A PRIL 2 0 1 5 Volume 6, Issue 8 Tiger Talk Carson Valley Middle School B E E N ’ S B R I EF I N G INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Music Dept 2 Cookie Dough rewards 2 Yearbook 3 PE - Track Info 3 Leadership 3 School Policy 4-5 9th Grade Semi-formal 5 Attendance info 6 It’s April; this month is marked predominantly by standardized exams and surveys. The 20152016 student registration activities are complete for the current CVMS 7 th graders. The incoming 6th and 7th grader’s registration occurs after Spring Break. There are two parent information evenings dedicated to your 6th-7th grade and 5th-6th grade registration processes. If you are a parent of a 5th grader zoned for CVMS next year you are invited to attend a parent registration activity Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 5:30PM for a facility tour or 6:00PM for a presentation by the current leadership students and school counselors. If you are a parent of a 6 th grader zoned for CVMS next year you are invited to attend a parent registration activity Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 5:30PM for a facility tour or 6:00PM for a presentation by the current leadership students and school counselors. Additional registration information to include copies of school catalogs, registration forms, presentation materials, and pee-chee inserts is available in the event you can’t make either evening activity. All of the student requests received will drive next year’s master schedule. If history is repeats itself, you should see the 6th-7th-8th grade 2015-2016 student schedules in PowerSchool by early August. On the standardized testing front, every 7th and 8th grade student will participate in the mandatory SBAC/CRT assessments beginning March 30, 2015. Some technical glitches have slowed the initial testing timeline, but it appears as though these are behind us right now. The majority of the testing will occur immediately following Spring Break. A series of block days followed by a regular bell schedule will facilitate the SBAC testing sequence. Evert effort has been made to minimize the impact these assessments have on the other students while a testing session is occurring. Please encourage your student to do their best and eat a good breakfast. Don’t despair there is plenty of this school year remaining after these important exams and plenty of opportunities to teach and learn. A snapshot of this April/May testing sequence is identified in a list view on the face of the CVMS Home Page. Further, all 9th grade students enrolled in Math I, or greater are require to participate in the Math I end of course exams this year as well. These exams are to be administered to all 9 th graders during a scheduled time the last three weeks of school; busy times. Take a moment to enjoy your Spring Break before the last educational spring into June. Contact Info 1477 Hwy 395 Gardnerville, NV 89410 Phone: 782-2265 CVMS Web address: www.dcsd.k12.nv.us/cvms District Web address: www.dcsd.k12.nv.us Please share your thoughts. The DCSD Parent Survey is now open. Go to our webpage at www.dcsd.k12.nv.us/cvms. The survey closes Friday, May 15, 2015 at 5:00PM. Thank you for taking the time to complete the Parent Survey. This information provides us with feedback on how we are doing with various aspects of your child’s education and the services we provide. Results for each school will be provided to the site administrator in early June 2015. If you are unable to access the survey via the following link, or would prefer to complete the survey in paper and pencil format, please contact your child’s school office. We value your input and appreciate the time you are taking to provide it! Have a wonderful Spring break. Volume 7, Issue 8 Page 2 M USIC D EPARTMENT Hello CVMS Music Families and Supporters! The CVMS Bands and Choir have some performances coming up for you, and we would love to have you in our audience! Please mark your calendars and feel free to join us. *Wed, April 1 – Northern NV Band Festival at Carson City Community Center 3:55pm – Beginning Band 5:10pm – Advanced Band *Thurs, April 23 – Northern NV Choir Festival at Churchill County Middle School in Fallon, NV. CVMS sings at 1:50pm. *Wed, May 13 – End of the Year Concert in the CVMS Multi-Purpose Room @ 6:30pm. *And if you also like Baseball, have we got a treat for you!? On Sunday, May 17, the CVMS Bands and Choir will be singing and playing the National Anthem at the opening of the Reno Aces game! The game begins at 1:05pm, but come early to hear our favorite musicians. J Vouchers can be purchased from any CVMS music student or from the main office at CVMS. Each voucher is $12, and for every voucher sold, CVMS gets $6! Seats will not be assigned until you arrive at the game and swap your voucher for your actual ticket, but all tickets will be assigned to the same section of bleachers, so you are guaranteed to sit with the fun crew supporting CVMS! Thanks for considering joining us, and buy as many vouchers as you’d like. The more, the merrier! ~Our top cookie dough sellers got to throw a pie in Mr Rech’s and Miss Staci’s face!!~ GO TGERS! Stephanie Samsel drills Mr. Rechs! Just do it Seth Marcyes! Love the look on Miss Staci’s face here! Are they good sports or what? Page 3 Volume 7, Issue 8 P HYS I C AL E D U C AT I O N Y E AR B OO K Mrs. Ballingham’s 7th grade physical education classes are Did you know that last year, we sold out of yearbooks? We’re likely to sell out soon, so bring $45 to the front office before it’s too late! Once they’re gone, they’re GONE! Yearbooks may also be ordered online at http:// jostensyearbook.com. headed into a Track and Field unit. Usually we have a chance to get outdoors in April, but we are headed out now! We are hoping to get running, throwing, and jumping. Track and Field will be starting for school as an after school sport, as well as for physical education. We will explore jumping techniques involved with long jump, high jump, and triple jump. We will practice sprinting and hurdling techniques. Throwing the discus and putting the shot are also events that will be introduced! This unit tends to demonstrate to students, strengths they may possess that they may never knew they had! Please encourage proper clothing, sweatshirts, sweat bottoms, and athletic shoes laced properly. Here is a sneak peak! T R AC K AN D F I E L D 7th and 8th grade track is up an running (excuse the pun). We have over 100 kids signed up to run track for the CVMS team this season. Practices are from 3:00 - 4:30 MondaysThursdays until we have our first meet on April 30th. Our first practice is on March 30th. The following is the schedule for our track meets: April 30th @ PWL or CVMS 2:30 May 7th @ STMS 2:30 May 14 @ CVMS 2:30 WE ARE HOSTING THE MEET May 20th @ Carson High School Championships 1:00-8:00pm There is more information on the CVMS website or contact Mr. Huff at [email protected] LEADERSHIP EVENT Leadership will be hosting the 8th grade Semi-Formal on Friday, May 1st, from 6-9 p.m. The Semi-Formal will be held at the beautiful new Douglas County Community Center. Admission is $15, which includes appetizers and refreshments, and a 5x7 professional photo will be available for $10. Tickets will be presold beginning April 14th, and will also be available at the door the night of the event. Not sure about the dress code? Students are encouraged to check out the “Do’s and Don’ts” of semi-formal attire, posted around the campus and in the front office. We hope to see all 8th graders at their last middle-school dance before their big move to DHS! Come celebrate! Attention Parents: Leadership is looking for donations of appetizers and/or drinks for the 8th grade semiformal. Help us make this an affair to remember! If you are able to donate, please contact Mrs. Higman at [email protected]. Thank you! Volume 7, Issue 8 Page 4 Safety and Thefts Parents and students, unfortunately unauthorized items continue to come up missing at school; cell phones, iPods, etc. While no one likes a thief, if these items are brought to school it is at your own risk. So if you bring these unauthorized items to school locking them in your personal hall locker is probably safer than taking them a PE class. If locking the item in a personal hall locker is not an option, then it is recommended that the student lock the item in their individual PE locker. The large community bin in the PE locker room is for backpacks and is not as secure as their personal locker. We also recommend that student do not share their combinations to their personal lockers. We will not search for items that should not be on campus. CVMS Searches With that being stated above, CVMS has the right to search any individual that comes onto our campus when we have a Reasonable Suspicion that the individual may be in possession of an unauthorized item. After School Activities Students need to leave campus at the end of the school day unless they are staying for a supervised event or tutoring. If a student is staying for an after school event, like a sporting event, they need to attend tutoring prior to the event. We do not allow students to wander around the campus unsupervised. Electronic Items We recommend that these items are left at home. If a student elects to bring one of these items to school they are not allowed to on, be used, or visible between the hours of 7:45AM-2:06PM, or during tutoring and After-School Detention. Additionally, a parent will be required to pick up the item each time it is confiscated. 1st incident – 3 days of Lunch Detention 2nd incident – 1 day of In-School Suspension 3rd incident (and subsequent incidents) – 3 days of Out-of-School Suspension Hallway Access Students are not allowed inside the halls (A, B, C) of the school until 7:30 AM. Prior to the 7:30 AM bell the students can go to the Multi-purpose room or the gym. Hats/Head Gear Hats and head gear are not allowed to be worn inside the buildings at CVMS. A parent will be required to pick up the item each time it is confiscated. If a student repeatedly violates this rule Progressive Discipline will be used. Closed Campus CVMS is a closed campus. Once the student arrives on campus they are not allowed to leave until they leave to go home. Per district policy 905: A pupil is not permitted to leave the school with anyone who has not been clearly identified as his/her parent in custody or guardian or a person authorized to act on behalf or parent or guardian. The parent/guardian needs to sign their student out in the front office if leaving school early. Students are not allowed to go to the store off campus during the school day or while they are under the supervision of the school. Page 5 Volume 7, Issue 8 Tutoring CVMS provides tutoring opportunities for the students. Teachers are offer tutoring on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday unless they have a previous engagement. CVMS offers transportation for after-school tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you desire to stay for tutoring on other days please make the arrangement with your teacher and have transportation home. Note: There has been an adopted change, 12/14/2010, in the DCSD’s Administrative Regulation 523(a) to include designer drugs. To view the full regulation go to: http://dcsd.k12.nv.us/filedb/file992.pdf “Possession, use, distribution, or intent to distribute, and/or being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, including by not limited to, inhalants, designer drugs*, controlled substances (or a substance purported to be a controlled substance or mimic the effect of a controlled substance), prescription drugs, unless the student has been prescribed the prescription drug by a physician and in accordance with Board Policy 508, or inappropriate use of an over -the counter (OTC) drugs, The definition of possession, as used here, includes all aforementioned substances as well as drug paraphernalia containing drugs on the person of a student, in any school locker, or any clothing, purse, backpack, automobile, or any other…” 9 T H G R AD E S E MI F O R MAL CVMS, in conjunction with PWL, is putting on “Great Gatsby” Semiformal dance. It will be held at the PWL campus Saturday, April 25th, from 8:00 to 11:00 pm. The cost is $15.00 per student. The cost includes: a chocolate fountain, a dazzling punch fountain, delectable treats, a DJ, and a light show. There will be a professional photographer to capture this unforgettable event. Tickets will be purchased at the door. Dress Code: Girls - Dresses (long or short) or a nice pantsuit. Strapless dresses are permissible if not too revealing. You will be asked by a chaperone to cover up if you are deemed to be inappropriately dressed. Boys - Nice pants (slacks, corduroys, or any other pants a step above blue jeans) and button up shirts. This dance is for 9th grade students only. Students may invite other 9th graders from another school within the Douglas County School District by picking up a form from Mrs. Thomas. Eligibility rules apply! No more then 5 discipline entries for the year. No out of school suspensions during the second semester. No truancy during the second semester. No “U”s for a conduct grade during second semester. And no five or more days of suspension during the entire school year. Volunteers and donations are needed for set-up, decorations, chaperones, clean up, and supplies. If you’re interested in volunteering or donating any items, please contact Callie Campbell Parr (from PWL) at your earliest convenience at [email protected] or Ginny Thomas (CVMS) at [email protected] Volunteer positions include: Set-up & decorations - Friday, 4/24 at the Pau-Wa-Lu Cafetorium anytime between 2:15 and 4:00 Chaperones - if we have enough volunteers, we hope to offer “shifts” 8:00-11:00PM Tear down & clean up – 11:00PM Page 6 From the Attendance Office Spring Break is going to be here before we know it and then there are only 7 weeks of school left? During those last days of school it is very important that your child is in school but if you know you are taking your student out of school for two or more days please fill out a prearranged absence form. These forms are found in the attendance office. Remember if your student misses more than 9 days in a semester, they will be sent home with an attendance appeal. If your student is close to missing nine days, please monitor it closely to avoid having to file an appeal. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact our Attendance Secretary, Staci Dixon at 7822265 ext 2302 Dress Code: Our dress code is not arbitrary, but based on state statutes. As the weather gets warmer, we tend to encounter more dress code violations, especially in terms of shorts or skirts that are too short and tops that are too revealing. Please remember that hem length must be no shorter than midthigh, which we interpret as to the fingertips with the arms at the sides, and that tops that are low-cut or that have skinny straps or large arm holes are not allowed. Thank you; inappropriate dress can unnecessarily distract from our mission of educating students Carson Valley Middle School 1477 Hwy 395 Gardnerville, NV 89410 Non-Discrimination Policy The Douglas County School District Board of Trustees supports equal educational opportunity for students free from discrimination based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin (Board Policy No. 103). This concept of equal opportunity serves as a guide for staff in making decisions relating to school facilities; and selection of educational materials, equipment, curriculum, and regulations affecting students. In support of this policy and in compliance with the requirements of federal law, no student will be required to attend mandatory meetings solely based on the student’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID Gardnerville, NV 89410 PERMIT #36
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