STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION & VOCATIONAL TRAINING, ODISHA, UNIT-VIII, NEAR RAJ BHAWAN, BHUBANESWAR- 12. (Fax/Tel. No. 0674-2391632, e-mai1 IDcont. sctefi odisha20 1 3@,gmai1. com) order n,. Vlb rdt.2[qllS As per the decision taken in the 17th Council meeting, the Diploma Curriculum for L't & 2nd year has already been revised with effect from the session 2013-20L4 & 2OL4-20I5 respectably. The syllabus for 3'd year (5th and 6th semester) is to be revised and implemented from tl-re academic session 2015-16. lt is decided to convene the syllabus expert committee meetiag on 4thApril 2015 (Civil & Mechanical Engg) & 6th April 2015(Electrical/ETC/Comp. Sc /lT Engg) at 11.A.M. under the Chairmanship of Vice-Chairman of SCTE&VT, in the office chamber of Vice-Chairman, SCTE&VT, Odisha, Bhubaneswar. The following faculties from different Engineering Schools/Polytechnic/ Principal of lTls are requested to attend the said meeting as subject experts for finalizing the teaching and eva!uation scheme, Subject wise Course Contents etc for 5th and 6th semester. sl. Name of the faculties Branch No. 4 Dr. M.R.Samal, Sr. Lect (civil)GP Bolangir Dr. S.K. Naik, Training Superintendent G.P Bhubaneswar Sri B.C Sahoo, Sr Lect GP Nawarangpur Dr P.K MuCirli,Sr Lect,G.P Kendrapada 5 Sri K.C Das,Lect OSME Keonjhar 6 Sri S.K. Mishra Principal lTl Cuttack 1 2 3 Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineeri Civil Eneineeri Civil EneineerinB & Mechanical PT & Mechanical PT & Mechanical PT & Mechanical PT & Mechanical PT & Mechanical PT & Mechanical PT Mechanical & Mechanical PT Mechanical PT Mechanical &Automobile Mechanical 7 Dr T.Mohanty, Principal KllT Polytechnic Bhubaneswar 8 Sri B.C Patra, Principal N.P BBSR Mechanical 9 Sri A.P.Patra, Principal G.P Bargarh &Automobile Automobile 10 Sri P.R Samantray,Sr Lect MechanicalGP Kandhamal &Automobile Mechanical &Automobile L1 Mechanical Sri S Ray ,Workshop Superintendent JES Jharsuguda &Automobile 12 Sri G.Ghadai, Workshop Superintendent, GP Bhubaheswar 13 Sri P.K Pattnaik, Principal lTlHirakud 1.4 Mrs Reena Mechanical &Automobile Mechanical &Automobile Roy, Workshop Superintendent Rourkela 15 Sri H.K Barik , Principal G.P Bolangir SKDAV &Automobile Mechanical &Automobile & 7 Sri P.K.Dev, Sr. Lect,(Electrical) OSME Sri P.R.Tripathy, Asst. Prof.KllT Polytechnic Bhubaneswar Sri P.K Das Sr Lect G.P SonePur Sri D.C Behera Sr Lect Bose Cuttack Sri M.P Panigrahi PrincipalG.P Balasore Mrs Astamita Mishra GP Bhubaneswar Sri R.K.Prusti, Principal GP. Jajpur Sri S.K Muduli,Lect. GP Bhubaneswar Sri K.P Meher Principal lTl Chandragiri Sri G.D Maharana Sr Lect UGMIT Sri B.B Nayak Principal SIPT Patamundai Smt. Kalpana Panigrahi, Sr.Lect,GP Bhubaneswar ?4 25 Electrical & Electrical & Electrical & Electrical & Electrical & Electrical & ETC/AE&I ETC/AE&I ETC/AE&I !I Sri S.K Das, Sr Lect Bose Cuttack IT For Common Papers For Common Papers By Copy lYl+ 69rd, zU\\5 Electrical PT Electrical PT ETC/AE&I Dr.G.Pradhan, Dy. Secretary, SCTEW Sri B.B Mohantv ,Principal G.P Dhenkanal N" Electrical PT Electrical PT Electrical PT ETC/AE&I Sri R.C Sahoo ,Sr Lect UCPES Berham Sri L.K Nayak, Lect UCPES Berham Sri R.K Choudhury, Lect MOM G.P Bhubaneswar Memo Electrical PT the aPProval of Director Technical Education and Training(O) CTC to person concerned for information and necessary action. They are requested to finalize the teaching and evaluation scheme for 5th and 6th Semester in respect of their branches and submit the same on the day of the meeting positively. Further they are requestcd to submit the content details subject wise on or before 30.04.2015 without fail. ,IL Memo Copy N" lXkfrltu' vr6 to,z\qlts- to principal concerned with a request to spare the services of the above faculties. Memo l^. --*l ,,,Lt \ult *, t*!7 ,r,2L1ltS- Copy forwarded to DTE&T ,Odisha, Cuttack for kind information & necessary action. He is requested to , ft kindly spare Sri U.K Mallick Dy Director(C.D.C&F.D)to attend the meeting on 4th &6tn April 2015. ,,,"Wo#,,".-"".;,;,1,\Lq,{ Memo N, JruILrd, z{qltf Copy to Secretary/Controller of Examination for information and necessary action. ^il-td{ fr-'z=---'Ii
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