2015 CPA SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION Saturday, May 30, 2015 John Blumberg Softball Complex | 4540 Portage Ave This year’s softball tournament is sure to be a hit! We invite you to join us for a fun day of softball on Saturday, May 30, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The tournament is open to: CA, CGA and CMA members and students. Individual registration is welcomed but subject to interest and availability. A team will only be formed if the minimum number of necessary players is reached and players will be notified at that time. To register, please complete & email this form to Joni Sawatzky at [email protected] prior to May 8, 2015. Entry Fee - $15.00 + $0.75 GST = $15.75 (includes field time & lunch) TEAM INFORMATION Team Name: ___________________________________________________ Contact Name: _________________________________________________ Email address: _________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT Cheque in the amount of $15.75 payable to the CPA Manitoba Joint Venture enclosed. Charge to: Card Number: ______________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________ Expiry Date: _ _ / _ _ GST Reg. 108076266RT SUITE 1675 – ONE LOMBARD PLACE | WINNIPEG, MB | R3B 0X3 204 943.1538 | f: 204 943.7119 | CPAmb.ca
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