Sexual harassment is a very serious issue, which has negative effect upon the employee on the receiving end of the behavior; therefore, never tolerate, laugh off or ignore sexual harassment at the University of South Carolina. Most harassers will continue to bother their victims as long as they think they can get away with it. _____ 1. Place the Harasser on Notice (If you do not feel comfortable with this step, move on to step #2). Tell your harasser that his or her behavior is unwelcome and offensive. Be specific. _____ Refuse. Clearly say "no" to requests for sexual favors and refuse sexual advances. _____ Write. Write your harasser a letter that details the harassment (dates, places, times events) in objective terms, state your reaction to their behavior, and then tell the person that you want the behavior to stop. _____ 2. Keep good records. Create a written record of the harassment; carefully document every incident, including the events, dates, times, witnesses, and your reaction. Save any communications. Keep copies in a safe place. _____ 3. Report the harassment to the University. Read the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy (EOP 1.03) and be sure to carefully follow the guidelines and grievance procedures. _____ Inform. Tell your supervisor and/or the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs that the harasser's behavior is offensive and unwelcome. If your supervisor is the harasser, report the behavior to his supervisor or to the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs. _____ Listen carefully. Do not investigate the matter, but do note if you have ever heard anyone else complain about the harasser’s behavior. If you have, report this to your supervisor or to the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs _____ Complain. If management or the University does not act to stop the harassment or if the harassment continues anyway, you may decide to file a complaint. If you do, contact the nearest Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEOC) for information and help. This is the federal agency that investigates sexual harassment claims. _____ Report. Once the harassment has been addressed, report any further incidents or retaliation to management or to the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs. University of South Carolina, Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (803) 777-3854
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