CCSSO’s State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness 5th National Summit Transforming Education Workforce Systems April 14th-16th, 2015 Sheraton Atlanta Hotel 165 Courtland Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30303 Phone 404.659.6500 – Fax: 404.524.1259 SCEE Summit Goals Develop plans to work as a consortium to transform education workforce systems. Build capacity to effectively implement initiatives to transform education workforce systems. Make “State Connections” to create opportunities for collective impact. Key Implementation Questions We Will Address What are we trying to do? How are we planning to do it? How can we work together to do it better? At any given moment, how will we know whether or not we are on track? If not, what are we going to do about it? Summit Outcomes Provide feedback on the draft Framework for Transforming Education Workforce Systems that will guide our consortium activities. Develop a deeper understanding of processes and tools to address various components of implementation including: o Assessing and using tools to make plans stronger o Establishing routines to monitor progress and solve problems o Ensuring quality feedback loops on implementation in the field Explore current national issues that impact educator workforce initiatives, including equity and potential reauthorization of ESEA. Collaborate with state team members and across state teams to deepen understanding of teacher and leader initiatives and increase opportunities for collective impact. Explore promising practices for teacher preparation policy, leader development, assessing and improving instructional practice, and teacher leadership. Monday, April 13th Pre-Summit Activities 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Equity Activities Registration Grand Registration 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Buffet Breakfast Salon A & B Round 1 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Round 2 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM State Review Plans Participating states will be notified of their meeting time and room assignments. Round 3 12:45 PM – 2:15 PM Round 4 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Concurrent Breakout Session How Best to Leverage Existing Strategies and When to Create New Ones 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM This session will focus on the process SEAs can use to determine when they should incorporate existing strategies into their equity repeated plans and when they should consider creating new ones. During this session, SEAs will learn how to determine if their current equity 1:15 PM – 3:00 PM strategies can address the root causes they identified. We will also examine the process for enhancing existing strategies, policies and Athens programs when they fall short of addressing root causes. Finally, we will explore circumstances when developing new strategies, policies and programs are necessary. Rashidah Lopez Morgan, Equitable Access Support Network Kevin Zimmer, TNTP Judith Ennis, Center for Great Teachers and Leaders Concurrent Breakout Session Partnering with SEAs to Review Root Cause Analysis and Strategies This session will allow SEAs to work together to address areas of 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM development identified by their equity plan reviewers. During this session, SEAs will select into either root cause analysis or strategy repeated development groups. The Equitable Access Support Network (EASN) will facilitate cross-state conversations designed to improve each 1:15 PM – 3:00 PM State’s plan and support discussions with root cause analysis or strategy development tools created by the Reform Support Network Augusta and EASN. Kate Sullivan-Frades, Equitable Access Support Network Bill Horwath, Equitable Access Support Network Concurrent Breakout Session Promising Practices in Stakeholder Engagement This interactive session will allow SEA participants to share and 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM discuss the ways in which they are engaging key stakeholders in the equity plan design process and explore strategies for ongoing repeated reporting after plan submission in June. Particular attention will be directed at working with stakeholders in civil rights and community 1:15 PM – 3:00 PM based organizations. State participants will also work with each other to address the feedback they received on their draft equity plans. Macon Ellen Sherratt, Center for Great Teachers and Leaders Concurrent Breakout Data Analysis Deep Dive Session In this hands-on session sponsored by the Data Use and Analysis CoP, 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM SEA participants will workshop the analyses they have conducted so far in support of their plans. Participants will give each other repeated feedback, solve common challenges, and brainstorm areas for additional exploration. Participants should bring a laptop--preferably 1:15 PM – 3:00 PM with their equity data--and a few slides to show the group the results of their analyses. Valdosta Andy Baxter, Vice President for Educator Effectiveness, Southern Regional Education Board 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Buffet Lunch Salon A & B 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM SCEE Summit Registration Grand Registration 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM SCEE Leads Meeting invitation only Dinner will be served. Athens 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM SCEE Leads will prepare to facilitate their state teams during state team time. ISLLC Standards Review invitation only Dinner will be served. Augusta Tuesday, April 14th Summit Day 1 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Registration Grand Registration 7:00 AM - 7:55 AM Buffet Breakfast Salon D & E 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM Welcome and Introduction to the Summit: Changing Our Conversation Salon A & B Mary-Dean Barringer, CCSSO, Strategic Initiative Director 8:15 AM - 8:45 AM Salon A & B A Framework for Transforming Education Workforce Systems Participants will become familiar with an assessment framework the CCSSO Education Workforce Team is developing to support states in achieving collective impact in improving components of education workforce systems. Participants will also become familiar with plans for using the tool to achieve success. Holly Boffy, CCSSO, Program Director of Teacher & Leader Development 8:45 AM - 9: 45 AM Are We on Track? Salon A & B States will complete a self-assessment of one component of the Framework for Transforming Education Workforce Systems to become familiar with the tool in preparation for providing feedback and planning future work. Terry Janicki, CCSSO, Educator in Residence Nick Rodriguez, U.S. Education Delivery Institute, K-12 Director 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM Networking Break 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM "Deliverology": A Strategy for System Transformation Salon A & B This session will provide an introduction to "Deliverology" and how its approach can be used by the consortium and individual states. Nick Rodriguez, U.S. Education Delivery Institute, K-12 Director 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM State Connections for Collective Impact Salon A & B SCEE States were surveyed in the fall on teacher and leader initiatives and combined that information with public information to identify opportunities for collaboration. Through a partnership with BloomBoard, the results are provided to states in an interactive tool that highlights opportunities for states to work together on these initiatives. Karen Butterfield, CCSSO, Educator in Residence Jason Lange, BloomBoard, CEO & Co-Founder Molly Latinova, BloomBoard, Account Manager 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM ESEA Reauthorization: CCSSO’s Priorities Salon A & B This session will detail CCSSO’s Priorities for ESEA Reauthorization, provide insight into the reauthorization process reauthorization, and the potential impact on current state work. Katrina Miller, CCSSO, Senior Program Associate Chris Minnich, CCSSO, Executive Director 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Salon D & E Buffet Lunch State team members are encouraged to have lunch with their “State Connections.” 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Educator Preparation Piedmont Roadmap for Linking Student Growth to Educator Preparation Programs to Inform Improvement Participants will learn how various states have embarked upon linking student growth data and other variables to educator preparation programs. Using examples from North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee, the participants will discover different approaches in creating data systems, lessons learned in the process, and how to use the data for program improvement. Rebecca Garland, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Nadja Young, SAS Institute, Education Specialist Jill Leandro, SAS Institute, Project Manager 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Educator Preparation Augusta Lessons from the Network for Transforming Educator Preparation (NTEP): Successes, Challenges & Next Steps Join members engaged in the NTEP as we spotlight success in Connecticut and Massachusetts, collectively address challenges and share what is planned for the next phase of NTEP and how more states can join the work. Mary-Dean Barringer, CCSSO, Strategic Initiative Director Nancy Pugliese, Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau Chief Heather Peske, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Associate Commissioner 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Leadership & Assessing & Improving Practice Salon A & B Quality Feedback: Maximizing Leader Impact in Post-Observation Conversations Performance feedback during post-observation conferences is key to promoting teacher growth. Done well, feedback motivates practice improvement among teachers. In this interactive session, you will review characteristics of quality feedback, and use the Instructional Feedback Observation tool, a research-based tool developed by and for principals that is being used for coaching and feedback to principals and other school-level administrators in five states. Tammie Knights, American Institutes for Research, Principal Technical Assistance Consultant Lisa Colon, Idaho State Department of Education, Educator Effectiveness Coordinator 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Assessing & Improving Practice Assessing & Improving Practice: Resetting the Conversation to Continuous Improvement of Practice States will discuss ways in which they are resetting their teacher evaluation conversation from measurement of practice to continuous improvement of practice. Athens Terry Janicki, CCSSO, Educator in Residence Katie Rainey, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Director of Educator Effectiveness Stephanie Hirsch, Learning Forward, Executive Director Barbara Murchison, California Department of Education, Administrator of Title II Leadership Office Linda Alder, Utah State Office of Education, Coordinator of Educator Effectiveness 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Answering the Challenges of Quality Clinical Preparation Educator Preparation Macon The proposed Higher Education Act (HEA) Regulations have an increased focus on quality clinical preparation being a core of preservice experiences. Based on this, what is the state’s role in shaping clinical preparation standards and the faculty who provide those services? This session will help states clarify next steps in shaping educator preparation programs to improve the quality of clinical preparation experiences. Angie Andersen, CCSSO, Program Associate Catherine Cullen, U.S. Education Delivery Institute, Engagement Manager Tim Dove, CCSSO, Educator in Residence Dr. Laurie Henry, Department Chair, Curriculum & Instruction, The University of Kentucky Elizabeth Neal, Professional Development: Higher Education, Maryland Department of Education Angie Gant, Director of Educator Preparation Certification, Georgia Professional Standards Commission 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Implementation: Elements of Delivery Planning Concurrent Breakout Session Participants will consider how to create strong delivery plans. Key questions include: What makes a good plan? What tools and approaches can we use to strengthen planning? Delivery Nick Rodriguez, U.S. Education Delivery Institute, K-12 Director Valdosta 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Break – Make your “State Connections!” 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM State team time Room assignments are on the app. State teams will debrief how the breakout sessions relate to their work, review the interactive tool to identify “State Connections,” begin completing the self-assessment using the Framework for Transforming Education Workforce Systems, and enter ratings and rationale in the collection form. The documents to guide this work can be found on the meeting app in the corresponding state team time section. 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM Association & Business Partners Meeting: Reflections, Reinvention? How Can We Make SCEE Stronger? Salon A & B Participants from associations, business partners and other non-state groups are invited to join a lively discussion to offer ideas, insights and strategies as CCSSO revisits the structure of the SCEE network. Mary-Dean Barringer, CCSSO, Strategic Initiative Director Susan Taylor, CCSSO, Director of Grants Management and Philanthropic Relationships All CCSSO staff in attendance are invited. Wednesday, April 15th Summit Day 2 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Registration Grand Registration 7:00 AM - 7:50 AM Buffet Breakfast Salon D & E 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Planning for Equitable Access to Excellent Educators Salon A & B This panel of experts will share their experiences and advice for developing plans for equitable access to excellent educators and engage with the audience to determine where states expect to land on key decisions. Holly Boffy, CCSSO, Director of Teacher & Leader Development Anita Bernhardt, Maine Department of Education, Director of Standards & Instructional Support Karli Saracini, Arkansas Department of Education, Director of the Office of Educator Licensure Ellen Sherratt, American Institutes for Research, Co-Deputy Director of the Center for Great Teachers & Leaders 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM State Plans to Ensure Equitable Access to Excellent Educators Salon A & B Patrick Rooney, Deputy Director of the Office of State Support, United States Department of Education 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Break – Make your “State Connections!” 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Promises Kept: State Action to Transform Educator Preparation Salon A & B In December 2012, a task force of chiefs within CCSSO released Our Responsibility, Our Promise: Transforming Educator Preparation and Entry into the Profession two years later, 45 states have taken action on at least one of the recommendations. We’ll take stock of our progress, talk about our state and organization priorities and learn how three states created their roadmap to transformation. Mary-Dean Barringer, CCSSO, Strategic Initiative Director Penney McRoy, Georgia Professional Standards Commission, Assistant Division Director for Educator Preparation Leah Breen, Michigan Department of Education, Director of the Office of Professional Preparation Services Monica Beane, West Virginia Department of Education, Executive Director of the Office of Professional Preparation 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Buffet Lunch Salon D & E State team members are encouraged to have lunch with their “State Connections.” 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Toward Trustworthy and Transformative Classroom Observations: Progress, Challenges and Lessons in SREB States Assessing & Improving Practice Savannah 1-2 As we move into the third year or so of states implementing their evaluation systems we are seeing more states interested in moving from teaching measurement systems to measure and support systems. Participants will discuss ways in which states are resetting teacher evaluation conversation from measurement of practice to continuous improvement of practice. Terry Janicki, CCSSO, Educator in Residence Tysza Gandha, Southern Regional Education Board, Senior Research Associate Andy Baxter, Southern Regional Education Board, Vice President of Educator Effectiveness Todd Davis, Kentucky Department of Education, Assistant Director, Division of Next Generation Professionals Lynne Johnson, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Director Joseph Freed, Maryland State Department of Education, Professional Development TPE Frank Stetson, Maryland State Department of Education, Professional Development TPE 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Equity & Assessing & Improving Practice Teacher Development Across the Career Strategic professional learning opportunities based on relevant data points are the key to improving instructional practice. Explore how State Teachers of the Year are supporting teacher development throughout the career continuum so all kids have access to high quality teachers. Augusta Karen Butterfield, CCSSO, Educator in Residence Tim Dove, CCSSO, Educator in Residence Jonathan Crossley, 2014 Arkansas State Teacher of the Year Jennifer Dorman, 2015 Maine State Teacher of the Year 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Educator Preparation Piedmont Ensuring Equitable Access to Highly Effective Teachers for Students with Disabilities The Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) Center works with twenty states partnering with state education agencies and higher education institutions to transform educator preparation with a focus on serving students with disabilities. Participants in this session will learn about the work of CEEDAR, progress made, and best practices from across the country in ensuring that students with disabilities have access to highly effective teachers in every classroom, in every school. Katrina Miller, CCSSO, Senior Program Associate Mary Brownell, University of Florida, Director of the CEEDAR Center Lynn Holdheide, American Institutes of Research, Deputy Director/Senior Technical Assistance Provider 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Teacher Leadership Macon Leading from the Front of the Classroom: A Roadmap for Teacher Leadership that Works This session presents the research of Leading Educators and the Aspen Institute on promising teacher leadership models at the state and local level. These emerging models hold tremendous promise in leveraging teacher leadership to increase instructional expertise, build a culture of high expectations, and ultimately improve student outcomes. Participants will assess the potential of state level strategies to advance teacher leadership in their context. Angie Andersen, CCSSO, Program Associate Chong-Hao Fu, Leading Educators, Chief Program Officer 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Concurrent Breakout Session Delivery Valdosta Managing the Implementation of Initiatives Participants will consider how to create strong performance management routines to address important implementation questions. At any given moment, how do you know if you’re on track? What routines keep you focused on how your reform effort is going? Nick Rodriguez, U.S. Education Delivery Institute, K-12 Director 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Six Steps to Effective Feedback Concurrent Breakout Session Leadership & Assessing & Improving Practice Salon A & B Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) is creating a leadership pipeline of exceptional school leaders. Learn how the district has created tools, designed and implemented professional learning for 160 administrators and coached and inspected observation and feedback throughout the leadership pipeline. Participants will learn how TPS is working to make observation and feedback a foundational piece in supporting teacher and administrator growth and student achievement and practice an observation and feedback cycle using the “Six Steps to Effective Feedback.” Jennifer Gripado, Tulsa Public Schools, Director of Leadership Development Jessica Haight, Tulsa Public Schools, Instructional Leadership Director 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Break – Make your “State Connections!” 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM State team time Room assignments are on the app. State teams will debrief how the breakout sessions relate to their work, complete the self-assessment using the Framework for Transforming Education Workforce Systems and enter ratings and rationale in the collection form. The documents to guide this work can be found on the meeting app in the corresponding state team time section. Thursday, April 16th Summit Day 3 7:00 AM – 7:55 AM Buffet Breakfast Salon D & E 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Developing Leaders in Maryland Salon A & B This panel discussion will examine SEA strategies surrounding leadership development, sustainability and the importance of a growth model at all levels. Tim Dove, CCSSO, Educator in Residence Dave Volrath, Maryland State Department of Education Elizabeth Neal, Maryland State Department of Education, Higher Education Tom DeHart, Maryland State Department of Education, Professional Development: Promising Principals 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Salon A & B Ilene Swirnow, Maryland State Department of Education, Director of Leadership Development Progress Tracking: A Methodology for Team Implementation Participants will examine the development of the state team progress tracker used by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and how this structure facilitates implementation of projects. Tim Dove, CCSSO, Educator in Residence Matt Deninger, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Planning & Implementation Coordinator 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Break – Make your “State Connections!” 9:45 AM - 10:50 AM State team time Room assignments are on the app. State teams will create action plans. 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Salon A & B The documents to guide this work can be found on the meeting app in the corresponding state team time section. Consortium Status and Ideas for Next Steps Participants will identify patterns in the state self-assessment data and identify common areas of interest. Nick Rodriguez, U.S. Education Delivery Institute, K-12 Director 11:30 AM - 11:50 AM A Teacher of the Year’s Perspective on the Importance of Education Workforce Systems Salon A & B Amanda Miliner, 2015 Georgia State Teacher of the Year 11:50 AM - 12:00 PM Closing Remarks Salon A & B Mary-Dean Barringer, CCSSO, Strategic Initiative Director 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Salon D & E Box Lunch
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