ScotDance Canada Championship Series 2015 FEATURING THE 41st Annual Canadian Championship ScotDance Canada Open Championship Sherry Dalliday Memorial Premiership Jenny MacLachlan’s Jig London Convention Centre London, Ontario, Canada July 6th – 10th, 2015 Sanctioned by and conducted under the rules of the Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM AND SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Competition Organizer Registration # C-ON-CO-15-1556 Schedule of Events All events will take place at the London Convention Centre. Sunday, July 5th 7:00 pm ScotDance Canada AGM Monday, July 6th 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Dancer Registration Dancers Must Present their Dance Registration Card At Time Of Registration 10:00 am Small and Large Group Choreography Preliminary Competitions Followed by the Choreography Finals. Winners to perform in the Opening Ceremonies 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Rehearsal for Opening Ceremonies – Provincial Reps and all participants in the Opening Ceremonies 6:30 pm 7:00 pm All participants in the Opening Ceremonies must report backstage in costume Opening Ceremonies Tuesday, July 7th Morning events: Premier Highland, Restricted Premier Highland Events Special Premier Event “Jenny MacLachan’s Jig” Preliminaries Afternoon events: Primary, Beginner, Novice and Intermediate Highland Events Pin Exchange,Take a Selfie, Tweet-a-thon #sdccslondon Immediately following results. Location LCC Main Floor Lobby. Evening event: Judges’ and Teachers’ Reception Wednesday, July 8th 2015 Canadian Championship Morning events: 7 & Under 10 Years, 10 & Under 12 Years, 12 & Under 14 Years, 14 & Under 16 Years Afternoon events: 16 & under 18 years, 18 & under 21 Years, 21 Years & Over Evening event: Canadian Championship Banquet Thursday, July 9th Morning events: Beginner/ Novice and Intermediate Nationals Restricted Premier Nationals Special Premier Event “Jenny MacLachlan’s Jig” finals Afternoon events: Primary Events Sherry Dalliday Memorial Premiership Evening event: Friday, July 10th Morning events: CPD Lecture for Teachers & Judges “Highland Technique”, sponsored by SDC Pre-Championship, ScotDance Canada Open Championship 7 & Under 10 Years, 10 Years, 11 years Mid-Morning events: ScotDance Canada Open Championship Age Groups 12 Years through to Adults. ScotDance Canada Championship Series 2015 Schedule of Events Sunday, July 5th 7:00 pm Monday, July 6th 9:00 am – 4:00 pm 10:00 am 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Event #1. Event #2. Tuesday, July 7th Morning Events Event #3. Event #4. Thursday, July 9th ScotDance Canada AGM Dancer Registration Small and Large Group Choreography Preliminaries Followed by Choreography Finals Rehearsal for Opening Ceremonies All participants In Opening Ceremonies report backstage in costume Opening Ceremonies Small Group Choreography Large Group Choreography PREMIER HIGHLAND Premier Highland Fling (4) Seann Triubhas (3&1) Half Hullachan (4) Restricted Premier Highland Fling (4) Seann Triubhas (3&1) Half Hullachan (4) Event #5. SPECIAL EVENT Preliminaries Jenny MacLachlan’s Jig (3&2) Set Steps Afternoon Events Event #6. PRE-PREMIER HIGHLAND Primary 16 Pas de Basques Pas de Basques & High Cuts Highland Fling (4) Sword Dance (2&1) Event #7. Morning Events Event #8. PRE-PREMIER & PREMIER NATIONALS Beginner/Novice/Intermediate Half Hullachan (4) Scottish Lilt (4) Flora MacDonald’s Fancy (4) Event # 9. Restricted Premier Nationals Hornpipe (4) Highland Laddie (4) Flora MacDonald’s Fancy (4) Scotch Measure (4) Special Event – Finals Jenny MacLachlan’s Jig (3&2) Three Age Categories Afternoon Events Event #10. PRIMARY & PREMIER NATIONALS Primary Highland 16 Pas de Basques Pas de Basques & High Cuts Highland Fling (4) Sword Dance (2&1) Event #11. SHERRY DALLIDAY MEMORIAL PREMIERSHIP Premier Hornpipe (5)* Highland Laddie (4) Flora MacDonald’s Fancy (4) Scotch Measure (4) *7 & under 12 years will do a four-step Hornpipe Friday, July 10th Morning Events Event #12. PREMIER Pre-Championship Highland Fling (4) Sword Dance (2 &1) Seann Triubhas (3&1) Strathspey & Reel of Tulloch (2&4) Event #13. ScotDance Canada Open Championship 7 & under 10 Yrs, 10 Yrs, 11 Yrs. Highland Fling (4) Sword Dance (2 & 1) Seann Triubhas (3 & 1) Strathspey & Reel of Tulloch (2&4) Mid-Morning Event Event #13. PREMIER ScotDance Canada Open Championship 12 Years through to Adults. Highland Fling (6) Sword Dance (3 & 1) Seann Triubhas (4 & 2) Strathspey & Reel of Tulloch (2&4) Beginner/Novice/Intermediate Highland Fling (4) Sword Dance (2 & 1) Seann Triubhas (3 & 1) Wednesday, July 8th 2015 Canadian Championship (Open only to representatives selected from each province.) Morning Events 7 & Under 10 Years 10 & Under 12 Years 12 & Under 14 Years 14 & Under 16 Years Afternoon Events 16 & Under 18 Years 18 & Under 21 Years 21 Years & Over Note: Morning callbacks to be announced prior to the afternoon events. Final results will be announced at the end of the day. Evening – Canadian Championship Banquet ScotDance Canada Championship Series 2015 Entry Information Entry Acceptance Date Received online not earlier than 13:00 hrs (1:00 PM) EDT, March 16, 2015. Acceptance date for all Choreography Entries is April 20, 2015, 13:00 hrs (1:00 PM) EDT Entry Deadline Date Received online not later than 11:59 pm (EDT), June 8, 2015. This date includes all Individual and Choreography Entries. Late Entry Deadline Date Received online not later than June 15. 2015 accompanied by an additional fee of $20.00. Entries received after June 8th, 2015, the name(s) may not appear in the program. NO ENTRIES will be accepted if received after June 15, 2015. No field entries. This deadline applies to all Individual and Choreography Entries. Online Dancing Entries visit: Please note: Entries will only be accepted via online registration. There will be no mail-in or email entries accepted. Follow instructions on the website carefully. Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard) payment only! General Rules Entries submitted must have either a valid VISA or MasterCard for payment. Entries submitted must have a valid email address for confirmation. Please advise the Competition Registrar immediately of any change of dancer’s status by email only: [email protected] NO refunds will be considered. Choreography Entries will be limited to 20 Small Groups and 15 Large Groups. At the discretion of the Organizing Committee, additional entries may be accepted. Cancellation ScotDance Canada and ScotDance Ontario (the “Organizers”) reserve the right to cancel the “Event”, or any part thereof, at any time if the Organizers deem such cancellation to be necessary due to events beyond its control or should it become necessary to cancel the Event at the Organizers’ sole discretion (the “Cancellation”). The Organizers shall not be responsible to any purchaser and/or attendees for any direct or indirect financial loss caused as a result of the Cancellation including, but not limited to, airfare, hotel deposits, entry fees, and tickets. The purchaser and/or attendees agree to indemnify and save harmless the Organizers from all claims arising from the Cancellation. ScotDance Canada Championship Series 2015 Rules and Regulations GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. All dancing events will be governed by the rules and regulations of the S.O.B.H.D. 2. Dancers will compete in reverse order of entry except for the Canadian Championship and the ScotDance Canada Open Championship. 3. The decision of the judges is final. 4. Age is as of July 6th, 2015 except for the Canadian Championship. 5. Age for the Canadian Championship is to be taken as of July 1st, 2015. 6. Protests must be in writing, signed and presented to the Competition Secretary on the day of the pertinent Competition/Championship accompanied by $35.00. Fee will be refunded if the protest is sustained. 7. Dancers must remain in full costume to receive awards. 8. Dancers will retain the same status over the 5-day event. 9. Dancers will be asked to fill in for Reels as required. 10. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to combine or divide age groups at their discretion. 11. Dancers reporting late for their dance will not be allowed to dance out of draw/numerical sequence. 12. Registration for all dancers and all events will take place on Monday, July 6th, 2015. Dancers’ numbers, schedules, pre-ordered social event tickets and souvenirs will be available at this time. For the remainder of the week, registration will be held for a limited time each morning. 13. Dancers must present dance registration cards at time of registration. RESTRICTED PREMIER RULES 14. A Restricted Premier dancer is defined as one who has not won an overall trophy in a Premier or Restricted Premier class for two years preceding the date of the Restricted Premier event he/she is entering (from July 6th, 2013 to July 6th, 2015 inclusive). Provincial Representatives in the Canadian Championship may be eligible if this rule applies. 15. SDC defines an OVERALL TROPHY win for Restricted Premier purposes as; “the dancer with the highest total number of points having competed in more than one (1) individual dance in a Premier competition age group that has 6 or more competitors, thus the name High Aggregate Trophy. Winners of special dances such as a Special Hornpipe or Special Jig, BestDressed or Choreography event DO NOT qualify as an overall trophy win. A Championship and Pre-Championship are both considered a Premier event. 16. Dancers who meet the requirements for the Restricted Premier class must choose either Restricted Premier or Premier for the competitions on July 7, 2015, but not both. Restricted Premier dancers may enter the Premiership event. eg. Dancers choosing to enter Restricted Premier on July 7 may enter Restricted Premier or the Premiership competition July 9, but not both. PRE-CHAMPIONSHIP RULES 17. Pre-Championship is open to Premier dancers who have never won a Championship or PreChampionship event. Provincial Representatives in the Canadian Championship may be eligible if this rule applies. 18. Premier and Restricted Premier dancers may choose to enter the Pre-Championship and/or The ScotDance Canada Open Championship on July 10th, 2015. GENERAL CHAMPIONSHIP RULES 19. These events have been sanctioned and will be governed by the rules and regulations of the S.O.B.H.D. 20. The 2015 Championship Steps must be danced for the Canadian Championship and ScotDance Canada Open Championship. CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP RULES 21. There will be a draw for order of dance for the Canadian Championship. This draw will be held prior to July 1st, supervised by representatives of ScotDance Canada. 22. Provincial Representatives must be entered by their respective ScotDance Provincial Affiliate or Provincial Championship Organizer. SHERRY DALLIDAY MEMORIAL PREMIERSHIP RULES 23. Open to Premier dancers only. 24. 2015 Premiership dances and steps must be danced. 25. Premiership rules and steps are posted on 26. A live Celtic Band will provide the music for the Premiership. SPECIAL PREMIER EVENT “JENNY MACLACHLAN’S JIG” 27. Open to all Premier Dancers, including Restricted Premier. 28. Qualifying Round – Nine Age Groups will be determined according to entries received. The top six dancers in each age category will advance to the final. 3 & 2 Set steps must be danced. 29. Final – There will be three age categories. 3 & 2 Set steps must be danced. Prize Money will be given to the top six finalists in each of the 3 age groups. 30. A live Celtic Band will provide the music for Jenny MacLachlan’s Jig. CHOREOGRAPHY COMPETITION RULES 31. Entry Acceptance date – April 20, 2015. No entries will be accepted prior to this date. Entries will be accepted online until June 8th, 2015 or until maximum registrations are received. 32. The Choreography entry form must be completed by the teacher. Each Choreography entry must be submitted online on a separate entry form and list all teachers/studio names. 33. Rules as per SOBHD. 34. Choreography content, music and costuming must be of a Scottish, Celtic, or Nautical theme. 35. Small Group is 3 – 7 dancers with a maximum 3 minutes including entrances and exits. 36. Large Group is 8 or more dancers with a maximum of 4 minutes including entrances and exits. 37. Only small props will be permitted, provided that they do not require set-up or take-down. 38. Maximum of 20 Small Group and 15 Large Group entries will be accepted. Average age per group will determine age groups. Additional entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Organizing Committee. If more than 20 Small Group or 15 Large Group entries are received, a waitlist will be established. Please advise the Competition Registrar as soon as possible if circumstances prevent your group from participating, thereby allowing a group from the waitlist to compete. 39. All music must be submitted electronically to [email protected] by May 30, 2015. A Backup memory stick is recommended. No verbal communication with the sound technician will be permitted during the actual competition. 40. Individual dancers may only enter 1 small and/or 1 large group dance. 41. Only those with proper accreditation will be allowed access behind stage. 42. Stage dimensions and further rules will be published on the SDCCS 2015 website, IRENE BAIRD BEST OVERSEAS DANCER TROPHY RULES 43. The Irene Baird Best Overseas Dancer Trophy is awarded to the Premier dancer who permanently resides outside of North America who accumulates the most points overall in the ScotDance Canada Championship Series events, excluding the Choreography and Special Events. Should a dancer enter two competitions on the same day, e.g. the Pre-Championship and the ScotDance Canada Open Championship, only the results from the dancer’s most successful competition will be used in the calculation towards the Best Overseas Dancer Trophy. ALEX AND MAY MARTIN TROPHY RULES 44. The Alex and May Martin Trophy is awarded to the Premier dancer who accumulates the most points overall in the ScotDance Canada Championship Series events, excluding the Canadian Championship, Choreography and Special Events. Should a dancer enter two competitions on the same day, e.g. the Pre-Championship and the ScotDance Canada Open Championship, only the results from the dancer’s most successful competition will be used in the calculation towards the Alex and May Martin Trophy. SDCCS PREMIER MALE HIGH AGGREGATE AWARD RULES 45. The SDCCS Premier Male High Aggregate Award is given annually to the Premier Male dancer who accumulates the most points overall in the ScotDance Canada Championship Series events, excluding the Canadian Championship, Choreography and Special Events. Should a dancer enter two competitions on the same day, e.g. the Pre-Championship and the ScotDance Canada Open Championship, only the results from the dancer’s most successful competition will be used in the calculation towards the SDCCS Premier Male High Aggregate Award. ADELINE DUNCAN DANCER OF THE DAY RULES 46. The Adeline Duncan Dancer of the Day award will be given to the dancer (or dancers in the event of a tie), with the highest dance points as determined from total dance points obtained from the four Championship dances within the Canadian Championship in each category (7 age groups). GENERAL AUDIENCE SEATING AREA RULES 47. Limit of 1 small bag. No large dance bags or garment bags will be permitted. Secured changing facilities will be provided. Dancers will not be permitted to change in the general seating area. 48. Placing bags or clothing on seats will not be permitted. 49. No warming up in the seating area. A warm up area will be designated. 50. No parents behind the stage area. Only those with proper accreditation will be permitted access. 51. Videotaping will be permitted in designated areas only. ScotDance Canada Championship Series 2015 Official Entry Form Register online at Entries will only be accepted online You will be asked to provide the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dancer’s Name Address City Province/State Country Postal/Zip Code Email Address Daytime Phone Number Evening Phone Number 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Male or Female Tartan Worn Teacher/School Name Age (as of July 6th, 2015) Date of Birth Dancer Registration Card # Category: Primary/Beginner/Novice/Intermediate/Restricted Premier/Premier 17. Dancing Events: HIGHLAND EVENTS JULY 7th Event Numbers 3, 4, 6, 7 ________________ x $25.00 = $ _________ PREMIER SPECIAL EVENT – JENNY MACLACHLAN’S JIG July 7th Event # 5 __________ x $15.00 = $ _________ X $25.00 = $ _________ RESTRICTED PREMIER NATIONALS JULY 9TH Event # 9_____________________ x $35.00 = $ _________ SHERRY DALLIDAY MEMORIAL PREMIERSHIP (July 9th) Event # 11 __________ x $45.00 = $ _________ PRE-CHAMPIONSHIP (July 10th) Event # 12__________ x $35.00 = $ _________ SCOTDANCE CANADA OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP (July 10th) Event # 13__________ x $45.00 = $ _________ LATE ENTRY FEE (if received after June 8th, 2015) x $25.00 = $ _________ PRE-PREMIER (Primary, Beginner, Novice, Intermediate) July 9th Event Numbers 8, 10 _________________________________ TOTAL FEES SUBMITTED = $ _________ HST will be applied at check-out By proceeding with this online registration, I agree to the following: I am aware that participating in the 2015 ScotDance Canada Championship Series involves the potential for risks, dangers and hazards including but not limited to: physical and other injuries and losses to me and/or my child in the course of dance competition or at all and the potential for unauthorized photographs and video and other footage to be taken of me and/or my child in contravention of policies relating to this of the Championship Series and notwithstanding the best efforts of organizers to enforce these policies. In consideration of ScotDance Canada, its directors, agents, employees, executive members, and volunteers and the organizers of the 2015 ScotDance Championship Series (the “RELEASEES”) agreeing to my and/or my child’s participation in the 2015 ScotDance Canada Championship Series and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, I hereby agree TO WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that I or my child have or may have in the future against the RELEASEES AND TO RELEASE THE RELEASEES from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury or expense, including death, and including any loss that may arise from unauthorized photographing or taking of video or other footage of either me and/or my child. I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any loss, damage, injury or expense, including legal costs, that they may incur due to my child’s participation in this activity, whether caused by the negligence of Releasees or otherwise, and whether caused to my child or otherwise. I specifically consent to the public release of the following information: 1. Name 2. City, Province, Country of residence 3. Tartan 4. Age 5. Results. By electronically submitting this entry, I acknowledge that I have read this agreement carefully and fully understand it and agree to all the above terms and conditions. _________________________________________________________ ____________________ Signature of dancer, or parent/guardian if dancer is under 18 years of age Date ScotDance Canada and ScotDance Ontario (the “Organizers”) reserve the right to cancel the “Event”, or any part thereof, at any time if the Organizers deem such cancellation to be necessary due to events beyond its control or should it become necessary to cancel the Event at the Organizers’ sole discretion (the “Cancellation”). The Organizers shall not be responsible to any purchaser and/or attendees for any direct or indirect financial loss caused as a result of the Cancellation including, but not limited to, airfare, hotel deposits, entry fees, and tickets. The purchaser and/or attendees agree to indemnify and save harmless the Organizers from all claims arising from the Cancellation. ScotDance Canada Championship Series 2015 Official Choreography Entry Form Register online at Entries will only be accepted online This entry to be completed by the teacher You will be asked to provide the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. School Name Instructor (s) Name(s) Title of Dance (for Program) Address City Province/State Country Postal/Zip Code Email address Daytime Phone Number Evening Phone Number The name, age and birth date of each dancer, as well as the average age of the group In which category will your group be competing: SMALL GROUP (3 – 7 dancers) Event # 1 __________ x $60.00 = $ _________ x $100.00 = $ _________ LARGE GROUP (8 or more) Event # 2 __________ HST will be applied at check-out By proceeding with this online registration, I agree to the following: I am aware that participating in the 2015 ScotDance Canada Championship Series involves the potential for risks, dangers and hazards including but not limited to: physical and other injuries and losses to me and/or my child in the course of dance competition or at all and the potential for unauthorized photographs and video and other footage to be taken of me and/or my child in contravention of policies relating to this of the Championship Series and notwithstanding the best efforts of organizers to enforce these policies. In consideration of ScotDance Canada, its directors, agents, employees, executive members, and volunteers and the organizers of the 2015 ScotDance Championship Series (the “RELEASEES”) agreeing to my and/or my child’s participation in the 2015 ScotDance Canada Championship Series and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, I hereby agree TO WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that I or my child have or may have in the future against the RELEASEES AND TO RELEASE THE RELEASEES from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury or expense, including death, and including any loss that may arise from unauthorized photographing or taking of video or other footage of either me and/or my child. I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any loss, damage, injury or expense, including legal costs, that they may incur due to my child’s participation in this activity, whether caused by the negligence of Releasees or otherwise, and whether caused to my child or otherwise. I specifically consent to the public release of the following information: 1. Name 2. City, Province, Country of residence 3. Tartan 4. Age 5. Results. By electronically submitting this entry, I acknowledge that I have read this agreement carefully and fully understand it and agree to all the above terms and conditions. Teachers Signature Date ScotDance Canada and ScotDance Ontario (the “Organizers”) reserve the right to cancel the “Event”, or any part thereof, at any time if the Organizers deem such cancellation to be necessary due to events beyond its control or should it become necessary to cancel the Event at the Organizers’ sole discretion (the “Cancellation”). The Organizers shall not be responsible to any purchaser and/or attendees for any direct or indirect financial loss caused as a result of the Cancellation including, but not limited to, airfare, hotel deposits, entry fees, and tickets. The purchaser and/or attendees agree to indemnify and save harmless the Organizers from all claims arising from the Cancellation.
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