March 2015 - River East Transcona School Division

125 Sun Valley Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2G 2W4
P 204.663.7664 F 204.668.9360
Principal. Mr. M. Beauchamp
Vice Principal. Mr. S. Osiowy
March 2015 Newsletter
Message from Administration
School Hours
Entry Bell
Office Hours
Sun Valley staff and students are part of a very exciting initiative to increase achievement in reading and writing. For the past few years, Sun Valley staff has been learning
together and collaborating based on the work of teacher/consultant, Regie Routman.
The work of Regie Routman is also the focus of division-wide literacy initiatives.
Teachers are learning a process for teaching writing than can be applied to any curriculum area. They are also learning to embed the traits of writing within a meaningful
framework, how to teach and assess the most important qualities of writing achievement, and how to evaluate student writing with an eye to seeing the next steps for
each learner. Staff has outlined their common beliefs around the teaching of writing
and are setting high expectations for teaching and student learning.
Student Absences
One of the strategies staff have learned is the OLM (Optimal Learning Model). Using
the OLM, teachers are learning to maximize demonstrations and multiple shared expeschool, or if you expect him/her riences before handing over the responsibility to the students , through guided practice
to be late for attendance, please and independent work.
If your child will be absent from
call the school office at 204-6637664. You may leave a message
at this number 24 hours a day.
School Website:
Teacher Websites:
Username: svuser
Password: Sunnysoleil1
Inside this issue:
You may have noticed three new benches located in the front foyer and back doors
leading to the parking lot. These beautiful benches were designed and built by Murdoch MacKay, Metal Fabrication Program students, Jeremy P, Garett S. and Johannes K.
We know we will enjoy these benches for years to come.
We look forward to celebrating student learning achievement and setting new goals for
the final school term during Student-Led Conferences on Thursday, March 26th
(evening) and Friday, March 27th (morning). This discussion and goal setting is an important part of the growing and learning cycle. When parents are involved in talking
and learning with their children, children achieve more.
Sun Valley School Milk Program
Due to an increase in the cost of milk, milk
cards will change. Students can now purchase individual milk cards that include 25
individual 237 mL milk cartons of white or
chocolate milk for a cost of $20.00. The
new milk cards are orange. Previous cards
will be honoured until they are completed.
Milk cards can be purchased at the office.
Lord Wolseley Nursery School
Now accepting registration for the 2015-2016 school year. The
nursery school program runs:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Mornings from 9:15-11:15 a.m. Fees $60.per
Monday, Wednesday, Friday afternoons from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Fees $60. per
Tuesday, Thursday Mornings 9:15-11:15 a.m. Fees $40. per month
The nursery school operates from September to June in room 11 at Lord
Wolseley School.
For more information call Liz at 204-297-9938.
Mrs. Paul’s Picks
Did you know that children need to try a new food over and over again, as much as 10-15 times before they
will be accustomed to a new taste? What’s better than force feeding your children vegetables? Including
your children in preparing them! Food Network Canada has some inspiring ideas to get you started. Cooking together increases the likelihood that your children will experiment and try a new food.
Winnipeg winter demands families have both indoor and outdoor activities ready to keep away the winter
blues. This website curates family- friendly web content. It offers activities, crafts and recipes to encourage
positive vibes until mosquito season officially opens!
*All websites were reviewed by February 19, 2015. The content, as of this date is family- friendly, and in no
way affiliated with RETSD.
Scholastic Book Fair
Mark your calendars! Our next book fair will be held:
Tuesday, March 23
Wednesday, March 24
Thursday, March 25
Friday, March 26
Set up—no sale today
Sales from 9 AM- 3:30 PM, (cash, cheque or credit card)
Sales from 9AM until 7 PM (cash, cheque or credit card AND debit machine)
Sales from 9-11 AM (cash, cheque or credit card)
IBL ( Inquiry– Based Learning)
Room 7 has turned their animal research into amazing PowerPoint presentations! Students researched
additional information about their individual animals online. They sourced animal photos on Flickr’s Creative
Commons, free to share site. Students also chose to add themes, transitions and sound effects to make their
presentations interesting. They are practicing their public speaking by sharing their PowerPoints with an
authentic audience- their classmates!
Room 48 has turned their research on early Manitoba settlers into a homestead presentation, complete with
a map of their homestead. The scenario is, they are a family of four and have just arrived in Manitoba.
Setting out from the general store with $100 settler dollars, students are choosing how to spend their funds
by purchasing implements and goods for their survival.
Survey Says!
On a cold winter day…
On cold winter days, Mme Labelle likes to try new and interesting recipes.
Mme Harling's favorite winter activity is skating on the river trail followed by a big mug of hot chocolate.
Mrs. Odaisky loves to watch a movie with her family while cuddling up under a blanket when it’s cold outside.
Mrs. D. Morrison enjoys watching her puppies play in the snow.
M. Roy likes to lie down on his couch with a warm blanky and watch the Jets play.
In the winter, Mrs. Millar likes to sit in arenas all over Manitoba (and sometimes other provinces) to watch her
daughter compete in synchronized skating competitions. Next weekend, her daughter is skating in Nationals in Quebec - but Mrs. Millar will be staying home for that one - she thinks she can watch it on TV, hopefully. Go U of M's Ice
On a mild day, with the snow lightly falling, Mme Tellier enjoys going skating with her family on the duck pond at St.
Vital Park.
Mme Dufault loves to take her dog ,Lily, for a walk and watch her jump through the snow banks.
Mr. Beauchamp enjoys walking his dog in the Bois-des-Esprits forest and reading the newspaper from beginning to
Mme Lash likes to go skating at the Forks during winter.
Ms Code likes to go skating on the river. She especially likes to warm up at The Forks and drink hot chocolate.
Mme Baydack likes to sit by the fire and drink coffee while watching a movie with her daughter.
Mrs. C. Paul likes to curl up with a good book, hot tea and a pug when it is cold outside.
Mrs. J. Morrison likes to watch her kids skate (she'd fall if she tried), and go tobogganing with her kids during the
“Hockey, hockey, hockey...whether it be playing a game with my team, coaching my son's team, playing at the outdoor rink with my kids, or watching the Jets on TV. Go Jets go!” said Mr. Osiowy.
In the winter Mme Zbrog likes to go to the cottage with her family. Sometimes we shovel the snow on the ice to go
skating, snowshoe in the forest, climb down the steep ravine, build a quinzee and best of all, build a great big bonfire
to warm up and roast marshmallows.
Gym Happenings
The most exciting change in the large gym was the installation of a new floor and lines over the Christmas holidays. Stop by and see how nice it looks.
It is mid-February as this is being written and so much has been going on in the gym… Where to start?
In November, Sun Valley sent our grade 5 boys and girls team to Prince Edward and Polson schools for volleyball tournaments. Our students were competing against grade 6 students. Our students played superbly.
The divisional tumbling rally will be held at River East Collegiate on Thursday, March 19 th. This year we have
invited our grade 3 students to be part of the gymnastics club. We have over 70 students from grades 3-5
participating in this club, as well as 7 teachers helping out! A big thank you to Mrs. Morrison for taking the
lead in this activity.
A big shout out to Mr. Rawdon for running a fantastic soccer intramural program! Teams were named after
countries. Student leaders were referees, time keepers, and scorers, they set up, took down , and organized
before and after all games. The only issue (same as floor hockey), was that the teachers team was once again
disqualified when it was discovered that four of our players were ineligible to play. They included: David
Beckham Osiowy, Perry Pele, Renaldo Vanderhooft and Desiree Scott Muller. No wonder the teachers (team
name “Spell Checkers”) won all of their games!
There will be a skipping club for grade 1 and 2 beginning the first week of March. It will be assisted by grade 5
If you want to know about gym classes, why not ask your child what they are doing actively in class? Then feel
free to email Mr. Rubenfeld or Mme Lee with any questions you may have.
We made a community to show why we need a community. We NEED safe places to stay
because we need to be comfortable and warm.
We learned about communities.
A community is a place where people live.
We live in a community.
By: The Writers of Room 3
Try and find Sun Valley School, a pond and a flag.
Sun Valley Indoor Garden
Growing plants can be easy, even in the winter. Rooms 11 and 12 began planting seeds back in
November. We planted basil, tomatoes, lettuce, and bean seeds. By giving them good soil, fertilizer,
bright light from our special light bulb, water and special care, they have grown into big, healthy plants.
We have already tasted fresh beans, juicy lettuce, and savory basil. (Some of us thought the basil smelled
like bologna!) We can hardly wait to taste our tiny green tomatoes when they ripen and turn red!
Little Green Thumbs, a program sponsored by Agriculture in the Classroom, gave us all the supplies
and equipment we needed to make this garden happen. Do you want to know where we set up our garden? We found the perfect spot, right next to our classroom in room 13, which is also used as the friend
room. Stop by to have a look and be sure to enjoy the aroma of our wonderful plants. Students in rooms
9, 10 and 14 have joined us in our “green adventure.”
With our garden, we have learned what plants need to grow. We have measured the plants as
they grew from tiny seeds and recorded our observations in our journals. We would like to say thank you
to Little Green Thumbs for making this garden possible!
By Room 12
Awesome Garden Reporters
Kevin, the Chinese New Year dragon, came to visit the students and staff of École Sun Valley School for an
early celebration! During period 2 on Tuesday, January 27, the students of room 49 brought Kevin to life by
parading him around the halls and classrooms. Chinese New Year tradition uses firecrackers to produce loud
noises to ward off bad spirits. At Sun Valley we used loud instruments to mimic this sound! Mme Wilvers
was in the lead and following Kevin was Mme Lee with her children Leah and Jeremiah! A lot of smiles were
seen that day and we are looking forward to having Kevin visit again next year!
Roots of Empathy Is Here Again!
Grade One teacher Mme Labelle has a new teaching partner this year – Baby Sam! The Grade One students
in this classroom have a monthly visit with seven-month-old Baby Sam and his mom, Mrs. Hillier, with whom
they share many giggles and much delight.
The class is participating in Roots of Empathy, an international program that is designed to develop empathy
amongst students, through regular visits with a “Roots Baby” who is experiencing their first year of life. The
focus is on the importance of communicating with the baby and understanding his needs, by reading and
responding to his very own language. When we are sensitive to the cues of facial expressions, coos or cries,
body language and changes in behaviors, we are able to best relate to and understand what the baby is telling us, even though he doesn’t use words.
The importance of a child developing empathy affects their ability to develop
healthy relationships throughout life. When a person is able to understand how
their words and actions affect others, they are well on their way to building many
lifelong friendships!
On February 17, the kindergartens from Ms. Hunt's and Mrs. McLean's classes went on their very first field
trip to the Science Gallery at the Manitoba Museum. It was a very exciting day and here is their report on
what they saw and did there.
At the Science Gallery, Victor made fireworks with special stuff to make colours. He put vinegar in and made
the colours disappear. He juggled balls with switches and they changed colours. There were beads that
changed colour under the purple light.
You could put money in a twirly thing and it would go around and around until it disappeared. There was a
mirror place and you saw yourself a whole bunch of times. You had to pull yourself up on a chair with pulley
ropes. We saw a moon at the Science Gallery. When you pushed the button, you could make a tornado.
It was the BEST field trip ever!
97th Winnipeg Music Festival
The grade 3 choir will be performing at the Winnipeg Music Festival on Friday, March 6th between 12:30 p.m.
and 2:00 p.m. at the Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster Ave. Families and friends are invited to
attend this event at a cost of $4.00 for general admission and free for children 12 and under. Tickets are
available upon arrival at the venue itself!
Singing with the Symphony!
On February 19th, 12 talented grade 5 students were selected to participate in a 200 voice RIVER EAST
TRANSCONA SCHOOL DIVISION CHOIR. The choir performed with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra in
« One Voice », the WSO’s Adventures in Music Elementary School Concert series at the Centennial Concert
Hall celebrating the opening of the Human Rights Museum for Human Rights.
Here are their reflections on this enriching experience :
WSO was the best thing ever but it’s only once in a lifetime. My favorite part is everything! I loved it!
Shon L. – Room 47
My favorite part of the WSO was at the concert when we did the “Wavin’ Flag” song. The reason I picked
that one was I loved the song and the wave we did!
Mason K. – Room 47
I really liked the WSO because it was really cool and it sounded awesome! I loved to sing in it because I was
always thinking how amazing it was to see all of the instruments like the woodwind family and the string
family. It was really fun! I saw some of my friends and the best part was that I made a lot of new firends. It
was fun beause I love to sing. It was the best day ever!!
Shelby H. – Salle 50
J’ai aimé chanté avec la symphonie parce que c’était très, très amusant à écouter l’OSW. Je pense que c’est
une très bonne expérience. Si je peux chanter encore avec eux, je vais le faire.
Aleka C. – Salle 50
J’ai beaucoup aimé être dans l’OSW parce que j’ai rencontré beaucoup de nouvelles personnes et j’ai
beaucoup de nouveaux amies. J’ai, aussi, aimé les chansons que nous avons chantées. Mes préférées
étaient “Wavin’ Flag” et “Siyahamba”. C’était beaucoup le fun!
Lisa M. – Salle 50
J’aime beaucoup presenter parce que c’est le fun. Présenter avec l’OSW est vraiment amusant. Quand on
est arrivé à la Salle Centenaire, on a pratiqué et puis on est allé sur l’estrade pour tester les microphones.
On a décidé qu’on avait besoin de chanter “Wavin’ Flag” et faire la vague avec nos mains. C’était vraiment
le fun!
Kamryn K. – salle 50
The experience of being at the WSO is amazing because of all the sounds of the different kinds of instruments. My Mom made a statement about the conductor and asked “If the conductor wasn’t there, would the
orchestra play just as well as they are now?” and right away I said, “No because they needed to know when
to play and what speed to go at.” Also, it was fun to understand how much work it must be for so many people to make it sound good including the conductor. My favorite part of the WSO was being the one who was
singing and listening to different sounds that the instruments could make. That was my experience being
with the WSO.
Taryn Le P. – Salle 49
It was really fun! I, also, made some new friends. I liked my first trip to the Centennial Concert Hall and I
liked that I got to sing seeing the orchestra from the back. The songs were so fun to sing. My experience
was awesome. When everyone was watching us, I still felt confident. It was incredible seeing and hearing
the orchestra. Sometimes, the instruments were so loud I had to cover my ears. The conductor was incredible at conducting. It was so cool when all the lights over the audience turned off. It looked like space with
no stars and we were the only ones in the hall. I felt that all of us singing together was amazing when soprano, alto1 and alto 2 all had different parts and sang together. Sometimes, I was overwhelmed trying to sing
my part. Over all, it was awesome. Personally, my favorite song was “Wavin’ Flag”. I liked how we all knew
the words and sang it without practicing. It was cool when all the hands were waving …especially in the audience.
Laurel B. – Salle 50
C’était vraiment amusant et je l’ai beaucoup aimé. C’était une expérience différente et l’année prochaine, je
veux le faire encore. Ma chanson préférée était “Wavin’ Flag” parce que j’aime quand les spectateurs
avaient fait la vague avec leurs mains, aussi. J’aime chanter beaucoup alors c’était parfait. J’ai aussi aimé
faire des nouveaux amis.
Eva W. – Salle 50
I loved it! It was fun to sing and hear the orchestra from up close and to see all the different instruments.
That conductor was very funny! The one drawback was that there was this light – it was so bright! It was like
the sun and I was sitting right in front of it and I had to squint. My favorite songs were “Siyahamba, “Wavin’
Flag” and “Superman”. It was super fun!
Olivia S. – Salle 50
WSO was fun. Once we got on stage we started the wave in the audience during the “Wavin’ Flag” song.
Then I went out for lunch with my family and then went back to school.
Awa D. – Salle 49
For me, I personally loved the experience of singing in front of an audience that paid for their seats to see us
sing for them. I enjoyed being behind the orchestra. It was worth the practice.
Sarah B. – Salle 50
Festival du Voyageur at École Sun Valley School
Grade 4/5 & 5 Festival Du Voyageur Activities
After the school-wide assembly, the students from rooms 47, 49, 50 & 52 participated in a fun-filled morning that included viewing videos about the life of a voyageur, an activity booklet of information and fun, a
hands-on crafting experience with felt to create an adorable voyageur souvenir, listening to foot-tapping
fiddle music and dining on juice and scrumptious pancakes hot off the griddle. The afternoon was full of
physical voyageur style activities with some yummy hot chocolate to warm up our chilly bodies. It was a
wonderful day of fun with our students!
Oak Hammock Marsh Field Trip
Le 10 février, grâce à l’argent du Programme de revitalisation du français langue seconde, nos élèves de 5e
année ont participé dans trois ateliers au Marais Oak Hammock. On February 10, our grade 5 FI students
participated in three workshops at Oak Hammock Marsh.
Les jeunes ont appris au sujet de l'époque du commerce des fourrures entre les Européennes et les Premiers peuples du Canada.
En groupes, ils ont joué le rôle d'un voyageur dans des défis et la compétition amicale.
Puis, ils ont appris l’histoire de la raquette et ont voyagé en raquettes sur les sentiers d’hiver au terrain du
FI Happenings
Le 9 février, grâce à l’argent du Programme de revitalisation du français langue seconde, nos élèves de 4e
et 5e année ont participé dans un atelier avec L’ensemble folklorique de danse. On February 9th, our
Grade 4 students participated in a dance workshop with l’ensemble folklorique de danse.
Les jeunes ont appris des danses simples telles que La Bastringue et Talon-pointe, ainsi que quelques pas
de base de gigue. De plus, ils ont participé à jouer les cuillères.
Réaction des élèves :
« Les voyageurs aiment beaucoup les fêtes où ils dansent et jouent des cuillères. »
~ Awa D.
« C’était très amusant d’apprendre les danses.»
~ Olivia S.
« On observe que les cuillères en métal sont plus difficiles à jouer que les cuillères en bois »
~ Ariana B. et Kennedy F.
Ecole Sun Valley School Calendar 2014-2015
Friday, Friday, March 13
Wednesday, March 18
Monday, March 23
Thursday, March 26
Friday, March 27
NO CLASSES – Co-ordinated Day
Lunch Bunch Meeting – 5:45 (all welcome)
PAC Meeting – 6:45 (all welcome)
Report Card distribution
Student Led Conferences – evening
Hot Lunch
NO CLASSES – AM Student Led Conferences
- PM Professional Development
March 30 – April 3 - Spring Break
Monday, April 6
Classes Resume – Day 5
Wednesday, April 8
Wednesday, April 22
EARLY DISMISSAL – 2:40 PM - Staff Meeting
Lunch Bunch Meeting – 5:45 (all welcome)
PAC Meeting – 6:45 (all welcome)
Hot Lunch
No Classes – Co-ordinated Day
EARLY DISMISSAL – 2:40 PM – Staff Meeting
Lunch Bunch Meeting – 5:45 (all welcome)
PAC Meeting – 6:45 (all welcome)
NO CLASSES – Victoria Day
Grade 4 Immunizations AM
Hot Lunch
Field Day
Grade 5 Camp
Lunch Bunch Meeting – 5:45 (all welcome)
PAC Meeting – 6:45(all welcome)
Field Day (Rain Date)
Hot Lunch
Last Day of Classes—EARLY DISMISSAL – 2:25 p.m.
Thursday, April 23
Friday, April 24
Wednesday, May 13
Monday, May 18
Tuesday, May 26
Friday, May 29
Friday, June 12
June 15—17
Wednesday, June 17
Friday, June 19
Friday, June 26
Tuesday, June 30