Collingwood Park State School W E E K TERM TWO DATE CLAIMERS: Tuesday 5 May Year 4 Convict Day Thursday 7 May Mothers’ Day Stall Friday 8 May District Cross Country Mothers’ Day Stall Tuesday 12 May NAPLAN Wednesday 13 May NAPLAN Thursday 14 May NAPLAN Friday 15 May Ipswich Show Holiday Friday 29 May Winter Sport—Day 1 Friday 5 June Winter Sport—Day 2 Friday 12 June Winter Sport—Day 3 Wanted! Woolworth Dominoes If any families have spare Woolworths dominoes which they do not want, the school maths/ science room would greatly benefit from and appreciate the donation of these items. Dominoes can be dropped to 3 , T E R M 2 M A Y 6 , 2 0 1 5 Principal’s Message: A visit from Dr Cameron Stelzer Last Thursday we had a visit from Dr Cameron Stelzer who is the author of the internationally award-winning Pie Rats book series. He is also known for his bright and dynamic junior picture books and drawing publications, including “The Stroogle’. Cameron worked with our Years 1, 3 and 5 students this visit and I was lucky enough to participate in the day. I was amazed at the wonderful opportunity this experience afforded our students. Not only did it generate ideas and perspective into creating interesting and engaging pieces of creative writing, it was an invaluable workshop preparing our years 3 & 5 students for the upcoming NAPLAN test. I was truly amazed at the experience and impressed with the behaviour of all of our students in each session. Thank you Thank you parents and community members for ensuring that you are not using the staff carpark or ‘ring road’ outside of the administration building to drop off or pick up students. Your cooperation in this matter has been noted and we thank you for your continued support as we work together to keep our students safe. Mothers’ Day Stall Remember that we will have a Mothers’ Day Stall running in the hall on Thursday and Friday. Classes have been scheduled to visit over the two days so please check with your child to see which day they are scheduled to visit. Principal’s Message Cont... NAPLAN testing 12, 13, 14 May Next week, students in year 3 and 5 will be involved in the annual NAPLAN (The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) testing that will occur nation-wide. NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling and numeracy. NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four areas (or ‘domains’) of: reading writing language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) numeracy. NAPLAN tests skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time through the school curriculum. Please be advised that whilst this test is important, it is simply a unit of measure for a point in time in your child’s schooling and will also provide information on where further learning is required. Goodbye Mr House This week we say Goodbye to Mr Dylan House who has been currently Teaching 6C. Mr House has been a valuable asset to our school and community during his time here at Collingwood Park State School. We thank him sincerely and wish all the best as he starts his next adventure down in Byron Bay. We would like to take this opportunity to also welcome back Mrs Jenny Rowston who will return to her class on 6C. Belinda Grose Acting Principal COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 2 Deputy Principal’s Message Yarn Club: Tuesday 11.15 – 11.45 Seminar Room in the Library It’s a hive of activity at Yarn Club! So many students turned up last week that some had to be turned away. It was wonderful to see so many children wanting to take part in Yarn Club and we’d like to encourage all students. However, beginners need lots of 1:1 support so we plan to limit numbers for the moment in order to keep the club manageable. As the beginners become more proficient then other beginner students will be able to join in. Many thanks to Ms Vicki Allen Hoens and Mrs Amy Watson for volunteering to run this club for CPSS students. If there are any other parents / grandparents / guardians who would like to come along to help then please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you. Convict Day: On Tuesday, Year 4 students enjoyed a fabulous day as convicts! The day began with an assembly performance of “Botany Bay”. The costumes, scenery and enthusiasm of the students were enjoyed by the whole school and our special visitor, “Admiral Arthur Phillips” was equally impressed by the student convicts’ performance! The Year 4 students continued their day with a range of activities to help them understand what life may have been like for convict children and culminated with some celebratory “First Fleet Cakes”. This type of event is always exciting and it was wonderful to see every child so thoroughly engaged in their hands-on learning. The day wouldn’t have been possible without the help and support of the Year 4 parents who came along to help run the activities – thank-you, parents! Thankyou too to the Year 4 teachers: Mrs Nash, Mrs Boundy and Mr Gordon whose enthusiastic planning, hard work (and cake –baking) made this such a successful event. Jill Rutland Deputy Principal COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 3 Deputy Principal’s Message Convict Day Convict day was very fun and exciting. Convict day helped us to learn games from the past. It also helped us to imagine what life was like for a child convict. Dressing up like a convict was fun and helped us a lot. Thank-you to all the parents, teachers and teacher aides that helped us with all the activities, without you we wouldn’t have had a wonderful day. Thank-you to Mrs Grose for joining us, she made it very exciting and thank-you to all the parents who watched our performance Botany Bay. We hope you liked it. It was very interesting for students to participate in convict day activities. Meloney Swart 4B Class Captain School Banking News Congratulations to the winners of our Term 1 colouring in competition. There were some wonderful artworks. It’s term 2 and school banking is well under way. There are some new and exciting rewards up for offer this term - get saving and collect the tokens/stickers to claim yours. We have to say goodbye to one of our wonderful banking ladies – Jenny Langford. Jenny has other commitments on Friday mornings so can no longer volunteer her time. Thank you for your help in setting up school banking Jenny! We would like to welcome Rebekah Phillips who has kindly volunteered her time on Friday mornings. If your child/ren would like to get involved in the school banking program just open a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account at any Commonwealth Bank branch. Remember to take in identification for you and your child (driver’s license and birth certificate). Thank you for supporting School Banking SCHOOL BANKING IS EVERY FRIDAY!! COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 4 Numeracy Natter “But, isn't maths just about getting the right answer?” Would you agree or disagree with this statement? [ ]=7+5+3+5+6 How would u add these numbers? How would you add these numbers? What personal strategies would you use? This is ‘string sum’. Sums of this type are a focus of Year 2 and 3. Most students can calculate that the answer is 26…but they solve it in different ways. Teachers look for more than just a correct answer. Here are some typical student responses: Child A adds in order: 7,5,3,5 and then 6 (counting all on her fingers) Child B says ‘7 and 3 make 10’, ‘5 and 5 make 10’ and ‘6 more is 26’ Child C says ‘5+5 = 10’ , then ‘6 + 3 = 9’, ‘so that’s 19’. He then counts on 7 more Child D takes 2 from 7 and adds it the 3 to make 4 lots of 5. She says, ‘Four fives are 20. 20 and 6 more is 26.’ How would you rate these methods in terms of their efficiency? Something to think about. Wait for next week’s Numeracy Natter for the reveal of the most efficient/ inefficient methods! Thanks to the North Coast Region Numeracy Team for their great work. Jane Appleton Numeracy Coach COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 5 Bike Week Celebration - Friday 8th May - Free Bike Tune Up We will have a bicycle mechanic at the school’s bike cage on Friday 8th May 2015 from 7.15am until school starts at 8.30am. Ride your bike to school and get a free bike check and tune up so that you can ride safely. We’ll check brake pads, lubricate chains, repair punctures and have some great giveaways for student bikes as well. COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 6 Tuckshop News. Online Ordering If you are ordering tuckshop online pleas make sure your student/s class are correct. If you can assist at tuckshop, please give us a call as we would really appreciate your help. Should you have a problem or cannot make your rostered day, please give the tuckshop a call with as much notice as possible. Dianne: (07) 3818 0687 Mobile: 0403 945 014 Tuckshop: (07) 3381 4335 PLEASE NOTE: Prep students can now order tuckshop but they CAN NOT purchase ice-blocks. TERM 2 Monday 11/5/15 Michelle Handyside Tuesday 12/5/15 Doreen Clement Wednesday 13/5/15 Courtney Flynn / HELP NEEDED Thursday 14/5/15 Doreen Clement / HELP NEEDED Friday 15/5/15 CLOSED IPSWICH SHOW HOLIDAY Monday 18/5/15 Jessica Williams Tuesday 19/5/15 Michelle Handyside Wednesday 20/5/15 Doreen Clement / HELP NEEDED Thursday 21/5/15 Carol David / Michelle Handyside Friday 22/5/15 Doreen Clement / Courtney Flynn Collingwood Park State School Pathway to Knowledge CPSS Cross Country News Last Friday morning students in Years 4 –7 participated in the senior school cross country. The event to all accounts went well with all students competing to the best of their abilities and having fun along the way. This year’s house captains helped create a great atmosphere at this sports event by leading the cheering for their sports house. Congratulations to our 2015 Cross Country Age Champions: Burrel Street COLLINGWOOD PARK QLD 4301 2005 2004 2003 Bianca Cullinan & Teare Powell Talisha Johnson & Elejah Majok Gypsy Prior & Christian Hutchings Congratulations also to the top five place boys and girls born 2005, 2004 and 2003 who have been selected to attend the Central Districts Cross Country this Friday. We wish all these competitors representing Collingwood Park State School the best of luck. Postal Address: P O Box 75 Redbank, QLD 4301 Phone: 07 3381 4333 Fax: 07 3381 4300 E-mail: [email protected] STUDENT ABSENCES Team members are: Teare Powell, Eleja Majok, Christian Hutchings, Dylan Jones, Manasseh Sokiri, Jamus Ruben, Derick Tongu, Melvin Kumar, Chris Garcia, Tavita Tusa, Sam Jack-Kino, Dom McDonald, Cody Hackett, Justin Fox, Marcelo Moya, Bianca Cullinan, Talisha Johnson, Gypsy Prior, Micaela Antstey, Caitlin Pattinson, Istella Kenyi, Taya Smith, Talitha Looke, Tate Wilson, Naomi Looke, Bianca Clarke, Olivia Georgas, Brianna HikaitiMolloy, Natasha Souter and Hayley Ellem. PH: 33814333 We’re on the Web…….. COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 8
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