SCPAPAN South Central Pennsylvania Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses Presents: Spring Fling !!! Saturday, March 28, 2015 0700-1600 Location: Lancaster General Hospital 555 North Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17604 717-544-5511 Registration Fee: $60 Members $70 Non-Members Continental Breakfast and Lunch Provided Registration must be received by March 21, 2015 After March 21, registration accepted based on space and can be done only by email. [email protected] Accreditation Statement This activity has been submitted to the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses for approval to award contact hours. The American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. For more information regarding contact hours, please contact Cathy Wertz at [email protected]. . Limited to 175 based on date received. Cancellations: No refunds after March 21, 2015 Directions: In Lancaster, Rt. 283 East joins with Route 30 East. Exit Rt. 30 East onto Rt. 501 South/Rt. 222 South. On Rt.501/222 South, move to left lane when possible. Follow straight through two traffic lights. After second light, you will follow the road up an incline and over a bridge. At the end of the bridge, you will be on N. Duke Street. Continue straight, crossing Liberty Street at the Brubaker Chrysler Car Dealership on the left. Travel 5 blocks to LGH. Pass the hospital. Turn left onto James Street. Go 1/2 block and turn left into the LGH Main Entrance. Pass under the portico and enter the James Street Parking Garage. Take the elevators to the ground floor- Stager Auditorium. Please bring ticket with you for free parking validation at the conference. and professional practice 0845-0945 Anesthetic techniques and blocks 0945-1000 Break 1000-1100 Anesthetic agents, drugs, and adjuncts used pre, intra, and post-operatively. 1100-1145 Legal, regulatory and professional issues related to PACU nursing 1145-1245 Lunch 1245-1415- Interpreting clinical data related to the PACU 1415-1430 Break 1430-1515- Interpreting clinical data related to the PACU (Continued) 1515-1545- Herbal drugs and/or dietary supplements and anesthesia 1545-1600 Evaluations Employer:______________________________ 0800-0845 PACU nursing clinical practice Member: Yes______ No______ (If would like to become a member may apply $10 of $70 fee toward membership) 0745-0800 Welcome and Introduction Registration Card: Spring 2015 Conference (Please Print Clearly) Deadline is March 21, 2015 Breakfast Email Address:_____________________________________________________ 0700-0745 Registration and Continental Full Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ Featuring: Meg Suermondt, BSN, RN, CCRN, CPAN, CAPA Name:____________________________________________________ Day Phone:____________________ Saturday, March 28, 2015 Make Checks Payable to: SCPAPAN and mail to SCPAPAN c/o Becky Hartley 153 South Eastland Drive, Lancaster, PA 17602 FUTURE CONFERENCES SCPAPAN Spring Fling!!! ASPAN's 34th National Conference San Antonio, Texas April 26 - 30, 2015 Stay Tuned for SCPAPAN Fall Conference Information!!! Date and Location to be Announced Purpose: To enable the perianesthesia nurse to implement current standards in order to improve patient care outcomes Target Audience: All Perianesthesia Nurses Overall Program Objective: Discuss current topics for perianesthesia nurses. Disclosure Statement: All planners and presenters at nursing continuing education activities are required to disclose to the audience any significant financial relationships with the manufacturer of any commercial products, goods or services. Such disclosures will be made in writing in the course presentation materials. Requirements for Successful Completion: To receive contact hours full attendance and submission of evaluation required For questions, contact Becky Hartley at [email protected].
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