ICD-10-CM Implementation Is Almost Here Tips to Help You Be Ready Thursday, May 7, 2015, 6:30‐9:45 p.m. Reed Conference Center 5800 Will Rogers Road, Midwest City, OK 73110 Cost: $125 The change to ICD‐10‐CM and Procedure Coding System represents one of the most significant changes in health care regula ons during the past 20 years. Effec ve Oct. 1, 2015 payment for professional and facility services rendered will be based upon the physician’s ability to provide the comprehensive documenta on necessary for assignment of the significantly expanded volume of ICD‐10‐CM codes. Payers will expect physicians to bill using these more specific codes or risk payment denial. This workshop will help physicians to recognize key elements of documenta on needed to achieve payment. Presented by Deborah Hale, C.C.S., C.C.D.S. President/C.E.O. Administra ve Consultant Service, L.L.C. Register Now! Earn up to 3.00 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM Workshop Objec ves Upon comple on of this workshop, par cipants will improve their competence and performance by being able to: Recognize the structure of an ICD‐10‐CM diagnosis code. Iden fy cri cal documenta on required for an accurate ICD‐10‐CM code assignment. Prepare for a smooth transi on from ICD‐9‐CM to ICD‐10‐CM. This workshop is held in conjunc on with the 18th Annual Primary Care Update, May 5‐9, 2015 For more informa on and to register online, visit the Office of Con nuing Professional Development website: cme.ouhsc.edu ICD-10-CM Implementation Is Almost Here Tips to Help You Be Ready Registra on First Name_______________________ Middle Name _________________ Last Name _____________________ Degree__________________________________Specialty____________________________________________ Address _______________________________City ________________________ State _______ ZIP __________ Phone ______________________________Email _____________________________________ I would like to receive informa on through Facebook. Account Name:_________________________________ I would like to communicate with my colleagues on Twi er. Username:________________________________ _____$125 ICD‐10‐CM Implementa on Workshop Payment Method: Departmental Transfer‐CPD’s Char ield: ORG (COM015), FUND (MISCA), PROG (00014), SUB CLASS (00000), PROJ GRANT ( N/A) Credit Card: (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) Card Number _________________________Expira on Date ____________Total Amount Charged $______ Signature________________________________________________________________________________ Name as it appears on card (please print) ______________________________________________________ Check: Check Number:____________ Return this form to: Ephelders Lipscomb Office of Con nuing Professional Development 800 NE 15th St., ROB 202 Oklahoma City, OK 73104‐4614 Fax: (405) 271‐3087 E‐mail: ephelders‐[email protected] For more informa on call (405) 271‐2350 Ext 6. Accommoda ons on the basis of disability are available by contac ng Jan Quayle at (405) 271‐2350, Ext. 8. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity ins tu on. www.ou.edu/eoo.
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