15% OFF Ribogone Mammalian Ribosomal RNA Removal Kit Features: • Effective rRNA removal method for human, mouse, and rat total RNA samples—depletes ≥95% of ribosomal RNA sequences • Suitable for any quality RNA, including FFPE samples • Low input working range: 10–100 ng starting material • Works seamlessly with downstream random-primed cDNA synthesis kits like the Stranded RNA-Seq Kit or the SMARTer Universal Low Input RNA Library Prep Kit Cat. # Product 634846 Ribogone TM - Mammalian 634847 Click here for more information Size List Price 15% off Special Price 6 Rxns $1,043 + $104.3 GST $886.55 + $88.66 GST 24 Rxns $3,649 + $264.9 GST $3,101.65 + $310.17 GST Click here to contact Scientifix and receive 15% off Quote: 15offRibogone. Offer valid till the end of May, 2015 Freight charges apply. Prices subject to change without notice. Please contact Scientifix for details. Prices subject to change without notice. 1800 007 900 [email protected] www.scientifix.com.au rRNA removal from small quantities of RNA The RiboGone-Mammalian kit specificallt removes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and mitochondrial RNA (mtRNA) sequences from human, mouse or rat total RNA samples. The RiboGone technology is based on hybridization and RNase H digestion that specifically depletes 5S, 5.8S, 18S, and 28S nuclear rRNA sequences as well as 12S mtRNA sequences. The kit is desiged to work with any quality starting RNA, including degraded material like FFPE samples. The RiboGone-Mammalian kit is highly suited for sample preparations prior to random-primed cDNA synthesis and RNA-seq or transcriptome analysis applications. Following the use of RiboGone-Mammalian, and the SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit or the SMARTer Universal Low Input RNA Library Prep Kit, rRNA reads have been recorded to be between 1-5% of total reads and lower. RiboGone-Mammalian • Input compatibility range: 10 ng to 100 ng • Sample type: Human, Mouse and Rat • Targets nuclear, and some mitochondrial, ribosomal RNA Click here for more information Click here to contact Scientifix and receive 15% off Quote: 15offRibogone. Offer valid till the end of May, 2015 Freight charges apply. Prices subject to change without notice. Please contact Scientifix for details. Prices subject to change without notice. 1800 007 900 [email protected] www.scientifix.com.au c D N A Begin with total RNA of any quantity S Y N T H E S I S Incubate with RiboGene Hyb Buffer Add provided enzymes and buffer, and incubate & L I B R A R Y Purify rRNA-depleted RNA with SPRI beads C O N S T R U C T I O N Synthesize first-stranded cDNA using N6 priming and SMART™ technology ~1 hr Purify first-strand cDNA 1 hr, 45 min PCR-amplify RNA-Seq library Purify RNA-Seq library Validate RNA-Seq library 20 min 45–60 min 50 min Figure 1. Workflow for the SMARTer Stranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit - Low Input Mammalian. This kit is designed for use with low-input samples containing 10–100 ng of low-input total RNA samples. cDNA libraries generated using this kit are ready for Illumina sequencing and have ≥99% accuracy in identifying strand of origin information. Table I: Sequence Alignment Metrics Human Universal Reference RNA (HURR) Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) 6,829,540 7,728,850 No. of reads Mapped to rRNA Mapped to mitochondrial RNA 62,792 (0.9%) 49,844 (0.7%) 318,006 (4.7%) 224,939 (2.9%) Mapped to RefSeq 4,871,900 (76%) 5,515,264 (75%) Mapped uniquely to RefSeq 4,435,123 (70%) 4,888,340 (66%) Exons 2,311,575 (47%) 2,712,444 (49%) Introns 2,560,325 (53%) 2,802,820 Genes identified 14,563 (51%) 13,839 Table I. Sequencing alignment metrics for HURR and HBRR libraries. 10 ng samples of intact HURR and HBRR were used as input for the SMARTer Stranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit - Low Input Mammalian. Libraries were sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq platform with ~7M 1 x 50 bp single end reads per library. Reads were trimmed by CLC Genomics Workbench and mapped to rRNA and the mitochondrial genome with CLC (% reads indicated). The unmapped reads were subsequently mapped with CLC to the human genome with RefSeq masking, producing mapped reads and uniquely mapped reads. The number of genes identified in each library was determined by the number of genes with an RPKM (Read per Kilobase of Exon per Million Reads) of at least 0.1. The number of reads that map to introns or exons is a percentage of the reads successfully mapped to RefSeq. The RiboGone - Mammalian kit efficiently removes rRNA sequences from total RNA The RiboGone - Mammalian kit can remove rRNA sequences from both intact and degraded RNA samples. The low number of sequencing reads that map to rRNA is similar for RiboGone-treated and oligo(dT)-purified RNA samples. Both intact (Human Brain Total RNA) and degraded (FFPE tissue) RNA samples are suitable for SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kits (Figure 2). The RiboGone method is based on selective hybridization to rRNA, leaving both mRNA and non-coding RNAs available as templates for the reverse transcription reaction. Alternative methods for decreasing the number of rRNA reads (such as oligo(dT)-based methods) also decrease the number of sequencing reads mapping to non-coding RNAs. Distribution of Reads in Libraries 0.9% 1.1% 1.5% 100 12.7% 14.2% 16.2% Introns Exons 11.6% 75 65.8% 41.2% Percent of Reads Category rRNA Intergenic 87.1% 61.9% 50 Figure 2. Efficient rRNA removal with the RiboGone Mammalian kit. RNA-seq libraries were generated from Human Brain Total RNA (Cat. No. 636530) or Breast Cancer FFPE RNA (Cureline) extracted using a NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE kit (Cat. No. 740982.10) and treated with the indicated rRNA removal method. Reads were mapped to the hg19 genome and read distributions were determined using Picard RNA-Seq Metrics. Libraries generated from RiboGone-treated RNA had comparably low rRNA reads to oligo(dT)-enriched RNA (Cat. No. 9186) while retaining more non-coding reads. 74.8% 5.6% 25 43.5% 19.7% 1.9% 5.7% 0 20.5% 9% 5.4% Human Brain Untreated Human Brain dT Purified Human Brain RiboGone Library Breast Cancer FFPE Untreated Breast Cancer FFPE RiboGone 2
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