HILLSBOROUGH CHOICE OPTIONS Magnet and School Choice Application Middle School Application Period: July 6-13, 2015 School Year 2015-2016 W elcome to the Hillsborough Choice Options application. Here you can select from the many options offered to families residing in Hillsborough County. Please complete this application carefully and submit by the appropriate application period deadline. For Your Information If the student is currently enrolled in a Hillsborough County Public School (HCPS): • you should apply online • and you will know immediately if your application was received because the online system will generate a confirmation page for you to print and retain for your records. Note: • Completion of this application does not guarantee admission. • If you are a HCPS employee and the parent/legal guardian, you should use the Education Connection Portal to apply online. If the student is not currently enrolled in a Hillsborough County Public School (HCPS): • you must submit a paper application • and an e-mail confirming the receipt of your application will be sent to the e-mail address provided on the application. Note: • Completion of this application does not guarantee admission. • If you are a HCPS employee and the parent/legal guardian, you must include your Lawson number at the top of the section for which you are applying. Hillsborough County Public Schools’ adheres to the Florida State Constitution, Article IX, Section I, and therefore, class sizes are restricted. Directions 1. A separate application must be completed for each child. 2. Families must complete all information in Section I. 3. Complete: Sections I and II for Magnet Schools and Programs. Sections I and III for School Choice. 4. All applications MUST be signed on page 2 by the child’s parent or legal guardian to be processed. 5. Mail completed PAGES of this application to: Office of Student Planning & Placement, 901 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33602. Remember. .. Current stud ents, please apply onlin e. Visit our website at http://choic e.mysdhc.or g Page 1 of 4 Middle School Application July 6-13, 2015 SECTION I: Personal Information (Please Print) Student’s Name Last Student Number (students new to HCPS do not have a student number) First Gender: F M Yes No M.I. Date of Birth: (month/day/year) Has the student previously attended a school in HCPS? Ethnicity: Are you Hispanic or Latino? Optional Yes No Does your child have an IEP? Yes Daytime Phone: Student’s Age: Grade 2015-2016: Race: (check all that apply) Optional American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White Black or African American If yes, for what services? No Home/Cell Phone: Current School: Email Address: Residential Address: City, State, Zip Apt./Lot # Remember to include apartment building or lot number. Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Apt./Lot # Remember to include apartment building or lot number. Is a sibling applying for or attending the same school that is being requested? Yes No If yes, please complete below and submit a separate application for each child requesting a school. Sibling’s Name School Birth date : (month/day/year) or Student # Current Grade Siblings are defined as a brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepbrother or stepsister, living in the same household. There is NO guarantee that placement will be approved for sibling. A separate application must be completed for each child requesting a school. This page is required. Please mail this page along with Section II and/or III. “My signature below verifies that I declare, under penalty of perjury, pursuant to Section 92.525, Florida Statutes, that I have read this application, and the information stated in this application is true and correct.” Male Head of household (print): ________________________________ Female Head of household (print):_________________________ Male Head of household (signature): _____________________________ Female Head of household (signature):_______________________ Date: ____________ Date: ____________ Page 2 of 4 Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________ Last First M.I. Phone Number: _______________ Employee Name: ___________________________________________________ Last First M.I. Lawson Number: ______________ SECTION II: Magnet Schools and Programs Grades 6-8 July 6-13, 2015 Magnet Schools and Programs are schools with theme-based curricula offering innovative and rigorous academic instruction by specially trained teachers in smaller learning communities. Transportation is provided to all themes. Magnet Programs for 2015-2016 You are allowed to choose up to 3 schools from the list below. Middle Schools: Grades 6-8 Directions: Make your selections by circling 1 for your first choice, 2 for your second choice, and 3 for your third choice (selections 2 and 3 are optional). Boys Preparatory Academy (BPA) Creative Science Centre - Upper Campus Cultural Arts & Humanities (Grades 7 and 8 only) (No Transportation Provided) Environmental Studies Franklin Young Rampello Dowdell 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Girls Preparatory Academy (GPA) Ferrell 1 2 3 Medical Studies & Explorations Sligh 1 2 3 Math/Science/Technology Stewart 1 2 3 Middle Schools: Grades 6-8 Directions: Make your selections by circling 1 for your first choice, 2 for your second choice, and 3 for your third choice (selections 2 and 3 are optional). Boys Preparatory Academy (BPA) Franklin 1 2 3 Creative Science Centre - Upper Campus Young 1 2 3 Cultural Arts & Humanities (Grades 7 and 8 only) (No Transportation Provided) Rampello 1 2 3 Environmental Studies Dowdell 1 2 3 Girls Preparatory Academy (GPA) Ferrell 1 2 3 Medical Studies & Explorations Sligh 1 2 3 Math/Science/Technology Stewart 1 2 3 Note: Page 2 of this application must be submitted along with this page. Failure to submit Page 2 will void your application. Page 3 of 4 Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________ Last First M.I. Phone Number: _______________ Employee Name: ___________________________________________________ Last First M.I. Lawson Number: ______________ SECTION III: School Choice (Middle Schools) July 6-13, 2015 School Choice provides parents and legal guardians with children entering grades K-11 the opportunity to choose three non-magnet schools or Career & Technical Education programs. Parents may choose from a list of schools with space available. Transportation may be limited or not available in some areas. You are allowed to choose up to 3 schools from the list below. Place a #1 in front of your first choice, a #2 in front of your second choice and #3 in front of your third choice. Selections #2 and #3 are optional. To check your transportation options, visit our website at http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/choice/schoice.asp *These programs have specific entrance criteria. Please call 813-272-4692 for details. # Middle Schools Adams Middle (6th and 7th grade applicants only) Region 4 # Middle Schools Greco Middle (Pre-KAPS)* Region 3 # Middle Schools Monroe Middle Region (Global Leadership Academy) 1 Benito Middle 3 Hill Middle 3 Mulrennan Middle 6 Buchanan Middle 3 Jennings Middle 7 Pierce Middle 2 3 Liberty Middle 3 Rodgers Middle 8 7 Madison Middle 1 Sligh Middle (non-magnet) 7 1 Smith Middle 2 Buchanan Middle (Bio-Engineering Academy) * (6th grade applicants only) Burnett Middle (6th and 7th grade applicants only) Madison Middle Davidsen Middle 2 Dowdell Middle (non-magnet) 5 Mann Middle (6th and 7th grade applicants only) 7 Turkey Creek Middle 6 Eisenhower Middle 8 Marshall Middle 6 Van Buren Middle 7 Giunta Middle 5 (Robotics Engineering Academy)* (6th grade applicants only) 7 Webb Middle 2 Memorial Middle 4 Greco Middle (Pre-Engineering Academy)* (6th grade applicants only) 3 (Aerospace Engineering Academy)* (6th grade applicants only) McLane Middle Has your child been enrolled in HCPS consecutively for 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015? If NO, and you have applied to a program that has specific entrance criteria*, complete the TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORM. This form may be found on the application website. Upon receipt of the transcripts that you receive from each non-HCPS school, mail the sealed transcripts along with this application. Note: Page 2 of this application must be submitted along with this page. Failure to submit Page 2 will void your application. STOP Page 4 of 4
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