Volume I , Issue iv April 2014 The Eagle’s Eye G R A S S O T E C H N I C A L Prom I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : Plumbing Wins LA Lab Competition 2 Advice Column 2 LA Another Successful Book Club 3 What’s Hot /What’s Not: Prom Edition 3 Skills USA Results 4 Poem by Aimee Mylly 5 The Drama Chronicles 5 Eagle’s Eye Staff 6 Hypnotist Show Goal Reminder 6 S C H O O L Etiquette: D o s “Stay off your phone! If you spend the whole night looking down at your phone, you might as well have stayed home.” H I G H a n d D o n ’ t s Believe it or not, Prom is just around the corner! It is on May 10th at the Mystic Marriott, and it will be a night to remember! home. Show interest in your date. Don’t ignore him or her. Always coordinate corsages. So, will you look back fondly at those memories, or will you end up with feelings of embarrassment and shame? Here are some suggestions on how (and how not) to conduct yourself on that magical night: Be classy, not trashy. Twerking does NOT look cute in formal wear. No drama—this is not the time or the place. Coordinate colors with your date. When asking someone to the prom, “promposals” are cute and clever. ENJOY YOURSELF! Don’t flirt with someone else’s date. Don’t ditch your friends or get into arguments. Stay off your phone! If you spend the whole night looking down at your phone, you might as well have stayed Have an amazing time at the prom this year, Grasso! C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o t h e W i n n e r s o f t h e L A L a b R a f f l e ! The following 9th and 10th graders are the winners of the LA Lab third quarter raffle. Books - Dave Bliven Sports Books – Jake Christian Starbucks Gift Card – Shakira Concepcion Electrical Kit – Kariath Wiggins Assorted Gum – Colby Walker Home Depot Gift Card – Jarrod Parker Yearbook – Michael DiMauro $10 Cash – Jorge Aponte and Jeremiah Perez Nail Decoration Supplies – Desiree Gregor School Resupply Kit – Adam Smith Dinner at the Shack – Chastity Beltran Subway Gift Card– Joe Jimenez Cozy Up and Read package – Marena Dees Extension Set – Robert Hume Congratulations to all the winners! P a g e 2 T h e P l u m b i n g E a g l e ’ s E y e W i n s L A L a b S h o p C o m p e t i t i o n ! The winners of the 3rd quarter LA Lab shop competition are the Plumbing 9th and 10th graders! This quarterly competition rewards the shop with the highest percentage of students who have reached their reading goals. The reward? An awesome pizza party! reached his or her AR reading goal! An honorable mention goes to Electrical, who also reached 100% of 9th and 10th graders at goal. Plumbing beat them to it, but Mr. Sabo, Mr. Berube, and the plumbing students graciously invited the electrical students to join them at the pizza party which was held on April 22nd during 7th period. many of the students have been making. Congratulations to Plumbing and Electrical! Who will win next? Not only did plumbing win, but they achieved 100% of students at goal! Every single Grasso’s faculty and staff are so 9th and 10th grade plumber proud of the progress that so To get the advice of the Eagle’s Eye Staff, submit your question to [email protected], or remain ANONYMOUS by dropping your question in the box in the Guidance office. Advice Column Y o u r Q u e s t i o n s Dear Eagle’s Eye Staff, How do I tell my boyfriend that he is hurting my feelings Sincerely, Fed-Up A n s w e r e d it’s cute to flirt by teasing you, but that’s no reason to put up with it. Tell him to kick rocks! Sincerely, Eagle’s Eye Staff Dear Eagle’s Eye Staff, Dear Fed-Up, How do I ask a girl to prom? Dear Dateless, Try something unexpected. For example, make a sign that says, “Prom?” Get a bouquet of flowers and approach her when her back is turned to you. Tap her on the shoulder and when she turns around, there you’ll be with the sign and the flowers! Sincerely, Eagle’s Eye Staff Confront him, point blank, period. You should NOT be putting up with Sincerely, Dateless any of that. Sometimes guys think Dear Eagle’s Eye Staff, How do I get a boyfriend? Sincerely, Lonely Girl for you is the one who accepts you for who you are. Sincerely, Eagle’s Eye Staff Dear Eagle’s EyeStaff, Dear Lonely Girl, How do I keep a boyfriend? Stop trying. Let love find you. If anything, just get more involved in different activities to put yourself out there. Don’t change anything about your personality or appearance because the right guy Sincerely, Insecure worried about keeping a boyfriend. If you’re with a boy who makes you feel like you need to “keep him,” dump him! Ain’t nobody got time for that! Sincerely, Eagle’s Eye Staff Dear Eagle’s Eye Staff, Dear Insecure, Why would you want to? You’re in high school. You should not be How do I get people to like me? Sincerely, Ready-to-Mingle Dear Ready-to-Mingle, Be yourself—don’t be extra. Don’t overdo it because you’ll end up looking desperate. If the reason that people don’t like you is that you’re fake or two-faced, then you might want to change that. Other than that, just keep people with good vibes around you. Sincerely, Eagle’s Eye Staff V o l u m e I , I s s u e P a g e iv 3 Student s Pa r ticipa t e in A not h er Success ful B oo k cl ub M ee ting! On Friday, April 4th, Ms. Toledo hosted a book club meeting in Ms. Roswell’s room. The featured book was Divergent by Veronica Roth. Students who attended the book club meeting got to spend 7th period socializing about the book while enjoying candy and baked goods. Anyone who has read a featured book is welcome at these events! W h a t ’ s H o t / W h a t ’ s N o t : Prom Edition! ( A c c o r d i n g t o t h e E a g l e ’ s E y e S t a f f ) HOT NOT Stilettos/pumps Wedges and flats Formal footwear Sneakers Mermaid and A-Line gowns Cinderella gowns with long trains Up-dos and voluminous curls Messy buns & other plain, every-day styles Eyeliner wings & smoky or shimmery eye Natural look or other every-day looks Light perfume or cologne Body odor or heavy perfume/cologne V o l u m e I , I s s u e P a g e iv Skills USA Results Competition/place Trade Events: Carpentry Finalist Name ! Grade Shop Nate Behr 11 Carpentry Collision Repair Finalist Finalist Rene Morgillo Ryan Fletcher 11 12 Autobody Autobody Cosmetology Finalist Ciarra Hamilton 12 Cosmetology Culinary Arts 3rd Alex Zinz 12 Culinary Residential Wiring 2nd Finalist Dan Perkins James "Dave" Gauthier 12 12 Electrical Electrical Restaurant Service 1st 2nd 3rd Finalist Finalist Finalist Hassan George Paola Cruz Xavier Robinson Denise Simonetty Antwan Handy Sherri Robinson 10 11 10 11 11 11 Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Technical Drafting 2nd Finalist Tristan Pepin Justin VanDyke 12 12 Drafting Drafting Leadership Events: Customer Service Finalist Adbel Rodriguez 12 Hotel Job Interview Finalist Mack Foster 11 Drafting Job Skills Demo Finalist Mack Foster 11 Drafting Pin Design Finalist Angel Negron 12 Drafting 3rd Harlie Sellman 12 Drafting Skill Connect Cosmetology 2nd 3rd Mariel Duran Ambar Rivera 11 12 Cosmetology Cosmetology Skill Connect Customer Service Finalist Serenity Kidd-Brewer 11 Hotel Skill Connect Drafting 1st 3rd Mack Foster Harlie Sellman 11 12 Drafting Drafting T Shirt Design Finalist Vanessa Parra 10 Hotel Related Technical Math 4 P a g e 5 T h e Vo c a b u l a ry Junior, Aimee Mylly, composed this creative poem using vocabulary words that she learned in Ms. Digangi’s English class: Untitled I've heard laughter palliates pain So I bought a book of 101 jokes to read to her everyday I can't help but revere her poor soul She did the best to laugh at even the dumbest jokes I found Her concept of death was a little before her T h e A S e r i e s B y o f Let me elucidate the story She was a placid girl of 13 Never frivolous or rude She was simply infallible But her body was not It seemed to happen almost overnight An oblique attack upon her young heart. Placid (adj) - pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed Frivolous (adj) - characterized by lack of seriousness or sense Infallible (adj) - absolutely trustworthy or sure Oblique (adj) - indirectly stated or expressed; not straightforward D r a m a Being the girl of 13, she acquiesced silently People said that the propensity of her heart and the propensity of her body didn't mix well That she was a sad one to let go But people have moved on Sometimes I think of the unobtrusive way she went How her energy was released back into nature And how her rudiments on life are still here with me. Acquiesced (v) - assented tacitly; submitted or complied silently or without protest; agreed; consented Propensity (n) - a natural inclination or tendency Unobtrusive (adj) - not obtrusive; inconspicuous, unassertive, or reticent Rudiments (n) - the elements or first principles of a subject C h r o n i c l e s : I n t e r a c t i v e , a n o n y m o u s E y e P o e m But she made it succinct and sweet She always said peace would finally come Life was just the journey there GLOSSARY: Palliates (v) - to relieve or lessen without curing; mitigate; alleviate Revere (v) - to regard with respect tinged with awe; venerate Succinct (adj) - expressed in few words; concise; terse Elucidate (v) - to make lucid or clear; throw light upon; explain E a g l e ’ s F i c t i o n a l n o n - n e w s p a p e r s t a f f S t o r i e s S t u d e n t s Make-Up or Break Up Have you ever been in a situation where you can’t decide if you want to make up or break up with your boo? Has it been hard to even look at that person because you haven’t made up your mind? Well then you and Armel have the same problem. See now, Armel’s situation is harder because this girl, Imunique, is what you would call a female player. They’re the type of couple you see that go on and off. One isn’t caring and the other is stressin’. Does this sound familiar? Well if it does, email your comments or advice to Armel to [email protected]. MEET THE EAGLE’S EYE STAFF! Left to Right: Ma’taia Snell, Grade 11 André Rice, Grade 11 Patricia Destine, Grade 10 If you have a story that you would like The Eagle’s Eye Staff to cover, please call or email: Phone: 860-441-0306 E-mail: [email protected] Don’t Forget About our Goal for the Hypnotist Show! Don’t forget, Grasso: we have a school-wide goal to read 250,000,000 words by the end of May so we can earn a show performed by a comedian-hypnotist! The hypnotist is Jim Spinnato, and he frequently headlines at Comix at Foxwoods Casino. His shows are hilarious and this would be such a great way to end the school year. As of now, we have read approximately 188, 400,000 Come on, Grasso, read and words, so we have quiz—we can do this! 61,600,000 to go!!
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