SUMMER 2015 JUNE/VOL 47 For more information about the Kids' College & Teen Program classes, please call the Lifeskills Education Advancement Program (LEAP) at 714.808.4909. Welcome to the Kids' College and Teen Program! Most classes are held at our three campus locations: Anaheim Campus, Cypress College, and the Wilshire Center (Fullerton). Occasionally classes are offered at other locations and those are identified in the location information for the class. Class enrollment is limited and is on a first come, first served basis. Classes may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Classes may be added after the schedule is printed, for the most-up-to-date listing log onto and check the Kids' College Schedule. Some classes require supplies; please check with the office for specific supply lists. Parents are responsible for their own children. Each child should be accompanied by an adult to the first class to verify classroom location and future drop off and pick up points. Please note: classes are dismissed 10 minutes earlier than the end time listed in the schedule to allow teachers and students time to prepare for their next class. The registration receipt will show the exact class end time. Parents/Legal Guardians please be prepared to show identification when registering your child or requesting information regarding your child. This will ensure the safety of your child and complies with the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please complete an emergency form for each child registering for the Kids' College and Teen Program so our records are up-to-date. Summer classes will begin on June 27, 2015. Please check individual classes for the actual start date. All SCE offices will be closed and there will be no classes held on July 3-5, 2015. Registration Information On-line registration begins June 10, 2015 and will continue until the day before the class starts. In-person registration will start June 11, 2013 and continue until the class fills or begins. Each child must obtain his or her own Student ID number before registering for class. First-time students can apply for a student identification (ID) number on-line on our Website at Your ID number will be emailed to you within two (2) business days - OR - apply for your student ID in person by coming into one of our campus locations. For faster service during peak registration periods, apply for your student ID before registration begins. Once you receive the ID, you have two (2) ways to register for classes: ON-LINE REGISTRATION VIA WEBSTAR - On-line registration users will be allowed to register for classes June 10, 2015. Log on to to register for classes. Click on WebStar and use your 8-digit ID for your login. Computers for on-line registration are available at each SCE registration. IN-PERSON REGISTRATION- You can register at any of our sites for any class, even if your class is not at that location. Si necesita este documento traducido al Español, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros al (714) 808-4909. 이 서류의 한국어 통역이 필요하시면 (714) 808-4909 로 연락바랍니다 Arts & Crafts PENCILS & PAINTBRUSHES (AGES 4-10) KIDS/415 An art class that will encourage your child’s imagination to soar! Designed to build selfesteem through individual expression while interacting creatively with other students. Children will learn basic drawing skills and fun techniques of watercolor painting. Instruction at age- and ability-appropriate levels. Each session explores different themes. Repeat students will experience more advanced levels of previous sessions. Pick up a minimal ART EXPERIENCES FOR CHILDREN (AGES 4-10) materials list at the first class meeting. KIDS/1670 Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 This class encourages small muscle development, independence, creativity and fun! The CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE "process not product" is emphasized. All artistic endeavors have merit. All artists are 80196 S/12p-1:30p SCECYP/117 TeGantvoort $60 unique. Each session has different materials. Please have children wear old clothes. No supplies needed. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80195 S/10:30a-12p SCECYP/117 TeGantvoort $60 DRAWING AND WATERCOLORS (AGES 5-8) KIDS/443 DRAW AND PAINT ANIMALS (AGES 5+) KIDS/980 Students will learn the basics of drawing and painting shapes, cartoons, landscapes, underwater scenes, animals, cars and use watercolors to enhance their projects. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 †Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 ‡Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81060 S/9a-10a AN/402A Struckman $55 80383* MTWThF/1p-2:30p CC/TE2-204 Struckman $65 80320† MTWThF/1p-2:30p WIL/215 Struckman $65 80369‡ MTWThF/1p-2:30p AN/404 Struckman $65 In this class, you will learn how to draw and paint different animals. You will be using watercolors, colored pencils, markers, crayons to capture textures of animals. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 †Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 ‡Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 °Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 +Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 #Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80308 S/11a-12p CC/TE2-204 Bae $55 81062* S/11a-12:30p AN/402A Struckman $65 81056† MTWThF/1p-2:30p AN/404 Struckman $65 DRAWING & SKETCHING (AGES 5-7) 81002‡ MTWThF/1p-2p CC/TE2-204 Bae $50 KIDS/903 81055° MTWThF/3p-4:30p WIL/215 Struckman $65 Designed to heighten your child's self-esteem through individual expression while interacting 81059+ MTWThF/3p-4:30p CC/TE2-204 Struckman $65 creatively with others. Basic drawing skills and the application of colors using colored pencils 80309# MTWThF/3:30p-4:30p WIL/215 Bae $50 and watercolors will be used. ANIME DRAWING (AGES 8+) Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 KIDS/1012 *Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 †Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 Learn how to draw unique anime fantasy characters and settings. Also learn how to pose ‡Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 and costume the characters. Fantasy characters will be created using colored pencils, °Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 markers and watercolors. CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 80005 S/10a-11a CC/TE2-204 Bae $55 *Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 81003* MTWThF/10a-11a SCECYP/118 Bae $50 †Dates: Jun 29-Jul 2 81061 S/10a-11a AN/402A Struckman $55 ‡Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 81001† MTWThF/12:30p-2p WIL/215 Bae $70 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80405‡ MTWThF/1p-2p WIL/215 Bae $50 81022 MTWThF/11a-12:30p SCECYP/118 Bae $70 81057° MTWThF/3p-4:30p AN/404 Struckman $65 80307* S/12:30p-2p CC/TE2-204 Bae $60 81020† MTWTh/1p-2:30p SCECYP/118 Bae $60 81021‡ MTWThF/2p-3:30p WIL/215 Bae $70 DRAW AND PAINT ANIMALS (AGES 8+) KIDS/1572 Students will learn how to draw and paint different animals as oil pastels, watercolors, colored pencils, markers and animals. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION 80400 S/2p-3p CC/TE2-204 DRAWING & SKETCHING (AGES 8+) KIDS/903A Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 CRN DAYS 80404 S/9a-10a 81008* MTWThF/3:30p-4:30p LOCATION CC/TE2-204 WIL/215 using various art materials such FASHION ILLUSTRATION I (AGES 12+) crayons to capture textures of KIDS/445 Calling all aspiring fashion illustrators. In this class you will complete a fashion figure with collars, blouses, skirts, pants, hats and accessories by the end of the course. Students will INSTR FEE learn how to draw proportional figures and faces, as well as gesture drawings. Fashion Bae $50 figures will be created using watercolors, colored pencils, markers, and pens. Special supplies required, pick up list in office. Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81006 MTWThF/1p-2:30p SCECYP/118 Bae $70 INSTR Bae Bae FEE $55 $50 STILL-LIFE ART WORKSHOP FOR TEENS AND ADULTS (AGES 15+) ARTC/190 This course will teach students how to draw and paint still-life in three different styles. Students will explore the artwork of three prominent artists: Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, and Wayne Thiebaud. This course is designed to teach various art techniques, CARTOON DRAWING (AGES 8+) art movements, painting styles, and to strengthen observation skills. Painting subjects KIDS/403 Introduces drawing/thinking techniques. Offers in-class drills and drawings with include: flowers, fruit and desserts. demonstrations and reviews; receive supplemental handout to help support a long-term Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE interest. Parents and adults may enroll. 81010 S/12:30p-2:30p AN/402B Carrillo $115 Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 *Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80346 MTWThF/10a-12p CC/GYM 2-205 Gagne $65 80016* S/10a-12p CC/GYM 2-205 Gagne $65 DRAWING AND PAINTING CARTOONS WITH WATERCOLORS (AGES 7+) KIDS/2295 Students will learn how to draw and paint a variety of different cartoon characters. This includes: dogs, cats, birds, sea creatures, people, animals and well-known cartoon characters. They will receive instruction on how to analyze cartoon characters using shapes. Other topics include: the color wheel, composition, horizon line, design, and placement. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81063 S/12:30p-1:30p AN/402A Struckman $55 81058* MTWThF/3p-4:30p AN/404 Struckman $65 Career Academies CAREER ACADEMY: COMPUTER NETWORKING (GRADES 7 - 12) KIDS/2600 NEW! Students will gain introductory knowledge of computer networking as a career. The class will include the basic concepts of computer networking, troubleshooting connectivity, building a computer networking cable, and using networking software. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 9 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81073 MTWTh/1p-5p CC/BUS-116 Staff $30 The Cypress College Career Academy is funded in part through the Orange County Department of Education Career Pathways grant. CAREER ACADEMY: COMPUTER FORENSICS (AGES GRADES 7 - 12) KIDS/2610 NEW! This course gives an overview of computer forensics, its real-world technique, information gathering potential, and analysis of evidence. The course also provides students with opportunities to learn about a wide variety of contemporary computer forensics applications. Dates: Jun 22-Jun 25 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81074 MTWTh/8:30a-1:30p CC/BUS-204 Staff $30 The Cypress College Career Academy is funded in part through the Orange County Department of Education Career Pathways grant. CAREER ACADEMY: VIDEO PRODUCTION AND EDITING (GRADES 9 - 12) KIDS/2615 NEW! This course introduces students to digital video production techniques including single camera operation, recording, and video editing. Course topics include the operation of camcorders, lighting, and sound & editing. Students will develop stories, film them, and edit them for screening. Cameras and computers will be provided for shooting and editing. Dates: Jun 22-Jun 26 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81075 MTWThF/12p-4p CC/FA-213 Staff $30 The Cypress College Career Academy is funded in part through the Orange County Department of Education Career Pathways grant. CAREER ACADEMY: DENTAL ASSISTING (GRADES 7-12) KIDS/2605 NEW! Students will gain introductory knowledge of dental assisting as a career. The class will include basic oral anatomy, infection control (handwashing, personal protective equipment), impression on manikins and basic instruments for dental procedure. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 9 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81072 MTWTh/9a-1p CC/TE3-302 Staff $30 The Cypress College Career Academy is funded in part through the Orange County Department of Education Career Pathways grant. Please bring pen/pencil and paper. Wear close-toed shoes; long hair needs to be put up in a pony tail. Latex gloves will be used. Please advise instructor if student has a latex allergy so accommodation can be made. Computers An Acceptable Use Policy Form is required. Parents may pick up a form at registration. Some classes may require a free Yahoo user account; the instructor will supply the information. It is required that students bring a USB Flash Drive - minimum 256 MB to all Kids' College Computer classes. COMMON CORE: PREPARATION FOR COMPUTER KEYBOARDING (GRADES 2 & 3) KIDS/2400 This course prepares students for the requirements of the Common Core standards. Beginning in 2015, students must be able to type multiple paragraph practical paragraphs as part of the Common Core implementation. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80377 S/9a-10a CC/TE2-209 Payne $60 COMPUTER KEYBOARDING I (AGES 8+) KIDS/900 COMMON CORE: PREPARATION FOR COMPUTER KEYBOARDING (GRADES 4 - 6) KIDS/2401 This course prepares students for the requirements of the Common Core standards. Beginning in 2015, students must be able to type multiple paragraph practical paragraphs as part of the Common Core implementation. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80378 S/11a-12p CC/TE2-209 Payne $60 Digital Arts DIGITAL ART FOR KIDS (GRADES 4-8) KIDS/1680 Learn easy techniques for creating digital art using the computer. The course will cover digital painting, drawing cartoons with basic shapes, and turning photographs into art. This class is a fun way for students to improve their concentration and technology skills for Smarter Balance testing. USBC flash drive required. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80126 S/10a-12p CC/TE2-211 Robinson $95 ADVENTURES IN WEB PAGE CREATIONS (GRADES 4-6) KIDS/1850 Hey kids! Have you ever wanted to create your very own cool website to share with friends and family? Here is your chance to build incredible drag-and-drop web pages using free hosting sites on the internet. You will learn how to add pictures, video, text, game widgets and lots more! Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80193 MTWThF/11a-1p AN/310 Robinson $95 DIGITAL CAMERA MAGIC (GRADES 4-9) KIDS/2063 In this hands-on digital camera class have fun learning to create amazing optical camera illusions. Discover techniques for operating camera exposure modes, composing shots, and enhancing images. Bring to every class meeting: a camera, the user¿s guide, the camera¿s USB connector cable, extra batteries, and a USB flash drive. Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80353 MTWThF/9a-11a AN/310 Robinson $95 Cooking MY FIRST COOKING CLASS (AGES 6-8) KIDS/2000 Students will make and serve yummy snacks, and learn how to use different ingredients while being safe in the kitchen. Students will learn about kitchen tools and safety. Students will learn how to use simple ingredients found in the kitchen. Students will learn how to make simple snacks that don't need to be cooked. Students will learn how to serve and clean up after snacks have been made. Dates: Jun 30-Aug 4 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81009 T/3p-4:30p WIL/207 Carrillo $75 Dance Multimedia software teaches your child the layout of the computer keyboard. Integrated music and puzzle activities make learning keyboard fun! Enrollment is limited! INTRODUCTION TO DANCE (AGES 3-4) Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 KIDS/500 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE Come and learn the fundamentals of movement and dance. This class incorporates many 81039 S/9a-10a CC/TE2-211 Robinson $65 styles of dance using a fun approach to learning through repetition, games and props. Students will develop self- confidence in a creative environment. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80222 S/10a-11a SCECYP/118 Staff $50 YOUTH BALLET (AGE 3-4) KIDS/510 This is a beginning class that incorporates basic ballet technique with fun motor skill exercises that focus on rhythm and strength building. Parents not allowed in the dance studio during class. The children will perform a dance learned throughout the session on the last day of class, during the fall, winter and spring sessions only. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 1 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80014 S/11a-12p CC/GYM 2-125 Weidman $50 YOUTH BALLET (AGES 5-7) KIDS/510A Beginning class that teaches basic ballet technique and coordination skills in a fun environment. There will be a performance on the last day of class during the fall, winter, and spring sessions only. Parents are not allowed in the dance studio during class. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 1 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80015 S/12p-1p CC/GYM 2-125 Weidman $50 YOUTH BALLET (AGES 8-10) KIDS/510B This is a beginning class that introduces the young dancer to the structure of a true classical ballet class. The students will do barre, center and across the floor work to help develop strength, coordination and balance. There will be a performance on the last day of class during the fall, winter, and spring sessions only. Parents are not allowed in the dance studio during class. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 1 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81019 S/1p-2p CC/GYM 2-125 Weidman $50 JAZZ HIP-HOP DANCE (AGES 5-6) KIDS/516 Jazz dance techniques with a hip hop flair, style and rhythm emphasized. Students will gain self-esteem and confidence in an upbeat atmosphere. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81124 S/12p-1p SCECYP/118 Staff $50 JAZZ HIP-HOP DANCE (AGES 7+) KIDS/516A Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS 80010 S/11a-12p LOCATION SCECYP/118 Gymnastics TINY TOTS TUMBLING (AGES 18M - 3YRS) KIDS/1330 This class will introduce your child to stretching, locomotor and basic gymnastic skills in a fun and safe environment. Parent/guardian participation required to assist the child through age appropriate progressive gymnastic instruction each week. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80083 S/8:30a-9:30a CC/GYM 2-123 Staff $55 MOMS, POPS & TOTS TUMBLING (AGES 3-5) KIDS/580 Moms and Dads - bring your child to class! Through basic gymnastic skills, your child will improve coordination and developmental skills. You need to be there to assist your child at all times. Come dressed to stretch, jump and run. You'll both have a great time (boys and girls). Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80067 S/9:30a-10:30a CC/GYM 2-123 Warner $55 GYMNASTICS - BEGINNING I (AGES 5.5-7) KIDS/575 Introduces basic gymnastic tumbling skills, safety and stretching. Bridges, tripods and, a variety of rolls and jumps will be some of the skills taught for boys and girls. Pick up instruction sheet at registration! Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80054 S/10:30a-11:30a CC/GYM 1-102 Warner $60 GYMNASTICS - BEGINNING I (AGES 8+) KIDS/576 Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS 80009 S/11:30a-12:30p LOCATION CC/GYM 1-102 INSTR Warner FEE $60 GYMNASTICS II (AGES 8+) KIDS/577 INSTR Staff FEE $50 Foreign Language ROCK 'N LEARN SPANISH (AGES 5-7) KIDS/108A This course is a fun way to learn beginning Spanish. Students with little or no previous Spanish will experience the thrill of learning a second language. Children will learn pronunciation, greetings, colors and other basic concepts through songs, games, dances and other activities. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Starts week of 6/29/2015, ends week of 8/3/2015 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80191 S/9a-10a CC/TE2-215 Islas $50 80155* T/10a-11a AN/132 Chavez $50 80341* M/4p-5p WIL/203 Chavez $50 A TOUCH OF SPANISH (AGES 8-12) KIDS/108B This class offers an introductory program that makes Spanish acquisition a natural, personalized, enjoyable and rewarding experience. Students will learn to read and write basic Spanish and will be introduced to speaking first level Spanish. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Starts week of 6/29/2015, ends week of 8/3/2015 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80192 S/10a-11a CC/TE2-215 Islas $50 80069* T/11a-12p AN/132 Chavez $50 80342* M/5p-6p WIL/203 Chavez $50 For continuing gymnasts; more advanced stretching and tumbling skills, including headstands, handstands, bridge kick-overs, cartwheels and tumbling combinations will be taught. Boys and girls are welcome. Must have instructor Permission. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81046 S/12:30p-1:30p CC/GYM 1 Warner $60 Martial Arts INTRODUCTION TO THE MARTIAL ARTS/PARENT & ME (AGES 4-7) KIDS/2015 Children will be introduced to basic martial arts skills and exercises with an emphasis on class discussion and participation. This practice improves basic coordination, balance and confidence. Martial Arts is a process that develops self-discipline, respect for others and builds character. Watch your child grow while learning skills that last a lifetime. Parents are encouraged to participate in certain elements during class. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jun 30-Aug 4 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80190 S/11:30a-12:30p CC/GYM 2-123 Kalar $50 81033* T/6:30p-7:30p CC/GYM 2-123 Kalar $50 JUDO/JUJITSU FOR KIDS (AGES 6-13) KIDS/654 This program is designed for children, with a focus on improving coordination, quick reflexes, stamina, speed, strength and sportsmanship. The three main categories of Judo are taught, which include throwing techniques, striking techniques, and grappling techniques on the mat. Techniques for free practice are used, and children may participate in competition. Dates: Jun 29-Aug 5 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80026 MW/5:30p-6:30p WIL/204 Firestone $60 KUNG FU FOR KIDS (AGES 7-17) KIDS/655 COMPREHENSIVE PRE-ALGEBRA (GRADES 6+) KIDS/236 Children learn ancient Chinese self-defense techniques and forms through detailed stepby-step instruction. While working together, kids develop confidence, self-discipline and teamwork. The practice of Kung Fu forms improves balance, memory and self-control. Join us and learn one of the oldest traditional martial arts in existence today. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jun 29-Aug 3 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80011 S/12:30p-2p CC/GYM 2-123 Kalar $55 81032* M/6p-7:30p CC/GYM 2-123 Kalar $55 This course reinforces the school curriculum using strong algebra skills. Topics include: whole numbers, decimals, integers and their operations, algebraic and numerical expressions, order of operations, powers and exponents, rational numbers, GCF, LCM, solving equations and inequalities, ratio, proportions and percent, finding the area and volume, square roots and Pythagorean theorem. Materials provided. Homework assignments. Dates: Jul 20-Jul 31 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80368 MTWThF/9a-10:30a AN/TBA Staff $135 ALGEBRA (GRADES 7+) KIDS/217 Math Learn how to solve equations, multiplying polynomials, work word problems, graph functions, solve inequalities without stress. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 15 DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE Students will review counting to 100, learn and practice basic math skills including addition CRN S/10a-11:30a SCECYP/103 McLaughlin $75 and subtraction. Also included are time and fractions. Students will learn to use reasoning 80017 when solving problems. Dates: Jul 1-Aug 5 ALGEBRA II (GRADES 8+) *Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 KIDS/227 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE Topics include Rational Algebraic Expressions, Quadratic Equations, Radicals, Function 80024 W/9a-10a AN/117 Matrisch $50 Notation, Composite, Inverse and Even Functions, Distance Formula, Midpoints, and 80247* MTWThF/1p-2p WIL/218 Strauss $50 Transformations. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 15 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE MASTER MATH: 2ND GRADE 80209 S/11:30a-1p SCECYP/103 McLaughlin $75 KIDS/240 MASTER MATH - 1ST GRADE KIDS/239 "Ah-ha" moments will be recorded in a math journal. The focus of this course is to support students in second grade math and enhance accurate calculating skills. There will be group useof whiteboard work and access to math websites. Dates: Jul 1-Aug 5 *Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80100 W/10a-11a AN/117 Matrisch $50 80248* MTWThF/2p-3p WIL/218 Strauss $50 MASTER MATH: 3RD GRADE KIDS/241 "Ah-ha" moments will be recorded in a math journal. Focus will be on supporting students in third grade math and on enhancing calculating skills. There will be group whiteboard work and use of math websites. Dates: Jul 1-Aug 5 *Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80101 W/11a-12p AN/117 Matrisch $50 80249* MTWThF/3p-4p WIL/218 Strauss $50 MASTER MATH - 4TH GRADE KIDS/242 Students will learn and practice basic math skills in fun and enriching sessions. Includes adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, as well as using graphs and charts, place values, test prep, fractions and word problems. Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80250 MTWThF/1p-2p WIL/218 Strauss $50 PRE-ALGEBRA CONCEPTS (GRADES 6) KIDS/202 Increase your skills in pre-algebra and acquaint yourself fractions, decimals, integers and solving equations. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 15 *Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 CRN DAYS LOCATION 80367 S/9a-10a SCECYP/103 80001* MTWThF/2p-3p CC/TE3-316 with calculating activities. Also INSTR McLaughlin Richardson FEE $50 $50 PRE-CALCULUS (GRADES 10+) KIDS/1150 This course is designed for preparation into Calculus. Topics range from relations and functions, linear and quadratic functions, polynomials, rational functions, radicals and roots, exponentials and logarithms, conic sections, systems of equations, and sequences/series. Dates: Jun 30-Aug 6 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80189 TTh/4p-5p SCECYP/103 Emperado $90 CALCULUS I (GRADES 10+) KIDS/1155 This course is the first of a three part series of Calculus that is designed as a quick review of the Pre-Calculus functions. Topics covered will include understanding of properties of limits, techniques of finding limits, asymptote, continuity and one-sided limits, and infinite limits. These skills are an excellent preparation for the AP Calculus exam given in May. Dates: Jun 30-Aug 6 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80344 TTh/5p-6p SCECYP/103 Emperado $90 High School Test Preparation SAT/ACT PREP - MATH KIDS/1300 NEW! This course is designed for students taking the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) for College Admission purposes. The focus in this course includes review with Numbers/Operations and Algebra/Functions, Geometry, Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR 81131 S/10a-12p WIL/215 Jones Math Tutorials Math tutorials are limited to eight students. TUTORIAL: MATH MANIA (GRADES 1-2) KIDS/211 Students will review and enhance basic math skills such as, addition, subtraction, fractions, place value, money and telling time according to their grade level. Students will use games, worksheets and story problems to enrich their skills. Limited to 8 students. Starts week of 7/6/2015, ends week of 8/3/2015 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80332 S/12p-1p AN/136 Larsen $60 80030 T/3:30p-4:30p CC/TE2-223 Jones $60 TUTORIAL: MATH MANIA (GRADES 3-4) KIDS/211A Students will review and enhance basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, charts and graphs, and telling time according to their grade level. Students will use games, worksheets and story problems to enrich their skills. Limited to 8 students. Dates: Jul 9-Aug 6 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80031 Th/4:30p-5:30p CC/TE2-223 Jones $60 TUTORIAL: MATH SKILLS (GRADES 5-6) KIDS/222 This course reinforces school curriculum using strong math skills. Large multiplication, division, integers (addition subtraction of positive and negative integers), exponents, decimals, fractions, percents (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), order of operation and simple variables and equations. Educational materials provided. Class limited to 8 students. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 *Dates: Jul 8-Aug 5 TUTORIAL: MATH BLAST - 1ST GRADE REVIEW CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE KIDS/3020 MTWThF/1p-2p SCECYP/103 McLaughlin $65 Does your student need a blast forward for Math success? This course provides 80216 W/4:30p-5:30p AN/136 McLaughlin $65 preparation for 2nd Grade Math by reviewing and practicing the key concepts from the 1st 80020* Grade California Math Standards. Dates: Jul 6-Aug 3 TUTORIAL: PRE-ALGEBRA (GRADES 6+) CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE KIDS/224 80212 M/9a-10a AN/117 Matrisch $60 This class will prepare the student for Algebra. Topics include: Order of operation, integers, rational numbers, GCF, LCM, exponents, fractions, decimals, variables, simple one or two TUTORIAL: MATH BLAST - 2ND GRADE REVIEW step equations, and functions. Educational materials provided. Class limited to 8 students. KIDS/3021 Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 Does your student need a blast forward for Math success? This course provides *Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 preparation for 3rd Grade Math by reviewing and practicing the key concepts from the 2nd †Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 Grade California Math Standards. ‡Dates: Jul 8-Aug 5 Dates: Jul 6-Aug 3 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80061 MTWThF/9a-10a AN/120 Richardson $65 80213 M/10a-11a AN/117 Matrisch $60 80070* MTWThF/2p-3p SCECYP/103 McLaughlin $65 80204 M/4p-5p CC/TE2-223 Jones $60 81048† MTWThF/3p-4p WIL/218 Strauss $65 80158‡ W/5:30p-6:30p AN/136 McLaughlin $65 TUTORIAL: MATH BLAST - 3RD GRADE REVIEW KIDS/3022 Does your student need a blast forward for Math success? This course provides preparation for 4th Grade Math by reviewing and practicing the key concepts from the 3rd Grade California Math Standards. Dates: Jul 6-Aug 3 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80205 M/5p-6p CC/TE2-223 Jones $60 TUTORIAL: MATH BLAST - 4TH GRADE REVIEW KIDS/3023 TUTORIAL: ALGEBRA 1A - BASICS (GRADE 6+) KIDS/2103 Algebra basics will include topics such as expressions, signed numbers, reciprocals, equations, removing group symbols, adding like terms, inequalities, and absolute values. Class is limited to 8 students. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81050 S/1p-2:30p WIL/203 Emperado $75 Does your student need a blast forward for Math success? This course provides preparation for 5th Grade Math by reviewing and practicing the key concepts from the 4th Grade California Math Standards. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80206 S/11a-12p CC/TE2-219 Richardson $60 80318* MTWThF/1p-2p AN/602 Trousdale $60 TUTORIAL: ALGEBRA 1B - EXPONENTS AND POLYNOMIALS (GRADE 7+) KIDS/2105 TUTORIAL: MATH BLAST - 5TH GRADE REVIEW KIDS/3024 TUTORIAL: ALGEBRA 1 (GRADES 7+) KIDS/226 Does your student need a blast forward for Math success? This course provides preparation for 6th Grade Math by reviewing and practicing the key concepts from the 5th Grade California Math Standards. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 †Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80207 S/12p-1p CC/TE2-219 Richardson $60 81047* MTWThF/2p-3p WIL/216 Staff $60 80319† MTWThF/2p-3p AN/602 Trousdale $60 TUTORIAL: MATH BLAST - 6TH GRADE REVIEW KIDS/3025 Does your student need a blast forward for Math success? This course provides preparation for 7th Grade Math by reviewing and practicing the key concepts from the 6th Grade California Math Standards. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80208 S/1p-2p CC/TE2-219 Richardson $60 Second course in Algebra deals with exponents, common factors, binomials, trinomials, and difference of squares. Class is limited to 8 students. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81049 S/2:30p-4p WIL/203 Emperado $75 This course is designed to enhance equation solving skills. It will also cover integers, rational numbers, square roots, fractions, decimals, percent, and solving equations with variables on both sides. Educational materials provided. Class limited to 8 students. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 *Dates: Jul 8-Aug 5 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80062 MTWThF/10a-11a SCECYP/103 McLaughlin $65 80021* W/6:30p-7:30p AN/136 McLaughlin $65 TUTORIAL: GEOMETRY - BASICS OF GEOMETRY (GRADES 7+) KIDS/1265 Geometry-Part I includes basic concepts such as points, lines, planes, and angles. A significant part of the course deals with logic and reasoning, which is an important foundation in constructing proofs. Students will also learn about congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, and inequalities. Class is limited to 8 students. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80076 S/8a-9a AN/116 Emperado $65 TUTORIAL: GEOMETRY II - REASONING AND PROOF (GRADES 7+) KIDS/1702 The Geometry II is about logic, reasoning, and developing proofs. Students will learn to structure two-column proofs and prove segment/angle relationships. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80123 S/9a-10a AN/116 Emperado $65 PIANO KEYBOARDING - BEGINNING I (AGES 7+) KIDS/368 TUTORIAL: ALGEBRA 2 (GRADES 8+) KIDS/244 Students will learn the basics of the keyboard and music theory. Students: bring your own keyboard (40-key minimum) every week. A recital will be held on the last day. Books will be This course is designed to further strengthen and develop a student's Algebra skills. It will suggested to buy at first class. quickly review basic Algebra knowledge, and subsequently delve into more complex Algebra Dates: Jul 2-Aug 6 materials, such as: 2nd and 3rd degree polynomials, radicals, exponents, logarithms, CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE intermediate geometry, and analyzing and graphing various functions. 80299 Th/4p-5p SCECYP/107 Earl $60 Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80074 MTWThF/11a-12p SCECYP/103 McLaughlin $65 PIANO KEYBOARDING - BEGINNING II (AGES 7+) KIDS/376 TUTORIAL: ALGEBRA 2 - CONIC SECTIONS (GRADES 8+) KIDS/1725 For students who have completed Beginning I; pick up book list at registration. Dates: Jul 2-Aug 6 This section of Algebra II covers the conic sections (parabolas, circles, ellipses, and CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR hyperbolas). Students will learn how to use the quadratic formula and complete the 80351 Th/5p-6p SCECYP/107 Earl square. Class is limited to 8 students. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80125 S/11a-12p AN/116 Emperado $65 GUITAR FOR KIDS - BEGINNING (AGES 6-8) FEE $60 KIDS/370 This course focuses on solving systems of equations with various methods. Topics include elimination/substitution method, matrix operations/properties, and finding determinants. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80124 S/10a-11a AN/116 Emperado $65 Learn to play the guitar in a fun way! Play simple chords, read chord bar charts, and strumming patterns. Bring your nylon-string or acoustic steel-string guitar and medium guitar pick to class. Parents, please accompany children to class. Starts week of 7/13/2015, ends week of 8/17/2015 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80120 W/10a-11a AN/402B Austin $60 80119 S/10a-11a CC/TE2-201 Austin $60 TUTORIAL: ALGEBRA 2 - SEQUENCES AND SERIES (GRADE 8+) KIDS/2025 GUITAR FOR KIDS - BEGINNING (AGES 9+) KIDS/370A TUTORIAL: ALGEBRA 2 - MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS (GRADES 8+) KIDS/1727 This course will emphasize arithmetic and geometric sequences in depth. Topics include finding patterns, writing sequences in generalized form, finding partial sums, and introducing mathematical induction. Students should have completed Algebra I prior to enrolling in this class. Dates: Jul 9-Aug 6 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80345 Th/6p-7p SCECYP/103 Emperado $65 Starts week of 7/13/2015, ends week of 8/17/2015 CRN DAYS LOCATION 80116 S/11a-12p CC/TE2-201 80088 W/11a-12p AN/402B INSTR Austin Austin FEE $60 $60 BEGINNING GROUP GUITAR 1 (AGES 10-13) KIDS/1481 Students will learn the basics of rhythm, note reading, tablature reading and some chords. Technical exercises will be introduced to help develop control of the instrument. Students should bring an Acoustic Guitar (nylon string preferred) to class each week. Class size The course is to introduce and study the properties of trigonometric functions. Students will limited to eight students. Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book I. learn the fundamental laws that govern relationships between sides and angles of triangles, Dates: Jun 29-Aug 3 DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE various techniques in taking measurements of triangles, graphing trigonometric functions, CRN 80199 M/5:30p-6:30p AN/134 Stallings $60 and using identities in preparation for Calculus. TUTORIAL: TRIGONOMETRY (GRADES 9+) KIDS/1145 Dates: Jul 7-Aug 6 CRN DAYS 80072 TTh/3p-4p LOCATION SCECYP/103 INSTR Emperado FEE $90 Music For all music classes, students are required to bring their own musical instrument to class. VOCAL FOR KIDS (AGES 7-10) KIDS/325 This class is designed to help children develop good ear- training to sing in groups or solos. It will help build confidence as well as strengthen their individual style. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80064 S/9a-10a CC/TE2-110 Mattoon $60 VOCAL FOR KIDS (AGES 11+) KIDS/326 This class is designed to help children develop good ear- training to sing in groups or solos. It will help build confidence as well as strengthen their individual style. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80065 S/10a-11a CC/TE2-110 Mattoon $60 PLAYING THE CELLO - BEGINNER I (AGES 7+) KIDS/375 Learn to play the cello! Develop good technique, musicality, and have fun at the same time. Develop self-confidence, good listening and motor skills, memory, and concentration. Prior playing experience is not required. Teacher will assist with instrument rental. Class is limited to 6 students. Dates: Jul 2-Aug 6 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80022 Th/5:30p-6:30p AN/134 DeFazio $85 PLAYING THE CELLO - BEGINNER II (AGES 7+) KIDS/375A Prerequisite: Must have completed Beginner I or have instructor's approval. Learn to play and read simple one position songs. Chamber music for Cello ensemble. Dates: Jul 2-Aug 6 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80027 Th/6:30p-7:30p AN/134 DeFazio $85 PLAYING THE CELLO - INTERMEDIATE I KIDS/383 Learn higher level of sound productions and 1st through 4th positions. Chamber music for Cello ensemble. Dates: Jul 2-Aug 6 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80036 Th/7:30p-8:30p AN/134 DeFazio $85 PLAYING THE CELLO - INTERMEDIATE II KIDS/384 Learn higher level of sound and bow techniques including vibratos. Chamber music for cello ensemble. Dates: Jul 2-Aug 6 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80039 Th/8:30p-9:30p AN/134 DeFazio $85 Violin - Suzuki Method The Suzuki method requires parents to learn and play Violin with their child. Violins are not needed for the first class meeting; rental information will be available in class. A new parent orientation will be held the first class meeting that covers how to create a successful practice environment at home and in the classroom. Parents bring your questions. Personal Enrichment PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR CHILDREN (AGES 8-12) KIDS/1515 Learn the skills to confidently present a book report or a speech in front of class. Gain the skills to plan, write and give a book report or a planned speech. Learn tips to combat stage fright, project your voice, and be comfortable in front of a group. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80160 S/10a-11a SCECYP/107 Earl $60 PLEASE PASS THE MANNERS (AGES 5-7) KIDS/150 This class will cover the basics of introductions, as well as how to handle silverware, napkins and the ABC's of table manners. Dates: Jun 29-Jul 2 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE VIOLIN I (AGES 4+) 81041 MTWTh/9a-10a SCECYP/104 Wantland $40 KIDS/351 MTWTh/1p-1:45p WIL/216 Wantland $40 Learn the violin using the successful Suzuki method. Develop your child's concentration, 80361 motor skills, memory powers and self-confidence. Students learn to play easily and musically. Class is limited to 6 students. Beginners: Pick up handout at registration. NOTE: DINING AND PARTY ETIQUETTE (AGES 8-12) Parents are required to learn and play along with their child! KIDS/1190 Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 This fun and informative class provides an overview of good manners and leadership skills. CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE Students will learn social courtesies, introductions, dining and party etiquette. 80304 S/11a-11:45a SCECYP/107 Chan $75 Dates: Jun 29-Jul 2 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80082 MTWTh/10a-11a SCECYP/104 Wantland $40 VIOLIN II & III 80122 MTWTh/2p-3p WIL/216 Wantland $40 KIDS/2450 This course continues to build violin skills for Violin I students. Students will continue to build finger strength, fingering agility, placement and coordination of note delivery and TEEN ETIQUETTE (AGES 13-17) playing songs that are appropriate for these levels of skill. KIDS/1200 Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 This class will provide a foundation of good manners and leadership skills. Topics include: CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE introductions and handshaking, dining skills, thank you notes, getting up in front of a group 81018 S/11:45a-12:30p SCECYP/107 Chan $75 and listening skills Dates: Jun 29-Jul 2 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80296 MTWTh/11a-12p SCECYP/104 Wantland $40 80121 MTWTh/3p-4p WIL/216 Wantland $40 Band Classes BEGINNING BAND INSTRUMENTS (GRADES 5-8) KIDS/1615 Beginning Instruments class is open to anyone wanting to learn to play a wind or percussion instrument. No experience necessary. Learn proper care, sound production and music reading. A concert will be presented on the last day of class. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 24 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81084 MTWTh/9a-10a Brookhurst Jr. High Kraus $75 School LEARN TO SEW FOR FUN (GRADES 8-12) KIDS/1955 Learn to make your own clothes! Topics to be covered are pattern and fabric selection, basic sewing machine skills and clothing construction techniques. No sewing skills are required. Call the office for a list of needed supplies. Dates: Jul 11-Jul 25 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80317 S/8a-12p AN/402B Carrillo $100 SUMMER BAND (GRADES 5-8) KIDS/377 This course is open to those students who already play a band instrument and read music. This class is perfect for students wanting to have fun while practicing their instrument over the summer in preparation for the next school year. Bring instrument to class or receive information about rental in class. A concert will be presented on the last day of class. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 24 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81085 MTWTh/10a-11a Brookhurst Jr. High Kraus $75 School JAZZ IMPROVISATION (GRADES 5-8) KIDS/378 This class is for young musicians who want to explore the exciting world of jazz improvisation. You will learn music theory and skills needed to improvise on the blues and 32 bar song form. Students must read music and have one year experience on a band instrument. A concert will be presented on the last day of class. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 24 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81086 MTWTh/11a-12p Brookhurst Jr. High Kraus $75 School Reading and Writing KINDERGARTEN READINESS AND REVIEW (AGES 4-6) KIDS/101 For children entering kindergarten within the next year or students needing review of current kindergarten skills. Have your child be at the top of his class and join us for fun and learning. Children will be exposed to math, reading readiness and other school experiences. Each session uses different work. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 *Dates: Jun 29-Jul 2 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80004 S/9a-10:30a SCECYP/117 TeGantvoort $60 80202* MTWTh/1:30p-3:30p AN/602 Zapata $65 BASIC READING SKILLS (AGES 4-5) KIDS/1335 READING COMPREHENSION BASED ON THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS (COMPLETION OF GRADES 1 OR 2) This class focuses on developing your child's ability to rhyme and blend sounds in words to KIDS/2195 become better readers and spellers. We will use "phonemic awareness" techniques that allow children to practice manipulating sounds in words thru fun songs and activities. A student assessment and parent packet will be given. Each term has different activities. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80237 S/9a-10a AN/136 Larsen $50 81052* MTWThF/1p-2p WIL/219 Moran $50 BASIC PHONICS (AGES 5-6) KIDS/118 For the young reader needing help in phonics. Children will be encouraged to be creative using sounds and simple writing and reading drills. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jul 2-Aug 6 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80034 S/10a-11a CC/TE2-223 Jones $50 80350* Th/3:30p-4:30p CC/TE2-223 Jones $50 PHONICS AND PRINTING (AGES 5-6) KIDS/234 This hands-on course introduces proper letter formation and develops student's ability to sound out words. Through fun games and printing activities students become better printers and spellers. Students will also learn beginning sentence writing. Each term has different activities. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 †Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 ‡Dates: Jun 30-Aug 4 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80055 S/10a-11a AN/136 Larsen $50 80310* MTWThF/11a-12p CC/TE3-316 Giroux $50 81053† MTWThF/2p-3p WIL/219 Moran $50 81051‡ T/5p-6p AN/116 Giroux $50 FUN WITH PHONICS (GRADES 1-2) KIDS/115 For children just learning to read or having difficulty reading. Sounds are taught in a fun but learning atmosphere through stories and writing. Dates: Jul 2-Aug 13 *Dates: Jun 29-Aug 3 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80102 Th/2p-3p AN/117 Matrisch $50 80002* M/3p-4p CC/TE2-223 Jones $50 SPELLING AND WRITING ENRICHMENT (AGES 6-8) KIDS/1185 If your child has a foundation in basic phonics, then this is the class for him. This class will take students to the next level of spelling words and better writing habits. Students will learn to read and spell words through various spelling patterns. This class will develop skills in writing correct sentences and paragraphs. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 *Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 †Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 ‡Dates: Jun 30-Aug 4 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80311 MTWThF/10a-11a CC/TE3-316 Giroux $50 80068* S/11a-12p AN/136 Larsen $50 81054† MTWThF/3p-4p WIL/219 Moran $50 80333‡ T/6p-7p AN/116 Giroux $50 CREATIVE WRITING (GRADES 1-2) KIDS/139 Students will use their imaginations to write short stories. Emphasis is on the creative expression of ideas. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80246 S/10:30a-11:30a WIL/216 Kuruppu $50 80104* MTWThF/1p-2p WIL/218 Strauss $50 Come experience reading in a fun way using new reading comprehension skills. This class is for struggling readers and also those who already love to read. These lessons are based on the new Common Core Standards for students who have finished grades 1 and 2. Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 *Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80315 MTWThF/10a-12p AN/610 Zapata $65 80314* MTWThF/1p-3p SCECYP/117 Zapata $65 CREATIVE WRITING (GRADES 3-6) KIDS/138 Students will work from "The Writer's Toolbox", engaging in creative writing games and exercises for inspiring the "write" side of their brains. The toolbox includes: cue cards, four spinners, specialized learning sticks and more. Great emphasis will be placed on creativity, grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary skills, hosted in a fun and relaxed learning environment. Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 *Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80038 MTWThF/12p-1p CC/TE3-316 Trousdale $50 80105* MTWThF/2p-3p WIL/218 Strauss $50 COMMON CORE: ONLINE READING AND WRITING PREP (GRADES 3-4) KIDS/2403 This course prepares students for the Common Core English Language Assessment. Reading comprehension and writing can be challenging, especially with the tasks being transitioned to an online format. Students learn to read and write more effectively using computer skills needed to be ready for the 2015 implementation of Common Core Testing in California. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80375 S/10a-11a CC/TE2-209 Payne $55 READING & COMPREHENSION (GRADES 3-4) KIDS/117A Students will enhance their reading comprehension, learn to read more effectively, and improve interpretation and vocabulary skills. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80075 S/9a-10a CC/TE2-223 Jones $50 81027 S/10a-11a WIL/217 Lomheim $50 80028 S/10a-11a AN/110 Harrell $50 COMMON CORE: ONLINE READING AND WRITING PREP (GRADES 5-6) KIDS/2404 This course prepares students for the Common Core English Language Assessment. Reading comprehension and writing can be challenging, especially with the tasks being transitioned to an online format. Students learn to read and write more effectively using computer skills needed to be ready for the 2015 implementation of Common Core Testing in California. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80376 S/12p-1p CC/TE2-209 Payne $55 READING & COMPREHENSION (GRADES 5-6) KIDS/151 Dates: Jun 30-Aug 4 *Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 †Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 CRN DAYS 80215 T/11a-12p 80347* S/1p-2p 80356† MTWThF/3p-4p LOCATION AN/117 AN/110 WIL/218 INSTR Matrisch Harrell Strauss FEE $50 $50 $50 WRITING BETTER REPORTS (GRADES 3-6) KIDS/124 Learn to select important material, organize your thoughts, rewrite creatively in your own words in order to write good papers and reports. Face your fears and feel confident through preparation to give oral reports with visual aids. Class size is limited. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80352 S/9a-10a CC/TE2-219 Staff $50 81028 S/11a-12p WIL/217 Lomheim $50 80095 S/11a-12p AN/110 Harrell $50 WRITING FROM A TO Z (GRADES 4-6) KIDS/1260 TUTORIAL: READING AND COMPREHENSION (GRADES 3-4) KIDS/117 Course will provide individual assessments at the beginning and focus on strengthening writing skills through the use of adjectives, adverbs, and introductory adverbial phrases. Paragraph writing skills are developed as well as expository and narrative writing skills. Class size limited. Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 *Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 †Dates: Jul 2-Aug 13 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80078 MTWThF/1p-2:30p CC/TE3-316 Trousdale $65 80115* MTWThF/1p-2:30p AN/602 Trousdale $65 80079† Th/3p-4p AN/117 Matrisch $65 Students will learn to read more effectively, enhance their reading comprehension, interpretation and vocabulary skills. Dates: Jul 7-Aug 4 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80214 T/9a-10a AN/117 Matrisch $60 HOW TO STUDY, TAKE TESTS AND ORGANIZE YOURSELF (GRADES 3-6) KIDS/130 Children will learn about their individual learning styles, modalities, and the ways in which they organize themselves. They will gain confidence as they learn new study, testing, and self-organizing techniques for both in and out of the school setting. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 *Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80003 S/11a-12p CC/TE2-223 Jones $50 81029 S/12p-1p WIL/217 Lomheim $50 80348 S/12p-1p AN/110 Harrell $50 80106* MTWThF/2p-3p WIL/218 Strauss $50 MEMORY POWER FOR KIDS (GRADES 3-6) KIDS/126 Help your child be more productive and open new doors to learning - they will receive many different opportunities to increase the capability to remember. You'll see grades go up and self-confidence will grow too. Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80210 MTWThF/1p-2p WIL/218 Strauss $50 GRAMMAR RULES! (GRADES 3-5) KIDS/1065 This class will review parts of speech, punctuation, and capitalization. A strong foundation in grammar enhances a student's ability to write and speak effectively. Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80316 MTWThF/3p-4p WIL/218 Strauss $50 WRITING WORKSHOP (GRADES 7+) KIDS/947 This writing workshop will expose students to a wide range of writing styles, familiarize students with the writing process, and enhance both the reading and writing skills of the student. Students will share their work and critique each other in a cooperative, nurturing environment. Whether the student is a struggling writer or a highly skilled writer this workshop will benefit them. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80081 S/10a-11a AN/120 Pyo $85 IMPROVE YOUR READING AND WRITING (GRADES 7-10) KIDS/191 Students will become more effective readers by learning strategies to read different types of writing. By responding in writing to what they read, students will increase comprehension and improve written communication skills. Techniques such as analyzing, summarizing, comparing, critiquing, and interpreting will be applied to in-class reading and writing projects. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80080 S/9a-10a AN/120 Pyo $50 TUTORIAL: READING AND WRITING REVIEW (GRADE 1-2) KIDS/148 Students will enrich reading and writing skills by practicing language arts through writing, capitalization, using proper punctuation, spelling, correcting sentences, reading, and more through the use of ability leveled study packets. Each term uses different work. Limited to 8 students. Dates: Jul 7-Aug 4 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80171 T/10a-11a AN/120 Staff $60 80049 T/4:30p-5:30p CC/TE2-223 Jones $60 Science DISCOVERING SCIENCE THROUGH ART EXPERIENCES (AGES 4-10) KIDS/2075 This class can awaken the imagination, challenge the mind and amaze the artist and scientist within each child. Build upon natural curiosity as children discover science concepts through art experiments. Themes investigated include: water and air, light and sight, motion and energy, and reaction and matter. Each term explores different elements of the above themes. No supplies needed. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80197 S/1:30p-3p SCECYP/117 TeGantvoort $60 FUN WITH LIGHT AND OPTICS (GRADES 4-6) KIDS/2235 NEW! Students will explore the wonders of light and optics. They will learn how light is reflected and refracted. Students will examine diffraction gratings and prisms, producing colorful spectra and "rainbows". They will learn that ordinary white light is composed of colors called a spectrum. Participants will see the effect of transmission of light through various materials, how certain solids reflect light better than others, and show how liquids and gases can scatter or reflect light. They will learn about the shape, properties, and uses of lenses and mirrors and will experience optical illusions. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 1 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81044 S/11a-12p AN/404 Swanson $55 AMAZING AIR AND WATER PRESSURE (GRADES 4-5) KIDS/1385 Learn how air occupies space and exerts pressure and learn about water pressure. Learn that air pressure is equal in all directions and decreases the farther we go away from the Earth's surface. Examples of activities include the classic "Egg in the bottle", Hero's fountain, Cartesian divers, and Bernoulli Bags. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 1 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81045 S/1p-2p AN/404 Swanson $55 Sports and Fitness ZUMBA® KIDS KIDS/2227 ZUMBA® for Kids is a fitness program designed especially for kids ages 7 - 11 years old. It combines high energy with the ZUMBA® program rhythms of salsa, cumbia, reggaeton, merengue and others. It provides a safe and effective workout. This class is designed specifically for kids, so the moves and music are kid friendly. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81071 S/9a-10a SCECYP/118 Ramirez $50 BASKETBALL CLINIC (AGES 4-6) KIDS/601 Learn the fundamentals of basketball through instruction and practice. Includes these basic skills: footwork, passing, dribbling, shooting and running. Kids can improve their knowledge of the game and coordination. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80006 S/8:30a-9:30a CC/GYM 1-101 Mims $50 Struckman TENNIS FOR KIDS - ADVANCED BEGINNING KIDS/627 Permission needed from Instructor! Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR 80058 S/12p-1p CC/Tennis Court -1 Rivera BASKETBALL CLINIC (AGES 7-9) KIDS/601A Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS 80007 S/9:30a-10:30a LOCATION CC/GYM 1-101 INSTR Mims Struckman FEE $50 LOCATION CC/GYM 1-101 INSTR Mims Struckman FEE $50 TEEN ADVANCED TENNIS (HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL) KIDS/1180 An accelerated program to review a student's ability to enter a High School Tennis competition. Dates: Jul 10-Aug 14 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80073 F/5p-6p CC/Tennis Court -1 Rivera $65 BASKETBALL CLINIC (AGES 10+) KIDS/601B Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS 80008 S/10:30a-11:30a FEE $60 PEE WEE BASEBALL (AGES 4-5) KIDS/607A Students learn the fundamentals of batting, throwing, catching, and running bases in a noncompetitive environment. Bring baseball mitts to class. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80037 S/12p-1p SOCCER/ Mims $50 Gym2 Grass Struckman PEE WEE BASEBALL (AGES 6+) KIDS/607 Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS 80012 S/1p-2p LOCATION SOCCER/ Gym2 Grass INSTR Mims Struckman FEE $50 Classes listed below are being offered at the Cypress College Pool PEE WEE SOCCER BEGINNING (AGES 4-6) KIDS/610 This is a wonderful opportunity to start learning the basic skills of soccer. Students will be involved in warm-up and stretching activities that enable the player to stretch their muscles, develop needed muscle, and get ready to practice. Games will be used to have fun and learn soccer. Bring a #4 soccer ball to class. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80013 S/9a-10a SOCCER/ Zapata $50 West PEE WEE SOCCER BEGINNING (AGES 6-8) KIDS/612 Designed to introduce young children to the very basic beginning skills of soccer. Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80023 S/10a-11a SOCCER/ Zapata $50 West TENNIS FOR KIDS - BEGINNING (AGES 6-9) KIDS/626 Instruction in basic skills. Students will learn forehand, backhand, serve, volley, approach shot and footwork. Bring racquet and one can of new tennis balls. Makeup classes in case of rain. Dates: Jul 2-Aug 6 *Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80057 Th/9:30a-11:30a CC/Tennis Court -1 Rivera $85 80298* S/10a-11a CC/Tennis Court -1 Rivera $60 TENNIS FOR KIDS - BEGINNING (AGES 10+) KIDS/626A Dates: Jun 30-Aug 6 *Dates: Jun 27-Aug 8 CRN DAYS 80301 TTh/8:30a-9:30a 80217* S/11a-12p LOCATION INSTR CC/Tennis Court -1 Rivera CC/Tennis Court -1 Rivera Aquatics FEE $85 $60 PARENT AND ME SWIMMING (6 MO TO AGE 4) KIDS/1540 This course is intended to introduce pool water to our young students. Each student must be supervised by a parent or guardian who will be instructed in the water by our swim staff instructor. The same parent or guardian must attend each week. Skills introduced at this level are: backyard pool safety, bubble blowing, submerged face, front supported kicking, supported back floating, underwater exploration and arm reaching to the side of the pool. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 16 *Dates: Jun 22-Jul 2 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80109 MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80107* MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80110 MTWTh/4p-4:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80255 MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 80098* MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 BEGINNER SWIMMING (AGES 5-10) KIDS/1769 This class is for students learning to swim. Skills that must be mastered at this level to advance include: holding breath for 10 seconds, prone float, back float, prone glide, prone glide with flutter kick, front crawl arm stroke with rhythmic breathing, back glide, back glide with a kick, turn over, deep water jump, front dive level off and safety skills. Water safety emphasized. Dates: Jun 22-Jul 2 *Dates: Jul 20-Jul 30 †Dates: Jul 6-Jul 16 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80127 MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80137* MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80131† MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80134† MTWTh/2p-2:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80128 MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80138† MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80133† MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p POOL Luchansky $65 80129 MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p POOL Luchansky $65 80130 MTWTh/4p-4:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80223† MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80135 MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80224† MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 80136 MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 BEGINNER SWIMMING (AGES 11-17) KIDS/1770 SWIMMER (AGES 5-17) KIDS/1776 Dates: Jun 22-Jul 2 *Dates: Jul 20-Jul 30 †Dates: Jul 6-Jul 16 CRN DAYS 80279 MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p 80365* MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p 80284† MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p 80285* MTWTh/2:30p-3p 80280† MTWTh/2:30p-3p 80276 MTWTh/2:30p-3p 80277 MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p 80286† MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p 80287† MTWTh/4p-4:30p 80281 MTWTh/4p-4:30p 80288† MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p 80282 MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p 80283† MTWTh/5:30p-6p This class is for students who have completed class requirements for the beginner, and intermediate swimmer level. To pass this level students must be able to swim 100 yards of the front crawl, elementary backstroke, side stroke, and back stroke, 50 yards of the butterfly stroke, 25 yards of the butterfly pull, 25 yards of dolphin kick, front surface dive, front and back turns, survival float with clothes and water disrobing. Water safety will be emphasized. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 16 *Dates: Jun 22-Jul 2 †Dates: Jul 20-Jul 30 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80232 MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80152* MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80264† MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80265 MTWTh/4p-4:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80233* MTWTh/4p-4:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80266 MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 80263* MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 LOCATION POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL INSTR Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky Luchansky FEE $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 ADVANCED BEGINNER SWIM (AGES 5-17) KIDS/1772 The class is for students who successfully completed the Beginner requirements. This includes holding breath for 10 seconds, prone and back floats, prone glide, prone guide with flutter kick, front crawl arm stroke with rhythmic breathing, back glide with kick, turn over, deep water jump, front dive level off and safety skills. Students taught survival float, treading water, backstroke, front dive and underwater swimming. Water safety emphasized. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 16 *Dates: Jun 22-Jul 2 †Dates: Jul 20-Jul 30 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80148 MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80143* MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80225† MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80144* MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80149 MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80226† MTWTh/2:30p-3p CC/TBA Luchansky $65 80271 MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p POOL Luchansky $65 80145* MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p POOL Luchansky $65 80150 MTWTh/4p-4:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80151 MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80146* MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80270 MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 80147* MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 INTERMEDIATE SWIMMER (AGES 5-17) KIDS/1774 This class is for students who have completed class requirements for the beginner swimming level. Students will learn the scissor kick, front crawl for 20 yards with rhythmic breathing, 5 minute survival float, 1 minute treading water, 10 yards of skulling, 20 yards of backstroke, elementary backstroke, breaststroke and sidestroke, and 100 yards of any taught stroke. Water safety rules emphasized. Dates: Jun 22-Jul 2 *Dates: Jul 6-Jul 16 †Dates: Jul 20-Jul 30 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80139 MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80141* MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80227† MTWTh/1:45p-2:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80140 MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80142* MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80228† MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80290* MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p POOL Luchansky $65 80229 MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p POOL Luchansky $65 80272* MTWTh/4p-4:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80230 MTWTh/4p-4:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80231 MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80273* MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80274 MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 80275* MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 JUNIOR LIFE GUARDS (AGES 11-14) KIDS/1555 The Junior Guard Program is a Red Cross approved program. Give your youth a jump start into a Lifeguarding job. Completion of this course sets a foundation for life guarding and life skills. Students will focus on improving swim strength, endurance, and prevention of aquatic accidents, response in an emergency, leadership skills and professionalism of a life guard. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 16 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80234 MTWTh/3:15p-5:15p POOL Luchansky $150 PRE-COMPETITIVE SWIM KIDS/1560 This class is designed to train and fine tune all competitive swim strokes, turns and competitive racing starts off the starting blocks, increase endurance and strength. With the completion of this course the student will master the skills needed to compete on a swim team. Students must have completed the intermediate swim level to register for this class. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 16 *Dates: Jun 22-Jul 2 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80258 MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p POOL Luchansky $65 80256* MTWTh/3:15p-3:45p POOL Luchansky $65 80259 MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p POOL Luchansky $65 80257* MTWTh/4:45p-5:15p POOL Luchansky $65 BEGINNING SPRING BOARD DIVING KIDS/1565 Skills presented in this class: land drills on frontal three step approach, three step approaches on spring board, front dive, back dive and pool and diving safety. Students must have completed the advanced beginning swim level to register for this class. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 16 *Dates: Jul 20-Jul 30 †Dates: Jun 22-Jul 2 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80260 MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80362* MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80236† MTWTh/2:30p-3p POOL Luchansky $65 80261 MTWTh/4p-4:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80099† MTWTh/4p-4:30p POOL Luchansky $65 80262 MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 80235† MTWTh/5:30p-6p POOL Luchansky $65 Classes listed below are being offered at the Fullerton College Pool WATER POLO FOR KIDS - BEGINNING (AGES 9-14) KIDS/669 This class is designed to provide basic instruction in the Olympic sport of Water Polo to students ages 9-14. Boys and girls will learn passing, dribbling, shooting, alternating frog kick, rules of the sport and aspects of team play. Class sessions will be in the pool. Practice games will occur after skills are learned. Must wear a suit and have some basic swimming skills. Goggles are encouraged. For additional information please read chapters found at Dates: Jul 10-Aug 15 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80032 S/11a-12:30p TBA Tardif $65 F/6p-7:30p Summer Camps Parents are responsible for their own children. Each child must be accompanied by an adult to the first class to verify classroom location and future drop off and pick up points. Please note: classes are dismissed 10 minutes earlier than the end time listed in the schedule to allow teachers and students time to prepare for their next class. The registration receipt will show the exact class end time. Parents/Legal Guardians please be prepared to show identification when registering your child or requesting information regarding your child. This will ensure the safety of your child and complies with the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please complete an emergency form for each child registering for the Kids' College and Teen Program so our records are up-todate. * Enrollment is limited. * Not all camps offered at all locations. * Sign up for a morning session. Bring a sack lunch for a supervised lunchtime, if signing up for morning & afternoon sessions. CELEBRATE A BOOK A DAY CAMP! (GRADES K-3) KIDS/158 Children will explore a book a day! They'll learn about characters, settings, beginnings, middles and ends, and even dress up as a character. We'll act out parts of books, play related reading games, cook related snacks and make related crafts. Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81070 MTWThF/9a-12p SCECYP/117 TeGantvoort $125 JUMP START FOR KINDERGARTEN SKILLS CAMP (FOR CHILDREN * Camp registration includes a t-shirt. Additional t-shirts available for $5.00 each. STARTING KINDERGARTEN IN SEPTEMBER ) KIDS/2190 or students needing a review of past kindergarten work). Your child will have fun in the sun * For accountability students will be required to sign in and out every day. as he gets his skills ready for kindergarten. Have your child be at the top of his class with * You will be required to provide a signed Medical Emergency/Liability Release his hand up waving with all the answers. We will power through: sounds, vowels, adding, form at the time of registration for each child attending a Kids' College program. printing, beginning reading strategies and more. Dates: Jun 29-Jul 2 * Computer classes require additional forms and a USB Flash Drive provided by *Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 CRN DAYS student. 80303 81067* MTWTh/9a-12p MTWThF/1p-4p LOCATION SCECYP/117 SCECYP/117 INSTR TeGantvoort TeGantvoort FEE $110 $125 * Students are expected to follow instructions given to them by a staff member or teacher. No running, no disruptive behavior in or out of a class and no eating in classrooms. Failure to follow these rules may result in dismissal with no refund GETTING READY FOR FIRST GRADE of tuition. We do not have medically trained personnel on site to deal with any KIDS/1085 special medical needs of children. Students will participate in a variety of fun and effective Common Core-based activities to **No classes July 3-5** Bring daily: * Sun Block * Water Bottle * Snack * Please wear sneakers or closed-toe shoes * Computer classes require a USB Flash Drive Parents: review and sharpen their reading (phonics and reading comprehension), writing and math skills. Games, worksheets, music and hands-on projects will be used to review kindergarten skills and introduce Common Core 1st grade standards. Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 *Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80240 MTWThF/9:30a-12:30p SCECYP/117 Ortega $125 81069* MTWThF/1p-4p SCECYP/117 Ortega $125 GETTING READY FOR THIRD GRADE KIDS/1475 Summer is very long! Keep your child at the top of the class and ready for fall. This camp * Make sure your children know the location of the office of each site they are will review Common Core 2nd grade skills including reading, math, and writing through learning centers and fun activities. Students will also be introduced to beginning 3rd grade attending. skills using the Common Core standards. * To ensure your child’s safety, meet your child at their classroom at the Dates: Jul 13-Jul 16 conclusion of the class, Please be prompt. *Dates: Aug 10-Aug 13 CRN * Children signing up for a morning and afternoon session should be escorted to 80312 80097* afternoon class. * Please label all items brought to class with your child's name. DAYS MTWTh/9:30a-12:30p MTWTh/1p-4p LOCATION AN/136 CC/TE2-217 INSTR Ortega Ortega FEE $110 $110 READING, WRITING AND MATH REVIEW CAMP (GRADE 1) KIDS/166 Students will sharpen their reading, writing and basic math skills in a fun and relaxed workshop! Games, worksheets and a "hands-on project" will be used to review 1st Grade skills before starting 2nd Grade. Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 READING CAMP FOR KINDERGARTEN CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE KIDS/195 MTWThF/1p-4p SCECYP/117 Zapata $125 Children will participate in a variety of meaningful, interactive, and stimulating games and 80096 activities to build phonemic awareness and phonics. These activities are based on the new WRITER'S WORKSHOP CAMP (GRADES 2-3) Common Core standards and include decoding, beginning to read word families, printing KIDS/1448 practice, and beginning sentence writing. This camp is for students entering kindergarten. In Writer's Workshop, students engage in a supportive environment to review the essential The camp also develops a strong reading foundation for success in school. Enrollment is organizing steps of the writing process. Through a series of mini-lessons, students limited. practice pre-writing using brainstorming and graphic organizers, writing a first draft (sloppy Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 copy), revising and editing strategies, and publishing and illustrating final drafts. Class *Dates: Jun 29-Jul 2 size limited to 12. CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE Dates: Aug 10-Aug 14 81068 MTWThF/9:30a-12:30p SCECYP/117 Ortega $125 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80029* MTWTh/1p-4p SCECYP/117 Ortega $110 80094 MTWThF/9a-12p CC/TE2-223 Jones $110 Academic Camps WRITERS CAMP (GRADES 5-6) KIDS/1055 Students will sharpen their writing and critical thinking skills. They will edit short articles, review grammar and punctuations rules, and learn skills used to write paragraphs about a variety of topics. Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80103 MTWThF/1p-3p WIL/218 Strauss $85 ENGINEERING OF AEROSPACE CAMP (AGES 13-17) KIDS/1795 This course introduces students to the concepts of aerospace design and production that includes design and building of airplanes (both jet and propeller), rockets, space vehicles, hot air balloons, helicopters and other mechanical flying machines. Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81017 MTWThF/1p-4p SCECYP/118 Staff $155 DISCOVERING SCIENCE THROUGH ART CAMP (AGES 4-10) KIDS/2085 This class can awaken the imagination, challenge the mind and amaze the artist and scientist within each child. Build upon natural curiosity as children discover science concepts through art experiments. Themes investigated include: water and air, light and Art & Cooking Camps sight, motion and energy, and reaction and matter. Each session explores different elements of the above themes. Dates: Aug 10-Aug 14 FUN WITH CLAY CAMP (AGES 7+) CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE KIDS/1020 80198 MTWThF/1p-4p SCECYP/117 TeGantvoort $125 Let's make fun clay puppets, plates, dishes, bowls, tiles, animals, and faces! We will be using air-drying clay, polymer clay and paints. Dates: Jun 29-Jul 2 EARTH MAPPING WITH CLAY CAMP *Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 (GRADES 3 - 6) CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE KIDS/2950 NEW! 80059 MTWTh/9a-12p SCECYP/118 Bae $125 A science course for students who like tactile experiences will work in clay to create 80403* MTWThF/2p-5p WIL/215 Bae $125 topographical maps for diverse areas such as Los Angeles, Northern California, Albuquerque and Oahu. Students will learn terms for land configurations and discuss longitude & latitude. DIRECTIVE DRAWING OF ANIMALS FOR THE BEGINNING ARTIST CAMP (AGES 4-10) Dates: Jul 27-Jul 31 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE KIDS/1570 81079 MTWThF/9a-11a CC/TE3-316 Trousdale $125 Become a more confident artist by learning drawing skills through step by step instructions. The basic elements of art, with the practice of following directions will produce a higher quality product. Supplies provided. FUN WITH MAGNETS AND ELECTRICITY CAMP (GRADES 2-6) Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 KIDS/1371 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE Kids will learn about magnets and magnetic fields. Through hands on activities they can 80302 MTWThF/1p-4p SCECYP/117 TeGantvoort $125 see how magnets repel and cause objects to float in mid air. Experience how series and parallel circuits are made and useful things that electricity and circuits can do. Electricity is "measured" using meters and series and parallel circuits. Attendees will perform ANIME DRAWING CAMP (AGES 8+) experiments to turn electrical currents into magnetic fields. KIDS/1015 Dates: Aug 3-Aug 12 Learn how to draw unique anime fantasy characters and settings. Also learn how to pose CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE and costume the characters Fantasy characters will be created using colored pencils, 81043 MWF/10a-1p CC/TE2-110 Swanson $125 markers, and watercolors. Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 *Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 JAMMIN' CHEMISTRY CAMP I (GRADES 3-5) CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE KIDS/1567 NEW! 80402 MTWThF/9a-12p CC/TE3-316 Bae $125 This Camp will explore the density of solids, liquids, and gases in extended activities. The 81007* MTWThF/12:30p-3:30p WIL/215 Bae $125 definition and magic of density will be explained with demonstrations and hand-on projects. ANIMATION FLIX CAMP (AGES 7 - 13) Dates: Jun 29-Jul 10; nc Jul 3 KIDS/1799 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81042 MWF/1p-4p AN/108 Swanson $125 This course allows students to brainstorm movie ideas, create their own characters made from clay, glass stones, and other media, and film a stop-action movie using a green screen backdrop. Students will develop a brief movie plot, create their sets, film their movie and LEGO ROBOTICS CAMP (AGES 8-12) add voice-overs. All Flix are available for download a month after the course ends. KIDS/1790 Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 This course introduces student to the concepts of da Vinci robotics using LEGO products to CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE design, build and operate a robot. 80373 MTWThF/9a-12p SCECYP/118 Staff $155 Dates: Jul 6-Jul 10 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81015 MTWThF/1p-4p SCECYP/118 Staff $155 LEGO ROBOTICS CAMP (AGES 13 - 17) KIDS/1791 This course introduces student to the concepts of da Vinci robotics using LEGO products to design, build and operate a robot. Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 FUN WITH BAKING (AGES 8-11) CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81016 MTWThF/1p-4p SCECYP/118 Staff $155 KIDS/1975 Learn the creativity and basics of baking! Each session will cover one of the following: pies, cookies, quick breads, and cup cakes. Bring an apron, a towel for clean-up and a container for left over goodies! Dates: Aug 10-Aug 14 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80161 MTWThF/1p-2:30p WIL/207 Carrillo $135 Sports Camps TENNIS CAMP FOR KIDS (AGES 6+) KIDS/628 Instruction and basic skills. Students will learn forehand, backhand, serve, volley, approach shot and foot work. Please bring racket and one can new tennis balls. Dates: Aug 10-Aug 14 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80071 MTWThF/10:30a-12:30p CC/Tennis Court -1 Rivera $90 CAN U DIG IT? VOLLEYBALL CAMP FOR BEGINNERS (AGES 8-16) KIDS/1435 This class is geared toward the beginner level youth who is interested in learning the basic fundamentals of volleyball. Conditioning, as well as drills that focus on the necessary skills to play the game, will also be introduced. Students should wear tennis shoes and bring a NEW! small towel and water to class. Knee pads are optional. This course allows students to brainstorm and bring LEGOs to life in stop-motion animated Dates: Jul 20-Jul 24 flix. Students will create a set with LEGO characters for a movie. They will storyboard, CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE write, shoot, and add voice-overs to the Flix they create. Flix are downloadable a month 81083 MTWThF/9a-12p CC/TBA Staff $125 after the camp ends. Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81077 MTWThF/9a-12p SCECYP/118 Staff $155 LEGO FLIX CAMP (AGES 13 - 17) KIDS/3070 LIVE-ACTION FLIX CAMP (AGES 13 - 17) KIDS/3075 NEW! This course allows students to brainstorm, plan, create, film and shoot a real-life action movie. The class focuses on each step in creating a complete movie - from "Action!!" to "That's a wrap!!". Students will scout out characters, assemble costumes and props, and act and direct in a collaborative movie. Flix downloadable a month after the camp ends. Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 81078 MTWThF/1p-4p SCECYP/118 Staff $155 The Kids’ College is sponsored by the North Orange County Community College District School of Continuing Education, and is not a school sponsored event, nor was the flyer prepared at the expense of the following school districts: LET'S LEARN SPANISH CAMP (AGE 8-12) KIDS/099 Dates: Jul 13-Jul 17 CRN DAYS 80242 MTWThF/1p-3p LOCATION CC/TE3-316 INSTR Islas FEE $85 THEATRE CAMP (AGES 7-17) KIDS/3000 Students will explore scripts, analyze characters and create a performance. A production will be performed by students at end of session. Students explore and create characters using masks, costumes, make-up and props using different perspectives in literature. We will have fun letting the imagination soar. Students will enjoy oral reading using expressive voices and gestures. Dates: Jul 11-Aug 8 *Dates: Aug 3-Aug 7 †Dates: Aug 10-Aug 14 CRN DAYS LOCATION INSTR FEE 80364 S/11a-2p AN/134 Kinnahan-Benavidez $135 80211* MTWThF/1p-4p CC/TE3-315 Kinnahan-Benavidez $135 80363† MTWThF/1p-4p WIL/204 Kinnahan-Benavidez $135 Anaheim Union HS Anaheim City Buena Park Centrailia Fullerton Garden Grove Unified Los Alamitos Magnolia Placentia-Yorba Linda Savanna A special thank you to all the schools that distribute our flyers to help serve the community’s needs. Continuing Education Centers NOCCCD Anaheim Campus Cypress CEC Wilshire CEC 1830 W Romneya Dr - Anaheim 92801 nd 2 Floor (714) 808-4645 Mon–Thurs (8am-7:30pm); Fri (8am-4pm) 9200 Valley View St - Cypress 90630 SCE/CYP/100, Parking Lot #4 (714) 484-7038 Mon–Thurs (8am-7:30pm); Fri (8am-4pm); Sat (8am-2pm) 315 E Wilshire Ave - Fullerton 92832 Administration Building 300 (714) 992-9500 Mon–Thurs (8am-7:30pm); Fri (8am-4pm); Sat (8am-2pm) Kids’ College Class Location Legend AN / Anaheim CYP / SCE / CC FC WIL = = = = NOCCCD Anaheim Campus Cypress Continuing Education Center Fullerton College Campus Wilshire Continuing Education Center General Information Summer 2015 ADMISSION TO CLASSES: Students are admitted on a first come, first served basis. Students are not permitted to attend classes in which they are not officially enrolled. This means NO petitioning or auditing in an SCE class. Classes “filled” may mean there is a “waiting list” already established for students wanting to attend. HOW DO YOU REGISTER? No matter where the class is held, you can register at any of our campuses: Anaheim: 2nd Floor Cypress: Building SCE/CYP/100 (near Parking Lot #4) Wilshire (Fullerton): Administration Building 300 On-Line Registration: Begins June 10, 2015 at (click Kids’ College Registration along left side of page) Registration is available until the day before the class starts or the class fills. In-Person Registration: Begins June 11, 2015, and will continue until the classes fill or begin. CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE: SCE has made every reasonable effort to determine that this class schedule is accurate; however changes may occur after press time. Class listings are subject to change/corrections. Please plan your child’s schedule carefully. No refunds if parent enrolls child in wrong grade/age level. Please note that all classes may be subject to cancellation due to low enrollment. The majority of Kids’ College Summer classes begin June 27, 2015. Most classes are offered for six weeks unless otherwise noted; please note individual class start dates. No classes will be held July 3-5, 2015. HOW MAY I PAY FOR CLASSES? Full payment is required at time of registration. Cash, checks, money orders, and credit cards (MasterCard and VISA) are accepted. A $25 returned check fee will be charged for any returned checks. REFUNDS: A Refund Petition must be filed 48 hours before the class starts. A $10 processing fee will be deducted from ALL refunds issued (except classes canceled by the District). No Refunds After The Class Has Begun. Refund only on books purchased at bookstore. PARKING FEES: Permit parking spaces are limited. A parking permit does not always guarantee a parking space. Anaheim, Cypress, and Wilshire (Fullerton) sites: Parking is by permit only. Please check with individual site for current parking fees for both daily and term permits. Permit honored at all three locations. PARKING FEES AND REGULATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Reminder: Kids’ College Fall classes begin on September 28, 2015 Check out additional information on the School of Continuing Education on the web at The North Orange County Community College District’s (NOCCCD) School of Continuing Education (SCE) Administrative Offices are located at 1830 W. Romneya Drive in Anaheim, California 92801. For more information, call (714) 808-4645 or visit It is the policy of the NOCCCD to provide an educational, employment, and business environment in which no person shall be unlawfully subjected to discrimination or sexual harassment, nor unlawfully denied full and equal access to the benefits of District programs or activities on the basis of ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, gender, race, color, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status or physical or mental disability as defined and prohibited by state and federal statutes. The District is also committed to maintaining campuses that are free of harassment, drugs and alcohol. To read the entire NOCCCD non-discrimination statement, visit the policy in the General Information section in the back of the SCE class schedule.
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