4/8/2015 TOWN OF SCOTLAND BOARD OF SELECTMEN Scotland Town Hall 9 Devotion Road, P.O. Box 288 Scotland, CT 06264 (860) 456-7797 ext 1 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 8, 2015 Draft I. Call to Order First Selectman Dan Syme called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. Also present were Board of Selectmen members Clare D’Appollonio and Rod Perry, Auditor Stephen Hopkins, Treasurer Susan Smith, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Nelson, and audience members. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Additions to the Agenda: None Audience for Citizens: None Approval of Minutes: Clare D’Appollonio moved to approve the minutes of the regular BOS meeting of 3/25/2015. Rod Perry seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 13-14 Audit Presentation: Auditor Stephen Hopkins discussed the findings and financial information for the Town of Scotland, as of June 30, 2014. Board members inquired into the various findings Mr. Hopkins noted for the 13-14 fiscal year, as well as resources available to research and address any recommendations that were made in this audit. Members of the audience questioned the number of adjustments Mr. Hopkins had recommended to the financial records, as well as record-keeping strategies currently in place and possible adjustments to those strategies. Correspondence: None Report from the Treasurer: Ms. Smith reported Ian Scotland, technical support principal with Binnacle Technologies who is facilitating the integration of the ACCUfund program with town finances, has been given a copy of the BOE’s chart of accounts and has also received a copy of town accounts. Mr. Hopkins will also be given a copy of the chart of accounts to confirm all financial data will be appropriately recorded and meet the needs of any audits. Ms. Smith can now start to develop all the different reports that may be requested for financial reporting for the Town of Scotland. Selectman’s Report: First Selectman Syme is finalizing a town budget proposal. The town will be limited again by the increases to education. There will be a budget workshop next Wednesday at 5:30 PM in the selectmen’s office; The town budget public hearing will be on Thursday, April 23rd at the public safety complex (PSC); 4/8/2015 The first public hearing for the school analysis study was held April 7th and was attended by approximately 120 tri-town residents. First Selectman Syme stressed the public needs to be made aware that the next steps must be taken by the boards of education, and the public needs to exert pressure on those boards to continue the discussion. The next public hearing for the school analysis study will be April 21st at Parish Hill Middle/High School at 7 PM; First Selectman Syme met with the representative of Munger Construction to review the damage and discuss repair of the PSC due to weather damage this past winter. Mr. DeMaio will develop a quote that can be submitted to CIRMA for the damage claim. They also discussed estimates for an ice protection system. Selectman Perry recommended the town seek bids for any systems considered; First Selectman Syme has engaged in conversation with Lucas Tree Service regarding removal of a cluster of trees that inhibit sight lines at the intersection of Booklyn Turnpike and Brook Road in exchange for the parking space given at the town hall for their heavy equipment during the winter months; A town resident has asked for permission to hold a tag sale on the town green; First Selectman Syme has received notice from the landowners of the Transfer Station that they are not satisfied with the upkeep at the transfer station. He has consulted with the First Selectman of Hampton and is in discussion with various organizations that could provide a public service contribution to help with addressing this issue. IX. Second Audience for Citizens: Wendy Sears commented that Chaplin appeared woefully underrepresented at the public hearing for the school analysis study; Selectwoman Clare D’Appollonio wants to make sure a discussion of the Central Office budget and language in the compact regarding assessments is honored before the town submits any additional funding to them is added to the budget workshop agenda; Ms. Smith recommended the website administrators add ‘meta-tags’ for language that can be attributed to electronic searches for the school analysis study so curious people can be appropriately directed to their location. Rod Perry moved to adjourn at 8:17 PM. Clare D’Appollonio seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Nelson, Administrative Assistant (Board of Selectmen meeting minutes are recorded and available for review)
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