BRACEBRIDGE HIGHLAND GAMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 2015 J.D.LANG ACTIVITY PARK, 331 FRASERBROOK ROAD, BRACEBRIDGE, ON --- C-ON-CO-15-1562 For information and directions, please visit Games’ website Highland Dance Competition organized by The Highland Dancers’ Association of Ontario Schedule of Events & Order of Dance This is a split day. Competition will commence at 9:00 a.m. sharp with Primary, Beginner and Novice doing all dances to completion, followed by Intermediate & Premier who will not commence before 12:00 Noon A.M. Beginner/Novice-Flora(4); Primary/Beginner/Novice - Fling (4); Primary– Pas de Bas/Pas de Bas & High Cuts; Beginner/Novice/Primary - Sword (2+1); Beginner/Novice – Seann Triubhas (3+1); P.M. Intermediate & Premier-Irish Jig (3+1)/ Fling (4)/ Sword(2+1)/ Seann Triubhas(3+1). AWARDS Prize Money to Adult Premier Class -- $40, $35, $30, $25, $20, $15 Overall Winner and Runner-Up trophies awarded in all classes except Primary. Trophies computed to 6 places. Awards will be to two places less than dancers entered to a maximum of 6 places. Medals awarded to all classes except as detailed above. Dancer of the Day, Overall Beginner, Overall Novice, Overall Intermediate and Best Muskoka Dancer: Perpetual trophy & keeper awarded to dancer with highest aggregate over all dances. COMPETITION RULES The competition will be governed by the rules of the Scottish Official Board of Highland Dance and H.D.A.O. All dancers must show a current SOBHD registration card. Age groups will be decided at the discretion of the Competition Committee. Dancers must dance in own section and age group. Dancers will dance in inverse order of entry and must dance in numerical sequence or be disqualified Judge’s decision is final. Any complaint must be in writing with the complainant’s signature, accompanied by $20.00 and given to the H.D.A. (prior to the end of the day). The fee will be forfeited if the complaint is not upheld. IMPORTANT: No status changes on day of the competition. Email status changes to Registrar [email protected] Last day for change is Monday, August 10, 2015. Dancers are asked to participate in the Massed Fling during Opening Ceremonies - Pre-Premier awards will be presented after the Opening Ceremonies. Competition will be held indoors in the event of rain. Tents (without sides) may be erected in designated area only. Passes/Confirmation for Dancers to enter the Grounds will only be mailed if a STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE is enclosed. If passes not received two weeks prior to Games, please contact the Registrar. CLOSING DATE: RECEIVED BY TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2015 Mail Entries to: Bracebridge Highland Games c/o Lynn MacDonald 31 Alexander Blvd Jackson's Point, ON L0E 1L0 ALL FEES must accompany entries; cheques (not post-dated) or money orders in Canadian funds to be made payable to the BRACEBRIDGE HIGHLAND GAMES. NSF charges of $20 apply - One dancer per entry form. Entries that require pickup at the post office or a courier will not be accepted. No phone entries accepted. NO REFUNDS on entry fees. Registrar: [email protected] Entry to the grounds is free for children 12 years of age and under. BRACEBRIDGE HIGHLAND GAMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 2015 --- C-ON-CO-15-1562 J.D.LANG ACTIVITY PARK, BRACEBRIDGE, ON CLOSING DATE: RECEIVED BY TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2015 ENTRY FORM DANCER’S NAME: ________________________________________________________________ DANCER CATEGORY: __________________________________S.O.B.H.D. #: ______________________ BIRTHDATE: __________________________________AGE (as of August 15, 2015): __________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________ CITY:________________________________________POSTAL CODE: ___________________ EMAIL:__________________________________________PHONE:_________________________ WAIVER: I desire to enter in the noted events, and in consideration of this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims I may have for damages against The Bracebridge Highland Games and the Highland Dancers’ Association of Ontario for any injuries that may be suffered by me or my child in competition, in events sponsored by the aforesaid organization on Saturday, August 15, 2015 in or on the grounds of J.D.Lang Activity Park, Bracebridge , Ontario, or approved alternate location. I give my permission for photos and/or videos to be taken for Bracebridge Highland Games or HDAO’s use. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________ Waiver must be signed for entry to be accepted; by parent if the competitor is under 18 years of age. BRACEBRIDGE HIGHLAND GAMES- Saturday, AUGUST 15, 2015 Dance Fee: Primary - $16.00 Fling (4)/ Sword(2&1)/ Pas de Bas/ Pas de Bas&Hicuts $ Beginner & Novice - $20.00 Flora(4)/ Fling(4)/ Sword (2&1)/ Seann Triubhas(3&1), $ Intermediate, Premier - $24.00 Seann Triubhas (3&1) $ Irish Jig(3+1)/ Fling(4)/ Sword(2&1)/ SDCCS Surcharge $ TOTAL ENTRY (make cheques payable to Bracebridge Highland Games) $ 1.00
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