2015 Awards Nomination Packet

Award Categories
Senior Awards
Eric Rackham Award
Manchester Cup
Margaret Swanson Davis Award
Mary Manchester Award
Melvyn J. Feinberg Outstanding Senior
Leadership Awards
Leadership Excellence
Cindy Bowlby Award
Distinguished Student Leader Award
Student Leader of the Year
Student Organization Awards
Advisor Excellence
Organization Excellence
Service Excellence
Nominations/Applications Deadline
Nominations/ applications are due
no later than
5 p.m., Friday, February 27, 2015 to the
Center for Student Involvement,
226 Kent Student Center.
Additional packets are available in the
Center for Student Involvement, 226 KSC,
or online at http://www.kent.edu/csi.
Announcement of Award Winners
Student Leadership and Honors Award
winners will be announced at the
Inauguration and Awards Ceremony on
April 8, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the
KSC Ballroom.
1. Any student, faculty, or staff member at the university is able to submit an awards
nomination for any of the categories. Only student organizations registered for 2014-2015 are
eligible for the Student Organization Awards. Only students currently registered and in good
standing are eligible for the senior and leadership awards.
2. Nominators are requested to submit one cover sheet (see page 3) per nominee and per
award (i.e. if nominating one student for multiple awards, please submit separate cover sheets
(see page 3) and letters).
3. Nominators are requested to attach a letter to the cover sheet indicating why you feel the
nominee should receive the award. Please elaborate on the nominee’s contributions, programs
planned or initiated, and any other data you feel would support the nomination. For the
Leadership Excellence Award, letters are not necessary. Just submit a cover sheet and a list of
the students being nominated.
4. Nominators are encouraged to limit the number of nominees they submit per award. We
also encourage you to address your letter to the specific award to provide the award selection
committee with the most detail to be able to make informed decisions.
5. Nominees are requested to submit a resume. Resumes should include: major(s), minor(s),
honors, awards, work experience, community service/volunteer activities, and collegiate
organizations and activities (i.e. student organizations, academic and professional
organizations, athletics) - for these, please include any positions held, responsibilities, and
6. Nominees will also be required to sign the cover sheet giving the Center for Student
Involvement permission to verify grades and accumulated hours for the award selection
7. All nomination/application materials are due to the Center for Student Involvement, 226
Kent Student Center, no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, February 27, 2015. This includes cover
pages, nomination letters, resumes, nominee signatures, and any other supporting materials.
8. No self-nominations will be accepted.
9. The award selection committee will meet and make selection decisions after spring break.
10. All nominees and nominators will receive invitations, electronically, to attend the
Inauguration and Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the KSC
Ballroom. Award recipients will be announced at this ceremony.
2014-2015 Student Leadership and Honors Awards
One form per nominee/award. Additional forms available in the Center for Student
Involvement, 226 Kent Student Center or at http://www.kent.edu/csi
Cover sheets, nomination/application letters, and resumes are due to the Center
for Student Involvement no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, February 27, 2015.
Nominee Information:
Phone Number:___________________________________________________________
Banner ID:______________________________________________________________
Organization (if appropriate):_______________________________________________
Nominator Information:
Phone Number:____________________________________________________________
Please check the appropriate category (see attached award descriptions):
Senior Awards:
____ Eric Rackham Award
____ Manchester Cup
____ Margaret Swanson Davis Award
____ Mary Manchester Award
____ Melvyn J. Feinberg Outstanding Senior
Leadership Awards:
____ Cindy Bowlby Award
____ Distinguished Student Leader Award
____ Student Leader of the Year
____ Leadership Excellence (attach list of
nominees only; no letter)
Student Organization Awards:
____ Advisor Excellence
____ Service Excellence
____ Organization Excellence
This information is provided voluntarily, with the knowledge that this information may be
shared with the award selection committee, Kent State Alumni Relations, and other appropriate entities. My signature indicates that I give permission for a KSU staff member to verify
grades and accumulated hours and that this information can be shared with the award selection committee.
Nominee Signature:______________________________________________________
2014-2015 Student Leadership and Honors Awards
Nominees for these awards must have completed a minimum of 90-credit hours as
of December, 2014
Eric Rackham Award
This award is presented to the senior who has displayed good scholarship and who has
shown great interest and concern for the University. Note: In selecting the recipient of this
award, the committee will place a strong emphasis on scholastic achievement.
Manchester Cup
This award is presented to the senior whose contribution of leadership and citizenship has
had the most far-reaching effect upon the University. Emphasis is placed upon effective and
significant leadership. Note: In selecting the recipient of the Manchester Cup, the committee
will place a strong emphasis on leadership and a moderate emphasis on scholastic
Margaret Swanson Davis Award
This award is presented to the senior who has displayed outstanding scholarship, and whose
contribution as an independent (non-Greek) has enhanced campus activities and residence
hall living. Note: In selecting the recipient of this award, the committee will place strong emphasis on scholastic achievement.
Mary Manchester Award
This award is presented in memory of Mrs. Mary Manchester, wife of the late Raymond E.
Manchester, Dean of Men Emeritus. The senior selected for this award shall display superior
scholarship, strong leadership, and constructive citizenship. Note: In selecting the recipient of
this award, the committee will give the greatest consideration to candidates who have shown
superior scholarship.
Melvin J. Feinberg Outstanding Senior Award
This award is given to the individual who has evidenced good scholarship, whose campus participation has been outstanding in both breadth and depth, and who has made a significant
impact on the University. Note: In selecting the recipient of this award, the committee will give
equal consideration to scholastic and co-curricular achievement.
2014-2015 Student Leadership and Honors Awards
Leadership Excellence Award
This award recognizes the truly exemplary students who have demonstrated extraordinary
leadership and dedication to their organization. Student Organizations may recognize up
to five students who have demonstrated excellence. For this award, attach a list of
nominees to the cover sheet with phonetic pronunciation of names; no letter is required.
Cindy Bowlby Award
This award was created in memory of Cindy Bowlby, a dedicated student leader at Kent. In the
spirit of her ideals, this award is presented to a returning (non-graduating) student leader
who has demonstrated excellence in his or her scholarship, leadership, and integrity.
Distinguished Student Leader Award
Awarded by the Kent State University Alumni Association to student leaders who have demonstrated outstanding campus leadership during the course of his/her undergraduate studies.
The recipient is selected on the basis of leadership, academic, community and social service to
the University. This award is given to one student in each of the following categories: freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, Greek community member, and international student.
Student Leader of the Year Award
This award is given to no more than nine student leaders each year. Members of organizations may be nominated by their peers or advisors. The committee will place a strong emphasis on students who have contributed significantly to the leadership of their organization and
whose campus participation has been outstanding. The student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5. Note: The Nancy and John Scott Leadership Award
is selected from the nine awarded student leaders.
2014-2015 Student Leadership and Honors Awards
Advisor Excellence Award
This award will be given to an advisor(s) of a registered student organization who has been
recognized by his or her organization as having done an outstanding job.
Organization Excellence Award
This award is given to registered student organizations for outstanding contributions to its
members and the student body as a whole. The recipient will be an organization whose members have demonstrated a strong ability to promote its ideals, have used innovative methods
in reaching goals, and whose members have made significant contributions to Kent State University.
Service Excellence Award
This award recognizes the commitment of student organizations to community service. Each
group recognized shall have made a meaningful contribution through the completion of community service projects.
2014-2015 Student Leadership and Honors Awards