2015 Celebration of Student Scholarship Concurrent Session I, 10:00 – 11:00am Presenter(s) Presentation Title Dean's Choice KCC Centrum Meghan Knudtzon Leslie Bellwood Spectroscopic Investigation of Femtosecond Dynamics in Phytochrome Photoisomerization Doctors and Diversity: Using Interfaith Literacy and Interfaith Dialogue to Improve Patient Care Adaptation I Christiansen Recital Hall Janelle Jennissen, Axel Freytag Marit Johnson Elizabeth Hiller, Miles Otstot, Jake Pavia, Jake Schmitz, Jonathan Sutton The Effects of Iodide Impurities in the Production of Gold Nanorods Making the Connection: The Use of Literature and Music in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Emma Comparing Performances of Malcolm Arnold's Quintet for Two Trumpets, Horn, Trombone, and Tuba Environment I Jones Science 212 Phil Kuball, Michael McCarthy, Shelby Rolfhus Protein Levels of Cell Adhesion Molecules in the Supraoptic Nucleus of 1- and 4-Month-Old Rats: Implications for a Role in Axonal Sprouting? Hear the People Speak: Corporate Environmental Crime and Social Justice Movements from Toms River to Bhopal Courtney Backen Andrew Olsen, Trevor Grandgenett, Emily Swenson Effect of Water Depth and Habitat Type on Long Lake Productivity Health Birkeland Alumni Lounge Kyra Benson Heather Campbell, Andrea Flaten, Jenie Ogle Bailey Houle, Hannah Rodne, Kenny Nindorera Mindfulness and Binge-eating disorder: A literature review of emerging treatment Immune Responses to Hookworm Antigen: Investigating the Relationships Between Pre-Clinical Presentation and Serology Ways forward: Student Designed Approaches and Interventions for Overcoming Neglected Tropical Diseases Introspection KCC Jones C/D Alisa Heskin Justin Flack Sally Pigeon The Silent Soliloquy: Introspection in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus Writing to Understand Both a Man and Maid: "Twelfth Night" and Jacques Lacan's Mirror Theory Justice/Injustice I Lab Theatre Tom Skinner John Wiehe Tyler Snelling The Indian Lid: Treaty-based alcohol prohibition in early twentieth-century northern Minnesota An Autoethnography Examining the Intersectionality of Non-visible Disabilites and Gender A Fat Epistemic Inequality: Navigating Credibility Deficits in a Large World Religion KCC Jones A Katharine A. Spencer Kayla Bones Christian Halos Toward a New Solidarity: Practicing Life-Affirming Theology on Native American Reservations Why Sex Should Not Shame Young Women: A Reinterpretation of Virginity The Dragon in Eastern and Western Religious cultures: A Symbol of Good or Evil? State and Culture KCC Jones B Anna Dovre, Alex Samion David Kwiecien Bailey Carlson Je Suis Charlot: Chaplin and France Religion and Racism in Odinists and Asatru Kins Russian Intervention in Ukraine: Trumped up 19th century behavior or rational realism? Sustainability Jones Science 330 Nathan Stanelle, Mitch Campion Brian Bickel, Peter Bergquist, Jessica Watson Jessica Watson, Peter Bergquist, Brian Bickel Operations Research Applied to Scheduling an Intercollegiate Club Lacrosse League Comparison of Small Mammal Communities on Restored and Established Prairies in Northwestern Minnesota Effects of Prescribed Burning on the Small Mammal Community Inhabiting a Restored Prairie
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