Your Office Microsoft® Office 2013 Excel Module 1 Workshop 2 Concept Check Answers 1. Why should you format data in Excel? Data need formatting when there is additional context to add. For example, adding a $ sign to a number classifies the value as currency. Commas help the reader correctly grasp the magnitude of large numbers. A % sign indicates that the number represents a proportion. Color can indicate a classification, magnitude, or issue. There are many reasons to format data. The best reason(s) to format data is to add information. How might you format data for a person who is colorblind? Add formatting that is not color-dependent but highlights the data in a different way. Bold, italic, parentheses, hyphens, hatched backgrounds, etc. 2. What are the different functions made available via the AutoSum button?What does each function calculate? Sum – The additive total of a range of cells Average – The average of a range of cells Count Numbers – The count of the cells in a range that contain numeric values Max – The maximum numeric value in a range of cells Min – The minimum numeric value in a range of cells 3. What are the advantages of calculating totals in a table total row? The range that is included in the calculation is automatically determined by the scope of the table. Several statistics are available via the arrow in each cell in the total row – to allow each cell to contain a statistic unique to its column data. Table data can be filtered so the table “totals” can be used in what-if analysis without having to modify the specified ranges in the functions. Your Office Microsoft Office 2013 Page 1 of 2 4. What character precedes all formulas in Excel? = (equal sign) What purpose do parentheses serve in Excel formulas? They can change the order of mathematical operations. 5. What is conditional formatting? Conditional formatting is the application of character and/or cell formatting that is determined by data values relative to benchmarks or to other data values. How can conditional formatting assist in decision-making? Decision-making can be assisted by conditional formatting by calling attention to values that meet certain decision criteria, by identifying outlier values, and in some cases actually recommending decisions. 6. List two reasons why it may be necessary to hide rows or columns of information in a worksheet. To hide information, such as parameters, from users that they don’t need to see. Another reason to hide information would be hiding detailed information used to calculate totals until such time that the person using the worksheet would like to see it. 7. Why is the PDF file format good for saving documentation? It stores a copy of a worksheet or workbook in a format that is easily read but difficult to modify. Your Office Microsoft Office 2013 Page 2 of 2 Format the column headings in B2:F3 as Align Center and Bold Company Ticker Price SharesFormat Owned B7:F7 as % 2 decimal Annualwith Dividends / Shareplaces Yield Total Dividends Received Apply the Title cell style and Bold to the worksheet title in A1:N1; cells are merged and centered Save workbook as e01ws02Portfolio_LastFirst.xlsx Grid lines turned off Excellent Wealth Management Prime Heartland Diamond 2x4 Lumber HiTENd Steel Healthcare Five LLP Co. Security PRIME PULSE FIVE WOOD TEN $41.00 $60.00 $5.00 $24.00 $10.00 243.90 166.67 2000.00 416.67 1000.00 $1.48 $1.48 $0.16 $1.20 $0.48 3.61% 2.47% 3.20% 5.00% 4.80% $360.97 $246.67 $320.00 $500.00 $480.00 Format as Currency B4:F4, B6:F6, B8:G8, B12:N16, and B20:N25 Average Annual Income Per Stock $381.53 Conditional Formatting for Above Average values in B20:M24 - green text, green fill N12:N16 - columns summed Rows 10:17 hidden (you will have to unhide to check the next metric) AVERAGE calculated G8 A19:N25 Format as Table applied, sorted by STOCK B19:N25 rows summed STOCK FIVE PRIME PULSE TEN WOOD Total Apply Cell Styles 20% Accent 3 to A20:A25, B25:N25, and N20:N24 JAN $740.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $840.00 FEB $0.00 $0.00 $6.67 $100.00 $50.00 $156.67 MAR $0.00 $90.24 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $190.24 Conditional Formatting for Top 10 Items in B20:M24 APR $740.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $840.00 MAY $0.00 $0.00 $6.67 $100.00 $50.00 $156.67 Total Dividends by Month JUN JUL AUG $0.00 $740.00 $0.00 $90.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.67 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $190.24 $840.00 $156.67 SEP $0.00 $90.24 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $190.24 OCT $740.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $840.00 NOV $0.00 $0.00 $6.67 $100.00 $50.00 $156.67 DEC Total $0.00 $2,960.00 $90.24 $360.97 $0.00 $26.67 $100.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $200.00 $190.24 $4,747.64 A25:N25 has Top Border and N19:N25 has Left Border Conditional Formatting for Above Average values in N20:N24 - double underline Formula for stock yield (=B6/B4) entered in B7, formula copied to C7:F7 e01ws02Portfolio_LastFirst.xlsx Page 1 of 2 e01ws02Portfolio_LastFirst A4, A16, B4, B16, and C4 updated Create Date 12/15/2015 Mod. Date mm/dd/yyyy By Whom Michael Money By Whom Lastname, Firstname Create Date Sheet Name mm/dd/yyyy Dividend Portfolio e01ws02Portfolio_LastFirst.xlsx Description Stock Portfolio Monthy Dividend Analysis Mod. Description Completed Mr. Money's Monthly Dividend Income worksheet Workbook Name Creator Michael Money Purpose Monthly Dividend Income from Stock Portfolio e01ws02Portfolio_LastFirst.xlsx Last Version Backup Name Page 2 of 2 e01ws02Portfolio_LastFirst Save workbook as e01ws02PriceChanges_LastFirst.xlsx A1:F1 formatted Heading1 Enter date information, formatted as Long Date Excellent Wealth Management Company Ticker Friday, October 1, 2010 Monday, January 3, 2011 Friday, April 1, 2011 Friday, July 1, 2011 Monday, October 3, 2011 Tuesday, January 3, 2012 Monday, April 2, 2012 Monday, July 2, 2012 Minimum Maximum Current Gross Margin Silver Wheaton SLW $ 26.67 $ 38.58 $ 42.83 $ 32.41 $ 29.16 $ 30.60 $ 33.68 $ 26.93 $ 26.67 $ 42.83 $ 0.26 A:F column widths adjusted A theme has been applied B2:F2 formatted Heading3 Price Performance Microsoft Linn Energy Bank of America Verizon Enter stock ticker and price data MSFT LINE BAC VZ $ 24.38 $ 32.18 $ 13.30 $ 32.89 $ 27.98 $ 37.65 $ 14.19 $ 36.43 $ 25.48 $ 39.47 $ 13.37 $ 38.47 $ 26.02 $ 39.20 $ 11.09 $ 37.80 Apply Conditional Formatting for $ 24.53 $ 33.39 $ 5.53 $ 36.34 each stock (i.e. B5:B12, C5:C12, $ 26.76 $ 39.15 $ 5.80 $ 39.73 etc.) green gradient data bars $ 32.29 $ 38.17 $ 9.68 $ 38.52 $ 30.56 $ 38.50 $ 8.05 $ 44.93 B13:F13 MIN( ) stock value $ 24.38 $ 32.18 $ 5.53 $ 32.89 B14:F14 MAX( ) stock value $ 32.29 $ 39.47 $ 14.19 $ 44.93 $ 6.18 $ 6.32 $ (5.25) $ 12.04 B15:F15 calculate current gross margin Format B15:F14 as Accounting Apply Conditional Formatting smallest minimum in row 13, largest maximum in row 14, and smallest & largest current gross margin in row 15 e01ws02PriceChngs_solution.xlsx Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 1 of 3 e01ws02PriceChngs_LastFirst Create the Auditing worksheet Excellent Wealth Management Price Performance Company Silver Wheaton Microsoft Linn Energy Bank of America Ticker SLW MSFT LINE BAC 40452 26.67 24.38 32.18 13.3 40546 38.58 27.98 37.65 14.19 40634 42.83 25.48 39.47 13.37 40725 32.41 26.02 39.2 11.09 40819 29.16 24.53 33.39 5.53 40911 30.6 26.76 39.15 5.8 41001 33.68 32.29 38.17 9.68 41092 26.93 30.56 38.5 8.05 Minimum =MIN(B5:B12) =MIN(C5:C12) =MIN(D5:D12) =MIN(E5:E12) Maximum =MAX(B5:B12) =MAX(C5:C12) =MAX(D5:D12) =MAX(E5:E12) Current Gross Margin =B12-B5 =C12-C5 =D12-D5 =E12-E5 Verizon VZ 32.89 36.43 38.47 37.8 36.34 39.73 38.52 44.93 =MIN(F5:F12) =MAX(F5:F12) =F12-F5 Formulas are shown in the Auditing worksheet e01ws02PriceChngs_solution.xlsx Page 2 of 3 e01ws02PriceChngs_LastFirst A4, B4, C4, A17, and C17 updated Create Date mm/dd/yyyy Mod. Date mm/dd/yyyy By Whom Description Michael Money By Whom Mod. Description Lastname, Firstname Added stocks, text formatting, conditional formatting, and formulas to calculate the change in price from quarter to quarter. Create Date Sheet Name mm/dd/yyyy Stocks mm/dd/yyyy Auditing Creator Michael Money Lastname, Firstname Workbook Name e01ws02PriceChanges_solution.xlsx Last Version Backup Name Purpose To show the formulas used in the Stocks worksheet e01ws02PriceChngs_solution.xlsx Page 3 of 3 e01ws02PriceChngs_LastFirst Save workbook as e01ws02SpaSchd_LastFirst.xlsx Insert the Spa logo in cell D1, snapped to grid between columns F and G. Set the row height of row 1 to 50 Worksheets are submitted to fit on one page each in landscape orientation Format C6:C23 as hh:mm XM Spa Manager:Irene Kai A6:A23 formatted a mm/dd Date Day 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/21 Time Monday Monday Monday Monday 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM Apply the Organic theme Apply Heading 3 cell style to A4:J4 Client's Last Name Client's First Name Treatment Consultant Jacobs Robbins Rinker Eatton Sharon Kaylee Danie Michael European Facial European Facial European Facial Men's Facial Istas Istas Mault Niese Price Daily Total $75 $75 $75 $75 $300 12/22 Tuesday 12/22 Tuesday 12:00 PM Jacobs 2:00 PM Robbins Sharon Kaylee French Manicure French Manicure Mault Niese $19 $19 Sharon Danie Danie Kaylee Hot Stone Massage 1.5 hours Foot Reflexology 1/2 hour French Manicure Hot Stone Massage 1.5 hours Mault Mault Niese Niese $110 $35 $19 $110 $38 12/23 12/23 12/23 12/23 Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 5:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM Jacobs Rinker Rinker Robbins $274 12/24 Thursday 12/24 Thursday 10:00 AM Rinker 6:00 PM Eatton Danie Michael Mud Wrap Swedish Massage 1 hour Istas Istas $65 $70 12/25 Friday 12/25 Friday 10:00 AM Eatton 2:00 PM Reed Michael Amy Rosacea Treatment Swedish Massage 1 hour Istas Mault $75 $70 $135 $145 $892 Total Weekly Overview Highest Daily Sales $300 A4:J24 is formatted as Table Table Style Medium 2 Target Daily Sales: $250 C29 contains Max(J6:J24) and has the same format as J24 Column H is hidden Conditional Formatting is applied to J10, J13, J18, J21, and J24 Merge and Center A2:J2, apply Heading 4 cell style to A2:J2 and A26:A30; A26:A30 aligned left e01ws02SpaSchd_solution.xlsx Format I6:I23 as Currency with no decimals J10, J13, J18, J21, and J24 SUM formulas Page 1 of 3 e01ws02SpaSchd_LastFirst Turquoise Oasis Spa Consultant Availability Spa Manager:Irene Kai Therapists Last Name First Name Days Available Hours Available I s t a s C h r i s t y Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday N/A 10:00 am - 6:00 pm N/A N/A 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm N/A M a u l t K e n d r a Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday N/A 10:00 am - 7:00 pm 12:00 am - 8:00 pm 12:00 am - 8:00 pm N/A 10:00 am - 7:00 pm N/A N i e s e J a s o n Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday N/A 12:00 am - 8:00 pm 1:00 am - 8:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm N/A 10:00 am - 2:00 pm N/A C7:C13 contains each day of the week Merge & Center and Vertical Text applied to A7:A13, B7:B13, A15:A21, B15:B21, A23:A29, and B23:B29 e01ws02SpaSchd_solution.xlsx Page 2 of 3 e01ws02SpaSchd_LastFirst Create Date 12/5/2015 Mod. Date mm/dd/yyyy By Whom Kia, Irene By Whom Lastname, Firstname A8, B8, and C8:C11 updated Create Date Sheet Name 12/5/2015 Schedule by Date 12/5/2015 Therapist Schedule e01ws02SpaSchd_solution.xlsx Description Analysis of Spa sales and services Mod. Description Calculated daily totals Determined maximum day's sales Formatted daily sales totals that met target as green and bold Finished and formatted the Therapist Schedule Workbook Name Creator Kia, Irene Kia, Irene Purpose e01ws02SpaSchd_solution.xlsx Last Version Backup Name Page 3 of 3 e01ws02SpaSchd_LastFirst Painted Paradise logo in cell A1; cell A1 height set at 50 Save workbook as e01ws02WeeklySales_LastFirst.xlsx Theme set to Metropolitan Dates in B4:H4 AutoFilled, formatted as Short Date and Oriented Clockwise Weekly Sales Analysis 12 12 12 /1 /1 2/ 1/ 20 20 15 15 5 5 5 5 15 01 01 01 01 20 /2 /2 /2 /2 0/ /9 /8 /7 /6 /1 12 12 12 12 Total Commissions Golf Equipment Clubs $ 576.67 $ 209.60 $ 214.02 $ 249.16 $ 450.50 $ 450.95 $ 552.35 $ 2,703.25 $ Golf Balls 72.08 26.20 22.93 28.64 55.06 61.20 61.37 $ 327.48 Accessories 152.18 (49.70) 50.96 54.41 105.12 111.35 136.38 $ 560.70 $ $ 800.93 $ 186.10 $ 287.91 $ 332.21 $ 610.68 $ 623.50 $ 750.10 $ 3,591.43 $ Clothing Red Bluff Logo Wear $ 123.89 Brand Name Logo Wear 213.60 Accessories 89.71 $ 427.20 Consumables Drinks $ 40.20 Snack Food 25.70 $ 65.90 Services Green Fees $1,650.00 Golf Cart Rentals 440.00 Deposit Returns (110.00) Golf Club Rentals 55.00 Deposit Returns (11.00) Lessons 440.00 Conditional Formatting $2,464.00 highlights high and low $3,758.03 sales total in daily totals for each sales category and in daily overall totals e01ws02WeekSales_solution.xlsx 405.49 88.82 494.31 Ranges B6:H6, B11:H11, $ 35.59 $ 51.93 $ (62.80) $ 114.04 $ 106.42 $ 141.64 $ 510.71 B16:H16, and B20:H20 64.82 77.89 114.38 157.64 208.90 253.97 $ 1,091.20 formatted as Accounting 26.69 (32.46) 47.10 63.73 78.83 92.80 $ 366.40 Number Format $ 127.10 $ 97.36 $ 98.68 $ 335.41 $ 394.15 $ 488.41 $ 1,968.31 Weekly Sales total for Golf Equipment and $ $ 32.78 $ 22.78 55.56 $ 29.16 $ 19.44 48.60 $ 31.18 $ 22.58 53.76 $ 23.48 $ 73.18 $ 109.36 $ 17.71 44.85 64.23 $ 41.19 $ 118.03 $ 173.59 $ 339.34 Consumables displayed 217.29 in Bold Green font due 556.63 to conditional formatting $ 660.00 $ 577.50 $ 866.25 $1,031.25 $1,402.50 $2,062.50 $ 8,250.00 176.00 154.00 231.00 275.00 374.00 550.00 $ 2,200.00 (44.00) (38.50) (57.75) (68.75) (93.50) (137.50) $ (550.00) 22.00 19.25 28.88 34.38 46.75 68.75 $ 275.01 (4.40) (3.85) (5.78) (6.88) (9.35) (13.75) $ (55.01) 176.00 154.00 231.00 275.00 374.00 550.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 985.60 $ 862.40 $1,293.60 $1,540.00 $2,094.40 $3,080.00 $ 12,320.00 $1,354.36 $1,296.27 $1,778.25 $2,527.28 $3,230.08 $4,492.10 $ 18,436.37 for sales benchmark satisfaction $ 1,540.00 Conditional formatting in cells J9 and J25 indicated commissions benchmark status Page 1 of 4 e01ws02WeekSales_LastFirst Sales by Time of Day 12/6/2015 Sunday Time 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM TOTAL AVG. SALE # OF SALES MAX. SALE MIN. SALE A5:O28 formatted as Table Style Medium 10 and converted to a range Golf Equipment Clothing Consumables Clubs Golf Balls Accessories Red Bluff Logo Wear Brand Name Logo Wear Accessories2 Drinks Snack Food Green Fees Golf Cart Rentals 34.98 75.00 20.00 24.99 14.48 100.00 25.00 29.99 49.99 6.00 75.00 19.99 3.00 100.00 25.00 23.00 75.00 75.00 14.99 8.47 100.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 19.99 15.00 3.99 75.00 333.00 78.98 7.99 100.00 25.00 5.99 50.00 24.99 100.00 25.00 39.99 75.00 6.13 100.00 25.00 27.49 100.00 25.00 105.00 26.11 75.00 25.00 19.99 75.00 25.00 7.98 9.14 75.00 50.00 36.17 100.00 50.00 63.67 6.99 100.00 50.00 36.43 6.20 6.73 50.00 20.00 14.99 7.99 57.23 10.99 576.67 72.08 152.18 123.89 213.60 89.71 40.20 25.70 1650.00 440.00 144.17 14.42 30.44 24.78 42.72 14.95 8.04 6.43 82.50 31.43 4 5 5 5 5 6 5 4 20 14 333.00 29.99 57.23 36.43 78.98 26.11 15.00 7.99 100.00 50.00 63.67 6.13 14.99 14.99 8.47 5.99 3.00 3.99 50.00 20.00 Avg., # of Sales, and Max & Min sales calculated e01ws02WeekSales_solution.xlsx Services Deposit Returns Golf Club Rentals Deposit Returns3 13.75 (7.50) (7.50) (3.00) 13.75 (15.00) (7.50) (7.50) (3.00) (7.50) (7.50) 13.75 13.75 (7.50) (7.50) (15.00) (15.00) (15.00) (120.00) (10.00) 12 (7.50) (15.00) 55.00 13.75 4 13.75 13.75 (3.00) (3.00) (12.00) (3.00) 4 (3.00) (3.00) Lessons Total 100.00 $229.98 $164.47 $160.98 $161.74 $98.00 100.00 $298.46 $102.50 80.00 $193.98 $534.47 $69.74 80.00 $214.99 $114.99 $123.63 $144.99 80.00 $308.11 $126.24 $134.62 $199.92 $213.16 $111.86 ($0.01) ($10.01) $50.22 440.00 3747.03 88.00 162.91 5 100.00 534.47 80.00 (10.01) Totals in row 29 and column P calculated Page 2 of 4 e01ws02WeekSales_LastFirst A5:P29 formatted as Table Style Medium 3 with a total row Sales by Time of Day 12/7/2015 Monday Time Clubs 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM Total 0.00 TOTAL 209.60 AVG. SALE 69.87 # OF SALES 3 MAX. SALE 75.00 MIN. SALE 63.67 Golf Equipment Golf Balls Accessories Clothing Consumables Red Bluff Logo Wear Brand Name Logo Wear Accessories2 Drinks Snack Food 14.99 19.99 1.99 Green Fees Golf Cart Rentals Services Deposit Returns Golf Club Rentals Deposit Returns3 Lessons 7.98 24.99 25.00 9.90 17.88 26.20 8.73 3 9.90 7.98 20.00 11.00 9.72 24.99 49.70 24.85 2 24.99 24.71 14.99 35.59 17.80 2 20.60 14.99 19.99 64.82 12.96 5 19.99 9.99 11.71 26.69 6.67 4 9.99 1.99 100.00 3.00 3.00 32.78 5.46 6 9.00 1.78 0.00 22.78 7.59 3 10.80 4.99 25.00 650.00 43.33 15 50.00 25.00 20.00 180.00 20.00 9 20.00 20.00 0.00 (45.00) (5.63) 8 (5.00) (10.00) 11.00 22.00 11.00 2 11.00 11.00 0.00 (4.40) (2.20) 2 (2.20) (2.20) 100.00 175.00 87.50 2 100.00 75.00 Total 36.97 7.98 24.99 56.00 119.62 3.00 248.56 1445.76 62.86 193.22 (10.00) Filter applied on column A to display only rows 6:11 e01ws02WeekSales_solution.xlsx Page 3 of 4 e01ws02WeekSales_LastFirst Create Date 5/12/2015 Mod. Date mm/dd/yyyy By Whom Aleeta Herriott By Whom Lastname, Firstname Data updated in A8:B8 and C8:C12 Create Date 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 5/12/2015 Sheet Name Weekly Sales Hourly Sales - Sunday Hourly Sales - Monday e01ws02WeekSales_solution.xlsx Description Analysis of Pro Shop weekly sales Mod. Description Green background - high sales for the week Red background - low sales for the week Bold and green week total - sales proportion benchmark met Commission - green arrow - minimum met Commission - red arrow - minimum not met Workbook Name Creator Herriott, Aleeta Herriott, Aleeta Herriott, Aleeta Purpose Examine Pro Shop sales by day and category Examine Sunday sales in 1/2 hour increments Examine Monday sales in 1/2 hour increments e01ws02WeekSales_solution.xlsx Last Version Backup Name Page 4 of 4 e01ws02WeekSales_LastFirst
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