2015 Celebration of Student Scholarship Department Sessions, 11:10am – 12:10pm Department Location Art Cyrus M. Running Gallery and Olin Art Lounge 2015 Senior Art Exhibition Opening and Awards Ceremony: The Senior Art Exhibition celebrates those graduating in May 2015 with an art, art education, graphic design or art history major. The exhibition showcases selections of our graduates' strongest work created during their artistic careers at Concordia. We officially open the show and announce the winners of the following awards: Best in Show, Graphic Design Prize, First Prize, and three Merit Awards. Art Olin 207 Art Department Conversations with Invited Alumni Guests: We invite two exemplary alumni of our art program, Ashley Dedin '12 and Jeff Knight '04, to join us for lunch and conversation. They will share with our current majors and minors stories about their times studying and making art here at Concordia and beyond and answer questions from our students about graduate school, art entrepreneurship, and more. Biology Jones Science 340 Biology Department TriBeta Induction: We will welcome new student members into the Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society during the Biology Department session. Current TriBeta members and inductee friends and family are welcome and encouraged to attend. Business Barry Auditorium Offutt School of Business Research Presentations, Alumni Networking, and Internship Information: Join us for research presentations by the Offutt School of Business Barry Scholar seniors. Recipients of the Barry Scholarship demonstrate exceptional leadership, community service involvement and/or entrepreneurship and their academic success. As a component of their commitment to academic success, scholarship recipients delve into a research project with guidance of a faculty mentor. Following the presentations stick-around to enjoy pizza, network with Alumni, and to discuss internship experiences with fellow students. Student Presenters: Kate Schiffman, Sam Barney Chemistry 3rd Floor hallway of Ivers Chemistry Department Poster Session: Students who have been involved in research projects will present their work in a poster session. The work will be from both independent research experiences and in-class projects. Classical Studies KCC Jones C/D Classical Studies Departmental Session: In this session, the Department of Classical Studies highlights the excellent work of its majors. Come hear a selection of what they've been working on this year. Topics include archaeology, poetry, and philosophy. Student Presenters: Noah Dovre, Kaia Nygord, Andrew Gold CSTA Lab Theatre CSTA Honors and Awards Ceremony: Please join the Communication Studies and Theatre Art department at the Celebration of Student Scholarship. We have a lot to celebrate! The newest members of Lambda Pi Eta, the national communication honor society, will be inducted at this ceremony. We will also be presenting department awards for academic excellence, undergraduate research, and leadership through service to this year's honorees. Invite your families and friends to share this day with you. Refreshments will be served. English KCC Jones A English Department Showcase: Presentations by Sally Pigeon, Literature Major, "Both a Man and Maid: Twelfth Night and Jacques Lacan's Mirror Stage" and Cassandra Konz, Writing Major, "Creative Connections in Poetry;" Remarks from Honored Alumnus: Alyssa Erickson Short '99; Recognition of English Honors Graduates. History King Intercultural Lounge Department of History Honor Society Induction Ceremony: The Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Induction Ceremony Music Christiansen Recital Hall Department of Music Student Presentations: Selected students will present their creative and scholarly work about and in music. Student Presenters: Yue Lor, Sam Fouts Nursing Jones Science 370 Nursing Department Student Research: Parkinson's Disease Education for Nursing Students: How Confidence and Knowledge Compared After an Educational Intervention for Seniors. Student Presenters: Nicholas Leen, Abigail Haugen, Cassie Scherer, Kayla Doebbeling Nutrition and Dietetics Jones Science 330 Planning Ahead for Your Dietetic Internship: Mandatory meeting for food/nutrition/dietetics juniors. The event will include the steps in the application process for a dietetic internship, along with descriptions of potential sites, an explanation of D&D Matching, and a description of the DICAS process. Philosophy Bishop Whipple 44 Philosophy Department Student Research Spotlight: Join the Philosophy Department for a celebration of the research projects of our Senior Seminar students! Students from Dr. O’Shaughnessy’s Senior Seminar on the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty will share their research on a variety of topics related to Merleu-Ponty’s work. Political Science KCC Jones B Political Science Panel Discussion - "What can I do with a degree in Political Science?": Select alumni, faculty and students will participate in a panel discussion exploring career and vocation for those with an interest in studying political science. Psychology Ivers 259 Celebrating Student Achievements: Psi Chi Induction Ceremony and Al Bartz Endowed Research: The psychology department will be holding a Psi Chi Induction ceremony to celebrate the students accepted into the international honor society in psychology. The induction ceremony will be followed by a student presentation of research that they completed last summer under the supervision of a psychology faculty member. This summer research was partially funded by the Al Bartz Research Endowment Award. Student Presenters: Kendra Banwell, Kayla Berntsen Religion Frida Nilsen Lounge Religion Department Showcase: Student's from REL410 senior seminar will provide descriptions of their research projects. Students who received honors on their papers will give short presentations of their work, followed by Q&A. Our featured alumna, Rev. Elizabeth Lerohl, will join us, and students are invited to join the department for lunch afterward. Student Presenters: Kayla Bones, Katharine Spencer, Leslie Bellwood Social Work Ivers 210 Lessons from the Field: Field placement and seminar are considered the capstone experience for a social work major. The process of securing a placement and navigating the professional waters of an agency are both challenging and rewarding. This transformative semester offers great opportunity for growth as professionally and personally. Senior Social Work students currently engaged in their field placement will present on lessons they learned through the process of placement exploration, the incorporation of the core curriculum in their agency setting, their personal and professional growth, as well as the transition from student to professional roles. Undergraduate social work majors are encouraged to attend to gain understanding of this capstone experience. Lunch will be served so an RSVP to Laurie Dahley is needed to insure accurate count for the meal. An E-vite will be sent to all those who are currently listed as majors with RSVP component enclosed. World Languages Olson Forum 137 Paper presentations in English: The World Languages and Cultures department session will consist of two panels: One will be a panel with participants from different languages reading their papers in English, and the other will be with Spanish students who will read their papers in Spanish. Student Presenters: Emma Eckberg, Sarah Quartier, Amy Leopold, Tatum Holt, Laura Masse, Miranda Nelson, Michele Pesch World Languages Olson Forum 139 Paper presentations in Spanish: The World Languages and Cultures department session will consist of two panels: One will be a panel with participants from different languages reading their papers in English, and the other will be with Spanish students who will read their papers in Spanish. Student Presenters: Laurel DiSera, Marit Johnson, Sarah Olson, Shelby Lund
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