The Phoenix Gazette Rigor—Relationship—Relevance April 2015 Dear Sequoyah Families: The weather, flowers and birds indicated that spring came early and fast this year. We hope you and your student(s) enjoy Spring Break, Monday, April 6th through Friday, April 10th. The week following Spring Break, we have Student Led Conferences (SLCs), Wednesday, April 15th - Friday, April 17th. Most of our families have indicated they prefer evening conferences to accommodate their work schedules so we are hosting SLCs on Wednesday and Thursday evenings as well as all day Thursday. We have requested if these times don’t work for you, you contact your POD teachers to have the conference at a different day and time. Hopefully you have received the letter confirming your conference from your student. If not, please contact Eli Holm, Dean, at 253-945-3676. Our 8th graders have been working diligently to complete their American History Project. They have completed research using primary and secondary sources, written a paper and prepared a presentation that will be presented on Thursday, April 15th from 1 - 3pm. There will not be any SLCs during this time. State testing begins April 27th and finishes May 18th. Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) is a comprehensive assessment designed to see how well students are learning the Common Core State Standards in Math and English Language Arts (ELA). All of the assessments are online and each test question is designed to challenge students to show what they know and to apply the complex skills and knowledge to real world problems. The assessment asks students to answer essay questions using multiple sources, explain their reasoning, and show how they solved mathematical problems. Your student will have five days of testing during the testing window. The testing schedule for your student will be available for each POD during SLCs. At Sequoyah, we have practiced the SBA and students have been taught the skills they need to take the SBA. Here’s how you can help prepare your student for the SBA. 1. Make sure your student gets plenty of rest, exercise and eats a healthy breakfast. Ask your student if they eat breakfast at school or at home and what they are eating. 2. Read, read, read at least 15 minutes a night. Include informational text. 3. Take the practice test with your student at . The most important part is to sit with your student and explain how you thought through the problem. 4. Have your student assemble something following the directions of a manual. 5. Practice multiplication cards, fractions, and percents. If you don’t have multiplication cards, use playing cards. 6. Have your student cook or double the recipe at home; when you go shopping, have them figure out the sale price after the percentage or specified discount. 7. Monitor your student’s work through ParentVUE online or have your student pull up their grades in StudentVUE. Over dinner, have your student tell you what they are doing well in and what they can do to improve. 8. Email or call your student’s teachers and attend Student Led Conferences. Tell us, as partners in their education how you are working with your student and ask for ideas that students can do at home. Remember to relax and tell your student to do their best. The SBA is just a snapshot of their learning continuum. Have a great spring break and we look forward to talking to you about your student soon! Respectfully, Springy Yamasaki, Principal Every Child...Every Day...100% Success Upcoming Events: Mar 30 - April 16 April 6-10 April 13 April 15 & 16 April 16 & 17 April 30 May 1 May 19 May 25 May 26 June 1 June 4 June 15 June 16 ASB Clothing Drive Spring Break-No School Sports Season 4 Begins Scholastic Book Fair - During SLCs Student Led Conferences - No School Jazz Night 7:00pm Data Day - No School Band Concert 7:00pm Memorial Day-No School Snow Make Up Day-School-In-Session Choir/Orchestra Concert 7:00pm Talent Show 7:00pm 8th Grade Celebration-more information to follow Last Day of School School In Session Tuesday, May 26th Due to our school closure on November 12th, school will be in session on Tuesday, May 26th. Yes, we will have school on Tuesday, May 26th. Yearbook Sale! Students, don’t miss your chance to order your Sequoyah yearbook! The yearbook costs $20. Students may purchase a yearbook in the front office before school or during student lunch. Payment can be made with cash, a check payable to “Sequoyah Middle School,” or with a credit card. A limited number of copies were purchased so order your yearbook now to ensure availability. Whom do I call? Main Office Hours: 7:15am - 3:15pm (253) 945-3670 Office Manager Julie Crowder (253) 945-3671 Principal & M1 8th Grade Administrator Springy Yamasaki (253) 945-3675 Asst. Principal & K2 8th Grade Administrator Crystal Emerson (253) 945-3677 Dean and 6th grade Administrator Steve Anderson (253) 945-3687 Dean and 7th grade Administrator Eli Holm (253) 945-3676 Dave Wilson Barbara Lanning Counselor (253) 945-3798 School Nurse (Mon. & Thurs.) (253) 945-3679 Charlotte Sybil Health Room Assistant (253) 945-3679 Bus schedule Transportation Dept (253) 945-5960 Lunch: questions, payments Nutrition Services (253) 945-5555 Register/withdraw students & attendance Sandi Mullarky (253) 945-3673 Report cards Teacher See phone roster Sports-Athletic Director Eli Holm (253) 945-3676 Fines or fees Lorri-anne Hall (253) 945-3672 Library Assistant Mona Bryant (253) 945-3683 Report an absence 24 hr attendance line (253) 945-3696 Every Child...Every Day...100% Success Page 2 Sequoyah Teacher Roster Dept H/F ELA-7th M-8th M-7th M-8th SS-8th SS-7th S-7th S-8th SS-6th SS-8th SS-6th ELA-8th ELA-8th Band/Choir/ Orch S-6th H/F Sp Ed S-8th SEB Sp Ed ELA-6th ELA-7th M-7th ELA-6th ELL M-6th S-7th S-6th Sp Ed Orchestra Instruct Coach F Name Beverly Nicole Denise Alisha Leonard Betty Don David Amy Collin Collin Amy Lauri Christina L Name Abad Adams Angerman Baldwin Barnett Beier Borst Chernicoff Christiansen Craig Gibbs Heritage Isaksen Kidwell (LTS Foster) Email address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ext 3897 3875 3789 3775 3777 3781 3879 3880 3776 3885 3793 3795 3790 3778 Planning Time 1:10-2:05 1:10-2:05 8:55-9:50 12:15-1:10 8:00-8:55 8:00-8:55 1:10-2:05 1:10-2:05 8:00-8:55 9:50-10:45 8:55-9:50 11:15-12:15 8:55-9:50 8:00-8:55 Jenessa Heather Terry Linda Zachary Jennifer Patty Eric Melody Paula Jonathan Valerie Daniel Malia Paul Kim Tom Lang Laprade Lathan Linthicum McCauley McKenna Monroe Nast Nordstrom Paris Scott Serns Song Sturgeon Swanson Wagner Walworth [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 3895 3886 3898 3883 3788 3774 3791 3796 3772 3878 3884 3779 3881 3770 3794 3876 3893 1:10-2:05 9:50-10:45 9:50-10:45 11:15-12:15 8:55-9:50 Debbie Audrey Williamson Wilson [email protected] [email protected] 3681 3771 12:15-1:10 Witcosky [email protected] 3799 11:15-12:15 SS-7th M-6th/ Spanish Lindsey Every Child...Every Day...100% Success 8:00-8:55 11:15-12:15 12:15-1:10 1:10-2:05 9:50-10:45 10:45-11:45 9:50-10:45 12:15-1:10 11:15-12:15 12:15-1:10 12:15-1:10 Page 3 Attendance: Please remember to call our 24-hr attendance line, 253-945-3696, when your child is absent or tardy and follow up with a note upon his/her return. To excuse absences, please write a note including the dates of absences, a brief explanation, your signature and date, and have your child bring it to the main office. Homework Requests: When your student is out for more than one day and you would like to request homework, please refer to the email addresses listed in this newsletter. You may email or call the teachers directly and they will either email you in return or bring work to the main office. Please allow 24 hours notice for teachers to prepare work for your student. Student Safety is #1 Please have Picture Identification ready When coming to pick up your child during school hours, you must show picture identification when signing your student out. In addition, when calling in for information regarding a student, caller identification must match a telephone number of a parent/guardian listed on the student’s emergency card before information is released to the caller. Students will only be released to persons named on the Yellow Emergency Card and who show proper Identification. Sequoyah Middle School Volunteer/Visitor Procedures Sequoyah Middle School welcomes you! We ask that you abide by the following procedures when volunteering or visiting our campus: 1. For Volunteers: Complete, or have on file, a current Washington State Patrol background form. You may obtain a blank WSP packet from our main office. You must be cleared before you volunteer, so please obtain a form and turn it in to our office several weeks prior to the date you wish to begin volunteering. If you have a current clearance on file with another FWPS school, you may have the school fax a copy to Sequoyah. The background check is good for two (2) years. 2. For Volunteers & Visitors: Always check in/out with our main office. Sign the volunteer/ visitor book upon arrival/departure. Our office will issue you a volunteer/visitor badge that must be worn while you are on campus. 3. Questions regarding your WSP form may be directed to Mona Bryant at 253-945-3683. Every Child...Every Day...100% Success Page 4 Sports News Sports Season #4 Girls Volleyball, Boys Baseball and Track will begin on Monday, April 13th Sports All athletes are required to have a current physical on file, completed and signed parent participation form (naming health/accident insurance and policy number), completed and signed travel card, $15 ASB membership and be fine free. In addition, athletes are required to maintain a good discipline record and meet grade requirements as outlined in the FWPS Rights & Responsibilities Handbook. Fees Sports participation fees have been waived by the District for the 2014-15 school year. Although, all students participating in sports must purchase an ASB membership and be fine free by 12:15pm the day preceding the first contest of the season in order for the student to be eligible for competition. 6th Grade Due to WIAA regulations, 6th graders may only participate in cross country, C team basketball, wrestling, gymnastics, and track . Athletic questions may be directed to Mr. Holm at 253-945-3676 or email at [email protected]. Lost and Found Please check for missing clothing items in the lost and found in the Forest and the locker rooms. All items not claimed will be donated. While balloons are fun to give and receive, please refrain from sending or having them delivered to school. Due to medical reasons, latex balloons will not be allowed on campus. Thank you!! Every Child...Every Day...100% Success Page 5 Clothes for the Cause Sequoyah’s First Annual Textile Drive March 30 – April 16 Due to popular demand we are giving you two more weeks to get your spring cleaning done! Sequoyah’s ASB is working with Clothes for the Cause to help recycle textiles in our area. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), five percent of all landfill space in the United States is filled with textile waste. Clothes for the Cause aims to reduce this environmental burden by finding a second life for reusable materials and keeping millions of pounds of textiles out of landfills. As part of our global awareness, ASB will be collecting household textiles such as: clothing (in any condition), towels, gloves, hats, sheets, blankets, shoes, quilts, bedspreads, purses, belts, stuffed animals, and drapes. The only restriction is the textiles cannot have grease or oil on them. All textiles will be collected before school each day. Please have textiles in a plastic or paper bag. This will help us keep all materials dry. Please help Sequoyah reduce materials in our landfills! Thank you to all who have already donated! Yes, you can bring your donation during SLCs! Sequoyah PTSA News Hi Sequoyah Families, The PTSA is hosting the Scholastic Book Fair during SLCs (Student Lead Conferences) on April 15th and 16th in the Sequoyah M.S. Forest. Please stop by and stock up on summer reading. All sales help the Sequoyah library receive free books! We are also looking for volunteers to help. If you would like to help with the book fair please email us at [email protected]. Thank you for saving Box Tops! We have had a great show of support and will wrap up our final POD competition in May. Keep saving those ten cent tops. We will have another turn in drive the first part of May. The POD that turns in the most eligible box tops wins a free cookie for each student in the POD! April 22nd is our next Trampoline Nation night; from 4-9pm. Enjoy discounted rates for jumping. You can bring your friends and family, just let them know when you check in that you are with Sequoyah Middle School. The PTSA also earns $1.00 for every hour jumped! The PTSA is looking for volunteers to help with Staff Appreciation week in May. Please email us if you would like to help. Do you make purchases through Amazon? If you do, please consider using Amazon Smiles and choosing Sequoyah PTSA as your nonprofit to support! All the same prices and great products of Amazon, but you are supporting the PTSA too! Amazon Smiles gives the PTSA 0.5% of purchases through the website. There is no extra cost to you! Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and follow us on Facebook - Sequoyah Middle School PTSA for updates. Have a wonderful day! Rayna Meuer, PTSA President Every Child...Every Day...100% Success Page 6 7th and 8th Grade Parents The deadline is approaching to apply for the College Bound Scholarship! Did you know applying for the College Bound Scholarship will make your student 19% more likely to graduate from high school? Here are a few FAQ’s you may be asking. What does College mean? It does not mean only a four year university. Here are a few of the 80+ Washington schools who accept the College Bound Scholarship (CBS): Gene Juarez Academy, Art Institute of Seattle, ITT Technical Institute, Bates Technical College, Green River College, DigiPen Institute of Technology, Bastyr University, Whitman College, University of Washington. What does Eligible mean? There are income requirements that will be confirmed during senior year. We encourage you to apply now because a student cannot apply after the end of his or her 8th grade year. All foster youth are eligible. If you receive food or TANF benefits from the state you are eligible. How much money are we talking about? Washington State has allocated 35 million dollars for 2013-2015. Depending on the college your student attends, he or she will receive between $4,400 to $11,900 per year. Does making the pledge make a difference? The first cohort has already graduated from high school and enrolled in one of the 80+ Institutes, colleges or universities. The data shows a 19% higher high school graduation rate from CBS than equivalent students not CBS. Is this a full ride scholarship? No. The College Bound Scholarship combines with state needs grants to cover tuition (equivalent to a state university) and pays a $500 book fee. How do I apply? Apply online at this web site, or obtain a paper application from the Sequoyah office: If I have questions? We will have applications and information at SLC’s on April 15 th and 16th. You may also call Mr. Wilson, Sequoyah Counselor, at 253-945-3798. Every Child...Every Day...100% Success Page 7 Federal Way Public Schools Dress Code 2014-2015 Students in the Federal Way Public Schools are expected to dress in a manner that reflects pride and respect for themselves, their schools, and is appropriate for the serious work of learning. It is generally expected that student dress shall be clean and appropriate for the activity in which the student is engaged. The following shall be prohibited by each school or alternative program’s student dress code: Clothing presenting a reasonable expectation of a material and substantial disruption of the educational process, damage to school property, or a health or safety hazard, or anything that advocates prejudice. Clothing displaying obscene or sexual words, pictures, messages or innuendoes. Clothing displaying drug or alcohol-related words, pictures, messages, or innuendoes. Pajamas, slippers, halter tops or any shirt that is short enough to expose the stomach, pants that are unusually low riding and are worn low on the hips revealing undergarments, or shorts or skirts shorter than finger tip length. Clothing which symbolizes gang membership or which displays gang-related words, symbols, messages, or pictures. Sequoyah Middle School also prohibits the following: Hats and/or other headgear (including but not limited to bandanas, earmuffs, and hoods) worn inside the school building. Clothing that exposes the torso or chest (ex: halter tops or crop tops), tank tops, low cut shirts. See-through clothing. Jewelry and other accessories that may present a safety hazard or danger to self or others (this includes wallet chains, dog chains, and spikes or studded accessories). Spandex as outerwear. Shirts or blouses with holes or pants that have holes or cuts above the mid-thigh. Pants and shorts worn below the waist. Shorts or skirts that are not at least fingertip in length and hemmed. Students whose manner of dress violates the school or alternative program’s dress code shall be asked to make appropriate corrections. Students who fail to comply shall be subject to discipline. Parents shall be notified. Every Child...Every Day...100% Success Page 8
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