STUDENT I~SSEMBLY BULLETIN.~ i’fr8 Wednesday Mey 13, 1970 Published Daily 8:45 DAILY~: SCHEDULE St~eringCoxnmittèe’~. Converse 207 9:00. Draft £ounsellors——Skaeth’ Converse 30L -~ i~.M.: ,-~, — 9:30 10:00 1O:qp P.M.: ~ft Coun hors—-ask Wy~an Cohen Teach—tn: “slack Struggle” Mro-Pm lecture Summer Political i~ctiort —— /~rea Captains - * ~Nort’i~ Liha~ary Science I ) Chápin.22 1:00 Teach—In: 3:00 Christian 5—College Liberation “The Revolution of Love and Reason” 3:30 “The Univeisi’ty, Corporate P&er and Racism”—-I4fro.dhn lecture Science I Meeting for ‘alt ~ct’id~be. Draft ~ouns~flbrs(not already In groups) Converse 308 3:30 “l”olitical Repression” Johnson Chapel Converse Red Room . 4:00 6:00 S~nt—Facu1ty d~scusston Draft Counsellors~4,nego 7:00 Student Assembly--URGENT ~ETING 8:00 Teach—tn”: “Répre’ssttor(”-~appy, Ne~ ~1aven ‘3lack Panther Minister of Information Johnson Chapel ‘~The World r~——’ ~ the ~World ~~orI~;”—-ii~z1ti ‘i?tedia presentation by Merk 1Ta~iser,~of %c1~mInster Fuller’s Office Science I 8:00 ‘~ Va-lentin’e Lounge Converse 304 chapin 201 Pe UNOUNCEME NTS Student i~ssembly Members--come to töñight~’W meeting; it Is urgent that your unit designate a substftu~e if you cànñôt attend. The Prince ton Han to declarer. College holi~’d~~ before ~the November elections SO that students sny campaign, ulil be considered. T~o Peace candidates, Joe Du~fey for Senator in Connecticut and Gerry Studds for Representative from Mess. districtP, need gorkers ~j. Room and board are free. P~ ~se come in to chapin 21 or calL 2420 and ‘10 lUnteer. Research and Information needs volunteers Wed, and Thurs. nights to fold and collate coppies of the Issue Information ‘!andbook to come out Friday. Please come in and sign up in Chapin 205; good working conditions. (oVER) i~ub1ished Daily A.M.: 8:45 9:30 STUDENT ASSE~1BLY BULLETIN #10 Fridy May 15, 1970 DAILY SCHEDULE Steering Committe Draft Counsellor training - all Converse 207 North Library groups 9:45 10:00 11:30 P.K.: 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:00 7:00 8:00 Coeducation at Amherst tactical meeting (see Announcements) Teach—In “Domestic Politics” State Rep. John Olver Academic Dept. Nee~.ngs, all students and faculty — Babbott Room Johnson Chapel same rooms used be— fore (Studs, and Hist. in Chapel 21) Johnson Chapel Teach—In “Political Protest” Prof s. Dizard and Flood Formation of Migrant Worker Task Chapin 22 ~orce: H. Laracuente, F. Garcia “The Revo. of Love and Reason” Converse Red Room 5 Col. Christian Liberation Student_Ezaculty Discussion Valentir-e Lounge Prof s. Lees and Watson Discussion of Econ. Dept. Trip to Converse Gold Room Washington: members of the trip (refreshments) “Sbrjke City Mississippi Sharecropper Strike Story” PLUS Room “I.S. 201 Ocean Hill Brownsville onverse ec Alu rI Cci -ci~. Executive Committee Alumni House NeetL.- it-’ ~ 12t~o~- Task rorce — — ANNOUNCEMENTS Stuéent Assembly Bulletings will no longer be posted, starting with the next issue. Copies may be obtained at the Converse Info. Desk, the Strike Central Into. ~b1e at Cha~in 17, or at the Jalen— tine Info. Tables between East and West. The Information and Research Handbook, Consider: These are the Days. . ., has been published and is abailable between East and West during Lunch and Dinner. Although copies are free to all students and faculty, a contribution of ~.25 a copy to cover costs would be greatly appreciated. Summer Political Action (21 Chapin) now has copies of the Hat field —McGovern petition and lists of aporoved candidates; come in and pick ‘em up. Also, if you can, please help out Duff ey in Conn. and Studds in Mass.: volunteer at the office or by calling 2420. Students interested in researching the local migrant worker situation over the summer, please contact Harry Laracuente (3251) or Franco Garcia (3001). The study will involve work with the men in the fields, so a speakitg knot’rledge of Spanish is important. Come to 22 Chapin today at 2:00 P.M. and talk about it. Want to bring co-education to Amherst? Come to a short meeting on tactics today at 9:45 A.M. in the Babbott Rooi.
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