CV - Singapore Management University

Jennifer Kate Estava Davis
07 April 2015
Dr. Jennifer Kate Estava Davis
Centre for English
Singapore Management
[email protected]
Office Phone: 6828 5115
Date of CV revision: 7 April 2015
Citizenship: American
PhD., Communication and Rhetoric
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA
Master of Arts in Speech Communication
Wake Forest University,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
Bachelor of Arts
Communication Management & Foreign Languages
Mississippi State University,
Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA
Position(s) Held
Assistant Professor
Department of Rhetoric and Composition
American University in Cairo, Egypt
English Department
Dutchess Community College, New York, USA
Tutor, General Paper
General Paper Unit
Raffles Junior College, Singapore
Adjunct Instructor / Teaching Assistant
Department of Language, Literature, and Communication
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY, USA
Teaching Assistant
Department of Speech Communication
Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA
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Jennifer Kate Estava Davis
07 April 2015
Awards, Recognition and Honors
Mary Girrard Award, Winner for Best Graduate Student Paper/ Presentation,
Carolinas Communication Speech Association Convention, Charleston,
South Carolina, 1997
Bostrom Young Scholar Award, Finalist for Most Outstanding Paper,
Southern States Communication Association Conference, Winston-Salem,
North Carolina, 2002
Communication Department Representative, Wake Forest University
Graduate Student Association, 1997-1998
Society of Scholars, Mississippi State University, 1995
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, Mississippi State University, 1994
Alpha Lambda Delta National Academic Honor Society, Mississippi State
University, 1993
Honorary Certificate , Mississippi State University, 1995
President's List, Mississippi State University 1993-1996
Full Tuition Scholarship, Department of Language, Literature, and
Communication, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1999-2003.
 Full Tuition Scholarship, Communication Department, Wake Forest
University 1996-1998
 Turner Catlegde academic scholarship, Mississippi State University, 19921996
Research Interests
The Politics of Collective Memory
Postcolonial History and Communication Technologies
Digital Technologies in the Classroom
New Technologies and their Effects on Human Behaviour
Journal Articles (Refereed)
1. Estava Davis, Jennifer. Book Review: The Wrath of God: Lope de Aguirre,
Revolutionary of the Americas. By Evan Balkan. The Historian, 75.1 (128129).
2. Estava Davis, Jennifer. “Dynamic Pasts in Convergence and Divergence:
Postcolonial Narratives of Lope de Aguirre.” International and Intercultural
Communication Journal, 5.4, 2012.
Conference Presentations
1. “Photosynth: The Global Image Village and the Corporate Panoptical Gaze”
Digital Memories Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, March 2011. (Sent
manuscript but unable to present due to disturbances in Egypt, where I was
residing at the time)
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2. “Symbolic Convergence and Divergence and the Narratives of Lope de
Aguirre” Paper presented at the National Communication Association,
November 2009, Chicago, Illinois.
3. “Lope de Aguirre, Public Memory, and Counterhistory in Postcolonial
Venezuela” Paper presented at the National Communication Association,
November 2005. Boston, Massachussetts.
4. Paper: “Lope de Aguirre, Public Memory, and Counterhistory in Postcolonial
Venezuela” (Abbreviated manuscript presented on my behalf by Dr. S.
Michael Halloran)
5. “Rumble in the Agora: Technology and the Rhetorical Tradition.” Southern
States Communication Association Conference, April 2002. Winston-Salem,
North Carolina.
6. “What is a Latino? Identification and Division in Hispanic Identity.” American
Ethnic Rhetorics. The Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition,
July 2001 State College, Pennsylvania.
7. “Disputing Selves: Conflict Over the ‘Other’ in the Status of MexicanAmerican Identity.”New York Communication Association Conference,
October 1998, Monticello, New York.
8. “The Two Worlds of Richard Rodriguez: A Burkeian Analysis.” Carolinas
Communication Speech Association Convention, October 1997. Charleston,
South Carolina.
9. "Barney: Creator of Cognitive Dissonance." Southern States Communication
Association Convention, April 1995. Undergraduate Panel Conference. New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Courses Taught - Undergraduate
WRIT 001, Programme in Writing and Reasoning, Singapore Management
University 2015
WRIT 001, Academic Writing, Singapore Management University 2014
Rhetoric 101—Approaches to Critical Writing, American University in Cairo,
Egypt 2009-2011
Rhetoric 102—Effective Argument, American University in Cairo, Egypt
Rhetoric 201—Research Writing, , American University in Cairo, Egypt
Rhetoric 400—Writing and Editing for Publication, American University in
Cairo, Egypt 2009-2011
English Composition 101, Dutchess Community College, New York, USA
English Composition 102, Dutchess Community College, New York, USA
General Paper, Raffles Junior College 2006-2007
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WRIT 2110, Rhetoric and Writing, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New
York, USA 1999-2003
WRIT 4120, Technical and Professional Communication, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA 1999-2003
WRIT 2410—Presentation Strategies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
New York, USA 1999-2003
COMM 110—Public Speaking, Wake Forest University, North Carolina,
USA 1996-1998
Courses Taught - Masters
Effective Communication for Master’s in Professional Accounting, Singapore
Management University (2014-2015)—Coordinator
Case Analysis and Case Presentation for Master’s in Business
Administration, Singapore Management University (2014-2015)
Discipline Specific Workshops (Law), Singapore Management University,
Effective Presentations and Reports for Master’s in Applied Finance,
Singapore Management University, (2014)
Communication skills: Pronunciation, Discussion and Presentation for PhD
Economics and PhD Business Finance, Singapore Management University
Postgraduate Professional Programme Immersion Workshop, Singapore
Management University 2013
Executive Teaching
Professional Written Communication, Singapore Management University,
English Language Proficiency and Training for Kazakhstan academics and
scholars, 2013
Upper Division Committee Coordinator, Department of Composition and
Rhetoric, American University of Cairo, 2010-2011
Undergraduate Composition Course Committee Chair, 2008-2009
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