SCHOLARS WORLD -INTERNATIONAL REFEREED MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH Online: ISSN 2320-3145, Print: ISSN 2319-5789 EFFECTIVENESS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM IN SESHASAYEE PAPER AND BOARDS LIMITED, ERODE G.YOGANANDAN, R. DIVYA, Assistant Professor Management Studies (MBA) K.S.R College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India Research Scholar [Management Studies] K.S.R College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of performance appraisal system of employees in Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Erode. For this purpose, a sample size of 313 was selected among the total population of employees working in the organization through stratified random sampling technique. The study found that there is a significant relationship between designation of the employees and their perception on the rewards given for good performance and there is no significant relationship between designation of the employees and the punitive action taken for poor performance. The study suggested the appraiser or the supervisor of the employee working in different department must identify the performing employee and such employees shall be given with both monetary and non-monetary rewards. Keywords: Performance appraisal, effectiveness, designation and performance appraisal [email protected] Volume. III, Issue II, April 2015 [71] SCHOLARS WORLD -INTERNATIONAL REFEREED MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH Online: ISSN 2320-3145, Print: ISSN 2319-5789 INTRODUCTION: The paper industry in India is more than a century old. At present there are over 600 paper mills manufacturing a wide variety of papers required by the consumers. These paper mills are manufacturing industrial grades, cultural grades and other specialty papers. The paper industry in India could be classified into 3 categories according to the raw material consumed namely Wood based, Agro based and Waste paper based. While the number of wood based mills is around 20 and balance 580 mills are based on nonconventional raw materials. In 1925, Bamboo Paper Industry (Protection) Act and in 1931, Indian Finance (Supplementary and Extending) Act came into existence which provided the protection, and some more mills appeared on the scene. Rohtas Industries Ltd., Dalmianagar; Orient Paper Mills, Brajraj Nagar; Mysore Paper Mills Ltd., Bhadravati; Star Paper Mills Ltd., Saharanpur; and Sirpur Paper Mills, Kagajnagar, Sirpur; were set up just before the outbreak of the Second World War. Indian paper Industry made remarkable progress during the war period. In 1925, Punjab Paper Mills was started with an annual capacity of 6000 tons. By 1930-1931, the total capacity of paper production in India was increased to 45,600 tons as against 33,000 tons in 1925. The share of indigenous production in national consumption was now 71 % as against 54% in 1925. Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited (SPB), the flagship company belonging to 'ESVIN GROUP', operates an integrated pulp, paper and paper board Mill at Pallipalayam, Erode-638 007, Namakkal district, Tamilnadu, India. NEED FOR THE STUDY: The need of the research is to test the association of the independent variables such as age, gender, income, educational qualification and experience regarding performance appraisal system with dependent variables like performance level, training, feedback and evaluation system especially employees working in Seshasayee Paper and Boards ltd, Erode. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: 1. To study the effectiveness of performance appraisal system in Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Erode. 2. To find out whether both managers and workers getting equal rewards and penalty for their good and poor performance through the performance appraisal system. 3. To assess the relationship between the managers and workers on their performance appraisal system. 4. To find out the employees’ satisfaction towards the performance appraisal system used in the Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Erode. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: When the population is heterogeneous or of different segments or strata with respect to the variable or characteristics under study, then it is stratified. First the population is divided into a number of groups or strata. In this research the total population is divided into two strata namely, managers and workers. There are 1100 employees consisting of 650 managers and 450 workers. The questionnaires were distributed to 350 employees but finally only 313 filled-in questionnaires were accepted by the researcher as full and valid response. Therefore, the sample size for the study is 313, whereas the total population of Seshayee paper and boards private ltd 1100, which includes all the category of the employees. The collected data are analysed with the help of statistical tools like percentage analysis, Chi-square analysis and regression analysis. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: The data were collected by issuing the questionnaire to the employees in a short period of time, therefore the time and cost played a critical role in limiting the conduction of the research. The study is limited only to Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Erode which is a paper manufacturer. Hence, the results of the study shall not be generalized to all the other industries which may exhibit different characteristics. [email protected] Volume. III, Issue II, April 2015 [72] SCHOLARS WORLD -INTERNATIONAL REFEREED MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH Online: ISSN 2320-3145, Print: ISSN 2319-5789 REVIEW OF LITERATURE: Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating how well employees perform their jobs when compared to a set of standards, and then communicating that information to those employees. Performance appraisal is also called as employee rating, employee evaluation, performance review, performance evaluation and results appraisal (Mathis & Jackson, 2005). Performance appraisal means analysis, review or evaluation of performance or behavior analysis of an employee. It may be formal or informal, oral or documented, open or confidential. However, in organizations we find the formal appraisal system in a documented form (Bhattacharyya, 2006). According to Wayne Fcascio, “Performance appraisal has many facts. It is an exercise in observation and judgement, it is a feedback process, and it is an organisational intervention. It is a measurement process as well as an intensely emotional process. Above all, it is an inexact, human process. While it is fairly easy to prescribe how the process should work, descriptions of how it actually works in practice are rather discouraging” (Dwivedi, 1997). According to W.D.Scott, R.C.Clothier and W.R.Spreigel, “Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating an employee’s performance of a job in terms of its requirements” (Narayana, 1996). Venkatesh (2014) in his article “Performance Measurement and Management System – Inter Company Case Study Approach - Tamilnadu, India” identified that service quality had a direct and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction had a direct and significant effect on customer loyalty. The study recommended that the innovation in service quality or by improving the quality of service the hotels become more able to satisfy the customers. Savneet Kaur (2013) in his article “360 Degrees Performance Appraisal- Benefits & Shortcoming” identified that some employees give poor remarks to the managers they don’t like and vice-versa. Subordinates don’t have proper expertise to rate their manager. The study suggested that this system needs to be coordinated with other developmental activities so that it yields better results. Jansirani (2013) in her research “A Study on Performance Appraisal System at Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Pvt Ltd” found that there was no significant relationship between the effectiveness of appraisal & development programme and satisfaction of present appraisal done by organisation. The author suggested that the technique used for performance appraisal is very traditional which is to be modernized in future for good prospect of the employees. Venclova Katerina (2013) in her article “Identification of Employee Performance Appraisal Methods in Agricultural Organizations” identified that there was no dependency between the facts whether an opinion of the direct superior is required in the process of formal employee appraisal and the fact whether predefined goals based performance appraisal is applied as a method of formal employee appraisal. Sivaramakrishnan (2013) in his article “Effectiveness of Potential Appraisal Metrics of Managerial & Non Managerial Cadre in Malabar Cements Ltd., Walayar, Palakkad” identified that there was an effort in discovering employee’s potential for higher responsibility through performance appraisal at MCL and employee’s were satisfied with the performance appraisal system. The author suggested potential appraisal as an alternative tool in Malabar Cements which helps to identify the prospective talent, contribute to the organization and promote sustainable growth of the organization through talent retention. Waheed Ullah (2013) in his research “Performance Appraisal of Mobilink Orascom by Using 360° Feedback - A Case Study of Mobilink Regional Office Peshawar-Pakistan” found that the correlation between 360° rating and boss rating was significant and also the relationship between 360° rating and subordinate was significant. The author suggested that services business should focus on sales related activities as it counts for their high gains. Muhammad Adeel Arshad (2013) in his article “Effects of Performance Appraisal Politics on Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention and Loyalty to Supervisor Study with Reference to the Telecom Organizations of Pakistan” identified that perceived performance appraisal politics was negative and weakly correlated to job satisfaction and loyalty to supervisor. The author recommends that in order to reduce the political factors during performance appraisal, organization must observe the complete appraisal process keenly at every level and this information should be shared to the appraisers as if they know that the whole process is under observation there are very less chances of politics involvement. Asamu Festus Femi (2013) in his study “Perception of Performance Appraisal and Workers’ Performance In Wema Bank Headquarters, Lagos” found that there was a significant relationship between performance appraisal and worker’s performance. The study recommends that for appraisals to yield the desired outcomes the management should ensure that performance appraisal is carried out [email protected] Volume. III, Issue II, April 2015 [73] SCHOLARS WORLD -INTERNATIONAL REFEREED MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH Online: ISSN 2320-3145, Print: ISSN 2319-5789 continuously, not only when it is time for promotion. Nadeem Iqbal (2013) in his research “Impact of performance appraisal on employee’s performance involving the Moderating Role of Motivation” found that there was positive relationship between performance appraisal and employee’s performance. The author concluded that the basic purpose of an appraisal system should be to improve the employee performance that will leads towards the organization success. Mahdieh Darehzereshki (2013) in his study “Effects of Performance Appraisal Quality on Job Satisfaction in Multinational Companies in Malaysia” found that high quality performance appraisal positively influences employees` job satisfaction. This research demonstrates that organizations pay a price for letting low quality performance appraisal experiences. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION: TABLE: 1. DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES ON THE BASIS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Demographic variables Male Gender Female 20-30 years 31-40 years Age 40-50 years Above 50 years Managers Designation Workers SSLC-HSC Diploma Educational Qualification UG PG Married Marital Status Unmarried Production Personnel Stock preparation Departments Accounts Godown Laboratory Below 5 years 5-10 years Working Experience 10-15 years Above 15 years 10001-20000 20001-30000 Salary 30001-40000 Above 40000 Source: Primary data Respondents 270 43 112 109 60 32 202 111 74 106 101 32 230 83 231 27 29 8 6 12 85 62 62 104 194 98 9 12 Percentage 86.3 13.7 35.8 34.8 19.2 10.2 64.5 35.5 23.6 33.9 32.3 10.2 73.5 26.5 73.8 8.6 9.3 2.6 1.9 3.8 27.2 19.8 19.8 33.2 62.0 31.3 2.9 3.8 The table 1 shows that 35.8% of employees belong to the age group between 20-30 years, 73.5% of employees are married, 33.9% of employees are qualified with diploma, 73.8% of employees are working in the production department, 33.2% of employees have more than 15 years of experience in the industry, 62.0% of employees are getting the salary (in rupees) between 10001 - 20,000 per month and, 64.5% of employees are managers in the organization. [email protected] Volume. III, Issue II, April 2015 [74] SCHOLARS WORLD -INTERNATIONAL REFEREED MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH Online: ISSN 2320-3145, Print: ISSN 2319-5789 TABLE: 2 EMPLOYEES PREFERENCE OF REWARD AND PUNISHMENT Personal counseling Issue of show cause notice Action for poor performance Warning Termination Increment Promotion Rewards for good performance Gifts & coupons Cash rewards Source: Primary data 156 26 128 3 40 56 98 119 49.8 8.3 40.9 1.0 12.8 17.9 31.3 38.0 The table 2 shows that 49.8% of employees believe that personal counseling is the best remedy for poorly performing employees and, 38.0% of employees opine that cash rewards are the best ways of motivating good performance of the employees. Chi-square analysis is used by the researcher in this research in order to find out the association between the designation of the employee and their perception on action taken for poor performance. TABLE: 3 ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN DESIGNATION AND PERCEPTION ON THE ACTION TAKEN FOR POOR PERFORMANCE OF THE EMPLOYEES (CHI-SQUARE) Pearson chi-square Source: Primary data Calculated Value 2.546 DF 3 Table value 7.815 It is evident from the table 3 that the calculated value is less than the table value. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, it is inferred that there is no significant relationship between designation of the employees and their perception on the (punitive) action taken for poor performance. Chi-square analysis is used by the researcher in this research in order to find out the association between designation of the employees and their perception on the rewards given for good performance. TABLE: 4 ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN DESIGNATION AND PERCEPTION ON THE REWARDS GIVEN FOR GOOD PERFORMANCE (CHI-SQUARE) Pearson chi-square Source: Primary data Calculated Value 12.564 DF 3 Table value 7.815 It is evident from the table 4 that the calculated value is more than the table value. Hence, the study fail to accept null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, it is inferred that there is a significant relationship between designation of the employee and their perception on rewards given for good performance. FINDINGS: The study found that majority (35.8%) of employees belongs to the age group between 20-30 years, majority (73.5%) of employees is married, and majority (33.9%) of employees is diploma holders. The study found that majority (73.8%) of employees are working in the production department, majority (33.2%) of employees have more than 15 years of experience in the industry, majority (62.0%) of employees are getting the salary (in rupees) between 10001 - 20,000 per month, majority (49.8%) of employees are saying that personal counseling for employees are given for poor performance of the employees and, majority (38.0%) of employees are saying that cash rewards are given for good performance of the employees. The study also found that there is significant relationship between designation of the employees and their perception on rewards given for good performance of the employees and there is no significant relationship between designation of the employees and their perception on punitive action taken for poor performance of the employees. [email protected] Volume. III, Issue II, April 2015 [75] SCHOLARS WORLD -INTERNATIONAL REFEREED MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH Online: ISSN 2320-3145, Print: ISSN 2319-5789 SUGGESTIONS: The employees working in the organization are qualified with diploma; the organization can motivate the employees to the development of their career by acquiring higher educational qualification. Self appraisal forms can be provided to the employees so that they may get a chance to rate their own performance. The appraiser or the supervisor of the employee working in different department must identify the performing employee and they may be given both monetary and non-monetary rewards. This will motivate the employees to work much better and also enhance employee satisfaction. The employees perceive that the action taken for the poor performance was same for both managers and workers in the organization but on the other hand, they perceive that the rewards given to workers was not same as the managers for their good performance. The organization has to take steps so that both managers and workers do not feel that the organization is biased in their approach towards reward management. CONCLUSION: The study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of performance appraisal system of employees in Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Erode. The study gives the following suggestions to the company to improve the performance of the employees. Evaluation of training can be made transparently for the satisfaction of employees and to increase their performance. The study concludes by suggesting that the organization has to take steps so that both managers and workers do not feel that the organization is biased in their approach towards reward management. REFERENCES: 1. 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