UDSCMAC Sample Submission Guidelines

UDSC Microarray Center
for Restricted Communication ONLY
UDSCMAC Sample Submission Guidelines
Please ensure that your samples meet the following criteria:
Samples should be intact and not degraded, as assessed by Agarose gel* or
Bioanalyzer**. Recommended kit for isolation & purification are from Qiagen &
However, the process for isolation & purification is totally upon user’s discretion
Samples should be clean, 260:280 and 260:230 ratios >1.8
RNA samples should be free of Genomic DNA contamination
Samples should be resuspended in nuclease free water and not TE
Sample tubes should be clearly labeled
Enter the identifier affixed to each tube in the package slip of the shipment
Samples should be submitted in two vials of 1.5 ml microfuge tubes only. One
vial will be for the RNA QC and other will be used for the microarray
processing so as to avoid the freeze-thaw again and again.
Samples should be shipped in Dry ice
Samples should have the minimum concentration as specified below
* Gel picture, if available, may be provided
** The sample QC check will be performed at the facility.
Please Note: Samples that do not meet the above criteria will not be processed and the
customer will be contacted for re-submitting the samples. The samples leftover after the
experiment will not be returned. Therefore, you may provide amounts as mentioned
Sample Type
Minimum Amount of
RNA to be submitted
volume (ul)
Total RNA for QC
250 ng
PolyA RNA for QC
125 ng
Total RNA for Microarray
2 ug
PolyA RNA for Microarray
250 ng