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CVV Number ____________ Last 3 numbers on rear of card Overseas and UK - Orders can be placed securely online at Introducing The New Sexual Health Title From Knox Publishing Brentwood Contents F Acknowledgements p3 F Foreword p4—5 p6—7 F About the Author F Table of Contents p8—9 F The Sexplained Column Guide PART ONE What is Sexual Health? p12—15 F Working Definitions F Sex F Gender F Sexuality F Sexual Health F Sexual Rights F Stigma and Discrimination F Some Sobering Thoughts F Think Twice! The Basics of Infection p18—20 F Where do infections come from? F How does the body keep people safe from infection? F How infection occurs F The immune system Skin is Skin p21—28 F Eczema F Lichen Sclerosus (LS) / BXO F Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSC) F Lichen Planus (LP) F Psoriasis F Genital Psoriasis (GP) F Vitiligo F Alternative Treatments For The Common Skin Conditions — Psoriasis and Eczema F Generally Run Down? An Overview of Non-Sexually Acquired Infection (Non-SAI) Related Dyspareunia (Painful Sex) p31—33 F Dyspareunia in Women F Female Internal Sexual Pain F Dyspareunia in Men F Vulvodynia (Vulval Pain) F Vestibulodynia (Vulval Vestibular Pain) Vaginal Topics p38—51 F Cyclical Vaginal Discharge F Normal Vaginal Discharge F Abnormal Vaginal Discharge F Causes of Vaginal Discharge F Clinical Questions Asked Before Examination F Vaginal Dryness F Before Menopause F After Menopause F Reduced Libido (Sex Drive) F Pelvic Floor (Kegel) Exercises Common Willy Worries p52—56 F Penile Pearly Papules (PPPs) F Little White Spots F Erectile Dysfunction (ED) F Premature Ejaculation (PE) F Delayed (Retarded) Ejaculation F Retrograde Ejaculation F Overcoming Premature Ejaculation F The Squeeze Technique F Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence / Reduced Libido) Circumcision p60—61 F Male Circumcision F Female Circumcision (FGM) F Circumcision and HIV PART TWO Sexual Health Questionnaire p65—74 F Background Information F Sexual History F Risk Assessment Questions F Male and Female Anatomy F Symptom Describer PART THREE Sexual Conditions p75—314 F Balanitis (Men) F Bacterial Vaginosis / BV (Women) F Candidiasis — Genital Thrush F Chancroid F Chlamydia and LGV F Cystitis F Donovanosis F Epididymo-orchitis (Men) F Genital Warts and HPV F Gonorrhoea F GUDs F Hepatitis F Herpes F HIV and AIDS F Lice F Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV) F Molluscum F Mycoplasma Genitalium (MG) F Non Gonococcal Urethritis (NGU – NCNGU – NSU) F Pelvic Inflammatory Disease /(PID) F Prostatitis (Men) F SARA F Scabies F Syphilis F Tuberculosis (TB) F Trichomonas Vaginalis (TV) F Ureaplasma Urealyticum F (Bejel, Pinta and Yaws) PART FOUR Tests Used in Sexual Health Settings p315—329 F Cervical Smear Test F Colposcopy F Common Questions F Partner Notification PART FIVE Safer Sex and... p330—351 F High, Med, Low Risk Sex F Oral Sex F Condoms F Anal Sex F Gel Charging F Female Condom F Lubricants F Treatment as Prevention F Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) F Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) F Sexual Health and Pregnancy F Negotiation F Risk Reduction Techniques F Child Protection F Hormonal Contraception OVERVIEWS p352—361 F Overview of Contraception F Overview of Sexual Conditions PLUS 16 pages, containing 95 colour medical images Throughout this book, there are adapted extracts from The Sexplained Column first published in Better Health Magazine It stings to pee Solo sex leaves me sore Virile and veiny Changing positions For me size does matter... Painless bumps got me wondering Blown away by bumps on penis Barbados, West Indies, between 2001 and 2012 It burns whenever I go The Sexplained Column Topic Guide Honesty is the best policy The joys of being a woman! Picking pimple led to rash By the way... ‘Fractured’ penis has me puzzled Her health Having no luck getting pregnant Give me straight facts on the period Operation — less sex Pimply penis causing concern Need advice on how to last longer Women want circumcised penis Clitoris too long? OUCH!! No shield from infection Tests negative but redness still there Vagina smells fishy Wrinkles make ‘ugly’ erection Itching comes with ‘lumpy’ stuff Making love burns me up! Pearldrops dotted around my penis Got Shigella from a fella Bendy bits Worried sick Tell me more about playing with special toys Has the wife fooled me about our sex life? Are cold sores contagious during oral sex? Groin area dry and flaky Cure for itchy bottom Scared of Mum Shocking syndrome Tried picking bump, but it’s still there Penile pimples bothering me Can’t keep up with my 60+ stud What’s her secret? They told me I won’t be able to have a baby Puzzled about the state of prostate Vestibulodynia — the best kept secret?! Teen son falls short A question of safety Acne on my penis Having a hard time coping with herpes Should I have discharge checked? Infection after oral sex Foul, rotting smell from down below... Itchy Jock Want to know — Scared to go Worried I caught something from a hand job Insensitive comment offended us Need to shrink vagina Help — I can’t feel him inside me Boyfriend pushing me for anal sex Condoms make me itch Fun with food Dirty old dad More thrills with my sex toys Anal skin tag tickling me off Teased about my womanhood Doctor sent me away Freaky females Sex too often? Does sex really bring a couple closer together? What’s this about microbicides? Quotes “ I certainly found the material and your presentation of it intriguing and attention grabbing.” Retired Head Teacher “Just got back from work to find your wonderful book waiting for me. It’s is going to help me with all my sex ed talks etc. So excited to read it.” Sexual Health Nurse
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