Parent Bulletin Message from the Principal CALENDAR EVENTS APRIL 14 EOGT Testing-ELA APRIL 15 EOGT Testing-ELA APRIL 16 EOGT Testing-Math APRIL 20 Progress Reports April 21 EOGT Testing-Science April 22 EOGT Testing-Social Studies 2nd Grade-Creative Discovery & Gilbert Stephenson April 23 Candy Fundraiser Winner Party April 24 Testing Make-ups PTO TALENT SHOW April 27/28 5th Gr.-Pin Strikes & Shogun 4th Grade Kickball April 29 CHAMPS Graduation-8:30 4th Gr.-Chattanooga Zoo May 1 CRE Field Day 3rd Grade-AG Day (10:30) May 4-8 Teacher Appreciation Week May 5 5th Grade visits RMS & CVMS May 7 Volunteer Brunch-10:00 5th Grade 80’s Dance 1st Grade Luau May 8 - STEM DAY K-Beach Day Speech Ice Cream Social May 13 Kindergarten Awards-8:30 Pre-K Awards-9:30 3rd Grade Awards-10:30 Lego Team visits TVA May 14 1st Grade Awards-8:30 4th Grade Awards-10:00 May 15-STUDENTS LAST DAY 5th Grade Awards-8:00 w/reception following 2nd Grade Awards-10:30 April 2015 Dear Parents, I can’t believe I am writing the “End of the Year” message! Thank you to all of our parents, and families for your support this year! It has been a year of many “changes” for everyone. I am so proud of our kids! I think you will be too when you see all they have learned. Don’t forget to keep your child learning over the summer! Make it fun! Join a summer reading program, investigate math and science at home and in your daily life. Chickamauga Battlefield is filled with endless adventures in our own back yard. Many apps on smartphones, tablets, and computers can help your child practice and have fun. Ask your child’s teacher for some suggestions for learning fun! We could not do what we do without you and the staff and faculty at Cherokee Ridge Elementary. We are honored to be educators and work with your family. We hope that we have had a positive effect in your child’s life and opened the door to learning. I hope to see all of you at the end of the year events. Have a safe and wonderful summer!! Lori Vann, Principal CRE TALENT SHOW FIELD DAY The CRE Talent Show will be held on Friday night, April 24 at 6:00 p.m. Pre-K thru 3rd Grade will perform during the first half of the show and Grades 4-5 will be performing during the second part. CRE’s own Fifth Grade Band and the Ridgeland Jazz Band will perform during Intermission. Admission is $3 for adults and kids are FREE! Popcorn Bar and Drinks will be served!! Come join us!!! CRE Field Day is scheduled for Friday, May 1 and a rain date of May 8. We look forward to this fun day. More detailed information to be sent home with students! TEACHER OF THE YEAR Congratulations to a very special CRE second grade teacher, Mrs. Hollie Robinson who has been named Cherokee Ridge Teacher of the Year!!!
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