Usage Based Insurance (UBI) Program Job Aid Agent & Customer Process Overview Agents: 1. Check their VIN eligibility ( 2. In PAS, select the Telematics Participant discount on the Vehicle page 3. Verbally review Terms & Conditions and bind the policy 4. Explain customer steps (below) GOAL: Customers to complete web registration steps within 5 days, then plug-in device within 5 days. 5 registration days + 5 mail days + 5 plug-in days = 15 days Customer: 1. Will receive welcome email with 2 links: and registration for SMARTtrek 2. Create online account at (may need to create an account if do not already have one) 3. Register and accept Terms & Conditions at SMARTtrek website 4. Receive and plug in OBD device in vehicle, keep it installed for entire policy term Agents: Select Discount Check VIN Eligibility Review Terms & Conditions Explain Customer Steps Customer: Encourage customer to complete these steps within 15 days! Open Welcome Email Create Account Register on SMARTtrek website Register before Policy Effective Date plug day 23 or lose discount Plug in device Keep it installed Plug in before Policy Effective Date plus day 33 or lose discount
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