operating Instructions
IP X612000mAhspor|so¤ 〖
(upgrade version)
HoW to charge the soIar charger?
Charge the solar chargerˇ ia an eXternaI poWersource
・ Connectthe so archarger′ s cab eto a cOmputerorlaptop VsB p° rt
(C° nnectthe so archarger wkh a computer,Iapt° p。 r other deˇ ces
thathaVe an VsB port)
・Anerc° nneCted,bIue LED ind cators"gh1on to ndioate
thatthe so|archargeisunderchar0ing
Thank you for purchasing this s。 ar oharger,Whioh s constructed W"h integrated
12000mAh Li polymer ba⒒ ery Th s solar charger s wateⅡ proof,dust proof and
shoCkˉ proof
・VVhen the solar chargeris fu Iy charged,LED indicators go o矸
PIease carefu"y read th s manua before opera"n0y0urso archarger and koop"for
future reference The usergu de wm he p you use"prope门 y,safe y and take full
advantage ofi乓 $feature$
乩勰:1甘 配:∶嚣
::1箔 嘿 蘑
P【 ace
the s。
larchargerin sun"ght
chargeris beIng charged in sun"ght
The groen LED nd cator wⅢ keep。 n whenthe soIar
Charging an ex1ernaI device via the soIar charger
.Cheok thatthe solarcharger$adequatelycharged by pressing【
。 】The battery
charge statusisind Cated by the LED∶
1stLED ndiCator-green,wh ch9s keop ng onWhen"boing oharged ln
sun ghtˉ
indicatorˉ b ue,75%poWer
2nd LED indicato冖
3rd LED
4th LED indicator b ue,100%power
。LED nd cators w"turn off after20seconds f fu lcharging
・The so ar charger needsto be fu ly charged"y。
u wish to u""ze both VsB p°
and chargetwo dev ces simu"aneousIy
background ofsw tch button
C"ck ready to charge and the b ueindicators show the remain ng power
2 B ue on-remainIng p° weⅡ BIue b"nking~being Gharged
3 Green on-charging v a$o ar panel;Blue on remaining poweⅡ
Blue b"nking-solaroharger needs to be reoharged
4Micro inputfor charg ng the soIar chargors bu"t△
n battery
5 UsB1onputfor charging e|eCtroniC devices
6UsB1sea|ed cap
. "provides about20%~30%oapac“
solar chargod8or9houΓ
sin norma sunI ght
NOTE:When the soIar oharge"s n useand"s battery charge eVe is VeryIoW,the
so archarger w"automaucalIy shut offin orderto proteot"s battery from a deep
d scharge When the soIarcharge beg nsto recharge,"takes3minutes before"
can output any oharging current
7 solar Panel
9 VsB2outputfor oharging electronic deVices
・Once the remaining p。 werreachse aVaboVe75%(3°
8 VsB2sealed cap
Doub e-dick the$w吐 Ch to turn on the LED torch;Press the switoh again for s0s
nashI gh⒈ Third press to turn offthe s0s"gh1Doub e-c ick the sWitch again to
turn o仟 the LED torch
y of Phone for emergency after be ng
rm° re b ue indicators on)`
pIease do not oharge the solar oharger Vla solar pane"ns凵
nshino(n case that
the seHous damage maytaketo"ˉ po ymerbattery by co n"nuous h ghtomp° rature
and oharging current,wh ch may eadto oveⅡ Vo"age and battery sWe|ing up)
・NeVer attempttp open ordismanue the s。 lar charger
・Neverde"berately knook1he solar oharger
・Don1eave the soIar chargerin a rught space"kein a car,in wh ch the temperaturo
・Wou d be oVer45・ C When charging via so ar paneI
Do notthrow the so ar charger nto"re
・Ifany mproperuse。 rany operauon aga nstthe useΓ manua,We Wi|not be
responsibIe forthe probelms
・We reserve a"the rights forthe final eXplanation