PAC minutes March 2015

Ecole North Oyster Elementary
13470 Cedar Road, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1H6 ph: 250-245-3330
Parent Advisory Council Meeting Minutes for March 4th, 2015 6:00In attendance: Peter Hewitt, Fiona Steeves, Nadine Beaudoin, Erin Anderson, Cheryl Onciul, Camille
Hillis, Seija Laine, Sarah Moore, Amanda Jacobson, Melanie Sorenson, Tamara Currall, Tanya Reid, Leah
Watson, Angela Johnson, Call to Order 6:07PM
Welcome & Conduct
Agenda Approval - It was moved, seconded and carried that the agenda be approved
Approval of Minutes from February 4th, 2015 - It was moved, seconded and carried that the minutes
be approved with the following amendment:
 Change of date from January 7, 2015 to February 4, 2015
Principal’s Report – Peter Hewitt
 Attached
 Discussion of attachment on Split Grades – Combined Classes – possibility of increasing to 13
divisions in 2015-2016 school year
 Request for input from teachers on activities paid for by PAC – sexual health education,
gymnastics, Parks in the School (science) – Mr. Hewitt to report at next meeting
Treasurer’s Report – Erin Anderson
 Attached
 It was moved, seconded and carried that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted.
DPAC Report – Sarah Moore
 DPAC bringing speaker, educator Barbara Coloroso, author of The bully, the bullied and the
bystander to the Port Theatre on April 14 – parents are encouraged to attend
 Also an opportunity for parents to take an intensive parent education seminar – re: advocating
for children in school system – email coming out
 Discussions about PLCs and school calendar continue – per union agreements PLC sessions must
fall within school hours
Fundraising Committee - Camille Hillis
 Valentine’s dance raised $1300 – now planning for year-end dance to meet demand
 Raffle coming up in April – email Camille if you would like to help – grand prize eagle mask
carved by Melanie’s dad, value $1600 – proceeds to go to the playground
 Dirt Day – with Coast Environmental – potentially onsite at their place in Chemainus
 Thursday the 12th next FRC meeting
Playground Update – Seija Laine
Drawings from playground manufacturer Habitat were presented
PAC has been asked to consider including accessibility features as a child is moving into the
school next year with mobility issues
Discussion around selection of manufacturer, decision about purchasing through the school
district or independently and other issues for consideration
Hot Lunch Update – Amanda Jacobson
 Discussion around Munch a Lunch Program – online program for hot lunch orders It was moved,
seconded and carried that the budget be amended by $90 to pay for Munch a Lunch program
for the balance of the school year.
Correspondence – Cheryl Onciul
 Letter from Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary received confirming their donation of $2950 “to
assist with sex education program and purchase emergency supplies”
Current Business
 Book Fair - Sales were over $5500 – net is just over $2000 in Scholastic credit, which Mme.
Patrice is using to purchase books for the library and for classrooms - thanks everyone for
 Naturalists from Vancouver Island Parks In-School Program visiting in March
( – sponsored by PAC
 Power Up sexual health education running currently in all classes (
 After school programs:
o PacificSport running until spring break
o Lego Robotics, K-3 running now, another scheduled for K-3 in April
o Cooking lessons with Nanaimo Foodshare – students who were selected in the lottery
have been notified
 Update on communication between PAC and teachers – Munch a Lunch Program should help –
less need for teachers to collect forms and money – parents will be ordering online
New Business
 Traffic meeting – safety – Fiona met with SD68 staff, Mary Marcotte (CVRD) and Constable
Ruppenthal last week – issues discussed included possible changes to signage, addition of
crossing guards to improve safety – traffic from Yellow Point still traveling 50km/hr through
school zone. Opportunity for parents to volunteer as crossing guards (need criminal record
checks – SD will pay) – if interested, contact Mr. Hewitt. Buses now running at 50-70% capacity –
good to see.
 Teacher in Charge – discussion around having this duty rotated around to multiple staff
members – feeling that Mme. Heather is out of the class too much. Mr. Hewitt to approach
teachers by seniority to identify others willing to take turns
 Spring decorating – if interested in helping let Fiona know
Your Voice survey – opportunity to provide feedback on the Enhanced Facilities for Learning
Plan and the 2015-16 budget - online survey open until noon March 20th; parents encouraged to
attend Ladysmith round table discussion March 5 -
Garden Program – brief discussion – parent and PAC supported – teachers have expressed
interest in adopting a bed – buddy classes work together – McNabs willing to donate materials
and supplies
Date for next meeting: Wednesday April 8th, 2015 6:00 pm
Meeting adjourned