Policy on Religion and Belief - DocuShare

Policy on Religion and Belief
Policy on Religion and Belief
Introduction and Scope................................................................................................................. 3
Dress Code .................................................................................................................................... 3
Religious Observance .................................................................................................................... 4
Offensive Actions or Behaviour .................................................................................................... 4
Commitment ................................................................................................................................. 4
Further Guidance .......................................................................................................................... 5
Associated Documents.................................................................................................................. 5
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Introduction and Scope
The University of Sunderland celebrates and values the diversity of all its staff and students
and aims to create an environment where the cultural, religious and non-religious beliefs of
all are respected. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are
prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society or are necessary to fulfil some of
the other principles in this policy .
We are committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, bullying,
harassment or victimisation, where all members of our community are treated with respect
and dignity. We aim to create a culture of diversity and inclusivity within our community,
providing a dynamic working and learning environment, where all members are valued for
their contribution and individuality.
Through our policies and practices we work to ensure that all students and staff are
welcome in our community and do not face discrimination with regard to any aspect of their
identity, such as age, disability, gender (including gender reassignment, marital status,
pregnancy and maternity), ethnicity (including race, colour or nationality), religion or belief
(including non-belief) or sexual orientation
The University’s approach to matters of equality, diversity and faith are founded on
inclusivity and the particular goal of providing opportunities for students and staff from
many diverse backgrounds to share knowledge, experience and cultural heritage. Through
the implementation of our relevant policies and procedures we seek to ensure that:
a) Recruitment and selection are based entirely on relevant criteria, which do not include
religious belief or non-belief (except in the case of a genuine occupational requirement).
b) Members of any religion or none are treated with equal dignity and fairness.
c) Where possible, appropriate services are provided to meet the cultural and religious
needs of all staff and students.
d) Our model of space provision with its purposed emphasis on Interfaith activity will also
recognise and balance the needs of different faith and non-faith groups.
The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion is absolute, but the right to
promote these beliefs is balanced by the need to protect the rights and freedoms of others.
Dress Code
The University does not impose a dress code on its staff and students, and welcomes the
variety of appearance brought by individual styles and choices which are appropriate to the
University environment. The wearing of items arising from particular cultural or religious
norms is seen as part of this welcome diversity.
Within the context outlined above:
a) Whilst the University is sympathetic to religious beliefs, health and safety requirements
may mean that, for certain tasks, specific items of clothing such as overalls and
protective clothing need to be worn.
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b) University clothing will need to be worn in some roles, for reasons of identification or
customer service. If such clothing produces a conflict with an individual's religious belief,
the issue will be sympathetically considered.
c) The wearing of slogans or symbols which are discriminatory (e. g. racist or sexist) may
result in the University invoking the Disciplinary Procedure for employees or the relevant
student procedures.
d) The University may require reasonable and appropriate checks to be taken to ensure
(for example) verification of identity in examinations or to ensure that there is no use of
prohibited items in examinations.
e) Students on placements may need to adhere to the placement provider’s policy – e.g.
schools may not permit students to do teaching practice with their faces covered.
University staff who may be required to work or represent the University overseas are
expected to be culturally aware. This may require individuals to dress appropriately for the
cultural environment.
Religious Observance
The University will make reasonable efforts to provide a suitable space for prayer, reflection
and religious observance if practical. Information on the location of our faith rooms is
available via the Chaplaincy.
All staff, regardless of religious belief or non-belief, are required to work in accordance with
their contract. There may be some flexibility over how these hours are worked. Line
managers should seek to ensure that those whose religion requires them to pray during
certain times of the day are free to do so. In addition, reasonable efforts should be made to
accommodate requests from those who require, for example, an extra hour at midday on
Friday, or not to work at weekends in ways that conflict with their religious beliefs.
Requests for holiday entitlement to be taken at times of religious significance will be treated
sympathetically. The number of annual leave days overall will remain as in the contract of
employment, for all staff, of any religious belief or none. The dates of the main religious
Offensive Actions or Behaviour
Any attempt at coercing others to comply with a particular belief system, for example
through distribution of propaganda or through threats or offensive remarks, may result in
disciplinary action.
The University does not tolerate offensive literature or graffiti on its premises and those
found to be responsible will be liable to disciplinary action.
In line with the University’s value of Inclusiveness, this policy aims to ensure equal treatment
for everyone, of any religion or none. It is based on the principle that all members of the
University community have the right to their own belief system, and no right to force it on
others. We are committed to encouraging a positive environment where all members of our
community treat each other with mutual respect and dignity.
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Further Guidance
The University’s Equality and Diversity Group proactively promotes and publicises the
University’s strategies, policies and plans.
For further guidance on any aspect of this policy, please contact Human Resources or a
member of the Equality and Diversity Group (www.sunderland.ac.uk/equality).
Associated Documents
Staff (www.sunderland.ac.uk/hrpolicies)
 Equality and Diversity Statement
 Disciplinary Procedure
 Dignity at Work Policy and Procedure for Employees
Students (docushare.sunderland.ac.uk/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-2784)
 AQH-H4 Student Disciplinary Regulations
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Policy on Religion and Belief
Date of Issue:
April 2015
Next review date:
April 2018
Approved by (e.g. Committee, Director, etc):
Equality and Diversity Group
Executive Board
Date of last approval:
March 2015
Head of HR Business Support
(Chair of Equality and Diversity Group)
Human Resources
This Policy can be obtained from the Human Resources website, Docushare or by contacting Human
If you would like this Policy in larger print please contact Human Resources.
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