Scott County School System’s 2015-16 PreSchool Initiative Enrollment Criteria: 1. Each child must be 4 years old by September 30 and not served by Head Start. 2. Parents must either live, work, or own property/land in Scott County. 3. The students will need to participate in a diagnostic test to determine greatest need. Partial applications will not be accepted. Any application received after April 15th will be held until late July. We will contact the late applicants before Aug. 1 to schedule a screener, if slots are available. Application Window : April 1 – April 15 1. In an envelope, enclose ALL the following: (do not fold) Keep in mind there is not a place set up to complete paperwork at our office. Complete PreK Application Copy of certified birth certificate (not what is issued at hospital & labeled mother’s copy) Parent or guardian’s proof of Scott County residence (a lease, deed, or property tax receipt) or proof of employment in Scott County (letter from employer or check stub) Free/Reduced Lunch Application (for VPI income reporting data purposes only!!!) It will NOT be processed through the F/R process. 2. Mail or drop off completed application by April 15 th. There is not a place to complete paperwork at our office. Scott County Public Schools VPI Program 340 East Jackson Street Gate City, VA 24251 3. On the application, you must include information so we can contact you to schedule the PreK Screener Assessment. In order to be considered for enrollment, the child must participate. This 30 minute assessment will occur on April 20th at Duffield Primary and Scott County Career & Technical School. No slot will be held for a student who can’t participate in the screener. 4. Wait patiently for your letter of acceptance. Phone calls will not expedite the process. All letters will be mailed out April 30th to the address listed under the child. Operational Details: Each full time program will follow the Scott County School System calendar. Transportation will be provided to students. The maximum class size will be 18 students. The curriculum will follow Virginia’s Foundation Blocks for Early Learning, which establishes a measurable range of skills and knowledge essential for four-year olds to be successful in kindergarten. 1 Scott County Public Schools PreK and Virginia PreSchool Initiative 2015-16 Child Information: first middle last Name: _______________________________________________ Nickname: _______________ Date of Birth: ____/_____/_____ Primary Address: _____________________________________ City: _________________ State: ____________ Zip: ___________ Has your child attended Head Start? yes no male female List any preschool or child care provider your child has attended: _____________________________________________________ Does your child have insurance? yes no If yes, name of insurance: ________________________________________ If your child does not live in Scott County, do you own property or land in Scott? yes no Address of Property: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have health problems, or chronic conditions we should be aware of? If so, what are your concerns: ____________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child have special needs we should be aware of such as: Developmental Delay Speech/Language Disorders ODD, OCD, ADHD, ADD Autism Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Physical Limitations Mother/Guardian Information: Name: _________________________________________ Date of Birth: ____/_____/______ lives with child: yes no Address: ___________________________________________ City: _________________ State: ____________ Zip: ____________ Level of Education: No Diploma/GED High School Diploma/GED Some College College Graduate Employer: _________________________________________ Hours/Week: _______ Work #: ______________________________ Address of Employer: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell #: _____________________________________________ Home#: _________________________________________________ Email address: _________________________________@_______________________________ Father/Guardian Information: Name: _________________________________________ Date of Birth: ____/_____/______ lives with child: yes no Address: ___________________________________________ City: _________________ State: ____________ Zip: ____________ Level of Education: No Diploma/GED High School Diploma/GED Some College College Graduate Employer: _________________________________________ Hours/Week: _______ Work #: ______________________________ Address of Employer: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell #: _____________________________________________ Home#: _________________________________________________ Email address: _________________________________@_______________________________ 2 Household Information: List others living in household besides those listed on page 1: Name: Relationship to Child: Date of Birth: School Attending (if applicable) _____________________________ _____________________ _____/_____/______ ____________________ _____________________________ _____________________ _____/_____/______ ____________________ _____________________________ _____________________ _____/_____/______ ____________________ _____________________________ _____________________ _____/_____/______ ____________________ TOTAL Number of Household Members: ____________ Total Annual Income: $___________________________ Do you have special circumstances that you need to share with us? ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you receive housing assistance? yes no Do any of the following apply to any of the members of your household? Homeless FAMIS Food Stamps/WIC SSI School Drop Out Incarcerated Single Parent Household Custody Orders English as a Second Language Migrant Refugee Place a number (1,2,3) in order of preferred site location for your child: _______ DUFFIELD PRIMARY _______ HILTON ELEMENTARY _______ NICKELSVILLE ELEMENTARY _______ SHOEMAKER ELEMENTARY _______ WEBER CITY ELEMENTARY The child must participate in a screener to determine greatest academic need. Name of person to be contacted to schedule this appointment? ___________________ Phone number: ___________________________ Best time to call: _________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ 3 s. It does NOT eo throueh the will onlv be used for data collecting The F /R Aool for data reports the Deoartment of Education. .lt¡sb eine coll F IR P , L,. nvuÐEHULIJ return 10 any school or the school children in school who live back of this 0n tn fom Call fie school nutition offæ if you the SCHOOL (oplion¡0 n n 2 3 t-l 4 tr 5 t-l n 6 It li fre studen(s) yu are applyinq for is a F0STER CHILD, who is úre bgal responsibility of a welfure Egency or Part your any tìe court chæl lhe box above and go to P¿rt 5, lf there a.e ofierludents receives SNAP or TANF benefits, list the Part3. lfthe to name Name: SNAP or TANF Case Number you afe ora runaway, check the box and call yourschool a Homeless ¡n the household who âÞ nolfosier ch¡ldren, complête Part 16 EBTcrrd numbe4: Wr¡teinhowoftenincomeisrece¡ved Eaminqs from Work Belore Deducl¡ons Wages, Salaries, Tips, Stike Eeneit!, Unemployrent Compe¡sation, Workds Job $ n 1 3 l.lseùefollowino: (W)=Weekfu l2wkl=Everu2Weeks f2Ml=Tw¡ceaMonlh Compensation Net lncome Self-owned Busine$ or Farm check lfNo lnÊome 32 $ lhe household mce¡vos SNAP oTTANF benefib. 5. notuse ListGrosslncomebeforeanydeductions -fønetDoet ¡n and 7. Names of all Household Members ilnclude the ch¡ldren in sch00l ab0vel EXAMPLE: orgo to Part 4 ¡f no one 0r runaway Parts Do N0t C0mplete Part 4 if all students are foster children or il you llsted a SNAP or TANF case nlmber in Part 2 2 Job 2 1 ÂhounlHow oft!n 5 18,000 tY $ Wellare. Child SuÞport, Al¡monv Pe!:¡g!s.Ee!ireæú Public Assislanæ Paymenls, Welfâie Pensions Supplerental Secudly lnæme Paymenls Alinony/Child SrpporI Payflen'6 Reliremenl lncome, Veleran's P¿ymenls, Social Secudty ÂmoundHow oft¿n 150.00 t2wk $ Social Securitv AmountlHow oftèn $ lMl=Monfhlv ryì=Yeerlv All Other lncore DÌsabi[ry Bensfh, CBshÌoh S¿üngs Divid¿ndc lnænc kom Fstalc./T¡JÍs/ lnvs:Ln€nt! 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A Social Security Number of Adult Household Member Code: EApprcved Fæ EDenied Reason: oùer Redwed Elncome læ E High o: to lncomplete AppÍcation $ E White they do not have ore, betore lhe applicafion can be approved (ræ Pdvaq Acl Slatemenl on back) PENALTIES FOR MISREPRESENTAION: theinlomatbn, lundcrslandlfutflpuÞosclygivcfalseinform3¡on,mychildrcnmayloscmâlbcncfitsândìmãybcprosecutcd ofAdult _ Notiæ Sent To Household: Ahourt/How Often $ 250.00 /M Signature of Apprcving Off¡c¡al: I ædiry thaL ôll lnrbrmatio¡ on thir
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