Collingwood Park State School W E E K 1 , T E R M 2 A P R I L 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 Deputy Principal’s Message: Welcome back to Term 2! I hope you all enjoyed the break from the school routine over the holidays. I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome Mrs Belinda Grose on board for the next 5 weeks as Acting Principal while Mrs Cuthill is on Long Service Leave. I trust that you will all make her feel very welcome! TERM TWO DATE CLAIMERS: Friday 24 April Cross Country Tuesday 12 May NAPLAN Wednesday 13 May NAPLAN Thursday 14 May NAPLAN Friday 15 May Ipswich Show Holiday It’s wonderful to see so many enthusiastic, refreshed faces. Now that the weather is cooling down, please ensure that students have a named school jumper. It’s often warm by break time and if children take jumpers off we can’t return them to their rightful owner unless they are clearly named. Jumpers need to be in school colours. School Zip jackets can be purchased from the Uniform Shop for $33 - $35. Sloppy Joes cost $27 $29. Alternatively, children may wear plain navy or plain maroon jumpers. If you have any old, out-grown school jumpers, please bring them to the office where we’re always grateful to have a few spares. Collingwood Park State School students always look smart. Thank-you for supporting our uniform policy. Break Times We are trialling a new arrangement for break times this term. The new times are as follows: First Break Friday 29 May Winter Sport—Day 1 Friday 5 June Winter Sport—Day 2 Friday 12 June Winter Sport—Day 3 11.00 – 11.15 11.15 – 11.50 Second Break 1.30 – 1.40 1.40 – 1.55 Eating Time Tuck Shop orders will be collected and taken back to classes. Play time Tuck Shop will be open to students in Yr 1 – Yr 6 for over the counter orders (ice blocks, chips etc.) Eating time Tuck Shop orders will be collected and taken back to classes. Play time Tuck Shop is closed We’ve already received positive feedback from students about this new arrangement. Feedback from parents is also very welcome. Deputy Principal’s Message Tuck Shop and Prep Students Prep parents can now place food orders for Prep children at the Tuck Shop. However, Prep children will not be able to buy ice-blocks over the counter just yet. Play Options We are lucky to have so many different spaces where the children can run around, play handball, basketball or simply sit quietly and chat with friends at break times. We are also fortunate to have so many enthusiastic teachers who volunteer to run clubs and activities, often in addition to their regular duties. The dedication and commitment of these teachers means that we are able to offer an increasing number of alternative playtime options for our students. What? Where? When: First Break - 11.15 Every Day For Who? Outdoor Supported Play: Large Scale Games e.g. soccer Indoor Supported Play: Small Scale Games e.g. board games, dress ups, drawing, play sets Dance The Oval Games Room Every Day Yr 1-6 The Hall Mon, Wed, Fri Yr 1-6 Lego Club B Block Tues Prep – Yr 3 Lego Club E Block Tues Yr 4 – 6 Media Club Tech Lab Tues Computers: For homework and educational games Computers, Drawing, Games and Reading Tech Lab Tues - Fri Selected Yrs 5 and 6 students Yr 1-6 Library Every Day Yr 1-6 Homework Club Tech Lab Thurs Yr 1-6 Seminar Room in the Library Tuesday Yr 3-6 Yr 1-6 New for Term 2 Yarn Club:Learn to knit or crochet. Mrs Vickie Allen (Yr 6 parent) will run Yarn Club starting in Week 2. Thank-you Mrs Allen! We would be very interested to hear from other adults who would be interested in helping Mrs Allen with this new club. Please contact me at the office if you would like to get involved. Chess Club: Just for fun or with the challenge of tournaments. Further details to be announced soon. If you have any other suggestions for playtime activities, or would like to help out with any, please get in touch - we’d love to hear from you. Jill Rutland STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME FEES ARE NOW OVERDUE Reminder statements will be sent home with your child this week. COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 2 Numeracy Natter In the first Numeracy Natter for Term 2, I would like to continue the discussion of the Australian Curriculum in Mathematics and the understanding that the maths demands of the next century may be quite different to those of our generation. Previously we were taught mainly facts and procedures. Lessons were about practice and recall. When we focus too much on facts and procedures, students may develop misconceptions and inefficient methods. This quite often leads to maths anxiety, disengagement and poorer performance in all subjects that require mathematics. In the Australian Curriculum, we expect students to have: Understanding (Connecting, representing, identifying, describing, interpreting, sorting Fluency (calculating, recognising, choosing, recalling, manipulating) Problem – solving (applying, designing, planning, checking, imagining) Reasoning (explaining, justifying, comparing and contrasting, inferring, deducing, proving) Lessons ensure students have deep and connected understandings. Students are expected to explain, reason and justify. Jane Appleton Numeracy Coach Author Visit - Cameron Stelzer On Thursday 30 April, we have a special return visit from Author and Illustrator Dr Cameron Stelzer. During Term 1 Cameron worked with our Year 2, 4, and 6 students. This Term Cameron is returning to Collingwood Park State School to run workshops with our Year 1, 3 and 5 students. Cameron will be engaging Year 3 and Year 5 students in a workshop to motivate and inspire students with their writing, and help prepare them for the NAPLAN writing task (exploring both the narrative and persuasive genres). Year 1 students will enjoy an interactive Big Screen Book Reading and creative activity with Cameron. In conjunction with the Author Visit, families have a special opportunity to purchase signed and personalised copies of Cameron’s books at special prices. Individual items are $15 each and there are also exclusive book sets available. Year 1, 3 and 5 students will receive an order form on the day of the workshops. Forms and payment can be returned the following day, Friday 1 May, to the colourful box in the Office. Cameron will personally sign all books (including the child’s name and a message), and students will receive their books the following week. The school has also purchased some copies of these books for students to borrow. COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 3 Tuckshop News. Online Ordering If you are ordering tuckshop online pleas make sure your student/s class are correct. If you can assist at tuckshop, please give us a call as we would really appreciate your help. Should you have a problem or cannot make your rostered day, please give the tuckshop a call with as much notice as possible. Dianne: (07) 3818 0687 Mobile: 0403 945 014 Tuckshop: (07) 3381 4335 PLEASE NOTE: Prep students can now order tuckshop but they CAN NOT purchase ice-blocks. TERM 2 Monday 27/4/15 Michelle Handyside Tuesday 28/4/15 Doreen Clement Wednesday 29/4/15 Courtney Flynn / HELP NEEDED Thursday 30/4/15 Doreen Clement / HELP NEEDED Friday 1/5/15 Doreen Clement / Michelle Handyside Monday 2/5/15 Jessica Willisma Tuesday 3/5/15 Michelle Handyside Wednesday 4/5/15 Doreen Clement / HELP NEEDED Thursday 5/5/15 Carol David / Michelle Handyside Friday 6/5/15 Doreen Clement / Courtney Flynn Collingwood Park State School Pathway to Knowledge Burrel Street COLLINGWOOD PARK QLD 4301 Collingwood Park State School ANZAC Day Ceremony Our C.P.S.S. Anzac Day service was held on Thursday morning, 23 March. Our official guests were Councillor Victor Attwood from the Ipswich City Council, Captain Phil Williamson from the Australian Army and Mr Clive Redgate from the Redbank/ Goodna RSL. Both Mr Attwood and Captain Williamson spoke to us about Anzac Day and its significance. Our four school captains all did a superb job presenting during the ceremony. Emma Murphy was our very capable Master of Ceremonies whilst Jamus Ruben presented the Acknowledgment of Country and read an excerpt from the Anzac Day requiem. Gary Taylor spoke to us about the significance of Anzac Day whilst Lita Vakauta read a very moving poem about Anzac Day. Well done, school captains. Members of the school choir, conducted by Ms Polomski, sang the hymn “Abide with Me’ and the NZ and Australian National anthems. Mr Bignell played “The Last Post” and “Rouse”. Thank you Ms Polomski, choir and Mr Bignell. Postal Address: P O Box 75 Redbank, QLD 4301 Phone: 07 3381 4333 Fax: 07 3381 4300 Years 3 – 6 classes attended the service and all official guests commented to me, after the ceremony, about the excellent standard of behaviour displayed by students during the ceremony. Well Done, students. Mrs Harrington Teacher Librarian, Student Leadership Co-ordinator E-mail: [email protected] STUDENT ABSENCES PH: 33814333 We’re on the Web…….. 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