! MadGraph Tutorial ! BSM Tutorial Valentin Hirschi SLAC Olivier Mattelaer IPPP/Durham Exercise I: Install MadGraph 5! • https://launchpad.net/madgraph5 • • • • untar it (tar -xzpvf MG5_XXX.tgz) launch it ( $ ./bin/mg5_amc) learn it! ➡ • use version 2.3_beta Type tutorial and follow instructions install external package ➡ MadGraph Tutorial. install MadAnalysis 2 MC4BSM 2015 Install MadGraph Tutorial. 3 MC4BSM 2015 Where to find help? • • Ask us! Use the command “help” / “help XXX” ➡ • “help” tell you the next command that you need to do. Launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/madgraph5 ➡ FAQ: https://answers.launchpad.net/madgraph5/+faqs ➡ MadGraph Tutorial. 4 MC4BSM 2015 Download the BSM Model • BSM Physics from UFO Model https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/rawattachment/wiki/MC4BSM2015/ Tutorial_MC4BSM2015.tar.gz ➡ This model is generated via FR+NLOCT and is able to do NLO computation. ➡ Tutorial on how create this UFO model in FR can be found online: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/ madgraph/wiki/Lund2014 ➡ MadGraph Tutorial. 5 MC4BSM 2015 m1 2 m2 2 2 2 2 = 1/2@ m12 1 2 . (1) ar µ 1@ 1 + 1/2@µ 2 @ 2 The model 1 2 ll call mass eigenstates 1 and 2 , and 2their masses M and M , respectively, and we will assume 2 1 2 M2 . ates and scalar their masses M.1 They and M and we will assume 1 real 2 , and 2 , respectively, dd two fields, and are singlets under all SM gauge Their 2 Their SM quantum numbers are those of thegroups. e add two Dirac fermion fields,1 U and E. SM uR and eR ,mass µ µ Model Description tively. These fields have mass terms ion fields, U and E. Their SM quantum numbers areµ those m of21the SM mu22 R 2and e2R , µ 2 Lkin,scalar = 1/2@µ 1 @ 1 + 1/2@µ 2 @ 2 m12 1 2 . 2 have mass terms Ldirac,mass = MU U U + ME EE 2 1 (2) 2 ill call mass eigenstates , Eand and we will a U U + 2M EE their masses M1 and M2 , respectively, (2) interact withLscalars via = M1U and dirac,mass M2 . 0 0 evia add two Dirac E. Their SM quantum are those of the SM LF F S fermion = 1 1 Ufields, PR t + U2 and U P t + EP e + EPR e + H.c., (3) uR a 2 R R 1 1 2 2 numbers ctively. These fields have mass terms 0 electron fields. 0 Note that there is a Z2 symmetry under which all e are the SM top-quark and =t and (3) 1 1 U PR t + 2 2 U PR t + 1 1 EPR e + 2 2 EPR e + H.c., we added ( 1,2 , U, E) flip sign, whileLall SM fields=doMnot, so the new particles must be pair-produced dirac,mass U U U + ME EE e lightest new particle (LNP) is stable. U u under and E which e mixing particle content 2 also top-quark and electron fields. Note This that same thereZis a Z2forbids symmetry all via Yukawas SMsign, Higgs. )he flip while all SM interact with scalars viafields do not, so the new particles must be pair-produced elewill assume the following ordering of masses: (LNP) is Lagrangian stable. This same Z2Model also forbids U u and E e mixing via Yukawas name 0 0 LF F S = 1 1 U PRM t + >2M2 U P t + EP e + R 1 R 2 2 EPR e + H.c., (4) U 2 > ME > M11 , lowing ordering of U masses: uv / uv~ 1/2 2/3 e are theThe SMgoal top-quark and electron fields.with Note that there is process a Z2 symmetry under wh t t and LNP. of the tutorial is to simulate MadGraph 5 the 1 is the >M ME while > M1 all , SM fields do not, so the new particles (4) must be pair-pro we added ( 1,2 M , U,U E) flip sign, 2 > ev / ev~ 1/2 -1 E p pThis ! U same U, he lightest new particle (LNP) is stable. Z2 also forbids U u and E e mixing(5)via Yu ehegoal ofHiggs. the tutorial is to simulate with MadGraph 5 the process SM 0 0 TeV LHC, and the subsequent U decays p1 1 e will assume the following ordering of masses: pp ! U U , (5) subsequent U decays2 U !t 1 , p2 Spin charge 0 0 2 ,> M 1, U ! t 2 , MU2 > !M eE E E!>e M 1. etmodel forLNP. this tutorial is based thetutorial model presented in the tutorial of arXiv:1209.0297. the The goal of on the is to simulate with MadGraph 5 1 isused U ! t , 1 6 Lagrangian parameters, here and below, are assumed to be real MadGraph Tutorial. (6) the process MC4BSM 2015 (6) Exercise I: Check the model validity • Check the model validity: check p p > uv uv~ ➡ check p p > ev ev~ ➡ check p p > t t~ p1 p2 ➡ ... ➡ • Check with MG the width computed with FR: generate uv > all all; output; launch ➡ generate ev > all all; output; launch ➡ generate p1 > all all; output; launch ➡ generate p2 > all all; output; launch ➡ • • MadGraph Tutorial. FR Number 0.0706 GeV 0.00497 GeV 0 GeV 0.0224 GeV Muv = 400 GeV Mev = 50 GeV λ=0.1 m1 = 1GeV m2 = 100GeV m12 = 0.5 GeV 7 Beijing 2015 Exercise II: • Compute cross-section and distribution ➡ uv pair production with decay in top and decay for the top) 1/ 2 (semi leptonic The width of the new physics particles has to be set • Hint: correctly in the param_card. ➡ You can either use “Auto” ➡ or use the value computed in exercise 1 arXiv:1402.1178 • Hint: For sub-decay, you have to put parenthesis: ➡ example: p p > t t~ w+, ( t > w+ b, w+ >e+ ve), (t~ > b~ w-, w- > j j), w+ > l+ vl MadGraph Tutorial. 8 Beijing 2015 Exercise III • Generate the loop-induced contribution for p1 p2 pair production ➡ MadGraph Tutorial. generate p p > p2 p2 [QCD] 9 MC4BSM 2015 Exercise IV • Do the same for Simulating the background. ➡ • for p1 p1 decay, the main background to consider is • • Compare the distributions p p > t t~ (with decay) for p1 p2 decay, the main background is • MadGraph Tutorial. p p > t t~ w+ w- (with decay) 10 Beijing 2015 HINT: Too Slow? • Use MadSpin! ➡ • arXiv:1212.3460 Use Narrow Width Approximation to factorize production and decay instead of ➡ p p > t t~ w+, ( t > w+ b, w+ >e+ ve), (t~ > b~ w-, w- > j j), w+ > l+ vl • Do ➡ p p > t t~ w+ • At the question: • Put MadSpin on ON and at the next question edit the madspin_card and define the decay MadGraph Tutorial. 11 Beijing 2015
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