Poster List Odd Posters: Poster Session I ‐ Sunday March 29th from 1:00 ‐ 2:00pm Even Posters: Poster Session II ‐ Monday March 30th from 1:00 ‐ 2:00pm Poster # Title Category 100 Spatial symmetry breaking determines spiral wave chirality Light Microscopy 101 Identification of rare and novel alleles in FFPE tumor samples using laser capture microdissection (LCM) and Ampliseqâ„¢ sequencing technologies Light Microscopy 111 Role of Activin In Regulating Alpha-to-Beta Cell Transdifferentiation Flow Cytometry 112 Automation of Single Cell Plating Utilizing Microfluidic Dispensing Technology Flow Cytometry 115 DNA nanostructures for the characterization of bispecific antibodies with electro-switchable biosurfaces Antibody Technology 116 Validating antibodies for ChIP-Seq - Validating the validation kit Antibody Technology 117 Impact of mitosis inhibitors on neural stem cell division during mammalian corticogenesis Antibody Technology 119 Monospecific affinity purified peptide antibody production Antibody Technology 120 Efficient Workflow for Recombinant Bacterial Protein Production and Characterization Recombinant Proteins Polymerase/DNA interactions and enzymatic activity: multi-parameter analysis with electro-switchable biosurfaces Blending art and science to understand genotype and phenotype with public data and Molecule World on the iPad A Novel High Resolution Metabolite MS/MS Spectral Library for Accurate Metabolite Identification in Human Biofluids Macromolecular Interactions Macromolecular Interactions 126 Genomic profiling in single cells using high throughput quantitative PCR and mRNA-Seq Microfluidics 128 In-depth identification of protein images by combining high mass resolution MALDI FTICR Imaging and high performance qTOF nLC-MS/MS Biomarkers 130 Exploring the potential of a last generation UHR-Q-TOF for rapid generation of accurate information on proteoforms mass, distribution and relative abundancy. Protein Analysis 121 122 124 131 132 Rapid Analysis of Protein and Antibody Aggregation and Fragmentation using Nanoelectrospray Ion Mobility Spectrometry Purification and Partial Characterization of Snake Leaf-Nosed Viper (Eristicophis macmahonii ) Hemoglobin Metabolomics Protein Analysis Protein Analysis 135 Combining top-down and bottom up quantitative proteomics reveals cathepsin-B activity is required for efficient plant virus transmission by aphids. Proteomics 136 Characterization of an Improved Ultra-High Resolution Quadrupole Time of Flight (UHR-TOF) Instrument for Proteomics Applications Proteomics 137 Proteomic analysis of a multidrug resistant strain of Acinetobacter baumannii Proteomics 139 The ELF Preparative Electrophoresis System for Size-based Proteome Fractionation Proteomics 140 Unexpected trypsin cleavage at ubiquitinated Lysine Proteomics 141 Solid-Phase Derivatization: a Versatile Toolbox for Chemical Proteomics Proteomics 145 N-Terminal Amino Acid Sequence Determination of Proteins by N-Terminal Dimethyl Labeling; Pitfalls and Advantages When Compared with Edman Degradation Sequence Analysis. Protein Sequencing Techniques 150 Multiplexed LC-MRM-MS Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease Biomarkers Using Novel Integrated Microfluidics Quantitative Proteomics 151 Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Severe Congenital Neutropenia Quantitative Proteomics 153 A Multi-Centric Study To Evaluate the Use of Relative Retention Times in Targeted Proteomics Quantitative Proteomics 155 Capillary nano-immunoassay to fingerprint signaling molecule responses to drug treatment Quantitative Proteomics 159 Evaluating an Isotopically Labeled IgG for the Relative and Absolute Quantitation of N-linked Glycans Carbohydrate Analysis 166 Statistical analysis of multiple iTRAQ/TMT experiments labeled with variable reporter ion tags using ProteoIQ Bioinformatics 167 Genome Data Aggregation and Exchange across Distributed Genomic Data Repositories Bioinformatics 168 Analysis of Labeled and Non-Labeled DIA and DDA Proteomic Data using Progenesis QI for Proteomics Bioinformatics 169 RNA-Seq Analysis of Phosphate-Stressed C. reinhardtii Cells Data processing workflow for direct quatitative analysis of native human peptides in complex secretome samples Evaluation of normalization methods for miRNA sequencing data generated with quantitative nuclease protection assay Bioinformatics 172 The iPlant Collaborative: Cyberinfrastructure for Enabling Data to Discovery for the Life Sciences Bioinformatics 173 A practical evaluation of bioinformatics software for production environments Bioinformatics 174 The Nimble Corea: facilitating the delivery of efficient bioinformatic services Bioinformatics 170 171 Bioinformatics Bioinformatics 175 An Intuitive 16S rRNA Biodiversity Tool Bioinformatics 176 Merging Data for Correlation And Network-based Analysis using GeneSpring 13 Bioinformatics 177 ngApps - the integrative R framework for dynamic and high-throughput bioinformatics in core labs Bioinformatics 180 Evaluation and Purchase of an Analytical Flow Cytometer: Some of the Numerous Factors to Consider Core Facilities 181 Change in Focus of a Core Facility Operation DNA Footprint Analysis by Automated Capillary Electrophoresis (DFACE) at the Plant-Microbe Genomics Facility Core Facilities 183 Professional Development in the Context of Core Facility Management Core Facilities 184 Design and Implementation of a Theoretical and Practical Flow Cytometry Course to Graduate Students at The University of Vermont Core Facilities 185 Utilizing Digital PCR for Copy Number Detection in a Core Facility Core Facilities 186 Using antibody arrays as an alternative to large scale proteomics: a targeted approach Core Facilities 187 ABRF India Chapter: Networking Lifescience core facilities in India region Core Facilities 188 Developing and implementing nano-immunoassays to advance quantitative proteomic analysis, biomarker assessment and molecular diagnostics Core Facilities 189 Integrating Genome Engineering as a Core Facility Service Core Facilities 190 Lehigh Health Research Hub, the One-of-a-kind Combination of Shared Resources for Life Sciences Core Facilities 191 The Complete Genome Sequence and Identification of Two Larval Shellfish Pathogens Core Facilities 196 Cost-Effective And Rapid Genotyping By Sequencing (GBS) Using Ion AmpliSeqTM Technology Genotyping 200 A Targeted Next Generation Pharmacogenomics Genotyping Panel Genetic Variation 201 Detection of Rare Nucleic Acid Targets using a Microplate-Based Microfluidic Digital PCR (dPCR) System PCR Methodology 202 Aneuploidy Detection in S. cerevisiae by Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR PCR Methodology 203 Evaluation of incorporation efficiency of fluorescently labeled nucleotide triphosphates by MALDI MS PCR Methodology 205 Activation of Inflammatory Cytokines in Gab2 and Gab3 Deficient Bone Marrow Derived Macrophage Cells PCR Methodology 210 DNA shipping and preservation under extreme temperature conditions Nucleic Acid Extraction/Amplification 211 Directed Evolution for the Development of an Inhibitor-Resistant DNA Polymerase for Improved Target Amplification and Quantification of Crude Samples with Real-Time PCR Nucleic Acid Extraction/Amplification 212 Simultaneous extraction and purification of NGS-Grade DNA and RNA from FFPE tissue samples with Covaris truXTRAC Nucleic Acid Extraction/Amplification 213 Clinical performance of exome capture technology: impact of kits, coverage and analysis. DNA Sequencing 214 Improved Method for Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) DNA Sequencing 182 Core Facilities 215 217 218 219 Whole Exome Sequencing of Cell-Free DNA from Plasma DNA Sequencing Discovery of novel markers for neural differentiation with Next-Generation Sequencing DNA Sequencing Whole Genome Sequencing of the TALLYHO/Jng Mouse and Identification of Obesity Susceptibility Variants Streamlining NGS workflows using by the application of the DNA Integrity Number (DIN) from the Genomic DNA ScreenTape Assay DNA Sequencing DNA Sequencing 220 An effective and reliable enzymatic ribosomal RNA (rRNA) depletion method for preparation of highquality libraries for transcriptome sequencing DNA Sequencing 221 Improved Detection of Low Level Sequence Variants by Sanger Sequencing using a New Variant Caller Software DNA Sequencing 223 Sanger Sequencing of Low Amount of Genomic DNA and FFPE DNA with PCR Primers Derived from the Ion AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot Panel DNA Sequencing 224 Sequencing of bacterial RNA on PacBio using modified iso-seq library construction protocol DNA Sequencing 225 227 Increasing Sensitivity of Next Generation Sequencing-based Transcriptome Profiling by Selectively Depleting Abundant RNAs Significantly improved de novo assembly of small genomes using the Ion TrueMate Plus Library Kit on the Ion PGM System DNA Sequencing DNA Sequencing 228 Repair of challenging FFPE DNA improves library success rate and sequencing quality DNA Sequencing 229 A novel streamlined NGS library preparation workflow using enzymatic fragmentation results in extremely high yields and low sequencing bias DNA Sequencing 234 A complete solution for CTC and cfDNA analysis on the Ion Torrent Platform DNA Sequencing 235 Optimizing size selection to ensure accurate insert sizes for Next Generation Sequencing DNA Sequencing 236 Selective RNA depletion to evaluate efficiency of InDA-C technology for non-traditional organisms DNA Sequencing 237 Evaluation of Automated ChIP-Seq Library Construction Protocols with Selection Modifications DNA Sequencing 238 One-Step Library Preparation for Amplicon-Based 16S Metagenomic DNA Sequencing and a Method for Preparing Metagenomic Samples for Direct Nanopore Sequencing DNA Sequencing 239 Comparing the SNP Calling Capabilities of Illuminas NextSeq 500 and HiSeq 2500 DNA Sequencing 240 A Complete Solution for Generating Stranded RNA-Seq Libraries from High-Input Total RNA DNA Sequencing 245 Harnessing Template Switching Technology for Preparation of Low-Input Ligation-Free Sequencing Libraries Molecular Indexing for Improved RNA-Seq DNA Sequencing 247 Amplicon based 16S ribosomal RNA Sequencing and Genus Identification DNA Sequencing 248 Reducing Bias in Small RNA-Sequencing DNA Sequencing 249 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit and KAPA HiFi Uracil+ Allow for Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing of Ultra-low Amounts of DNA in B Cells DNA Sequencing 250 Highway to Heaven: sequencing the genome of the waterfall climbing Hawaiian goby (Sicyopterus stimpsoni) DNA Sequencing 251 Reduce Next Generation Sequencing Costs with Preparation of Higher Complexity Libraries DNA Sequencing 252 Increasing Library Yields for DNA Methylation Sequencing from Limiting Samples DNA Sequencing 253 Detection of Somatic Mutations in Circulating Cell-Free DNA and FFPE Samples DNA Sequencing 254 Lower Cost, High Throughput Transcriptome Library Preparation with the Labcyte Echo Liquid Handler and the NuGEN Ovation Single Cell RNA-Seq System DNA Sequencing 255 Miniaturized Reactions for Lower Cost Sanger Sequencing using the Labcyte Echo Liquid Handler DNA Sequencing 257 Comparative Analysis of Methods to Detect Copy Number Variations Using Single Cell Sequencing Technique Computational Biology 260 Results of the Protein Sequencing Research Group (PSRG) 2015 Study: N-terminal identification of a standard protein at low picomole levels by dimethyl labeling and bottom-up mass spectrometry ABRF Research Group 261 RNA spike-in controls and analysis methods for trustworthy genome-scale measurements ABRF Research Group 241 DNA Sequencing 262 3D Standard for the Evaluation of Confocal Microscopes ABRF Research Group 263 Evaluating the Effects of Cell Sorting on Gene Expression ABRF Research Group 264 Antibody Research Group ABRF Research Group 266 The ABRF Metagenomics Research Group (MGRG): Developing Microbial Reference Standards for Metagenomics Applications and the Extreme Microbiome Project (XMP) ABRF Research Group 267 Identification of low abundance proteins in a highly complex protein sample ABRF Research Group 268 An automated approach for performance benchmarking of fluorescence microscopes ABRF Research Group 269 The ABRF Next-Generation Sequencing Study: Multi-platform Assessment of Transcriptome Profiling using RNA-seq Standards and of DNA Sequencing using Genomic Standards ABRF Research Group 270 Genomics Research Group Session ABRF Research Group 271 ABRF sPRG 2015 Study Update: Further development and Characterization of a Proteomics Normalization Standard Consisting of 1,000 Stable Isotope Labeled Peptides ABRF Research Group 272 iPRG 2015 Study: Differential Abundance Analysis in Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics ABRF Research Group 273 274 Updated Results from the Inter-Laboratory Comparisons of DNA/RNA Quality Assessment Study ABRF Research Group The influence of DNA fragment size on ChIP-Seq results from low amounts of DNA ABRF Research Group
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