PART B BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTIONS Candidate Statements Annual General Meeting 2015 April 16-19, 2015 Hyatt Regency Vancouver, BC Annual General Meeting 2015 April 16-19, 2015 Hyatt Regency Vancouver, BC Board of Directors Elections Candidate Statements Candidate for President: Teresa Rezansoff p. B1 Candidate for Vice-President: Gordon Swan B2 Candidate for Director: Valerie Adrian B3 Candidate for Director: Alan Chell B4 Candidate for Director: Ken Clarkson B5 Candidate for Director: Julia Fraser B6 Candidate for Director: Doug McPhee B7 Candidate for Director: Donna Sargent B8 Candidate for Director: Sharel Warrington B9 Candidate for Director: Christine Younghusband B10 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT TERESA REZANSOFF, SD51 (Boundary) The strength of BCSTA lies with you; its members. I have been deeply honoured and privileged to serve as your President. There is no question; it has been a year of challenge for public education in British Columbia. As trustees at home in our school districts and through BCSTA, we remained committed in our protection of B.C.’s public education system. We have not wavered in working to ensure that we are protecting the best interests of students in our actions and decision-making. Over the past year, we have been through job action, a prolonged teacher strike, trustee elections, a provincial budget that has not met our expectations and now Bill 11. BCSTA’s responses throughout were forceful, measured and consistent. From the Stability For Students Action Plan, media releases and open letters, to the recent Response to the Provincial Budget, our advocacy has remained centered on the needs of students. And we have more to do… It is critical to immediately work to ensure that the autonomy of Boards of Education will not be negatively impacted with the implementation of Bill 11 through meaningful consultation on any new regulations. It is essential to continue pushing the objectives in our response to the provincial budget. It was disheartening to hear disrespectful and misinformed comments from government. I believe there are fundamental expectations that we should have from government; it is essential that they recognize the impact of their decisions on our students and schools. Government directions should strengthen, not weaken the work that we do in our school districts and through BCSTA. Trustees and BCSTA have worked hard to establish a respectful co-governance relationship with the Ministry of Education. We absolutely have significant work to do on the mechanics of the MOU, and BCSTA has requested a review of the agreement. Trustee governance of BCPSEA, the resolution of a provincial bargaining structure, and action on compensation for excluded staff continue to be critical issues for us. But there are exciting things ahead also: innovation and transformation, new curriculum, assessment changes, an improved accountability framework and more. This is the work we really want to be able to devote our time and attention to, where we know the positive impacts for students lies. I would like to extend my deepest thanks to your hardworking Board of Directors, BCSTA staff and to you. It takes all of our efforts together to effectively advocate on behalf of public education and students. I know that our success as an organization lies in standing together. It relies on our differences as much as our commonality. We are being tested as trustees, but I am confident that we will continue to keep our focus on students and their success. I respectfully ask for your support to continue as President of BCSTA. I will remain working diligently to critically impact the matters that come before us and to act in a constructive and respectful manner to influence outcomes that will positively affect BC’s public education system and its students. Thank you. B1 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE FOR Vice-PRESIDENT Gordon Swan, SD58 (Nicola-Similkameen) If the students, our future, are not at the forefront of our discussions, the rest is meaningless. At the end of the day it comes down to the students - and it always will. It’s about what’s in their best interest for a brighter future. I believe that quality public education is critical to our province’s social and economic success. Sadly, it seems that the relief of having labour peace, so that we could move ahead in building the future of public education, has been sideswiped by a series of events that seem to originate from outside of the Ministry. In response, your Board of Directors put together a 10-point action plan based around six objectives and anchored in our core values as an Association. We all know that Boards of Education have not been provided adequate dollars to address current cost pressures, despite the sound bites from various individuals. We all know in 2014 the non-partisan Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services recommended to government that “….there needs to be stable, predictable, and adequate funding for public education, particularly to cover mandated increases for salaries, benefits, pension contributions, and Medical Services Plan premiums.” Yet government has ignored the recommendations of their own committee process and left funding at a level where school district services and student outcomes cannot be improved or even maintained at the level required in the new global economy. I will continue to press for supplemental funding equal to the $29 million administrative savings requirement for 2015/2016 and the $54 million requirement for both 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. At the same time we need to work with the Ministry of Education in getting the Ministry of Finance to a place where there is a common understanding of what dollars are in the pot earmarked “Administrative Services.” When we corrected the Minister and Premier around the 7+ % number and pointed out the number was between 3 & 4 % on average, and had the media verify that fact, the Ministry of Finance changed what was in that number. It’s simply wrong to change the formula to validate incorrect data. As Trustees we all recognize the limitations of the taxpayer’s ability to pay ever increasing costs which is why we entered into discussions and have participated in the shared services initiative. It is a shared responsibility to ensure each and every public dollar is spent wisely toward meeting the diverse needs of all learners and all communities. We must remind government though, of their public commitment that savings from the implementation of Shared Services would remain within the K-12 public education system. It is time for the provincial government to work with Boards of Education; not against us. Full consultation and collaboration is the only way to create an environment where the best outcomes possible can be attained for all our students. I ask for your continued support in re-electing me, Gordon Swan, as your Vice President of BCSTA. B2 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE For DIRECTOR Valerie Adrian, SD74 (Gold Trail) “It’s a matter of choosing what is most important to you and putting that first. Once you have recognized your true purpose in life, this becomes much easier.“ - Clarence Clemons I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. Background My Nuu-Cha-Nulth name, given to me by my mother, is Aanaatwoqwees. I am better known as Valerie Adrian. I am St’at’imc from Xwisten (Bridge River Band). I am a proud parent of seven wonderful children, who range in ages from fifteen to thirty-five, and grandparent of three. I work as an Education Coordinator for my community. In this position I provide all administrative oversight for all educational programs from “twinkle to twilight”. This includes the: • Head Start/Daycare/Pre-school (K4) program which is centered around six components: education; health promotion; culture and language; nutrition; social support; and parental/family involvement; • K4-12 program for our membership. With the exception of K4 (Band operated), all of the students I am responsible for attend public schools; and • Post-Secondary program Politically, I sit as Co-Chair within our district. I have served BCSTA on the Advisory Group for Provincial Assessment, K-12 Aboriginal Education Group, and on the Aboriginal Education Committee, as a member and Board Liaison. Currently, I am the Chair of the Finance Committee. Issues This past year we have witnessed the renewal of our teacher and support staff contracts, the election of approximately 30% new trustees and the signing of our co-governance agreement with the Ministry of Education. As we move forward we will need to be focusing on several issues: 1. Trustees have a voice in public education, especially in our local communities, but we must work on our co-governance relationship with the Ministry of Education to ensure the voice of trustees is not lost with the provincial government. We have to ensure that both parties have a common understanding of the meaning of the document and we need to determine how we can work together as true co-governors of education in BC. 2. The proposed Bill 11, Education Statutes Amendment Act (2015), was announced on March 26 and we have to ensure our roles are not diminished nor minimized with those changes. We must remain autonomous. 3. Student enrolment varies but the vast majority of districts are declining in student numbers. Whether a district has increasing or declining enrolment, there are budgetary concerns throughout the province that we have to consider, such as unfunded cost pressures, the administrative savings requirements announced in this year’s provincial budget, and the excluded staff pay freeze, to name a few. 4. Other issues that are important include improving Aboriginal education, full membership in BCSTA and a working relationship with our educational partners. I make student-focused decisions as they are my true purpose in life. It has been such an honour to serve the BCSTA membership and I respectfully request your support to serve another term. B3 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE FOR DIRECTOR Alan Chell, SD19 (Revelstoke) My name is Alan Chell and I am respectfully requesting your support for re-election to the BCSTA Board of Directors. I have served on the Board for the past year and have found it to be a privilege to work with my colleagues on advocating for public education and supporting Boards of Education on the multitude of issues that we face together. Our discussions are lively and we are able to offer diverse viewpoints while operating in a climate of mutual respect. It’s been a great Board to be part of. To tell you a bit about myself: I have been a School Trustee in Revelstoke for the past 30 years and am proud of the work our Board has done over the years to support students. Currently, I serve as the Vice-Chair of the Public Education Benefits Trust. This Board is composed of six representatives appointed by the Employer and six appointed by CUPE, and we focus on the Long-Term Disability program and other benefits for CUPE members. PEBT is regarded as the model for effective trusts. I have also represented school trustees as a member of the provincial bargaining team for the past two rounds of negotiations with both the BCTF and CUPE (and other support staff unions). I was Chair of BCPSEA at the time we were replaced by a Public Administrator and I am the past Chair of the Okanagan Labour Relations Council. In my community, I am currently on the Board of the Revelstoke Credit Union, Performing Arts Centre and the Early Childhood Development Committee. I also organize an annual youth soccer tournament and assist local organizations with strategic planning and workshops on Board development. I retired from my career as the Director of Parks and Recreation five years ago. Most of my free time is spent with our four grandchildren. BCSTA is an outstanding organization. Over my 30 years of trusteeship, I have found trustees to be passionate, supportive and knowledgeable about public education, and BCSTA does an excellent job in representing us at the provincial level. Currently, the Board is focusing on issues such as combating cuts to administration, working on securing adequate funding for forced budgetary increases, making co-governance meaningful, new directions in learning and innovation, the return of trustee governance to trustees, increased achievement for aboriginal students, membership services, and at the forefront, advocacy. I believe that I have the knowledge, time, committment and experience to represent Boards as we work towards protecting and improving an excellent public education system. I respectfully request your support so I can continue to serve on the BCSTA Board. B4 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE FOR DIRECTOR Ken Clarkson, SD42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows) As trustees, you know our first responsibility is to advocate for public education, to lead the conversation and co-construct the destination our democracy deserves. The best decision is created when those who are affected by the decision have a voice in deciding it. As a champion of process I will advocate for our organization to meaningfully involve trustees as the co-constructors of public education. Public education is the cornerstone of our democracy. In British Columbia, we have one of the most envied public education systems in the world and an extraordinarily efficient one given the diversity of our population. School Boards represent the voice of local communities and trustees bring individual experience and strength of place to their roles. Our children, our students, our public are the beneficiaries through which we all express our differences and commonality, our wishes and dreams for the future. My passion for public education became clear early, and grew through thirty-three years as an educator, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Education, and six years as a trustee including as a past Board Chair. As a member of the Legislative Committee for the last four years I participated in the revision of the Policy Book. It provided a historical perspective and an understanding of the internal organization of the BCSTA. Like the society we are embedded in, the BCSTA, School Boards and trustees are facing change. It is more important than ever we face these changes united. In the words of our President Teresa Rezansoff, “Local Boards in their own advocacy will and should be different in how this is done and has been for the last 110 years. It’s always in tension. Constantly apart, while staying together.” It is imperative we seek resolution with the two school Boards who are currently not members of BCSTA. The issue of co-governance requires constant vigilance from all of us and will only be achieved through persistence on the part of the leadership of this organization. Our unity is our most powerful demand. An inclusive process is required to co-construct the relationship between Boards, BCSTA, BCPSEA and the Ministry of Education. We can be a strong central organization consisting of autonomous local Boards. BCSTA should take a leadership role to review the process, make recommendations for the future, enhance relationships and create a trustworthy bargaining climate. As a Director, I would advocate for an expansive conversation among trustees regarding Shared Services and the long term effects on: local communities, Board autonomy and unintended consequences. I have attended every PC for three years. All but one have ended before lunch. I suggest Provincial Councillors use two hours after lunch to engage in conversations around important issues and follow as workshop leaders with our fellow trustees at Board, Branch meetings and AGMs. There are many issues which will shape the future of public education in British Columbia. As a Director of BCSTA I would be honoured to advocate on your behalf. B5 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE FOR DIRECTOR Julia Fraser, SD23 (Central Okanagan) My name is Julia Fraser and I am running for the position of BCSTA Director. I was locally re-elected as the School Trustee in West Kelowna to the Central Okanagan Board of Education, School District #23. I graduated from High School in Kamloops and went on to UBC for a B.A. – Economics Major. 24 years ago my husband and I moved to Houston, BC where he accepted his first teaching position and I was a substitute teacher. It was here where I experienced first-hand the challenges that small school districts face operating schools with declining enrollment and find themselves in a shortfall despite supplementary funding. The current funding formula assumes that the number of students is the main driver of costs. The reality is that there are a number of fixed education costs that districts have to pay, regardless of the number of students enrolled. Years later we relocated to the Okanagan where I gained valuable business experience in the banking industry, then became a realtor, and I am currently the regional sales manager for a BC hotel chain. My commitment to children and community includes being involved in my children’s schools, PAC President and a member of the School Planning Council. I value my experience as Chair of the Education & Student Services and Planning & Facilities Committees, as well as, my time as a Director and VP on the Thompson Okanagan BCSTA Branch. The culmination of my work experiences and volunteerism in education has brought me to the belief that all students in BC’s public education system have a right to safe, quality and accessible public education. For this to happen we need to address increasing unfunded cost pressures such as increasing costs in fuel, utilities, benefits, inflation for the price of goods and services, as well as the carbon tax. These cost pressures have not been recognized by the Ministry and put additional pressure on BC School Board’s budgets. These are rapidly changing times in public education and I hope for the opportunity to be a member of the collective voice on behalf of all school districts in BC. I am an excellent listener and am able to effectively advocate for all aspects of public education. I am fair and honest and I am always ready to help when there is an issue, large or small. I believe that the BCSTA Executive should be comprised of both experienced and new individuals. What I am able to contribute to BCSTA is a fresh perspective and new ideas based on my experiences from small to large school districts. Together we can be creative and come up with solutions to strengthen BC School Districts. I also have my finger on the pulse of education as I have an elementary-aged child. I believe the success of the BCSTA is dependent on a strong team working for all School Boards in BC. It would be an honor for me to be a part of this Board. Please elect Julia Fraser as BCSTA Director. B6 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE FOR DIRECTOR Doug McPhee, SD05 (Southeast Kootenay) I am excited by the opportunity to serve the British Columbia School Trustees Association as a Director. I have a wealth of experience with the educational system that includes: classroom teaching, student services, alternate education, support for Aboriginal learners and communities, and formal training in mediation and restorative practices. As my work history with School District 5 and in the community will attest, I believe in open and transparent communication and working to maintain positive working relationships. My experience with the organization and function of the educational system in British Columbia came early in life. My father was a school administrator in Cranbrook and the dinner table was often a forum on education in BC. I naturally followed a parallel path into the teaching profession. My post-secondary education focus was on sciences and I enjoyed my experiences at both UBC and NDU. I was fortunate in 1981 to find a job at the local pulp mill, but the combination of a strike and the local availability of the SFU Teacher Education Program provided additional encouragement. My first teaching job was Grade seven in Kaslo, BC. There is much to be learned and appreciated from working in a small community K-12 school. Students were family and the role and responsibilities of a teacher extended beyond the classroom and included all social settings. The principal would often remind the staff, “If you are going to get out-ofhand, get out of town”. No truer words were ever spoken. His worries, however, were quickly replaced with my new responsibilities of raising a family and the associated benefits of home repairs and household pets. I returned to Cranbrook in 1987 to support my parents and provide my children with the benefits of a local college. I was offered a teaching position in junior secondary and shortly moved into administration. In 1994, I received the F.K. Stewart Fellowship Award for Educational Leadership for my work at the community and district levels. In 2004, I progressed to the position District Principal of Alternate Education, and shortly thereafter, the Director of Instruction. My leadership portfolio included Aboriginal Education, Trades Awareness, Technology, District Suspensions, Safety and in-service on a variety of subjects including: Student Success, Restorative Justice, Safety, Bullying, Harassment, Students at Risk and Crisis Response. I retired in March of 2014 and became a Trustee on the Board of Education in the following election. I love my job. I believe in connecting with the community, and every trip to town, PAC meeting or social engagement presents new opportunities to discuss education and share success. The role of trustee is to build faith in the public education system, provide opportunities for meaningful input and ensure that the business of the district is responsible and equitable. Thirty-two years of service in public education has prepared me to provide that responsible stewardship. I wish to continue this contribution as a Director of the BCSTA, rebuilding faith in BCSTA through open communication and responsible leadership. Further reference: Doug McPhee’s LinkedIn Profile B7 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE FOR DIRECTOR Donna Sargent, SD38 (Richmond) Hi. My name is Donna Sargent and I am looking for your support at the upcoming BCSTA AGM 2015 for the position of Director on the BCSTA Board of Directors. I have been a Trustee for 13 years in the Richmond School District and am currently a Director on the BCSTA Board and feel I can bring my knowledge, leadership skills and passion to this role. My passion for Public Education began when my children first attended kindergarten and I could see and understand the importance for every child to have the very best education possible. I strongly believe in democratically-elected Boards of Education who are accountable to their community and who bring the voice of the community to the table. I believe it is the truest form of democracy and one that needs to be protected and supported to ensure success for all our students. Trustees need a strong provincial organization that advocates and supports the work of Boards of Education around the province. It has been a very difficult and challenging time and it is now more than ever that we need to come together, learn and support each other in our collective work. The wisdom and knowledge of my fellow Trustee colleagues and the ability to share with each other through our Association has been invaluable. I think it is important to strengthen that work through good communication, advocacy, and for the continued work with the Ministry of Education. We currently have a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry but it is clear that the real work lies ahead of us and that work needs to involve us all as well as our education partners. I am a hardworking, principle-centered team player and would like to bring my knowledge, leadership skills and passion to the position of BCSTA Director and contribute to our collective work for the benefit of all our students. It would be my privilege to continue to serve you on the BCSTA Board of Directors. Thank you very much for considering my nomination. My experience has included: BCSTA • • • • • • BCSTA Board, Director BCSTA Aboriginal Committee, Board Liaison Metro Branch Chair (3 years) Metro Branch Vice Chair (3 years) ELL Consortium Chair (4 years) Student Scholarship Award Committee Richmond Board of Education (13 years) • • • • • Chairperson (4 years) Vice Chairperson (6 years) Land/Capital Committees City/Board Liaison Committee All Board Standing Committees Please feel free to contact me through my email address [email protected] or cell (604) 250-6750. B8 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE FOR DIRECTOR Sharel Warrington, SD57 (Prince George) Public Education is at a crossroad. The path ahead will be determined by the decisions we make as we address the challenges before us. The control for local decisions is slowly being eroded. Our governance role and voices of advocacy are being significantly challenged. We have a responsibility, as the elected voice of our communities to defend the importance of local decisions that address local realities. We must call upon our elected members of parliament to work with us to ensure that local governance is protected and supported. Locallyelected governance and decision making is the foundation for building a strong educational and economic base in our province. It is time to engage our communities and partners to work with us in support of public education. The protection of and voice for public education belongs to everyone. Our collective strength is in the voice of 60 Boards of Education, committed and united. Whether rural or urban, small or large, we must ensure our voice will be heard and our governance role is recognized and respected. It is our responsibility to our students and to the communities we serve that we have a public education system where all students can succeed and reach their full potential. This is a time when we should be focused on moving forward, striving for excellence through innovation and opportunity, yet we find ourselves faced with decisions imposed upon us that restrict and threaten our ability to provide the needed supports for our students and schools. In seeking to represent you on the BCSTA Board of Directors, I offer my leadership experience, my commitment to our students and my commitment to building a strong united association that speaks on behalf of its members - your needs and your realities. My life journey began in the West and East Kootenay, then to the Peace River country and further into the Stikine region before settling in Prince George. My teaching career spanned 30 years. During my ten years as a trustee, I served six years as BCPSEA Representative, four years as Management and Finance committee chair, three years as board chair and a member of all Board committees. As an active member of the Northern Interior Branch I have served as BCSTA Education Committee representative for nine years, four as your Education Committee chair. Trusteeship is a privilege and an honor. I hold the deepest respect for your work and your commitment to your students, schools and the communities you serve. Moving forward our unity depends on the representative strength of our association’s structure from the voice of our Board of Directors, to the voice of our provincial council, our branches and each member Board. We must keep that structure strong and representative. I ask your support to work for that united strength. I offer my commitment and energy to support your work and to be your representative voice on the board of directors. Our work is all about our students and their future. We must not let them down. B9 BCSTA AGM 2015 | CAndidate Statements CANDIDATE For DIRECTOR Christine Younghusband, SD46 (Sunshine Coast) Welcome to the 2015 BCSTA AGM. My name is Christine Younghusband and I am looking for your support for re-election as Director on the 2015/16 Board of Directors. For the last 20 years, I have been an advocate for BC public education as a parent, educator, and school trustee. Currently, I am serving on the SD46 (Sunshine Coast) Board of Education and proud of the work we have accomplished. As Director, I have witnessed the diversity of our Boards, our passion for quality public education, and our resilience to endure unpredictable changes to BC public education as we persist and continue to move forward with our advocacy. As Boards of Education, we emphasize our voice to enact change, build relationships with our communities, and create learning opportunities for our students. Education is a right. Quality public education is a must. When we invest in public education, we are investing in our students, their learning experiences, and our future economy. I am humbled, given the circumstances, by the multitude of educational programs offered within our school districts throughout the province as we strive to meet the learning needs of all of our students. This is not to overlook some challenges faced by Boards of Education in 2014/15. Teacher bargaining, municipal elections, and establishing balanced budgets for 2015 is just to name a few. These are only enhanced by unexpected announcements such as the $40/day, adult education, and the admin savings plan; that is, money exiting the public education system. Now we are faced with Bill 11 and its ramifications. On the brighter side, I am thankful that the teachers’ contract was bargained, not legislated. As we continue to build relationships, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to former trustee Silas White (SD46) and Director Alan Chell (SD19) for representing the best interests of Boards at the bargaining table. Your time, commitment, and expertise were greatly appreciated. BCSTA is a member-driven organization. If re-elected as BCSTA Director for the 2015/16 Board of Directors, I will continue to listen to you, the members of BCSTA, and bring YOUR VOICE to the table. I am committed to public education, advocating for quality public education, and representing member Boards at the Board table. Currently, I am the SD46 Education Committee Chair, Sunshine Coast Community Futures Nominations & Corporate Governance Committee Chair, and Vice-President of the Sunshine Coast Self-Employed Women’s Network. I continue to represent BCSTA on the Standing Committee on Provincial Curriculum and enjoyed my role as Board Liaison with the Education Committee, Metro Branch, and North West Branch. My background is in education. I am an independent educational consultant, doctorate student at SFU, and former secondary mathematics teacher. I am currently working on the Math K-9 Curriculum Revision Team and as a research assistant at SFU. I am a mom, wife, and love living on the Sunshine Coast. Thank you for considering my candidacy for the 2015/16 BCSTA Board of Directors. Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Twitter: @ChristineYH B10
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