59 Elm Street Cooroy 4563, QLD Website: http://cooroyss.eq.edu.au Email: [email protected] Phone: (07) 5472 2100 Fax: (07) 5472 2177 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! http://cooroyss.schoolzinenewsletters.com/subscribe 30 March 2015 Principals Report I wish to advise all Parents, Students and Staff that Mr Deighton will be continuing on sick leave for all of Term 2. Mr Deighton would like to let everyone know that he would really like to be back at school but will have to take the medical advice given. I will be staying at Cooroy for Term 2 as the relieving Principal in Des’ absence and I look forward to continuing to work with you all for Term 2. The Canberra trip is getting closer and final payments will be due soon. I can now confirm that the staff attending the trip are – Ms McAdam, Mrs Newlyn, Mr Giblett and myself. This will be a wonderful trip for the children – one I am sure they will look back on fondly for the rest of their lives. I would like to share with you how impressed I have been and continue to be in how well presented Cooroy State School is. This is a credit to our Cleaners, Tania, Patty, Jess, Ruth and Dennis and certainly our Groundsmen Steve and Bill. Thank you for your dedicated work for our school and children. It was great to see the children perform for the Community on Wednesday 25th with a great presentation of French and wonderful Easter songs. Well done to Chappy Ett, Mrs Lafferty, Mrs Giblett, Mr Ruggins and the wonderful students and all other staff who made this such a successful morning for all. I am also looking forward to see the wonderful poppies that have been made for ANZAC day displayed at the school and RSL. Thank you to Mrs Giblett, Mrs Reilly and Mrs Martin for the great work they have done in making these poppies with our students. A big thankyou to all the parents who have come to school and met with the teachers in the parent interviews. The teachers love to share the information about your child’s journey with them. Thankyou all parents in Year 5 and Year 6 for your support and understanding in the recent changes to the class structures. The classes are all complete now and I am confident the changes will support all Year 5 and Year 6 students to improved educational opportunities. I would like to advise that we are presently refining Cooroy State School’s Pedagogical Framework which is aligned to the Success Schools Strategy of an Explicit Instruction agenda with all teachers having a shared vision of quality teaching. To develop the School Pedagogical Framework we need to provide professional learning and instructional leadership; have artifacts displayed; continually look for ways to improve pedagogical practices; have shared norms across the school; which are all guided by the school vision and values. We are aiming for our school to have learning that is Active, Challenging, Meaningful, Public and Collaborative. Teachers have been involved in a great deal of professional engagement in the Warm Ups and I do, We do, You do approach to learning led by our Numeracy Coach, Mrs Greentree and Mr Clark who is from the Success Schools Strategy team. We are already seeing improvements in the numeracy outcomes from the students involved in the program. A critical component of this approach is Feedback. We are moving toward a school that will provide multiple sources of quality feedback for teachers and students alike. “Learning happens most effectively when concrete, actionable feedback is given on a regular basis. Feedback helps teachers to understand and act on key levers to improve their practice and in turn improve outcomes for students. As a school we are moving toward a school culture in which feedback is given and received in an environment of trust.” (Information adopted from Developing a Classroom Observation and Feedback Culture program). The Easter Hat Parade, Junior Fun Run and Cross Country on Wednesday of week 10 should be fantastic if the preparations are any indication of the events proposed for the day. Thankyou to all staff in making this great day happen for our children. Thursday 2nd April is the last day of term 1 for the 2015 school year. School will resume on Monday 20 April for all students. All teachers have planned a full education timetable that will carry through until the close of school next Thursday. Therefore all teachers have an expectation that children will be attending school to complete academic tasks contributing towards assessment and social activities to support social and emotional development. It is also a legislative expectation that parents and carers send their children to school every gazetted school day unless ill. Every day and every minute counts at school. Did you know if a child is absent from school for 1 hour per day, this equates to 1 day per week which then amounts to 8 weeks per year. Thus over 13 years of schooling this amounts to a total of 2 and a half years of school missed. ANZAC CEREMONY School Ceremony Last newsletter I mentioned about unexplained absences so to ensure that school absence data is accurate. Please telephone the absence telephone line (54722100) to provide a reason for your child’s absences. Every week letters are posted out to families who have unexplained absences. If you have been receiving these letters, could you please complete and return before the close of school next week. It is pleasing to note the number of unexplained absences across the school has greatly decreased this term. The school roundabout adjacent to the office is NOT to be used as a pick up or drop off point for students. Students or parents with a disability are exempt from this direction. By parking on this roundabout you are creating a Workplace Health and Safety HAZARD. Please use the student pick up and drop off area in Elm Street near the hall. Once again I am looking forward to be here with you again next Term and take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy and Safe Easter vacation break. Yours in Education Richard Principal Friday 24th April, 2015 2:00pm in the Main Hall All Welcome Community Ceremony 5:00am Dawn Service 10:30am March 11:00am Memorial Service Students wishing to represent Cooroy SS in the March and/or the Memorial Service are asked to wear full school uniform and meet outside the Butter Factory at 10:00am. All Welcome! VANUATU FUNDRAISER Thank you to everyone that came in free dress last Friday and supported the cyclone victims of Vanuatu. It really is testament to how wonderful a school community we have! We raised well over $600, thank you! YEAR 6 SHIRTS There was a fantastic response from students and parents this year, with all students ordering a shirt. The shirts have now been ordered and are underway. From the Deputy's Desk SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT The first of the AWESOME wrist bands went out last week, well done to those students! The topics for the coming weeks are: ICAS COMPETITIONS A reminder to all families that the ICAS Permission forms and any monies is due to the office Tuesday 31st March. If you have any questions regarding these tests please let me know. SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays, I look forward to hearing the many fun stories upon our return next term. Remember: Term 2 starts Monday 20th April, see you there!!! Week 10 Playground/Undercover Area Care for Others Playground/Undercover Area Care for your School - I invite others to join in - I am a problem solver - I share equipment - I look after equipment - I use positive language - I clean up after myself Karina Honeywell Deputy Principal Our Stars - I consider others Curriculum Corner - I respect the school grounds and gardens Helping your child with mathematics Are you having trouble working out how to help your child with mathematics? Week 1 Are you stuck for activity ideas appropriate for your child? Toilets Care for Yourself Toilets Care for Others - I use toilets - I respect appropriately the privacy of others - I wash my hands - I return to class promptly 2 - I clean up after myself - I ask for permission during class time Toilets Care for your School Toilets Care for your Learning - I use water responsibly - I use the toilet before and after school - I use the toilet appropriately - I report incidents to my teacher Then the following booklets titled ‘Mathsercise’ may be the solution for you. • Simple instructions • Easy resources you can get from home or substitute • Quick activities • At your child’s level Note: If your child needs extending use a higher year level booklet or lower if your child needs more support. Kirsty Holland Curriculum Coordinator B.S.M.'s BLOG TERM 1 WRAP-UP A big thank you to parents for your attention to your first Debtor’s Statement for 2015. Many of you have already commenced payments against your child/children’s 2015 statement – I know that some parents have even opted to pay the full amount which is absolutely wonderful and makes for easy management of excursions and activities for the rest of the year. Thank you again to everyone for such a great start to this aspect of the school year. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC – RESOURCE SCHEME Students participating in the Instrumental Music Program will have received a letter and an orange Instrumental Music Resource Participation Agreement earlier this term. All children taking part in the program are required to complete and return the form to the school before the end of the term. Students who have not returned this form by the Easter vacation will unfortunately not be able to continue in the program next term. In this instance, if the student has a school instrument, they will be asked to return the instrument. Chappy's Corner Congratulations to each and every member of both the junior and senior choir students. What a fantastic performance you put on for the Cooroy elderly community on Wednesday. I am so proud of you all. On Tuesday in the first break in the Chappy Room we will have a small celebration on your success. This is my way of saying thank you to you all. For all the parents who missed out on the entertainment no need to be disappointed as our choirs will be performing the same numbers on stage at parade early in term two. Please take note that there will be no breakfast this Wednesday due to unforeseen circumstances, but we will be back the first Wednesday next term. Donations of Jam vegemite, honey, milo or juice are always needed and very much appreciated. Term two brings us to the start of filling shoe boxes for East Timor. I have lots of boxes in the Chappy room ready for anyone to access to start decorating and filling with all types of school requirements. No clothing please, but a toothbrush or a small fluffy toy would be great. (Opp shops are good and very cheap for small fluffy toys which can be easily washed in the washing machine and added to the boxes) I certainly hope you all have a great break from school and a fantastic Easter with lots of Easter eggs. To avoid this happening, please return the form before the end of term. See you in term two. Easter Blessings Chappy Ett If you have any queries regarding any of these matters, please don’t hesitate to phone the Office and speak to me – direct line 54722102 or email [email protected] PHYS ED NEWS REMOVAL OF DANGEROUS TREES As mentioned previously, the stand of trees adjacent to our main hall unfortunately need to be removed. A combination of problems, including their unsuitability for a high pedestrian traffic area and severe disturbance of root stability, has made this stand of trees dangerous to remain for the long term. They will be removed by a professional Arborist over the school holidays. The P & C Association has agreed that a beautification project will be done in this area and will include flowering shade trees and an undercover assembly area for children waiting at the student pick up zone. SCHOOL WATCH – 131788 - Looking after our school is a community responsibility and the best schools are those loved and valued by their community. We certainly all love Cooroy State School and want it to be here, unharmed, when we return after our Easter break. If you see any suspicious behaviour or activity in the school grounds over the holiday period, please phone School Watch on 131788 immediately. Both our local police and the security company that looks after our school will be making regular patrols through the grounds both during the day and at night. The best advice is to please stay away unless you have permission to be on the grounds. Have a safe and happy holiday. Vonnie Mackenzie Business Services Manager Noosa District Sport Trials Trials to select Noosa District teams will be held at various venues in term 1 and term 2. 11 and 12 year old students who are interested in attending any of these trials need a high skill ability (for their age) and need to regularly participate in that sport, preferably at club level. An information letter and permission note will be sent home with students who are nominated to attend the district trials. This will need to be returned to the school office by the due date before students may attend the trials. In addition to the confirmed dates for the Noosa District Trials, we have outlined the dates for the Sunshine Coast Regional Trials for your information. NOOSA DISTRICT TRIALS TERM 1 DATE WEEK 10 Wednesday April 1 EVENT WHERE Prep, Year 1 & 2 Fun Run Cooroy SS Oval Cooroy SS Cross Country Yr 3-6 9.40 10.40am 11.20am 1.20pm 3 NOOSA DISTRICT TRIALS TERM 2 WEEK 4 Thursday May 14 WEEK 5 Monday May 18 WEEK 5 Boys and Girls Touch REGIONAL TRIALS STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS Boys Football 30 April – 1 May 25 – 28 July Maroochydore Brendale, Brisbane Tewantin Touch Fields Noosa District Cross Country Kin Kin SS Tennis Trials Noosa Tennis Centre sunshine Beach Friday May 22 SPORT Girls Football Tennis (Boys & Girls) (Martin’s Creek) 25 – 28 July Brendale, Brisbane 17 – 18 June 6 – 9 August Kawana Tennis Club Cairns (alt. 24 – 25 June) There are no District hockey trials. However, there is direct entry into the Regional trials for club players with high ability. Please see Ms Wright for details re nomination. We will let you know all other dates for trials as soon as possible. CONFIRMED REGIONAL & STATE TRIALS TERM 1 & 2 Netball 12 yrs. 5 May 20 – 23 June Caloundra I.S.C. Caloundra Netball 11 yrs. 20 June Caloundra Boys Touch 14 – 15 June 13 – 16 August Toowoomba Girls Touch Glass House Mountains Sports Club 13 – 16 August Toowoomba SPORT REGIONAL TRIALS STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS Track & Field 8 – 9 September (alt. 10 Sept.) 16 – 17 October Townsville S.C. University Girls Softball Swimming Aquathlon Australian Football Hockey (Boys & Girls) Rugby League 15 – 17 March 10 – 13 September Noosa Softball Assoc. Toowoomba 5 March 23 – 25 March Caboolture Regional Aquatic Centre Chandler, Brisbane 9 November 2014 21 February, 2015 Lake Kawana Hervey Bay 1 - 2 April 4 – 7 June Fisherman’s Road Toowoomba 29 April 18 – 21 June Buderim Hockey Club Ipswich 6 – 7 May 25 June – 1 July Redcliffe RLFC Ilfracombe ( 12 yrs.) Rugby League 6 – 10 July Rockhampton ( 11 yrs. ) Basketball 27 – 28 April 11 – 14 June (Boys & Girls) Caloundra I.S.C. Auchenflower, Brisbane Cross Country 2 June 19 – 20 July Maroochydore C.C. Runaway Bay (alt. 4 June) Golf – Primary 4 22 May TBC 19 – 22 July TBA Golf Club Cairns 12 Years Cricket Boys Softball Rugby Union 16 – 17 September 1 – 5 November Maroochydore Cricket Club Mackay TBC 15 – 16 July 28 – 30 August Redcliffe Softball Club Wide Bay Region 22 - 23 July 28 – 30 August Caloundra RUFC St. Patrick’s, Shorncliffe Cooroy SS Cross Country and Fun Run All parents, carers, grandparents and friends are invited to our school fun run and cross country on Wednesday April 1st (last week of term 1) to cheer, jump up and down and wildly applaud!. All year 3-6 students participate for their sports house team competing to win the cross country trophy. The winning team in 2014 was Lawson! Who will win this year? The top 5 runners in the year 10, 11 & 12 yrs age groups are invited to represent our school at the District Cross Country at Kin Kin on Monday May 18th. Cooroy SS Cross Country (Year 3-6 students compete in age groups) Date: Wednesday April 1st Time: 11.20 -1.20pm (second session) Cooroy SS Fun Run (Prep, year 1 and year 2 participate in year levels) Date Wednesday April 1st Time: 9.40 – 10.40 (after the Easter Hat Parade) Students are reminded to wear their house colour shirt, hat & running shoes and bring a waterbottle. • Pasta with a low fat tomato based sauce Remember there will be refreshments for sale from the main hall including coffee and a sausage sizzle during both lunchbreaks as well as before the fun run begins • Creamed rice and tinned fruit Hot Tips On Health • Sandwiched or rolls • Rice or noodles and low fat stir fry • Low fat smoothies or liquid sports nutrition supplement (like Sustagen Sport) Fuel for the Game Hydration before the game Football, netball, soccer and other sports players use a lot of energy when both training and playing games. Hydration is an important concern for sports players and drinking enough in the lead up to a game is just as important as eating well. Drink water with your pre-game meal and sip water in the hours leading up to the game. Players prepare their body for the game by eating correctly before the game to ensure they have sufficient energy. Pre-game fuel Pre-game food and fluid intake are important to ensure the body is fully stocked before the game begins. Developing your children’s moving skills at home Hopping Why should you eat before the game? What is it? Training day in, day out, can reduce the body’s energy reserves especially carbohydrate stores. This is why it is essential to replenish these after every training session. But it doesn’t just stop there, it is important that carbohydrate recovery is continued right up until the start of the game. Hopping is moving on one foot. This is done by standing on one foot then pushing off the ground by leaning slightly on the hopping foot side and using the arms to help balance. A pre-game intake of carbohydrate ensures that you have enough of this essential energy source to compete at 100% for the whole game and not run out of energy as the game goes on. What should you eat before the game? It is important that your pre-game meal is something you like! Most players have a favourite pre-game meal that they will have regularly eat before heading out onto the field. Usually the pre-game meal follows a few basic guidelines: • High in carbohydrate • Low in fat • Foods you enjoy and are comfortable with • Include a water with the meal • The timing of the pre-game meal is also an important consideration as eating too close to the game can cause an upset stomach, while having something too far in advance can mean you are hungry during the game. It is recommended that you eat your pre-game meal about one to three hours prior to the game. This allows enough time for food to be absorbed for use. The exact timing of the meal will depend on how your body handles the pre-game build up. Anxiety and nerves can cause disruptions in the digestion process and can lead to stomach upsets. If you are someone that suffers from nerves or anxiety it is a good idea to eat well before the game and consume lighter snacks or fluid choices. Pre-game meal examples: • Breakfast cereal or porridge and reduced fat milk Showing them how to do it • Hold your head up and look forward • bend your knee and push off the ground • bend your arms & let them flap like a chicken • land on the ball of your foot and bend your hopping leg slightly to cushion your landing Equipment Ideas • small bean bags to hop over • hoops for hopping in and out of • lay a rope on the ground to hop over • hop around obstacles – plastic containers, milk cartons, trees Make it easier • start with small hops • Hop on the spot before hopping forwards • offer a hand or a broom handle for your child to hang onto for balance Make it harder • increase the height of the hop by swinging arms backward then rapidly forward and upward • Hop on the other leg • Hop 3 times on 1 leg then change and hop on other leg 3 times • Hop backwards • Play a game of Hopscotch Skipping What is it? • Toast or muffins with jam/honey/peanut butter • Baked beans or tinned spaghetti on toast 5 Skipping is a combination of a long step and a short hop alternating the lead foot after each hop. You need to be able to hop before you can skip. SUMMER UNIFORM ITEM COST Showing them how to do it • Hold your head up high and look forward • Take a step then hop on that foot, then take step with the other foot and hop on that foot • Land on the balls of the feet SHIRTS $35.00 SHORTS $30.00 SKORT $30.00 PANEL DRESS $36.00 • Swing your arms as you skip SPORTS HOUSE SHIRT $18.00 Equipment Ideas • Music with a good swinging beat (“Pop goes the Weasel” or Skip to my Lou”) HAT $10.00 WINTER UNIFORM • Large open space • Ribbons and streamers to wave while skipping ITEM Make it easier • Hold hands and skip with your child • As above repeating “ step then hop on it”, “step then hop on it” • Sometimes telling them to lift their knee high as they hop helps to coordinate Make it harder $45.00 FLEECY SWEATSHIRT $35.00 LONG CARGO PANTS $15.00 VEST $18.00 Community NEWS • Skip faster We thank our sponsors, advertisers, sporting groups and non profit organisations who support our newsletter. Placement in our newsletter does not necessarily mean an endorsement of any product or service by Cooroy SS, Cooroy SS P&C nor the Department of Education, Training and Employment. • Skip waving ribbons • Skip around obstacles • Skip clapping hands Sandy Wright PE Teacher P&C NEWS There will also be hot and cold refreshments, delicious home baked cakes and slices and much more available for purchase after the Easter Hat Parade. Come along and support your school P & C! Tanya Roland Fundraising Coordinator STUDENT BANKING There will be no student banking this Tuesday 31 March. It will resume first week back in Term 2. Please drop into the Tuckshop by Tuesday of each week. The Uniform Shop will be open on the following days: All uniforms are now in stock from the Uniform Shop. MONDAY 8.15 – 9.00am THURSDAY 2.15 – 3.00pm OR FIRST DAY OF TERM IF MONDAY IS A HOLIDAY EFTPOS and Cash only 6 ZIP UP JACKET COST
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