Proudly sponsored by Parent Tablet Giveaway See details on back. A World of ChAnge A teacher’s guide to adolescence, self-esteem and skin care in today’s fast-paced world. Look inside for: • Lesson plans on the issues facing adolescents in today’s quickchanging culture • Engaging activities on skin care and self-esteem • Additional online resources and content lesson Plan: MAnAGinG CHAnGE AnD GroWinG uP go online Find all the resources you need for each lesson at For young teens, rapid change is part of their everyday world. Changes in communication, technology and popular culture are experienced every day. Another thing that is changing: their bodies. This change can be sudden, confusing and stressful. objECTiVE: This lesson plan provides activities and thought starters for understanding body change (especially skin) and how to handle it. Learning Activity THinGS cHAnGE The changes that come with puberty are normal. Learning more about acne will help students understand their changing bodies. break students into teams. Provide them with questions that allow them to reflect upon the changes they are experiencing. For example: • What percentage of people get pimples? • on average, who hits puberty first? boys or girls? • What are some of the changes you’ve noticed about yourself as you grew up? How did you deal with those changes? Teaching Points 90% of young people get pimples at some time! What causes acne or pimples? • oil produced by sebaceous glands flows up through the hair follicles or pores to the skin’s surface. When the amount of oil increases, it can combine with dead skin cells within the follicles to clog pores. (Have students take a look at a sebaceous gland in the brochure.) • This blockage allows acne bacteria to thrive. bacteria in the blocked pore breaks down into acids, causing redness and swelling. The body’s defense mechanism then fights back, produces pus and a pimple develops. Visit for additional resources for this activity. MAnAGinG cHAnGE Ask students to change something about the classroom for one day so that they have to do things differently. Most of the issues that arise during puberty come from confusion about what to do. Explain what a daily routine is and how it may have to change now that students’ bodies are changing. Examples: Change the rules for talking or asking questions, or have students lead a lesson at the beginning of class. To help manage the change in their skin, students will need to change the way they take care of it. Taking care of your skin should be second nature, like washing your hands or brushing your teeth. Discuss how this change makes their everyday routine new and different. STRESS AnD AcnE Don’T STrESS! Fun FiLL-in-THE-bLAnk GAME Ask students to complete a fun word game about the stress caused by acne. Download here! Visit for additional resources for this activity. All of the changes students are going through can cause stress. one of the symptoms of these changes is breakouts. Students shouldn’t worry. This is completely natural. Almost everyone experiences acne at some point, and students should be reassured that there is nothing to worry about! Treating acne, especially with a daily face-washing routine, can help. Visit for additional resources for this activity. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook inc., registered in the u.S. and other countries. instagram is a trademark of instagram, LLC in the u.S. and elsewhere. use of these trademarks is solely to describe the teaching points and not to suggest any affiliation or sponsorship. go online lesson Plan: CoMForTAbLE in Your Skin Find all the resources you need for each lesson at At this age, students are especially vulnerable to the opinions of their peers. What they do, what they wear, even how they comb (or don’t comb) their hair is part of trying to be accepted. That’s why acne can be such a troubling development as students develop into young adults. Luckily, with a little information, your students can learn ways to manage these changes and start feeling more comfortable in their own skin. objECTiVE: Encourage students to think critically about what affects self-esteem and how to take positive steps to improve their own self-confidence. Learning Activity Teaching Points FAMoUS FAcES Ask students to contribute names of people they admire for being comfortable with who they are. Prompt them with magazines or have them search the internet. Have students discuss in pairs: • How does this person show he or she is comfortable in his or her skin? • Do you think this person has high self-esteem? Why? Why not? by grounding the discussion around celebrities, students will feel more comfortable discussing issues relating to self-esteem and being comfortable with their own identities. TEEn TRUTHS AnD SELF-ESTEEM BooST Discuss how being comfortable relates to the idea of self-esteem by asking: • What is self-esteem? What affects it? Does having high self-esteem mean you are comfortable with who you are? by relating self-esteem to being comfortable, students can begin to develop a concrete understanding of what self-image is. This discussion connects a complex concept (self-image) to a feeling they all know—being (un)comfortable. Addressing appearance and discussing real strategies for coping with insecurity make this topic relevant and applicable to their everyday lives. Personalize the topic by turning the conversation toward the students by asking: • When do you feel most comfortable with who you are? Does appearance impact how you feel about yourself? is there anything you can do to feel more comfortable? PREVEnTinG AcnE Acne can make people feel less sure of themselves. Preventing breakouts is one way to feel more confident. Take the “Skin Facts—True or False” quiz to explain how to prevent and treat acne. Visit for additional resources for this activity. Visit for additional resources for this activity. The best way to keep your skin clear is by establishing a routine. using a face wash twice a day helps clear away oils and dead skin that clog up pores. When breakouts do occur, treat them quickly. using a treatment like Clearasil ultra can reduce the cycle of an outbreak. Visit for additional resources for this activity. Answer Key: Skin FACTS—TruE or FALSE Skin FAcTS—TRUE oR FALSE Skin is the largest organ in the body. TRUE. The average human’s skin covers a total area of about 20 square feet. Chocolate and greasy foods cause acne. FALSE. This was once a commonly held belief, but studies now indicate that diet does not cause acne. Stress is the sole cause of acne. FALSE. however, stress can make acne worse. Squeezing pimples gets rid of them faster. FALSE. Picking at pimples only irritates the skin, which can cause infection and even scarring. Pimples normally last 5 days without treatment. FALSE. healing times may vary, but using a medicated product may give you visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours. You can help control acne. TRUE. A daily cleansing routine with a medicated face wash helps prevent acne, while using a medicated cream can help get rid of pimples once they appear. Parent Tablet Sweepstakes Encourage your students to play “up Your Game” against their parents on their desktop or mobile device to show off what they learned in class. After playing, parents will be entered for a chance to win a tablet for their family! Visit for more details. no purchase necessary. Must be over 18 and a u.S. resident to participate. See official rules at Promotion begins 8/1/14 and ends 11/30/14.
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