you cannot stop yourself from ejaculating. You will have to ejaculate because ejaculation is a reflex: your brain sends messages through your spinal cord to your sex organs and orders ejaculation. Once you have successfully discovered your point of no return do not let your arousal reach this point. You can either change your position or stop moving. Other techniques you may consider are the "stop and start" and the "squeeze" methods. The "stop and start" method. When, during thrusting, you feel yourself getting closer, cease all movement and press the pubic bone (under your pubic hair) against your mate's pubic bone, thus pushing your penis in all the way. Then both stop moving. (Tell her, "Resting time, love.") When the urgency to ejaculate subsides, start thrusting again. Do this several times in a row. It can also be practiced solo, using your hand instead of a vagina. A variation of this technique is to make several voluntary twitching movements of the penis while you are resting. This can be done by rapidly flexing and relaxing the muscles that control the flow of urine. Try to identify this muscle contraction next time that you urinate. This muscle is known as the PC muscle and is described clearly in the MultipleOrgasm section below. The "squeeze technique" method. This method, which has been proven highly successful in training men to last longer described in a book by Dr. Herbert E. Vendervoort and Rev. Ted Mcilvenna. This technique can also be practiced alone during masturbation. One stimulates himself until he has had a firm erection for a while, squeezes, and repeats the process several times. After several squeezes, one should have much more intense ejaculation than usual. During the no-intercourse period, the couple should explore one another sensually, caressing one another's bodies with hands and mouth or by any other means, short of intercourse, that are pleasurable to both. If the man's penis becomes erect while his mate is caressing it, she can, at any time that feels right to her, apply the squeeze to his penis. Preferably this should take place before the man feels himself on the verge of ejaculating. IF your partner does the squeeze several times at their discretion, it can become part of their lovemaking technique. Multiple Orgasms: The vast majority of men do not reach sexual maturity with an ability to enjoy multiple climaxes. This unusual ability is a talent that must be developed. Dr. William E. Hartman, one of the nation's most respected sex researchers said "The control of the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle is probably the most simple and the most direct answer to a man becoming multiply orgasmic." The PC is the largest of the muscles in the pelvis. It gets its weird name from the fact that it stretches from the pubic bone in front to the coccyx or tailbone in back. In most men it is a very weak muscle because they use it only when they come, and they come only infrequently and not powerfully. The process of strengthening your PC muscle consists of a series of flexing or tightening the muscle, then trying to hold, so at the moment of orgasm the male is able to hold back the fluid and refrain from ejaculating while still having orgasm. You need to experiment with it as you approach orgasm by tightening. The worst that can happen is that you'll ejaculate, and with continued training you'll no longer slip until you want to. Why is this beneficial? Well, aside from the obvious reasons of increased male pleasure, it seems to me that the male's inability to function over long periods has been one of the major contributing factors to the poor state of sex in America. And the fact that he's been taught that he's all through when he comes, rather than that he could go on indefinitely. If you simply spend a few minutes a day exercising the right muscle, then you would doubtlessly have many grateful partners through the years, rather than having trouble erecting, coming too fast and so on. The two exercises that you will need to be doing to enhance your sexual power are named "cut-offs" and "Kegels" or PC Flexes. All males and females more or less unconsciously perform a few cut-offs when they are through passing urine and forcefully expel the last few drops. When you perform a forceful cut-off you are literally turning off a faucet; so when the machinery within your faucet (PC muscle) becomes powerful you will easily be able to turn it off at the point of orgasm. Discharged semen causes a loss of tension, but when the semen flow is cut off and retained, you can keep your "member in good standing" and come again and again (without ejaculation). Cut-offs will help you identify your PC muscle and become familiar with its strength. Every time you urinate, stop the flow forcefully at least six times. The first time you try this, don't worry if all you can manage is a momentary interruption in the flow. PC Flexes can be performed anywhere at any time. They consist of tightening the anal sphincter (rectum) and the muscles at the base of the penis. When you do a correct PC Flex your penis will move slightly. You are doing PC Flexes when you have an erection and you tighten to make your penis move up and down. Once you get use to tightening and flexing your PC muscle there are other ways this can be performed using your erection and a bath towel; you simple hang the towel over your erection and forcefully raise and lower your penis from 50 to 100 times. The idea is to give the penis some extra work to do. As the muscles get stronger, the erection will get harder, partly from the increased blood supply the exercise is causing your body to provide. Go slowly at first, but within a week or 10 days you should be able to perform 300 forceful PC Flexes a day and within two months your muscle will be several times as strong as when you started. PC Flexes can be unobtrusively performed (without an erection) while walking, sitting or lying down. If you do them with an erection it's a good idea to hold a warm wet towel or wash cloth over the top base of the penis afterwards; this soothes and relaxes the vigorously used attachment muscles. Within approximately six weeks after you've begun doing cut-offs and PC Flexes daily, you'll be having longer, stronger, and better orgasms than ever before and closer to both climax control and the sustained pleasure of multiple orgasms. Cut-offs will give you the feel of turning off your faucet and they will enormously benefit your control. The PC Flex will further develop control and your PC; without a powerful pubococcygeus muscle you cannot hope to become multiorgasmic. The male who possesses a really powerful PC can maintain a firm erection for hours and enjoy more ecstatic orgasms during one sex episode then most men enjoy in a month. So get started on this simple sex-strengthening program and turn your female's fantasies into fact. EXTREMEPENIS.COM- WORKOUT CHART It is important to accurately measure your penis before beginning the program. This will allow you to keep track of your progress. Be sure to measure exactly. Do not round up. This chart will be useful in tracking your weekly gains. We suggest that you measure your penis only once a week. Although you may see daily gains, measuring only once a week will allow you to see more of a gain and keep you from becoming discouraged. As the chart shows, you should measure your penis when it is both erect and flaccid. Be sure to also measure the girth in a flaccid state and an erect state. Week Number Length Erect Length Flaccid Girth Erect Girth Flaccid Most people pay a lot for this info. Welcome to the ground breaking :15 Minute Solution!!! When it comes to penis enlargement sites on the Internet, it is the opinion of the editors of The Penis Enlargement that most authors are missing the boat. We believe LESS IS MORE! Do you want to spend countless hours reading about penis enlargement or would you rather have your time freed up to perform the techniques for consistent and substantial gains? There is no method out there that requires 83 moving parts. These other authors are also missing out on providing their readers with any direction for what to do with their material. Well, we've taken care of all that for you. The :15 Minute Solution is a simple 5 exercise, 15 minute a day program that will give you results without all the frustration associated with other available programs! Don't get beat up like our friend shown below! Enough of the crap...let's learn the techniques that will thicken and lengthen your penis, put an end to premature ejaculation, give you a Prostate Gland that will perform for you into your later years and get you ejaculating like Peter North! The four exercises are listed below. You may click on any of the exercises and it will jump you down the page to that exercise. After you've learned the techniques go to the table at the bottom of the page and just follow the workout planner! It's all way too easy! Shoot like a porn star! Go to GREAT Lengths! Attain Massive Girth! Amazing Isometrics! Kill the "Short Order Cook!" Shoot like a porn star! We've put this exercise first for a damn good reason. It's the cornerstone to a healthy, proper functioning reproductive system. Mastering this technique will strengthen your Prostate Gland giving you a healthier, better developed Prostate Gland. Additionally it will improve circulation for enhanced size, give you ROCK HARD erections and the ability to ejaculate WHEN YOU WANT TO, allow multiple ejaculations without ever losing your erection, increase the volume and intensity of your ejaculations, provide improved urine flow, better stamina and give you a stouter-looking penis! We will never be able to emphasize enough how very vital this technique is to a healthy and long life and sex life! This technique is based on the discoveries of a Gynecologist who discovered the PC Muscle and devised an exercise which now bears his name - Kegel. Yes, "Kegels" were created by a Gynecologist back in the '50's. His goal was to find a way to assist women with the demands of child birth and more importantly to help women recover from the experience quicker so they may sooner be able to tend to their newborn child. He also set out to help women find a natural solution for incontinence both after child birth and as women entered their later years. It's only been in the last 10 - 12 years that the benefits of Kegels have been clinically studied and proven effective for men with the incredible benefits we outlined above. First, let's find this dude. Have you ever made your penis "move" without using your hands?!? You made it move by flexing your PC Muscle. It's the only way you can do it! If you can't make your penis move (you need this exercise more than you know!) then, next time you urinate, stop the flow of urine by flexing your what? PC Muscle! Now that we've found it we need to know what to do with it! There's a crucial point of learning to get the most out of doing Kegels - PUT YOUR MIND IN THE MUSCLE! What do I mean by that? Simple. Once you feel where the "flex" is coming from, concentrate on that exact point in your body and nowhere else. It's an old body-building adage to put your mind in the muscle. It's old, but it is still taught today - because it works! It's the single-most effective way to target the muscle DIRECTLY and to KEEP IT IN THE CROSS HAIRS! When you feel the flex in the PC you'll then know HOW to perform a Kegel. For the :15 Solution you'll be doing Kegels for 2 solid minutes. We've found that you can get just as an effective workout in 2 intense minutes of Kegels as you can from doing as many as 300 reps. The terrifying thing is that a lot of PE Sites will have you doing anywhere from 300 - 600 Kegels every single day forever! This is ridiculous and it violates everything we know about working out a muscle. You need recovery time or the muscle will ATROPHY (shrink!!!)! With this in mind what you'll do is make a slow, solid contraction, hold for 30 seconds, release and repeat 4 times. That's all that's necessary to effectively work your PC Muscle and gain all the benefits we've already outlined for you above. Go to GREAT Lengths! This first enlargement technique is highly effective for lengthening the penis. The premise is simple enough and performing this technique is even easier. All you have to do is gently grasp your Glans (penis head) and pull, without letting up (except as noted below), for 5 full minutes. Here's the technique: Pull straight out from your body and hold for 60 seconds. Now let go for 5 seconds and shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your Glans. Pull straight towards the floor for 60 full seconds then shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your Glans. Pull straight towards your chin for 60 full seconds then shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your Glans. Pull to the right for 60 full seconds then shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your Glans. Pull to the left for 60 full seconds then shake your penis around to get the blood flowing back into your Glans. The additional benefits of this exercise is your penis is now well warmed up and prepared for the Massive Girth Technique! Attain Massive Girth! This exercise requires a bit more instruction but it's easy to perform once you know the nuts and bolts of the technique. We're going to spend some extra time here because there are some caveats (warnings) about this technique: This technique is to be performed in a partially erect state. If you become too aroused during this technique injury to your blood vessels may occur! You will need to stop and allow yourself to "come down" prior to continuing. This technique should alwaysfollow the lengthening technique. Blood spotting, bruising and mild lumpiness (all temporary conditions) may occur without being properly warmed up for this technique. You'll be gripping your penis firmly for this technique, but again, too firm a grip may cause damage to your blood vessels. You'll have to find a firm yet gentle grip for this technique. You're going to need a good lubricant for this exercise and maintain the viscosity for the duration of the exercise. We recommend Baby Oil or K-Y Jelly. Here's how to perform this exercise that will both greatly thicken as well as lengthen your penis: The first thing to do for this exercise is to attain a partial erection. The purpose of this is to get some blood into the penis - for it's the movement of the blood throughout the penis during this exercise which will expand Your erectile tissue. Using your index finger and thumb, wrap your penis at the base, way down as close to your testicles as possible. Gently squeeze your penis with your thumb and forefinger to trap the blood inside your erectile tissue. Now, slide your thumb and forefinger "ring" down the shaft of your penis towards the glans (penis head). At the moment your first hand reaches the glans, take your other hand and begin the same process. You'll be alternating hands - right, left, right, left, etc. A single repetition should last a full second before starting with your other hand. Remember, for now we're just teaching you the exercises. At the bottom of this page is The :15 Minute Solution - the program where we put all the elements of the program together for you and give you a workable plan for implementing these exercises. Amazing Isometrics! This is a key technique for realizing consistent gains from years and years to come if you so wish. What this exercise does is it Isometrically expands the smooth muscle tissue found in your penis and it consistently and continually expands the elasticity of the penile tendon making unlimited gains possible! You may wish to use a hand towel for this technique. Here's how to do it: This exercise requires a full blown erection to perform. Once you are maximized, take the palm of your hand, facing towards the floor and cup it over your glans (penis head). If you wish to use a hand towel it's just as effective and we'll explain how as we go through this. Now, slowly and gently, push your penis towards the floor. Go as far as you can comfortably go but not further than parallel to the floor. If you're using a towel, gently pull the ends of the towel towards the floor to lower the angle of your penis. Very slowly, and with great care, begin to flex your PC Muscle by doing a Kegel - just as you learned above in Shoot Like A Porn Star! The secret is to not allow your hand (or towel) to be moved by your penis as your penis fights against your hand (or towel) to raise back up towards your chin. Once you attain a solid flex of the PC Muscle through your Kegel hold your Kegel flex and your hand (or towel) in place for 10 seconds then slowly release your Kegel and allow your penis to rise back up by lifting your hand (or the towel) from your penis. Re attain a maximized erection for the next rep. You should be able to repeat this process 5 times - once per minute - for the :15 Solution. Relatively simple stuff! Next we're going to look at how you can put an end to premature ejaculation forever! Kill the "Short Order Cook!" We know that many men suffer from Premature Ejaculation and even more men wish they could just last longer. This is a fantastic technique that will give you unlimited staying'll be able to cum when you're damn good and ready and never sooner! This exercise is not a part of the :15 should be done at a time when you're feeling like having a little fun - solo! Here's how it's done: Start with some warm-ups. Slowly flex your PC Muscle and release 30 times. On the last flex, hold the contraction of your PC Muscle as long as possible, up to one minute. Repeat entire process. Next, massage your penis continually until you're at the brink of ejaculation. The moment you feel the urge, CLAMP DOWN ON YOUR PC MUSCLE AS HARD AS YOU CAN (remember, this is an INTERNAL squeeze!) and take quick breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Use the power of your mind to hold back your ejaculation! Keep holding the clamp on your PC until the urge has completely subsided. Again, you'll want to massage your penis to climax and then CLAMP DOWN ON YOUR PC MUSCLE! Follow your breathing as you did before and your visualization. Now, do 300 (minimum) PC Flexes as you learned above. Finally, bring your penis to climax again. This time, let it fly! Finish up with a nice hot towel wrap. Above are all the exercises you're going to need for the :15 Solution. If you suffer from premature ejaculation please feel free to work on that on your "off days" from the workout planner below. There's 2 tables below. The first is your :15 Solution Workout. After that is a Workout Planner for integrating the :15 Solution into your Fitness Routine found in The Poor Man's Guide to a Weightless Workout. THE :15 SOLUTION: Follow the exercises in the left column - the "X's" indicate the minutes Exercise: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Go to GREAT Lengths! X X X X X Attain Massive Girth! XXXXX Amazing Isometrics! XXX Shoot like a porn star! XX INTEGRATING THE :15 Solution WITH YOUR FITNESS PROGRAM: Here's your overall workout planner: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday WORKOUT AEROBICS WORKOUT AEROBICS WORKOUT AEROBICS OFF DAY Kill the "Short Order Cook!" :15 SOLUTION Kill the "Short Order Cook!" :15 SOLUTION Kill the "Short Order Cook!" :15 SOLUTION OFF DAY As you can see by the above chart, on the days you workout you should perform the exercise routine that will end Premature Ejaculation. If you're not a PE sufferer just do your Poor Man's Guide to a Weightless Workout. On your Aerobics day you'll also perform the :15 Solution! Like we said before, penis enlargement is not brain's actually quite simple. We GUARANTEE you'll get better results with the :15 Solution than with any other program available on the market ANYWHERE! ------------------------------------money making stuff --------------------Ok so theirs only 6 ways to make money in this list, I weeded out all the crap that never paid out in the six years I have been doing this on line money making thing. ------------------NEW!!! Site in pre-launch Join Free!!! Will Go live in December! -------------------Quick Profit Downline Club They will build you a down line of hundreds instantly. Join FREE!!! --------------------Positive Promotion Club--(I make about $95 a month and growing as of November 1st! with this one) The hottest affiliate program on the net. Launched in early 2002. Paid Instantly every Month! 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[email protected] [email protected] Heavy Penis - Penis Enlargement System A Manual Guide To Permanent and Safe Enhanced Sexual Performance. LEGAL NOTICE: Nothing in this manual is meant as, or should be taken as medical advice. While the techniques described in this manual have worked well for many men including the author, we are all individuals and they may not be appropriate for you. Before trying any of the techniques in this manual you should consult with a licensed Physician and/or Sex Therapist. If you are interested in penis enlargement you should consult a licensed Physician and/or Urologist. Because no two people are alike and you may have special needs, all penis enlargement techniques should be done under the supervision of a licensed Physician or Urologist. This manual is meant for informational purposes only. Neither the Heavy Penis developers nor the author shall be liable or responsible for any loss, damage, injury or ailment caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information or lack of information, or use or misuse of the methods or techniques described in this manual. Contents: Introduction Health & Nutrition High Octane Sexual Fuel Diet Supercharging Supplements Charging Up Your Batteries Drugs and other Hazards Becoming A Man of Steel Penis of Steel Strong as Steel Hard As Steel Lasting All Night Long: Delay Techniques Identifying The Point of No Return Techniques Breathing Stop! The Squeeze The External Prostate Point The PG Pump PC Pumping Focus Control Position Yourself for Success The Medicine Man Thrusting Techniques 101 Taoist 9 in 1 Tease and Please Slide and Glide How to Screw Her Good! Making it Bigger: The Penis You Always Wanted The Jelq Technique The Taoist Techniques The Stretch Technique Vacuum Pumps The Program Attitude & Belief Visualize the size Introduction Congratulations on you purchase of The Heavy Penis - Penis Enlargement System Manual. In this manual you will learn about your penis, you will learn how to make it harder, longer and thicker and even more important as many women will attest, How To Use It! I will show you how to banish premature ejaculation forever. You will learn the most ancient and the latest techniques for to gain true mastery of your penis. Before long you will have the sexual prowess of a porno stud! There is one catch. Like anything else in life, to become a master it takes work, dedication and consistency. I mean you would not expect to walk into a Dojo (Martial Arts Studio) and come out with a black belt the same day, or be able to do the splits after stretching only once. Would go to the gym and come out looking like a bodybuilder after only a few workouts would you? Of course not! The same truth applies here as well. And the same attitude is required as well. You can make significant gains in size, staying power and technique but it will require dedication and a commitment on your part. A commitment on your part to follow the techniques taught to you in this manual on a regular basis. The reason I use the analogy above is that it is quite appropriate, as we will be practicing techniques like they do in the martial arts. In fact many of the techniques you will be learning were taught in ancient Asia by the Taoist (pronounced Dao-ist) as sexual Kung Fu. We will also be stretching tendons and ligaments like they do in the martial arts and like a bodybuilder we will be building muscle as well. So enough said let’s get down to business! The Business of building a Big, Hard, Strong, Penis. And becoming the master of your sexual destiny. Health & Nutrition Your penis is not a separate entity from your body. It is part of your body. So if you are in poor health you should not expect your penis to be in any better health than the rest of your body. If you are under great stress, deprived of quality sleep and rest, suffering from an illness or are just malnourished due to a nutritionally deficient diet, you may lack the penis performance that you desire. But all is not lost as in the next few pages we will cover the basics of nutrition as well as foods and supplement that specifically enhance sexual performance. High Octane Sexual Fuel Diet The food you put into your body is what your body burns as fuel to make energy and just like when you put cheep gas in your car and you get poor performance the same goes for your body. The quality of food you eat can be a major factor that helps to determine your energy level, general health and sexual performance. What should you eat? You might ask? You should eat a well balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits (apples, bananas, peaches, pears, grapes, oranges etc.) and vegetables (spinach, broccoli, asparagus, squash, green beans, carrots, etc... green and leafy vegetables are the best!) If you don’t like to eat vegetables you can drink fresh vegetable juice, not canned. When a product is canned it loses many of its vitamins, nutrients and enzymes, so you should always try to eat fresh foods. You should also eat a high quality protein every day, such as fish, chicken, and egg whites. I believe that beef meat should be eating only 1-4 times a month. If you really like red meat, you might try ostrich or buffalo; they are much leaner and healthier. When you buy your food you should try to get as much of it organic (grown with out pesticides and without preservatives) as possible. I recommend that you get a copy of the Zone Diet book. It basically says that you should eat 30% Fat (good fat, avocados, nuts, etc.) 30% Carbohydrates (in the form of non-starchy vegetables) and 40% Protein (Fish, Chicken, Etc.) at every meal and that you should avoid refined sugar. What you should you not eat? Refined sugar (candy, soft drinks, pastries, white sugar, brown sugar, etc.) Preservatives (Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Ethoborate etc.) Food Additives (MSG or Mono-Sodiumglutinate, NutraSweet or Aspartame, hydrolyzed animal or vegetable protein these are excitotoxins and stimulate the neurons in the brain until they die! Food Dyes, etc.) Start reading the packages of what you eat. Look for the hidden sugars (sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextren), preservatives and food additives on the labels of what you buy. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t pronounce it you might not want to eat it. Try to as eat little processed food as possible. Processed food are ready-made food. Such as canned foods and processed cheese, frozen dinners etc. I don’t expect anyone to forgo all of the above all of the time. I love a good piece of Triple Chocolate Cake or Chocolate Cookies, but I don’t eat it everyday! Better yet save up you chocolate allowance and put chocolate syrup on your woman’s nipples! One more note before we move on. Two things that you should also avoid are aluminum and fluoride, which is a by-product of aluminum and used as rat poison. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease. You might ask how you avoid aluminum? Don’t drink out of aluminum cans, or cook in aluminum pots and pans. Go get you’re deodorant right now, and read the label, if it says aluminum don’t use it anymore. And as for fluoride, from what I have read from some dentist that have written on the subject, IT DOES NOTHING FOR YOUR TEETH! And is aluminum by product. Supercharging Supplements In addition to healthy foods you can take vitamin and mineral supplements to help make up for what our foods lack today. I recommend that you see a nutritionist or buy a book on the subject of nutrition. Until you do I will tell you what I take. Colloidal Minerals, B-Stress Complex, Vitamins C, E, A and Zinc which is very important for prostate health and in fighting off infections. Many companies are now making zinc lozenges, because if you get enough at the on set of a cold you could be over the cold in 24-48 hours or at least have less severe symptoms. And now for the sexual performance boosting supplements: B-Stress Complex for more energy B-12 For more energy Colloidal Minerals for general health and immunity Amino Acid: L-Arginine: for erections of steel and increased volume of ejaculate. I found this one through an obscure magazine article about a year ago. It Works! I take 500-1000mg in the daytime and 1000-1500mg about an hour or two before sex. Warning: Do not take L-Arginine during a herpes break out or when cold sores are present, or any herpes related disease as it will make the case more severe. I also recommend that you take good a amino acid supplement and augment it with the L-Arginine as not to create an imbalance in the body. I do not recommend taking high dosages on a daily basis for an extended period of time. Herb: Avina Sativa (Wild Oats): Increases sex drive and volume of ejaculate. Herb: Saw Palmetto Berries Extract: Good for prostate health. Herb: Muira Puama Extract: Increases sex drive, and produces firmer erections I have heard. Herb: Yohimbe: Some people have had great success with this herb and claim great results. I don’t recommend it, because I have heard that it has negative side effects if over used or used for extended periods of time. Herb: Damiana: Increases sex drive. I have also heard that the user of this herb will become more attractive to the opposite sex. Herb: Schizandra: It is said to increase the volume of sexual fluids, increase sexual endurance and staying power and to strengthen the whole body. One Added benefit is that it beautifies the skin. Herb: Epimedium: Also known as “goat sex herb” considered an aphrodisiac. Herbal Formula: Honeymooners Tea: This tea is for replenishing spent sexual energy. Dendrobium, Schizandra, Licorice root. You boil all of the herbs and drink the tea. There are many great Chinese herbal formulas that may benefit you in countless ways. I recommend that you see a Chinese Tonic Herbalist to take advantage of them. Consult your doctor and/or nutritionist before taking any of the supplements or herbs listed here! Charging Up Your Batteries If you want to be a sexual athlete you need to get plenty of rest and sleep so that your batteries are charged up so to speak, So that when you need the Super Sexual Energy it is there. The Ancient Taoist believe that a man should retain his ejaculate when he has his orgasm so that he does not lose his energy and feel drained after sex as many men feel. How ever they believed that men should have sex very often without ejaculating in order to cultivate energy for well being and rejuvenation. Many professional athletes abstain from sex before a competition so that they are at their peak, energy wise; this may lend some creditability to the Taoist theory. Weather I choose to believe in the Taoist theory or not one thing I have learned is that you can have sex all day and sleep all night or have sex all night and sleep all day. But you can’t work all day, fight traffic, go to the gym and then have sex all night and get up for work early the next morning and do it all over again for very long with out it taking toll on your health and immunity. The Taoist may have the answer to this problem and we will explore in more depth later on, but for now just realize that you need adequate rest and sleep to have great sex and great erections. Another Taoist theory is that you tell your health and well being by your penis. According to the theory you can tell when you are in good health and when I you had enough rest by the firmness of your erections. The harder you are the healthier you are and the more energy you have. This is not written in stone, but I have found it to be true for me as the Taoists found it true for them. Drugs and other Hazards As well as all of the other dangers of illegal substances they can also effect you sexual function in a detrimental way. If you want to be a man of steel you have to act like one. Moderation is the key here, but I find that some drugs are too dangerous even with moderate usage, such as cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy have been found to cause brain damage. Many prescription drugs and antibiotics also may cause loss of sex drive to the point of near impotence. If you are on prescription drugs, and this is the case you should consult with your doctor, and a nutritionist and/or herbalist for a solution to your problem. Steroids can be very damaging to your sexual functioning in addition to the possibility of damaging your liver, kidneys and heart. Some of the side effects of steroids to the reproductive system are that you balls may shrink and you testosterone production may be significantly reduced. We all know that smoking Cigarettes is bad for your health. But you may not know what it does to your sexual performance. When you smoke you decrease the blood and oxygen supply in your arteries and you’re sexual performance and firmness of your erection decreases. That would be enough right there for me to quit! Alcohol in moderation is not bad, in fact medical studies have now shown that 1 drink a day may even be good for you! We all know that too much alcohol decreases your ability to perform sexually. So once again moderation is the key. Becoming A Man of Steel If you want to be a man of steel and have a penis of steel you have to live like a man of steel. Which means that you need to eat like a man of steel, sleep like a man of steel, exercise like a man of steel. I don’t want to turn this into bodybuilding or exercise guide, but I will say that if you are not already active, you should be. I recommend joining a gym (A great place to meet women) and getting on weight training program. This will not only make you feel better, but you will also look better and be more attractive to the opposite sex. If you really can’t stand lifting weights, you might try martial arts classes, where not only will you get a work out but you will also learn to defend your self and increase your self -discipline and self-confidence. Other suggestions might include Aerobics, Boxercise, Running, or Biking. Penis of Steel Now lets get down to business, and build a penis that is as strong as steel, and as hard as steel. In order to do that we need to first strengthen the muscles that are responsible for your orgasms and ejaculation, the Pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle (Figure 1). But first we need to locate it if you are not aware of it. The best way to find it is to urinate and try to stop the flow of urine, when the flow stops you have found your PC muscle. Now flex your PC muscle a few times to make sure you have found it. As with any muscle without use it will atrophy and unless you have been doing a PC muscle workout already on a regular basis you could probably use some strengthening and toning. So now we will start a PC muscle exercise program. Strong as Steel The Strong as Steel Exercise Program The first exercise we are going to do is the Quick squeeze: Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can and hold it for 2 seconds then completely relax the muscle. That is one rep, wait 1 second between reps. Next is the Slow Squeeze: Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can slowly and hold it for 15 seconds then release slowly, completely relax the muscle. That is one rep wait 5 seconds between reps. And last is the Super Squeeze: Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can slowly and hold it for a minimum of 60 seconds then release. That is one rep wait 60 seconds between reps. Daily Program: Quick Squeeze: 20 reps. (work up to 100 reps.) x 1 set. Slow Squeeze: 10 reps. (work up to 25 reps.) x 1 set. Super Squeeze: 1 reps. (work up to 10 reps.) x 1 set. Just as with any exercise program you should start out slow and build up over time, in this case over about 2-3 weeks to prevent excessive soreness. After being on this program for 4-8 weeks you should have a super strong PC muscle. Which is required for many of the techniques in the following sections. Some of the added benefits of PC muscle exercises are more intense orgasms, stronger and more powerful ejaculation, and the ability to become a Multi-Orgasmic Male. PC muscle exercise also promotes good prostate health, by massaging the prostate gland with the contractions of the PC muscle. Hard As Steel There are many different variables that can factor in to the hardness of your penis, such as general health and lack of sleep that we covered in earlier sections. Another factor is the strength of your PC muscle. The stronger your PC muscle is the harder your penis will be, and when your penis is at it’s hardest, your penis will also be at it’s biggest. Also as mentioned earlier a program of herbs, vitamins and supplements can help turn a weak erection into a Steel Rod! The ones that I have found to be most beneficial to increase the hardness of erections are the Colloidal Minerals, B-Complex, and L-Arginine (The Secret Ingredient, this one alone should make you rock hard if taken correctly and you are in general good health I take 500-2000mg’s a day 500-1000mg’s in the morning and 500-1500mg’s 2 hours before sex. Then get ready for a super hard erection, in some cases increased staying power and a Mega Load Ejaculation. If this does not happen the first time take the dosage for a few days in a row). Lasting All Night Long A penis no matter how big or hard is of very little use to anyone if you have no control over it. Many men suffer from premature ejaculation as we will define it (ejaculating before you are ready to.) This can be a great insecurity to a man’s sexual self-image and cause much frustration to his sexual partner as well. Now we will learn some techniques to help end this problem forever! Identifying The Point of No Return Before you can control your ejaculation you must be able to recognize when it is that you are going to ejaculate or, as we will call it the point of ejaculatory inevitability or the point of no return( P.O.N.R). In order do this you have to do some exercises so that you will be able to identify your P.O.N.R. Exercise #1: Finding your P.O.N.R. and Excitement Scale. Goal: Finding your P.O.N.R. and Excitement Scale. Repeat until you accomplish the goal to your satisfaction.. You will want to take about 30 min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 4. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 5. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate with out finding your P.O.N.R. 6. When you get to a level about 9-9.5 pay real close attention to what you are feeling. You should start to feel the seamen moving from the testicles and collecting in the prostate gland at the base of the penis. 7. If possible stop and take a deep breath and feel everything. If you can’t stop then you have passed your P.O.N.R. 8. See how close you can get, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! Now that you have identified your P.O.N.R. and you can tell when you are approaching your P.O.N.R. all you need is to learn how to slow your path to orgasm which we will cover in the next section. Delaying Your Orgasm Now we will cover several techniques in this section that will enable you to Delay and/or prevent your orgasm and prolong lovemaking for as long as you desire. Some of the techniques will work better for you than others and many can and should be used in conjunction with each other. We will start with the simplest leading to the more advanced with each technique building on the previous. Delay Techniques: Breathing This one is fairly simple but very powerful when combined with the other techniques. That is why you are going to learn it first. First we need to see if you know the proper way to breathe. Put your hand on your abdomen and take a deep breath, you should feel your abdomen fill with air and your abdomen expand outward. Your shoulders should not rise. Practice breathing like this until you get it down. When you feel that you are reaching around 7.5 or 8 on the Excitement Scale take a slow deep breath and hold it for a few seconds until the urge to ejaculate subsides. Continue slow deep breathing until your level on the Excitement Scale drops a few points. Warning: don’t hold your breath too long you don’t want to get dizzy or pass out! This technique may or may not work for you depending on how close to your P.O.N.R. you are, but is very powerful when used in combination with the following techniques. STOP ! That’s it! Just stop and breathe! (As described above) When you feel that you are getting too close to your point of no return, just stop what ever it is you are doing take a deep breath and just wait 20-60 seconds before you resume any form of stimulation. Once you feel that your arousal has dropped a few points on your excitement scale you then can resume stimulation. The key to making this work is to really stop. If you are with a lover you maybe concerned that you will look silly or deprive her of her pleasure. If you use finesse you will be able apply this technique properly without either of the two happening. The key to doing this is not to let your lover feel isolated during your break. Scenario A: Let’s say your lover is going down on you and you are getting close to your P.O.N.R. and you haven’t had intercourse yet. A few ways to handle this are as follows: 1. Say “baby, that feels so good, but I don’t want to come yet! Could you stop for a few seconds!” Most women would be very happy to help you out, especially if your are with a steady lover. 2. Say “ Ohh, God you are so good!, Come here!” and pull her up, take a deep breath and kiss her passionately during the 30 seconds or so..This will only turn her on more and still give the break you needed..Then you can gently guide her back down there or move on to another activity. If you need even more of break you could suck on her nipples or go down her.. 3. Pull her up and say “ My Turn!” and go down on her while you take your needed break. Very few women will argue with this request! Scenario B: You are having intercourse and you can tell that it won’t be long before you reach your P.O.N.R. A few ways to handle this are as follows: 1. Say “baby, Your pussy feels so good, but I don’t want to come yet!” Stop, Pull out, take a slow deep breath (If just stopping without pulling out works for you then great, but many times it won’t be enough, also she my keep moving especially if she is on top) and take a break. Most women are very happy to help you out, especially if your are with a steady lover. WARNING: If your lover is screaming “Don’t stop I’m about to come”, this is not the time for this technique, even if you want to last past her orgasm. 2. Stop, take a deep breath and, change positions. This will only work if you have been in one position for awhile. Also the best position to move to is her favorite, unless this was it! Then you might not want to change. 3. Pull out, take a deep breath, tell her how pretty her pussy is or how much you love her pussy, go down and kiss her or her pussy a few times, while you take a break. 4. Pull out, take deep breath, slide the shaft of your penis over her clitoris with a thrusting motion, and rub her clitoris with the head of your penis and/or playfully slap and tease her pussy with your penis, while you say something like “You like being naughty don’t you, I love your naughty little pussy!” or some other verbiage that you come up with.. Be creative. Exercise #2: Solo Practice - The Breathing and Stop! Techniques. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop! and Breathing Techniques. Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 4. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 5. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate with out trying the technique. 6. When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the technique: Stop, Take your hand off of your penis, take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few point on the scale. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you’re self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5. 7. See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! The Squeeze The Squeeze technique is just what it sounds like you Squeeze your penis with your hand. When feel like you are getting near your P.O.N.R. you do The Squeeze in combination with the previous Breathing and Stop! Methods. The Squeeze Technique: 1. When you feel close to your P.O.N.R. you, stop, pull out, take a deep breath and squeeze your penis hard with your thumb and first two fingers for several seconds. After your Excitement level drops a few points you may resume intercourse. The squeeze should be applied either with the first two fingers (this is a flat grip the fingers and thumb do not meet.) just below the head of the penis. 2. Another variation is to squeeze you penis at the base instead of just below. This can be done in the same manner described above or by gripping the penis in a ring manner with the thumb and index finger. Try both and see which works best for you. You may also be able to use the last variation of griping the penis at the base without having to pull out, and simply just stopping, taking a deep breath and applying the squeeze to the base of the penis and waiting till the urge to ejaculate subsides. Exercise #3: Solo Practice - The Squeeze Technique. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop!, Breathing and Squeeze Techniques. Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. 1. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 2. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 4. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 5. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 6. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate without trying the technique. 7. When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the technique: Stop, squeeze your penis hard with your thumb and forefingers just below the head or with the ring grip at the base of the penis( I recommend that you try both variations and see which one works best for you), take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few point on the scale. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you’re self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5. 8. See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! The PG Pump The PG Pump is actually an ancient Taoist technique to delay ejaculation and can also be used during orgasm do prevent ejaculation. To use the PG Pump you must first find your external prostate point. The point is located on the perineum between your scrotum and anus, but closer to your anus . The PG Pump technique can be applied with or without pulling out, however the effect is greater if you do pullout. Exercise #4: Finding your External PG Point. Goal: To Find your External PG Point and become familiar with the sensation of pumping it. 1. Stimulate your self until highly aroused highly. 2. You should be standing or in a kneeling position. Reach around behind your butt and between your legs, then with your first two or three fingers (depending on the size of your fingers) and press up on the area above your scrotum and just below your anus fairly hard up to the first joint of your fingers. 3. When you find the right spot you will feel a pleasurable sensation and you will be able to see the head of your penis throb and expand as you press. Press it a few times slowly and gently. Now you know how to pump your prostate. Now that you know where your External PG point is and how to pump your Prostate lets apply this technique to practical use. Exercise #5: Solo Practice - The PG Pump Technique. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop!, Breathing and PG Pump Techniques. Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 4. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 5. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate without trying the technique. 6. When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the technique: Stop, press hard on your PG Point for several seconds, release (that is one pump). Pump your PG Point 3-5 times, take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. Your erection may decrease a bit as well. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you’re self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5. 7. See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! The PC Pump The PC Pump is a internal and more powerful version of the PG Pump, but instead of using you fingers to press on your external prostate point and pump your prostate gland you are using Pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle to pump the prostate gland. To explain how this delays ejaculation we first need to understand how ejaculation occurs. When you near you’re P.O.N.R. you prostate starts to fill with prostatic fluid and fluid from the seminal vesicles. Once you reach your P.O.N.R seaman is drawn from your testicles into the prostate gland and then expelled with force by the contractions of the muscles that surround the prostate gland. With the PC Pump and the PG Pump what is actually happening is that you are interrupting this process and restarting it in effect. To be able to do the PC Pump you must have a very strong PC muscle. If you have been doing some kind of PC muscle conditioning might want to try the exercise now, if not you should start training and strengthening your PC muscle with the Strong as Steel Exercise Program as outlined earlier in this manual. After a couple of weeks of training you should do try this exercise. Remember that you should continue the Strong as Steel Exercise Program indefinitely to maintain a strong PC Muscle. As with the PG Pump, The PC Pump can be applied with or without pulling out. Exercise #6: Solo Practice - The PC Pump Technique. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar with the Stop!, Breathing and PC Pump Techniques. Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the technique to delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 4. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 5. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate without trying the technique. 6. When you get to a level of about 6.5 it is time to apply the PC Pump: There are several variations of the PC Pump technique, try them all and see which one works best for you. A. Stop, Flex your PC hard for 2-3 seconds, release (that is one pump). Pump your PC Muscle 3-5 times, take a deep breath as you do the first pump and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. You may also experience a decrease in your erection. Resume stimulation. B. Stop, Flex your PC Muscle hard for one long pump about 10 seconds, release. Pump your PC Muscle 1-3 times, take a deep breath as you do the first pump and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. You may also experience a decrease in your erection. Resume stimulation. C. Stop, Flex your PC Muscle hard for 1 second release and do it again quickly, repeat for 5 reps., take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. You may also experience a decrease in your erection. Resume stimulation. 7. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you’re self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5. 8. See how close you can get each time, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! Focus Control These techniques are more mental than physical and since the mind is the greatest sex organ these techniques are very powerful when combined with the ones above. These techniques work by you directing your attention away from your orgasm and onto other sensations, and at the same time keep you fully present in the sexual experience. Change your focus of goal: This is the easiest of them, this is more an attitude than a specific technique. Change your focus and goal from having an orgasm and ejaculation to enjoying and taking in the whole sexual experience. the smell of her hair.. The feel of her skin, the way she tastes.etc.By taking the focus off of ejaculation and putting it on the whole experience, everything you do does not lead to ejaculating, but to enjoying. Exercise #7: Solo Practice - Change your focus of goal. Goal: Experiencing and becoming familiar The Focus Control Techniques 1. You will want to take about 45min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 2. This time you are going to self-stimulate with the goal be pleasure, instead of ejaculation you do not even have to ejaculate at all. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Enjoy it! Change your focus of physical sensation: In this one what you do is to take you attention off of your genitals and place them on another part of your body. Exercise #8: Change your focus of physical sensation. Goal: Changing your focus off of your genitals and put it on some other part of your body. Repeat until you accomplish the goal to your satisfaction.. You will want to take about 30 min. to do this. You should do this alone and without any added stimulation (Pornographic Material unless absolutely needed). You should pay attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that you will feel. 1. Once again let pleasure be your goal, instead of ejaculation. Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard. Notice all of the feelings you feel along the way to your P.O.N.R. 2. Give each level of excitement a number between 1-10, 1.5, 3.5, 9.5, etc.(1 being lowest or semi-hard and 10 highest and the P.O.N.R.) along the way to your P.O.N.R. 3. Try to stay at each level for about 2-3 min. Then move to the next. 4. Notice what it is that moves you to the next level i.e. the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are thinking etc. 5. Move slowly to each higher level as to not get carried away and ejaculate with out finding your P.O.N.R. 6. When you get to a level about 6.5, shift you attention from what you are feeling in your genitals to what the rest of your body is feeling. Feel what your hands feel, feel what your skin feels. 7. If possible stop and take a deep breath and feel everything. 8. See how close you can get, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! Change your focus on the external stimuli of your lover: Many times what drives you past the point of no return is not just something that you are feeling but also what you are seeing and hearing and what your focus is on. For instance maybe you can last without a problem until you lover starts to moan and scream, and when your hear how excited she is it throws you past the your P.O.N.R. Or maybe it’s when you see her beautiful full breasts hanging down while you are thrusting into her from behind or any number of things. The point is to identify what it is that drives you past your P.O.N.R. and then change you focus to something else about your lover. Many men change their focus to sport scores or something that turns them off, I personally don’t think that you should think of something that you find distasteful or negative to delay your ejaculation as you may accidentally create an association between the two. If you feel that this form of detachment may help you, change your focus to anything pleasant that is non-sexual in nature instead. However, I feel that it is better not to remove yourself from your present sexual experience with your lover. It would be preferable to change your focus to how much you love or care about her, how beautiful she looks, how amazing the experience is, take in the whole experience the ambiance, the mood, feel the sheets etc. Just change you focus to anything that is present except the stimulus that drives you over the edge. Exercise #9: Change your focus on the external stimuli of your lover Goal: Changing your focus off of the part of her or the experience that drives you over the edge and on to something else. Repeat until you accomplish the goal to your satisfaction.. 1. Once again let pleasure be your goal, instead of ejaculation. 2. Notice what it is that moves you up the scale. I.e. looking at her breast bounce, watching your penis sliding in and out of her, the way her ass looks, hearing her moan or what she is saying to you. 3. When you start getting close to your P.O.N.R. change you focus off of whatever it is that is driving to wild and on to something else. i.e. if you are watch her breast and it’s driving you wild, look into her eyes instead, if you are doing it from behind and her ass is just too much for you look at the wall for a while 4. Apply one of the other techniques that you learned earlier, like The PG Pump or the PC Pump, both of which can be done without pulling out. 5. See how close you can get, then let your self ejaculate and enjoy it! A Final Word on the Above Techniques With all of the above techniques you don’t want to wait until you are at your P.O.N.R. before you start to use them. But rather use them along the way to your P.O.N.R. so that you may last as long as you desire and reach your P.O.N.R. and enjoy your orgasm when you are ready rather than to be at the mercy of chance or to just put up with premature ejaculation. You may never have to hear again the words “I was almost there, I was so close.” Instead, once you master these techniques you will be hearing, “Ooooh, God, I’mmmm coming, Ooh! Fuck, Oooh! Ooooh! Ooooooooh! Position Yourself for Success Having intercourse in certain positions will help to last longer and prolong intercourse. Positions that prolong intercourse: The Woman on top positions, Spoons (side to side, man behind the woman). The Medicine Man Even though we already covered herbs and supplements earlier I would like to mention a few that are help to increase staying power. Supplements and Herbs for staying power: Amino Acid: L-Arginine: for erections of steel and increased volume of ejaculate and increased staying power. I take 500-1000mg in the daytime and 1000-1500mg about an hour or two before sex. Warning: Do not take L-Arginine during a herpes break out or when cold sores are present, or any herpes related disease as it will make the case more severe. I also recommend that you take a good amino acid supplement and augment it with the L-Arginine as not to create an imbalance in the body. I do not recommend taking high dosages on a daily basis for an extended period of time. Herb: Schizandra: It is said to increase the volume of sexual fluids, increase sexual endurance and staying power and to strengthen the whole body. One Added benefit is that it beautifies the skin. Strongest in the tincture (Liquid in alcohol base) form. Should be taken on a daily basis according to the rules of Chinese tonic herbalism. MMO or Male Multiple Orgasm What is it? MMO or Male Multiple Orgasm is the ability experience all the sensations of orgasm without ejaculation, and therefore you can maintain an erection and have many orgasms without ejaculating, until you desire to ejaculate. Some men have developed or inherently posses this ability it seem while most other men can learn to develop this ability. The first prerequisite is a very strong PC muscle, so if you haven’t developed your PC muscle yet, forget about MMO until you do. Secondly you need a high degree of ability with the PC Pump Technique. You should be able to stop your self from coming at the 9.5-9.9 levels. If not keep practicing until you can. Once you can do that you must learn to stretch the duration of the sensations that you feel when you are applying the PC Pump Technique sensations. A Technique for experiencing MMO: Try the following technique during self-stimulation or intercourse. 1. When you get to a level of about 6.5 apply the PC Pump Technique Stop; Flex your PC muscle for several seconds, release. Take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds, slowly let the breath out and relax as your Excitement level drops a few points on the scale. Your erection may decrease a bit as well. Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens. Start stimulating you’re self again and repeat the above technique at levels 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 2. Now Try it at and 9.9 and right before your P.O.N.R. flex your PC muscle hard, for as long as you can, take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds, Open your eyes, and keep them open. Think of bringing the feeling up and through your whole body. 3. Now if you did all of the steps correctly and you did not pass your P.O.N.R. and your PC muscles was strong enough. You should have had a MMO without ejaculating, and you should still have an erection or partial erection and be able to resume stimulation. 4. If that’s not what happened, then keep practicing and soon you will be a multi-orgasmic man. Thrusting Techniques 101 Taoist Techniques and The Taoist 9 in 1 Technique The Ancient Taoist had developed an extensive array of thrusting techniques for intercourse. They believed that the man should vary his thrusting speed and thrusting depth and thrusting angle in order to fully stimulate his lover and himself during a prolonged coition (Taoist also believed in prolong acts of intercourse and are famous for the term 1000 loving thrusts.) They also gave names to the different levels of depths in the vagina. They are as follows: 1. Lute String, the depth of one inch inside. 2. Water chestnut Teeth, the depth of two inches. 3. Little Stream, the depth of three inches. 4. Black Pearl, the depth of four inches. 5. Valley’s Proper, the depth of five inches. 6. Deep Chamber, the depth of six inches. 7. Inner Door, the depth of seven inches. 8. North Pole, the depth of eight inches. The Taoist 9 in 1 Technique The 9 in 1 technique is a thrusting sequence in which you simply thrust 9 times shallow (1 to 4 inches) and 1 time deep (3 to 5 inches, but not so deep as to hit her cervix and cause pain). Example of one set: Shallow Deep 19 28 37 46 55 65 73 82 91 Then you repeat the sequence over and over again varying the speed of the thrusts. It is said that this sequence will stimulate the woman to all nine levels The Ancient Taoists also describe nine different types of thrusts. I have endeavored to paraphrase from the overly poetic language used. The Nine type of thrusts: 1. Thrust to the left and to the right to stimulate the vaginal walls. 2. Thrust up and down rather than in and out. You have to move your whole body up and down do this in the missionary position. 3. Teasingly pull out and push back in. 4. Alternate between using deep thrusts and shallow teasing strokes. 5. Make deep and shallow strokes in steady succession. 6. Push in slowly. 7. Thrust Swiftly. 8. Poise at the opening, then strike swiftly and stay inside for a few moments. 9. Rise and then plunge low. Tease & Please In this technique you tease your partner with your penis until she is begging you to put it in her then you then you slowly enter her an inch at a time until you tease an orgasm out of her. The Tease & Please Technique: 1. After your partner is highly aroused from foreplay, you gently rub your partner’s clitoris with the head of your penis. Every once in a while tease the opening with the head of your penis. After a few minutes of this she will be simmering with desire, but you want her boiling so keep on teasing. 2. She will ask you to put it in! DON’T PUT IT IN YET! Keep teasing and talk to her. Tell her how beautiful her pussy is. Ask her if she wants you inside her or if she want’s you cock inside her. Ask her how badly she wants it as you keep teasing her. After a few more minutes of this she will be on the edge of her seat and almost boiling with desire. 3. When she really can’t stand it any longer, start rubbing the opening with the head of your penis for about a minute or so. Then slide only the head in and vary slowly thrust in and out with only the head of your penis. She will be begging for you to put it in more! 4. Slide it in one more inch, then trust slowly in and out but only to this same depth. Keep talking to her while you do this. Ask her if she likes your cock inside her, tell her how much you like fucking her and how good her pussy feels. 5. After a couple more minutes slide it in one more inch and then thrust slowly in and out to this same depth. 6. Repeat step 5 until you are almost at your full length, but don’t put it all the way in until she starts having an orgasm. 7. Once she starts having an orgasm you may start thrusting more vigorously and or move on to a different technique. Slide and Glide This one I originally learned form an uncle of mine who told me of this great technique he used to give women orgasms during intercourse that had never had one during intercourse before. A few years later I saw that a book (by the title of “The Perfect Fit” had been written about a very similar technique, but with much fluff added to fill up 100 or so pages. This technique relies on stimulating your partners clitoris with the friction and pressure from your upper pubic region (right above your pubic bone) which we will call the Friction Zone (Figure 3). The Slide and Glide Technique The technique is done in the missionary position (there is a Woman on top variation that I will go over later). Make sure your partner is well lubricated, and I would recommend starting with the tease & please technique, until you are almost all the way in and then start do this technique. The Slide and Glide Technique: 1. In the missionary position, make sure your partner’s clitoris and upper vaginal area is well lubricated. (With her own juices, you saliva, Astroglide, Wet, etc.) 2. Ask the woman to spread her vaginal lips with her hands, when she does this put your penis in up to the base and rest the Friction Zone on her clitoris. 3. Put your weight on her body, and reach down and grab her ass and spread the cheeks apart. 4. Now start sliding up and down on her (not in and out, you penis should remain in completely inside her all the way to the base as you move. To do this you will need to grab her shoulders or the edge of the bed with both hands and push off with your toes as well. As you do all of this make sure that the greatest friction between you and her is where the Friction Zone and her clitoris meet. This might all sound really complicated but it is actually very easy, and after a few minutes you and her will be gliding back and forth on a sweet layer of sweat. 5. Continue until she has at least one orgasm. Keep moving and try not to break the friction. How to Screw Her Good! If you follow the techniques above you will be a good lover but you want to be a Great Lover so here is the icing on the cake. Many men just thrust in and out over and over again, or worse just put it in and pound. While many women do like to be pounded on occasion or after they have warmed up with an orgasm or two, the same thing over and over again can get quite boring. It is best to vary the techniques that you use and to vary the types, depth, speed, and angles of your thrusts as well as the positions that you are thrusting in. Just as well don’t get carried away and keep changing positions every couple of minutes if your partner really enjoys the one you are in and is getting the stimulation that she needs for an orgasm. To be a great lover you have to learn to read your lover adapt and go with the flow and still be able to take the lead. You need to learn the way of your lover, what she desires and what she does not desire, what spots get her off and what really turns her off. These things come with time. That is why the sex should get better the longer you are with someone not worse.. A few Suggestions: 1. Always tease a bit and make sure that your lover is fully aroused and lubricated before penetration. 2. Make sure your lover is highly aroused and almost coming before full penetration. 3. Thrust at different angles in the same position to stimulate all the walls of the vagina. Try riding high and low, left and right in the same position to stimulate all of her vaginal walls. 4. Try different positions, variety is the spice of life. 5. Thrust at different speeds, fast, slow, and medium. 6. Thrust hard, soft and teasingly. 7. Once in a while pull out and re-enter. 8. Try thrust in a winding circular motion going in and coming out. 9. Put you penis all the way in and slide up and down and left and right and in circles clockwise and counter-clockwise, without moving your penis in and out. Making it Bigger: The Penis You Always Wanted We all ask the question does size matter? Sure it does, If you are too big she won’t sleep with you! There are some woman that only like big cocks and there are some that don’t like big cocks. I personally have run in more of the later than the former. According to the famous East Indian love text the KAMA SUTRA both men and women come in three sizes, essentially: Small, Medium and Large. And the most important thing is for them to fit well together. A small man with a large woman is not a good match, she will not get they will not get the stimulation they need and vice versa A large man with a small woman also is not a good fit as it will be painful for her or she may refuse intercourse all together. Visually, a larger penis turns on some women (But not as many as men who are turned on by having a larger penis) Most women like medium to big cocks in general, but not huge cocks, they are actually afraid of them.. Also you have to realize that a woman’s interpretation of medium and big are different than ours. Most women think big is 6-7 inch and about 5 inches around and we seem to think that big is 8-9 inches and 6-7 inches around. Women also seem to favor thick or girth over length, a thicker penis will stimulate the woman more by stretching her vaginal walls and creating more friction. While men seem to be mostly preoccupied with length. Let me say that being a Great Lover does not have much to do with penis size. You can have a big cock and be a lousy lover or you could have 4 1/2 inches and be a Great Lover. What makes a great lover is the feeling and passion that you channel through great sexual technique. I great lover is more than a penis and knows how to use his eyes, his voice, his words, his tongue, and his whole body as well as his penis. If you just happen to have a big cock, so much the better. Before I go on to the enlargement techniques, I would like to point out the advantages and disadvantages of having a larger penis. The Advantages of Having a Larger Penis: Increased self-confidence and self-esteem. Visually more of a turn on to your lover. Looks good in the locker room. Looks good in your pants. May stimulate your lover’s vagina more. The Disadvantages of Having a Larger Penis: If your penis is very big (8+ long, 6.5+ around) some women may refuse you intercourse. If your penis is very long (8+ inches), it will hit the woman’s cervix and cause pain, so you will have to thrust more carefully and not go all the way in. Part of your penis (the first couple of inches) will get left out in the cold. If you penis is very long you will rarely get deep throated. If it is very thick it will be hard for most women to put your penis in their mouths. And if they can you may get hit by there teeth, if they don’t know what they are doing. If you are a fan of anal sex, the bigger you are the less chance you will have of getting a woman to try it. ; If intercourse is difficult for your partner because of your size, you may have sex less often. Now that you know the long and short of it, Let’s move on to making it bigger! YES! YOU CAN MAKE YOUR PENIS BIGGER! You may have ask the question can I make my penis bigger and depending on who you asked you might have gotten back “No” or vague or unsatisfactory answers or worse. Maybe someone looking to profit from desperate individuals looking for an answer has even taken you advantage of. There are even mail order companies that sell creams that claim to enlarge your penis or that advertise “add three inches to your penis over night, with a prosthetic enlargement device” making money off of people’s ignorance of the word “prosthetic”, which means artificial replacement. So they sell you a fake penis that fits on top of yours! How many people do you think will complain to the Postmaster General that the Penis Enlargement Cream didn’t work! Like I said in the Introduction of this manual, Yes You can enlarge you penis if you are willing to make the commitment to do the proper techniques on a regular and/or daily basis for an extended period of time. If you are willing to make this commitment you can make significant gains in the girth and length of your penis. The minimum amount of time that you should consider is six months, however you will start to see gains before that (individual results will vary). It’s like any other personal development or skill that you learn, if you want a Black Belt in the martial arts, it may take you 2-8 years depending on the style, If you want to get muscle and look like a body builder it may take you a 6-2 years. If you want to have the penis you always dreamed of and see results along the way, it may take 3 months -2 years. So in all of the above cases you can either bitch about how long it will take and give and quit or you can make a commitment to your goal and do a little work toward it every day and be for you know it you have reached your goal and seen results along the way. Warning: Because no two people are a like and you may have special needs, all penis enlargement techniques should be done under the supervision of a licensed Physician or Urologist. Penis Enlargement Techniques There are many different techniques to add both girth and length to your penis. Some of them you might appeal to you and others might not. It also depends on what your goals are. Before we go any further go get a tape measure (The kind used in health clubs and my tailors and a ruler. Now measure your penis first in the flaccid (soft) state by putting the ruler on above your penis flat against your pubic bone or the base of your penis and record the measurement. Next take the tape measure and wrap it around your penis and record that measurement. Now stimulate yourself until you are as hard as you can get! If you are not as hard as you can get your measurement will not be accurate. Now repeat the measurement process as described above and record the measurements on one of the sheets provided at the end of the manual. You can check as often as you like during the program, but I recommend that you only record on the sheet every month, as day to day measurement will fluctuate. Now that you have your measurements let’s how you measure up to the average? Erect Length: Erect Girth: Small - less than 5" Less than 4 3/4" Circumference Average 5" - 7" 4 3/4" - 5 1/2" Circumference Large 7" - 9" 5 1/2" - 6 1/2" Circumference Huge 9"+ over 6 1/2" Circumference So where do you fall on the chart? Now that you know how big you are and what is average, you need to decide how big it is that you want to be? As with anything in life set reasonable goals for your self. If you are 4 inches don’t set your self a goal of 10 inches in length. I am not going to say that it is impossible, but a more reasonable goal would be six inches if you starting with 4. For length I would recommend that you go no greater than 2" from where you are now. Try that out for a while and if you want more than continue with the techniques. Also as for girth same rules apply, however it is much easier to gain girth if you are using the Hyperemiation technique. Again set reasonable goal and besides anything over 6 - 6.5 in circumference is really BIG! Methods of Enlargement There are many methods and techniques of penis enlargement, some focus on lengthening the penis, others focus on thickening the penis, and some do a little of both. We are not going to cover all of the available techniques out there, but rather the ones that we have found most beneficial and proven. Hot Compresses or Warm Water Soaking Before any of the other techniques, this one should be done first, as it will help to expand the blood vessels in the penis and increase the flow of oxygen fresh blood in the penis, preparing it for the following techniques. Now for the first step, either: 1) Wrap your penis in a washcloth filled with warm water. 2) Get in the bathtub and run warm water over your penis by putting your penis under the faucet (test the water first with your hand, so you don’t burn your self. 3) Soak In a Warm Bath. Do any of these for 5-15 minutes. This will help to expand tissues of the penis and bring in more fresh oxygen rich blood. After this step you penis will have a pink hue and be slightly swollen. Manual Techniques The Jelq Technique or Milking the Penis The Jelq technique is an ancient method of penis enlargement from the Middle East. Traditionally it was taught father to son when the child reached adolescence. In wealthy families the as the boy grow older he may be sent to a “Mehbil” a gym or health club where a highly-train attendant will perform the Jelq technique on the boy on a daily basis and as a result of these daily treatments his penis grow to dimensions that it would not have attained had he not used the technique. This technique also works on the fully developed adult penis as well. The Jelq Technique: 1. Start with flaccid penis; put some oil or lubricant on your hands and penis. 2. Grip your penis with an overhand grip with your thumb and index finger. 3. Squeeze gently and milk your penis down to the head, stretching your penis as you go. When you get to the head start the movement over with the other hand. 4. Do the technique over and over again for 30 minutes alternating each hand as you go. 5. If you start to get hard or feel the urge to ejaculate stop and wait until it passes and your erection subsides a bit and then continue, as this must be done with a semi-hard penis for it to work. Tip: Make sure that you have more than enough lubricant on your hands and penis. The best lubricant I have found is Albolene liquefying cleanser, which can be found in the cosmetic section on most drug stores. Women use it for removing makeup, but is also makes a great sexual lubricant(oil based, do not use with condoms ever during sex). This product has been used in the porn industry for years. WARNING: You should use a moderate grip only. If you squeeze too hard you could cause bruising and or rupturing of superficial blood vessels on and near the surface of your penis. If after doing the technique you see any red blotches or dots you used to tight a grip have ruptured some superficial blood vessels and should wait until they heal (Approximately 24-48 hours) before applying this or any other enlargement technique. You should do this 5-7 days a week for 30 minute each time. Don’t squeeze too hard as you could bruise your penis. This techniques has worked for many men, but it may take up 6 months before you see any noticeable difference and most men will give up after 4 - 6 weeks. What you are doing is forcing more blood into the corpora cavernosa (spongy tissue of the penis) and over time they will stretch and grow to allow more and more blood to fill the area, and henceforth you penis thicker. The technique also over time stretches the tissues of the penis as well as the suspensory ligament, which will help to lengthen the penis. The Stretch Technique The stretch technique is basically what it sounds like. By stretching the penis 6 to 12 times a day you help to lengthen the suspensory ligament and tissues of the penis which will help to lengthen the penis over time. Dr. Walter Schlesingser M.D. first made a similar technique popular in his book titled “Penicure, the Manhood Miracle”. The Technique: 1. Your penis should be flaccid to slightly semi-hard. 2. Grip the head of your penis with your thumb and first three fingers, with an over hand grip, the middle finger should wrap around just below the head of the penis. 3. Gently and slowly stretch you penis as far as it will stretch without any pain or discomfort. Hold for 15-30 seconds. 4. Repeat step 4 several times each session. 5. You should do this technique several times a day i.e. after urination, a hot bath, a shower, before bed, or any other occasion that you have access to you penis. Taoist Exercises The next couple of exercises are ancient Taoist techniques for giving the penis a more pleasing mushroom shape and to produce harder erections. Both of these are done with an erection. The first one is optional if you like the shape of your penis. Technique #1: To Reshape the Penis This first technique is designed to give the penis more of a mushroom shape and make the head larger which is said to heighten pleasure for the female partner during intercourse. 1. Stimulate your penis until you have a very firm erection. 2. Grip the shaft of your penis with an underhand grip. 3. Squeeze firmly (but not hard enough to cause pain or to bruise your penis). 4. Slide you hand up to the head, as if forcing blood into it. It is like a milking motion. You should see the head expand and darken. Hold for a few seconds, then release. 5. Repeat step 4 for 2-3 minutes. Technique #2: To Strengthen the Penis and Produce Harder Erections 1. Stimulate your penis until you have a very firm erection. 2. Grip the shaft of your penis with an underhand grip. 3. Squeeze firmly (but not hard enough to cause pain or to bruise your penis). Hold for a few seconds, then release. 4. Repeat step 3 for 2-3 minutes. Techniques That Require Added Equipment Hyperemiation or Vacuum Pumping No doubt you have seen a vacuum pump be sold in the back of a men’s magazine or in a sex shop hanging on the wall and thought to your self “I wonder if it really works?”. Maybe you have even bought one and tried it with little or no success. I am sure that many men have. I bought several and threw them out when they did not work for me! Vacuum pumps do work for some men, if used correctly and diligently over time. The problem is the lack of information and instruction that comes with the pump itself. In fact if you use the pump in the wrong way you could actually injure your penis! I know of many people including myself who have used Hyperemiation and vacuum pumping to increase the thickness and length of their penises with good results. It seems that an increase in thickness results much more rapidly than in length. So if you are mostly interested in girth as that is what most women prefer, then this is the technique that I would apply first. There are a lot of Vacuum Pumps on the market today and some are just plain junk others are very well made. You should get the best that you can afford the prices range from $20.00 to $300.00 for an electric pump version, with a good pump usually costing about $75.00. If this is out of your budget you may opt for one of lesser quality and price. What ever the price, you should get one that has hand pump with a pressure release valve on it that will allow you to release the vacuum at will. There are some models on the market that have a hole on the clear plastic chamber that you have to put your finger over for the vacuum to work. I found it to be almost impossible to pump and cover the hole at the same time; therefor I would avoid this type of pump altogether. Also you don’t want to a pump with a chamber that is too large for you. The chamber should be 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch bigger around that you erect penis, but not big enough for the chamber to cover or go over you scrotum. What actually happens when you use a vacuum pump is that as you apply the vacuum to your penis, the outer skin of your penis expands outward toward the walls of the cylinder as this happens the deeper spongy tissue of the penis (the Corpora Cavernosa and the Corpus Spongeosum) expand and fill with blood and lymph fluid as they are being stretched by the vacuum pressure. As the process is done over and over again for several months the spongy caverns expand to a new larger size to accommodate the blood and lymph. That is how the penis becomes larger. The Vacuum Pumping Technique: Things you will need: 1. A quality Vacuum Pump with a pressure release valve. 2. Pumper’s Lube or some other water based lubricant, such as Wet, Probe, or Astroglide. 3. A tape measure. 4. A towel to clean up any spilled lube and to wipe off afterward. The Actual Technique: 1. Now move to a comfortable position, preferably siting up or at a 45-degree angle. Generously lubricate the base and opening of the pump where you insert your penis. 2. Lubricate you penis with the water-based lubricant and stimulate your penis until your penis is either semi-erect or hard. And measure it with the tape measure, both length and girth or circumference. 3. Insert your penis all the way into the clear chamber and close the pressure valve. 4. Now this is where 90% of all men screw up. You want to create only a moderate vacuum. If you over pump and create too strong a vacuum you could burst blood vessels or cause lymph blisters on your penis. So you might be asking, “how do I know what a moderate vacuum is?”. Here is a way that I have found to work. First start pumping slowly until your penis stretches and expands to its limit. The way you know the limit is that 1) it will feel uncomfortable. 2) Your Penis will not stretch much farther. If your semi-hard when you do this, you will see your penis stretch, however if you are rock hard you might not even see it stretch. So when you have found you limit and is seems a bit uncomfortable, release some of the pressure from the release valve, until you are at a pressure that is comfortable, yet you still feel a stretch. 5. Keep continuous a vacuum on for 30 min. After 30mins. you should release the pressure completely, take your penis out and measure it. If there are not any noticeable gain, you have not pumped long enough. 6. Massage you penis and area around the base gently for a minute, then you may either stop keep pumping for another 30 minute session. I recommend that for the first month you take it easy and just do 30 minutes a day 5-7 days a week. After that you might want to pump for a longer duration of 45 minutes - 1 hour or so. I have heard of men pumping for up to 3 hours. I personally have never gone over 1 hour myself. The key seems to be a balance of vacuum pressure and time. The longer the better with a moderate pump. The greater the vacuum pressure the greater the risk of injury and blisters. You will have to find the right balance for yourself, where you have adequate pressure for a duration of time 30 minutes - 2 hours, that will give you the greatest gain without any injury. If you do plan to go over and hour which I have never done and don’t recommend, be sure to take 3-5 minute break every 30mins. To allow fresh blood into the penis. Tip: I have found that the Vacuum Pumping Technique is more effective if the penis is erect during the session. While you will not be able to maintain an erection through the whole session, I believe that you should start that way, and try to maintain it for as long as possible. To aid in this I recommend that you view some erotic material during the session, i.e. an erotic magazine or video. Also if you use the supplement L-Arginine an hour or so before the session you will stay hard much longer. I have also have had good results by using the maximum SAFE and COMFORTABLE ( it should not hurt or burn, if it does the pressure is too great) pressure for a duration of 30-45 minutes while sustaining an erection. It seem to work on the deeper tissues of the penis more, when you have an erection as opposed to the external skin with out an erection. Repeat this technique on a daily basis 5-7 days a week if possible. Now for the warnings. WARNING: Use Only A moderate Vacuum Pressure! 1. Do not use too great a vacuum or you could burst blood vessels. 2. If you feel any pain immediately decrease or completely release the vacuum pressure. You do not want to injure your penis! It’s better a small penis, than one that is damaged. 3. In some cases a side effect of pumping and over pumping is that, the opening of the penis gets deformed or changes shape a bit and when urinating the urine will come out in a spray instead of a stream. If this happens, stop pumping for (24-48 hours) and see if it goes back to normal. If it does return to the normal state and you still desire to use pump technique, use a lesser vacuum pressure. If you y still experience the side effect you will have to determine if you want to continue with the technique altogether. But as I said before this is generally a result from over pumping with too much vacuum pressure and or pumping too often. 4. After your pumping session examine your penis and see if there are any tiny red dots or red blotches. If you only see tiny red dots, you are using too great vacuum pressure and have broken tiny superficial blood vessels in your penis, which is for the most part harmless but overtime could give the penis dark hue over the affected area. If you find any larger red blotches you should discontinue use of the Hyperemiation treatments and any other techniques until they completely heal. If there is any severe pain you should seek medical attention. The Program I am going to share with you a program for penis development and enlargement that has worked for many men including my self. The expected results are to gain about an inch both length and circumference over 6-8 months. Individual results will vary depending on how faithful to the program you are, your body structure, and how regularly you do the program. The program should be done 5-7 days a week. I think you will also benefit from taking the supplements discussed earlier in the manual for producing harder erections, because if you are not as hard as you can get you are not as big as you can get. The Program: The following Techniques should be done 5-7 days a week. The Program contains three parts, two of which can be done at different times of the day or all at the same sitting. Part 1 1. Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, The closer to 15 the better! 2. Do the Jelq Technique for 30 minutes. Part 2 1. Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, The closer to 15 the better! 2. Do the Hyperemiation treatments for 30-60 minutes with a 1 minutes break and massage of the penis at 30 minutes to allow fresh blood to enter the penis. Or At One Sitting 1. Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, The closer to 15 the better! 2. Do the Jelq Technique for 30 minutes. 3. Do the Hyperemiation treatments for 30-60 minutes with a 1 minutes break and massage of the penis at 30 minutes to allow fresh blood to enter the penis. Part 3 1. Do the Taoist Techniques #1 and #2, upon rising in the morning on your morning erection, or any other time you have a strong erection. 2. Do the Stretch Technique whenever you urinate or any time that you are nude and your penis is flaccid. 10-12 times a day. Attitude and Belief Your attitude and belief regarding the techniques presented in this manual are just as important as the actual techniques themselves. I am not saying that if you don’t believe that they won’t work at all, but they if they still do the results wont be a great as if you did believe in them. This is the same principal that applies to patients in hospitals who should respond to the medicine should recover and don’t because they just give up or don’t believe that the treatment will work. Like wise there are those who are given up on and make full recoveries, despite the odds! They same applies here, if you use these techniques with the attitude, “It won’t work for me, I never be able to last all night long! Or “This is bullshit I am stuck with a 5 1/2 cock forever!” the results will respond accordingly. How can you expect great success when you are planning for failure! The attitude you need to have is that it will work and, “I have a BIG COCK!” and “I can last ALL NIGHT LONG!” Say it now! SAY IT OUT LOUD! And believe it. I am going to share with you the key to success in anything! “What ever it is you want you have to feel as though you already have it!” Read it Again. “What ever it is you want you have to feel as though you already have it!” What this means is that if you want a big cock you have to feel as though you cock is already big. If you look down a feel disappointment that’s not going to cut it. You have to feel that you have a great big cock! Say I have a BIG COCK! Say it until you FEEL IT! In your gut, in your spirit, in your soul, and then you will feel it in your body. These are called affirmations, but for many years many people have tried using affirmation with little or no results. They were doing them wrong; they were just saying the words and not feeling them. Some times when you say an affirmation another part of you gives or says a negative response, that is why the affirmation does not work. You need to deal acknowledge the response and then do the affirmation again. You have to do this until there is no other response, except your intent to create the desired result and your affirmation. Here is the technique in step form. The right way to do affirmations: 1. Define what it is that you want. 2. Have the intent to create it in your life. 3. Say it out loud with the intent of creating it. 4. If you here any mental noise or negative talk or response. Give it a voice and say it out loud as well, get it out if your system, make it bigger than life, really exaggerate it! When you are at the peak of exaggeration, immediately commence with step 3 again. 5. When you can State your affirmation without hearing any mental noise or other response and feel as though it is true, then you know there are working and your life is bound for a change. Visualize Your Goal You should also visualize your Goal. See your self in your mind’s eye, having the size penis that you desire. See how big it is when you urinate. When you have sex and how pleased your lover is with your size. Don’t think of it as something that is going to happen but as something that has already happened or that always was. What all of these mental techniques and exercises are doing is that they are opening you up to new possibilities and actually opening your neural pathway to give you the best results possible. In conclusion We at hope that you will benefit from the knowledge contained in this manual and would like you to share your success stories with and let us know of any improvement we could make to our manual. We would also like to hear of any variation on the techniques that you might have had success with or any new techniques that you may know about that we did not cover. Thank you for taking the time to read the Penis Guide. Please feel free to share this information. First off, this work out DEMANDS your total devotion, and needs to be performed at least 5 times a week. No exceptions. If you really want to enlarge your penis, you will make a good habit of following this plan daily. I do it 6-7 days a week, but I have worked my way up to it. If at any time you feel real pain or discomfort, ease up. There's no need to hurt your penis in order to enlarge it. You will find after about 2-4 weeks, your penis will begin to feel and look larger and thicker, as well as harder. First off, lets start by using a hot wrap: The Hot Wrap: Take a wash cloth and soak under hot-warm water for several seconds, wringing out excess water. Wrap around your penis and testicles and hold for several minutes. Repeat 2-3 times, making sure your penis is good and warm. After you have Hot wrapped, dry of your penis well to ensure a good grip for the following exercises: 1.) The Length Xtender: Making it longer! This exercise I call the Length Xtender for obvious reasons. This exercise stretches your penis out, stretching the erectile tissue. Your erectile tissue is kind of like your penis's central tendons that engorge with blood, which give you an erection. While this exercise will lengthen your penis in its flaccid and erect state, it will not thicken it as much as lengthen. I find this exercise much healthier and safer than using weights for penis enlargement. This exercise should be performed sitting on an edge of a chair or couch, but can be performed standing if preferred. 1. Make sure your penis is in its flaccid (limp) state. Take one hand and grip around the head of your penis. Grip firmly, but not hard enough to feel discomfort. Take your other hand and grip around the hand gripping your penis. This will ensure a firm and tight grip. 2. Pull out directly in front of yourself, pulling with enough force to feel a good stretch in your penis. Hold and count for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times, adding a little extra force each time, but not too hard to cause pain. 3. Relax, and slap your penis against your leg about 75 -100 times to get the blood flowing again. Rest for a minute. 4. Repeat step 2, except pulling to the left this time. 5. Repeat step 3. 6. Repeat step 2, except pulling to the right this time. 7. Repeat step 3. 8. Repeat step 2, except pulling up this time. 9. Repeat step 3. 10. Repeat step 2, except pulling down this time. 11. Finish by slapping your penis against your leg 75-100 times. Next, Repeat step 2 as stated above, except this time rotate your penis in a circular fashion to the left about 30 times. Now rotate your penis to the right about 30 times. Keep alternating left to right, until you have completed this exercise about 5 times to each side. End by slapping your penis against your leg 75 -100 times. This exercise will ensure a longer penis within as little as 2 weeks, but within 3-4 months will really be noticeable. We encourage you to take a notebook and log your measurements are each week. This way you will know exactly what your progress is, and will also encourage you to keep up the exercises. This next exercise is called "jelq". Jelqing has been done for centuries by many tribes, cultures, and as a family secret. Passed down from father to son for generations, it has been held in the highest regard as the most effective method for enlarging your penis. This milking exercise forces blood into the penis, repeatedly engorging the penis with blood. Over the course of several months, the blood spaces in the penis becomes larger, being able to hold more blood, which in return makes your penis larger. This exercise requires 20-30 minutes of your time, and should be performed sitting on the edge of a chair, but may be done standing if desired. You will need a teaspoon of Vaseline or a healthy dousing of baby oil to perform this exercise. Note: Sitting vertical is better than laying down due to the fact that gravity will aid in your milking sessions by keeping blood within your penis. 2.) Jelq - (Milking the Penis for Enlargement) First, apply a generous amount of Vaseline, baby oil, or other lubricant to your penis and rub evenly all over. Message your self to almost a full erection, but not quite. Now, message a small amount of lubrication into your palms. Take your left hand and make an "ok" symbol with your thumb and forefinger. Take your thumb and forefinger and grip tightly around the base of your penis. Keeping a tight grip, slide your hand down to the head of your penis, pulling as you go. You should watch the head of your penis expanding as you slide your hand down. Repeat with your right hand. Now continue this act over and over, one hand then the other in a sort of "milking" action. Be sure to keep a tight grip around your penis with your thumb and forefinger as you milk down to your head, watching your head expand with blood as you repeat, one hand then the other, over and over again at a medium to brisk pace. While milking, do not ejaculate. If you feel the urge to ejaculate, pause milking for a few moments and wait for the urge to subside. Holding back is an exercise in restraint, which will instill a sense of self-control. This milking stimulates circulation in the genitalia, and the increased blood supply is temporarily trapped in your penis. After several months of milking, your penis will begin grow longer as well as much thicker. You will probably notice a change after the first couple of sessions. After about 3-4 months of daily practice, results will become permanent, but we encourage you to continue Jelq sessions to keep your penis in its utmost prime shape. For the first week or so, only jelq for about 10 minutes per day, or 100-200 repetitions. After a week or so, try to work up to 20 minutes every day.. Really add some force (not too much though, a moderate grip will work best) while you milk. Remember, keep your penis in a half-erect state. If it's totally limp while you milk, you will not see any results. You MUST have a partial erection while doing this exercise. After about 2 weeks, work yourself up to jelq sessions that last 30 minutes or so. Within a 3-4 month period you will be writing us to say how much you love this manual, we guarantee. This exercise is perhaps the most effective penis enlargement technique known to man. It not only makes your penis longer and thicker, but harder and over all healthier as well. After you have had a 30-minute jelq session, your penis should feel warm, larger than normal, and tingly. This is the feeling that you want because it shows that you have broken down and fatigued your erectile tissue in your penis, and it will grow back bigger and stronger, similar to body building. If you cannot achieve an erection for several hours after a vigorous milking session, do not worry because this is quite normal. Your erectile tissue is just extremely tired, and will recover shortly. Remember to keep your hands to the side of your penis, and your thumb over the top and your index finger under while you grip your penis to perform the milking exercise. After your jelq session, perform another "hot wrap" with a wash cloth to stimulate your penis and keep blood held within. This next Exercise is a true sex secret. Its called The PC Exercise, and it just may save your life one day by helping prevent prostate cancer, as well as give you rock hard erections, and enable you to ejaculate further than you ever dreamed. It will also give you incredible power to hold back the urge to ejaculate until you feel the desire to. No more "minute man" syndrome. 4.) Kegel's - The PC Exercise This next article was emailed to me by an anonymous source, but has had a HUGE impact on thousands of men's sex lives as well as overall well being. Would you like to know an exercise that can restore a youthful erection, help to create mind-blowing orgasms (solo or with a partner), and even save your life by giving you a healthy prostate...? PC exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, strengthen the pubbocoxygennus muscle (PC muscle), a sling of muscle that surrounds your anus and prostate gland. The PC muscle is the muscle that involuntary "pumps" when you ejaculate. Strengthening - and learning to control - this muscles is THE sex secret. Maybe it sounds too good to be true, but there's now a simple, foolproof way for men to boost their partners' and their own pleasure during lovemaking. And it doesn't rely on aphrodisiacs or drugs. Instead, it involves doing a set of easy to learn pelvic-muscle exercises called Kegels (after Arnold Kegel, M.D., the gynecologist who developed them over 40 years ago). Women have been practicing these moves for years to intensify their orgasms and increase their partners' stimulation. Now, sex therapists and researchers have discovered that both partners can benefit sexually when men do Kegels too. Time-honored Taoist healing techniques refer simply to "tightening the anus." First, locate it. Stop the flow of urine when you take a pee. If you have trouble doing this, you really need these exercises. PC clamps: squeeze and release your PC muscle. Start with a set of 20-30, and work your way up to sets of 100-200. Do at least 300 EVERYDAY, for the rest of your life. This will give you an erection harder than when you were a teenager. Continual practice will ensure you a rock hard erection, any time you desire, as well as giving you the ability to actually hold back your orgasm as long as you desire simply by flexing your PC muscle. Long squeeze: hold PC muscle clamped tight for a count of twenty... or as long as you can. Stair steps: tighten and loosen in increments. PC flutter: tighten the PC muscle as slowly as you possibly can. At some point it will "flutter," and you'll feel energy sparkling up your spine. Concentrate on deep, slow breathing while you do this great for restoring energy when you're running down! Kegel exercises both strengthen and tone the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle-which runs from front to back in men's and women's pelvises--as well as the surrounding pelvic muscles. The PC muscle is what helps bring a man or woman to climax, and, along with other pelvic muscles, it also controls urination. In his recent book, "The New Male Sexuality (Bantam Books, 1992), psychologist Bernie Zilbergeld, Ph.D., claims that many of his male patients who practiced pelvic-muscle contractions over time reported increased sexual sensation and more intense orgasms. That's not all. Over the past 20 years, William Hartman, Ph.D., and Marilyn Fithian, Ph.D., co-directors of the Center for Marital and Sexual Studies in Long Beach, California, have prescribed Kegel exercises to more than 1,300 male patients who were troubled by erection problems. Most of the men who did the exercises as prescribed reported firmer erections than before. What's more, nearly 200 of Dr. Hartman and Dr. Fithian's male patients who practiced Kegels learned to delay ejaculation, enabling them to prolong sex to their own and their partner's satisfaction. And most surprising, 10 percent of these men were eventually able to have multiple orgasms--that is, two or more climaxes during a single act of intercourse before ejaculating. (Orgasm and ejaculation don't always occur simultaneously in men.) With so many sexual benefits, Kegels are the perfect "sexercises" for men as well as women to master. Besides helping to create the physical conditions that enhance lovemaking, the exercises can spice up sex in another way as well. "Partners can take turns tightening their pelvic muscles during intercourse," explains Dr. Hartman. "Each will feel the other's muscle contractions, which adds to the excitement." For a man who wants to learn how to perform Kegels, the first step is locating the PC muscle. Here's how: Some time when he has the urge to urinate, he should sit on the toilet with his legs spread, start to urinate, then try to stop the flow. (The PC muscle is the one he squeezes to do this.) After restarting the flow, he can practice stopping and restarting the stream of urine. It may take several attempts to actually isolate the PC muscle--the buttocks muscles have a tendency to kick in if the legs aren't kept wide. When a man has familiarized himself with the sensation of contracting the PC muscle, he's ready to practice holding the contractions. He should first try holding a contraction for several seconds three or four times a day. Over the next few weeks, as he continues doing Kegels, he can gradually increase the time of the contraction until he is holding it for 10 to 15 seconds. Next, he should alternate these Kegel holds with a series of short, quick contractions. Dr. Hartman recommends that men gradually work up to a daily routine of 100 quick PC contractions and five holds. (Women who want to learn how to do Kegels should follow these same steps, but they only need to do the long holds for five seconds; men, however, need the 10to 15-second hold for delaying ejaculation.) After a few months of diligent practice, a man should be ready to try using the Kegel hold during intercourse to delay ejaculation. But first he must familiarize himself with the sensation known as ejaculatory inevitability--the point at which he can no longer hold back an ejaculation. He will feel an uncontrollable urge to ejaculate as his prostate gland and seminal vesicles contract. Once a man has developed an awareness of this sensation, he can then learn to produce a PC contraction before he reaches that point of no return. (Another option is for a man to try practicing this technique on his own while masturbating.) Most men can do Kegels anywhere, since they're seldom aroused by the exercises; women may want to practice Kegels in private since for them, the increased blood flow to the pelvic region is more likely to spark arousal. Continued over a lifetime, the exercises can help men (and women) head off urinary incontinence later in life. That plus greater arousal, enhanced orgasms and longerlasting sex make these some of the simplest, most beneficial exercises a man or woman can do. I do at least 5 sets of a hundred every day, and some days I even go for 10 sets.. This exercise, without a doubt, can increase your sexual performance 10 fold. Now that you know how to do the exercises, let’s begin our workout plan. Please follow all 4 steps. 1. Begin by gently stretching your penis out by grasping around the head and pulling outward, then around in a circular rotation, left then to the right. Do this for about 5 minutes. This is the Length Xtender workout. Eventually you can work yourself up to 30 minutes of this exercise, but that’s after you’ve been doing this for at least a few months. This will lengthen your penis over time by stretching the center tissue out longer. After about 5 minutes of warming up, proceed to #2. 2. Time for Jelq. A generous amount of Vaseline is needed for this exercise, about a teaspoon full. Rub the lubrication all around your penis, messaging yourself to a partial erection. Take the excess Vaseline and rub into your palms. Now take your index finger and thumb and grasp around the base of your penis, grab firmly and "milk" forward until you come to the head of your penis. Repeat with the other hand, and do this over and over at a medium pace, really concentrating on your head expanding as you milk forward. Do this for 15 minutes starting out. After one week Jelq for 20 minutes. After 2 weeks Jelq for 30 minutes at a time. By the third week you will start noticing a difference in your length and especially in your thickness. After you have jelqed continuously for your appropriate amount of time, move on to exercise #3. 3. Kegels. This exercise is explained in the first part of the manual, so if you can’t remember how to do them, please revert to the beginning of the manual. Hold a PC flex for as long as you can, do this 5 times to warm up. Now do a set of 50 kegels, taking a 30 second brake after the 50 have been achieved. Do 4 sets of 50 kegels starting out, every day after you jelq. Many men also get into the habit of doing kegels while they drive, work, etc. Kegels are the most important exercise to do for overall sexual performance. After a week of this regimen, do a set of 100 kegels at a time. Over a period of a month or so, you should be able to do 200300 kegels at one time. Do 4 sets of these a day, and within a few months you will be able to hold off the urge to ejaculate for as long as you want, and will also be able to keep an erection after you have ejaculated. This exercise truly is the "sex secret". 4. Finish with a Hot wrap. Soak a wash cloth under a hot faucet and wrap around your penis and testicles. Do this 3 times, and finish by drying with a towel. Do this workout plan every day, taking 2 days off every month. We guarantee results! They will come! DO THEM EVERY DAY. We guarantee you will be emailing us with a great success story in no time at all. Give us a chance at making your life better. Performance Enhancing Exercise: Glute Flex's: Lie on your back and tense your buttocks. Flex your buttocks 5 times with a 3-second delay before unflexing. If you feel even a slight burn, then you are very out of shape. This is where most of your thrusting force comes from where sex is concerned. Your buttock holds most of your thrusting power and stamina, with your abdominal being second in line. Here's the Flexing exercise from start to finish: Lie on your back, and make sure you are on a floor, or firm surface so that you have the appropriate resistance to force against (i.e., the carpet, floor, etc. Your bed is far to giving and will not work for this exercise.). 1-Flex your buttocks as hard as you can, holding for a slow 3 count, then unflexing. Do these 5 times to warm up. 2-Flex and unflex in a fast, steady pace for 3 sets of 50, or if you can't even do 50, do as many as possible. rest for 30 seconds between each set, and take in deep, slow breaths through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth. 3-Next, flex as hard as possible and hold for as long as you can until you start to tremble. Once trembling, unflex and repeat 5 times.. 4-Repeat step 2. 5-Repeat step 3. 6-Finish by doing very rapid flexes continuously for 30 seconds or as long as you can. 7-Sit up and rest for several minutes.. This exercise will give you flex power and will increase your thrusting 10 fold after several weeks of exercising. They should be performed 5 days a week, for the rest of your life. This will also tighten and shape your buttocks, which will also be more appealing to your lover. Introduction The techniques and exercises in this manual are recommended by doctors world-wide. I am not responsible for misuse of this product. It is the responsibility of the user to thoroughly read the safety, warm-up, warm-down procedures prior to beginning this program. The exercise techniques, if used improperly can damage the penis. The Resource Manual clearly indicates any possible safety issues that may arise while using these techniques. By utilizing these techniques and continuing forward in this manual, you declare that you have read this legal notice and do not hold or their parent company(s) liable for any damages incurred while using this product. Your penis is divided into three chambers which are made of a spongy tissue. This tissue absorbs blood as it rushes to the penis, creating an erection. If you can perform the right exercises, these three chambers will gradually expand and eventually be able to hold more blood. This creates a larger Penis! The key to growing the penis is expanding the erectile tissue. When you first engage in penis enlargement your flaccid size will increase rapidly for about the first 1.5 inches. At this same stage you will gain roughly 1 inch in erect size. So, in the beginning you'll gain 1.5 inches in the flaccid state and 1 inch in the erect state. The rate and overall effectiveness of Enlargement, however, depends on numerous things like your physiology and current size. For example, if you are currently 7.5 inches, your penis will probably not grow 3 inches to 10.5. If your erect penis is currently 5.0 inches, then expect that it will be around 6.5 inches within about 90 days! Firstly, read through this manual carefully and make sure you understand each exercise. Once you've found the techniques that you're comfortable using, stick with them. Here are a few tips before you get started. MAKE SURE YOU MEASURE YOUR PENIS FIRST... FLACCID: Get a ruler and place it over your penis. Then Push the ruler back into your abdomen as far as it will go. Hold your limp penis along the ruler and measure to the tip of the head. ERECT: While standing, gently angle your erect penis until is is parallel to the floor. Press the ruler against your pubic bone (just above the base of the penis) and measure from top to tip. It may be easier to measure by standing with your knees locked and grabbing the penis from the bottom, just behind the head on either side. Press ruler against your pubic bone, and measure on top of penis as you pull it out as far as you can. Try moving your pelvis or changing the angle to see what variations can occur during this type of measurement. Once you've figured out how to measure to get the same result as your erect length, you will find that this measurement is easier and more convenient than measuring your actual erection. GIRTH: With a piece of string or cloth measuring tape, measure the circumference of your erect penis at mid-shaft. CUT YOUR PUBIC HAIR: Not only does this make your penis look bigger, but it helps when you're doing some of these exercises. When stretching, pulling and "milking" your penis, you don't want to be pulling your hairs out! EAT HEALTHY AND TAKE VITAMINS: In order to eliminate any possibility of slow growth, make sure you're getting an ample amount of nutrients. The proper levels of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins DO have an effect on the workout process. Also, drink lots of water! MOST IMPORTANTLY, HAVE A GOOD STATE OF MIND: Your mentality has a lot to do with the growth of your penis. If you don't believe that enlargement will work, it's very likely that your subconscious will make it more difficult to physically grow the penis. A positive attitude is essential. As we've said, these exercises demand COMPLETE 100% devotion. You MUST perform them 5 DAYS A WEEK. If at any time, though, you begin to feel discomfort or pain, take a little time off. You only want to enlarge your penis, not hurt it. Remember, by applying tension, pulling, pressure, stretching, or expansion to a penis you are creating a force which will spit the cells in the penis. You want to be sure to split the cell and break it down just enough to ensure structural balance on a SAFE level as to allow for the normal healing processes. By forcing the division of too many cells, because of too much pressure, you are creating ugly healing which will create a distorted penis, possibly with no rate of gains. So again we stress... DON'T OVERDO IT! If performed correctly and routinely, you will soon begin to see the results you hope for. Within the first few weeks or so, your penis will actually start looking LONGER AND THICKER. That should be all the encouragement you need to keep up with your daily exercises! When performing the jelqing exercise, you will need to apply a lubricant on your penis. Do NOT use soap or shampoo! These can irritate the skin when applied so vigorously and for so long to the skin. It can also dry out the skin severely, causing it to crack and peel for a few days. Furthermore, it can sting if it gets into the hole (the urethral opening) at the end of your penis. Vaseline (Petrolium jelly) works, but.. be forewarned.. it's greasy and makes a mess. Another downside is that Vaseline is so thick, it may not allow you to move your hand as fast as you'd like. Baby Oil also works, but it is also very messy and leaves stains. One of your best bets is using Vaseline Intensive Care. It cleans up fairly easily, is slippery, it lasts long, and lets you go as fast as you want when performing the exercises. Be aware of when and when not to engage in penis enlargement. You should consult a urologist if you have a disease which may alter blood circulation, oxygenation, and regeneration of tissues which exists under the conditions of advanced diabetes, respiratory instability, and cirrhosis. As you're doing your workout, here are some symptoms to be aware of: Blisters are a result of too much pressure on the penis for a prolonged period of time. You want pressure, but don't overdo it! Red sores are a result of too much stretch. In order to avoid this, hold off on your exercises until the blisters have disappeared. Nerve inflammation is caused by using too much weight, too often, for too long of a period. This will distort the nerves within the penis and cause them to swell. If the swelling continues, then atrophy might occur. This means you won't be able to get an erection again. "Fuzzy skin" is a result of tissue abuse. When you touch this affected area you can actually feel its fuzziness because it's directly external. This is the partially dead tissue covering your penis. This can happen when too much tension is applied. Red sores sometimes accompany fuzzy skin. That being said, the exercises we're about to discuss are all healthy natural ways to produce penis growth. Just use good sense when performing them. We recommend a Daily Workout which should be performed 5 days a week, but if at any time you begin to feel real pain or discomfort, ease up! You should begin your daily workout with this procedure. This is not really an exercise, so much as a prerequisite. What the hot compress does is draws blood to the area of your penis, increasing the blood flow and making the skin slightly elastic. This also ensures a good grip for the exercises you will be performing. Soak a washcloth in warm-to-hot water, then wring out. Take the cloth and wrap it around the shaft of your penis (either flaccid or erect). Hold it there a minute, then repeat a couple of times. Dry off your penis well. After the Hot Towel warm-up, proceed to perform a stretching exercise. Squeezing and pulling your penis on a regular basis can produce incredible size gains, just as exercising muscles will make them larger. These exercises stretch your penis out, while also stretching the erectile tissue. These are the exercises for lengthening your penis in its flaccid and erect state. Choose ONE of these stretching exercise techniques to include in your workout. TECHNIQUE ONE If you really want to enlarge your penis, this is the technique men swear by. You can perform this either standing up or sitting down. 1. With the penis in its flaccid state, take one hand and grip firmly around the head of your penis. Be careful not to cut off too much circulation. 2. Pull your penis out directly in front of yourself. Stretch it as much as you can without causing pain or discomfort. Hold it there for 5 minutes. After each minute, pull it out slightly further each time. 3. Relax for one minute. "Twirl" your penis in a circular motion about 30 times. This gets the circulation flowing again. 4. Repeat Step Two again 4 times, except pull your penis in a different direction each time... up, down, to the left, and to the right. After each 5 minute pull, repeat Step 3. 5. After you've completed 5 pulls (5 minutes each), pull your penis out directly in front of you one more time. Give it a good 1-minute stretch and 10 slight "tugs" outward, not jerking too hard. Stretching the penis with your hand produces the same results as traditional penis weight systems. The best way to use your hand is by applying most of the pressure anywhere else except on the dorsal nerve, which is that thin nerve that runs along the top of the penis. There is nothing wrong with designing your own way of gripping your penis, as long as you know where and where not to apply the wrong pressures. Again, DON'T HOLD TOO TIGHT, otherwise you'll cut off the circulation. This exercise will ensure a longer penis within as little as 2 weeks, but within 3-4 months will really be noticeable. TECHNIQUE TWO This technique is very similar to technique one. It's been posted on web-forums several times by men who say they've added up to 2" to their penis! 1. While in its flaccid (limp) state, take one hand and grip around the head of your penis. Grip firmly, but not hard enough to feel discomfort or cut off too much circulation. 2. Pull out directly in front of yourself with enough force to feel a good and painless stretch in your penis. Hold and count for at least 30 seconds to one minute and rest. 3. Then continue doing this until you've logged in 5-20 minutes of stretching for one session. Take a 10-20 minute break after each session. TECHNIQUE THREE This is one of the ancient sexual secrets. It involves stretching the penis in both flaccid & erect state. As is the case with most of these Ancient methods and healings, it is a little esoteric and describes some practices that may be unfamiliar to you. But for purposes of this manual, we will print the technique as it is described in the Taoist teachings: Inhale the air through your nose into the throat, then swallow and press it down to the stomach. When the air reaches your lower abdomen, press it into the penis itself. Take the 3 middle fingers of your left hand and press them to the Hui-Yin midpoint between the anus and the scrotum. This lodges the power in your penis. Resume normal breathing, still keeping the left fingers at the midpoint. With your right hand, begin exercising the penis by pulling it forward & backward, stretching it out in a smooth rhythmical motion 36 times. Use your thumb to rub the glans of the penis until it is erect. With your right hand, circle the penis firmly at its base. Still holding firmly, slide your hand forward an inch. This locks the air energy into the penis, pushing it toward the head. Pull the penis out to the right, then rotate with a stirring action 36 times clockwise and counter- clockwise. Then pull the penis out to the left and do the same. The energy of many of your body organs flows into the penis, which enhances its tone and function. Complete the exercise by gently beating the inner right thigh with your erect penis 36 times, then beat the inner left thigh 36 times. TECHNIQUE FOUR This version of stretching appears in a bestselling book on male sexuality. It also involves stretching the penis in both its flaccid and erect state. This seems to be just a slightly modified version of the Ancient technique listed above (Technique Three). 1. With your right hand, grip the penis and rhythmically pull it forward and away from your body 10 times (roughly 15 seconds each pull). 2. Repeat to the right (10 times), to the left (10 times) and down (10 times). 3. Rub the head of your penis with your thumb until you get an erection. Circle the penis at its base with your thumb and forefinger. Pull forward an inch (10 times) to force energy into the head. 4. Pull the erect penis to the right and rotate in small circles while pulling outward (10 times). Repeat to the left (10 times). 5. Gently slap your erect penis against inner thigh while pulling out on each side (10 times). JELQING (also known as "Milking") is an "ancient" technique that has been performed for centuries by many tribes and cultures. It is considered THE most effective method of penis enlargement. These milking exercises force blood into the penis. Over the course of several months, the blood spaces in the penis became larger, which means that they can hold more blood. This in return makes your penis larger. We have found that there are SEVERAL different variations of Jelqing that are practiced by men. The general notion of "milking the penis" is always the same, but the techniques seem to vary a bit. Our personal preference is TECHNIQUE ONE. We've had more success growth-wise with our clients with this particular technique. Read through all the different variations on Jelqing and decide which technique you think would work for you. You will want to use a lubricant for these exercises. The results from Jelqing are PERMANENT. The penis will become enlarged in both the flaccid and erect states, but especially in its erect state. The exercises are beneficial, not harmful. They will actually improve the health and strength of the male organ as well as increase its size. IMPORTANT: Care must be taken that the exercise is NOT PERFORMED DURING HARD ERECTION. Vascular (vein) damage could result if the penis is forcibly milked in its fully erect state. You want your penis between half to 3/4 erect. Results cannot be obtained until a partial erection is present. After this exercise has been performed, it will be noticed that the penis (even in its flaccid state) appears both longer and thicker. This is a fact. And from within one to several months of exercise, the penis will appear rather enormous; this is due to the impaction of blood in the penile tissues. Choose ONE of these jelqing exercise techniques to include in your workout. This simple exercise, if practiced five days a week, will enable a man who possesses, for example, a six-inch erect penis, to add from between one to three inches to the length of his penis (measured at the top, from tip to pelvis) and it will grow in circumference proportionately. Little or no growth may be apparent for approximately one month. During the second or third month an increase of two or more inches will not be uncommon. TECHNIQUE #1 1 - When your penis becomes SEMI-ERECT, make the American "A-OK" sign with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With this hand, grip tightly around the base of your penis. 2 - Now starting from the base, pull the penis gently but firmly. Stretch downward and outward. You should still be in a semi-erect state. Make sure to touch the penis all the way from the base to the head. Note that the head of your penis expands with blood. 3 - Switch to the right hand and do the same thing, starting from the base and stretching downward to the head. Alternate both hands in a smooth rhythmic ("milking") motion, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top part of the penis head. Do 200-300 strokes/day at medium strength for the first week. (10 minutes) Do 300-500 strokes/day at medium-full strength for the next week. (15 minutes) Do 500 or more strokes/day from then on, and as strong as you can make them. (20 minutes) If you find yourself getting an erection during this exercise, squeeze harder to discourage it or simply wait until it subsides. You can encourage circulation afterward by slapping your penis up and down 25 - 50 times. Perform this exercise 5 days a week. Remember to keep your penis only partially erect. If you feel ejaculation coming on, pause milking until the urge subsides. This is itself an exercise... one of self-control. TECHNIQUE #2 1 - Apply lubrication to the flaccid penis from the hilt to the head. 2 - Using only the thumb and forefinger, stretch the penis downward and slightly outward. Be gentle, but firm. 3 - Alternate hands, one then the other, in a "milking action". 4 - Keep performing gently until a certain amount of swelling develops, then perform the action a bit more firmly and forcibly. 5 - Repeat this action 100 times. For the first ten days, take it relatively easy. Gradually though, you should be performing 200 repetitions. These exercises are the same for both circumcised and uncircumcised men. It will be noticed that the head (or glans) becomes extremely red and that it will swell considerably. This is normal and good, and is due to the forcing of blood to that area. TECHNIQUE #3 This is the "Dry" version of Jelqing. Similar to Techniques 1 and 2, but without the lubrication. In "dry" milking, you squeeze and pull the skin, but you don't slide your fingers over the skin. As the penis becomes too large to cover in one stroke, work on the base and middle of the shaft separately. Some guys like to milk "dry" in the morning before getting out of bed (when testosterone levels are the highest.) If you find your penis is getting sore, take a day off. TECHNIQUE #4 Apply lubrication to your penis, rubbing all over. With your penis in a 1/2 state of erection, rub a little more Vaseline into your palms. Take your left hand and make an "ok" symbol with your thumb and forefinger. Then take your thumb and forefinger and grip tightly around the base of your penis. Keeping a tight grip, slide your hand down to the head of your penis, pulling as you go (the head of your penis expands as you do this). Repeat with your right hand, and continue over and over, one hand then the other. Keep this movement going at a medium to fast pace. For the first week or so, only jelq 100-200 repetitions (about 10 minutes). After the first week, try to work up to 20 minutes each day. Remember to keep your penis only partially erect. If you feel ejaculation coming on, pause until the urge subsides. TECHNIQUE #5 This is also known as the Tao technique. This works for men who want a bigger "mushroom" head on their penis. It's essentially the same as Technique One, except performed slower and more gently. Use your fingers to push the blood up to your penis head and create some sustained pressure. Hold that position momentarily (approximately 10 seconds.). This will expand the capacity of your head to take in more blood, in the end creating a bell or mushroom shape. You can also squeeze the shaft to make the blood engorge in the head. Once it's hard, you can release the squeeze. Repeat as many times as you wish (but don't exceed 10 minutes). Introduction to the PC Muscle In researching this manual, time and time again we came across resources mentioning the PC Muscle. Performing These exercises are most IMPORTANT for several reasons: they give you stronger erections, create intense (sometimes multiple) orgasms, help you control your ejaculations, help shorten the recovery time between orgasms, and even give you a healthy prostate. The PC muscle (or pubococcygeal muscle) is actually a group of pelvic muscles that form the basis for your sexual health. They run from your pubic bone in the front to your tailbone in the back. You can feel this muscle at your perineum, just behind your testicles and in front of your anus. In addition to controlling urination with other pelvic muscles, the PC muscle is what helps bring a man or woman to climax. For men, this is the muscle that involuntarily "pumps" when you ejaculate. Strengthening and learning to control this muscle, you will find, is THE sex secret. These PC exercises involve doing a set of easy-to-learn pelvic-muscle exercises. This is a FOOLPROOF way for men to boost their partners' and their own pleasure during lovemaking. Women have already been using their PC muscles for years to help them get sexually aroused easier, lubricate faster, and have more and better orgasms. First you must Locate Your PC Muscle. It's actually easier for men to locate this muscle and do these Exercises than it is for women. Simply stop your urine midstream when you urinate. This not only teaches you how to find the PC muscle, but gets you started on your exercises. Stop and restart your urination 5 times during every trip to the bathroom. Using your ability to stop the flow of urine will help you control your ejaculations. Ancient techniques refer to this process simply as "tightening the anus". You can flex the PC muscle quickly and repeatedly, or clench tight and hold for as long as you can. This latter exercise is tougher than it sounds, yet this is the exercise that the sex gurus say will help you prolong your erections and increase the force with which you ejaculate. Once you've found your PC muscle, you can start doing the PC Exercises anytime, anywhere. You want to squeeze your PC on a daily basis. These are the PC Exercises: Perform quick PC CLAMPS. Squeeze and release, over and over. Start with sets of twenty, then build to 100 or more. Do at least 250 PC clamps every day, for the rest of your life. Your goal is to be capable of creating 1,000 clamps a day. Practice LONG SQUEEZES by holding the PC muscle clamped tightly for thirty seconds, or as long as you can. Try doing STAIR STEPS: tighten and loosen in increments. Tighten for a couple of seconds, loosen for a couple of seconds. Do it over and over again. PC FLUTTER: Tighten the PC muscle as slowly as you possibly can. Once you've finished the slow squeeze (to where you can't squeeze anymore), let go. At some point it will "flutter," and you'll feel energy sparkling up your spine. Concentrate on deep, slow breathing while you do this. This is great for restoring energy when you're running down! When you urinate and you want to let those last squirts shoot out, you use your PC muscle in the other direction. By doing this you'll feel your anus open and the sensation is different. This is called the PUSH OUT PC. Most men can do Kegels anywhere, since they're seldom aroused by the exercises. Continued over a lifetime, the exercises can help men (and women) head off urinary incontinence as they get older. That, plus greater arousal, enhanced orgasms and longerlasting sex, make these some of the simplest, most beneficial exercises a man or woman can do. Psychologists and sex experts have prescribed Kegel exercises to thousands of male patients, many of whom were troubled by erection problems. Most who did the exercises reported firmer erections than ever before. Others reported increased sexual sensation, more intense orgasms, and the ability to delay ejaculation. And most surprisingly, some of the men were eventually able to have multiple orgasms! That is, two or more climaxes during a single act of intercourse BEFORE ejaculating! Massage & Warm-down This is how you should end your workout, as applying heat and massage optimizes healing. Your testicles are always trying to maintain a 34 degree temperature to keep the cells alive. Heat restores any nerve and sensitivity problems you may have incurred during your enlargement program. After your workout, gently massage your penis for several minutes. After massage, you can either apply another hot towel as you did at the beginning of your workout, or you can place your penis in a bowl of lukewarm water for a another few minutes. Either of these "heat applications" will keep the blood held within your penis and stimulate the damaged parts, restarting them to function better. Dry off well with a towel. Workout Introduction Now that we've explained each of the exercises, it's time to apply them in a daily workout program. This, men, is the moment of truth! If you really want a LARGER PENIS, you MUST perform these exercises as explained. These are VERY POWERFUL methods that have been PROVEN! They've worked for us, they've worked for thousands of clients, and they've worked for hundreds of thousands of men throughout history! So believe us when we say.. THEY WILL WORK FOR YOU!! This is OUR suggested Workout Program. You MUST do this program for ONE HOUR EVERY DAY, 5 DAYS A WEEK. Be sure to take 2 days off a week (consecutively or not), as this is your "healing" time when your cells rebuild after they've been broken down. Do this, and you should start seeing results within the next 3 weeks. Once you witness this penis growth for yourself, you won't want to stop this program, nor should you! Remember... Knowledge, Commitment, Growth. These exercises have been designed not only for penis enlargement, but also for a better self-esteem and personal satisfaction. NOTE: For this workout, we have included OUR recommended techniques for the exercises you have just read about. If you think you'd like to try one of the other techniques, go ahead and do so. But whichever techniques you decide to use, make sure you stick with them and give them a chance to work. If after a month you find that one of the exercises isn't working for you (which is rare!), then try a different technique. Always refer to the instructions for ANY of the exercises whenever you need to. Maintaining a Hard Erection These tips will help you achieve longer lasting & harder erections: Stick to a low-fat, high-fiber diet. High levels of cholesterol can actually clog the blood vessels in your penis. This also can cause impotence. Furthermore, you should include a little zinc in your diet. Foods containing zinc include lean beef, turkey, cereal, lamb, crabmeat and oysters. Make sure you get plenty of exercise. When you're out of shape, not only does this negatively affect your ability to have sex, it increases the likelihood of erection problems. Stop smoking. Besides the obvious health risks of smoking, studies show that smoking plays a major role in erectile & impotence problems among men. Finally, the best piece of advice that can be given (and one you probably won't have any problem with) is this: If you want to have better erections- Have MORE erections! The muscle tissue in your penis needs oxygen to survive. Where does it get that oxygen? From the red blood cells flowing in the blood. The more blood that circulates, the less chance of erectile failure. Since blood flows to the penis at a much greater rate when you have an erection, the best way to keep the muscle tissue in your penis properly oxygenated is by having more erections. There, now you have a legitimate excuse to masturbate. ANCIENT SECRET: "Place your thumb on the top of the penis at the root and your index finger at the bottom of the penis at the root. Take a deep breath and while holding, squeeze and grip the shaft of your penis in a wave toward the tip of the penis. The thumb, the index finger and the pinky finger push, forcing blood into the penis head. Now hold this grip for as long as you're able to hold your breath. Repeat this exercise 9 times. Each time you hold your breath, count to 9 and with each count, squeeze more toward the head of the penis." Ejaculation Control First of all, it should be noted that one man in 3 ejaculates quicker than he wants to, and that the vast majority of men sometimes ejaculate too quickly. So if this happens to you, you're hardly alone. The following are some tips and exercises that will assist you in learning to control this problem: You can learn to tolerate long periods of sexual pleasure without ejaculating once you learn to recognize the feelings that precede your orgasm. There is an exercise you can try called The "One to Ten" Approach. Imagine that the scale of pleasure runs from 1 to 10: 1 you are just starting to feel aroused; 10 you have an orgasm and ejaculate. Therefore 9, the point just before your orgasm, is your point of no return. Try masturbating. When you reach your magic point 8, stop and let the urge to ejaculate subside. Then start masturbating again. Do this a few times. Masturbate, stop, masturbate. At the end of 15 minutes you can ejaculate (if you wish). Repeat this technique until you are able to enjoy your arousal without ejaculating for 15 minutes. Another method that reduces the chance of premature ejaculation is one that we mention in your workout- Give Your PC Muscles a Squeeze. Review our discussion of Kegel (PC) Muscles if you've forgotten where these muscles are located. Strong PC muscles operate like a good set of brakes in your car- by contracting the muscles, you can control your arousal the same way you use your brakes to control speed. In the broadest terms of how to apply this muscle when making love, you prolong orgasms by a simulation of "stopping your urination in midstream". Learn the powers of these muscles and how to use them. They will work wonders in the bedroom! Finally, the oldest, simplest & best method for learning ejaculatory control is called the Locking Method. When having sex, if you feel yourself becoming too excited... simply withdraw your penis from the vagina and pull back so that only the head of your penis remains inside her. Then just remain motionless for 15 - 30 seconds. Wait for the urge to subside, then back to where you left off. FAQ Below are a few of the most frequently asked questions about our manual: When should I use these techniques? Whenever you wish. A lot of men do their workout first thing in the morning, and others do it before they go to bed at night. The actual time of day will not affect the process. Can I ejaculate right before, during, or after exercising? When you ejaculate your body goes through several chemical and physical changes, first your blood testosterone levels begin to drop, second, all your connective tissues begin to tighten as well, it is best to wait at least several hours after completion of the exercises before ejaculating, just as it is also important not to ejaculate for at least several hours before exercising as well. When I jelq I get a little, (or a lot) sore, is this normal? Check the soreness and see what is causing it, you may just need to trim the pubic hair right at the base of your penis. Is it a sharp pain or just a dull discomfort? Are you doing the hot wraps? A slight discomfort/soreness is normal and should pass as your penis and all supportive structures get used to the exercises. Try not to stop, a slight discomfort is normal, if the pain is sharp or is strong enough to keep you from exercising take a few days off from the exercises while continuing to do the hot wraps. How can I keep from getting erect when jelqing or stretching? DO NOT JELQ WHEN FULLY ERECT FOR ANY REASON!!! When you are just starting out on the program your penis is accustomed to getting hard from the stimulation because it is always being used for the same thing, get hard, get stimulated, achieve orgasm and ejaculation. After a couple weeks to a few months your penis will be accustomed to the exercises and the erections should be more controllable. During these first few weeks if you get an erection take a few seconds or minutes to let it subside, you won't hurt anything as all these first few weeks are for is so that Mr. Penis, (and you), can get accustomed to the exercises. Can I do the exercises twice a day? The ideal heal time for tissues in your body is 48 hours, (depending on the tissue type, muscle tissue is one of the the fastest, nerve tissue is the slowest at 1 to 2 mm a month). When you exercise more than once a day you are not giving Mr. Penis time to heal correctly often times at the sacrifice of growth. I'm not circumcised, is there anything special I should do to do the exercises? Not necessarily, there are mainly just two things you should be aware of. First, when jelqing be sure to stop just at the base of the head, second, if you choose you can use your free hand to retract the foreskin then jelq as you normally would. How do I find my pc muscle? An easy to find your pc muscle is: When urinating, stop the flow of urine without using your hands, and no, it's not your anal sphincter or your abdominal muscles. After time you will get good at it and will be able to do it whenever you want, this is flexing your pc muscle. For starters stop the flow of urine as many times as you can every time you go. After a few days you will be able to do it whenever you want. Try and do as many Kegels as you can every day. Kegels are the exercise that work the pubococcygeal (pc) muscle. Do I have to do the Hot Wraps? The hot wrap should not be considered optional as they serve two main purposes. • First they serve to loosen connective tissues so they can stretch more easily with less risk of injury. • Second the hot wraps serve to increase penile circulation which in turn increases the amount of nutrients that reach your penis. When can I expect to see my first gains? Most begin to see their first gains at around the second week with others seeing gains after their 2nd month, some see gains as soon as the first exercise session. You can expect to see flaccid gains before erect gains as your penis becomes more accustomed to the increased blood flow. I don't have enough time to do all the exercises at once, Can I spread them out over the day? Yes. We know that sometimes it is hard to find the time. If you wish to split the exercises up during the day, then do so. Why can't I do the exercises 7 days a week ? You must rest your penis for two days, This is essential for healing. YOU MUST ALLOW TIME TO HEAL. Many men spend a year or more trying to achieve enlargement, but never seem to grow. This is because the cells and tissues in your penis, after being stretched in exercise, must have enough adequate time to rejuvenate and build back up. This can only be accomplished through the rest time that you take off each week. How long can I keep using these techniques? You can use the program forever if you like. But practically speaking, your penis can only be increased SO much. You will see the most substantial growth within your first 6 months of the program (although some men may need a few months longer). However, after that time your penis may only grow a half inch a year, but there will be a slight size gain. Ultimate Guide To Penis Enlargement Techniques By: ACME Table of Contents 1.Hot Compress (5 minutes)or shower 2.Stretching Exercise (25-30 minutes) 3.Growth and Circulation Exercises (1 minute) 4.Jelqing Exercise (10 to 20 minutes) 5.PC (Kegel) Exercises (5 minutes) 6.Delay and Harden Technique(10 minutes) 7.Glute Flexes(10 minutes) 8.Massage and Hot Application (5 to 10 minutes) 9. Porn star Routine before sex *Hot Compress (5 minutes) Soak a wash cloth in hot-warm water, wringing out the excess water. Wrap the cloth around the shaft of your penis(either flacid or erect). Hold it there a minute, then repeat a couple of times. Dry off your penis well. This will ensure a good grip for the exercises you're about to perform. Stretching Exercise (25-30 minutes) 1. With the penis in its flacid state, take one hand and grip firmly around the head of your penis. Be careful not to cut off too much circulation. 2.Pull your penis out directly in front of yourself. a.Stretch it as much as you can without causing pain or discomfort. b.Hold it there for 5 minutes. c.After each minute, pull it out slightly further each time. 3.Relax for one minute.Twirl your penis in a circular motion about 30 times. This gets the circulation flowing again. 4.Repeat Step Two again 4 times, except pull your penis in a different direction each time... up, down, to the left, and to the right . After each 5 minute pull, repeat Step 3. 5.After you've completed 5 pulls (5 minutes each), pull your penis out directly in front of you one more time. Give it a good 1-minute stretch and 10 slight tugs outward, not jerking too hard. Growth And Circulation Exercise (1 minute) Take the penis and whip it around gently. Whip it no more than 30 times, making sure you cup your scrotom with the other hand, otherwise it will bounce around and get hurt Jelqing (Milking) Exercise (10 to 20 minutes) 1.Using Massage Oil, Hemp Oil, or Vaseline for lubrication, slide your fingers over the skin of your penis and apply all over. A few drops of oil will last for several hundred strokes. Don't use soap or you'll be sore for days! 2.With your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the base of the penis shaft. Pull downward. Stop at the head. Repeat, alternating hands. Make each stroke last about three seconds. This sensation should last about three seconds. This sensation should help you achieve an erection. 3.When your penis becomes SEMI-ERECT, make the American A-OK sign with the thumb and forefinger of you're left hand. With this hand, grip slightly around the base of your penis. 4.Now starting from the base, pull the penis gently but firmly. Stretch downward and outward. You should still be in a semi-erect state. Make sure to touch the penis from the base to the head. Note that the head of your penis expands with the blood. 5.Switch to the right hand and do the same thing, starting from the base and stretching downward to the head. Alternate both hands in a smooth rythmic (milking) motion, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top of the penis head. Do 200-300 strokes/ day at medium strength for the first week.(10 minutes) Do 300-500 strokes/day/at medium-full strength for the next week. (15 minutes) Do 500 or more stokes/day from then on, and strong as you can make them. (20 minutes) If you find yourself getting an erection during this exercise, squeeze harder to discourage it or simply wait until it subsides. You can encourage circulation afterward by slapping your penis only partially erect. PC (KEGEL) Exercise (5 minutes) PC (KEGEL) Exercise (5 minutes) Butt Crunch Do different variations of theses exercises each time you perform your workout. You can also do PC exercises throughout the day while you're driving, watching t.v. whatever. 1.Perform quick PC CLAMPS. Squeeze and release, over and over. Start with a set of twenty, then build to a hundred or more. Do at least 250 PC clamps every day, for the rest of your life. Your goal is to be capable of creating 1,000 clamps a day. deep, slow breathing while you do this. This is great for restoring energy when you're running down! 5.When you Urinate and you want to let those squirts shoot out, you use your PC muscle in the other direction. By doing this you'll feel your anus open and the sensation is different. This is calles the Push Out PC. Delay and Harden Technique Take a little baby oil and massage into your penis. Once you have massaged yourself to a hard erection, take your hand and grip around your penis at the very base, against your pelvis. Now with a very sturdy grip, squeeze as hard as you can, and hold for a 30 count. The part of your penis showing should be very hard, and quite red from the pressure being drawn onto it from the force of your grip. After you hold for 30 seconds, masturbate until you feel utmost urge to ejaculate, but don't. Once you feel an overwelming urge to cum, stop and do the squeezing technique once again, except hold for 45 seconds, then do it again for a full minute. Keep repeating these steps adding 15 seconds each time you grip. Work your way to 2 minutes. After about a month you should be able to work up to 10 minutes. Glute Flexes Lie on your back, and make sure you are on a floor, or firm surface so that you have the appropriate resistance to force against(i.e., the carpet, floor, ect. Your bed is far to giving and will not work for this exercise.) 1. Flex your buttocks as hard as you can, holding for a slow 3 count, then unflexing. Do these 5 times to warm up. 2. Flex and unflex in a fast, steady pace for 3 sets of 50, or if you can't even do 50, do as many as possible. Rest for 30 seconds between each set, and take in deep, slow breaths through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth. 3. Next, flex as hard as possible and hold for as long as you can until you start to tremble. Once trembling, unflex and repeat 5 times. 4. Repeat step 2 5. Repeat step 3 6.Finish by doing very rapid flexes continuously for as long as you can before you totally fatigue. Massage and Heat Application After your workout, gently massage your penis for several minutes. If you prefer, you can do this with an herbal enlargement cream. After massage, you can either apply another hot compress as you did at the beginning of your workout, or you can place your penis in a bowl of lukewarm water for another few minutes. Dry off with a towel. Porn star routine before sex 1.Strengthen your PC muscle for several months doing at least 500PC flex's a day 2.Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, and drink 200 ounces of water a day. 3.Get plenty of sleep each night 4.Withstrain from ejaculation for a few days 5.Take L-Arginine as directed above the night before, and day of sex. 7KLV&RXUVHZDVZULWWHQIRUWKHFRPPRQPDQ LQSODLQ(QJOLVKDQGLQ1DUUDWLYHIRUPE\VHYHUDO GLIIHUHQWDXWKRUV (DFKDXWKRUGHVFULEHVKLVRUKHURZQMRXUQH\LQKLV RUKHURZQZRUGV 1RDWWHPSWKDVEHHQPDGHWRHGLWRUGLOXWHWKHLU ZRUGV7KHUHIRUZHDSRORJL]HLQDGYDQFHIRUDQ\ (QJOLVK/DQJXDJH5XOHVWKDWDUHQRWDGKHUHGWR DVWKHVHPHQDQGZRPHQDUHVLPSO\WUDYHOHUV $QRWKHU1RWHRIVLJQLILFDQFHLVWKDWWKHPRVWHIIHFWLYHWHFKQLTXHV DQGVHFUHWVPRVWRIWHQFRPHLQWKH VLPSOHVWRISDFNDJHV 7KHUH¶VQR0DJLFKHUHRQO\WUXHQRQRQVHQVHPHWKRGV ZKLFKGRZRUN ³2SHQPLQGVDQG2SHQ(\HVDUHWKHZRUGVDQGDFWLRQVRI WKH:LVH´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• 123257,21253257,2162)7+,60$18$/&$1%( • 5(352'8&(':,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212) • :25/':,6($//9,2/$7,216:,//%(3526(&87(' &23<5,*+7:RUOG:LVH $//5,*+765(6(59(' :*$ MEN,..... FINALLY.... THE SECRETS HAVE BEEN REVEALED.. ZENNO JOJIDO The Sexual martial art & sexercise. Once only known to a select few around the world,... the power is now in your hands !! The secrets to build it to its natural maximum size, keep it up, & regain or retain that teen's ability to keep it coming !! Also, find out the winning card that the Afro-American male holds in the arena Sexual prowess !! Contents : SECTION 1. Page 7 The Factors regarding Size & the Females need. SECTION 2. Page 14 External development; (maximizing Size, Strength, Conditioning, muscularity and flexibility) (Sexercise). SECTION 3. Page 31 Internal development & Climax control ! Or (tricks of the long distance runner) SECTION 4. Page 38 Multi-gasm & the one hour joyride. SECTION 5. Page 45 Master Strokes ! Or ( moves to do the job) Putting it all together. ZENNO JOJIDO Closely guarded secrets gleaned from around the world From Asia to Africa have been combined to form the most powerful method of making love, ever, to be in the hands of any one person. Available in both Male & Female versions. You can now earn your Black belt, in the most satisfying martial art of all. Brought to you by,........... Hello people,........we are World Wise and our mission is to make the main connection of life, that magical hook-up that makes two people one, & creates life,.. the most wonderful & satisfying experience of Life. To this end, we have traveled to 19 countries around the world, researched the various sexual histories, attitudes, & secrets. We have interviewed hundreds of people, attended live sex demonstrations, & experimented personally & the result is this entertaining, informative & factual manual that will astoundingly improve your love life & self image. We implore you to take full advantage of every secret we reveal to you, as we have researched them , to the maximum, use them ourselves & know them all to be actual & factual. Section 1. Size and Female Requirements " BIG PENIS EQUALS WOMEN'S NEEDS SATISFIED' ? " In this culture, the damage of this myth is driving men who don't measure up into purchases of gadgets of all kinds, pumps, extenders, & even sports cars. More dangerously some men are opting for radical & expensive forms of surgery. All of these men are wasting their precious time & money. Though penis size is not as important as the myth claims, size can be added naturally by building the muscle like organ called the "Penis." Building the penis instead of artificially enlarging it, brings the added & most important benefits, of conditioning & strength, and flexibility, which will bring you more praise in your performance than any Jumbo size one minute lover. All myths aside, what do women actually physically need in inches to get off ? What do they require for fulfillment ? Well, let us start with a little anatomy,.... 1st of all, a woman's vagina only has nerve endings in the 1st 2 inches from the opening,.. most of those being right around the ring of muscle, or mouth of the opening. Therefor, if a man with only a two-inch penis who knows all the factors (you will know the factors),… is with a woman who has learned to bring about a vaginal climax, he will bring her to orgasm ! If she is among the women, who have yet to learn how to experience a vaginal climax, don't despair, for you will learn a methods which will carry her into climax as well ! '' What about penis thickness ? " Do you ask? Well thickness can be important,.. However, the need & degree of thickness, depends upon the amount of muscle control a woman has. It is Not, as one has been led to believe, Age, or the amount of babies, or partners a particular woman has gone through, which affects that need. In Japan & most Asian countries, size is not a factor simply because Vaginal muscle control has been raised to an art form. Cont,.. WE have witnessed live sex shows in the red light districts of Singapore & the Philippines. There women push six ping pong-balls into their vaginas, then shoot the balls out, one at a time, 15 feet away, into a bucket, using only their vaginal muscles. The popping sound that those powerful vaginas make, as the balls are released, is astounding ! More striking, is the " His lover's Banana Cutter " where a peeled banana, is fully inserted into her vagina, and as a man lays under her vagina, mouth open wide, the fruit is pushed out & sliced bit by bit by the muscles of that magnificent vagina !! Then there's the "Payday" where women stack 5 inches of coins on the lip of a coke bottle, squat down, engulf the coins with their sex organs, then release them by any number you request into your hand. As you can imagine, these women know how to please their lovers & themselves, no matter the size of the penis. We know for a fact that as lovers, these women are fantastic! For even without any effort or technique from our members, the women kept them up- and going all night. Unbelievably in the sunshine of morning, the men were still up for more ! Unfortunately, in western culture, these skills are not known or practiced, yet,... (but not to worry brothers... we're working on this problem too.) ........therefor the only known equalizer to a weak, & untrained vagina is "Size" !! Notice we said "known" equalizer,...because there are methods and means you can utilize which will please a woman, yourself included within this culture, that do not require excessive thickness or hose length. When you maximize your penis size, add correct motion, conditioning, & control, {all of which you will have mastery of}, then you will be able to please any straight woman, loose or tight, muscle tone or the lack thereof. You will be experiencing delicious Sex and Explosive climaxes beyond your wildest dreams as well. Next, learn what the optimum size is,… Size,...the pitfall's & advantages Since most of us know all to well, the perceived pitfalls of having a smaller than an average penis, whether we have one or not,.. Let us start with the pitfalls of having a larger than an average penis. After interviewing hundreds of women & men on this subject.. More than three quarters of the women complained, that a large penis used incorrectly was a huge barrier to enjoying sex and makes the act a dreaded & uncomfortable undertaking. The same percentage of larger than average men, have experienced grief and weathered the complaints and excuses of causing their sex partners pain and suffering. This situation can seriously affect a couple’s sexual relationship, make oral sex a rare and brief event and anal sex a near impossibility. Complaints of excessive thickness above one & one\half inch's diameter of thickness, (average size) if the female is built small, does not lubricate properly, or has not born a child, sex can be a major undertaking requiring her to bear the pressure & pain of the vaginal walls actually being torn apart! Then there's the length factor, where if the length was above 6 inches (average length) for some women, an uncomfortable feeling of the penis reaching up into the internal reproductive organs & pummeling them was prevalent. These situations can & do cause serious damage like cysts that require surgery, & infections that could result in the loss of childbearing capability. However, these situations can be greatly reduced with knowledge of how to use your tool correctly. We will cover how later. Advantages of the larger than average penis are as we all know too well are; If the woman has a loose, out of shape vagina and little control, a large tool can give her the feeling she once had when she was young & inexperienced, whether the man knows the correct methods and techniques or not. Conversely,.. smaller than average penises can be of advantage to women with small & tight vagina's. Like the large male & loose females match, these combinations can make it easier, and allow one to complete the act in a satisfactory fashion, but the fact remains that in order to maximize the Erotic experience, Prolong it, as well as carry your partner with you, up into the light of Ecstasy, special technique's & conditioning must be learned, practiced, and implemented. Techniques available here. Next we discover the Samurai Building techniques,.. Section 2 Building that structure. Penis building, Samurai Style... I'm in Japan, home again, for the first time in more than 17 years. It's raining outside of the cab I've hired to take me through the hills of a city called Hyama. I'm to visit a person whom I understand is the master of an ancient form of martial art, not known to the West, or even to most of the East. As we pass people scurrying with their umbrellas, and turn the corner where a shrine shines with the rain, I wonder what I might find. The rain clears as we pull in front of an older looking home. The door is answered by a kindly bent old woman, who bows after I introduce myself & then she smiles while I sit on a bench in the foyer to remove my shoes & put on the offered slippers. She leads me to a sliding rice paper door, which she opens & I am greeted by an old man, who stood up from a cross legged position with the grace of a cat. I was taken aback by his remarkably strong & alert gaze. I bow respectfully after which he bade me sit at a low table. After over 30 minutes of tea & pleasantries, a must in Japanese society, I can no longer hold my curiosity and I inquire after for which I have traveled so far. At once, I felt I knew had made a huge mistake. My memory flashed the once forgotten knowledge of Japanese rule of the indirect. I had been away for far too long , for the Japanese would never be so impatient and direct. It is considered rude. He sat there motionlessly without speaking for what seemed like five minutes, reading my face before he kind of sighed in a disappointed manner, and finally spoke "This is a secret used for centuries by the Samurai, who believed in exercising all muscles of the human body. From under a floorboard, he produced a black lacquered box, and with a sparkle in his eyes, he said " This is the secret to youth ! I can now at age 82 outlast you." With this, he proceeded to open the box which took a few minutes because it was a puzzle box that required a combination of sliding panels to be moved in a certain order. Finally,.. the box opened to reveal four disc shaped stones of various sizes, with holes in the middle. To tell you the truth, I was confused & not just a little disappointed. But after he explained, I understood completely. The stones were weights that were pushed over the head of the penis when it was flaccid, then as it swelled, the stone would stay in place & then be lifted by the muscles of the penis in reps, thus building & strengthening the middle erector muscle, the tube that runs along the bottom & center of the three tube muscles of the penis. As I examined the stones, I noticed the intricate erotic artwork carved on them, but more important, the weight of even the smallest stone was to me quite heavy. The stones according to him, were made in the 18th century and were unavailable today, unless I could convince someone to sell me theirs. However, try though I may, I was unable to even locate any of the stones, let alone purchase any. This led us to create a more modern & efficient version of doing the exercises & even creating a device that is three times as efficient as the original, but more on this later. These exercises were then combined with Secret exercise techniques called “Cow Milk” which would complete the building process. Not to be confused with masturbation, these advanced methods are the most effective form of manual manipulation for strength and size available in the world. Note: We use the term “Muscle” with regards to the penis. Some refute this as incorrect, however we know from many decades of experience, that certain tissues of the penis behaves, and reacts to exercise, in the same manner as muscle, so for lack of a better word, we will throw semantics aside. We begin the building techniques on the next page,.. DAY 1 Basic beginner method for building the middle erector muscle. This first exercise is very basic, and in our opinion builds only the lifting or Angle of Erection muscles of the penis. If your erection is high, (lifts almost to the stomach) and you feel that you have no need for the basics, we would suggest that you still begin here, just to build a solid base for the more advanced techniques to follow, as well as to prevent future problems in this area. To start, no device is needed. The material you will need is a wash cloth, a bowl of water, & a lubricant. We would suggest some long lasting lubricant made for sexual purposes like K.Y. jelly (purchased at any large grocer) or if you are used to a certain oil or lotion, then by all means use it. First, find yourself a private room, where you won't be disturbed for at least thirty minutes. Now remove your clothes, & sit comfortably, knees apart, on the edge of a chair, or the edge of the bed with your feet planted firmly on the floor, so that your penis & testicles are hanging off, or stand if you wish. Now you must achieve an erection. If by chance you have difficulty in doing so, try to focus on a past situation, or fantasy that turns you on. Use any method you are currently used to achieve erection, including magazines or videos. If you are unable, we are working on methods to help you get there and remain. Write us. Once you are erect, take hold of the penis with one hand, palm facing down, with the head, nestled in the middle of your palm. Now push the penis as far down as you comfortably can & pause while you gather your thoughts think of the muscles in the penis, all along the shaft down to the parts that run all through to the anus, ... additionally,... squeeze gently the internal muscles that cut off the flow of urine, called the Pubococcygeus. (Correct Spelling) Since this is too difficult to pronounce, we call it the P.C. muscle. This last muscle is one of the most important muscles in your body for sexual purposes & will eventually when well developed, allow you to control ejaculation, to the point of maintaining that fantastic pre-orgasm state for as long as you wish. Okay now, still holding the penis, take a deep breath and hold it briefly for one second and exhale slowly through the mouth, making a Haaaa whisper sound as you pull in on the stomach muscles. Repeat this twice, and on the third one, resisting the effort slightly with the hand, attempt to lift the penis to the navel using only the muscles of the penis, the anus and especially the P.C. muscle, additionally, time your exhalation so it lasts the full effort. Do this three times,.. then remove you're hand from the penis & drape the washcloth over the penis. If the washcloth is not heavy enough, & does not weigh the penis down, then wet the cloth in the bowl or water, wring it if necessary & re-drape it. Take a deep breath as before, hold it one second, then as you exhale with the Haaaa sound, do two slow lifts of the towel with each lift lasting 5 seconds, so you are exhaling for 10 to 12 seconds. EXCELLENT !! Now,... Take a two minute or so break & repeat the exercise for three more exhalations. Now you should masturbate to full orgasm, but try to make it last for as long as you can before you allow ejaculation, because your ultimate goal will be to last more than thirty minutes, so if you can, shoot for it now, but if you cannot, don't despair because you will reach that goal & beyond sooner than you think. Techniques to perfect delaying ejaculation will follow. This is all for the first day. However don't forget to exercise your P.C. muscles, use them to cut off the flow of urine, after which alternating to force the flow outward more forcefully. Do this several times during each and every urination. DAY 2 Go back to your private space & allow for the same time for today's exercises repeat the steps; 1. Use any method to achieve erection. 2) Hold the penis with the palm facing down, & the head nestled in the middle of the palm. 3. Practice the P.C. squeeze, the penis muscles & anus squeeze a few times. 4) Take a deep breath, hold for one second then pull the stomach muscles in while you breathe slowly out through the mouth making the Haaaa whisper sound to a count of 10 seconds. 5. Now drape the towel over the penis & perform the lifting exercises as you did on day one. The difference today is you will try & increase your sets to six exhalations or 12 five-second lifts. EXCELLENT,.. Now when you have completed this section, you can move on to the enlarging techniques, starting on the following page. The All Important "Cow Milk" Method. This next series of exercises will build a thickness to your organ. Keep in mind that the changes do not happen overnight, and in some cases months may pass, however do not give up! We cannot stress this enough, as different body types respond in different rates. One key to remember is that the longer it takes you to respond, the more dramatic and prolonged the improvements over time to where some men continue to achieve gains for years afterwards. Begin Thus, (Note: For some, better results can be seen if one takes a hot bath before, or during these exercises) Lubricate the penis with whatever lubricant you have on hand. (If in water, use soap) Rest for five minutes while maintaining erection by stroking slowly while relaxing. Then start squeezing quite strongly, the whole penis from base to tip, like farmers do, when milking a cow, also pull the head down toward the knees, as far down as you can. Use your fingers, especially the tips to rub deeply into your shaft. (If you feel any pain, Lesson the pressure.) Then push the penis through your hand with the same pressure. Do this with the right hand then the left hand, so that the fingers can massage both sides evenly. Spend at least ten minutes with each hand, more if you can. Then reverse your palm, so it is holding the upper side of the penis, and the fingers are wrapped tightly around the underside,.. Then pull the hand down as close to the base of the penis as you can, the same time,... push the penis down, in small bounces, to stretch the ligaments that hold the penis to the pubic bone. Hold the position applying pressure and bouncing gently but firmly for a few minutes. (This is best done in hot water which will help relax the ligaments.) End the stretch with a milk squeeze out toward the head of the penis, and use the fingers to firmly massage the underside of the side tube from the altered position, Repeat this last step about twenty times with each hand. Okay now, Making sure your lubrication remains in full effect, Twist your wrist so the extended thumb can rub the underside of the Right or left tube, (depending on which hand you are using) and Pull outward, applying pressure along the whole length of the penis, squeezing with the whole hand, but putting an emphasis on the thumb. Now switch hands and repeat. Be sure to always end your pulls with a strong push of your penis back through a strong hand. Repeat all these exercises until you feel a good swelling. The Cow Milk, or Super-Jelq series of exercises are very important , for not only will it increase blood flow to the penis & eventually size, & length,.. it will build a firm turgid toughness into your erection that's excellent for the thrusting techniques you will soon learn. So even though this if new to you, will take some getting used to as a form of masturbation, we implore you to do it until you are comfortable with it & we guarantee you won't be disappointed !! Now masturbate to orgasm, however use the cow milk techniques. Though we know some of you are tired, numb, or both,.. try to last a full thirty minutes by doing moderate stimulation, only enough to remain erect, but not enough to boil over. The attempt is very important. Then this time at the point of orgasm squeeze your P.C. muscle & attempt to keep your ejaculate inside, you will not be able to at this point, but eventually you will, & one quick bonus is the effort will allow you to become sexually active a lot quicker than usual starting today!! Try later to get sexually aroused and see for yourself. " IMPORTANT,!!!! " Do not use your hand to attempt to squeeze the sperm inside because this can cause serious damage to your ejaculatory muscles ! Very important, for those seeking additional gains. After your climax, and your erection has softened but not deflated, do, for as long as you can, additional cow milking, in all the various forms. This will aid as well, in your size growth, and eventually, will allow you to continue intercourse even after a zero control climax. However the point right now, is to take advantage of the semi-erect state, for stimulation of tissues which cannot be reached when fully erect. This is all for the day, skip a day or two between you're next session to allow the muscles to rebuild & remember use your P.C. muscles when urinating, both the stop flow & the force flow. Day 3 This third day should follow a day or two of rest from day 2 session. This day we are going to practice on controlling the movement up and down the effort on order to gain from the negative resistance. Go through steps 1 through 4 as before, but on step 5 there's a difference. 5. This time, there being a difference in the lift. Instead of doing two lifts on one exhalation, we need you to lift as before to the count of five but this time, control the drop of the weight to a count of five also. So it goes as so, lift 1 2 3 4 5, then descent control 1 2 3 4 5 . This will give you double benefit & muscle conditioning. Repeat this a total of 12 times then cow milk for at least 6 minutes. Now cow milk to orgasm once again & keep the 30 minutes in mind. Don't forget to squeeze as much of your ejaculate in as possible with the P.C. muscles only. This is all for the day. Please don't forget the P.C. squeeze & force flow when urinating. Day 4 & beyond, Pop open the bubbly, for Congratulations are in order !! Now you have learned the basic method for building & conditioning the external muscles on the middle tube which runs under the penis, & you have begun to gain mastery of the wondrous P.C. muscle !! All that remains is that you increase the resistance with more weight by using larger towels & more water & also the sets or exhalations as you gain in strength. Do the exercises at least 2 times a week. You will begin to see immediate & dramatic results not only in the strength & power of your erection, but also you will be more virile, & able to regain desire & erection a lot quicker after orgasm. If you desire more masturbation or sexual activity, don't forget the cow milk technique. If you are with a partner, try to last the 30 minutes and attempt the P.C. squeeze on ejaculation. NOTE; ...there are two more muscle tubes on the penis that run along the left & right on top of the middle tube that can be built & conditioned in a different manner. There is a specialized device made for the purpose of advanced building all three tubes on the penis. If you are interested in maximizing your size & power, we will extend to you an offer of a generous discount in the purchase of this fantastic device ! Read all about it at the end of this book. Internal muscle control has just been touched on & we will cover it in detail in the next chapter. SECTION 3. Tricks of the long distance runner. The BANGKOK BANGCOCK Another turning point in this course started in Bangkok Thailand, where I was sent to witness what I thought at the time was a freak of nature. In a secret theater on a back street,... a group of Pacific islanders gave an amazing performance. Five young women & One man of about 45 years of age, put on a live sex show that was an unforgettably dramatic and moving drama, of lust & desire !! The simple stage was set up like a jungle, complete with a small hut, from which the women emerged, then started to fight one another to mate with this man, who stood passive, arms folded, with bright face paint, & native grass adornments. What caught the eye was a huge bamboo penis holder, which stood upright in front of him. The wildest of the women was the first to reach him & remove the bamboo "jock strap" and a gasp went through the crowd of about 27 people,.. women & men all tourists. His penis was about as large as the bamboo & very erect !! Wild woman immediately grabbed hold of his broad shoulders and jumped up, to engulf the huge penis with her soaking vagina down to the root !! Mr. Amazing took them all in turn, while the other women, like starving nymphs, scrambled to touch, hold & suck any exposed part of his penis. This man satisfied them all, with amazing agility, exotic positions, & ravenous hunger, but more amazingly he ejaculated for each and every one of them, over a two & one half hour period, in which his erection grew larger & more rigid as the minutes passed. Needless to say, I had to know his secret. A secret he refused to reveal, even after days of coaxing, drinking, even offers of payment. Finally after 5 days, when I was about to give up & return home, he confessed that he held his secret tight because he feared that his livelihood would be threatened if I, or anyone went into competition with him. Well after solid assurances that his means of making a living would be safe, as we could arrange payment enough for him to make a down payment on his own drinking establishment,.. he agreed to reveal to me this secret that was taught to him by his sexual mentor, an older Chinese woman who called it an "Ancient art from the Golden era "!! We of course will share it with you now ! Internal control Remember that teen sex ? Those hot, steamy sessions when you could climax, retain erection, desire then climax again and again ? That ability was due to the young tone of your internal muscles, and an instinctual urge to hold in your ejaculate. Over the passing years, you slowly lost that ability because the muscles once used, but not exercised, were stretched out of shape. This chapter will teach you how to awaken those muscles and put them back in tone so, you once again can perform as you were meant to. You are three small internal exercises from a paradise of sensations, additionally you will gain control that will bring you more well-being & confidence than you could ever imagine !! No worries about having enough time or privacy to accomplish these simple exercises, for they can be done while driving, as well as while reading, watching movies ect. ect.. The three exercises are as follows; 1. Pulsating P.C. squeezes, two sessions a day. Do ten squeezes per set, and five sets per session. To start, do as many as you can easily do. Goal 100 per day or more. 2) Pulsating P.C. pushouts. These exercises are similar to what you are familiar with already, but the difference is they are pushouts instead of squeezes. When you attempt to push out the last few drops of urine, you are using the P.C. pushout muscles. As you bear down to use these muscles, the anus will also open. Do this a few times to get used to the feeling. If you have problems feeling these muscles move, wait until you urinate then use the muscles to force the flow out more forcefully, then you will be able to recognize the feeling next time. Do these next exercises in the same setup, as the above squeezing exercises. Build up on these exercises gradually, but move up each day, so you can reach the goal of 50 in a sitting and 100 per day within 30 days. 3. P.C. squeeze inhales, same as in the first P.C. squeeze however you will being doing it to a slow inhale, strongly squeezing during the entire inhalation of about 10 seconds. Goal; 20 twice daily. Again, start slowly but keep the goal of 20 in mind at the end of 30 days. The above exercises we know, seem to be a time consuming chore at this point & time, and the numbers seem astronomical. However, as you will soon see, they will reap wondrous rewards! A tip for you, is to do them mixed. For example; ( Squeeze, Pushout, Squeeze inhale). Regardless of how you choose to do them, you will find that they can be done fairly quickly while watching Television or during other activities. We would recommend that you do these exercises for about 8 days skipping a day between each session before you proceed to the section following, which will show you how to use the muscles in conjunction with climax & ejaculation control. 1__ day 2 __ dayz 3 __ dayz 4 __ dayz 5 __ dayz 6 __dayz 7 __ dayz 8 __ dayz SECTION 4 Multigasm (the one hour joyride) Ejaculation Control Before we begin, you have a decision to make. If you have a partner, you can practice these methods of control during sexual sessions with them. But know that they are more effectively learned by solo exploration. A compromise, is that you can alternate with solo & partner sessions. We will be using two basic methods of control here before we move on to the P.C. control. These exercises will serve you in learning to recognize the three zones of pleasure as you rise up the hill to climax, & then to stop the ride, before you reach the peak. Zone 1 lasts the longest & starts from the time you begin stimulation, to the time where it begins to feel really good prior to the ejaculation zone. Zone 2 lasts the second longest, & is characterized by that really good feeling we get, right before we peak into climax. Zone 3 is, as you've guessed, the time when we are ejaculating. The goal right now is to target the beginning phase of zone 2. Then with practice, to ride that zone all the way into the end and remain in control as we go over the peak. Eventually we will be able to stay in that delicious zone for as long as we desire. The beginning methods are as follows; 1. Halting stimulation. This simply means to halt the stroke & remain still until you once again feel in control. 2) Glans or (head) pinches of the penis. Gently but firmly pinching the head thumb on the top & two fingers on the bottom to (shrink) it by pushing some of the engorged blood back into the shaft. This will halt orgasm. However if you are too late, please don't try to use this as a method of keeping the semen in the penis, attempt a P.C. squeeze so you will have the fuel for another try. We will begin on the next page,........................................ After one of your external muscle exercise days, begin this new practice , try a few head pinches, notice how the head shrinks then re-inflates. Okay now, after about 30 minutes of slow, safe, stimulation, go for the 2nd zone, and when you first feel that good feeling, stop stimulation and pause until you once again have complete control. If by chance you lose control, squeeze the P.C. muscle as hard as you can, while holding your breath, & note how much fluid you were not able to retain. If too much was uncontrollably expelled, then you should step up your internal exercise reps. When the contractions are about over, resume stimulation. If your glans is too sensitive, stimulate the shaft & testicles only, for a while until you can once again without sensitivity, touch the head. If you are not able to retain your erection, don't worry, try again later, or wait until your next external muscle exercise day. If you can, retain your erection, Attempt to build yourself back up slowly to the 2nd zone, but if you cannot, don't despair, you are still learning & soon you will be able to accomplish it. If you are able to regain the 2nd zone, ride it teasingly for 2 seconds then try a head pinch once or twice until you have control. Again, if you go too far, utilize the P.C. squeeze then follow through again the slow stimulation of testicles & shaft only if the head is too sensitive, then Go again, if you are able & build to the 2nd zone, do the head squeeze again when you sense yourself losing control. When you know you have control again, start stimulation again, and if you carried through without having to P.C. squeeze until this point..., Go to the end of zone 2 then apply the P.C. squeeze with all your might, breath held, while halting stimulation, & when the contractions have stopped,... go back through the steps to try for another orgasm in which you will apply the P.C. squeeze, then quit for the day. Do this exercise after the external exercises for 2 weeks before you move onto the next step. Which is Zone Surfing,.. Zone 2 Surfing Again, after one of your weight exercises, go for a 30 minute or more manipulation. Enjoy yourself & take your time but stay clear of the 2nd zone. After the allotted time, go cautiously for zone 2. In zone 2 go for the center of the zone, then try a P.C. squeeze while you cease stimulation & notice if you return to zone 1 quickly. Go back for zone 2, this time in the middle try a P.C. inhale & open it up. Notice if this halts ejaculation or brings it on. If it brings it on, immediately squeeze the P.C. & retain as much fluid as you possibly can. The purpose of these exercises is to find you what method will work for you. Everyone responds to one or the other, some to both. Practice you're preferred method for 3 weeks, learning to ride zone 2 as far as you can before utilizing the control. If you can go to within a second before ejaculation and retain control, you will have made a big leap toward your ultimate goal, because that one second gap will allow you to have a "dry orgasm" in which a full climax is achieved without ejaculation. As always if you lose control then retain as much fluid as you can at least twice before you end your session. Next,.. Sail the Zone,.. Zone2 sailing "Look, ........... no hands !!" Okay, now. You have progressed far ! Now you can go to the final level, in control. In this level you will utilize the "no hands" technique of the "Masters !!" Begin as always after an exercise session. Zone one for at least 30 mins, then in the 2nd zone, sail as far as you can, jerking the skin to the head or whatever method you use for stimulation, until you feel yourself ready to explode, then p.c. squeeze or p.c. open , pause for a few seconds and jerk again to the apex, and repeat the cycle for as long as you can. Notice that you will be able to go further & further each day until one day you will sail around the world. The goal is to remain at the tip of the hill without falling over into descent. In the beginning, you will most likely go too far & have a short orgasm which will release some fluid, this is normal & as long as you remain P.C. closed, as your ejaculate, you can try again very soon. This is a great time to begin working your new found strength & control with your partner. Remember, the key to this "sailing" technique is to continue cautious stimulation, & try to remain at the peak. This is your exercise now,... and from now on,... after external muscle building or with your partner. However with your partner, at the end of your session, ejaculate & release some or all your fluid without control if you wish, but keep in mind that this will lower your sex drive more so than if you retain some fluid. With your partner, now you have two very powerful methods of control that you can utilize. Whether you want to have 3 or more orgasms, or you want to sail zone 2, or do both, it's all up to you friend. The power is yours, enjoy !! Now you're ready to learn the moves that will make you an unforgettable lover !! SECTION 5. Master strokes. (Moves to do the job.) THE MOTION OF THE OCEAN It's a hot summer night in 1972, and I'm in my neighborhood, an area of mostly Americans of African descent. My partners and I are attending a Saturday night basement party in which we have paid our 25-cent entry fee. Under a red light, in a humid room packed full of couples slow dancing to that famous love song group the "Delfonics", I have just made the girl I am dancing with, climax for the 3rd time in four songs just by my "moves" against her hot body. All of us teenagers are doing a very sexual dance that has been prevalent in the community since I can remember, and from what I understand, it originated in Africa Centuries ago. It was whispered about in hushed excitement whenever the older adults weren't around and was practiced as a form of safe sex for women & a means of getting the women "Hot" by the men. The then current name of this dance was the "Grind" & it's basically fully clothed 'Sex'. The essence of this dance is a secret as to why Black men hold a mystique around the world in the arena of sexual prowess. In my travels around the world, I have encountered many Women from many diverse cultures, who to my amazement were very curious about and eager to have sex with me. This is because of the stories that pass around from person to person about the sexuality of the Black man. Women pass the stories along about "Great Sexual Passion and Lust that melted their hearts and wills,".... Men on the other hand distort the stories bring it down to "Penis Size" which is a falsehood ! Oh, you thought it was our mythical third limb ? Are the stories about our Huge penis true ? No I say, & I can speak for more than just me,.. For I have lived in close quarters with thousands of Black men and men of all "races" from all over the globe while I served those many years in the Armed Forces, & I've been part of many a "long time no port Orgies" where up to 15 men, pay for up to 30 women, in a huge hotel room, and "go at it all night," ordering food and drink as we enjoy ourselves. So believe me when I tell you that Size doesn't run in "races". "So" some ask, " are you sure that it isn't Great oral sex that's your secret ?" No ! There's a long running joke in Black neighborhoods about the man who has to resort to " Eating that Putang"( oral sex ) to satisfy their women. Hmmm, what are the secrets that we hold dear like a winning hand of cards ? The origin starts in Africa & is set in motion by the Drum. The great secrets are "Movement, Positioning & Speed" & they can be learned No matter what your culture of origin is. To begin, you need to first remember that the first two inches of a woman's vagina holds most of her pleasure nerves. So the three very important African factors must come into play here ; 1) Speed; strokes should be at a speed where she can feel it. Most men make the mistake of pounding away at a furious pace. This is a waste of time in most cases unless it is done at the right time & I'll explain why. We have interviewed hundreds of women on this subject and with the exception of the very few who have been abused for so many years, their nerves have been numbed to the point of feeling only the most rough stimulation,................................................... For the vast majority of women, except for the few seconds right before she climaxes, the bang, bang, bang, style of love making ranges from painful, to just plain boring simply because feeling usually shuts down, as soon as he starts the pounding ! Please read this section carefully and remember it !! We cannot stress this subject enough. Skin carried sexual feeling to the brain 10 times more efficiently when it is stimulated at a slower rate. Take this test, Please,.. and you will learn a very important lesson that will move you miles ahead of most men on the road to being the lover that Women Crave. Next time you Begin' a session,... as soon as you achieve erection, place both non-lubricated hands on top of one another in fists, so there is a continual hole' that runs through both. Now push your penis through your fists roughly and fast all the way to the base at least 10 times as if you were 'fucking' someone. Feel the danger of tearing your skin ? Feel the pain as the fists bang into your family jewels, your balls'? Does this feel very Sexual' to you? Hate it? Unless of course you're deeply into Sado Masochism. That is exactly what women feel,...and more,..... keep in mind that our skin as men, is on the outside and is dry and tough in comparison . Women on the other hand, their organs are on the inside, wet and tender as a rose pedal. Doesn't take a genius to figure out the tearing, as well as the pounding of the reproductive organs (ovaries) that women can feel. Is the same as shaft tearing and ball pounding. Keep this in mind at all times when you enter them. Women want when you are in them to move lovingly & need to feel that skin on skin rubbing to start that fire. Women hate the wham bam' man. So whether you are having a short hot "Quickie" or a long passionate all niter, work with controlled passion' instead of aggressive banging. See the sex act as a race, in which you will pace yourself, starting slowly, then moving a little faster in the middle, then at the end go all out & win the race. A partial exception to this rule, is where the Female is already very hot, wet, & loose, and Burning passion must be quenched within a short period of time. However, read on to find out how to get the best results from this situation. 2. Angle of attack; In the vagina about 1-1/2 to 2 inches inside, the upper wall at from either 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock but normally at the 12 o'clock position lies the vaginal orgasmic trigger. To stimulate it, requires 1st the knowledge of its position, then the best angles of penile thrusting, to stimulate it. The favored position in the Afro American community is the ‘Doggy Style'. This position is fantastic for more reasons than any other. A. It rubs the head of the penis directly on the vaginal trigger when the man pulls almost all the way out on his stroke. B) It gives the man & woman a lot of control as to where they want to aim the strokes, and allows that circular movement that women most women interviewed, love. Circular movement is rotating the hips in a circle during the stroke, either from side to side or up & down or a combo of both. D. Ultimate deepness or shallow thrusting is all under control. All positions where the man is behind or to the side will afford you great angles of thrusting & more importantly for you, it will allow you to pace yourself to utilize your CLIMAX CONTROL TECHNIQUES. However Any position can be utilized & made to work for you if you keep the 1st 2 inches in mind while you do your stroking & Unless your mate is versed in the Female form of JOJIDO, you must remain the GUARDIAN of the thrust. A huge advantage of face to face intercourse is that eye to eye contact that you can have. This can be very important to some females as it gives a feeling of extra togetherness. Another plus for the face to face is the ability to easily kiss, a factor not to be taken lightly, especially at the moment of her climax. 3. length of stroke; The head of the penis was designed not only ease of penetration, & for our own stimulation but to drive the female crazy. Therefor your stroke should be designed to do exactly that !! Certain women have not learned to climax vaginally but with a new method you are about to learn, this will not be a factor and soon she should be able to make the connection and break that vaginal climax barrier. Use your strokes at first shallowly ! This serves two very important functions. 1. In the beginning the female needs to be opened slowly & tenderly like a flower opens to the sunlight in the dawn ! Too fast an opening will wilt the flower, so go slow and use the head of the penis to do what it was designed to do. What is called the "Sausage & Bun" or S.B. & is designed to bring climax to those clitoris climax only females. Use your penis head to rub along the length of the vagina up and down from the opening to the clitoris at a speed of about 2 seconds for the up & 2 down. This is best done from the back, or doggy position because you can, depending on the type of erection you have, do this hands free, but if you must use your hands, this is normal too. Do this for as long as you can, until she is begging you enter her, then push only the head in the opening, back out & in only the head, letting her feel the delicious feeling of the initial penetration over & over. Then repeat the S.B. pull out & slide the head up & down the outside up to her clitoris & repeat for a while, then return to the penetration, but this time go a little deeper but not past 2 inches. Stay in control no matter what she says, no matter how she begs, you must be the master of the session. She will thank you later Guaranteed !! Slowly increase your depth until you are all the way inside of her as if digging a hole a bit at a time, then when you reach all the way to the hilt, alternate shallow strokes with deep & S.B. & move to a slightly faster speed as you feel her excitement building. Don't forget your Climax control skills. When you feel her getting ready to explode, you can either, cease stimulation, & pause then stroke the fire back up to full flame, or give her that furious, but controlled circular thrusting. Note, that if you delay her gratification a few times, her climax will be of a GREATER FORCE !!. NEXT;....... THE MASTER STROKE ! THE ULTIMATE MASTER TECHNIQUE This last stimulation technique will make her feel your penis to the maximum when inside of her. This all important technique was learned from a man who made his living for 20 years as a Gentle Pimp. I say "gentle" because, he never had to resort to violence to keep his women happy and to stay with him. He utilized his lovemaking skills which had to be extraordinary when you consider he made love to women that had been working with their vaginas all day or night & were by the time he got to them,.. fairly Numb. This technique kept his women with him for year after year, very satisfied sexually. Though I do not condone his occupation, I must give him the credit he so justly deserves ! " Thank you Slim, this is dedicated to you. " This is a quite simple trick actually, but oh so effective. You see usually, as you thrust, the very flexible skin of the penis is usually gripped by the mouth of the vagina, thus the only stimulation the woman gets is from the head of the penis. This technique will change all that. As you're thrusting, hold your penis at the base with the thumb on top of the penis & two fingers on the bottom tube & push your fingers in towards the scrotum. This will swell the head shaft & veins of the whole organ if you push out & squeeze the PCs,... additionally it will hold the skin taunt over the shaft so the whole penis will slide in & out of her vagina,... increasing her stimulation by giving her the extra friction of all the skin & veins of the shaft going in & out,.. On top of which the ballooning effect of the penis head will drive her CRAZY !! Two drawbacks to having your hand in the way is it will shorten your thrusting length & stop you from using both hands from feeling her whole body as you make love to her. So we have developed a " HANDS FREE" way for you to accomplish this move. It is a simple device that can be worn the whole time, safely & with comfort. For more information e-mail us. At [email protected] CONGRADULATIONS !!!! You have completed a course that has turned you into a " World Class Lover !!" YOU have earned your Black Belt in JOJIDO !! Use your skills responsibly & please be careful of the life threatening Diseases that are running rampant out there ! If you know a Woman that you want to learn female version of this course, please E-mail us. Also if by chance you would like to order the Full penis exerciser or the Hands free device, you qualify for a 25% discount on any first time purchase of a product that we develop, including the upcoming "Supra Advanced " course., and the Female version. Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to help you !! We welcome you to the Zenno Jojido Society. Sincerely,... The World Wise people
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