2750 Kingsway Drive Oakville, Ontario, L6J 7G5 905-829-1700 (Telephone) 905-829-3369 (Fax) Website http://schools.hcdsb.org/luke/default.aspx FAITH ● HOPE● CHARITY Principal: Mrs. C. Boiago Secretary: Mrs. K. Rosati Parish : St. Andrew Church SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM: Please remember to phone in your child’s absence to (905) 829-1700. The answering machine is available 24 hours - Messages are picked up regularly between 8:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m MARCH 2015 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE HOLY WEEK MASS SCHEDULE We continue our Lenten Journey at St. Luke School. We take time to reflect on the Gospel message of how we are living up to God’s law of love. We strive to grow closer to God through initiating acts of kindness and through other Lenten Initiatives that we have committed to. Please keep our grade 2 and grade 7 students in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation. Our grade 2 students made their First Reconciliation on Saturday, February 21st and our grade 7s will be confirmed on Saturday, March 28th. Our Virtue in Action this month is Kindness. Promoting kindness has been a focus at St. Luke School since the beginning of the school year. th Finally, we ask you to mark Wednesday, April 15 on your calendar and join us for our Second Annual Pasta Night. Our School Council will forward more information in the near future about this great event. Thank you for your continued support as we work together for your children. Your partner in Catholic Education, Cathy Boiago Principal ST. LUKE PASTA NIGHT Wednesday, April 15th Sponsored by your School Council Please note that St. Andrew’s Holy Week Schedule is attached to this newsletter for your convenience. GRADE 7 CONFIRMATION RETREAT Our Grade 7 students will attend a Confirmation Retreat at Camp Brebeuf on Wednesday, March 25th. Please keep our Grade 7 students in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. SHROVE TUESDAY Students at St. Luke enjoyed pancakes, syrup and juice on February 17th in celebration of Shrove Tuesday. We extend our sincerest thanks to our parent volunteers who came in to prepare and distribute more than 500 pancakes! Thank you Mrs. Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Choi, Mrs. Forte, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Reck, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Shrivell and Mrs. Vazquez. We would not be able to carry on this very special tradition without you! ARE YOU MOVING? Please let the office know as soon as possible if you are moving and won’t be returning in September 2015. We are planning for next year’s class sizes and this information is very helpful in the planning process. ONLINE PIZZA & PITA ORDERS FEBRUARY SHINING STAR RECIPIENTS As you know, our online payment system - School Cash Online - is up and running! We are thrilled with the response from our school community and thank you for your overwhelming support of this important transition. If you have not done so already, please go to https://hcdsb.schoolcashonline.com/ to register. Once you have registered you will receive notices when items have been added to the school catalogue for purchase, i.e. Field trips, Pizza Orders, etc. You will also receive a reminder notice as the item due date draws near. Shining Stars are awarded to students for exhibiting a good attitude, good effort and good behaviour. The staff of St. Luke are extremely proud of all of our students who won Shining Star ballots this month. Congratulations to the following raffle draw winners: Going forward, our pizza, pita and milk orders will all be available for purchase online. Paper order forms will no longer be sent home. Here you will be able to make individual choices for your child and submit your orders and payments online. No more lost or forgotten order forms or payments! Once you have submitted your child’s order online, it will be saved in your School Cash Online account to refer to at any time. If you choose to take part in our optional lunch programs, please go to https://hcdsb.schoolcashonline.com to register/sign-in and place your child(ren)’s upcoming pizza and/or pita orders. Pita orders must be submitted by Monday, March 9th. Pizza orders must be submitted by Friday, March 27th. Please note that late orders cannot be accepted. Need more information? Please go to http://www.hcdsb.org/PARENTS/Pages/School-CashOnline.aspx for detailed School Cash Online information and “Frequently Asked Questions”. PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION St. Luke School’s annual Public Speaking Competition for students in grades 4 to 8 took place on Thursday, February 26th. Congratulations to the following students who advanced to this competition: Madelyn P, Mira H, Johnny C, Jacob P, Chiara J, Dominick S, Michael A , and Benjamin W-S. All of the speakers did a fabulous job, which made the judges’ work extremely challenging. Congratulations is extended to Jacob P. who placed first in our school’s competition! Our school community would like to wish Jacob the best of luck as he represents our school at the Halton Catholic District School Board’s Regional Public Speaking Competition on Wednesday, March 25th at St. Vincent School. Movie Pass Art Supplies Basketball Subway Gift Card Chapters Gift Card James A. Grace H. Morgan A. Robert S. Isabelle D. Room 4 Room 17 Room 1 Room 2 Room 12 GATOR SPORTS NEWS BASKETBALL Our Boy’s Basketball Team recently completed their 2015 Oakville Season. Our boy’s finished in 4th place in their division and advanced to the Oakville quarter finals. Highlights of the season included convincing wins over Our Lady of Peace and St. Vincent. Thank you to our team captains, Quel N. and Hunter M. for their tremendous leadership both on and off the court this year. Members of the team included: Nick B, Jackson S, Michael H, Tanner K, Orin D, Aidan S, Jack G, Ryan F, Sam S, Zane A, and Matteo D. A special thank you goes to the members of the practice team who came to each practice to not only improve their own skill level but the skill level of our starting players. Members of the practice team included: Jahmoni D, Justin D, Bryce L, and Owen G. Our Gator Girls also had an enjoyable basketball season. Our team was full of spunk and spirit. We wish good luck to our graduating players: Kuukua D, Adriana I, Christina L, Emily P. Anna Joy S, and Oriana S. as they move on to high school in September. Other team members include: Jasmine B, Martina B, Tatianna B, Lauren F, Emma J and Trinity L. Finally thank you to our dedicated practice team: Alesandra I, Meghan P, Bonnie S, Jasmine S, and Vanessa W, the future of girls basketball looks fabulous at St. Luke School. HOCKEY Congratulations to St. Luke School’s Hockey Team on their determination at the Holy Trinity Memorial Hockey tournament. The team played gritty two way hockey and had a fantastic day. The Gator hockey team members include: Johnny C, Ethan D, Justin D, Orin D, Tate D, Ryan F, Diego G, Michael H, Hunter M, Mason M, Zac M, Emily P, Jackson S, and Michael S. Thank you to our coach Mr. Simon. GREENING SACRED SPACES 21st CENTURYY LEARNING The St. Luke ECO team is proud to announce that our school has just won a Pollinator Garden Kit from Oakvillegreen. St. Luke was one of only three schools chosen to receive a garden kit and workshop presentation. Miss Leahy and Mr. D'Elia submitted a letter to Oakvillegreen as part of the competition. Soon, a representative will meet with the ECO team to create a site plan and educate the students and staff of the benefits and rewards of a natural environment. Once presentations are complete, the garden will be planted and we will watch it bloom. With the correct species of plants and shrubs, we will attract bees and butterflies to our sacred space. It was great to see so many parents and students learning together and having fun at St. Luke School on the evening of Thursday, February 26th. We enjoyed an interactive workshop on One Note and some hidden features of Microsoft Word presented by Dustin Jez from “fair chance learning”. Thank you to Mr. Mulè for organizing this outstanding event and to all of our parents who joined us with their children. It was a fabulous evening enjoyed by all. ST. LUKE COMIC CLUB Comic Club has had a fun month of creating comics. The Grade 4 and 5 students meet on Wednesdays at lunch to use their creative skills to make their ideas come alive. Drawing and colouring and a lot of fun all come together to create comic strips that are posted around the school. Drawing comics and working together help the students with cooperation and problem solving skills. Look for our comics in upcoming newsletters if you want a good laugh. This month we feature a comic from Oliva R. in Miss Leahy’s class. MORNING DROP OFF & SUPERVISION Parents, we need your cooperation to ensure the safety of our students - your children - at St. Luke School. Once again, we ask that you please observe our safe driving and parking procedures (rain or shine) in the school parking lot and driveways. Cars are not permitted to park or be left running in the Fire Lane in front of the school. This is a drop-off zone only. If you must stop your car to help your children out or to take backpacks from the trunk, you should be doing so from parking space, not stopping in front of the school. We ask you to please adhere to these procedures for the safety of all children and the mutual respect of your fellow parents. Please note that playground and/or indoor (in the case of inclement weather) supervision does not begin until 8:10 a.m. No students should be dropped off at school prior to this time. The morning bell sounds at 8:25 a.m. and students are brought into the school at that time. School begins at 8:30 a.m. and students arriving after this time must wait in the foyer until morning announcements are finished to receive a late slip from the office. We thank you for supporting your child(ren)’s punctuality. GRADE 8 GRADUATION COMMITTEE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Parents, guardians, family members of all grades and high school students requiring volunteer hours are invited to be part of the Graduation Committee. Assistance is needed in the following areas: Planning and organizing Decorating the gym Take–down of decorations in the gym the day after graduation Graduation Reception– The reception is normally hosted by parents of students in grade 7, with the assistance of the grade 7 students. One or two parents are required to organize and coordinate this event. Time commitment: a few hours prior to Graduation Day and 3-4 hours the afternoon/evening of Graduation. If you are interested in volunteering and have a Criminal Reference Check on file at the office (not required for high school volunteers), please contact Mrs. Boiago. VOLUNTEERS AND CRIMINAL REFERENCE CHECKS A Criminal Reference Check (with a Vulnerable Sector Screening) is required for anyone volunteering at any HCDSB school in any capacity where students are present. To get your clearance, simply to go to your nearest police station and request a Criminal Reference Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening. Requests usually take a few weeks to be processed. Once you receive your CRC please bring the stamped original to the school office, where we will take a copy for our files and return the original to you. are planning for next year’s class sizes and this information is very helpful in the planning process. MARCH 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday Friday Saturday 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 27 28 9:00 a.m. Confessions PIZZA DAY 8 9 10 11 17 18 Pita Orders DUE 15 Last PITA DAY for Order Session # 1 16 PIZZA DAY MARCH BREAK 22 23 24 25 HCDSB Regional Public Speaking Competition – Good Luck Jacob P! PITA DAY Order Session # 2 Starts PIZZA DAY 29 30 31 PITA DAY 26 Pizza Orders DUE Confirmation 10:30 a.m. St. Andrew’s Church
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