cci welcomes potato market reform

20 April 2015
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia (CCI) Chief Executive Officer Deidre Willmott
today welcomed Premier Colin Barnett’s decision to scrap the Potato Marketing Corporation.
“A centralised authority that dictates who can grow potatoes, how many and what variety is an
anachronism in a modern economy and the CCI welcomes news the Potato Marketing Corporation will
be abolished,” Ms Willmott said
“The Government should follow this announcement by tackling other reforms that will make Western
Australia a more efficient and competitive economy, the issue of retail trading hours and taxi
deregulation should be next on the ‘to do list’.”
Contact: Byron Vale – 0468 988 911
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia
180 Hay Street, East Perth, Western Australia 6004 | P: (08) 9365 7555 | F: (08) 9365 7550 | E: [email protected]